Double Episode: The Fit Ain't Right | Paternity Court

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Ms. Jefferson, you say you're here today to end the neighborhood rumors, and lies about your sexual history. You've asked the court for the results of a paternity test on Sir Javion, your two-month-old son, to help you prove you were faithful to the man you say is his father. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Singleton, you argue that Ms. Jefferson is not to be trusted or believed. Yes, Your Honor. And you contend that not only did she once lie about being seven months pregnant, but you claim you also have physical proof that two other men could've fathered her son. Yes, Your Honor. Additionally, Ms. Jefferson, you are suing the defendant for $2,000. Yes, Your Honor. You claim Mr. Singleton took baby clothes and furniture from you without your knowledge or consent just three weeks before you gave birth to your son. Yes, Your Honor. That's correct. So, Ms. Jefferson, let's start with the $2,000 in baby items you claim Mr. Singleton took unlawfully. What happened? Okay, three weeks prior to that, ma'am, me and Mr. Singleton had got into it. Mmm-hmm. It was about some Facebook stuff I'd seen on his page. So I asked Mr. Singleton, when he goes, take all his clothes and don't come back. So, I was at my sister's house. So, I went to the doctor and they said my pressure was up. So, they were like, due to a preeclampsia, you're going to have to have your baby early. Okay, so I was in the hospital, I had my baby. It was three days, we had to stay in the hospital for three days. Okay, so I come home, and I go in my house and the first thing I notice was my rug messed up. JEFFERSON: I said... I object, Your Honor. JEFFERSON: Excuse me, Your Honor. You object? Excuse me, Your Honor. When I put out my... When I looked at my rug, it was paint on my rug. So, as I pursued to go in the room and opened my door, everything was on the floor. He messed up. I looked in my closet, all the baby clothes were gone. So, I went in the other room, it was a box with three junior outfits in it. It was six to nine months and my baby was a newborn. How can my baby wear six to nine months, um, junior outfits, and they was too big. But, no... Matter of fact, Your Honor, I have, um, a picture where the clothes was on. Let me see that, Jerome. And also I have... I broke down what Mr. Singleton purchased and what I had purchased. Purchases and receipts and stuff. Your Honor, I object. So, Mr. Singleton, fill me in. You took the baby's clothes? I... You know, she put me out three weeks before the baby was due, and she went on Facebook and told... I mean, I have... Your Honor, there's a reason why I went on Facebook. Can I talk, please? I went on Facebook and my friend called me and said, "Man, did you check your Facebook page?" I said, "No, what's going on?" He said, "Your baby mama on there saying you can stay in New Orleans." So, I looked and I said, "Really?" I say, "She three weeks, about to be three weeks "with the baby. How is she telling me that?" Your Honor. Okay. Can I talk, please? No, because you is not being truthful. So, when I did... It don't matter, you shouldn't have took your son's clothes. When I did talk to her, Your Honor... What man would take his son's clothes? When I did talk to her... What man would take their son's clothes? JUDGE LAKE: Okay. You're right. (ARGUING INDISTINCTLY) I wanna get to why you took the baby's clothes. What I want to understand is did you take the baby's clothes? Yes, I did. All right, now, that's the answer to the question. I'm gonna be a man and I did take the baby's clothes, because she told me to get all your belongings. You're the reason why you got put out. I bought the clothes, so I was taking all of my belongings. Okay, so hold on. This evidence you presented, ma'am. Yes, Your Honor. These are the clothes that you had. Yes, all them clothes. Them all the clothes that I purchased and he purchased. All these clothes I see here <i> were clothes purchased for the baby by the both of you.</i> And the reason why I put him out of my house, Your Honor, because he was messaging a girl on Facebook when... He was supposed to went out of town with his friend, Mr. Williams, to New Orleans, and he said when he get there he wanted to see the girl and I seen it. So, guess what I did? I went on Facebook and I told him, "When you leave, take all your clothes." You post on Facebook and tell him to get out? Yes, I did. And when you got home, he was gone, but he also took the baby's clothes. Everything was gone. And your clothes. Even the baby bag, he took. He didn't take my clothes, he took the baby bag. (AUDIENCE GROANS) He took the baby bag. So, just the baby bag. Baby bag and the baby clothes. So, these receipts that you presented, are for all the things you say that he took. Yes, Your Honor. That's correct. All right. Your Honor, I object, I really do. I object. I object because she went on my Facebook page, I was messaging my friends... That wasn't your friend. I wanted to hook up with them. I wanted to hook up with my friends when I went to New Orleans. She's a jealous female. Hold on, now, Mr. Singleton, just give me a minute. I'm looking through these receipts and I see receipts for all these outfits. SINGLETON: That I purchased. You purchased and I purchased, too. It don't matter who... She purchased it with my money. JUDGE LAKE: Well, we have... JEFFERSON: <i> You don't take your baby clothes, that's wrong.</i> <i> It don't matter what we're going through, you shouldn't have took...</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> You purchased $1,005 worth of outfits,</i> Polo outfits, Puma outfits, all these outfits. You got newborn baby shirts. I feel she didn't deserve it because she put me out. No, you put... You know... No. She told me to leave three weeks before. Your Honor... How can you... It's not about me, it's about my newborn baby. It's not about me, it's about my newborn baby. She should've thought... She should've thought about that, Your Honor, before she went on Facebook. I'll be a fool if I allow you to stay in my house when you talking to other females. I could do better by myself. What you think? She could have told me... You honor, I could do better by myself. She could've came to me. I also have other kids at the house, too. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, let's calm down. SINGLETON: She could've called me on the phone and told me that. Let's calm down. Now, at this point, I've seen the receipts. They total $1,955.99. JEFFERSON: <i> That's correct.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> So, Mr. Singleton, I've gotta ask you.</i> SINGLETON: Yes, Your Honor. What would possess you to come into a house and take clothes from a baby? SINGLETON: That I bought. You, obviously, were going through something, in terms of your thinking. Were you doubtful this child was yours? I was, Your Honor. In November, she lied about being seven months pregnant. JEFFERSON: No. That's not correct. Can I finish please, Your Honor? That's false, Your Honor. She lied about being seven months pregnant. I had relocated to New Orleans, so I come back to her city to support her. I come to fine out she's not even pregnant. I asked her, "Well, what about the sonogram?" She said, "A sonogram comes in the mail." Your Honor, You Honor... JEFFERSON: Your Honor, no. Sonograms do not come in the mail. Period. Excuse me, Your Honor. Can I speak? No, you can't speak. SINGLETON: It's my turn. That would be a fact. Move on. Right. So, when I find that out, I'm like, "Okay, now, we need to go to the doctor "and see what's going on." When we go to the doctor, she's actually pregnant. Now, I'm like, "Whoa, hold up, hold up. "Hold up, you told me you seven months pregnant, "but now you're actually pregnant?" That's why I have doubts, Your Honor. Okay, so the bottom line is, while you're out of town she told you, "I'm seven months pregnant." So you... Just to get me back to Jacksonville. Just to get me back. So, you came on back to be there for her. You came back, there was no sonogram picture when you asked for it. It was in the mail. Right. And then you said, "Let's go on to the doctor." And when you do, she really is pregnant, but they give you a date as to how pregnant she was? Exactly, Your Honor. And I'm like, "Wow!" JEFFERSON: Your Honor, that's not how it happened. I'm like, "How could this be the date when she already told me "she was seven months pregnant?" JUDGE LAKE: So, now, Ms. Jefferson. Yes, Your Honor. I'm glad I could speak now. Your Honor, that's not how it happened, Your Honor. This is what happened, Your Honor, I went to St. Vincent's, and they said that, "Teresa, you had a miscarriage." But I had conceived in September, again, because we had slept together in September. Whoa, whoa. Two weeks after my birthday. So, that's when I conceived. Whoa, Your Honor, hold up. He already knew this. I object! So, let me translate. SINGLETON: Yeah, please translate that lie. You say you were pregnant. Yes, Your Honor. And then you had a miscarriage. Yes, and I did not know I had a miscarriage. And then you conceived another child with him. Yes, Your Honor, in September. When you confirmed you were pregnant the second time, how far along did they say you were? (STUTTERING) I was like, uh, I think I was... I went in... She's lying. (STUTTERING) A couple of weeks. I was a couple of weeks. Your Honor, she's lying. I was a couple of weeks pregnant... Okay. Your Honor... JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Singleton? Yes, ma'am. When you figured out, for the second time, she really was pregnant. She really was pregnant, this time. You had doubts that you were the father. Correct. Why? I was, Your Honor. She don't tell me where she's going, she takes the kids, she don't call me, she don't text me. So, in a man's mind, in a man's... A real man's mind, when your woman is gone, for three, four days without no phone call, without telling you... That's some type of doubt, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) That's some type of doubt. JEFFERSON: Your Honor, the reason why I leave, Your Honor, because he's disrespectful. I leave because he's disrespectful. Are you spending time with other men when you... JEFFERSON: No. You're not with any other guy? If I didn't love this man, I wouldn't have gotten his name tattooed across my chest, I wouldn't do none of that, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So, you've never been with another guy. I'm faithful to him, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You've never been with another guy. No other guy, no. She's lying. JUDGE LAKE: All right, hold on. Mr. Singleton, you have a witness. Yes, I do, Your Honor. Please, stand, sir. State your name for the court. Darnell Williams. Mr. Williams, thank you for joining us today. What do you know about this situation? Well, I've been knowing Mr. Singleton and Ms. Jefferson for almost 10 years, now. So, when Mr. Singleton left initially, I told him I was gonna look after his baby mama to make sure they don't need nothing. So, you know, we don't knock on each other's doors. We just walk in to each other's doors. So, one day, I was cooking some fish. So, I had some mustard, but no hot sauce, so, I went down... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: Got to have the hot sauce. Got to have the hot sauce. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, go ahead. Excuse me. So I went downstairs and just walked through the door. And so, when I walked in the door, the lights was off, so... JUDGE LAKE: You walked into whose door? Ms. Jefferson's door. Okay, keep going. So, when I walked in the lights was off, so I hit the light switch and to my surprise, I'm like, "What the holy heck is going on?" She was trying to pull her shirt down, I don't see no shorts or nothing, and there's this dude sitting on the sofa, you know, he's trying to fix his clothes. So, she's like, "Oh, DJ, you just gonna walk in my house?" I say, "We always just walk into each other house." We don't never knock on the door. So, I was like, "Oh, who was that?" She was like, "Oh, that's my cousin." So, I was like, "Okay, really? That's your cousin?" It already been rumors going around that she's been messing with the maintenance man. (AUDIENCE JEERING) Whatever's going on in that apartment, I hear about it. And I can see everything that goes on downstairs, to the left of me, to the right of me, in front of me. And so, as you're sitting up there, you see the maintenance man spend a little too much time down in her unit. Yes, ma'am. A whole lot of things broken. Uh, Mr. Williams, look, I mean, if he works in maintenance and there's something that needs to be repaired in her apartment, he can go in there and fix... You're right, Your Honor. But, I will say this now, if we need repairs three and four times a week, now, we might have an issue. Thank you for your testimony, you may be seated. JEFFERSON: Your Honor, can I speak? Now, listen, bottom line is, you're getting all this news, and you're starting to feel like, "What's going on here?" She's sleeping with other people. SINGLETON: Correct, Your Honor. "She was pregnant, but not pregnant." Correct. So, you were completely confused as to whether or not you were this child's father. Correct. And if I'm not the father of this child, I want my name back. And yet, despite your doubt, you still... You admit to purchasing this child a lot of clothing. You were getting ready for the baby. <i> You were supportive in that way.</i> SINGLETON: Of course I messed some things up, but I purchased, I also replaced everything that I messed up, Your Honor. I replaced our carpet, I replaced our television. I replaced everything that I messed up... Did you replace the clothes, too? I replaced the clothes. She has more clothes for the baby, even though I doubt that he is mine. I still support him, even though I still doubt that he is mine. Ms. Jefferson, let me ask you this, did he replace the carpet and the clothes and the things that he destroyed? No, he did not replace the carpet. Um, he did, two weeks ago, when he seen my baby, he bring me my baby clothes, that's the only thing. He did not replace my carpet. What he did was cruel and hurtful and that's really stressing me out, to the point I had the baby at 37 weeks and six days. This is my last son that I feel that I'm gonna have and she knew how passionate I felt about cutting the umbilical cord and she told me, she told me, actually two days before she had the baby, "Don't even come here." And I'm like, "Are you serious?" And I'm like, "Are you serious? This is supposed to be my child." And I can't come share this moment with you? I mean, look at that little boy, it hurts. <i> He's a beautiful little boy and I would want him to be mine.</i> But, Your Honor, if he's not mine, I gotta take my name back, because I'm tired of being deceived, lied to and ran over just because of it. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) He took all my baby's stuff. My baby ain't have nothing but three outfits and they was too big. It stressed me out and he knew it stressed me out. JUDGE LAKE: And so you felt so overwhelmed... And then he texts my phone and laughs about taking my baby's clothes. Soon after he did that, I changed my number and I haven't talked to him. Two weeks ago, I let him see my son and then he brought my baby's clothes, but he still left the other clothes down there. For, um, six to nine months and 12 months. And my baby is growing, so I have to... I don't have a job so I gotta see how to get him some more clothes. SINGLETON: I have to support her, that's what it is. She just said she didn't have a job. All the clothes that she purchased, she was purchasing with my money. Okay, let me be clear on something. You took the clothes, but then you brought the clothes back. I did, Your Honor. He brought half of them back. Okay, so he brought half the clothes back. Yes, Your Honor. So there's another half... There is another half that's for the 12 to 18 months, I feel she don't need that right now, because I still wanna know if this is my child. That's why. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. JEFFERSON: You're trying to be so nasty, but there's an innocent baby, we're bickering and arguing over nothing and we got an innocent baby here, that's stuck in the middle of all this foolishness. And it's not about us, it's about him. He needs his stuff. He needs his stuff, Your Honor. SINGLETON: She's right. I'm tired of bickering and arguing with him. I'm sorry. If this kid is not mine, yes, I will be hurt, and yeah, I do want some of my money back. With that said, I think it's time to alleviate this doubt. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) And I think it's time for the results. Thank you, Jerome. These result were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows... as to whether or not you are this child's father. These result were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Jefferson v. Singleton,</i> when it comes to two-month-old Sir Javion Singleton. Mr. Singleton. Yes, Your Honor. You are his father. Thank you, thank you. Thank you. I'm thankful that these results have squashed everyone's doubts. SINGLETON: Yes, it has, and I do wanna apologize to Ms. Jefferson from taking the clothes and for any doubt that I have, but I do want her to understand, she's the one putting the doubt, but I'm glad we got the results and now we can move on as parents. So, as for your suit, and suing for this, would you like to just drop your claim and know that now that he knows it's his son... No. So, you don't wanna drop your claim? No. All right, so, let's do the math. You originally sued for $2,000. JEFFERSON: Yes, Your Honor. And so, you admit that he returned half of it. As the parents of this child, you both are responsible to care for this child equally. JUDGE LAKE: Right? SINGLETON: Right. So, with that said, I'm gonna order you to return the clothes to Ms. Jefferson, or pay her $500. SINGLETON: Yes, Your Honor. All right? Yes, Your Honor. So, the judgment is for the plaintiff. Ms. Clary, you are petitioning the court for a paternity test to prove to the defendant that he is the father of your son, Gage, who has multiple medical needs. You say Mr. Asenato owes you $15,000 in child support. And you demand he pays you, what he owes. Yes, Your Honor. Now, Mr. Asenato, you say there's no reason to pay any money for a child that you know is not yours. And claim to have bombshell evidence to prove that you're not the father. You state that when you returned home you'll go back to court to have the $15,000 you owe erased from your record. JUDGE LAKE: So, Mr. Asenato, I have to ask you. You owe $15,000 in child support? ASENATO: Your Honor. No way that I owe $15,000 on a child that's not mine. He signed the birth certificate. She basically roped me into signing a birth certificate for a child that she told me was mine and has taken me to court for child support. I've paid almost $15,000 in child support. So you admit you do owe the child support? Not on a child that's not mine. No, ma'am. But you said you signed the birth certificate. ASENATO: I did sign the birth certificate. She made me believe that the child was mine by saying she was only with me. You did sleep with her? I did, yes, ma'am. You thought you were exclusively together, girlfriend, boyfriend, committed. No, ma'am, she was married at the time. JUDGE LAKE: Oh! Your Honor, when we first met... ...we both were married. When we both met we were separated. I wasn't with my husband for a year and a half, whenever I conceived my son. ASENATO: Your Honor, that's not true. Take me back to that... CLARY: I was divorced... ...let me understand this relationship. ...from my husband. When you met you both were married. I was separated from my wife and I moved into a townhouse which was next to her and her husband. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. And my husband and I were going through issues and were separating. Okay, so you all began a sexual relationship... ASENATO: Yes, ma'am. ...but both of your marriages were not completely over at the time. Correct. Tell me about the first night you all were intimate. How did this relationship begin? We were hanging out next door, and we were all friends. Hanging over there shooting pool, drinking, watching movies. Then everybody left, except for me. One thing kinda led to another, he made a pass at me. CLARY: And... Correct. JUDGE LAKE: So you began a sexual relationship. And how long did it continue before you found out you were pregnant? That was in 2007, my son was born in 2011. Oh, four years! CLARY: Exactly. So you all were living next-door to one another for four years and... No, ma'am, that's when we first met. We lived together on and off over the last eight years. When my son was born, we were living together. She was not living with me. CLARY: Ah, yes I was. And I was also pregnant. When she got pregnant, she moved in with me. When she got pregnant because I wanted to do the right thing. Well, she said that when her son was born, she was living with you. That was right. That's correct. Yes, ma'am. That is correct. Okay, so what you're saying is when her son was conceived, she was not living with you. No, ma'am, she was not. But I spent six out of... JUDGE LAKE: So your point is... days a week at his house. don't know, if she was sleeping with someone else or not. I do know for a fact that she was with somebody else. Oh, what do you know? I know Crystal. Crystal was married when she came into my house on the first night she slept with me. But you know, Your Honor. This other gentleman he's talking about, while we were not together I was dating somebody else. And we split up two months prior to me getting pregnant with my son. That's not true, Your Honor. And then... I know for a fact that on a specific night that she said that she was going out with this gentleman, I called her, Crystal never answered the phone. Not a text, nothing. All day, all night. Next day, I get a hold of her, "Crystal, where were you?" "Oh, I went out to dinner with this guy "and I got sick and I was in the hospital." He knew I was seeing somebody else, and what I done at that time was none of his business 'cause we were not together. ASENATO: Your Honor, we've never been together, it's just basically a fling. CLARY: Really? We got eight years together. CLARY: We lived together multiple times. So wait, let's get to the birth. I want to get to the birth. It was at the hospital. You say after she found out she was pregnant, you wanted to do the right thing. ASENATO: I did. You had her move in. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: When Gage was born, you were living together. ASENATO: Yes, ma'am, she moved into my house. So you were... Did you go to doctor's appointments? No, he did not, Your Honor. Did you support her through this? Did you go to the hospital when Gage was born? ASENATO: I did. He was at the hospital when the baby was born. CLARY: My son was five weeks premature, and seven-five. She there right there, there's a picture of him with the baby. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Asenato, this is you! Yes, ma'am. In this picture right here, you had no doubt that this child was yours? No. You thought you were having a child with your girlfriend that lived with you and you all were gonna be a family. No, ma'am. Crystal got pregnant because we were fooling around. I was doing the right thing. We were never just fooling around. We were together. We were not gonna have a relationship. I left a relationship and a marriage also for this man. On multiple occasions, on and off for eight years. That is not true. JUDGE LAKE: So you believe you're paying child support for a child that's not yours. ASENATO: Absolutely. And you think that's unfair. But you do realize under the law that once you sign a birth certificate, you are considered the legal father. I do. And you are responsible for child support. Yes, ma'am. And I have been responsible. CLARY: Thank you, Your Honor. I have the payments right here. Jerome, will you please pass me Mr. Asenato's evidence. JUDGE LAKE: What is this evidence pertaining to? This is all my payments that I've made, except for the eight months that I'd been out of work. ASENATO: Being that I had been paying $1000 the first... First year I was at my job working in the oil fields. CLARY: First four months. It was $1,026 a month for one child. One child. I'm not an NBA player. CLARY: But you know, I was paying... I'm not a movie star. I was paying $123 a week. I work in the oil field. Anyways, regardless of that, she's always making accusations that... Because he quit his job. ...I'm a deadbeat. I don't pay my child support payments. He is a deadbeat. He don't pay, he just started in the last six months. You can see I've made all my payments... Because I got... ...except for that first eight months. I got back in court because he was not paying. He's only denying our child because of child support. JUDGE LAKE: So at some point you filed a petition in the court. I told him my son needed diapers, he's like, "You're such a whore, go work the street corner for diapers." So I turned around and went filed child support. That's when he started denying my son. When did your doubt set in and why? Gage had a lot of medical problems when he was a baby. He had colic, he had ear infections. He had multiple, multiple problems. He had ear infections. CLARY: Two weeks in the hospital, Mr. Asenato, never once called. Never once showed up. He called maybe twice the two weeks. I have a 20-year-old son, okay? My son's never been sick. My son was born nine pounds eight ounces, okay? This child was born at six pounds. CLARY: My son... He didn't look anything like my other son. No, Your Honor, that's a lie. My son has never been sick. My son was five weeks premature... We don't have any of these sicknesses in my family... seven, five. ...going back centuries. We don't have any disease, any sickness. But also the doctor... Any of that. The doctor also stated this medical issue my son had... Mr. Asenato, I hate to say but that evidence is irrelevant. My son has Thalassemia, which is a medical condition that comes from Italian. It's a Mediterranean descent. He is full-blooded Italian. CLARY: I'm Native American. Hold on, Ms. Clary, go back and explain this to me. Your son has a medical issue that he deals with which is called... CLARY: Thalassemia. JUDGE LAKE: Thalassemia. And it's an inherited... It's a genetic blood disorder. And it comes from people of Mediterranean descent. JUDGE LAKE: You brought evidence to explain that? Jerome, please hand that to me. Todd is full-blooded Italian. What evidence is this? She prints it up off online? Really? Is that evidence? And this is what I have... We're fighting. JUDGE LAKE: Thalassemia. All of a sudden my son is not his. When we're getting along, he loves his son. That's his son. It's when we're not getting along or the child support. That's the whole issue, it's child support. No... All right, let's get some order. Let's get some order. This evidence says that Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder. Which, um, basically the body makes abnormal blood. But it's most frequently found in people of Mediterranean descent... CLARY: Correct. ...African Americans and people of Asian origin. Now, Mr. Asenato, you're not African American. ASENATO: I am not. You're not of Asian origin. I am not. But are you of Mediterranean descent? I'm Italian. I don't know... I believe so, right. CLARY: Which is Mediterranean. So the answer would be yes? Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: So this is one of the main issues that you feel like, you don't understand why he's denying that Gage could potentially be his. JUDGE LAKE: Are you of Mediterranean descent? No, ma'am, I'm Native American and Irish. But the gentleman that she was with is of Mediterranean... No, the gentleman that I was with two months prior to conceiving my son is Hispanic. Hispanic. You just listed off a series of medical issues that don't preclude you from being the biological father. I need to hear more about your doubt. ASENATO: My doubt is the child looks nothing like me, at the time when I had this doubt. This was last December. Your Honor, my son looks just like me. ASENATO: Last December, I took... I mean, last I checked I was his mother. See, that's my beautiful... How can you not love that baby? CLARY: (STAMMERING) A friend of mine sent me an app to try that shows you the comparison, of how much Gage looked like Todd. ASENATO: Your Honor, I could pull up apps online and just send them to... I have it here. ASENATO: It doesn't mean anything. JUDGE LAKE: What is this app? CLARY: You pull up the parents, it does a comparison. And it shows who he looks like. He has... So you submit photos. You put them in this app and then the app will calculate the percentage of likeness. Meaning this one determined that Gage looks 68.3%... ASENATO: Of me. his father. CLARY: Yes, ma'am. ASENATO: And 31.7%... JUDGE LAKE: And then 31.7% like you. ASENATO: Mmm-hmm. So I'm sure if I picked out somebody from the audience, and sent that in with her and Gage. Your Honor, he's talkative. Very charming. It would be the same percentage. He's one of these types that can con an alley cat out of a tuna dinner. I mean, he's very... He's very charming. He's very, you know... He's gonna make you believe anything you want to believe. I loved you for some stupid reason. Regardless, Your Honor, this is what's come to the point of that. The only thing is our son is the one that's suffering. The only reason I agreed to this, is because my son is four. Now he wants to do this because of child support. My son does not deserve this. ASENATO: I don't want to do this because of child support. ASENATO: I want to do this... It's all, but you know he weighs... My son is four. My son knows him, that's his daddy. And then now he wants to do this. Gage knows him as his daddy. And this is really upsetting to you because you feel that it's about money. Yes, Your Honor. And you don't believe it's about Gage. CLARY: Yes, Your Honor, exactly. And you believe Gage is hurting because of this. CLARY: Exactly. Because in his mind that's his daddy. Exactly, that's his daddy. So what is your relationship like with Gage? Oh, I love him. He's my little man. I'd do anything for him. CLARY: Then why are we here? I'm here because if that child gets sick, and he needs something. And an organ or blood or whatever, I'm not his biological father. You are his biological father. His biological father needs to stand up. When he was first born you said... He needs to know who his biological father is. ...he looks just like you. Then when he was a couple weeks old... And if something happens to him, and he needs something, we need to know where to go get that. And he tells me constantly, "He's not my son." He has told him before. He is not my son. He is your son. He is your biological son. Biologically, he's not my son. He's made comments to Gage before... I have never said that to that boy ever once. She's the one that says it, when she gets pissed. Yes, you have. No, I do not. He denies him in front of me. She always says it. But let me ask you this though, Mr. Asenato, and I understand, if you're not Gage's biological father, I, of course, understand why you would say you prefer not to be paying child support for a child that isn't yours. But you do understand that the care that you provide, the financial support you provide is an important part of his quality of life. And legally you've signed his birth certificate. So on his birth certificate, when he looks at the name, that's you. CLARY: Exactly, Your Honor. But that's... That should be up to me. That's his daddy. It shouldn't be governed by her. It shouldn't be governed by the state. It was up to you. You signed it. Voluntarily. JUDGE LAKE: What I want you to ultimately understand, and this is an important legal lesson. Not just for you, but for men in general. When you sign that birth certificate... When you sign it, you are the legal father. You are responsible for the child support. And it's not as easy as waking up and saying, "Oh, you know I signed this birth certificate, but now I have a doubt." It's not that easy. And you're living that now. And you understand that now. I do. So, Ms. Clary, I have to ask you, I must ask you, respectfully, are there any other possible fathers? No, Your Honor. Anybody? (STAMMERING) No, ma'am. Like I said, the guy he keeps claiming we were on a break-up. And I was with the guy, I slept with him one time protected two months prior to my son being conceived. That's the only person I was with. And that was two months before my son was conceived. I don't sleep around. You're the one that I've been with. I have not been with no one else still to this day. I'm still with you. I mean two nights ago we were together. I mean, honestly? I'm not, I'm not denying that. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) But yet you still call me up wanting to get together. And we weren't in a relationship, we had a kid. 'Cause I ain't got time to meet anybody else. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) How's that? Mr. Asenato, come on now! I'm just keeping it real, Your Honor. I don't go out to bars. JUDGE LAKE: Come on! I don't go out on dates. I caught him messing around, when I was pregnant. This is just convenient. Both of you! Both of you! If you gonna keep it real, let me keep it real. Everybody in this gallery, including me and Jerome can see that you all have some type of bond, chemistry, relationship, that's not going anywhere anytime soon. You will argue, fuss and fight but somehow you still end up together. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: What I'm most concerned about is this little boy. I want him to know the truth. CLARY: That's what I've been telling him. I'm concerned that he looks at you every day. You're his dad. He calls you that, he regards you as that. Yeah, mmm-hmm. You love him. Absolutely. And yet you run around all the time with doubt in your mind, and carrying a level of anger and animosity towards his mother, which isn't healthy for him. I don't let him see that. JUDGE LAKE: And you still sleeping with her anyway. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) So with that said, I think it's time for us to get to the truth in hopes that we can find a healthy way to move forward. Jerome, may I have the envelope, please? (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Clary v. Asenato,</i> when it comes to four-year-old Gage Asenato, Mr. Asenato... In the case of<i> Clary v. Asenato,</i> when it comes to four-year-old Gage Asenato, Mr. Asenato... You... Are not his father. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) CLARY: I did not sleep with anyone else. I slept with somebody two months prior. Ms. Clary, you had me convinced. Your Honor, it was two months before. JUDGE LAKE: We say in this courtroom, plaintiffs lie, defendants lie, but the DNA... It doesn't lie. It doesn't. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) But then I did not sleep with anyone. It was two months before. Your Honor, that doesn't change anything for me or that child. It needed to be put on paper. I love him to death, I'd do anything for that little boy. I'd give up everything. And he will always have a father regardless who it is. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) JUDGE LAKE: Thank you for that, Mr. Asenato. Ms. Clary, you have the opportunity while he is still young, to figure this out for him, figure out who his biological father is. Find him, take the test. Let him know. Let him get involved. Mr. Asenato says he'll still be involved. And he's young enough, that he can accept this.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 198,432
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, tv full episodes, double episodes, compilations, highlights
Id: FNdT1Lwhac8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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