The Toxic Avenger (1984) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James a anise and today we're looking at the Toxic Avenger released in 1984 the Toxic Avenger follows a weakling weighing 98 lbs who gets sand in his face when kicked to the ground but thanks to barrels of toxic waste he becomes a strong man and oh honey not the wrong man either the Toxic Avenger also known as the monster hero or toxy is a champion of Justice he just Champions extreme violence to dish it out the Toxic Avenger is a troma film which needs a bit of an explainer before we begin because this movie is probably unlike anything most of you have ever seen sure I've technically covered a troma film before with death by temptation but that was more of a personal movie by the writer/director star it didn't have the trademark traumat tropes of offensive humor Relentless nudity and shocking kills traa entertainment was founded in 1974 by the human cartoon Lloyd Kaufman and his inversely quiet business partner Michael HS they met at Yale and still work together at troma today finding longevity in low budgets and that world famous New York charm Coffman and Hurst co-directed the Toxic Avenger as business partners and Friends occasionally I would direct yes uh but uh very soon I realized I had no gift for uh creating relationships with the actors Indie to the Bone traa movies are lowbudget and exploitative the company has distributed over a thousand films in its 50 years of existence it may be a Mainstay of the under ground but troma's also hugely influential in modern cinema James gun got his start there as did plenty of other filmmakers and actors Stan Lee once said troma influenced the works of Tarantino tekashi mik Peter Jackson and more its early output was mostly runchy comedies but eventually troma refocused on the horror genre that was partly thanks to the Toxic Avenger which was made for half a million bucks with a crew mostly consisting of students and newcomers the Toxic Avenger wasn't a box office hit but it became a cult film thanks to a small New York theater called the bleer Street Cinema which played it as a midnight show for years it's tra's most widely known property by far spawning several sequels some Comics a video game a stage musical a surprisingly kid-friendly cartoon and an upcoming remake despite its proliferation this movie is not for the faint of heart I know a lot of you are hardened horror fans who gladly consume stuff that most people would find uncomfortable but the Toxic Avenger as with most traa films pushes the envelope no matter who you are the first kill will floor you but it doesn't stop at the violence there are blind jokes fat jokes jokes about Nazis I guess jokes about gay people definitely gay slurs racial slurs sexual assault and elder abuse it's offensive all around but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing in art you sometimes need to explore where the line is when nothing's subversive everything is too safe and you lose a primary function of art more importantly behind its Universal offensiveness the Toxic Avenger has a sacr sincerity to it where good triumphs over evil in the end I truly love it the kill count set hello the world capital of counting and horror creation well I mean I wouldn't go that far but but for all this creation there is a price to be paid long hours and creative burnout that can erode the soul of any man H you know I appreciate it but I'm actually fine because I use today's sponsor Vance Global to help me unwind Vance Global yeah they make delta8 products that are completely legal and ship to your door in discreet packaging oh I've heard of those they come in products like gummies carts and more right but can't those be unsafe well not inherently but some companies don't put the necessary care into production which can cause contaminants or improper doses with their products so it's important to make sure you know how safe the products you use are and Vance agrees they even have a whole page detailing what to look for to make sure your experience is safe and they provide independent lab reports that have been performed on each of their product lines for example this Delta 8 gummy has an easily accessible lab report checking for contaminants including chemicals heavy metals and bacterias so I can relax comfortably knowing I'm safe sweet mind if I try a little uh I guess how would that even work though Jesus zor yeah there you go pay no attention to the man behind the kill count set try Advance Global for yourself by going to the link in our description and get 20% off your order with code dead meat or you code dead meet 30 for 30% off initial or renewal subscriptions in Tromaville New Jersey there's a whole lot of crime polluting the streets let's see how many kills it takes to clean them [Music] up the movie begins with a warning and let me tell you it'll earn it in less than 10 minutes flat flat like a kid's head a powerful narrator voice tells us the breaking news that New York City makes a lot of trash all that radioactive goop got to go somewhere and I don't see any Oblongs around so Tromaville New Jersey will have to do TR the toxic waste up in capital of the world the narrator drops us off at the Tromaville Health Club A Place full of characters working out to an awesome ripoff of olivan Newton John's [Music] physical this gym is full of boobs butts boobs thighs butts and gate title cards with everything going on here you know there be juices abound mopping up those floor hazards is our unlikely hero Melvin fer he's a nerd and the bullies there hate him would you take a look at that fucking guy I hate that mop boy Melvin's idiocy gets him in trouble with anger issues guy and protoc Cory Feldman they really hate him man had bully bozo bzo is a fucking gasket holy shit that was amazing he sounded like he wanted to go take back the White House how's a guy that crazy get a girlfriend like this chick Julie oh I guess they have a lot in common meanwhile Slug and Wanda Bond over their love of locker Boo and how horny clown laughs make them oh he did it now 6 minutes in and it's tits o00 huh run a little late there for trauma time funny enough actors Robert Pritchard and Jennifer Baptist met while auditioning for this movie then started dating and got married for 18 years oh that's nice Melvin and his mop walk in on their dirty business and as H yucking makes Wanda pull out a switchblade get out of here you pervert girl I kill you and she means it too these four bullies literally murder people as a game they list off a string of slurs as they discuss their point system based on race and age now kids under 12 they're worth double points oh no that does not bod well for burgeoning bicyclist Skippy be careful out there I got bad news for you sis the sicko sees Skippy and taunt him for a minute before turning around and slamming on the gas they knocked that kid's freaking stunt double up their windshield and over their car H damn but the Skipper's still floating or kind of ouch so to secure his points Bozo double Taps the kid's head with his Treads holy fucking godamn C shit Jesus Christ this kill is absolutely abor as are these people this is fun it's highly disturbing but also so over the top I can't help but respect the movie for going there they want you to know these people are evil and hate them and this certainly does the job regardless of slug Sunday plans well I got to get up early in the morning got to go to church oh this is by far the most infamous scene from the film but it was accomplished through simple methods the kid's head is a cantaloupe with cranberry sauce on top it's not cranberry sauce no actually this time it is co-directors Lloyd Kaufman and Michael H dispute who came up with the idea they both credit the other one I would have to say that Lloyd Kaufman the creative genius behind troma decided to crush a water melon or some some of a melon with some blood and guts on it that he got from somewhere we were going to have a headcast and all that stuff M said hey just get a melon put a wig on it and all that that was your idea the next day is more of the usual at the health club Melvin is weird and bozo is likely on cocaine the bullies brainstorm how to prank Melvin in the midst of a hip shaking huddle it's the second best way to come up with ideas after the double to Incline crunch handoff of course they have Julie invite Melvin to the girls locker room that night let's say 7:00 okay that'll be good for me too cuz I got to clean the toilets in there anyway around that time even at teeth chattering horny status Melvin always thinks with his mop Melvin's memorable performance comes from Mark toal who was also the movie's script supervisor makes sense he was on the crew this guy seems troma to the core even today he had a problem with his anal glands and he used cinnamon anal cream oh hey it's Darcy fucking course Melvin finds murder Barbie in all her bronzed Glory but she says she'll only make it with him if they do it by the pool also he has to wear this pink tutu man the tutu is one thing but ain't no one pulling off those green spots they get Melvin to basically make out with a sheep that's their prank I mean it's definitely embarrassing especially with this guy laughing at you but we just saw these people smash a kid's head like a pumpkin I feel like Melvin got off easy I honestly feel worse for the Sheep here the prank gets everyone laughing at Melvin and they chase him around in torment unbeknownst to any of these idiots there's a truck with toxic waste parked outside these guys were transporting barrels of it with only a vague understanding of what it was it's dangerous it's like that uh cancerogenic stuff you know but they pulled over to do a giant bag of coke as you do coincidentally right in front of the health club so of course that's where Melvin ends up after he pulls a Sally Hardesty out the window face down ass up that's the way he lik likes to melt uh break dance kind of all the above huh it doesn't stop the gym rats from laughing at him or from accusing him of being overly dramatic he's faking it he's faking it yeah Melvin quit faking it oh and you got a cop in on it too come on officer quit faking your hands on fire bunch of fucking phonies here I tell you Melvin runs away as Night on Bald Mountain plays the song best known from the segment of the same name in Disney's Fantasia it's used in this movie repeatedly mostly as a cue for the titular Avenger always fun to hear it ramp up on the soundtrack also always fun to watch a great fire stunt Melvin tries to wash the waist off but come on man you at least got to use Gojo or maybe some fast orange you know what never mind it's probably too late Melvin's skin and hair start rebelling against him and pretty soon he's the incredible air bladder man night of bold Mountain kicks back in for the trippy final transformation which sees him duck down as a radioactive boy and pop back up as a radioactive man and this man's ready for a night on the town the first criminals he'll run into are cigar face Knuckles and nipples a trio of colorful characters hoping to corrupt an honest cop officer o Clancy turns down their bribe and gets attacked cuz they hate it when people don't take their money they beat him down and prepare to blow his dick off but that's when the toxic Bald Mountain intervenes toxy snatches some wigs and breaks some hands then uses cigar Face's face like a speed bag oh and he does the same with cigar faces cigar but at least he lets the leader live the others aren't so lucky nipples ERS a three stoes routine gone wrong Knuckles is elbowed in the face and then they're both killed when toxy smashes their Noggin Together full force nipples and Knuckles are long dead before taals can come and save them consider these filthy criminals cleaned up toxy shows he's not a real monster when he explains himself to officer o Clancy don't worry don't worry I won't hurt you I don't know what came over me the monster's unlikely voice is provided by Kenneth Kesler a non-actor who had been an assistant director in the 40s and 50s it's a great voice what's up guys physically the Toxic Avenger is played by Mitchell Cohen who would later become the vice president of a company that sells copers his co-workers have seen the film what' you think about the sex scene Joe was great wasn't it great oh yeah great it was really great a fun little Discovery I made was that Mitch Cohen the Toxic Avenger was in clerks hey try not to suck any dick on the way through the parking lot hey hey you get back here yeah he was that guy toxy get back here Cohen like many Monster performers had to endure hours in the makeup ch chair anybody that wants to get into the uh the world of film making putting on makeup for 4 hours really sucks it was the worst experience you can possibly imagine he filmed the whole movie only seeing out of one eye since the other was beneath Prosthetics it wasn't a pleasant experience being in the makeup but it was really a lot of fun tox's look was designed by special effects artist Jennifer Aspen who worked on freaking spookies around the same time fangoria contacted me afterwards and I did an article and that began my special effects makeup career aspadol would go on to have an insanely successful career winning Emmys for makeup and working on everything from Westworld to Dungeons and Dragons honor among Thieves officer o Clancy tells the press the whole story and says the monster hero saved his life what a scoop that brings toxy to the attention of the city's corrupt leaders which includes mayor Peter Bell goody who enjoys sub sandwiches at the fitness club and the chief of police who is probably a Nazi oh scratch that is definitely a Nazi yeah wait is traille in Argentina the Crooked politicians are another patch of this movie's quilt of St stereotypes and they're legitimately hilarious sometimes Tom Tom is he dead that line delivery from Pat Ryan fucking kills me as does the other guy's face unlike most of the cast Pat Ryan had actually acted before and would change his character's dialogue with the blessing of the directors with all their back room deals and mucking about these guys aren't fans of a vigilante doood her but no matter how do goody is hard is toxy is still a disgusting monster on the outside not even his own mother can handle the sight of him he fucks off by his Lonesome and finds a new place to live the Tromaville dump he can live a good honest life here maybe chop wood like the dad from the witch or just build a home that's mostly asbest I guess he's probably not worried about the cancer huh now we're at troma ville's World Famous Taco Stand a great place to get ball sweat tacos served by not H John Benjamin and not Jonathan buers the place gets held up at gunpoint drop your tacos or I'll blow your brains out it's your average Taco Stand problem once again the bad guys are inhumanly evil with this Leroy dude sticking his shotgun into a baby's face oh my god dude unlike the vast majority of this cast Leroy's actor Patrick Kilpatrick would go on to have a successful acting career even appearing in Minority Report One customer tries to make a taco stand but I mean look at that wall behind him you know he's going through it sure enough Leroy fires and sends the guy flying backwards through the crash wall it's an ultraviolent blast but it still takes him a minute to die which is a pretty sick detail to include the criminals continue their reign of terror by taunting a blind woman and shooting her dog a poor good boy they threatened a rap her and that's when toxy finally shows up damn man you couldn't have come before the dog got shot or that guy I guess taxi throws down with the three hoodlums quickly tearing off the arm of the leader Frank if you think this looks awesome it's cuz performer Larry Sutton was a real life amputee wasn't a real life actor though he was an IRS agent who wanted to be in a movie so bad he was down to use his amputation to do so that's really him handling that knife too taxi beats Frank to the ground with his own arm that'll show him but the arm proves less effective against Leroy and this third dude Rico who is quite the jumpy little fuck no wonder his performer Michael Russo would go on to be a highly successful stunt performer and coordinator eventually toxy milk ports Leroy and tells him the same thing Gregory tutor once said your ice cream actually turns out Leroy is milkshake since his head is destroyed by the blender next up to be served is Rico whom toxy incapacitates with a frying basket and a bunch of pipes and he kills the acrobatic asshole by deep frying him in oil finally decides to grill up a Frank or I guess bake him since he shoves Frank into an oven it happens off screen though cuz no way that guy actually fits in there with the bitter bad guys sweetened toxy helps the traumatized blind woman whose name is Sarah lacking a seeing eye dog now Sarah asks toxy to take her home the humor here is very Broad and haha she can't see but actress Andre Miranda definitely commits to the bit I mean everyone in this movie does no one can be accused of half assery this is Miranda's only acting credit she was a singer and the girl friend of the film's primary Financial investor she's still auditioned for the part though and I think she's perfect in it to get to know her savior Little Red Riding Sarah feels on him what big hands you have that ain't the only big thing he's rocking either girl oh hey handsy I was talking about them packs oops sorry it's okay or gets out about the monster Taco smash probably cuz everyone loves that taco place those cops Can't Get Enough a professor says not to worry though because this toxic monster seems to be driven only to murder wrongdoers and ners Wells that definitely includes locker room drug dealers like Dennis here who sells his wees and funnels the money to City Hall you know I love massages and I love sandwiches but I just don't think they'd be good at the same time the monster arrives at the health club and clears it out except for Dennis who's really focused on his leg curls today toxy shows how versatile a cable weight system can be when he murders Dennis by crushing his head holy dear God wow and then half of it just gone those are some serious games for the kill count and another dirty scoundrel all cleaned up over in the sauna Wanda's getting some rocks hot wait is that a phone oh man I just I just assumed that was a phone for a second no it's Wanda's Polaroids of the Dead kid they ran over and she jills off to them because she's depraved like that toxy arrives to help her get her rocks off by putting her on the sauna rocks let this be a lesson to you hot ass she's either dead or she ain't going to be able to sit on the toilet for at least a month Jennifer Baptist like most of the casting crew was new and inexperienced she knew there'd be nudity while auditioning and said she felt empowered by the sex scene but this was different I didn't know I was going to have to masturbate in the moment she decided to shoot it for the sake of the character but she did not have a good time they promised me I would have a closed set it wasn't a closed set I mean there everybody was there I it was a little bit humiliating a crew member even passed her his number after they cut which is ew as much as I love this movie I don't think we should ignore that it wasn't made under optimal conditions the next despicable being to cross paths with a Toxic Avenger is this pimp who's trying to sell a 12-year-old the sicko rolls deep and a whole clown car of pedals pile out but toxy has never been afraid of handicap matches he only kills two of the guys though letting one get his throat slid accidentally and stabbing another one with his own knife then the monster saves the kid and commanders the limousine to Doria a monage shows toxy continuing to do good deeds around town he saves kids from becoming roadkill helps granny cross the street and even lends a hand in the kitchen personally popping a lady's corn the town begins to fall absolutely in love with the monster even putting up with his b Gummer cosplay the guy's a hero after all I saw that in the news with the jail sales filling up and crime disappearing by the day the corrupt ruling class decides it's time to detoxify their town because if we don't kill him he's going to kill us a hit job Leed by Cigar face circles the monster hero in an alley wow this gang is full of guys I love get a load of these dudes toxy just jumps out of the way when they shoot letting the crossfire do the work for him fuck having to kill them all himself although there are six guys in the bullet Circle I'm only only counting five since it appears cigar face lives Dan snow reprises the character in The Toxic Avenger part two at home Sarah falls in love with toxy and he falls in fumes with her I've never felt like this before then we get a monster sex scene but hey it's passionate and consensual and also is not that scene from baset case 2 so I'll count this as a win they begin a life of Domesticity with toxy on that Gaston diet for real for real their happy marriage montage is set to Is This Love A Rock ballad by Mark Hoffman and Dean Summers performing under the band name Race Is This [Music] Love Hoffman and Summers also provided the song nothing at all which they had no idea would be used for a kid killing scene the coming they only found out when they saw the movie and that must have been uh something both of these songs are great but Is This Love helps make the Toxic Avenger what it is just like the movie it's cheesy but also genuine and sweet it's a unique tone that ends up working really well for me despite having some sweet cheeks at home toxy isn't retired yet he still has to stop evil he attacks Julie in the locker room inadvertently scaring an 18-year-old Marissa toay holy crap look at that it's milant May y'all he chases Julie into the basement which looks like it could be the sewer tunnel and Jason Takes Manhattan I bet toxy wouldn't mind the toxic waste floods they regularly have every night cuz that's a thing toxic catches up to Julia and her awful screams [Music] God she sounds like a screaming newborn he raises a pair of scissors and prepares to kill Julie but before we see it it cuts to her boyfriend screaming just as obnoxiously Bozo and slug decide to beat an old woman they get real Clockwork Orange with it oh what a feeling today they steal her car and try to run down the monster with it when they see him but he parlays their Auto attack back with a kickass stunt holy shit yo Mitchell Cohen really rode around on top of a car okay these shots are with a dummy for sure but there's still someone driving real fast you know slug is killed when he's choked to death and then tossed out of the moving vehicle there he goes toxi climbs into the car and takes this opportunity to tell Bozo that he's actually Melvin then he drives the car past many a stunt performer performing stunts and causes a few cars to crash complete with explosions but we do see most of the drivers get out of their vehicles before they blow up so I won't count any kills here even though this car that flips like a Blues Brothers cop nearly killed The Stunt Driver in real life when it landed the roof collapsed due to a crappy roll bar installation thankfully he was okay this car chase informed by George Miller The Road Warrior ends with bozzo's death when toxy rips off the steering wheel and sends the car off a cliff hell yes oh my god dude get out of the way this is a real car flying down a hill that guy was just standing there oh wait did we get hell yeah there's the explosion God that was Perfection everyone no no El toxy survives the crash like he were Jason Bor in an RV he shakes it off and heads back to town but you know that dude's probably concussed I mean how else would you explain his attack on this little old lady Mrs hasell he confronts her at the dry cleaners where she tries to run away but he catches up and gives her the full My Bloody Valentine treatment in the dryer he leaves her perm pressed body to be found Mrs Haskell is played by the late Norma Pratt who had already worked with Lloyd Kaufman and stuck on you she enjoyed that role since it made no mention of her being a little person she did not enjoy this role quite as much the newspaper reports on the monster's monstrous actions and it's digging at his conscience too he doesn't know why he'd attack an innocent woman he tells Sarah it's too dangerous for them to stay together you don't know who I am I'm really the monster hero you've heard about oh I just kind of assume she already knew that doesn't bug her either way she loves toxy and wants to stay with him no matter what they decide to get out of town so he can't hurt anyone anymore but he needn't worry his moral compass is isn't broken turns out Mrs hasell was a little old human trafficker she was head of an international white slavery ring the mayor tells the chief they have to kill this moral monster anyway to which the head copper agrees yes M fter up M mayor the mayor announces his intentions to kill the beast but officer cleavage objects citing how the monster saved his life wait this whole police force is unbuttoned more v-neck here than the first few kill counts officer okany and a bunch of kids cry over the monster's fate but accept that they're helpless to fight City Hall right that's some good kid acting right there thanks to a K9 unit and some binoculars the cops track toxy and Sarah to their sex tent the mayor calls in the National Guard who co-oped Night on Bald Mountain to make their Boombastic arrival yeah trucks everyone in town sees the forces arrive so the kids decide they have to try to save the monster in fact all of trail goes to the monster's tent surrounding him with curiosity and a whole lot of guns the mayor gives the order to shoot and kill but the citizens refuse to stand for it a bunch of kids run in to protect toxy knowing that shooting children is a bad way to get reelected toxy scatters the kids for their safety but he's already won over the town's folks hearts and Minds no one is willing to listen to the mayor's shooting orders so he elects to shoot the monster himself it doesn't work out the way he thought it would and begging for his life has no effect in front of everyone toxy rips out the mayor's guts with his bare hands it's a gruesome Fatality and everyone reacts accordingly still no one holds it against him in no time at all they're cheering and clapping for the monster and his Gale toxy and Sarah were embraced by Tromaville toxy cleaned it up of all its crime and the citizens lived happily ever after the movie ends with toxy making sure the streets remain clean how many Tromaville criminals detoxy incarcerate and Hell let's find out and get to the numbers after a little bit of [Music] RNR ooh what up thank you so [Music] much these actually do go well together [Music] I counted 21 kills in the toxic advenger and as far as I could tell there were 18 male victims and only three female victims no green in that pie but still maybe avoided anyway anything coming out of Tromaville I've counted this many kills in five other movies before and the closest one to the same gender breakdown was the Meg which had 18 men two women and one unknown with a runtime of 82 minutes the Toxic Avenger had a kill on average every 3.9 minutes I'll give the golden Chainsaw for coolest kill to Dennis the drug dealer as someone who uses a cable machine with a electrizer every day I've often noted just how lethal that weight stack Rod could be this kill is everything I imagined and more I love it doet for lus kill will absolutely go to Julie a heinous character who deserves the worst but gets killed off screen want a let down and that's it the Toxic Avenger came out in 1984 and was followed by sequels which I still have never seen until next time I'm James a Janice that's been the kill count thanks a lot for watching this kill count for the Toxic Avenger which I consider our first troma film on the count I mean I love death by temptation but it is not the trauma that you think of when you hear trauma have you ever seen this movie before or did you watch it for the first time because of the kill count if you were a first time viewer I would love to know what you thought of this thing cuz again it is so fucking out there but like honestly I just I I love it I still just have to respect that Homespun kind of envelope pushing let's see what we can get away with type film making like cont to what some commenters think I'm not against nudity in movies I I think there should be more I just don't want the actresses to be like pressured into it you know get them fucking intimacy coordinators on set yeah oh and Happy uh spooky month that's going on right now right all right thanks everybody be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 885,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, kill count, body count, jaj, pine commander boogie, the toxic avenger, 1984, the toxic avenger 1984, DMKC, dead meat kill count, horror movie review, horror movie, scary movie review, scary movie, horror movie reaction, scary movie reaction, horror movie channel, scary movie channel, cody leach, toxic avenger trailer, the toxic avenger trailer, the toxic avenger 2023, the toxic avenger movie, toxic avenger, toxic avenger remake, james a janisse
Id: RaiaYomGm2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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