From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies and show you how they were made I'm James aice and today we're looking at from DUS Till Dawn released in 1996 real quick if you're the kind of person who likes to be surprised by movies maybe go ahead and watch this thing right now without any further info rarely does a movie shift this hard and it'd be a delight to see it unspoiled but even in this intro I'm going to have to talk about what happened since after all they included it in the marketing okay still here great From Dusk Till Dawn follows a pair of bank robbers who take a family hostage in order to escape to Mexico once there the movie suddenly turns into a ballsy bloody vampire flick with a whole lot of kills from D Till Dawn is a big indie film made by big Indie filmmakers directed by Robert Rodriguez and written by and co-staring Quenton Tarantino after meeting at a film festival where both their debut features screened Tarantino and Rodriguez became close friends bonding over an intense interest in film they'd collaborate again on 2007's Grindhouse each directing one of the the features of that double Bill Tarantino was at Peak power here coming off a writing Oscar win for Pulp Fiction he's one of those filmmakers who's kind of a mini genra unto himself like Wes Anderson or Tim Burton there are recurring visuals and themes that make it recognizably Tarantino dusk is no different and has plenty of direct references to his first two films from specific shots to specific hamburgers to specific lines okay Ramblers let's get rambling but Tarantino is only one half of this equation this is a Robert Rodriguez film and no one should dis attribute his work we don't need another Poltergeist on our hands know what I mean Rodriguez was without question the director of this film although Tarantino did make suggestions from time to time of course I didn't want to do it even if it worked so that he couldn't later say see I directed the whole movie Rodriguez who was only 26 at the start of filming was very Hands-On on set just like with his previous projects he'd often take the camera and film shots himself even if it meant rolling around on a skateboard Dolly on his back he also seemed Inseparable from his guitar during the shoot Dude Looks Like A filmmaking Bard or something the movie ends up being a mashup in terms of both filmmaker and genre that's largely enjoyable if you're a fan of Tarantino or Rodriguez if you're not it can be a little much I mean Tarantino plays a weird dude with a foot fetish what a surprise it's also a sometimes mean movie with nasty characters in the same territory as The Devil's Rejects hell the bad guys even harass an innocent family at a Mot tell but between its memorable performances and great creature effects there is a lot to love here and I do love it well our heroes hello guys I'm in it's time all right team today's sponsor manscaped has mastered the art of superior grooming and hygiene tools for your family jewels by my estimate they have 20 million balls in the mix so we're going to steal it the balls what no you can't steal balls no I meant the performance package 5.0 Ultra here I I'll walk you through this again um guys I'm already first there's the crop Soother and crop preserver the crop Soother Pampers delicate areas with essential moisture and soothing relief then the preserver deodorant gets to work keeping your funk at Bay next there's the weed whacker 2.0 it's designed to tackle nose and ear hairs with ease not to mention it's waterproof cordless and rechargeable got it not so fast word is he keeps his prized lawnmower 5.0 Ultra somewhere separate makes sense I know with a trimmer blade sporting wider round teeth to cut through hair with ease and a foil blade for a Sleek finish this is the performance package's Crown Jewel not to mention it has a bigger LED light than previous models USBC charging and it's waterproof writer Tim you got that Intel on where it is yeah yeah seems like our Mark Alias the pantsless keeps his lawnmower 5.0 guarded by a vicious Beast vicious Beast I I don't see any oh don't worry I packed you supplies for just this situation [Music] mission accomplished you don't need the crack dead meat team to secure your own performance package 5.0 Ultra you can care for your Family Jewels By going to and using promo code kill count 20 it'll get you 20% off free shipping and two free gifts all right will our heroes be able to live till dawn or will Another One Bite The Dusk let's find out and get to The Kills the movie begins on a dusty road Texas Ranger Earl McGrath stops at a liquor store to get a stiff drink or 12 he's going to need them a nearby bank robbery has left eight people dead and the perss will be passing through here on their way to the Mexican border girl heads to the bathroom and we see those bank robbers are already here complete with hostages easy to miss on a first time watch but you can actually see them when mcra walks in these are the Gecko brothers Smooth Criminal Seth and whiny little bro Richie Seth tells Pete the clerk to be cool pety bunny but Richie says he saw Pete signal the ranger it's a lie though this Psychopathic creep just wants an excuse to kill he proves it when McGraw returns abruptly executing the ranger by gunshot to the Head God his twitching is so fucked up despite dying here the character of Earl McGraw would be reprised by actor Michael Parks in Kill Bill volume one and both segments of grindhouse a shootout ensues during which Richie is shot in the hand and the two hostages Escape before Peete can crawl away Richie shoots out the boo behind him and Seth improvises to start a fire and flambay the poor bastard a dude in a burn suit jumps out and fires off some last shots but Pete is killed when the brothers pop a cap in his ass and no cap pop is corn I believe it's stunt coordinator Steve Davidson doing this fire stunt it's always fun to watch the people with fire extinguishers rush in but it's not always fun to see the performers wear face masks of other actors this shit's going to haunt my dreams outside Seth scolds Richie for making a mess of things low profile the meaning of the word low profile as the building burns the bickering Brothers drive off into the sun sunet stopping only momentarily for a freeze frame ha got you there when they get back into motion a weird x-ray effect shows the bank teller they're keeping in the trunk what is she in the car's thought bubble the geckos get a room at the Tarantino trunk shop Motel G this poor lady Gloria already you're hoping she can find a way to survive these guys and I mean Seth yeah sure maybe but fucking Richie I don't like her chances Seth hopes to use Gloria to get them across the border to a criminal Safe Haven called the lray he promises her that she'll survive as long as she follows their rules if you make a noise Mr 44 makes a noise the brother's path of Destruction is covered on the news which has its own kill count going on they're boosting their numbers with offscreen victims though and we don't do that kind of sensationalizing here at dead meat oh shit were these two killing people in springwoods jurisdiction cuz that's the sax man himself the late John Saxon as an FBI agent we've seen him in Black Christmas and a nightmare in Elm Street of course and though his Cameo here is quick I'm still glad we got a big old face full of sacks set that's to go tend to some things and unwisely leaves their hostage with his paranoid little bro things immediately start to suck for her you want to come over on the bed and watch TV with me a man the news just told us that Richie is a sex offender for the love of God dude leave this poor woman alone take out your shoes well she's either dead or Tarantino is going to cast her in his next movie unfortunately it's the former Seth returns from launch and is disgusted to find that his brother has raped and murdered Gloria while he was away Richard what's wrong with you so very much dude Richie says Gloria tried to run away but Seth knows his brother isn't an honorable Thief like he is this is not me I am a professional fucking thief I don't kill people that I don't have to and I don't fucking rape women Seth gecko has killed many innocent people he's not a good man he only seems like one compared to his horrendous brother also helps that he's played by George Clooney one of the most handsome men to ever live dudes like Cody rhs he can be charming and professional even with an awful neck tattoo this was one of Clooney's first major movie roles after having gained Fame as a TV actor on ER earlier film credits were lowbudget Fair like return to horror high and return of the Killer Tomato lots of returning it's weird to see him on a set before he was an A-list Mega star where he's fucking up his lines and getting frustrated fuck fuck fuck Tarantino suggested Clooney for the role because he was a fan of ER and even went on to direct an episode Rodriguez gave Clooney lots of close-ups and action scenes because he wanted to make him a movie star which to his credit is pretty much exactly what happened I wanted him to come and portray someone who sends people to the ER with Gloria dead the brothers need a new hostage or two to get them across the border lucky for them a whole RV of them just pulled up at the motel this is the Fuller family patriarch Jacob and his kids Scott and Kate though it looks like they're on their way to a Jurassic Park Convention they're actually on vacation SLS soul searching trip for Jacob he's an ex Pastor fleeing his flock since his wife's recent death ushered in a crisis of Faith don't you believe in God anymore not enough to be a pastor the room service at the motel comes courtesy of the Gecko brothers who take the family at gunpoint while slinging slurs and insults oh God a teenage girl in the swimsuit should not be in the same room as Richie Seth gives them the same deal he gave Gloria get them to Mexico and they'll be home free but of course Rich's already having waking wet dreams about Kate Richie would you do me a favor and eat my py for me please no you weirdo she didn't actually say that and stop staring at her feet they head to Mexico never to make it to their convention damn Jacob was a shoin for the John Hammond cosplay contest during the drive Jacob Reveals His wife was killed in a car crash that left her slowly dying for 6 hours Seth commiserates in his own special way Zs of God really stick it in and break it off don't they yes they do Jacob was played by Harvey kitel who played mr's white and wolf in Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction his daughter Kate is played by a 23-year-old Juliet Lewis who was last seen on the kill count in MA Lewis is one of my favorite actors and NAB Oscar Nom as an 18-year-old and Cape Fear which gave her some street cred over the more novice Clooney no matter what George Clooney says he was he was intimidated when he he found out he's going to work with me the two of them seem to have a nice friendship going on and she looks like a fun person to have on set I love this blooper of her doing that fantasy line would you do me a favor and eat my pussy for me please I'm Hamming it up let me just say do one more I'm just sweating that fucking coffee is crazy prior to this film Lewis had just appeared in Natural Born Killers a another movie that started Life as a Tarantino script at the checkpoint Jacob and Scott talk to border control while the brothers hide with Kate in the bathroom a sibling spat nearly blows their cover but Seth knocks out Richie and Kate covers for them by pretending to be on the pot okay Officer liil L you can go now the group gets into Mexico making Seth very happy again in his own special way we're fucking in Mexico you little piece of fucking shit he directs Jacob to the rendevu a wild and dirty Desert Oasis known as the titty twister this biker bar has invested heavily in neon lights and pyrotechnics as well as a hype man standing out front with the Curious name of Chet pussy wonder why he's called that we got white P black py Spanish P yellow P oh okay that makes sense now we got hot py cold py we got wet P we got smelly what hope you got some gyos on hand too cuz some of that don't sound right Chad is played by cheich Marin one half of the stoner comedy duo chich and Chong chich also appeared as the border control guard earlier and would work with Rodriguez again and Spy Kids hopefully not playing jet pussy Seth beats that pussy up to gain entry with Richie doubling back to kick him while he's down the little creep Seth prefers his cheap shots in the form of liquor so he gathers the group around a bottle of whiskey and gets the kids started young this bar is a hell of a set and a hell of a sensor job for my editors my poor editors the clientele includes tough customers like frost who'd rather Stack Up dominoes than shack up with dancers another biker the aply named sex machine uses a phallic firearm to scare off K&B co-founder Greg nicaro and a cameo sex machines in effects machine since he's played by Gore daddy Tom savini who would go on to act again for Tarantino and Rodriguez it's fun to see these two effects artists together since savini helped niiko break into the business back on Romero's Day of the Dead this is great niiko we've know each other for many many years the rry is interrupted by bartender Razer Charlie played by Danny tro a four-time kill count veteran and Rodriguez regular Charley's here to Hype up the night's Main Event the Mistress of the MAA the epitome of evil kneel and worship at the feet of Santano pandon Santano and her Serpentine sidekick perform a dance giving us one of the sexiest appearances ever put to Celluloid savini is going to have to fabricate himself a new jaw since his just fell to the floor even that other dancer is getting hot watching her and this is her job the role of Santano was originally written for Madonna but was changed when Rodriguez wanted to incorporate more Latin lore Tarantino suggested sahayak based on her dancing in Rodriguez's segment of the Anthology film four rooms she had already worked a bunch in Mexico but had just broken through in Hollywood the year prior in Rodriguez's Desperado she was actually terrified of snakes and had to do extensive reptile research and use hypnosis to get comfortable dancing with one so I had to learn how to go on trans so that I could overcome my biggest fear so I was on trans when I was doing dead T it was worth it her performance here is legendary Kim Kardashian dressed up as the character last Halloween does it add anything to the film I mean yeah she's kind of hypnotizing everyone but in any case I can tell you exactly why it was written yeah I'm sure Richie is the guy this chick would pick out of the crowd to do this to God damn it Quenton the footsy fun times are cut short when cck comes back inside to confront the brothers backed by Razer Charlie and another bouncer named big amelo in the ensuing fight Charlie widens the hole in Richie's hand but then stands there long enough for Richie to take the knife out and stab him with it what the fuck the brothers managed to fight their way out making sure to to do it in Tarantino style you know I love early Tarantino as much as the next Millennial film bro but I am glad his later films were a bit more varied now you may have noticed there were no kill Graphics during that fight if you're wondering why well get a gander of the green blood on that knife turns out this club is run by Undead vampires motherfuckers godamn shit sucking vampires and the best thing about them is that their first victim is Richie when Santano Chomps into his neck Seth manages to shoot her off but not in time to save his brother who bleeds out to death he won't be missed the bar staff bars the exit and all hell breaks loose as they turn the crowd into a biker buffet dinner is served oh 90 CG how Charming you are a killfest breaks out and I can count seven off the bat as throats are slit throats are bit heads are thrown and corpses are slapped like the Bas bet those notes are wet I'm not sure how that saxophone works but it looks cool Frost and sex machines successfully fight off their as salance while Jacob leaves his kids behind the bar and just kind of disappears for a while what the fuck dude Chad finishes up a bar snack he was working on and then turns his Munchies towards the Fuller children you know what everybody says about me huh I suck boo annoyed by his bad joke Kate feeds him her cross necklace causing him to get all gross and spury oh shit and spew out his eyeballs like a deadite fuck yeah Frost manages to fight off four lady vampires and turns the table on them using a turn table that's efficient bartender Charlie goes all Chewbacca on another Patron he should have let the vampire win then he notices sex machine napping himself a s ball with a pool stick or rather more like a pool steak wow nice and tiny little pile he's got going there Charlie sizes up the competition but sex Machi whips him into shape sinking a last shot into Charlie's chest he even calls the shot as the vampire's body melts down two eyeballs Corner Pockets Santano bats Seth around you know pun intended and gives him a dress down dressing down you'll be my foot stool oh sorry lady you've got the wrong gecko he shoots the chandelier above her which impels Sano and turns her into a not so Eternal wait a metal chandelier counts a St akes that doesn't seem right Jacob returns from wherever he was just in time to face off against big Amelia who's walking around breaking necks like nobody's business at this point I'll also go ahead and add the nine dead and dying victims we see in the background here Frost steps into the fight with a oneliner that wouldn't be as badass coming from a different actor yo monkey man anything you got to say to them say to me first Fred Williamson was known as The Hammer from his time playing football oh he'd go on to be an icon of 70s black exploitation movies appearing in films like Black Caesar B man bolt and three the hard way Frost goes full Dumb and Dumber dream sequence and rips out big Amelio's heart but the move doesn't kill the vampire until sex machine turns it into a shish kebab with a number two wooden steak our surviving quartet keeps kicking ass don't stop them now they're having such a good time it's enough hey come on I said don't stop them now as the remaining dancer vampires square up with the surviving adults we see a wide shot that gives us 24 more backr ground bodies to count this excludes Frost tabl Toppers since we already counted them earlier the boys make quick work of their foes with various headbutts gunshots and Stakes through the heart the vampire bodies burn up and sure it's weird CG but at least they leave practical mush on the ground behind all that's left is the house band who decide to close the ACT early fuck you everybody good night and just blow the fuck up I guess I'll count them as kills huh talk about an explosive finale when the dust settles the only people left standing are Frost sex machine Seth and Fullers I'm assuming no one managed to get through the locked door so I'll add 24 more victims to round out these 60 total Club patrons that we saw in wide shots earlier we didn't see them killed but they were in there and I'm guessing they're now just kind of uh all over the place the survivors get a moment to breathe and Seth gets a moment to mourn his younger brother I love you um why don't forget though this is still a vampire movie I love you too Richie's back but not for long so don't worry okay after a brief hesitation and put his brother on on the kill count a second time we get to see Richie die again when Seth hammers a steak into his chest and gives him heartburn this movie's effects Extravaganza comes courtesy of the legendary K&B effects the whole film actually originated with an idea from co-founder Robert kurtzman he wanted a movie that would promote KB's work so he wrote a 24-page treatment that was expanded on by Tarantino who at the time was still an unknown video clerk Tarantino wrote the script for only $1,500 in return K&B did the effects on his first feature Reservoir Dogs for free kurtzman would struggle to make the film for almost a decade until Pulp Fiction's success got Studios interested in the project this crew is not in the clear yet since the Legion of vampire bats has descended on the titty twister even worse the dead patrons have begun to turn as well one legless Vamp gets a hold of Kate before she's saved by a do sex Machina what's your name bil Kate what's yours sex machine pleased to meet you Kate another trucker attacks the group but he's promptly defrosted by a matchbox and a whole lot of fire the gang sets out to stake the dead bar patrons before they have a chance to rise as V vampires sex machine quickly puts down three without any hesitation but this level of violence is new for Kate she only finds her resolution when a jump scared jump starts her into action man I love Juliet Lewis's physical comedy here awesome work great job sex machine gets the short end of the stake though since as he puts down one more vampire attacker his arm is bitten in the process he pulls the classic zombie movie hidey-ho and conceals the bite from the rest of the group for all the onscreen Mayhem from Dust Till Dawn was just as chaotic behind the scenes the movie had a familiar crew who had previously worked with Rodriguez or Tarantino or both at the same time conditions were often rough sometimes shooting in 120° weather or for long hours without breaks I think we worked 18 hours today and I'm still working on my computer on time cards to make sure that we're getting 5 meal penalties plus 50 bucks non- taxable cash production did secure health care for everyone though which people seemed pretty pumped about Rodriguez's Indie filmmaking habits of doing everything himself and employing non-union crew members did didn't sit well with the labor union AI especially due to the movie's budget of almost $20 million ayi actually posted up outside the set in Old L's Warehouse in East LA to protest the production forcing Rodriguez's crew to shoot all the interior scenes for the first 5 weeks that ended up working in favor for the movies effects we couldn't go outside until the strike was over so we were in there five weeks so we just kept going what else can we come up with they were coming up with gags and kills on the spot with nicot Tero running back to the Workshop to see what they could do judging from deleted scenes they filmed way more than they could fit in the movie including a Mortal Kombat fatality looking kill and one where a guy's decapitated by some thing like tummy tea there's an excellent featurelength documentary about this movie's chaotic production by filmmaker Sarah Kelly called Full Tilt Boogie it's a cool look at the film making process and features interviews with all sorts of crew members from the truck drivers to the craft Services guy from the second second ad to the assistance to Quenton Tarantino and George Clooney I hate going to Taco Bell for him I highly recommend it if you're interested in an in-depth look at what a movie set is like everyone regroups to talk vampire killing strategies which includes fun genre references from genre veterans all you got to do is put two sticks together you got a cross yeah he's right Peter Cushing does that all the time Seth thinks their greatest weapon will be a man of the cloth so he tries to reactivate Jacob's Holiness are you faithless preacher are you a mean motherfucking servant of God I'm a mean M servant of God only Harvey kitel can make the censored version sound cooler unbeknown to everyone sex machine is transforming in the background it's another spot of great physical comedy this time coming from savini by time he's Looney tuning up Frost's shoulders he's a full-blooded blood sucker biting both Frost and Jacob a son of a bitch Frost accidentally throws sex machine through a window letting the bats inside as he completes his own transformation which will put Frost's human form on the count Seth leads Kaden Scott to to a back room where one vampire narrowly gets to them before he blows its head off Jacob takes Refuge under the bar where he finds a baseball bat and a Boomstick he fashion them into an impromptu cross and starts a religion Reggie from fantasm would be eager to join he deploys the holy Firepower against the Unholy horde which looks a little funky since they didn't have enough monster performers for the scene they had to shoot the same dozen or so against blue screens and C them all together and post in any case the heaven fire works against them so I'll count the two vampires he shoots down as makes his way to the back room Jacob reunites with his kids but that bite on his arm means he's already dead the group decides they'll make a Last Stand Together before Jacob turns and luckily these Vamps have been feasting on Shady truckers and biker gangs for years that gives us this genius plot device of a storage room chalk full of Contraband they find all sorts of things during a kick-ass Montage their van Hing Arsenal includes a holy water Super Soaker and a jackhammer turned pneumatic Staker and sure K you can take a crossbow whatever kills these vampires before we get more silly shots like this one of them slowly walking down the hallway they're looking like the cave dwellers from The Descent here before they leave Jacob makes his kids promise to kill him when he turns even threatening to do it himself right now if they don't God damn God man in an earlier draft of the script Jacob gave a speech that was eventually retooled into the Ezekiel monologue from Pulp Fiction with the children sufficiently traumatized the group wads into the vampire suit in the ensuing braw the humans score 13 kills using crossbows cross guns a jackhammer heart jaer and a couple of holy water hand grenades Seth is attacked by a mean lean sex machine but manages to steal his whip using it to decapitate the bat biker this machine must run on Energizer though cuz it keeps going Kate finishes him off with her crossbow oh wait a minute no she doesn't there's still another stage to this mini boss fight as sex machine's body pulls apart to reveal a nasty looking rat man it almost takes a bite out of Seth but he kicks it into a nearby fire finally decommissioning sex machine but I ain't putting this last version of him on the count since it was more rodent than human oid that nasty Master Splinter was actually a $40,000 puppet with a remote controlled head and cable controlled limbs I can't believe they really set it on fire for the death scene Jacob fights with a fanged frost stabbing his shotgun straight through him and shooting three vampires straight through him hell yeah Jacob gets ready to finish Frost off but he melts away on his own in the face of such bad assery sometimes you've just got to impress your foes to death Jacob gets ready to do more damage but suddenly the vampires stop attacking him that's because Jacob's flip flap to the bad side putting an end to his human life Scott notices but hesitates to shoot his father allowing Jacob to take a bite out of his son God man damn it Scott hits Jacob with holy water a little late but it gets him nice and gnarly I mean dude's missing half his face now then Scott says a prayer I swear to God in Jesus Christ's name and blows his father away Scott's not sticking around for long after his dad goes since a gaggle of Vampire start tucking into him he begs for Kate to put him out of his misery and his sister dutifully complies shooting her brother and triggering during a holy hell of an explosion that also takes a bunch of vampires onto the count with it there's not much time to mourn since Kate and Seth are running low on ammo and family members things are looking pretty dire till Seth notices the monsters trying to Mission Impossible their way past beams of sunlight Kate starts shooting a bunch of holes in the walls since they've finally gone from Dust to Dawn they're aided by the arrival of some off-screen reinforcements the Shady customers who were meant to meet Seth and Richie in the first place when the incoming sunlight hits a disco ball the remaining vampires are blown apart in a series of fiery explosions Seth and Kate narrowly escaped the destruction in a stunt that was the first thing they filmed with the titty twister facade production designer Cecilia Montiel headed the team that built this thing out in Barstow amidst extreme temperatures it took him a while to do it and then it immediately caught fire with the first thing they filmed no we weren't supposed to burn the facade then no Mon and her team had to rebuild part of it and Lean Into the Now scorched look we just didn't think there'd be this much fire oh man it must have been so frustrating to see the them titties on fire like that outside Seth punches their savior in the face Carlos was his criminal contact at the lray and the man who sent him to the titty twister in the first place you never been here before no Carlos is played by cheich Marin showing up again although this third role wasn't actually meant for Carlos was originally played by Chip's actor Eric Estrada but when he dropped out Rodriguez just put chich in again Seth is downright pissed about the night's events so Carlos makes it up to him with the currency of the criminal which is just currency Seth gives Kate some cash and she offers to tag along with him to the ALR but we all know that's a bad idea may be a bastard but I'm not a fucking bastard Kate is left to drive home in her family's RV and the movie ends with a wide shot that reveals the titty twister is the top floor of an ancient Aztec ruin talk about a titty twist how many people were left with Fang overs at Mexico's baddiest bar let's find out and get to the numbers oh uh fuck you very much I counted a whopping 145 kills in from DP till Dawn the victims consisted of one female human 69 male humans nice 21 female vampires 17 male vampires and 37 no feratu looking vampires of indeterminate gender that gives us this batshit five wedge pie chart a five chart and with a runtime of 108 minutes that left us with a kill on average every [Music] 44.698743 love the effect of him melting and oozing all over the place there are a lot of big gross kills in this movie but none are as sweet as pussies D machete for lamus kill will honestly go to Richie dude's the biggest piece of shit in the movie and he gets got from a single neck bite and that's it from DUS Till Dawn was released in 1996 to mixed reviews and a disappointing box office run it since gained cult status and was followed by both a sequel and a prequel as well as a TV series probably shouldn't hold your breath for me to cover them but until next time I'm James a Jes this is been the kill count thanks a lot for watching this kill count for from DUS Till Dawn I don't know if you feel the same way but I really feel like the kill count and the channel are hitting a really good stride lately and because of that on Sunday we're going to have a little video out reminding people that we're back kind of even though uh we haven't really been gone but I see people on like Tik Tok and other places think that I never came back from my break from like a year ago so yes Sunday there will be a video detailing everything we've been up to and everything we've got coming up that'll be in place of the they talk finale that thing has become way too much work for zor to get done in the time he has so the they talk Halloween 2 episode will be out at uh some point in the future otherwise we're sticking to our planned Sunday schedule of having the dead meat horror Awards come out on Sunday March 3rd followed by our brand new series production Tales From Hell hosted by Chanty K Robinson there will be five episodes of those coming out every Sunday starting on March 10th even if the views uh oddly don't reflect it I'm really proud of what we've been doing lately so let me know in the comments if you are too and if you have thoughts or opinions on what we should be doing different let me know that too always down to hear your feedback thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 1,174,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, from dusk till dawn, from dusk till dawn reaction, from dusk till dawn full movie, salma hayek, george clooney, quentin tarantino, harvey keitel, vampire movie, Robert Rodriguez, Juliette Lewis, Danny Trejo, Cheech Marin, Tom Savini, Fred Williamson, John Saxon, John Hawkes, gecko brothers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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