The Exorcist (1973) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the kill Captain where we tell up the victims in all our favorite horror movies and show you how they were made I'm James aice and today we're looking at The Exorcist released in 1973 the Exorcist follows a young girl who gets possessed by a demon and the two priests who tried to free her with an exorcism but why the fuck am I telling you this absolutely everyone watching this video is familiar with the Exorcist it's The Exorcist the mother freaking Exorcist it's hard to get more famous than this The Exorcist began as a novel by William Peter blatty who adapted it himself into a screenplay William friedkin took up director duties and devoted himself to the film to the point of injuring his actors but hey at least he seem satisfied with the final product honestly feel it is as close to a perfect film as you can make like most successful horror films The Exorcist would spawn a franchise including part two the heretic often included on lists of worst movies ever made The Exorcist 3 a sort of crime film that some people think is just as good as the original two prequels made at the same time the beginning and Dominion neither of which I've ever seen before and last year's Exorcist believer which was supposed to kick off a new trilogy but uh we we'll see about that right now I'm only going to look at the first three films I don't think many people care about the prequels and honestly I'd like to move on to more fun stuff by now you probably know that I like to like things so it might be strange to hear that I'm not really a huge fan of The Exorcist I guess this is my hot take my Flynn and a sea of Swords my My Family Guy Godfather scene I just don't love The Exorcist even even though I love plenty about it I love its compositions its acting and of course its incredible theme Tubular Bells by British musician Mike Oldfield love me some prag rock I also think the movie gets way better in its second half and when the horror gets going it really gets going I won't deny that but a lot of the earlier scenes feel awkward to me in terms of acting and editing like they end so abruptly they close it's just kind of weird you know I know but maybe I'm just an idiot because this was literally nominated for best editing at the Oscars in fact The Exorcist was nominated for 10 Academy Awards including the big one best picture though it lost to the sting and of course it's beloved by many often topping lists of best or scariest horror films ever made so don't worry I know that I'm the weird one here and I'm not going to spend this whole video bashing it or anything this is still a stone cold classic and I can respect it even if it doesn't personally resonate with me despite being raised Catholic and going to Catholic school for five whole years with an all-time classic horror film give us what it's the scarwood it's trying to tell me something about today's sponsor [Music] raycon I see editor Brie trying to work but she can't with all that construction noise if only she had raycon earbuds with noise isolation and awareness modes that you can switch through with just a tap they're perfect for shutting out the noise around you now where am I oh it's researcher Bella looks like she's trying to figure out a Mother's Day present someone needs to tell her that raycons are the perfect gift for moms after all with 8 hours of playtime and 32 hours of battery life in the case mom can kick back and relax with music audio books or podcasts all day and I would know my raycons are part of my daily life I use them when I'm working out in the gym taking Molly out for a walk or drowning out the encroaching darkness of existence I I mean when I'm relaxing you don't need the scarwood to see if raycons are right for you just click the link in the description or go to by deadmeat to check them out and get 20% off your purchase plus free shipping will an alltime classic horror film give us alltime classic kills let's find out and get to [Music] them the movie begins in Northern Iraq amidst this city of dugouts a kid freaking parkours his way to a priest and that's something is a dirty demon sculpture priest and paleontologist Lancaster Marin knows a bad Omen when he plunders one and this one scares him so bad he goes dipping into a snuff box of pills pills are good father pills are good I used to hate the beginning of this movie for being boring but now I love how measured and real it feels I mean yeah it's mostly just an old guy walking around town but it's a great look at a culture people wouldn't have been very familiar with they filmed in and around mosul Iraq with the Dig itself filmed in hatra an ancient city that was later designated a UNESCO world heritage site shooting in Iraq proved difficult due to its extreme heat and the political situation they were shooting in the same area Colonel naam Kazar was hiding in after plotting an assassination on President ALB backer now that he's all peeled up Maron returns to the digite and sees a much larger statue of the sculpture he excavated although the movie doesn't officially name the entity the book and sequels identified as Pazuzu a Mesopotamian Spirit SL reccurring icon for gorillas pazuzu's powers are kind of nebulous sometimes clock stopping sometimes dog riling and sometimes uh almost causing Carriage mishaps I I don't know 10 minutes in we moved to Georgetown outside Washington DC where Chris mcneel is living with her 12-year-old daughter Reagan Chris is an actress like a successful one she's got a house stack and shit they're so rich their pastimes are horse riding and horse quizzing mayor gilding I think it was a gilding Chris is so famous Fring Nixon is inviting her over for dinner so you got an invitation what's this dinner at the White House I bet part of the blacked out Nixon tapes was him saying your mother sucks cocks in Hell the character of Chris mcneel was inspired by and written for William Peter blad's nextdoor neighbor Shirley mlan she turned the roll down and it wound up going to Ellen Burston who blatty liked from The Last Picture Show blatty was a comedy writer but when that dried up he wrote about an exorcism he had heard of as a junior at Georgetown University it involved a 14-year-old boy from a Maryland suburb who in 1949 apparently caused Poltergeist activity and had mysterious wels and branding appear on his skin to heal him he underwent a three-month-long exorcism for the film adaptation of his novel blatty wanted an agnostic director who wouldn't be biased towards either religious belief or skepticism he chose William fredkin because he liked the French Connection though friedkin wasn't a fan of his initial screenplay and I took it home eagerly read through it and I I I thought it was not very good I thought it was overwrought I thought there was filled with a lot of symbolism and underlined and it wasn't the novel on set Chris notice is a local priest it's okay if you didn't though this is an awful introductory shot for a character my eye keeps going to this dude not the guy who's dimly lit and like tucking out of the frame this is Father Damen Caris wait where'd he go oh okay there he is a psychiatrist Jesuit who lately has been experiencing in some extreme Catholic guilt also known as standard Catholic guilt I think I've lost my faith he might be having a crisis of Faith because working for the Lord pays like shit I mean his mom is stuck living in a neighborhood where child gangs destroy cars like a street fighter bonus stage what's worse is that she's sick but doesn't want to be moved to a home especially not one he can afford this is my house and I'm not going no place I love this lady and her cute little nickname for Caris Dam it Dam it eventually she has an accident that lands her in a crappy Hospital where hey at least it looks like Demi is popular with the ladies just kidding this sucks things are really Rocky for this guy father Caris is played by Jason Miller a stage actor and Pulitzer winning playright in his first screen roll as a Jesuit Dropout he brought an authenticity to the role that got him nominated for best supporting actor at the Oscars the first sign of trouble at the mcneel house is when Reagan introduces her mom to the strange man who lives in the Ouija board Captain hady do you think my mom's pretty Captain howdy Captain howdy that isn't very nice wow he's not only a demon but a real asshole too prior to the Exorcist Linda Blair was a working child actor and model in New York while some child actors weren't allowed to audition because of their parents including a teenage Jam Lee Curtis Blair's family wasn't bothered by the subject material I'm a Christian and in my religion we never discuss the devil so to me it was a fictitious character like people think of Frankenstein for a while Pazuzu keeps his powers on the low like shaking Reagan's bed off screen and making candles go off like faulty stove burners things start to get more intense down the street when a priest walks into a church to find the Virgin Mary way more stacked now for real though as someone who grew up Catholic this is a disturbing site and I love the way it's revealed you see the statue's face in the foreground when the priest first enters and then watch him from basically the statue's POV just waiting for him to eventually look in this direction and discover the desecration unsurprisingly The Exorcist got negative press from several religious groups including Inu IAL Christian evangelist Billy Graham who said it was tainted by the Devil Himself it probably didn't help that studio Warner Brothers was headquartered at 666 fth Avenue in New York Linda Blair would become a lightning rod for much of the criticism with graham accusing her of glorifying Satan real cool dude Blair received so many death threats the studio hired a bodyguard to keep her safe it was so controversial so of course I am at the very Pinnacle of all of that so it all became my fault Chris has seen father Caris around town a few times and brings him up at one of her Swanky cocktail parties she gets the Lowdown from another Jesuit priest father Dyer he's our our psychiatric counselor Dyer also breaks the bad news car's mother died in the hospital it happened completely offc screen but since we knew her well we'll put her on the count the night gets worse for Chris thanks to her drunken director Burke Dennings dude stumbles around calling her housekeeper a Nazi and trying to fight him man this guy is the worst drunk ever the night is completely spoiled when Reagan comes down to join the potty or party or actually at it right the first time damn what is wrong with this girl you just take your pills and you'll be fine well can't argue that pills are good except they might not help when the beds start shaking on screen calm down though we get these every few years in La Carris has a guilty nightmare since his mom died all alone it has big ring tape Vibes to it including muffled sound designs and flashes of a face did you catch that it's subliminal in an unnoticeable way the face of Captain howdy is played by Eileen Deets in makeup that took 3 hours to apply it only appears for a couple of frames in the theatrical cut of the film but was more prominent in a teaser trailer that was never released after test audiences allegedly puked ah yeah that was probably from all the flashing lights y'all doctors are consulted to cure Reagan of her sudden potty breaks and sudden potty mouth you fucking bastard they think a brain lesion might be causing her strange Behavior I really don't understand how her whole personality could change well let me tell you a story about a man named Phineas Gage they run tests that are difficult to watch just because of how real they're shot anyone who's had medical procedures done can feel the sharp pains Reagan's experiencing in fact these medical scenes caused more walkouts than any of the film's blasphemy do you remember what caused you to faint uh well they started that spinal tap or whatever so but even the sight of blood shooting out of a 12-year-old's neck isn't the scariest thing in the scene I'm just going to move you down at the table okay that technician is played by Paul Bateson a real radiographer who would be convicted of murder 6 years after this was filmed his further suspected crimes in the Manhattan bag Mur MERS targeting gay men would Inspire William friedkin to adapt the novel cruising in 1980 Reagan returns home but the next house call she gets ends with some intense body rocking and a diagnosis of dead ey eyes this whiplashing required Blair to be braced into a metal harness and manually yanked around she was eventually injured when the lacing on the harness came loose that's a footage I use in the movie where I'm crying my eyes out because they are brutally damaging my back it's one of many mishaps that make up the Exorcist supposedly cursed production which saw several injuries and deaths so the course of 15 months there were nine deaths which is an enormous amount of deaths on top of that the set mysteriously burned down one weekend when no one was there they couldn't find a uh any any uh substantial reason that that that occurred you can hear more details about these set stories on this movie's episode of production Tales From Hell the newest dead meat series written and hosted by chony K Robinson the sematic scientists officially thrown the towel I think it's time we started looking for a psychiatrist unfortunately for him when the psychiatrist tries to talk to Reagan she grabs his ball so hard it turns into a music video as he falls to the floor in fact they had to build a new camera rig just to capture his Agony it was one of many invisibly challenging setups in the film none more elaborate than the swing set needed to smoothly follow characters upstairs 2 years before the invention of the steud cam with Reagan's lips getting ever more chapped the doctors pitch a new suggestion you ever heard of exorcism before Chris can figure out if those are covered under her sag health insurance she gets some news about her drunk director Burke's dead While She Was Out Burke Denning stopped by and wound up falling out of Reagan's window he died after further falling down the massive set of concrete steps inconveniently located outside as originally scripted this emotional moment would have been ruined by one of the film's goofiest scares the effects didn't work as well as they'd hoped so the infamous spider walk was nied I agree with that decision I mean her little tongue flicks look so damn silly it was put back in for a re-edit done in 2000 called the version you've never seen freed can oversaw those changes to appease his buddy blatty who resented the cuts he made at the studio suggestion and for a long time he didn't even speak to me but whenever he did speak to me would say Billy you've cut the heart and soul out of the movie and I would say Bill you're a sore winner not sure if I'll ever have the time for another cut comparison but if it happens it'll be on our new channel dead meat presents so subscribe to that if you don't want to miss it since the haunting has gone homicidal father Caris gets a visit from Lieutenant William kinderman the cop wants him to tattle on any troubled clergy who might be responsible he tries to warm him up with compliments yeah it's true you do look like a boxer like John Garfield in body and soul hey you know what yeah I could see that the people tell you you look like Paul Newman that one H not so much kinderman tells Caris one detail the newspapers didn't have about how they found Burke's body with his head turned completely around but even with the gruesome Deets Caris says he can't betray his father father confidentiality he can see Kinder's respect for Caris and he's a downright sweetheart when he goes to talk to Chris I love the way he reasons with her about the peculiarities of Burke's death and how he asks for her autograph on his way out kinderman is a welcome addition to the film giving us some well-acted one-on-one character scenes I wish the First Act had more of those I wish that kinderman had more of a role he's just kind of a side guy on his own little Adventure throughout the movie actor Lee J Cobb died just a few years after this movie's release but the World War II vet left behind a hugely impressive body of work including on the waterfront and 12 Angry Men after kinderman leaves the movie Rockets into Crazy Town Chris walks in to find Reagan's bedroom making a mess of itself and Reagan making a mess of herself with a crucifix in a scene that's still shocking even by modern standards it gets even grosser when Reagan bloodies her mom's face then slaps her and tosses her across the room the intense scene boils over as Furniture blocks off help and straight up attacks Chris it reaches a fever pitch when Reagan's head turns completely around and speaks with the dead burk's voice do you know what she did daughter for the crucifix bit the teenage Linda Blair had no idea what she was doing I didn't understand what masturbation was at that age she was shielded from the worst shots thanks to Pazuzu face model Eileen de who played Reagan in scenes that weren't suitable for Blair due to her age it's Deets during the close-ups in the crucifix scene she'd also stand in for Blair during the hours it took to set up lighting and effects but Blair did have to do some of the scene herself stabbing a crucifix into a sponge attached to a box by her crotch like the rest of her performance Fred can coached her through it without condescending tricks he never ever once tried to do something to intentionally hurt me or to misguide me seems like he was mostly good to her the worst he would do is threaten to take away her favorite onset treat if you don't say that Linda you're not going to have your milkshake he definitely treated her better than he did Ellen Burston whose Cry of pain in the scene is infamously real firston permanently injured her cockx here thanks to fredkin being a little asshole I said Billy he's pulling me too hard I can get hurt and Billy said Well it has to look real fredkin denied that she was injured and I don't think ever apologized for it I know sometimes directors can be hard on their cting crew to achieve the vision they want but unsafe Behavior like that is never okay for a movie finally the awesome practical effects of the room freaking out and the furniture attacks were done by effects artist Marcel vercure he used piano wire to make the furniture move and FL objects around using a shoot and compressed air tanks man this looks like fun to do after the insanity of that scene Chris is fully on board with the exorcism plan she asks father Caris to do the honors but he only agrees to see Reagan as a psychiatrist thinking it's a mental health issue the child formerly known as Reagan tries to taunt him by saying his mother's in hell so Caris counters with a little pop quiz asking her for his mother's maiden name what is it huh never seen someone get sick over a password recovery question like that that vomit was actually porridge with piece soup coloring that was pumped out of a tube hidden by makeup Deets once again stepped in to test the apparatus and film some shots with it the puke was only supposed to hit Miller's chest but a happy accident caused the first take to be the best take maybe my vomit is getting a little cold so I raised up trajectory a little bit and I maybe cranked on a little bit and anyway when I let go I hit Jason flush in the face Reagan claims she's the devil and suggests Caris perform a Spooktacular procedure what an excellent day for an exorcism to Goat him into it she does stuff like opening drawers by herself but still refuses to engage in the father's tests do it again in time no now in time freakin said he wanted Reagan's possessed voice to sound like a herous Bosch painting sound engineer Chris Newman took on the challenge and spent 150 hours modifying Blair's voice only to find out the director didn't like it oh fuck 150 hours work just out the window wanting a voice that was neither male nor female they recruited actress Mercedes M camridge to record the lines after chain smoking and consuming raw eggs and whiskey then they added animal and Bug noises which were used throughout the film to create unease the overall sound mix took 16 whole weeks Reagan starts apparently speaking in tongues a Telltale sign of possession but it ends up being a false alarm a recording of it reveals its only English in Reverse I mean that's still impressive to me but between that fakery and an overly dramatic reaction to non holy water Caris is filled with so much doubt he momentarily becomes the most miserable looking human in recorded history what brings him back is a direct message from Reagan's tummy feed me oh sorry help me he consults the Jesuit leaders and by order of decree he's given the go-ahead to perform an exorcism the University president is played by one of the film's technical advisers Father Tom Birmingham who actually taught writer blatty in high school father Dyer was also played by a real priest Father William om Ali who met blatty after criticizing the novel for its cliche depiction of the clergy the film's success resulted in them receiving genuine requests for exorcisms I was getting calls from all over over the place I mean people wanted me to exercise their daughters exercise their cat exercise their house Ohi passed away last year but not before being accused of sexual abuse by a former student in the80s now who's a stereotype of the clergy the spiritual leaders determined Caris need some supervision how about Lancaster Marin hell yeah we've got less than a half hour left in the movie but we're breaking out the big guns father Marin he of the mood piece opening they track him down as he's walking around looking like Einstein and Oppenheimer just needs James orur biac next to him when he arrives at the McNeal home it's in an absolutely iconic shot that would be used for posters and box art captivating many a young video store browser in the horror section this now iconic image of a door to door saves men came from friedkin who was inspired by the mcre painting The Empire of light too Maron gets inside and everybody welcomes him Reagan most enthusiastically of all they suit up for holy war as Marin warns Caris that Reagan is possessed by a demon who will engage in psychic war Warfare which for Caris is probably going to mean your mama jokes your mother sucks cocks on hell hey he warned you father Maron is played by the late great Swedish actor Max vono who was only 44 at the time but fredkin insisted on the seventh seal actor so he underwent hours of Aging makeup by Dick Smith Smith also provided Reagan's late stage possession makeup after testing six different looks including a werewolf he won the final look included painted teeth a fake tongue made from a cast of Blair's real one and uncomfortable contact lenses requiring the use of anesthetizing ey drops to prep for the role vono spent a few months with a Jesuit priest like Blair he wasn't bothered by the movie's religious content to me the devil has never been scary I I was brought up with Scandinavian fairy tales and folktales and in many of those the devil is kind of ridiculous he's always a loser the rest of this final showdown was daunting for everyone to shoot while exteriors were shot on location in Georgetown the interior of the house was filmed on a set in New York to accommodate the effects heavy clim climax it required three different bed rigs for special effects eight pneumatic Wheels to shake the set in its entirety and intense Refrigeration so we could see the actor's breath something that nowadays would just be done with CG but they didn't have that option back then so the walls of the bedroom set were insulated with 8 in of fiberglass that allowed four massive ACS to cool the room overnight to temperatures down to 40° below zero was it cold yes did I like it not much those temperatures were particularly brutal for Blair due to her costume me I got you know long underwear and and a night gown lucky me it took them 60 days to film in the cold room since they could only shoot for an hour at a time before the heat from the lights warmed it up again the demon child starts spitting like a Dilophosaurus and barking like Molly when we get a delivery clutches of the Noonday devil this human being Marin puts Caris on laundry detail while he tries to save this apartment security deposit they seem to be losing the battle since signing the cross only makes rean and visit the world's worst invisible chiropractor again for the head spinning effect they built an animatronic Linda Blair that the real one had to share a makeup trailer with I didn't enjoy the experience of of being in its presence let's say the animatronics head and torso were made of rigid plastic housing a ton of Machinery that allowed its eyes to be remote controlled separately which didn't always work rean starts sleeping 4 ft above her cover so team God has to break out the heavy artillery they continue their ceremonial assault with a power of repetition the power of Christ compels you the power of Christ compels you now seriously they repeat this phrase a lot the power of Christ compels you the power of Christ compels you stand up sounded like the end of a police song this practical levitation was achieved with a simple but cool technique Blair was held up with wires that were hand painted with dotted lines which allowed them to blend in with the lighting no matter how it changed anything that's dark against light you'll see anything light against dark you'll see but when it's broken up with light Dark Light Dark Light Dark you can get away with a lot with the background the chanting does the trick and lowers Reagan back to her bed but the priests are still no match for an old-fashioned Sucker Punch when the Pazuzu statue comes back for a cameo Marin decides to take a breather and give himself another chill pill Caris ignores his warnings and goes back in alone where he seeson hears his dead mom instead of Reagan me before mommy fist can break the new guy meon returns and kicks Caris out of the room again go consult Reagan's mom dude I I don't know try to be comforting or some shit is she going to die no close enough by time Caris comes to check on Marin's prayon it's too late father Marin's heart has finally given out and no amount of violent chest punching is going to bring him back Reagan Giggles her possessed ass off so Caris unleashes his boxing skills on a literal child between ride hooks he convinces the demon his devout body is the better trophy to take I love the shot of his face transforming as Captain howdy takes control Pazuzu makes sure Carris gets his steps in as the two of them go on a little trip together actually a big trip given the height of the staircase which either has 97 or 75 steps I can't confirm either way production couldn't fake the flight on a Sound Stage so stunt man Chuck Waters took the fall for real I asked him how he did it he said Zen I said that he said complete and total nonresistance bature covered each of the steps with a/ inch of rubber for his protection despite looking like he fell on a water balloon filled with pizza sauce Carris is still alive enough for Dyer to read him his last rights do you want to make your in just not alive enough for him to respond to get dire properly emotional fredkin directed The non-actor with his usual finesse beled me right across the chops the director obviously took Extreme Measures even firing guns on set to get reactions from the actors but his cast seems to speak of him in mostly positive terms out of respect for achieving his vision for the film I love him uh but he's a maniac also stop typing right now with your comment about me missing this kale we'll see in the third movie that Caris technically survived sometime later the McNeal are ready to mcel out of this place thankfully rean isn't scarred by The Experience she doesn't remember any of it father Dyer sees them off and the movie ends with him remembering to always hold on to the railing how many kills did this demon rack up while possessing a pretin let's find out and get to the numbers counting kills will give you such a cck in the neck three people died in The Exorcist with two of them completely offc screen the victims included two men and one woman giving us this pie chart and a count SL gender breakdown we've seen in six other movies on this show five of them good ones you're the outlier dreamchild with a runtime of 122 minutes The Exorcist had a kill on average every 40.67 minutes golden Chainsaw for coolest kill goes to uh no one all these kills were boring but this once again makes clear that a horror movie isn't defined by its kills don't for L's kill goes to Burke Dennings because honestly I don't buy the whole window to staircase thing look at this shot look at the distance there that is way too much distance to cover and that's it The Exorcist came out the day after Christmas in 1973 despite a small opening Word of Mouth spread quickly thanks to the audience's physical reactions I was just ready to pass out I think it's disgusting theaters reportedly kept smelling salts and barf bags on hand it would end up being Warner Brothers highest grossing film and adjusted for inflation it's still in the top 10 and for highest movie grosses of all time with that kind of success the sequel was inevitable which I'll be looking at next week until then I'm James a jise this has been the kill count on the next kill count the power of the studio compels you to return to the world of The Exorcist daero Exorcist 2 the heretic is a film no one wanted to make continuing a story no one wanted to see continued known in the church wants to year about the devil Satan has become an embarrassment to our Progressive views and yet it defied All Odds and was Unleashed like a plague under theaters there's nothing wrong with me you sure about that Exorcist 2o because you're usually included on lists of worst movies ever made now listen I love watching Max vono wander around planet of the AP sets I'm just wasting your time and Linda Blair is great this thing is way worse without her efforts please don't drug me I won't Linda but all the psychic brain synchronizer crap the extended tap dancing scenes are just a little hard to swallow let's stick to science at least James ear Jones is here if Buu comes for you I will spit a leapard wait what dude good God this week watch Pazuzu terrorize people by sounding like a feral Chihuahua then on Friday dance on down for the kill count only on dead meat it was horrible utterly horrible and fascinating Exorcist 2 the heretic can currently be watched on the pictured streaming platforms Dem always recommends you watch the movie for your before it's kill count it's the only way to have your own properly informed opinion kill counts are never meant to replace the experience of watching a film thanks a lot for watching this kill count for The Exorcist and welcome to the first day of the dead meat Channel by foration that means we split the channel in two the channel you're watching this on right now should be called Dead Meat kill counts the only thing getting posted to this channel from now on will be kill count episodes I know that there's a part of the audience that only watches kill counts so now they can make sure to get every episode without getting the stuff they're not interested in but if you are interested in any other content we make from the dead Me podcast to the horror Royal Rumble to the horror award show to they talk to future episodes of production Tales From Hell to Super Cuts to interviews to what's your favorite scary movie all of that will be on our second channel from now on the second channel is called Dead Meat presents so make sure you subscribe to it is there a button you can click somewhere if not on screen then definitely in the description please if you like our other content make sure you subscribe to that channel I don't want you to miss all the stuff that sometimes I prefer Overkill counts and also with the flexibility of a new channel it'll give us the chance to do random stupid shit whatever comes to our minds and if you like seeing me and Chelsea or anyone else on the dead meat team uh fuck around and do random shit then make sure you subscribe to dead me presents thanks everybody be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 1,087,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, William Peter Blatty, William Friedkin, Linda Blair, Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Jason Miller, Regan MacNeil, Father Merrin, Father Karras, Chris MacNeil, Horror, Supernatural, Paranormal, Lee J. Cobb, Kitty Winn, Jack MacGowran, William O'Malley, Barton Heyman, Peter Masterson, Rudolf Schündler, Gina Petrushka, Robert Symonds, Arthur Storch, Thomas Bermingham
Id: lveoiRoPbHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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