The Lion Unleashes MEN OF IRON | Warhammer 40K Lore

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the Emperor of mankind studied the machine these remarkable and terrible beings had contributed to the downfall of a civilization far more advanced than his nent Imperium and yet he had chained them bound them to his will now they would serve the Imperium of man they would need guardians but who amongst his incredible sons and their Legions should control such a force there was only one choice the first in the long list of things that make up the Emperor of Mankind's questionable parenting tactics is the fact that when it came time to distribute gifts amongst the primarch he gave most of them to the lion it's said that the Arsenal of the Dark Angels was more dangerous than any other Legion and rivaled that of the legio custodes the reason for this is largely to do with the Lion's purpose all the primarch had a purpose and it's often been wondered what is the difference between Leman Russ and Lionel Johnson in this regard both of them are exceptional Warriors incredibly loyal to the emperor and socially pretty awkward but the difference between them is actually quite simple if a planet rebelled against the Imperium and the emperor wanted an example to be made he'd send the I wolves they' descend with such a fury that everyone in the Galaxy would know not to mess with the emperor however if the emperor decided that no trace of this people should remain he'd send the Dark Angels and then everyone in the Galaxy would go hey wasn't there a Planet there the lion is the emperor's exterminator and this role is said to have been so important it's actually the reason the lion was created first so to accomplish this goal he gave the Dark Angels various relics and weapons from old night and this included the exio literal men of iron I'd also assume included was various tanks and other military vehicles which is a hell of a coincidence because this video is sponsored by War Thunder the most comprehensive vehicle combat game ever created play more than 2,000 tanks planes helicopters and ships in Dynamic combined arms PVP battles the collection of vehicles in War Thunder spans over 100 Years of development from the 1920s to the present day every vehicle is incredibly detailed and modeled down to their individual components offering a highly immersive combat experience and you can customize your vehicles further apply hundreds of camouflages Place historical markings anywhere on your machines as well as 3D decorations such as bushes and equipment I can't believe the incredible detail in this game and what you can add to your vehicles as well as the awesome fire and smoke effects and destruction effects play for free now on PC Playstation or Xbox using the link in my description the mechanicum was at the heart of the emperor's new Imperium it supplied arms and weapons to the armies of the great Crusade forgeworlds were the cogs around which the wheels of Conquest could turn the mechanicum of Mars had become essential to the emperor's plans but in many ways it was also the greatest threat to the Imperium in the years before the Horus heresy for the mechanicum stood apart from all others in their worship of the machine God this put them against the order that the emperor had established their rituals and Creeds were in opposition to the Imperial truth which sought to remove the religion faith and Superstition that had been so apparent on most human worlds whilst the emperor could abide this his greatest fear was that the mechanicum could and maybe would one day rise up and prosecute a war against him to combat this the emperor crafted contingencies that were known to very few people The Icarus contingency was perhaps the most extreme plan from what we know today it was issued to Lionel Johnson primarch of the Dark Angels the first Legion within this there were two key Clauses should the lion will it the Dark Angels would conduct preemptive combat operations to neutralize elements of the mechanicum deemed to have become contrary to the needs of the Imperium this has been invoked eight times throughout the history of the Imperium the other Clause was an imperial warrant allowing the Dark Angels to maintain and use a number of relics from Old Knight or the age of strife this technology was forbidden in all other areas of the Imperium including within the Lion's Brothers Legions the relics gifted by the emperor to the lion were often specifically chosen to be useful against the mechanicum as they would be resistant to the techn Magi and anathematic to their Machines of War these gifts included the exindo class autometer towering metal behemoths cast in an inhuman mold to be Unleashed only when absolutely necessary they are the tortured and neutered remains of a Dark Age artificial intelligence the last of the dreaded silica Ana the basted offspring of the men of iron chained to the the service of the master of mankind and later the first Legion the men of iron were an artificial intelligence created during Humanity's Dark Age of Technology the Zenith of our scientific knowledge they were designed to serve Humanity in many capacities including War yet they turned on their creators in the 23rd Millennium and an apocalyptic War followed it was only ended by an alliance of of Galactic Powers the men of iron were considered defeated yet their impact is still felt today as artificial intelligence or abominable intelligence is banned throughout the Imperium at the time of the great Crusade Humanity's memory still preserves Tales of these creatures these Nightmares From old night therefore widespread knowledge of the accendo existence would terrify many within the Imperium most of the time they were kept hidden on the dark Angel's home world of calivan in its forbidden vaults only brought forth to counter the most abhorrent of threats the Dark Angels always had a unique structure to their Legion after the lion was found by the emperor they operated with six specialized Wings The Dread wi the death Wing The Raven Wing the stormwing the fire wi and the iron Wing only the most senior Forge rights of the iron Wing the wing dedicated to the use of overwhelming fire on the battlefield new of the existence of the accendo class autometer neutered as they were they were still fearsome combatants they did not understand Mercy or restraint and would attack with a mstom of churning claws Arcane fire and gouts of radiation blasts there are three main stories that cover the deployment of the ex Indio in some detail the first is set during the Great Crusade the Dark Angels were sent to investigate strange happenstances on the Imperial world of musel it became clear that the cause of this was the Crave psychic Xeno forms of tremendous power able to enslave organisms to their will and their lord was soon to arrive the first of their kind the utar force enough to Flay The Souls of 10,000 men crackled unspent across its withered carapace it predated even the elari and was spawned by an evil to be a living weapon so it could spread anguish and Terror Amongst the sentient races it had learned how to reproduce outlived its long-forgotten creators and thrived in a galaxy ripe with chaos and strife when the autocar's ship arrived in the system El Johnson and a small force of elite Dark Angels teleported aboard they fought their way through the Crave hordes until the Primark stood before this ancient being something so old Humanity's entire Evolution was but a footnote in its existence the monster tore into his mind the Primark gritted his teeth and the lion sword and slowly forced the tendrils back subordinate crave emerge and pounce on the Primark and he is stunned by a powerful psychic attack then held in place by two of the Crave the autocar approached with jittering movements as if through a string of micro teleportation events rather than inconveniencing its mummified limbs as it drew nearer the subordinate crave faded into darkness individual Shadows banished from sight if not from True existence by a total eclipse of the sun all except the two that held the liar I will void your mind I will force down every morsel of knowledge and personality you possess and when your Empire Falls as every Empire has fallen before it then I will be there to Feast on its corpse lion l Johnson before the lion could respond the Crave holding onto his right arm exploded into shards of kiten and Icarus spray death was so immediate so unexpected and total that the Crave did not even have time for a mortis shriek it simply ended with his sword arm free the lion turned and plunged the humming artificial blade into the thorax of the rondle spine crave to his left stanus stroe into the central Nexus the Knight of the iron wi had been outfitted with a psychically baffled helmet of the santaliz order and was flanked by a pair of towering six liim cyber autometer adamantium clad behemoths of inhuman aspect and devilish asymmetry the things Advanced ahead of the legionary as though directly from the Techno horrified imaginings of Old Knight The Lion sensed the ripples in the ether as the Crave Ora unfold its mind towards them only to have its thoughts rebuffed by Logic processes of copper silicon and steel you cannot fight what you cannot see said the lion launching himself at the WIS and xenos as the two exio autometer deployed their weapons in order to keep these Shackled AIS controlled stenus of the ironwing had his hand constantly over an artificial kill switch otherwise the accendo May well have torn straight through the lion and his death Wing bodyguards at the same time as this engagement on musell the Dark Angels were engaged with a crave Titan and brought it down with an atomic blast the death of the xenos Titan caused a psychic backlash that ran through the craves Collective psyche the monster Slayer of calaban had no nitw and this sent the autocar's body into spasm allowing the lion to end this monster it is possible that the Imperium of my father will one day falter as you insist it must as I still draw breath it shall not and you shall never know even just two ex Indio proved their worth that day against some of the most ancient and Powerful xenos the Imperium has ever encountered they would be deployed again during the Horus heresy in The thamus Crusade on the planet of galatia in the triplex system the Dark Angels would fight against forces that would one day become known as the dark mechanicum galatia and its sister Planet fool had long experimented with forbidden Technologies and dark theorem subverting the rule of Mars to increase its own power unnoticed at the very edge of the Imperium and now as the dark angel brought them to the brink of Destruction they Unleashed that power openly towering autometer of unknown design punched holes in reality with Arcane beam weapons and Unleashed raw warp energy upon the emperor's angels of death here Lionel Johnson invoked the ancient Icarus contingency and instructed the masters of the Armory to awaken the accendo that slumbered in the deepest stasis vaults of his Flagship the Invincible reason he ordered the remaining Dark Angels to withdraw on galatia and a section of the Invincible reason's lower Hull detached and crashed down onto the planet like a drop POD 12 nightmares stepped out they had been gifted to the lion in case Mars had been foolish enough to turn on the emperor and now they had found the perfect prey their neural cores were immune to the crude cyber theurgy of the mechanicum and the accendo tore into the creations of the foolen Magi the traitorous oroma were stumbling efforts by the cult on galatia to understand the Forbidden Arts that had forged the men of iron therefore they were no match for the first Legion zendo into the hellish battlefield of screeching autometer and whirling metal monsters stro the lion the one creature that even the ex India o whose hatred for all organic life knew no bounds refused to oppose he sought the head of the serpent the commander of galatia forces the lion faced the greatest of the Fallen magi's Creations as it stood Warden over the sealed salvation vaults of the galatian arch Magi a huge multi-limbed construct of brass and steel loomed over the Primark its tail primed with Arcane weapons and Scythe bladed claws reaching for the Lord of calaban a monster greater even than the beasts of that distant World there are few Tales of what would follow for on this battlefield no mortal human could survive it was the haunt of demons and gods alone what is known is that when the Dark Angels returned to the field of battle as the sun grew dim and night fell on galatia Lion El Johnson stood alone amongst a field of metal corpses and the dormant shells of the surviving seven ex Indio whose limited power reserves had run dry and plunged them back into a stasis of topor galatia would be purged by the Dark Angels but their true foe in the thamus Crusade had not been dealt with the night Lords and their Primark Conrad K the Dark Angels and the night Lords would battle on the planet Crucible and whilst the nigh H her caused absolute Carnage The Lion was strangely absent the surviving dark Angel's host had fallen back whilst the kns Lord's commanders exalted in their apparent Victory however ever jealous of each other they fell to bickering on the battlefield over the shares of the spoils and fighting even broke out between rivaling retinues it was at this point that the lion played his final trump card the last strategy that offered him a Hope of Victory in the face of such odds he unleashed the exio once more yet rather than set them loose upon the battlefield haphazardly he had a specific task for the Terrors of Old Knight he set them upon his brother on Conrad K himself even seven such monsters could not defeat the knigh Haunter but they were enough to keep him at Bay and occupied on the edge of the fighting a flailing storm of Destruction whose manic hate was a match for that of the nigh Haunter as those two forces of Destruction met the lion Finally Revealed himself striding forth at the head of the Deathwing companions in their distinct bone white armor he fell upon the disorganized commanders of the night Lords and set them to flight those foolish enough to stand against the lion fell before his blade and and those that fled threw their Warriors into confusion it was a grand opening in the H one which the Dark Angels committed themselves too in their entirety abandoning the fortification to the night watch and surging forwards in the attack the two sides met in a furious Clash of arms the Dark Angels few in number but focused and led by their Primark the night Lords ill disciplined but ferocious and many with support from arriving white scars the Dark Angels would win the day however the night Lords were not yet dealt with Kur would be dragged from the battlefield screaming for his brother to face him a chance he would get multiple times during the heresy it might seem like a big sacrifice to lose the ex Indio in order to just distract the night Haunter however this gamble really paid off for the lion though curs would continue to cause Havoc for those loyal to the the emperor throughout the heresy the night Lord's Legion would never fully recover from this defeat as they lost 3/4 of the Marines sent to Crucible and that marks the end of this video and the tale of the ex Indio thank you so much for watching be sure to check out War Thunder through the link in my description and for a limited time only you'll also get a large bonus pack this includes multiple premium Vehicles a premium account an exclusive 3D decorator for your vehicles and much more if you enjoyed this video please do like and subscribe and if you want to help me make more of this kind of content please consider supporting the channel through the join button on the page below thanks a lot for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Sandman of Terra
Views: 173,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40000, space marines, wh40k, space marine, warhammer40k, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k shorts, warhammer shorts lore, dark angels, dark angels 40k, dark angels 30k, dark angels lore, lion eljonson, lion eljonson return, lion eljonson lore, lion el jonson, weapons of the dark age, excindio class battle-automata, excindio warhammer, strongest legion 40k, most powerful legion warhammer, lion return 40k, primarch, excindio, men of iron, men of iron 40k
Id: 3_t58hfxqQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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