The Lord Brought You Here to Tell You 'I Love You, You Are My Own Self'

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Psyzook9 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ooh [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I was technology I would like to play the prayer dedicated to the Christ Chapel in sahaja as I said you one time all the music that comes is it's your love is your grace coming through me a form of music it's the the grace of the Lord so my music is not mine is it's yours so I just want to ya say thank you because it's it's just a privilege to feel your love and your grace and they just flourish in him music so thank you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it can't stay one moment Oh namaste welcome everyone to satsang today and I would like to say welcome of course all the many friends around the world who who are joining us for today's satsang wherever you may be around the world welcome to satsang as I was coming in today we just ended these beautiful roses by the door and it arose in my heart to dedicate and to offer these roses to the beautiful people of India and also to the very beautiful people of Pakistan and my prayer today is may your each beautiful countries continue to live in peace and may others follow an established peace and may truth and love become contagious again on this planet that people will come to know peace but also in finding peace it is important that we find who we are in truth and when we discover the truth of ourselves not as a philosophical discovery loss is intellectual discovery not as an emotional discovery not a psychological discovery not a biological discovery but discovery of our timeless nature of our unity with the god self may that understanding come into the heart in the mind of every human being it may seem to be a very far-fetched hope but because I know what I'm speaking about is ever-present and is the only thing that is consistently unchanging on this in this world then I feel that my words in my heart actual so thank you thank you thank you thank you to India for making us feel welcome wherever we have come from in the world to be here today and made a longing the true longing inside the heart of each one be satisfied and if satisfaction can only come to grace and true understanding which come from the supreme self let it be so let it be so oh honey Shanti Shanti Alleluia amen thank you thank you namaste welcome to satsang everyone thank you okay you come thank you master thank you sorry I wasn't expecting to get so emotional I am wondering why some beings get this so much quicker than others this anchoring and I've had these joyful happy just very serene peaceful moments in my life but I cannot seem to stay anchored in it and I sometimes find myself feeling jealous and and getting confused why some beings just get this and very few and I and I think why would God's grace do that why would he give this to some beings so quickly and to others it seems to sort of drag on on and off why I don't feel that it's in the play of life there is giving and there is receiving this gift this offering this knowledge has always been in the world but the world has not always been in this knowledge don't blame God and say oh I give the salmon orders it's being offered to everyone why because the capacity is within you to grasp this you ask why some grasp it quicker than others you see we have no statistics we have no research to say this is y and this but I have a sense that actually and I've been doing nothing other than trying to explain where the mistake lies so that each one can recognize and say AHA it is in mistaken identity it isn't a mistaken the wrongly placed identity you see and how did it happen in the first place and it seems as though if I could give an example if I should say in the same way that all the beings living in the ocean are wet all the beings who come into manifestation get conditioned into believing that they are the body which is necessary for the consciousness to experience existence and diversity but is necessary but it's not the problem but is not a curse but we each seem to be referring to ourself our personal idea of ourselves as the fact of who we are and I'm only endeavouring to show you not to give to you because you are already that to reveal that that identity is also shaped by consciousness but it is a very limited form of consciousness and that if life is really generous and we are going to find out if it is or not then it would be to discover that even this sense of personhood which we feel is the fact of who we are will be revealed to be the fiction of who we are watch from the fact of our discover itself and I endeavor that that is proven today if you say then ok but you know why some get it more than others on which side are you placing yourself by the way obviously I'm not the one that gets it quickly although you know Mooji I have to say I have had like these moments of deep abiding undescribable peace yes enjoy why it doesn't last is because the one who is experiencing it is not consistent it's not because the thing is not consistent but the one you take yourself to be is not consistent it is fluctuating changeful feeling like this today feeling like that tomorrow how can that inconsistent identity perceive that which is consistently happy consistently job I want to show and I want to prove it to you actually that if it is recognized because you feel that you have the sense but I am Here I am constant I'm constantly myself and I say well actually your constant more at the place of presence or conscious presence or as the witness your more constant there than you are as the person the person is or is not stable it is fluctuate come and go today it fees are that too more it feels like this it is not a reliable consistent state and it's that state that you're referring to as yourself and hopefully at the end of this conversation you will come to see that that is really not what you truly are but the idea or the impression you have of who you are it is not stable now we have to move on from this point I'm only saying this now ok when you speak of yourself you know you say yes I have had moments I have had periods of this joy of deep peace and so on but it goes away I'm not able to stay there so by saying that you automatically assume that there the place you're talking about and you are different and it takes effort to be there but it will take effort for the one you take yourself to be because you don't understand that do you really is that there you're talking about and I want to show because it's not enough that I just say it because your mind really is the one that really hears it and is trying to make sense of that but I want to show you another place the deeper place you see so speaking out a few words on let's start let's see what happened carry on from here for me sometimes I have very strong anger comes up in me as well and everything about you is sometimes everything about you is sometime sometime and is sometime like that this is indicative actually of the state sometimes something somehow there is a power in you that is able to acknowledge and to observe even the one who says yes sometimes I am like this and something something observes sometime Ness that which is able to to observe the play of sometimes I'm like this and at all the times are like that that which observes sometime Ness is that itself sometimes excuse me slow down let's take a look because this look is a very important and valuable look that which is able to say sometimes I am like that and other times I am like this that which is observing and seeing some time as that place of observing relative to the some time less it is watching is it sometimes no but I won't accept the answer from your head something says no it isn't but that does not lead to a deeper fulfillment you see it has to become your experience where are you looking from we see you say yes sometimes like this and sometimes like that don't identify with or don't log into the play of some timeless just observe with some detachment just observe mmm you with me yes so from the very observing place that which is observing is that a some timeless thing does that word of some timeless apply to that or is it constant and consistent that field of seeing I know it's going to take a few goals because your mind is not used to getting around that but even watch this even the mind trying to understand that is also observed isn't it I can wait even the attempt of the mind to try as I didn't quite get that even that is observed or observable finding myself afraid to answer that because can I say something I'm gonna push up this okay I'm finding myself unable to answer that is also an impression and a feeling arising in you that is also observable you are trying to get somewhere with a feeling but I'm more interested in that which simply observe that because that feeling will soon be gone that feeling and that identity will soon be gone because it's just traffic it's like clouds passing but you have the impression that you are the stable one experiencing unstable states and affected by them and I know how difficult what I am saying can sound because also there's a little resistance inside to really follow what I'm speaking because if you follow what I'm speaking it will take you to yourself that's not quite true because even though you being taken to yourself that you is not true if I'm if I've gone too far I'll stop and we can try another way of speaking but this is as direct as I can be with you for now as in accordance with your capacity to follow me because as long as there's a strong personal identity in you that's where you think you are hearing from that is the you that you feel need to make progress to get more deeply towards the goal which you say is your true self for me all of that is imagined sometimes I find it hard to distinguish between my mind and my consciousness I get that is kind of I guess the more identified you are the more strongly identified you are with your imagined self the harder it might be to be able to tell what's coming from your being and what you see because the more you're identified with your the sense of personhood the more blinded you are into seeing things in the holistic way the more there is in you a strong identity in personhood that personhood limitation is not able to comprehend the whole and yet it is not truth I know these words first your first talk I'm having in the morning and may seem like whoa whoa I'm just not getting this I'm not getting it's okay you will but you must get it now so you're saying I where you are speaking from is a place that most beings know and are familiar with and identify with this done we say I am you know I I find it very difficult to do this yesterday I it was introduced to you I say a fresh exercise and it's called I watching watching the I did anybody remember what I said about it did it prove to be effective or not and what is this exercise I say whenever you speak the most potent and most powerful word or concept is I because it is the firstborn of all concepts because as soon as the I arise then the sense of you or other can arise the sense of other cannot arise if the sense of I is not there because it's in respect to the I that the sense of other is I don't know if you catch it so I is always there the I feeling is there but the I feeling is given to the sense of personhood whereas the natural sense of I represents consciousness when you say I its indicate consciousness I am consciousness um-um means exist I exist but this natural I exist feeling is confused with the person and the person is a very restricted very contracted state okay keep on let's see we must go through therefore what I said is whenever as use begin to speak even think with what identity are you speaking watch that just watch it is it personal is it impersonal are you speaking as the pure consciousness or are you speaking as merely the body or are you speaking as a sense of a personal self it's important to watch and you'll probably almost always see that when you refer to yourself it's as a person it's part of our cultural conditioning and everyone almost everyone relate to and refer to themselves from the position of the eye person rather than as eye consciousness this is why ramana maharishi he say that i removes the eye and yet remains the eye the paradox of self-realization what is he speaking about the natural intuitive sense I am transcends or overcomes the eye me personal conviction and again remain in its natural state I am I exist it's from that I exist state that I'm asking you that you can observe your person and its world as soon as you recognize this everything begins to change for you your world becomes much much more expansive more light more open less afraid more peaceful and not a piece not a piece of peace peaceful consistently right okay consistently I when I had these moments of being what I find myself okay let's do the exercise right now who are you referring to when you say when I is it just do the check with me when I do this and when I do that what is the I are referring to look at its position is it a person is it the pure self is that the body alone speaking is it the mind alone speaking respond watch it what are you referring to yourself as is it personal or impersonal is it from the place of consciousness or is it from the place of the person hmm you see what we are doing here would be an exercise that probably many many years ago very few people would have had the chance to sit with this type of guidance because the majority of people not concerned about these things just bless me bless me bless me give me more money more success you know but this is the kind of looking that will bring you back into your freedom trust it a little follow it and see what you discover even right now from where you are referring and to who you're referring to you as yourself is it personal or is it impersonal is it from the place of conscious a simple question I'm having a hard time seeing that when the statement that I was gonna make was when I am in the being what I find myself doing is laughing hysterically at life because I can see none of it is serious but then to get pulled back into this the pattern of the habit of getting pulled back into that is that we can go into engine people out of is not you that which can be pulled about can be can go into and come out of obviously something watches or is aware of the sense of pulling being pulled into enjoying and then being pulled out of something watches this but you're not conscious that it is you a deeper place within you is able to watch this shallower movement of going in and coming out because it has not been pointed out it's now being pointed out the sense of going into you say when I'm in this state of being I laugh at just how shallow my feelings were about things because I'm more stable here yes grace gives you that that example an experience but it is momentary because you are perceiving and thinking that it is your person having this experience but in that pure experience your person is not there it's not that you changed you were exchanged your a person was not there that's why you're so happy and your presence not there you're really happy but from your mind you think well my person is there my world is finished that is a big delusion one which I'm if you follow you may come to see today that Wow I was just imagining all these things and imagining they were true and I can see now it's just made up in my mind and believed in my mind I really don't want to sit here explaining I'd rather go on a ride with you to walk with you Judy's example looking and discovering I'm not in a classroom I'm not teaching you on a blackboard I want to go for the ride all the way Mooji I'm not I don't want this in installments either I am NOT I flew all the way from Santa Cruz to be in your presence yeah not because I want okay okay I get the point okay then how much you can follow me if I say let me try another simple away maybe if you write here as you're standing here now if I ask you don't try to destroy anything or suppress anything or develop anything simply don't cling to anything for a moment that's the simplest advice now don't cling to any idea don't hold on to any idea a fresh idea or an old idea even to the sense of identity of who you think you are who you think you are just for a moment just leave them right where they are and don't cling to them it's possible we can start here yes so just any history about yourself any biography your self-assessment just suspend that for a moment just for a little bit just for the short time we talked okay don't hold on to any shape and any projections up to about the future like I came all the way here I hope I go back just don't touch any idea or concept for if it is possible it feels agreeable for you okay so just be empty of of don't be a container of ideas or intentions or memory for a moment just be empty of them because we can do that and anyone else can follow so a let go just be completely empty of this in a short while you can go and pick them back up if you want but just for the moment just leave them leave all this stuff okay notice how it feels if you're not holding on to anything for a moment just notice what your inner environment is like you're not holding on to any there's no valuable or favorite concepts for a moment just leave it it's good yes okay and also the idea okay I've done that okay now what we do and I say no next don't don't touch even the idea of next so the next thing is now don't touch next so just be with this okay don't hold on to anything about your your body like okay I'm a woman or a man okay we know that just but we'd have to hold that just let that just be so you can just be empty for a moment it's good just be like this so you don't have to be focusing on any scenario or any idea or any intention at all there's nothing to look at there's no pictures you're not reporting about a movie so how are you right now just give me a piece ask you for some feedback for a moment I think I feel nothing you feel nothing okay is there any any quality like a negative quality about this nothing just just I want to say this because sometimes we say nothing and it's coming from the mind is like nothing it's not what I want no but just be nothing okay is it a negative or positive state empty say it maybe is not what your mind came here for maybe your mind is thinking well okay but you know when am I gonna get enlightened or whatever it is forget about enlightening for a moment just from one forget about all these even enlightenment forget about it from them and just be empty it's possible what is happening with you I guess my mind wants to turn it into some sort of sensation okay the emptiness and yeah so what we're not gonna go there are we no because if you go there we're not here with this your mind wants to do something that's the habit you know it doesn't matter what the mind wants to do for the moment we say we're not gonna be the servant of the mind for the moment we're gonna be empty or far am I so even if it's out there scratching against the walls of your mind okay just leave it there's nothing to do about it but don't log into its pull does that make any sense yes yes just stay as you are the empty of that you cannot stop someone from coming off the street and knocking on your front door but you can stop yourself from opening to that so I'm saying don't be open to the mind pull simply stay as you are so even if mind is knocking and saying it's me come on I just want to say hello and you say well hello no but just hoping to do a little bit so don't engage with this so just as you are it's okay are you feeling embarrassed about this no okay so just stay like this empty empty not engage not a container of anything not a retainer of any just empty of this it's not difficult okay doesn't matter what the mind want to do you're aware the mind want to do something but not now stay as you are keep paying attention not what is happening outside in the in the space of feelings and and sensations and so on but just now how is your inner environment don't imagine there's no doctor don't imagine don't create just observe how are you internally now we have to think about it no in coming to my end I okay ask was coming to my hand you see your mind is right there I'll help you I'll help you I said no no you don't need the minds help that's been the problem here always what can we do no no you don't Trump just leave him alone for a minute you see look look it's so hard so hard to be without your mind even for a little bit why is that so hard it's not hard you are thinking it is hard and believing you're thinking right how did shatter that when you want to do this we can stop I can't examine okay well cut the the the the commentary okay for wonderful better word but cut the eyes okay cut that for a minute now and just stay in the place of yer don't log on you can observe without combining and getting involved in this it's possible or not and if you feel it hasn't been possible until now I'm only talking about now are you and your mind holding hand here thank you good so in this as you are now not combined with anything just pay attention you know I'm not asking you to do anything some spiritual gymnastics I'm just saying leave everything for a moment a simple advice leave everything leave everything everything even the desire for enlightenment for a moment even the need to meet God just leave it for one moment because so far your mind has been collecting all these intentions so leave all this stuff for a moment if you leave everything everything that can be taken out is taken out now just taking out what remain just pay attention what remain don't imagine what remain do you have to go somewhere to find out now what remain nothing nothing okay nothing is there any peace there yes yes you can confess it's okay it's not just nothing is it just black hole or is there some pieces there it's a piece yes anything else is yet there is a Choi Choi well it's coming quick okay some joy is there what else is there it's gratitude so emptiness nothing peace joy gratitude not what we expected in the nothingness justice ja Siena okay do you feel disappointment no disappointment let me just ask you a little bit more know what you're discovering are you creating no no are you efforting to maintain them no I feel no efforts huh no no no what you are discovering here now you're discovering something but where has it been all this time it's always been here yeah just blocked by my mind my thinking yeah I forget that yes no commentary just like reciprocated yeah yeah the mind is waiting like I can help you no no you don't need just for a bit and let him stay outside and shine your shoes or something you just stay here you're discovering that somehow when you're not holding on to all the things that your mind is giving you to calculate and to work out and to and analyze and to admit and to judge and so just suspending that activity or the engagement with the Nativity you are discovering the space of emptiness a sense of night nothingness but there's a joy there's a silence there's peace and you say also a sense of gratitude okay then I ask you this that you are discovering here hmm where you're discovering it today but where has it been all this time did it arrive today okay and I ask you did you create it you say I did not create it how is it staying here is it by any effort I mean are you keeping it I mean there's peace but are you a peacekeeper by anything no it's just here okay let's see a little bit more is there any way that it can fade this of itself and it fade I gets weaker and weaker that the further you go out walking is getting weaker and weaker and then oops too far come come back you know it's anything like that true no way no no if you go to sleep and a deep deep sleep but there's nothing nothing nothing nothing at all okay and you wake up is it possible that this would be gone now we have you on record by the way why would it not be gone you do know virtually why would it not be gone because I I am that I am that thank you now you say I am that is that a belief no is it coming out of a kind of an emotional state those words know if the mind comes up now and say you know chance fear you know mooji has been hypnotized in you look okay so is hypnotizing you is actually met izing everybody except one or two okay and you your response can this be true only while you're standing there and because you're standing here with me no no thank you can I ask you something more something that seemed very unreasonable a question to ask you this that you are perceiving and you say I'm not creating it I'm simply at one with this I want to ask you some questions which are very unreasonable for a human being to be asked you're not a scientist you're not a researcher about these things can I ask you was this that you're experiencing was it born did they have a birthdate or day was it sort of like it wasn't and then it was I don't I don't see that I there is just a knowing that it's always been here okay okay list I accept this one is there any place any boundary beyond which it is not it's everywhere it's everywhere I I don't see any boundaries I don't sense any kind of is it is it an object that can be no can it die okay ask one more question for you just one for the moment how close are you to it as people say yes you know you're very near it's it's it's so in Tibet I'm so close is that true for you no no sure yes so may I conclude that if the things you have responded to are true you know and you didn't have to take time to ponder over them it's like it's so direct for you this knowing you can you can change my word you can that mean if this knowing and this seeing is immediate you don't have to do any research because it's right here present with you can I say or deduce that all your responses are about you I have to be it would seem that it would be about me yes is it you personally No okay end of exercise so as we promised you can go back and pick up the old stuff like you are and we just go back to normal again and because nobody's gonna steal them I show thank you you sure this is not just a feeling it's not a feeling I the the mind wants to sort of get in again I can see it yes and but you can see it yes yeah okay you think you can invite the mine in just now just say okay mine okay come and never mind come come come come in come in okay throw your best punch I just went to China can we try this sure is it risky no I don't think it's risky okay you are saying I don't think it's risky or what again just take it I am are you strong or weak or anything no okay it's good like this so could we invite the mind that what you call the mind and something back now and see and look at it open doors even not doors take the walls down and everything now mind can come it could and so he's not knocking outside now but now there's no outside for the mind there are no walls and no doors okay so now what from the depth of yourself from your natural state is it saying no don't let mine in no seems to be quiet now the man's quiet now I wonder why now it's a perfect time real good like this yes may I check in with you again 'yes yes if tomorrow please remember her face knock our clothing because she may change what to face if you see her again tomorrow you can check in with her you know and if you find her getting very annoyed like you know leave me alone just ask her who sorry who are you again you have my permission to do that this this is body language anything behind it no okay thank you thank you very good okay come down below thank you there's a really strong urge to come up today like just stuff this happened in the last 24 hours has just really made me see this thing I'm holding on to like where you just glided this lady and you've been guiding everyone for the last few weeks like living in sahaja this is very clear this is very clear but there's still this one that kind of enjoys being miserable there's a one who enjoys being miserable I've heard about this one that there's someone was never happy unless they are unhappy have you heard of her you maybe know the one answer intimately okay I caught myself saying to sunny yesterday that I was tired of being a miserable dispersant in the happiest place and as I said it to her I could see the one holding on to the like wanting to be miserable to keep it alive and yeah and I was seeing it yeah and yeah I guess I just wanted to come up and just just let it go let it go let her go you I watched the satsangh you had with Martin last night and it really touched me because everything he said was everything I've been wanting to say for a long time and at one point you said like this is all coming now because you are right on the edge of your transcendence and it really it was so clear like yeah if I just drop all this yes I'm here I'm here on my heart yes we can use the word dropping it or we can say leaving it which is easier to drop it or to leave it or to don't touch it whichever way it's almost the same thing we're free to do yeah because this power comes because of your seeing you can see wait a second there's something that enjoys being miserable and there there is like a very intimate relationship with that where the feeling of I has got a bit locked into that also and feels like you know it's like me you know like you know you know just like I win because I am the most miserable person in the happiest place okay you know I mean okay you may find that there's some competition actually so that was seen and that is seen and you see if something sees but hey what is all that about is it's nothing who is holding on to that is it you who are holding on to that or that is holding on to you because I want to remind you of something you who I see to be the self can exist without that but that cannot exist without you again you who and what you are can exist and does exist without that but that cannot exist without you you understand it needs something from the sense of you either some identity or some interest some association or some belief because that's the fuel that keeps that spirit alive in you but it's not you like I was saying I can use this light and cast a shadow on the leg but however much I can use lighting I cannot convert that shadow into the hand this is a shadow a shadow self it cannot exist the shadow cannot exist without the hand but the hand without the shadow the same way you are watching a shadow identity that is saying yeah you know but you see it now because for a while it's it seemed to be existing in a kind of blind spot that you sense but couldn't see but now you can see and you're not seeing with just fleshly eyes you're seeing with the eyes of understanding when the intellect of the being you are seeing from there in such a way that even a man who is physically blind could say yes I can see that because you can see it with understanding that that thing that idea is only an idea that has grown into the sense of an entity through belief habit an association is he now you say I can let it go well you are like what this thing is like a form but are you a farm you even have to let it go isn't it that in merely seeing it it has no power in in merely seeing it from who you truly are how can it be attached to you in what way who are you do you have a shape or a size that these things can stick to it where are you seeing from you see maybe that sounds a bit complex if you feel I can just let that go then let it go it may work just fine that idea what doesn't stick but if you feel that there's an eye that needs to let it go you may remain as an eye who let it go and therefore an eye who can get it back but if you are nothing you will see that it was never real in the first place and how can you kill that which doesn't exist except as an idea that's why the term waking up is so appropriate it's as though we've been dreaming this and now you are seeing but you know whoa you know you're not gonna don't remain as a person who let something go let the person go because one of the way in which it appears to live is like by posing as credible if I let the person go it's gonna I'm letting a lot of my life go no you're letting go of your strife delusions go you cannot let go of what is real the real you cannot separate yourself from it can only be hidden somehow when you take on the eyes of a person so if I say let it go and you let it go because you're nothing how does nothing let anything go I just want you to see this so that you don't remain or keep any seed of us of being a letting gore you don't need even that and see how you feel if you let it go because the mind is going no if you let me go it's black hole for you if you let go of this if you hold on to this that's your life you're letting go of why am I saying this because if you listen to the voice that's coming there what you may end up doing is tying a safety rope around your waist and tying it on to it three and going into the place of the voices saying come and you will not reach because you have already made a contract of not having the faith in that what faith you need to be where you are this is the subtlety of delusions you mentioned that you watched an interaction between myself and Martin one of her beloved Sangha members that you saw that in that in that discussion in that talk you see how much the mind was playing it's so subtle so subtle that none of this would have been possible if the mind did not have the power to imitate the self but it could only imitate the self to the one who is imitating you the idea we have of who we are is suffering from the delusions of its own projections you are untouched but you are unaware of your perfect message a satsang is here to expose that I said to you that there's in our dynamic expression of as living beings there's a duality at play within us there is a force that is working to keep you into the state of ego hood to be concerned about things which are perishable about this and that and you and me and jealousy and insecurities and and and being better than and all of this stuff and yet there's another force within you which is an elevation in consciousness to go higher and higher into consciousness and you may not have been aware of these forces until you begin to not only search for truth but beginning to experience your deliverance to experience your transcendence it's like the unthe nest is stirred up and all of these energies are coming up and you think oh my god you know I'm going mad and I'm oh I'm going mad actually you are becoming saying you have been mad everybody is mad because you believe yourself to be something we are not and we know how to look saying an idea but as long as you're living under the spell of ego you are not living in the fullness of your truth I am NOT giving you a burden like you've got some huge hill to climb you don't have anything to climb you have nothing it's not like because the mind wants to turn this into some epic you have to gonna climb the Himalaya of your ego to plant this flag of freedom okay with greasy feet and I'm saying this is still your dream your delusion your nightmare I want to show you how easy it is why easy because you are already what you are searching for you are already what you're searching for but because you believe in the identity of the seeker who is illusory the thing search for seemed at a distance and far away but you are told that the self is infinite and all-pervading if it is infinite and all-pervading how can it be separate it is always here it is more here than you it is more here than the idea you have of who you are which is always fluctuating like the waves on the surface of the ocean and you are discovering this but resistance is there because the mind says if you do I remember in my own time there was a time when it was time to go beyond something which is a limitation but I was not sure in my mind ok and I want to tell you this I'm not embarrassed about it but there was a time I was a bit embarrassed about it because it was a time to go beyond a limitation and was cut I was looking and suddenly it was as though something inside me say if you go there you're going to end up like Quasimodo Quasimodo now Quasimodo was some friend I'm not a French character we see of this hunchback this no it's not even in my culture I see a black and white movie when I was maybe about 10 years old but the mines he ha he didn't like that if you go one more step in this direction you're gonna end up like cousin wall and I thought whoa whoa no I don't want to go there was reaction but yet something inside let me call it grace for now we're saying no you've been through this type of thing before trust it there is a pull trust that pull and I open to this pull and Quasimodo disappeared forever even now I can speak about them you don't exist you understand something inside is intimidating the idea you have of who you are because you believe more in the idea the construct itself then you are aware of your true self so this psychological attacker it cannot attack or intimidate your true self it can only intimidate your self-image the idea you have of who you are it is the idea you have of who you are who has been suffering this existence hoping one day to reach the place where you are now looking from and this has to happen this feeling of if I let go of this if I let go of this I don't know where I am if these voices catch you and they can only catch you if you go back into personhood it's almost as though something wants you to come back into personal hood where it's voice is more virile where its influence is more sure but if you stay as the witness the detached witness you are exposing these voices as unreal and as much as you see their own reality you don't have to go and find your reality because they are exposed in the light of your reality is this too much to take in I'm only putting a mirror in front of you but the mind is asking how does it work I'm putting a mirror why a mirror because when you look in the mirror you don't have to construct you only see so when you say now yes I see this thing coming up I saw that play for how long you have been in no ties by these thoughts but now you saw through looking at another scenario that helped you to recognize your own scenario you can say I caught him I could see him this is what the Buddha did he saw how the illusions were created and in that moment he says yes you who have built this house I have found your foundation and I'll break your foundation you are finding out what is holding this illusory self together and you say let it go let it go but don't retain the identity of a one who let it go just let it go this is the power that you have the power of design meant there's no need to create a self because yourself is the uncreated self this is created this is in time as all created things are in time and they will exist for a time and then they will dissolve in time this is a mortal body but the immortal is residing in it for a while when this body go he cannot go because is everywhere present I don't want you to believe this I went that you see and you are beginning to see a force exists in you and that force exists in the world and is keeping us blind to the truth of who we are wake up satsang is the waking room not the waiting room waiting room and this is what's been happening here since coming to this place of Rishikesh is we are we are bearing witness to beings waking up out of the sleep of time and change in ignorance and death into timeless awareness so I did not come to talk to about these things and to preach and to tell stories only but to witness your transcending to wake up out of the idea out of the fiction of you into the fact of you and it is good why we are showing these these films in the afternoons and listen to these accounts in the afternoons why they're happening here in Rishikesh we didn't bring these films from somewhere else this is what's happening every day even on my day off they're happening we're encountering beings who are coming back into they're seeing winning yourself back from states of delusion and I'm asking you to watch because you will see these people here moving about I'm asking you to watch so that you get the confidence and the faith to apply the pointings that are being made why I call it pointings more than teachings because if I teach you have to become student fine it's ok but when I point it is direct if you ask me how do I go to top of an I can give you a map so I can tell you the history of top of an but that will slow you down we said what where is it but I said told you we say I I understand intellectually this is ok I walk with you and I show you I don't have to teach you about top of and I show you this is what you want here it is right here in what direction must I point you if you're searching for the self I cannot say go because going means go out go there I can only tell you look here where is a distance between you and yourself just the distance of a thought a belief creates separation and distance and you're here to wake up out of this sleep it is not a bad play it is an extraordinarily brilliant play you cannot be a victim because you are the one you are searching for therefore I say you have the advantage because you don't have to create yourself you don't have to make yourself but you must recognize that which you are not which presently you take yourself to be for a while this is also to say that I am this person growing towards the self it is a very big Road and most beings because we believe we are the body-mind person will follow that path it is also a great path the great river of religions all over the world and people we are moving in the path of elevation the path of what you may say the path of growth of evolution growing closer and closer to our imagined goal it is a path what is this path refining the sense of identity moving from the states of the lower gunas tamo-guna rajo-guna sattva-guna Turia growing like this becoming more refined until the very one was because as far as it can be refined and drops away that's it but I am not showing you that journey today although I don't curse or dismiss that journey but I'm showing you a direct the way of the sages way the sages way that the one who is making the journey is the imagined self watched from a place that is not imagining the more it becomes aware of itself as the ultimate witness behind which there is nothing that is called liberation in fact the self the pure self does not know liberation because it doesn't know bondage those only exist in the mind consciousness which is its earliest and purest projection I don't know if you grasp this it's not even necessary for me to tell you this right now it's only because there are few beings here for whom that is important to know maybe what I say now will be absorbed later but for now I only point you to that that you are capable of observing the movements of time and shape and thought and identity you cannot be essentially or fundamentally the thing you are observing you are observing everything capable of observing everything but yourself you cannot observe phenomenally this is why I use the term a nun phenomenal recognition what it means is not you cannot see the self as an object because it is not different from you you cannot see the self you can only discover and be yourself subtle I'm not asking I'm not relating to or relying upon your mind to understand this grace is putting it in the right place in here it brought you here allow it to guide you don't push it about don't try and use your mind to control it don't let your mind be the secretary of your heart it's time to look directly from your true place as you're being guided presently you may not think you have the capacity to do that but gradually something is arising within you the grace of the Lord the power of the the supreme self it is he who brought you here to tell you I love you and you're my own self so when you say I see it I see it I see it this seeing is very important see it leave it or drop it but don't retain any any identity as someone who dropped anything because you just are the Sun does not drop darkness it only radiates light it does not know darkness in fact it does not even know light you don't need to know more I've told you enough the rest you will discover intuitively as you make use of the first only few little steps and they are not steps going out there the steps of understanding as you recognize what I'm pointing to the rest start to become automatic for you automatically the mind wants to send you on a journey go there do this and for how long have we been on this journey I don't but what is the journey of the infinite maybe the belief in our personal self is still got some grip for something it's okay in satsang the egoic identity is like a piece of ice being put in a bucket of warm water and a melting is taking place it's not that the ice is surrendering to the water you can put it like that it's okay we can use the language but it is a melting is taking place there ice is fundamentally water and warm water is fundamentally water and melting is taking place that is grace don't think oh how can I do it this I are speaking from cannot do it it cannot do it it just gets undone by grace is happening if you go to eyes way it feels long and burdensome I may meet you a few years later if I'm still here in this way and you still be looking but if you follow you will discover they say when you are curious you laugh but when you are desperate you discover it's almost as though life as to drive us to a place where things are urgent for you your mind just wants to be comfortable and but even if even if a work has to be done grace is already helping you to see if it is your time thank you thank you thank you thank you let's just take a little space let me read a letter and you just take a bit of space you don't go away and just be here because where is your question coming from your mind or from yourself just one second dearest Mooji you have inspired me and what means a lot is how you choose your words so carefully and behind them is always so much love this made a deep impression here is a picture of my friend RH as Jackie and myself you can't see him in there Jackie has fair hair ok I can see her she is very kind and loving and longing to help others but at present it is she who needs a blessing and at this time is passing through a dark stage in life as for myself gorgey my friend asked me to mention I am having serious diabetic challenges at the moment - could you please look into my face and heart and be with me for just a moment as one in the silence of God Thank You kindness thank you kindly dearest of souls Karuna from Australia thank you okay okay when that's you and the two will be one I'm gonna hand okay stay there okay let me hear from you for it it's bun very good namaste that was too much you good aji I don't want to waste any more time good I don't want to waste this life I don't want to waste this incarnation I don't want another life I want to be done I want the walls of Jericho to completely 100% come down and I'm here asking you for your grace I've been a seeker a long time and I know I can't do this myself yes we had to taste for a time a sort of almost a pride of autonomy okay I can do this I can do it this is my life nobody can tell me we have to try this is the dance of the manifest we have to feel the autonomy of personhood and the kind of the confidence in personhood and we have to go through these states not everyone as someone earlier said why some get it to seem more more quickly than others I cannot answer that maybe we have different starting points also you see but somehow sometimes life has to play where your dreams are broken where your pride is crushed where your autonomy brings only trouble in order to create in us favorable conditions to work with grace because if there remains in us and arrogance and arrogance is coupled with ignorance then darkness comes into the world so when we are feeling humble when we're feeling I cannot do this in my own strength maybe a humility coming well as humility there's an openness when this openness there are possibilities it's part of the play so if you've come to the point where you feel I need help I say to require help or to request for help is wise to ask for help until you can go beyond the need for help is wise now you say I want the walls of Jericho to fall down walls of Jericho means what all the concepts all the ideas that have used to build a life which has not brought happiness and peace and joy and love I have had glimpses only but I'm not working now for a glimpse I want to be thoroughly established in my true self this is what we will have to look into it if you qualify if you really become a candidate for freedom is it denied you is it some house you know not know her is there some power like that okay you come yeah you you you you you you and no not you no not you and life may do this field if you have arrogance yeah no not you okay it may play like that it can play anyway once be in order to prepare the soil of your mind and heart to receive grace to receive guidance to overcome strife suffering sorrow so you say I'm at this point I've been seeking for some time then how can today be the day of finding them if you've been seeking and you have not because it when I hear of people if some people tell me I've been seeking for 40 years I said what certainly for 40 years because if you are searching for truth for 40 years you've missed it because it's here it's here so what stands in the way of your discovery because you cannot discover the truth and remain as the one who discover the truth when you discover the truth you are truth if you are one who discovered the truth you can be one who lose the truth and if truth is not a commodity that can be found and lost so what needs to be done then I have searched for a long time today I am appealing because I want to go beyond all of that now because it's my efforts have not worked by themselves help me have you listened to the invitation and played in the mornings thousands of times yes it's beautiful let's listen to it for some time yeah but it's a key and it's a mirror when you look in the mirror do you say the mirror is beautiful you go look in the mirror oh the mirror is beautiful the invitation is not beautiful the meditation is a mirror and the key what have you found by looking in this mirror the mirror is for you each one who look in the mirror that time with the mirror is about you you never look in the mirror and then you see George Bush's face sorry nothing about it's not personal to George because it could be any other person Napoleon Bonaparte I don't know you must find your face so like this I'm saying you say I asked you it's very important for me to ask as well have you been listening to the invitation because the invitation is your friend who will walk you into your own freedom what has been at the end of listening to the invitation or reading it you put the book down you take off your headphones or whatever what remains please tell me what have you found what impact has it had upon you please tell me yes I feel peace openness spaciousness formlessness age agelessness a love beauty beauty and you who find these are what a slow down and nothing hurry you say I've found peace found timelessness for agelessness I found great whatever beautiful things but you who discovered them or what the self-awareness but then what you're saying does not tally up with your question if you have found these things what to use with what do you found why would you be asking I've been searching for so long and please I want the walls of Jericho to fall down they did not fall down in the invitation well actually I can see I should have been clear the walls of Jericho have fallen down but there is some residual that is milling around that appears to be beyond my scene but how do you know them then if you if you and say that there are still some things around and things that there but appears to be beyond my seeing don't try to be super perfect awareness never it doesn't stay it when income is okay this awareness that we are saying that it is it's infinite is omnipresent but in your case it doesn't stay where does it go you see this is hidden this hidden now from who by what is it hidden something can only be hidden as an object if you're talking about an eclipse there must be at least three factors it must be the thing that exists the one who wants to see it and the thing that comes in between to block the thing can the self be like an object being blocked by the mind and the one can't see this can the self be an object we need to be clear about this because we are tackling how the mind project presents things because many people are searching for something that they're gonna recognize phenomenally this is why I say it's a non phenomenal recognition meaning is not recognizing something you cannot see something and go ah I found the self so you found yourself yeah it's right there and you are what will find the self please just listen I'll just take a minute to share a very short example one yogi me I talked about this before I don't speak about it for a while she is she is meditate in meditation she's in meditation and somewhere inside this empty space of meditation she begins to hear sounds and the sounds are the most beautiful sound like no compose and no musician can produce such melodies yes life oh how extraordinary this music how wonderful but it cannot be what I am because I am here to hear it as soon as she recognized this the sounds drifted away and she remained in our state next the most beautiful colors appear iridescent colors of such luminosity such beauty that you have never seen any flower no rainbow nothing at all as I'm not the mother of pearl the color seen cannot compare with the luminosity the brilliance the beauty of these colors and she's almost mesmerized by themself how extraordinarily beautiful but they cannot be the self they cannot be what I am because I'm here perceiving them as soon as that became clear the colors they melted away and she remained now beings shaped out of light are floating towards her with radiance smiles and embrace that looks like an embrace of the Divine Mother coming floating coming in whoa this one is really fantastic such love such beauty in his beings there I must be in heaven and beings of floating some coming and she's almost breathless with such a supernatural manifestation huh but they cannot be the essence because I am here to perceive them and they too vanished you cannot see the self the mind will try to present it as an object some form even a burning bush a chariot of fire a golden cloud but it is not the essence because the essence cannot be seen it is from the essence that even seeing is seen so nothing you can imagine any shape that is created shape or manifest shape whether it comes from this plane of existence or another plane of existence or from the highest heavens can be the true self you cannot see the self you are looking from the self but because of the idea that you are a person hmm then the seeing is not holistic it's not complete the self is not looking for the self but in its looking all that it sees is itself not as forms you may say that it appears to farms it supports the farms but it cannot look on itself because it is not a thing it is not a No Thing Thing therefore there are no books directly written by the self about the self and yet it is the one thing that you cannot not be this is what we are discovering this is the selfs game with itself maybe a game of hide-and-seek until it realized that all that can be hidden and all that can be sought cannot find it so back to you you say I can see all these things but any search for the self phenomena with a phenomenal intention to recognize something will not end in this discovery when that is itself discovered you may recognize where you already are and have been timelessly I feel like I I know it isn't a phenomenal things do arise yes you are to know them and I when you are to know that all things that arise is true the mind or true the senses are like clouds passing but the mind gives a greater reality to them than really exists in them you see and who does it give it to what who does it created for for the idea you have of who you are when you can see that the sense of yourself is who you take yourself to be and it's not the fact of what you are then a great opening prevail and you come to see but I will I cannot settle for any image as what I am even this image you see yes and then you qualify to perceive the image less but you don't perceive the image less with image full eyes it's not a dualistic functioning or outcome you know we're going to continue this conversation you and I at some point yes and sir I remember you the next satsang I will call you if you come or somebody help me to bring you because I want to close now for today in this part of satsang now I feel it has been shared enough for today in fact whatever has been shared today is enough to guide you home today mind might say more and more I want more and more but it's not more and more you need is just to go deeper and deeper with it it's not more and it's not more knowledge it's not more such science is not more retreats it's not more time even it's just to accept and look more deeply into what is with you and it as already in the content of our conversation today is everything you need because beings have used even less information to find freedom you understand as the mind you know is like he's a funny guy he keeps trying to look into different mirrors as though a different mirror will give him a different reflection it's like that you don't need to keep going from place to place the mind is sending you another place another place another place I have a great friend in the United States when I go there she has one wall that is full of mirrors of different shapes and different sizes on her wall okay and then so I decided that I want to put sticker on each mirror I'll call one Ramakrishna I call one Shiva a call when Buddha I call one mirror Jesus a car one Holy Prophet Muhammad I colored them yeah the shape is different but the reflection and the truth is one you have everything you need to look into the mirror of your timelessness if you only listen and follow a little bit you don't have to drink in every word that I've said but I've said enough for you if there's an earnestness in you for this grace will help you to digest and assimilate it to the point where you combust into it this is what I want to share with you and for as long as I'm here I am only here for this I'm only here for you that is all as whatever God has presented the capacity within this to share its light I leave it with you I leave it with you you see it is the expression of God's grace that's all I can say worship Him seek him in any temple in any mosque in any shrine in any stone under any tree in any place he's the same one the same one shining inside your heart as this this is my joy to share this with you because it belongs to you to know that and to find that which you imagine you have become separate from and that you can lose is a delusion and an illusion that is holding the whole world captive but just for the moment treat this time as your time your golden age your time don't listen to anybody say it is Kali you God it won't be Kali Yuga for you so I will continue to speak with you okay I would very much like that good they told me to sell me - thank you thank you very blessed thank you I love you thank you thank you thank you Oh may we have I think somebody's coming to play a bit today for those of you thank you thank you thank you I think while they're coming I read just a few verses from ashtavakra gita well musicians are coming mmm it says the sage is saying striving and craving for pleasure or prosperity these are your enemies springing up to destroy you from the presumptions of virtue let them all go hold on to nothing every good fortune wives husbands friends houses lands all these gifts and riches they are a dream a juggling act a traveling show a few days and they're all gone consider wherever there is desire there is the world with resolute dispassion free yourself from desire and find complete happiness desire binds you nothing else destroy it and you are free turn from the world fulfill yourself and find lasting happiness you are one you are pure awareness the world is not real it is lifeless really nor is ignorance real so what can you wish to know life after life you indulged in different forms different pleasures sons and daughters kingdoms and these only to lose them all enough of the pursuit of pleasure enough of wealth and righteous deeds in the dark forests of the world what peace of mind can they bring to you how you have toiled life after life pressing into painful labor your body and mind and your words it is time to stop now and be free I read this I picked it up to read this I say actually what I'm sharing with you is easier than this even easier than this I am NOT going to ask you to destroy anything at all it's enough that you see in into its unreality there isn't nothing to destroy because you cannot destroy what does not exist you can only see its unreality and it is overlay oh nothing in the world is wrong by itself not money not riches even not these things in themselves but clinging to them depending on them for your joy is a delusion you see nothing is wrong with anything that God has made but clinging to things which are perishable is a mistake we are allowed to make for a time and to grow from that and to come back into your own defeasible indivisible truth so that is all I should thank you thank you [Music] Shiva Oh [Music] Seba [Music] Shiva [Music] Oh she was [Music] [Music] sheiva Oh [Music] Chiba [Music] she [Music] Oh sheiva [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] early she was [Music] [Music] Oh thirty she [Music] Oh she [Music] she was per se I do [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Shiva [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh namah Shiva [Music] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Shiba [Music] Oh [Music] mother Shiva [Music] Oh [Applause] are you honey [Applause] [Music] hello have you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh No [Music] Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] ten Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh No No Oh No turn [Music] take go to bed good [Music] take [Music] day no more [Music] oh gee buhbuh [Music] Mooji Baba no more diva [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] Oh Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Daegu [Music] today [Music] [Applause] today [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] no more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rudy Kiba whoa did [Music] more Dana [Music] damn [Music] jeepers [Music] but Karuna [Music] get above me [Music] follow me Karuna me [Music] get above me [Music] please be to my company [Music] Christie to Harvey company [Music] buddy [Music] Kisame [Applause] [Music] Karuna gets on [Music] when [Music] missed [Music] Morton [Music] deep deep mutti [Music] no more [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] no more day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh with the World'd a movie [Music] - boy the wording pity day [Music] Oh [Music] it ain't home come on [Music] [Music] tip over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] because she wants to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Almighty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 69,058
Rating: 4.8453331 out of 5
Keywords: non-duality, yoga, reality, ego, enlightenment, Ramana, Monte Sahaja, Satsang, Liberation, sahaja, Self-realization, Shiva, truth, soul, bliss, presence, devotion, awareness, supreme, spirit, peace, eternal, time, Krishna, seeker, awakening, mantra, self, freedom, love, duality, Buddha, prophet, being, God, nirvana, wisdom, Mooji, spirituality, sacred, Jesus Christ, philosophy, Papaji, contemplation, guru, maya, divine, meditation, surrender, self-inquiry, I Am, Portugal
Id: G2S_6pLy7q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 28sec (10588 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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