The Lost Boys (1987) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies and show you how they were made I'm James A jice and today we're looking at The Lost Boys released in 1987 The Lost Boys is a cult classic and essential vampire flick and one of the most 80s movies I've ever seen it follows Brothers Michael and Sam as they discover their new town is plagued by a gang of Rowdy young vampires if you couldn't tell from the title the film takes inspiration from Peter Pan whose Eternal Youth and Supernatural flight form the basis of its vampire Mythos The Lost Boys was directed by the late Joel schacher whose earlier film St Elmos Fire helped him break out with younger audiences he'd go on to make the bombastic 2004 Phantom of the Opera and a pair of films focused on other bat related characters those later work Prov too campy for some The Lost Boys is an excellent mix of genres combining horror and humor its Blended tone Works in large part thanks to a talented young cast and a finale filled with over-the-top practical effects The Lost Boys would eventually spawn two sequels a couple of comic book series and an upcoming musical adaptation well sure I guess but we're only going to be looking at this first film for now I've never seen the sequels but their reputations aren't exactly sterling silver like this ones how many people will reach the Pearly Gates of Neverland in this wait who's that by the second star to the right Peter Pan is that you what go with you have eternal youth oh please Peter this is the 21st century I don't need to be a Lost Boy for that I have the power of Fitness healthy eating and today's sponsor keeps huh well I'm glad you asked keeps is an online subscription service that makes it easy and more affordable for men to treat their mail pattern baldness from the comfort of their home with keeps you get treatment plans customized to your specific needs and on a schedule that works best for you do you need a box 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residents claim is the murder capital of the W but this place has plenty more than just murder to offer as a cover of people are strange place we see a montage making clear that Santa Carla is one of them weirdo towns in crunchy California a this place has burnouts punks uh hackers maybe creepy table car mannequins oh shit and there's Waldo and we're just getting started baby we got girls gone showering guys gone loitering bucks Johnny's Knoxville big old fucking hats a lady making out with a rat and trampling jail cells fun oh and missing child posters lots and lots of missing child posters moving here from Phoenix Arizona is the Emerson family single mom Lucy and her two sons Sam and Michael look guys I know the last year hasn't been easy but I think you're really going to like living in Santa caros yeah Sam you've always wanted a tongue fuck a rat Lucy's coming off a messy div that's left her with both kids and no monies she has to move back in with her eccentric dad who holy shit she finds dead on the front porch oh my God what a tragic way to find out about wait that guy's Not Dead playing dead and from what I heard doing a damn good job of it too yeah man I counted you and everything Sam just wants his MTV so he's not thrilled about moving into Grandpa's Taxidermy murder Shack it's a living homage to the Sawyer chicken room the reference they call out by name talk about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre but hey Santa Carlo is not all bad we're only 10 minutes in and we've already got a sexy saxs man on our [Applause] screen this flaming Barrel Boardwalk concert is honestly kind of a throwaway scene but it's become the stuff of Pop Culture Legend thanks to the phenomenal performance by Tim Capello that guy is a legit Legend having saxed up many a track for Tina Turner in addition to touring with Peter Gabriel and Ringo Star more recently he's been spoofed by John Ham on SNL and has recorded music with the synth wve group gunship all that body oil whisking off of Timmy it's Michael's juices flowing so he locks eyes with a boardwalk hotti named star and follows her away from the show missing out my man Lucy's wandering the boardwalk as well when she comes across a little lost boy oh not a tit one she helps him find his mom an act of kindness seen by Max A store owner whose luggage I'm pretty sure wound up with David burn one time Lucy needs a job so she gets one working at Max's video store since his only other employee had all her other scenes and speaking Parts cut from the movie Shame since it's Kelly Joe Menor who would go on to be in Nightmare 5 as well as popcorn and people Under the Stairs both worth watching the only shot of her left in this film is when she's hit on by those hairspray Hooligans at a nearby comic shop Sam meets a couple of Po Boys Edgar and alen frog they initially reject him as an outsider based on his clothes Sam's Mall victim wardrobe was put together by costume designer Susan Becker who previously worked with director drol Schumacher on St Elmo's Fire she also designed the rebellious outfits for the lost boys gang Schumacher himself was heavily involved in the film's costume and production design which makes sense since he began his film career in those departments after gradu ating from Fashion School through a respectful sparring about nerd shit the kids reach an understanding and kind of become friends at least enough for the froggy boys to warn Sam about the town's biggest problem I could save his life they give him a Santa Carla Survival Guide before getting distracted by some shoplifting punks later two of those troublemakers are getting frisky in their car when it's turned into a convertible by an overhead attack flying them both onto the count damn they really just yank those actors up with cables huh Michael keeps following his load Star as she walks around with a tiny um theater Usher gach cosplayer I don't know looks like her and that kid are part of the Lost Boys biker gang and Lead guy notices Mike's interest in his lady the next night star approaches Michael but dude you saw who she rolls with maybe give this one up and then again I mean look at Jamie GS she might be worth risking an ass beating I'm Michael Michael Michael's great I like Michael well that's good cuz you're going to hear it a whole fucking lot in this movie Michael Mich Michael Michael Michael Michael sounded like a rested development here Michael The Lost Boys Roll Up and their leader David Powers eclipses Michael's lust for Star by being scary where you going star introductions are made and David immediately challenges Mike to a dick measuring motorbike race you don't have to beat me Michael you just have to try and keep up the ensuing sequence rules with long shots of actual bike riding through sand and trees add in L Grahams Lost In the Shadows on the soundtrack and you've got a heap of 8s goodness right there the race ends with an eerie shot that crash zooms away from the Riders showing us exactly where they're headed a foggy Cliffs side you're fond of me Lobster ain't you Michael loses the game of chicken and tries to save face with a one-on-one fight with David just you come on just you the challenge earns their respect maybe so the gang takes them to their underground hideout this Clubhouse is a luxury hotel that sank underground 80 years ago they say it was buried by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake a real life disaster that devastated the coast of Northern California the hotel Hideout is one of many awesome locations in this movie great work by production designer Bo Welsh who gave us lots of details to look at in places like the boardwalk stores and Grandpa's log cabin house one of the best inclusions is the giant picture of musician Jim Morrison back there Morrison not only shares a striking resemblance to Michael's actor Jason Patrick he also like the Lost Boys is in a way Forever Young having died at the age of 27 the boys Haze Michael a bit by serving up noodles that might be worms and rice that might be maggots maggots Michael you're eating maggots how do they taste they've either got mad powers of suggestion or they slipped Michael acid at some point Point either way Michael goes along with it probably because David is just that fucking cool David Powers is played by keeper Sutherland in an absolutely magnetic performance and he makes for a hell of a Royal Rumble participant too I love how he's not just a one note scary bully like his character from standby me David has an Allure that makes you understand why Michael wants to gain his approval even when he's so clearly dangerous southernland would go on to work with director Schumacher several more times in his career maybe since he had such a good time here Schumacher gave his young cast creative input and it was southernland who suggested David's hairstyle a mullet with a Billy Idol look on top David busts out a bottle adorned with tin foil and some uncut Jams he tells Michael if he drinks from it he'll be a cool kid just like that and despite star's warning it's blood Michael thinks it's just another Halloween prank so he takes a gang relian Gulp and chug lugs until he gets cross faded looking like a teenager with a bottle of Boons Farm it ushers in another hit of Cry Little Sister which is worth it a lone star so chill out the movie's excellent often dreamy cinematography comes courtesy of DP Michael Chapman who also shot Raging Bull and taxi driver and Space Jam but I won't hold that against him to complete his initiation the gang takes Michael to a rickety Bridge damn kefir always hanging out by train tracks huh they're here to play a new game and the first one up is Michael before you can say Polo them kids be jumping off the bridge but they're just playing around with some high stakes monkey bars come on do it Michael do it do it Michael he does but when a train passes overhead the boys start to drop one by one he hears them from below encouraging him to join them and since he can't pull off a fingertip pull-up he falls into the endless fog thankfully at the bottom of it is his bed a but he's getting his dirty shoes all over it gross Michael is now sleeping into the afternoon and has a sensitivity to sunlight so he's either becoming a vampire or you know is just hung over he and Sam are left alone that night when Lucy has a dinner date with Max and Grandpa leaves trying to woo a widow with his Taxidermy scales [Music] OHA wait hold on is that the same taxidermy dog from Puppet Master it might be after the sun sets lights and engine noises suddenly surround the house sounds like all the fucking Sturges out there but the lights and Motors running get out of their eyeway when Michael checks outside huh the festival must be over while Sammy gets sudsy in the tub Michael is racked with a case of the midnight Munchies but normal food doesn't sound as good as human flesh even if it's related to him his need for a sandwich overwhelms him and he breaks into the bathroom right as little bro Nancy Thompson's his way beneath the surface as Sam's battling Freddy family good boy nanuk growls and attacks protecting Sam and leaving Michael with a bloody hand nanuk could sense what they're learning right now Michael's been changed as evidenced by his half-ass Vamp ass reflection Sam doesn't take the news Well my own brother a goddamn shit sucking vampire who you wait till mom finds out buddy a lot of this film's humor Was Made Up On The Spot during production which the studio didn't appreciate they didn't like the idea of blending jres but schacher stuck to his guns the CEOs want to know are you making a horror movie or a comedy and I would say go back and tell them yes Michael tries to give his brother some space but his Newfound Powers have him floating away like a shotgun some fizzy lifting drinks it freaks out Sam so much he tattles to his mom sending her running away from her date with Max before it can even begin come on how's this poor woman's supposed to cut loose Foot Loose Michael's eventually able to convince Sam to let him inside with some basic manners please well all right but you'd better say thank you too thank you Sam okay we cool the siblings agree to stick together so Sam covers for his brother when they're mom gets home seriously this poor woman Diane whis is so good as an exasperated but also very loving mom Schumacher was surprised she accepted the role since she had just won an Oscar for Hannah and Her Sisters Michael sneaks away to the now empty underground hideout where he finds star and demands some answers about oh never mind they just going to fuck the two play a game of Twister in the sheet set to you guessed it the greatest song ever worthy of repeat needle drops wow this is like an actually sexy version of that scene from the room the booty apparently takes Michael straight to heaven and not only that but while they're cuddling in the Afterglow of their juices Michael sees his hand is healed I'm telling you hell of a booty the newly 18 Jason Patrick turned on the role of Michael several times until Schumacher convinced him with the promise of creative input on the character keeper southernland has said that Patrick was instrumental in shaping the film it was Patrick who recommended Jamie gerz for Star having just worked with her in the scii flicked solar babies the next day Sam accompanies his mom to drop off some apology wine at Max's house but Max's thorn goes full Cujo on Lucy and Jack torren is his way through the gate with his face damn a lot of good boys getting bitey up in this bitch Sam relays the incident to the Frog Brothers recognizing Thorn as a Hound of Hell from his required reading vampires require a daytime protector a guardian to watch over them as they sleep Fierce dogs the hounds of hell are often employed for this purpose Sam believes his mom's new boyfriend is the Big Daddy of Santa Carla's blood suckers the head vampire whose death would release any half vampires from his influence since Michael still has half a reflection ction that means he isn't fully turned yet so if they kill the head vampire they can save Sam's brother Lucy has Max over for a dinner date doover and Sam invites the Frog Brothers just like a kid not thinking about how much food his mom would have to make this poor woman they have a steak out of sorts spiking Max's pasta with garlic and his pants with holy water but they failed to find evidence of him being Undead they only succeed in strengthening his stepfather energy I'm not trying to replace your father or steal your mother away from you I would just like to be your friend that's all this is around when the movie has a tonal shift that I don't love the First Act is perfect to me when it's all about Santa Carla and the almost erotic Thriller esque love triangle but every time I watch it my attention waines when the focus shifts from David powers to the antics of Sam and the Frog Brothers a lot of their stuff is just too cheesy for me so what are you the flying nuns what is that face he does there he looks like one of those South Park characters who uses a real image for their face The Lost Boys was originally going to have a much younger cast being modeled largely after The Goonies it was really a children's movie at that time it was very wholesome goon's director Richard Donner was even going to direct but later became an EP instead the initial screenplay with younger characters was written by Janice Fischer and James jeremias who was inspired while reading Interview with the Vampire that story features Carmela a 200-year-old vampire stuck in the body of a little girl the juvenile characters were aged up when director Schumacher brought in screenwriter Jeffrey bone at shoemaker's instruction motorcycles and the hotel hangout were added to make the movie more adult and sexy which is how he saw vampires they're very very very sexy in fact The Lost Boys is sometimes credited with creating the image of the sexy young vampire it influenced later films like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Jos Weeden has cited David as a direct inspiration for spike in the TV series part of me wishes they had made the movie more mature and omitted the younger Trio entirely but I get why they kept him in Edgar frog is played by Cory Feldman of course who was already a Teen Idol thanks to his roles in Friday the 13th the Final Chapter Gremlins and The Goonies and standby me which he had just finished filming alongside kefir Sutherland this would be Feldman's first pairing with Cory Hayne who played Sam Emerson and who was just coming off a breakout role in the previous year's Lucas Feldman and ha would go on to star in seven films together and became known as a pair called the two Cory which later served as the title of an A&E reality show about them in the late 2000s their story is a tragic one plagued by substance addictions and sexual abuse culminating in ha's death in 2010 from pneumonia at the age of 38 as for Alan frog he was played by Jameson newlander who would go on to be in the 1988 blob remake and Bone Tomahawk Michael is stalking around the boardwalk looking for Star again when he finds David instead who leads him to a beach there's a bonfire going on here with a bunch of surf Nazis blaring Run DMC I had no idea surf Nazis were a thing but hell troma released a movie the same year called surf Nazis must die so what the fuck do I know David tells Michael that killing and eating someone is the final step to achieving full vampire Hood which means the gang can finally let their hair down and their fangs loose this this is our first look at the excellent makeup by designer Greg Canam whose award-winning work has been talked about a lot on the show I love the way Canam and DP Michael Chapman Gass each other up about this film Michael Chapman the cinematographer really knew how to sh shoot the makeups and that doesn't happen often the trick of shooting makeup is having really good makeup if you have really good makeup you can just treat it as though it were a person and you shoot it Michael can only watch in horror as the boys kick back and crack into some brosies wow a head bite that cannot be the best place from which to feed the Lost Boy Slaughter the surf Nazis and throw their bodies into the bonfire guess they didn't want to save any for later Michael nearly gives into his Cravings to kill But ultimately says no to the swasta seafood he goes back home and is followed by star who reveals she's a half vampire too I mean probably should have guessed as much but Michael's not exactly the quickest on the draw that wasn't wine they gave me to drink he blood that was David's blood yeah you idiot she literally told you that before you drank it blood Michael was meant to be star's first kill which would have cemented her place as a creature of the night but instead of killing him she boned him so uh I mean consider yourself doubly lucky dude she asks him to help save her and that little lty boy another half bamp who was half turned pretty recently judging by a mil carton shown earlier with the safety of daylight the brothers Emerson and the brothers frog head out to the vampire Den hey Grandpa they don't we your car they get to the cliff side and make their way inside the Sonny Bean Inn where Michael gets to work rescuing star and lty while the entrance to the vampire Den was a Cliffs side along the Palos veres Peninsula the interior was a set constructed on stage 12 of the Warner Brothers lot most of production was split between Warner Brothers stages and the City of Santa Cruz whose boardwalk and surrounding mountains played the city of Santa Carla the production is referenced in the opening of us which takes place in Santa Cruz you know you know they're filming something by the carousel you should see if they're looking for egg Sam and the Frog Brothers make their way deeper into The Hideout where they find David and his Batman sleeping upside down on the ceiling not certain who the leader is Edgar and Allen single out the smallest vampire Marco he's played by Alex Winter who 2 years later would play William S Preston Esquire in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure he recently returned to the horror genre with shutters destroy all neighbors again Sam's Wishes the Frog brother Stak Marco getting him all screamy and squirty oh man and it goes everywhere and is it glittery that'll be impossible to clean up the others awaken and David gets so mad yells the podcast intro at him you me and with this 6 years after Chelsea first made it we can finally say that every single movie used in the podcast extended dead meat intro has now been covered on the tail count we did it David nearly nabs Sam but is forced to retreat when he gets a sunburn so bad it makes the big bad Vamp shed a tear Prosthetics designer Greg Canon was hired 2 weeks into production and only had a few weeks to get the effects ready with a team that included Steve leaport and future Faceoff judge V Neil Schumacher didn't want to cover up the good looks of his cast so Canam created small simple foam prosthetics for the cheeks and forehead also gave him weird little hand feed gr the focal point of the transformation was the contact lenses which were so uncomfortable the actors had to numb their eyes before wearing them they could only be worn a few minutes at a time since they actually cut off oxygen to the eyeballs the group High toils it back home and as the sun begins to set fortify it in preparation for a visit from David and or the leprechaun I like no Santa Claus Sam tries to warn his mom about the coming attack but she brushes him off assuming he's trying to sabotage another date with Max she leaves for it and Sam sends Grandpa away on a fake date with the Widow Johnson The Boys stock up on holy water and garlic like this were a Vatican lunch in soon enough David and his boys wake up and fly towards their prey at the Emerson home Edgar is rallying the troops letting them know we about to get some variety on this kill count when a vampire buys it it's never a pretty sight no two blood suckers go out the same way some yell and scream some go quietly some explode some implode Schumacher told Feldman to model his performance after tough guys Chuck Norris and Sylvester Stallone his voice and headband are specifically inspired by Rambo the vampire attack begins when they nearly NAB nanuk who was accidentally left tied up outside to save the dog but a vampire named Dwayne blasts through the chimney and knocks out both Michael and the lights in the ensuing chaos the Frog brothers are cornered upstairs by a vampire named Paul you're mine actor Brook mcarter became good friends with Cory hay on set and went on to become his manager after the film it sounds like he tried to shield himim from the negative influences in his life but you know there's only so much you can do good on him for trying though Paul chases the duo into the bathroom where they've got a vat of anti Vamp soup brewing in the tub turns out garlic doesn't do shit to these guys but holy water is still effective as evidenced when nanuk knocks him into the tub it triggers a steamy screamy bath that melts Paul like a wicked witch yesh make that more like a gremlin it also blows up the place's pipes like it were a house in Dairy Mane downstairs Sam tries to wake up Michael only to get jump scared by Dwayne he manages to shoot the vampire with an arrow which also electrocutes him when it pins him to a speaker the flashy electrocution goes on for a minute and culminates with Dwayne blowing into pieces holy shit that was awesome death by stereo the siblings go to help the others upstairs only to get separated when David singles out Michael Sam regroups with the Frog Brothers but lad's blood lust nearly does them in Edgar and Allen want to stake this little stinker but star steps in and calls for peace he's just a little boy yeah sure seems like a lady downstairs David and Michael have a friend ofy standoff tried to make you immortal you tried to make me a killer Mikey goes full vampire so they can have an allout vampire fight they Bounce Around the cabin like a couple of pinballs but Michael gains the upper hand and throws David onto Grandpa's Taxidermy table and paling him on some antlers like he were lanaa quickly Greg Cam's team actually built an elaborate David puppet for this sequence but sadly the shots using it were ultimately cut ever since Max passed the vampire test at dinner Sam and the Frog Brothers have been trying to figure out who the head vampire is they assumed it was David but that doesn't seem to be the case since he's dead now and Michael's still stuck in Vampire mode get away Sam Mike what wrong I said get away just then Max and Lucy get back from their date to find the house completely obliterated Lucy is understandably confused but Max seems relatively unfaced in fact his reaction to seeing David dead is downright tender that's because Max is the Big Fang daddy after all the reason the holy water didn't affect him earlier is because Michael accidentally invited him inside well you're the man of the house and I'm not coming in until you invite me you're invited vampires can usually only enter a home when they're invited they named a whole damn remake after that fact just like Peter Pan Max has been looking for a mother for his Lost Boys And he thinks Lucy is the perfect candidate makes sense Dracula's always seem to go after Lucy's it's okay baby I'll protect you even though Max doesn't have any boys anymore he's still in the market for love I still want you Lucy I haven't changed my mind about that Max proves himself to be more than a match for Michael so Lucy agrees to be his wife if he'll agree to spare her children before the match can be made final though they're saved by grandpa in a move that could have just as well killed his entire family crazy fucker drives his car straight through the wall and sends a fence post through Max causing him to burst into a fiery pillar Max's death frees Michael Star and latty from their halfblood existence and the movie ends with a nonchalant Gramps complaining about the worst part of Santa Cara all the damn vampires how many boys lost their lives in the lost boys let's find out at the numbers that is if I still believe in them yes yes I think I do I still [Music] believe I counted 14 kills in the lost boys with the victims consisting of one woman and 13 men or boys that gives us this mostly lost Blues pie chart this is the first time we've ever seen this specific count and gender breakdown before and and I've been told I should call it a kigami so uh there you go with a run time of 97 minutes we had a kill on average every 6.93 minutes I'll give the golden Chainsaw for cool kill to Dwayne it's a heavy metal Twist on the classic Stak through the heart kill and you all know how much I love exploding heads do for lus kill will go to the security guard I actually like the way it's done but most of the other deaths were gnarly and this style of kill was more thrilling with a convertible couple and that's it The Lost Boys was released in 1987 but wouldn't get a sequel until 2008 with Lost Boys the tribe I'll only look at that if there is like high demand so email your request to dead meat movies at until next time I'm James a Janice this has been the kill count hey everybody thanks a lot for watching this Lost Boys podcast no it's not a podcast it's a fucking kill cow why' I say that maybe because we already covered Lost Boys on the podcast a few months ago then after that like I showed in this episode David Powers was an entrant in the horror Royal Rumble this year how do you do well I'll let you watch the match and find out out I'm really honestly digging this this outfit and like this fake earring I got although check it out I don't know if I can actually ever get my ears pierced cuz I don't have earlobes you see that it just like it just like crash runs into my head my Earl forgets to go back up it just is like oh okay we're we're done here that a little like elf earlobes they're the most attached earlobes I've ever seen I don't know if an earring Works although I don't know feel like it's kind of working I want to thank some patrons like Jason Rankin Josh Lucas plon like the Jedi Master Zack Rango Justin Forbes Aquos hodas Shara and Anna thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 749,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, lost boys movie, lost boys full movie, lost boys review, the lost boys reaction, lost boys vampire, kiefer sutherland, joel schumacher, Jason Patric, Corey Haim, Dianne Wiest, Edward Herrmann, Corey Feldman, Alex Winter, vampire movie, lost boys kill count, surfer vampires, 80s horror, 80s vampire movie, best vampire movie, 1987 horror, the lost boys 1987
Id: 5eDZNt0UopE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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