NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN Explained: Why Chigurh Doesn't Exist

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welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host Paul and this video are turning to No Country F all men so when doing our big breakdown of the movie I got into deep diving on a number of videos and articles on the film one that stuck out to me was by what is anti logic who did a fantastic video breaking down their theories on the movie I touched upon it in our video but since making it it's something that's stuck with me I think there's a lot of factors in it that I really want to touch upon and and it's taken me off in a certain direction that's made me realize one thing that is that suar isn't real what throughout this video yeah we're going to be talking about the evidence to support that and what we think is actually going on without the way huge thank you for clicking this now let's get into No Country for all men the coin don't have no say it's just you okay so what is anti logic theorize that moss and CH girl are actually the same person they thought that the movie had a sort of f Club Motif in in which their two personalities imagining things play out the pair never interact they never talk to each other and yet throughout the film they share a lot of actions both sit down on the couch in Moss's trailer looking at the TV we see them drinking they also both remove their socks at one point and both their weapons are similar they both buy clothes from strangers in the movie and so on and so forth the the eyes that Moss went out that night to give the water to the guy because Shar knew he had to meet with a businessman at the side of the deal gone wrong I love that theory and though I don't NE necessarily think that them being the same person is what I take from it I think that there are very interesting elements there it's with this in mind that I studied it out whether Sho was actually real and when going back through the film I think that he is in fact something else that takes us in a few time few time the time of my life and I owe it all to you now in order to explain this we have to look at the book in itself for context every chapter in it's opened by the narration of sheriff Bell which itself is mer in the opening of the movie I always like to hear about the oldtimers can't help but wonder how they'd operate at these times he begins by telling us the stories of old sheriffs and also some strange cases that he's come across before this includes a child abduction that he just can't get his head around and lastly ends there by saying this the crime you see now it's hard to even take its measure so this is very much his story as he's the only Survivor out of the quote unquote good guys now I I don't think he knows Sho well enough to actually include him properly this story is because the pair never meet though they are what you'd class as the hero and villain characters at no point do they ever come face to face it's a strange thing that people often criticize the movie for well they don't criticize it but they bring it up and that's because the pair both bit the archetypes of a classic Western you see back in the day kids Heroes would wear white hats and the villains would DP black that's the case with it here too and it's all done a place them at opposite ends of the spectrum now looking at your he pretty much kills everyone that he comes across except except for a few select characters picked up by the policeman at the start he ends up strangling him before then stealing a car from someone unlucky enough to cross his path the gas attendant lucky enough to live and the woman at the trailer is saved by a toilet flush aier he then ends up killing the businessmen and then the cartel members at the motel he then kills the checking guy at the hotel Carson Wells the chicken coup truck owner the guy who hired him and lastly colagene so there's very few people that encounter him that live to tell the tale and this was in a time before CCTV now in the latter part of the film The two people who might be able to place him there are either scared into not talking or they're just bored out are you going to shoot me that depends do you see me take it in you didn't see me I was already gone so there's a high possibility that sherff Bell wouldn't even get a description of him or any idea of what the villain of his story looked like now going back to the these first two people that encountered him there's a low possibility that they would talk to B either the gas station guy likely was in question because the police would have no way to truck the burned out cars Journey back to the station ask him that means that he would have had to report the crime himself which is still something you can argue whether would have happened even if he had have though it would have been that there was just a guy acting weird from earlier in the day which Bell might not have put together with the crimes the second woman would be someone that we would know would have been asked at some point in the film but he never brings her up or uses her as a way to lead to Moss so let's just scrap them as being people that would talk to cuz cuz this kind of theory it does kind of hinge on that so to me no only seear would end up giving that information back to Bell or the ones that would wouldn't do it out of fear of Retribution or because they were given money to keep quiet now beyond that we also see how Shar moves throughout the film even when he's walking around with a massive gun no one really sees him or pays attention to him Shar even blows up a car at Mike sau's Pharmacy for a distraction that keep keeps the attention locked solely on that as he walks in no one looks at him no one pays attention and in many ways he's just like a ghost now the key evidence that CH girl is just a figment of Bell's imagination comes at the motel in what would normally be the final showdown approaching the motel room we see Belle looking at a blown-off lock and can clearly catch someone in the reflection of it if you stare at it long enough that definitely looks like she girl and into cut with this are the scenes of him standing behind the door however when Bell opens it up nobody is there and the room's completely empty this highlights to me that shagar was never real and rather he acted as a manifestation of all of Bell's ideas about what the face of evil was the entire movie is basically about him realizing that he's not it out for this new reality in which Psychopaths run rampant and kill for pleasure the Know Country for Old Men that is about him and he often Ponders how the oldtimers would have handled modern day some of the old time Sheriff's never read more gun in the end B retires because he realizes he's not good out to catch men like shigar which is how he got away that he never encounters him and this in the end had to create this character for his story this is also highlighted to us in the film when we hear him discussing this you know Charlie Waller's got that place out east of Sanderson this is involving a story about a farmer who used a Bulan to kill cattle but it ended up ricocheting and hitting him in the Sher later on when colag asks about them he says was that a true story about Charlie waler who's Charlie wer to me this shows he likes to spin a tail in the moment but doesn't really hold much attachment to it because he knows it's not real that story of course has a bulon being used as a weapon and who else uses a bulun as a weapon that's right sugar you son of a I believe that Bell brought this across from his story about the farmer because that's just the weapon that was on his mind at the time the movie is simply Bell retelling a story that led to his retirement but the specifics of it are where things get hazy we never see what happens with a drug deal gone wrong I never see how Moss gets killed the fact is B knows the setting that stuff went down at but not the specifics which is why he skips over it instead I think Shar is an urban legend type figure who's been invented by Belle to explain the actions of either the cartel or bounty hunters hunting him making them one person simplifies the story and gives it its villain but in reality he never existed however the public audience and even B himself they all need someone they can point the finger at that is the killer who got away and escape the grasp of the law never to be seen again this ghost acts as a far better story and we can even look at our own history in order to support this that comes in the form of Jack the repper who's arguably the most famous serial killer of all time countless stories exist about him and these range from Comics to TV shows Games movies stage plays and more the riper was never caught and because of this there's been a number of theories about his identity people have believed he was the Royal Physician covering up the my deats of the crown the prince himself lowly doctors Beggars and so on we will never have conclusive proof and there's even some who suspect that the riper was more than one man that's because crimes like that had been perpetrated in White Chapel before there was no forensic evidence to conclusively link the crimes and there was also the possibility of there being copycat it's not completely out the question that there were several Murders At The Ripper figure didn't carry out but the legend makes it easier to put them all under the same Monica the name Shar also comes from the Spanish word segua which means to follow thus there is a possibility that even that was created by Sheriff beld but a person to these evil Deeds out rocked his County Shar is a boogeyman type figure along the lines of Michael Myers or even death himself in the story he never shows any emotion doesn't seem to have any real wants of goals but beyond getting the money and disappears mysteriously to never be seen again he also says that he comes with a coin on the same Journey that it did I got here the same way the coin indeed this in the end I think what we are looking at isn't a person per se and instead we are seeing B trying to comprehend the horror he witnessed in his mind he's still dealing in black and white rather than the wickedness that the world's now faced with it's easier to make a grim repaper type figure to explain this and the Shar fits the mole for the story shagar is a monster death personified who comes in and disappears without leaving any trace of himself there's no one to say they saw him most of the people left in his wake are dead and in the end no one ever really encounters him thus to me Shar is just a ghost and in the end he didn't really exist at least I think obviously I'd love to hear your thoughts on it so make sure you drop them below and also check out what is anti logic's video as it's it's really worth watching they're quickly becoming one of my favorite channels and also thanks to all you guys who told me I should watch them please drop a like on the video and if you want to support the channel as a member of the spoiler Society then please click the join button we're trying to do it for as cheap as possible we don't want anyone breaking the bank it's just 99 cents a month or 99 P very much a sort of give what you can but in exchange for that you'll get early access to videos every week the No Country FAL men one that went out a week early for members Back to the Future 3 all that so yeah if you like these videos then it's definitely worth supporting if you want to get some heavy spoilers merch like our the time one which we did this whole video on then that will be linked in the description below as well we got Marvel's on there House of dragon stuff and yeah thank you everyone who's bought one and supported us you some else to watch our big breakdowns on screen right now so definitely head over there right after this by the way huge thank you for sting through the video I've been your host Paul I'll see you next time you take care peace
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 78,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no country for old men, no country for old men breakdown, no country for old men ending explained, easter eggs, hidden details, things you missed, no country for old men movie details, no country for old men movie breakdown, no country for old men explained, no country for old men movie reaction, no country for old men movie easter eggs, ending explained, no country for old men things you missed, no country for old men analysis, film analysis, no country for old men making of
Id: QAJjpaFd88M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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