Why I Built a Mega Base in the Void

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the end Minecraft's most desolate and empty biome inhabited by nothing more than Enderman in the void itself the perfect place for someone like me to go into hiding you see over the past couple of months my team has found itself in Conflict after conflict and I was tired until I decided it was finally time to retire and build the largest base I ever have in this Dimension over the void a place where me and my team could finally have the peace we desire to do this though I need a blueprint to go off of so I decided to boot up a creative world and start building before I get too carried away here though let me explain some things basically this build is going to be over a hundred thousand blocks in size so I'm going to divide it into four parts to make resource Gathering easier in order to build a base of the size I'm going to be using world edit in another mod called light matica that allows me to copy and build on a creative world and paste its schematic into lifesteal then build in Survival Minecraft let me quickly explain the idea of this build as I'm World editing in the background my team is called the eclipse generation so I had the great idea of building a massive solar eclipse to use as the Shell at the base luckily for me world of it has commands that lets me make a perfect sphere and paint onto it easily so making a star was relatively easy I then added a few flares coming out of the sun to add a little more depth and with that the first portion of the build is finished so after quickly grabbing a schematic of it it was now time to gather the resources and lifesteal the main materials needed are concrete glass glowstone and shroom lights I would need four shulker boxes of each of these blocks so I decided to start with one of the most tedious to gather shroom lights okay what is this oh my good Lord yeah this one makes 30 000 shroom lights an hour the other one makes only 1 500. I think we can see which one's a little bit more reasonable to build best way to get streamlined so to be building a farm so I decided to build a smaller relatively easy one whilst I was live which obviously didn't end well same as it's SodaStream [Applause] no no oh my God why so that was fun on the plus side the farm was finished and working one slight problem though I now needed the Crimson fungi to actually grow the trees that spawn on Streamlight so I didn't have to build this whole other Farm not only that I also know had to go and get bone meal which in most circumstances would be really difficult but I just so happen to have this monstrosity laying around from the last time I needed it so getting Mass amounts of bone meal was actually quite easy allowing for me to finally AFK the shroom lights [Music] and with that we now have all of the shroom lights which realized checked off the list it was now time to get sand for the concrete and glass [Music] what The Rock is a shot I glance over and all I see is it's one of the cult no once I got all the sand I headed back to base and what the is this remind me never to stream on twitch.tv forward slash accept underscore again you should totally drop a follow anyways with the sand now acquired all I had to do was smell half of it in the glass so I made a normal super smelter or at least it was normal until I did this that is I think the um of the Goliath has been completed we have a carpet Utopia Chatters look at how fast it fills up in my oh my God in case you're curious about how exactly this thing works basically there's this massive carpet duper on top of this melter which reduces infinite feel for all the resources going into the machine that gets melted all you need to do carpet is a piston slime block and dead quartile fan yeah it's that simple with this glass is now crossed off the list and I can now gather gravel for concrete which just leaves glowstone luckily for me though one of my closest friends and teammate Prince Sam offered to trade with cleric villagers to get all the glowstone for me meaning all the materials for phase one had now been crossed off bringing me ever so closer to my goal of moving into the end with my team to live out our days peacefully well that was the plan until my other teammate Vitalis he called a meeting and he wants everyone to subscribe because I'm really close to 100K it would mean the world okay so I'd like to Mark the beginning of phase two what is phase two and why are we doing phase two a Bedrock prison is to be built at spawn for the next 24 hours in the next 24 hours why are we building the prison it sends a standard to the entire server that if anyone decides to be a tyrant they will be placed in such prison can I say something I don't think this sounds very good can I show you guys something here follow me please I wrote room signs yo now before this meeting continues any further let me explain something my teammate Vitality has been obsessing over a five-step plan and we are now on the phase two talk about what phase one was a little later Zam however doesn't agree with vitality and believes that using exploits to stop tyrants on the server is hypocritical and potentially even detrimental to the sermons how all of this was boys who signs because he was too afraid of what we think of him if he already said this to us now back onto the topic of exploits over the past couple of months strange things have been occurring on the server ranging from mobs second one shot players Bedrock appearing as spawn and even stack totems Vitality just so happen to have access to these exploitive Powers allowing him access to bedrock I made a promise that the beginning of the server I wanted to fight tyrants see the one that stops the server from in Balance what do we owe the server you know the this entire time we've been on here people have kind of just like disregarded us why do we all of a sudden owe everybody this huge favor why do we have to stop people from being evil if we don't then who's gonna stop people like Leviathan I mean maybe a while ago when I first made the eclipse Federation that was kind of the goal as well but now I've kind of come to realize that we don't necessarily have to do that and be honest I didn't agree with either of my teammates Sam wanted to get revenge without using exploits while Vitality wanted to get revenge they're using them I on the other hand just wanted to stop fighting pointless battles I didn't care about the other members of the server at all I only really cared about the members on my team and keeping them safe which is why I wanted to move to the end and live there peacefully lucky for me Vitality decided to Halt the plans on the prison until further notice allowing me to begin working on the next part of my build solar eclipses consist of two main bodies a sun and a moon so obviously that means I now need to add a Moon instead of just adding a Lane Gray Circle though I decided to take a chunk out of the Moon adding bits and pieces of it floating around I then textured it so that it looks like the sun was casting a shadow on the moon and then added molten cracks through it and place emphasis on the fact that it's destroyed or breaking this portion is honestly my favorite part of the whole build and it turned out really well this once again meant I needed to gather resources and lifestyle lucky for me though these resources were far simpler all I would need is tough deep slate and decides guys do not look up the Vaporeon copy pasta it does get water absorbed and hydration adds its abilities though make a little bunny don't even get me started on Mega lopunny oh my God I am a furry but God damn bro Basalt Blackstone and magma blocks you're describes in great detail what you want to do to a low bunny guys dude snitched as for the concrete I luckily already had sand and gravel left over from the previous part so there was no additional farming needed for that meaning all the resources for phase two have now been gathered to completing this part though Zam called me in Vitality together for one last meeting or was it well I've thought about things a lot you'd like to follow me come down here I want us to move forward together as a team I think that we should build the person by policy I think that you should build the prison I think that I should believe in you I think I've been unfair I have entrusted you I haven't truly trusted you so I'd like to put my trust into you and believe in your ideas with zam's ideologies now matching vitalacies I decided to stay silent about how I thought building the prison was pointless and when only cause us unwanted problems I didn't want to potentially cause on the rift in my team so I thought keeping silent was the best choice so I went with my team to spawn and build the prison they wanted the first time in a while vitality and Zam seem to be happy again finally being able to see eye to eye and as long as that relationship stayed I assured myself that everything would be okay for now though it was time to start working on the next part of the build I wanted to build a giant serpent wrapped around the star lunging towards the moon why exactly I don't know symbolism and stuff is cool I guess now I thought this wouldn't be that bad I was wrong it took me over 10 hours just to figure out how to make the head of the serpent and even then it still looked like a deformed the worm I didn't have to make the body looping around the star and for this world I don't want to be much help so I had to place and mold the shape of it by hand which took an additional 10 hours until I was finally satisfied and ready to paint over it and something I had never tried building Organics before this didn't turn out horribly lucky for me I already had most of the resources for this part I actually needed to gather a little more of some of the resources from earlier like gravel sand Basalt and Blackstone that was until I realized how much obsidian I needed now Gathering obsidian isn't that hard it's just time consuming you just gotta go to the end in my name City and pillars well let me introduce you to what phase one of vitality's plan was removing every single end portal meaning there was no end to gather obsidian however if Vitality can obtain Bedrock I'm sure you could potentially have in Portal frames too so I went to him to ask about it and then he took me to a vault completely full of illegal items so I may have taken a little bit more than just the end portal frames regardless of that though I now have the ability to return to the end to begin Gathering obsidian uh we're about 1 27th of the way there yippee nearly done I don't think that's how math works but you know what sure foreign [Music] yeah we have about three extra socks we're done Chatters that's it the obsidian now gathered all that was left to do was convert my concrete powder into concrete so I use this concrete converter machine thing that I don't even know how to explain to AFK this process and with that I now had all the resources I currently needed for the shell of the base that's when I got a message from Prince Sam hello hi hi Subs I have questions for you okay well I guess first questions first how much you trust Vitality I mean I don't really have a reason to not trust him do you not trust him at all anymore or what's going on there I don't know it's just I'm a little afraid I've started to use some things together I don't think anyone should have that kind of power I just know I don't think I want to be on the side that has the exploits then if you're not on the side that has the exploits what do you do how do you combat the exploits how do you make sure that it doesn't get out of hand I don't know but I'm gonna try my hardest to make sure that I can do what I can and that's what matters really Zam explained that he no longer trusted Vitality or any of the exploits on the server you thought all of it was bad and he wanted to be rid of them before I really had time to think or convince him otherwise it was too late I have a very simple standpoint under the glitch and it's that I don't think it should exist at all are you second thoughts about the prison I'm having a lot of second thoughts Vitality I've come to a conclusion really if we're gonna keep using exploits I don't want to be on this team and I think the problems rooted deeper than just us what's leaving us Really Gonna Change I know you just don't believe in the exploits but if we use it defensively I refuse to stand on the side that is using exploits again it doesn't matter what the prison is for the fact of the matter is is that it uses bedrock and um I don't appreciate that Vitality at all damn did you just do that there's no way you betray it there is no way I didn't want it to come to this I'm sorry you think that I'm the Tyrant you just killed a defenseless player I'm sorry bam betrayed us person that I thought was my closest friend on the server just betrayed me like there was nothing all that time I spent in the past trying to help him meant nothing maybe this was all avoidable though I tried to talk to xam and vitality about things more and I acted like a proper leader all of this could have been avoided Vitality wouldn't have been killed and Zam never would have felt the need to betray all I had ever wanted was for my team to be happy I wanted us all to live in the ends not having to worry about the service problems how could I do that now with a member missing it was now just vitality and I at this point I had gone way too far to stop working on the base so despite this betrayal and my now wavering convictions and self-doubt I decided to gather the last of the basis materials final part of this build is interior design but I'd rather not spoil that so I'm just going to gather the needed resources or should I say resource the only thing I was missing for the interior design was quartz blocked and I decided mining for it was a good idea would you still love me if I might if who why did he say that I was I was gonna say somebody had to put him up to that what is wrong with him we did it for you that took like 15 seconds but for me that took nearly 10 hours to gather all the courts but at least it's done now when the chords down my possession I now had all the resources I needed in order to build the base so I gathered all the materials and headed to the end to begin building me and the Enderman were homies it's not like I've killed a bunch of them because I got in my way and I'm about to kill a bunch oh this is so annoying I'm asking you in the kindest way possible to please leave all right if that marks the moon's completion it definitely said on Enderman but I will but the moon completed it was only natural but I now move on to the Sun [Music] thank you okay so I've just had the horrible realization that this is not centered at all I mean look at this it's like five or six blocks off and there's nothing I can really do about it [Music] that's it for the star that took way longer than I thought I expected this to take like two three hours I think this thing took seven to eight hours just to build this this is done finally this is done and now it's time to work on phase three I've got all the shulkers on me here we gotta make our way over to there and then we gotta start building upwards here and be really fun and exciting I'm sure [Music] they think that serpent is theirs this ain't yours the Moon is yours I gave you the Moon it was an offering if you want to invade my other territories yet here we are you stupid Enderman [Music] [Music] we've done it it's done build is complete no no no it's like four hours which means uh it's the it's the interior next which is cool that's epic this is the Final Phase everything on the external end was now completed a meeting it was now time to move to the inside the first part of the Interior Design I decided to make a tunnel through the snake going into the star this tunnel actually is the design for when I bases way back in season to a lifestyle and I thought it fit quite nicely here now the completed entryway I can actually begin working on the main portion of the base and what I like to refer to as the core the chord is divided into a few different sections with each section being used for something different the first one I decided to start with was the Villager section and well you'll see how I got the villagers later [Music] all right that is this section done I want to move on to the section over here which is just like storage and stuff so we're gonna do that this time we're gonna be doing something a little bit different here a little bit different than how it's built all right so I'm sure you're probably wondering what's this special thing well we don't exactly have a way out of here yet and um a way out is some would say very important this will just take you straight back to the Overworld though I may have had a few extra End Portal frames from earlier this portal was excellent as a way to return from the base and after a short while building the section was now done and I could begin working on the next one foreign [Music] with the third section finished all that was left to do was the middle section so I built this really cool looking Dome ceiling with arches and another chandelier to finish off the bill except there is one more thing left to do okay so I'm sure everybody's been wondering what what are what are these what are these you might ask baby towers of a glass with no bottom well you see there's one more resource I need and that's Hoppers and you're probably wondering why do you need Hoppers well you see if you've known about Minecraft Factions back in like 1.8.9 these are mob Farms that use something a little bit how special you might be wondering well you see very special the final part of this build involves setting up a spawner system for Automatic Farms I may have gotten these spawners earlier when I jumped a few things that I shouldn't know if I then set up an iron golem Farm using the spawners in order to AFK the iron I needed for The Hoppers I then set up a pigment Enderman in a creeper farm with a few extra of the spawn eggs I spawned in the villagers meaning the base was now officially finished and ready to be shown to my remaining teammate Vitality well at least that was the plan if he hadn't gotten himself banned after Vitality had built the prison the players on the server rallied against him in order to ban him from the server leaving me completely alone to my thoughts I began to slowly realize that I must have been the problem the players on the server have always tossed me aside and now even my own team did I thought that if I tried to avoid conflicts if I tried to live peacefully in the end with my team maybe then the server wouldn't see me as a burden but I was wrong no matter what I did I was always left alone with that in mind it came to one final decision Vitality may have been banned but I could still revive him through an item on the server so that's what I did I revived him and led him all the way to the end could you turn your render distance down to two for me render distance to two yes you know I've had a lot of time to think a lot of time on my own and I've I've been trying to think of the best solution to um all of the problems that we've kind of been facing on the server eventually I came to a conclusion yeah Crouch right here on this button and when I tell you to turn your render distance to 16. you ready three two one you're welcome to the final Eclipse Federation base what what my master abuse oh what what am I looking at what do you mean it's it's the eclipse generation it's home there's still more assistant this isn't it you've got one more place to go what what do you mean there's water at the bottom you can go first if you'd like oh my what oh my God it's beautiful isn't it over here we've got villagers over here's storage crafting and um this is how you leave we have here four different Farms here's Enderman over here we have iron golem this is the best iron farm you will ever see in your life over here is a creeper farm and then we also have a gold Farm in here too right here and after giving Vitality a tour of the base I decided it was time for one last talk with policy you're the only person that can make this server a better place you're the only person where to drive the determination to bring the server into a better era and maybe exploits are wrong maybe they're not the right way to fix everything and I I honestly don't even know what the right way to fix everything is but I'm sure you can come up with something but I don't think I have any place in that I don't think I can stand with you anymore every everything I've done has led the misfortune every time I tried to make peace every time I tried to help people every time I did anything it always led to people getting hurt I don't belong here I want you to kill me I'm not picking that up Vitality I have thoughts and thoughts not a solution about any way out and this is it if I'm here I'll only hold you back you don't need me here for that I do I do Vitality what right do I have to stand here with you it's my fault Zam joined the eclipse Federation it's my fault you were hurt I'm the reason that everything's escalated everything's gone to because of me he'll be back right my talency if you really can't do this on your own and if you really need me back maybe I'll come back you will come back I I can't promise that make me a promise I promise I will kill you if you promise that you'll come back but then this means nothing promise I I promise if you need me I'll help I'll see you around no I'll see you around all right thank you [Music]
Channel: ItzSubz
Views: 275,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lifesteal smp, Minecraft Smp, Minecraft Lifesteal smp, lifesteal, bliss smp, lifesteal smp season 5, lifesteal smp season 4, bacon waffles, smp applications open, infuse smp, clownpierce texture pack, spoke wormhole, Vortex dragon, lifesteal smp season 3, lifesteal assassins, lifesteal smp season 2, showtime smp, lifesteal season 4, lifesteal animatic, lifestealapp, lifesteal smp application, lifesteal season 3, lifesteal application, one tree minecraft, minecraft, hardcore
Id: NyjVhsCWtPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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