3 Days Camping, Hunting and Mushing in the Arctic

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Luke here with the outro Boys YouTube channel and welcome to the Arctic for the next 3 days I'm taking a team of dogs mushing through the mountains and frozen rivers of the Arctic I'm hunting Tagan camping in hot tents eating amazing food and having a great time but to do it I'm going to have to drive across the entire state of Alaska and through several blizzards [Music] we need more than hopes and wishes for us to make it through the night Stormy Weather we [Music] eyes big flock of Tagan in the road oh those sers are fast not fast enough in the game of love you have to roll the dice my heart got seven years to life [Music] all right guys welcome to cold foot [Music] Alaska good seeing you guys all right I'll see you on the road see oh all right guys it's late I'm going to get to bed I'll see you in the morning the days are starting to get long up here in the AR it's 6:30 in the morning the sun's already up it's going to be a little slick looks like it's about 8° fah or -4° C all righty I'm going to try to hit the road as soon as possible I've got about 150 mil to drive oh Wheels were frozen to the ground I can see a herd of caribou on that Frozen River down there all this time you thought we'd never the [Music] price in the game of love you have to roll the DI my heart got seven years to life [Music] well I'm at the rendevu point and it's 18° out I've got a friend who's a dog musher that's going to meet me here but I'm about an hour early so I'm just going to go ahead and get my gear on get ready wait for him to show up look at my car oh man some thick sickles yeah you can see a dog team coming across the tundra doing good Laura oh that's a good looking team of dogs beautiful day today oh it's gorgeous yeah well welcome to the team here we're break all right this is my buddy luro eckan and uh he's going to take me out in mushion oh welcome to the Arctic thank you hey you just got finished with the ID did Rod didn't you yeah and Lance are here LED most away a couple small teams but they're driving big teams like this you're not hanging off for grab the gear that way yeah getting out here with the dog are for uh for all right TR come on good dog all right guys let me introduce you to my dog team here this is Lancer the lead dog Lancer you want some pets don't you and swing dog here we got basilia and Noya and my wheel dogs we got Gandalf tried it lead dog in the front swing dog behind the lead dog wheel dogs right in front of the sled all right you ready boys hi these dogs are so Juiced up you got to ride the brake to keep them from going too far up oh W oh that powder is a lot of work we're taking the dogs about 8 miles down this Frozen River to Laurel's Camp well this folks is the Deep Arctic we're 200 Mi above the Arctic Circle and it's absolutely beautiful all right all right see all that steam up ahead that's where water from the river is coming up on top of the ice called overflow oh this is all Frozen overflow right now it's slick my socks are starting to get wet which kind of stinks when it's -8 we're on Frozen overflow you can hear the ice popping as we drive over [Applause] it 120 years ago this was the only way to travel the interior of Alaska mushers would go hundreds of miles to deliver supplies to the various community and in many parts of Alaska it's still the best way to travel so there's two commands left is ha and right is ghee that tells the dogs which path to take he he but they're pretty smart they know where they're going driving this sled and filming at the same time is pretty tricky this sled actually needs to be steered oh sorry dogs and so I have to be really careful with which way I'm leaning otherwise the sled beers off the trail and gets stuck in the deep snow and trying to do this onehanded while I film is causing me to go off the trail a bit and it's irritating the dogs oh these guys all right good job good job guys oh look at that good boy going on hi I'm Ron Hey Ron Luke Nichols kid ask for better weather last night was a little cold though yeah negative it was4 below here probably hit 30 40 below on the river all right there you go NOA Laura you have the most epic beard icicles ever one day when I become a man I'm going to have a beard that looks like that sometimes it's it gets so crusted it's hard to when you're it's hard to eat or drink just a pain yeah it's kind of toasty warm in here a little bit of greenhouse effect going on [Music] tell you what it's time for lunch there we go there we go I've got a large wedge of Bree soaked in Honey and garlic we're going to melt this up and eat it with pilot bread I got some leftover tarmigan stew from our trip to gnome so uh going to make some of that too all right so I got the Frozen Tagan stew and to put it in the jacuzzi we're going to put the honey garlic Bree orur in here why it's uh it's very for all right you guys want I'll just man oh man part of the experience you got exotic cheeses and sauces on pilot bread that's bougie Bush that's good yeah really good honey and Brie is a hard combo to beat man just to get food for ourselves and what happened Tagan sweet potato s stew here yeah got we got stew here it's like green beans sweet potatoes carrots Tagan when I catch the tarmigan I I breast them out and then I take the carcasses and I make broth and then I pick it and make a stew with it the Caribou lever can be interesting sometimes it works yeah we're going to oh that feels good to get some food in me but I think we're going to take the dogs out and explore a little bit might do a little hunting too while we're at it so this is the gun I brought along it's an over under it's got two barrels the bottom Barrel is a 20 gauge shotgun and the top Barrel is a 22 2 2 rifle it's a good gun for anything from wolves to Tagan all right I got your all right a whole bunch of taragan right there look at that we barely got 100 yards from camp and there was already a huge flock of tarmigan lauro you got us some birds yeah here so this right here is a willow taragan they turn brown in the summer and white in the wintertime and they get in these huge flocks in the winter time and they're absolutely wonderful to eat look at this place is covered in Tagan tracks look at that all of those we're kind of on the lookout for tarmigan and moose Laurel's got a permit for a moose so if we see one he's going to take it oh they're right there see them lauro where'd you go you got three more oh yeah we got three more here set of moose prints right here you can tell he was walking that way oh deep snow yeah kind of kind of drops off there all righto woohoo that's lick you got you got a little snow like right there There and Everywhere yeah now we're cooking there's some tarting right over there there you go it's a plump Tagan holy cow that yeah good size Tarman that's a that's a girthy bird hold on hold on hold on hold on you guys are excited to get home so how many miles do you think we did on the dog SL 19 18 miles shees that's that's awesome going to get the dogs a little snack before dinner we got some pork wine backside okay I'll go I'll start at the back hey hey there you go yeah you guys earned it nice little bit in there that fuel he's using is the runoff for making whiskey it's the alcohol that comes off first when you distill liquor the stuff that makes you blind so you don't drink it but it burns good see there you go let's get that Lit it's already hot water warm water in there that's the beef yeah and we get this from the processing plant be right back up chopping up beef got a block of fat yeah we chop off a few good chunks off of here let render down beef fat they're pouring boiling water over that lard and beef how many calories did these dogs eat 6 to 8,000 calories but then on a really tough day like say on the ID Rod Trail or racing cuz they're probably burn up to 10 to 12,000 calories I just realized you're in the wrong business you should be doing a weight loss camp where we hook people up to dog sleds you want to burn 15,000 calories in one day yeah yeah come come to Laurel's weight L Camp all right after I take the press meat out I usually save the carcasses to make stew later but uh got some dogs here I think we might want it instead hey boys who wants a Tagan SN oh woo woo they were excited about those Tagan snacks metal spoons are cold yeah got a frozen spaghetti meat sauce [Applause] here wet metal spoons spaghetti and meat sauce I don't think I'm going to come inside so my food doesn't freeze I tell you that was one of the most physically demanding things I've done in a while I'm looking forward to this meal good few things first is that Brie I like I think I just I blew your mind on that one a little bit oh yeah there getting ready to cook up my tarmigan breast I might I put them down right over here where did they go they were right there here's the here's the bag they were on all right which one of you did it is I bet it was Alder she was loose there was one dog loose she got a little bonus snack tonight not a lot of trees out here above the Arctic Circle so finding firewood is a bit of a challenge and these things are a lot easier to pack in than actual firewood so all right 2 L bottle full of boiling water I'm going to stick this in my sleeping bag put my hot water bottle like that I really want to make some bread tomorrow so I brought along this bag of bread flour and some yeast add some water to it let it ferment overnight we have bread in the morning it's about midnight and I'm exhausted I'm going to take a couple of Advil go to bed and I'll see you guys in the morning good morning well this right here is a frozen raw bread pudding it's basically scrambled French toast eggs butter sugar milk vanilla extract raisins mixed up with shredded bread put it in a thing of boiling water and let it cook for about 15 20 minutes so this is smoked pork jowl bacon cooking this first is a great way to grease your pan oh look at that dough it's all puffy and great nice piece of bread look at that there we go pork gel bacon fresh bread butter and honey that's not too bad there you go that's bread pudding if you like French toast you'll love bread pudding I like to put a little bit of almond extract in here it's really good [Music] oh there we go hey lauro you want breakfast make sure everyone's us it that's a cooked pork gel a couple loaves of bread with some butter and honey and uh this is the bread pudding okay I've already eaten so that's all fair game man all right thank you so much you like to come in no I just saw some tarmigan up on the hill I'm going to go put on my snowshoes and go see if I can make a little noise off it hey take your time I'll see you in a little bit flock of tarmigan right over there by where we get our water they've moved off a little bit but I'm going to go hike up there and see if I can't shoot one you can tell how cold it is out here by the sound of the snow the squeakier the snow the colder it is there's like 30 of them just running up the hill cuz they see me oh see that one just flew it just a little too skittish a little too far away how you doing I don't know for sure who ate my tarmigan last night that's my number one suspect oh we got dog breakfast it's we're fed the dogs are fed I think it's time to get ready I just Wing this one there don't you give me a the if this looks mellow and easy it's because I have to put the camera down during the crazy Parts this is like driving a muscle car that has a mind of its own oh wow we're going to go 25 miles today so we're going to be doing this for several hours that's only about a quarter of what these dogs do when they're racing oh so right now there's absolutely no Trail for the dogs to follow so it's really tricky for them to know exactly where to go Laurel could give them instructions he'll say ha for them to go left or GE to go right if the dogs just aren't getting it Laurel has to get off his sled go to the lead dog and walk in front of him and point him in the right direction like some uh oh good boy yeah really nice spot right here oh right on the ridge bunch of muscs I me see if you guys don't know what muscs are they look kind of like a Scottish highland cow that wants to kick your butt but they like to get up on those mountains and there's one on the very tip of that Ridge and there's two right on the edge of the ridge you want a date got some dates yeah well even if we can't shoot a MUSC we're not going to go hungry right no I can't remember if they're frozen or if they have a pit inside going sit here and use the binoculars and just look for Animals especially at the willow Patches at the bottom of the washes scanon I'll tell you what I haven't seen any moose but there's a ton of moose tracks over there well I think we ought to move down there yeah it's a nice little break looked around we're going to go down to that Lake looks like a bear took out the door yeah looks like there's an old hunting cabin all the supplies and everything in that cabin is probably brought in by float plane landed right there it's a beautiful area got to wear my ball of clava to keep me from getting sunburned hold on no up oh guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys you all right I'm good I had very little control over [Music] that this is the type of weather where you can get snow blind you come out here without eye protection then that sun will reflect off the ice and sunburn your eyes and after about 2 or 3 days you lose your vision or in mild cases your eyeballs just hurt and they itch and it's just really unpleasant we're mhing across the top of a frozen River here all the way from there to there the banks of the river I can hear the ice popping over there it's so warm out that it's increasing the water flowing under the ice and it doesn't have anywhere to go so it has to come up through the ice and flow across the top it's making the ice shift and crack I think we're going to stop and make some lunch if you can find something solid to build a fire on then that'll save us a lot of digging all right here's a place to build a fire think you can start with a foot there go oh man there he is [Music] all right I got a frozen maofu that sound good it's kind of like a curry cherry cobbler too it might be two things of boiling bag rice the maavu see that give that 11 minutes and it'll be done never go back to it truthfully if you ever want to come back to so this is uh maadu it's a Japanese version of a Chinese dish here the ground beef green onions tofu and this red chili bean paste is really good while we're eating that I'm going to put some cherry cobbler in in here you got to eat quick or it gets cold do all taste the same all right got to try the but it's okay try to use the sick my dish pretty amazing all right I I love you're eating that with a stick there that's that's up now my first rodeo for getting a fork all those people in Asia using two sticks to eat come on you only need one lot of stuff a lot of spear fishing and like you know how you guys doing once the sun gets down it's going to get cold there's always a huge temperature swing between night and day when you have clear sunny days like this look at that there's two muscs on the top of that Hill oh that is so cool just keeping an eye over here for moose and foxes been seeing a lot of tracks let's go up corner you ready all here we go W oh you guys are good wo my boots are wet woo good boy good boy oh I definitely got sunburn today we got Chinese yeah pretty some Tagan Curry oh this food smells good it is so late it's almost 11:00 p.m. I've got to hurry and get things ready for bed I'm exhausted I compliment to the Shelf get this stove going here there we go I'm going to take some Advil go to bed I'll see you in the morning oh good morning all right I think it's time for some [Music] breakfast well for breakfast I got an omelette it's egg cheese onions Peppers mushrooms salt pepper all the good stuff just going to put in a pot of boiling water there we if you want to eat well but you don't want to do a lot of fancy cooking out in the field Frozen vacuum sealed meals are the way to do it I think the dogs woke up all right that's good [Music] there we go oh that was good that was also a lot of food all right time to get up and get dressed these are all dry oh those are all dry it's the nice thing about camping in a hot tent things dry very very quickly it's not a ton but you guys want another loaf of bread oh it love some I I did I did all right I caught up a little bit oh yeah the the Frozen beaten eggs nice buritos no way yeah well I think I'll start cleaning up my my tan a little bit look like a bomb went off in there so pretty thirsty I'm going to go get some water we were hoping to find some caribou and moose here but nobody's really seen much of anything so everyone's breaking down and we're going to go move spots pretty good hole underneath your stove there I was thinking to myself I can't believe you got your CS didn't just like fall in like a giant sinkhole put in the that's how it goes a there we go when Laurel starts bagging his legs I think that's telling you we're going to run into some overflow on the river okay I know I should probably just be focused on getting packed up and out of here but bunch of taring are back at that little spot and uh I think I might have to give them some attention okay nice little I'm assuming you wouldn't mind some tarmigan if I'm successful there's the blood trail it's going that way there we go got a Tagan well there we go I know the guys wanted more Tagan so no no no there we go [Music] the loaded sled's a lot harder to pull through the deep snow so I've got to help a lot more but when you're pushing you can't go at a human Pace you have to push at a husky pace so you're sprinting through knee deep snow and it's just killer sled slipped out from underneath me and I just held on and got dragged for a little bit but I managed to get it ight and back on the sled without stopping so yeah that's [Applause] something oh that's deep oh oh oh this is my sled tipped over in the Overflow and water got in my sled and I think my jackets are all wet I know this glove's full of water he nice meeting you it's a pleasure yeah Laurel thank you so much for a great time that was a lot of fun if you guys are in Alaska and you would like to do some dog mushing too check out Skookum Expedition that's Laurel's business and I'll put a link to his website in the video description below oh yeah you guys can go Caribou hunting yeah we got about another four or five days left left out here before we make our way home hey take care enjoy the rest your time hey thank you oh woo all in all I did about 50 mil by dog team on this trip that was pretty cool definitely want to do that again but I've got about 16 hours of driving or 758 miles to go to get home and there's supposed to be a snowstorm in addan pass and I don't want to be on this side of the pass when that happens to there are some crazy snow drifts on this road I'm happy to drive in the tracks of the semi-trailers but unfortunately I don't have the same clearance that they do I just have to give it a lot of gas and hope for the best those snow drifts were deep they took out my trailer lights jacket that had been cleaned and oh this weather's nasty I've seen three flip semi trucks and those ones are just sitting there in the middle of the road done about 150 mil of unplowed Highway where is my honey bunny mooches smooches purple yay if you like that video make sure to check out the outdoor Boys YouTube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and if you want to see our newest Adventures make sure to click subscribe so you'll get notifications
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 5,100,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Camping, winter camping, cold weather camping, camping ALaska, alaska travel, alaska adventure, Arctic Survival, Arctic Expedition, mushing, dog sled, sled dogs, dog sled tours, camping in snow, survival camping, extreme camping, remote camping, boondocking, wilderness camping, Arctic camping, arctic survival, hunting, ptarmigan hunting, hunting alaska
Id: g53DHxAab5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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