One Will Break The Imperium. One Will Save The Imperium | Genefather Review

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today we're going to be talking about the recent book Gan father and I say we because I'm joined by Dr Rhino one of the reasons we're doing this is purely because you were messaging me uh doctor I begged you I begged you and yeah wanted me to talk about it I got a lot of comments about it I'm of course a big bellarus corol and fabulous battle fan who isn't let's just be real it was almost a shame to not have tra in in this book I will say he's referenced throughout yes he but uh yeah this was real really a showdown between two of the most popular characters in the setting I guess to start at the beginning what did you think of the book I while reading it every chapter every further along in the story I'm like that it was climbing the ranks of like favorite books favorite Collections and now it really sits among my like top five favorite uh narratives in 40K that I've read so I enjoyed it a lot guy Haley is always a solid read isn't he um the dark Imperium Trilogy is good he's written all of the bellarus cool novels now that I think about it he wrote the great work he even wrote wolfes Bane he wrote first da of fire this is actually his baby now I think about it this kind of story line and bisar C is definitely put under the spotlight a lot in this book there's actually a trial of belisarius cool they say it's not a trial but it is but it is and it's quite funny yeah one of the things I thought they did really well in this novel was they summarized a lot of what bellarius called has been doing in the setting so in Warhammer 40K there's a very important material which is known as Blackstone and basically there are three factions in the setting that all want to get lots and lots of Blackstone if the silent King gets it good news for him bad news for everybody else because if he gets enough of it he can do what the necrons used to do but to a greater degree and create these kind of null areas these Pariah nexuses within the Galaxy and basically turn off everybody's ability to connect with the warp and that would kill almost everything in the Galaxy black snow can be used to influence the materium the immaterium impact on our reality can like supercharge the warp basically so if the silent King gets it he can use it to turn off the IM materium impact on real space if abidon gets it he can use it to increase the immaterium impact on real space extend the Great Rift if he wants to the consequen of this would be really dire demons be pouring into our reality and in the middle of these two extremes so if either of them get it it's very bad news but if belisarius Co can get enough of it he has a big theory he can use it to basically close the Great Rift and then the Great Divide within our galaxy will be gone the bright to light of the astronomican the emperor's Divine Light would reach Imperium nius once again what a great day that would be for everybody and yeah he basically has his like trial way he's trying to convince these other Moses to get on his side because a lot of them don't like him very much do they no and on top of that it's not just a trial of call but that trial is called by a inquisitorial agent who is also a magos who uses their authority to come to that meeting be like Call's a heretic everyone get him and they're like bro chill yeah he's like I will not chill one of the other things the book does really well is demonstrate the ethos behind the mechanicus and the mechanicum I should say the D mechanicum actually appear quite a bit and we do get this dialogue back and forth around what are the differences between the mechanicum and the mechanicus do not mix those up or YouTube will come for you and uh and the differen is between them and bisari call of course to a lot of people is a heretic because he tries to invent stuff and create new things but Bellisario cool defends himself and he says no I don't create new things what I do is try to recreate the wondrous technology that our ancestors used to use so technically I'm not a heretic and it's really funny because every thing bisar called admits to they will go heresy heresy and then he's like no no no no no no no no no technically technically I'm not a heretic but yeah this goes on for a while as you say the Inquisition clearly hates bisar is cool when this guy says that the an Inquisitor who wants him dead he's like I mean there's a lot of inquisitors that want me dead first time I was able to catch your live stream love your content especially the dark Throne vid The Inquisitor monologue gave me goosebumps cheers oh thanks very much yeah I enjoyed that I mean I should say so in that another thing that's really interesting about this book so U arasan is the current fabricator general of Mars and this is a big spoiler if you haven't seen that vid or read the dark uh the vaults of Terror series but U orasan is the person who's basically in charge of fixing the Golden Throne and he orchestrates this huge conspiracy with the duwari to try and fix the Golden Throne now in the uh disaster that comes when the mechanicum tries to make this exchange with the duwari they can get the components to fix the Golden Throne it seemed like everyone was dead but he is not he is alive and well he somehow got back through that webway portal and bisar school references him he hates bisar school that we should say as well he's in that camp and in dark Imperium this thing called the co inferior which is a device that is czy a copy of bisar CO's mind and it allows bisar Co and Gillman to communicate across vast distances and that suggests to Gillman that bisar Co wants to be fabricator general of Mars but basar is very adamant that he doesn't however the current fabricator General is very convinced that Co is going to try and make a play for his position and so the mechanicus is very split between people who support the fabricator General and a lot of people do support bisar cool because he has objectively found more STC resources than anyone ever he brought the Primark back he's serving the omn theah in a very real way so he has got a lot more supporters than I think I thought before going into this book sorry I appreciate I keep rambling going on you touched on something you touched on something perfect which is that in the sense that call has been Adent that he doesn't want to be fabricator General but his inferior has been alluding to wanting to and even call is like I hope I didn't make that thing too independent that it's now starting to make decisions and have desires of its own where it's now like now his inferior might want to be fabricator General and he doesn't which could set up a very interesting um you can chill sorry I know I know know it's really exciting puppy but the uh the the idea that he told Gilman like oh no no no no it's not a it's not an abominable intelligence chill out it's just uh I fed it in my decisions should certain circumstances arise and it's just going to spit out an answer based on those circumstances it's no big deal but that's an AI he does hypothesize in this book that he thinks that potentially his work has been corrupted by the warp so every time the mcc's honor makes some sort of warp jump he theorizes that maybe that started to corrupt the the cool inferior but whilst we're on this topic it does lead me into one of my favorite like funny points of the book which is that there is a opposite component of this and the bellisari is called has made a route Gillman inferior it's not a copy of Gillman's mind but it is an approximation from all of the understandings and P Vox recordings and all this kind of thing of Gilman from 30k so it's not exactly right and he notes this as he's communicating with it but every time he wakes this thing up this thing is like really angry because it's like cool what is this heresy what am I why have you made me into some sort of artificial intelligence but uh yeah he uses it to basically run ideas past it cuz he wants to understand if I say this to you will you kill me just out of curiosity I think is the idea so it's objectively pretty funny I found a lot of humor in the over-the-top description of how far and how much call has to do like it it was almost like an over-the-top cartoon where he has to like eye scan breath scan voice code and then he goes down an elevator and down an incredibly long hallway and then he has to do like a mind scan and then another thumb scan and then there's doors everywhere and then he has to do a psychic imprint scan all to get down to his layer where his his connection to the call inferior is as well as the Gillman inferior and it it just it played into this idea of this over-the-top level of security that he's like I know I'm doing something nobody's going to like so I'm just going to hide it away it's lovely he also has in this book it's revealed a pet cryptech who he had has managed to like trap and he plays regicide with this cryptech this cryptech of course hates him and hates everything about humanity and regularly tells cool that uh I'm going to Som day get out of here and I'm going to I think her words are something like I'm going to kill you and then I'm going to rewind time and kill you again but I'm going to allow you to retain the memories of the first time I kill you so that it's just yeah the the deaths will Mount up continual torture she seems like a lovely girl outside of that but it's very funny and uh yeah he's actually there's a really I'm going to get I'm going to jump forward a little bit here so there's a really interesting bit where he's basically trying to convince this cryptech that they're on the same side you know they both want to reduce the immaterium impact on real space so if they can kind of work together if she can teach him more about how Blackstone works that's a big part of bisari school's personal mission is to understand how the necron pylons work then they're working towards a common goal however later on fabulous bile teleports basically onto belisarius Cool's ship and he does a very similar thing I call this video one will save the Imperium one will destroy it and one of the reasons I did that is because fabus bio is quite clear that whilst he doesn't serve the Imperium he does want to serve humanity and so he sees his goal and belisarius CO's goal as basically the same they're very similar goals and so he offers the bisar C he's like look I have a lot of knowledge that you don't have because in the previous fabuous B books he actually does he learns about cloning and geneticists and genetics from the jukari so it's far beyond B CO's understanding whereas bearus cool wants to create these new primaris Marines fabus B's goal is to go beyond even that so we see one of his Creations called porter and she is like almost a match for Alpha Primus who we'll talk about later but he's a basically the most powerful Space Marine to ever have existed he's also creating these new types of human beings and so he he offers bisar Co and he he actually brings this up to cool ler where he says you are trying to convince the Necro to work with you and you you think that they're idiots for not working with you I look I just I was just on the wrong side of a war here I was in the I was in The Emperor's Children I couldn't just turn myself in after the Horus heresy they would have killed me so like why why wouldn't you work with me but you would work with the necrons the irony of that is ridiculous it's completely insane um very interesting dialogue in this book top TI yeah there there that on that specific point it was really it was a very telling moment that bile was definitely monologuing he was doing the evil villain monologue and then there was that moment that it felt like it switched from him doing kind of like the prepared I'm better than you you've chosen poorly speech to where exactly like you said he's like I wanted to come back but I knew you would never take me back like the Imperium would never welcome me back despite everything I have to offer and my desire to come back and can protect Humanity so I never did Even though and like I offer it to you knowing that you're going to say no and that moment of like of seeing that that little break in B's armor of him being like he is without a doubt and it's one of the reasons I love him one of the most conceited hubristic people in the Galaxy he's like I know how to save Humanity I know how to save Humanity no one else does everyone thinks that that like abdon call everyone thinks that primaris Marines new Space Marines are going to save Humanity he's like no new humans are going to save Humanity hence the entire bile Trilogy up to this point where he's creating his new men and seeding them Gene stealer cult Society style all over uh Humanity yeah yeah yeah that was one thing we don't get too much on in this book the new men are referenced often but basically it's kind of revealed the the the new men that fabulous B uses in the book are not the true new men so the these creations of Fabius bile uh we don't actually know a lot about from this book I'm interested to see what they do with that that could be a that could be a very new unit for Warhammer 40K because Porter is a woman for first of all so she's not a Space Marine she can be she's undetected by psychers I don't know if she's she has like plates on her skin yeah or like they described her having like plated armor bits on her skin she had different uh she had like I mean it's not something you'd see on a Model but she had like secondary lenses on her eyes um her her lungs are better at uh filtering out poisons in the air than Space Marines lungs cuz he's like even I had to have my helmet on Porter's sitting here on this planet without anything and she's fine yeah and like and they did reference early in his meeting with the the mechanicum uh that his fabulus B's kind of fallen on hard times so to speak especially given like everything that happens in the third book of his Trilogy like a lot of his infrastructure is gone and um so maybe that explains like why he's like put all of his resources into creating Porter as opposed to rebuilding his new men as a whole but it does it does still I love the fact that every time B's like yeah I'm down and out and I've got big I've got a big contract with abdon I need to fulfill and all this stuff but oh yeah I just happen to have this Relic to the mechanicum laying around that I can easily trade for the information that I need yes yeah like he offer yeah he has a relic for the dark mechanicum and then he get wasn't it a man of iron yeah it's it's hinted to be something like that yeah and I will say actually on that point because I think people find it interesting one of the things I've been talking about a little bit on and off for streams for a while is I do think there will be a focus on dark mechanicum in the new edition of Warhammer 40K I do think we'll see a dark mechanicum release and seeing the dark mechanicum increasingly in novels is a strong nod there I think one of the biggest pieces of evidence is that the vasor model is literally in the dark mechanicum armor like it's it very much looks like he's going to be some sort of for that faction and I'm really interested to see what they do cuz the dark mechan get a lot of sorry I'm going on a tangent now dark mechan get a lot of description they're obvious they call themselves the true mechanicum and they say like to us you're the dark mechanicum and they they do all this they have this Viewpoint of like look you the problem is is that you guys believe in serving the machine guard but you don't actually use all of his Creations because you don't use the W for example and Demon so anyway sorry um going back to one thing you saying before about ego referenced very often in the novel these are two megalomaniac characters of course they are both Geniuses and both of them believe they're smarter than the other one interestingly this is kind of a interesting cycle because one thing to know about belisarius C is that he's not just belisarius cold he is in fact multiple people together so we see this in the book uh Co Belarus called the gry work where he de gets this Soul merging ability where he can essentially uh yeah merge his Souls with other people and dominate them and one of the people he does this with is a character called Ezekiel sedan who makes an appearance in this novel in a flashback from um uh fabus B that's his name I forgot already flashback from fabus B where it's revealed that Ezekiel sedan inducted fa smile into the apothecarium the yeah into the apothecaries of uh during the Great Crusade and taught F bile in the beginning and now Fab now bisar is cool has Soul merged with um Ezekiel sedan so in a way cool kind of taught fabus B in the beginning which is quite an interesting Circle it was such a that that little reveal was so cool for like I'm I was listening to it as an Audi book while I was painting and I actually had to put my brushes down and I was like Oh and it there's a lot of motifs of Father and Son brother and brother in in this book and it felt that in that moment it was setting up at least initially it was a a mentor student and then now they're peer-to-peer and then obviously the fatherson motif is present elsewhere involving call but I I loved that connection that at one point especially in order to get that information to like have that memory because it's very it's right in the beginning of the book um bi's standing there and he just kind of he's getting wistful because he's bored he's waiting the the the dark mechanicum haven't arrived they're late for the meeting yeah and he's just thinking about stuff he's like oh my God I am remembering something from the heresy ERA this doesn't happen very often so he makes a point to after the meeting go back and perform a very painful procedure on himself to get that memory out yeah and like that's how important that stuff is for him yeah and I think actually why she talk about that just because it comes to my mind to a fun little side point so there's another part in the book where bisar schol and his agents uh they go to webway gate and this this really interesting little dialogue about what the eldar's relation Eldar Empire's relationship was like with Humanity because that's a big question I think a lot of 40K fans if anything it's generally been overlooked I think by black Library what I'm talking about here is this idea that the Dark Age of technology for at least about 5,000 years coexisted with the Eldar Empire before old set in and then of course the birth of sesh so for a long time people have always asked this question what was this relationship like here were the Elder just so Advanced that Humanity just you know we just want anything to them they just kind of ignored us and they just went about their lives as they do in their part of the Galaxy or whatever or was there any kind of like proper trading was it in small parts Etc and interestingly they go to this area in the book and Bellisario cool has this this idea that actually he thinks this was a meeting ground between the ancient human civilization and the elar Empire and there would be like um uh treaties done what's the word I'm looking for there would be uh diplomatic relations that kind of thing done between these two empires which is a really interesting idea because even in the Eldar books that well I haven't read a lot of the Eldar books to be fair but even in the Elder books I have read this is not something that's really covered and I think it's a bit of an oversight by GW often so it's kind of cool I hope we touch more upon that because we already have no idea how the Dark Age of Technology Works in in that kind of regard um which is pretty cool um I will say that reminds me you know you sorry so you talk about brother and son and Father and Son there's cool has two very big relationships and one of the things about in this book and one of the things about cool that's really interesting is he is pretty human so in his first novel canonically wolf ban he refused uses a lot of augmentation that's something that makes him stand out within the dark mechanic is he refuses to advance up the ranks of the mechanicum at the time before they become the mechanicus and that makes him stand out and he's very human looking and he has a best friend called fedit friit vo qvo I think it's spelled and V yeah vog V yeah but he's he's he's still around is still here he's still around yeah so yeah he's benar is cool as like he uh he he actually dies when the soul merging with Ezekiel sedan happens um trying to remember that's been a while since I read that book but sedan I think shoots fedish to force bisar Co to so much with him to go look if you so merge with him with me I'll save you friend basically it's the idea however they do so merge bisar schols basically got such a big ego that he ends up dominating sedan instead of the other way around because he sedan just under estimates how big of an ego um bisar school has but then uh uh yes frish dies however he kind of saves his body and his brain and he tries to clone him and replicate him multiple times and yeah this is quite it's quite haunting actually it's pretty dark in this book this this version of fedish is he realizes he's been this is like a he's number 89 I think in this book 88 he's number 88 87 is still alive out there this is the first time there's been two of them at the same time yeah and and he can actually like uh this is bit where he has like these visions and you kind of see these other lives he's had so he's died you know 87 at times and like so yeah it's pretty haunting but uh yeah cool in a it's it's 40K it's pretty Grim dark but it is kind of done from love it is kind of quite a sweet moment that cool just can't let his best friend ey and it's yeah it's really quite beautiful in in a very Grim dark 40K way but that's what we love right the the potential though that like cloning he's PA is going about it from the from like the more mechanical side like he's trying to develop a what is essentially an AI an artificial intelligence that is freedish in a perfect manner in a robotic body because they're like oh yeah uh we tried bipedal we gave him tracked legs at one point that didn't work out um so he's constantly putting him in different bodies and so on so it's never the same foe but bile is the Clone Lord he's made perfect clones of primarch making a perfect clone of freedish would be Child's Play for him you got to be pretty good at what you do to make the Drew Cari stand up and take notice and be like you want to you want to you want to come do like a symposium and we'll like we'll do some knowledge trading here and at the same time he cannot even come close to matching all's mechanical intelligence and I think that they're both incredibly egotistical but bile has tasted defeat enough times to have just the the barest hint of humility and knowledge that he isn't perfect all the time yeah I mean bio's relationship with himself is super interesting because like I say in a way he really does kind of see himself as the good guy he does think he is serving Humanity trying to save Humanity but anyone that's read you know not only the fabulous battle trilogy but even just like fullrim the Horus heresy novel then you'll know that he his original goals are very egotistical he kind of is just in search of knowledge his Legion is in Decay and when you go back to like the palentine Phoenix but by the time you get to fullrim he's just trying to improve a upon the emperor's work out of pure ego so he he definitely has Rose tinted glasses and how he views himself they're both incredibly hubristic and and I'm not going to pretend that bile is anything other than a selfish self-centered me megalomaniac but that's why we love he's lost before he's lost hard his perspective has changed rather than like I'm going to make a better Space Marine he's like I'm just going to make a better human Space Marines were a failed experiment that like look at what has happened since we tried to make Space Marines yes he does justify that basically by saying that the emperor's big mistake was using the warp in the creation of Space Marines he doesn't entirely know how because he doesn't understand the process of how the emperor stole the fire from the chaos gods and put it in the primarch but he believes that using the warp to create what essentially in a in a roundabout way created the Space Marines was a huge mistake that will always lead to corruption he thinks he can create Incorruptible people and this really goes back to this idea of something we explore a lot in his Trilogy which is this idea that he hates chaos he hates the chaos gods and they want him but he is not interested he has one of I think the single most iconic interactions with a being of Chaos in any 40K novel now until the end of time a keeper of Secrets shows up it says Ah baby is bile I am the blah blah blah blah blah lord of the this and he's just like you're a figment of my imagination go away I just realized the there is there's yet another connection between bile and call in the sense that Fabius has a daughter call has a son that's true yeah I mean yeah we can yeah we can go there there's a huge buildup in the book and then they meet when they talk on Cool's ship and Fabi B basically offers cool let's work together cool says no so fabus bar actually unleashes his necron cryptech who cool ends up having to fight because obviously she wants to to kill him basically fa SP goes through all of this stuff he convinces cool that he wants access to like this genan seed Laboratories of the emperor that Co gets earlier on in in earlier books and it's all of ruse and in the end everything fabus B does is basically to get his hands on Alpha Primus Alpha Primus is a very important character and exactly as Dr R talks about there when it comes to his relationship with bisar is cool the big feel at the end of the book is bisar school says very seriously that this is his son Alpha Primus is his son that's why they are so closely connected exactly what that means he doesn't explain he doesn't actually say genetic son but that I kind of read it like that I think he might have yeah but High School genetics literally in him and Alpha Primus is a mixture of maybe all certainly multiple different Legions together he has a huge number of legion gifts uh I think yeah he's a psyker he's um super sneaky too yeah yeah he he has a myriad of abilities I honestly think we'll probably see him gain kver corx is invisibility ability it's also interesting because he effectively might see bits of the second and 11th Legion in him so the stuff like that which could be really interesting to explore but yeah in theory he has a huge number of abilities at and Fabby SP in the end of the book rips out his um his Prim uh primagen GLS I want to say yeah he pulled out one of the things that the apothecaries take out when you die cuz there's two of them the one in the neck and the one in the stomach or something like that he was convincing uh call that he was going for the vaults to try to get the actual physical data but he's like no I know you poured all of that into your creation so I'm just going to take that I'm going to I don't need the raw data I need the finished result save me a bunch of time yeah and then Porter Porter and Alpha Primus face off and it's a super awesome fight it was such a good I was listening to it but it was a great thing to have narrated because Alpha Primus is is very confident figure understandably because he's so powerful and in bence called the great work as well we see this where he's such an imposing figure and far more powerful than any other the primary Space Marine but he can't detect Porter coming towards him he he for some reason he can't tell and she runs like a I think 40 mph which is like faster than like a horse so she she's unbelievably quick but yeah she's not a Space Marine of course something new so it's going to be really interesting to see what Fabius B does primaris chaos Space Marines are directly mentioned in this book not as a currently existing thing but as something that abdon has clearly tasked fabus B with so fabus B he's obviously got his own agenda and he actually says in the book he doesn't serve abadon but but you have to do what abdon says because he will ultimately kill you so yeah whether we see some sort of development on the chaos Space Marine legionary would be really interesting also I think the other thing on Alpha Primus that's so interesting when he sleeps he can kind of what would you call like Spirit walk like Magnus the red as Pro astral projection yeah yeah and one of the things that he notices about himself and this is where bis cool has maybe messed up a bit there's this description that talks about how his soul isn't properly attached to his body I think the idea is basically that he he he bisar schol doesn't realize just how powerful he's made this primaris body and I I think it's basically the idea is you're you're you're getting like almost a primar level soul and you're stuffing it into a Space Marine and that doesn't quite work I think he's I think he is he's got far more power than he understands thought I thought that was more from the and I like that interpretation almost more than the way I was originally interpreting it as he because call like kind of this was my his custom mix his like his way of trying to have his cake and eat it too he's like oh well Alpha Primus needs to be a psycher so he's like messing with stuff trying to make a psycher and in doing so he's artificially creating a soul that can interact with the warp in the way that a psycher does and in doing so not knowing fully what he's doing so I imagine that a psycher naturally born psycher their soul is like double seed stitched like a ship sail well stitched together very Hardy well connected but call in order to get the same effect attaches Alpha primus's Soul like with shower curtain rings it's not quite there it's flapping a lot more yeah I definitely think there's a really kind of go-to comparison with primarch because as you read the book one of the things Fabius B say early on is that he wants to create a being to lead his new men the new men are as the name suggest going to be his new creation he basically wants to make a Primark that can't be corrupted and then he steals the glands of alpha Primus and so I think you know certainly fabus B believes that maybe with some tweaking Alpha Primus is going to become primarch level or at least another version of him so his power scaling is going to be fascinating Gillman is aware of alpha Primus certainly so I I can't wait to see what they do with this character they're clearly building up to something like I was kind of like scaling him in my mind like you have like on the ground like a base level human and then up here's a Space Marine and then way up here's a custodi and then way up here's a a Primark and he was kind of like I was like okay Space Marine oh he's a really good Space Marine wow he's doing some crazy stuff like he was approaching custodian level I would put him around custodian and but but your point of that like he's still like every time we encounter him he's getting better with his powers as a pyer and custodes are not psychers so imagining a custodian with pyer abilities is downright terrifying yeah and that makes me as a fabus bile fan even more excited to know that Porter went one onone with essentially a custodian who can do mind powers and fought him essentially to a draw I wouldn't say she strictly won but she didn't lose so fabc B's idea is basically he thinks that he's the smarter person but B cool has access to far more resources than him including this like untainted gen from the emperor with that it would be interesting to see what what he can do the only other thing I wanted to talk about was the future of the mechanicus in war 40K because that is being set up in this book basically B cool it looks like he's been able to convince a decent amount of resources to work with him and there's this crazy plan that they have in this book to I'm I probably explain this ex exactly right it's very complex plan there's there's a there's a planet in the war in heaven so 60 million years ago this planet was destroyed and it would have a lot of knowledge and resources on how the necron pylons work ever despite the fact it was destroyed 60 million years ago the planet was destroyed by the old ones on the necrons creating a black hole they're literally that powerful they can just create black holes to destroy planets they don't like however the reason that's actually a boom for the mechanic is because and as the science will check out here I'm certain as you get closer to a black hole and the gravity increases as gravity increases the time dilates and etc etc so bellisari is cool has this plan basically they can still get to this planet even though it was destroyed 60 million years ago there was the guy during the the conclave he came forward he had the the trench coat on he went wibbly wobbly timey wiy and then he left exactly yes yes it's good so good to see David Ted back again uh yes no absolutely but yeah there is going to be you know I mentioned the last stream actually like I worry about GW around with time travel too much cuz it's often the death of a setting is doing too much with time travel but this could be actually a really fun story and if they write a story about the mechanicus going back to the war in heaven that would be F they said it and they have set it up in a way that it is such a specific set of circumstances that are allowing them to go back to One Planet at one specific point in time yeah and just to get get this knowledge get out that's the plan it's not call going all right fish it's time we go back to the future and then he hits a button and then they we're go back in time we're going to shoot the silent King in the head as a baby it's going to be fun what if we just what if we just found the tyranid hive minding yeah what's wrong with you yeah no exactly yeah that's that's a very different type of grim dark that they try and stay away from I think but uh yeah that's the plan Arabs exist I'm I'm very excited for that storyline it was a really enjoyable read the only part of it that I was like obviously it to me it felt like padding but for an imperial Knights enjoyer the fact that you got like several strong um indications of like how the machine Spirits inside um Knights work where he's just like oh my God old man shut up yes so good oh yeah that was really funny um yes uh house tyrannis who are KN very closely affiliated with Mars and oh what's his name it's something it's not just something the Elder Melvin the very Elder that's it Melvin the Melvin the very Elder and uh it's very yeah he's yeah this this very old if sorry if you're not familiar should explain this uh Imperial Knights the way they work is that they the machine Spirit like takes on The Souls of ancestors uh that have piloted the machine in the past so these an these Imperial Knights have run through multiple Generations so you've got your ancestors in your ear any one time and Chaos Knights likewise they've got their ancestors screaming like expletives at them because they've fooling chaos and it's like yeah it's like having your grandma in your ear constantly saying like oh don't forget to sh don't forget to shoot the little ones de yeah Grandma yeah I got it I got it I got it yeah no totally but yeah very fun book so full Grim's clonee is in tron's collection and he unleashes them for LS sometimes I know the storyline got Shel but maybe so I mean this is the thing right at the moment I think it's probably fair to say I don't think GW ever intend to revisit that storyline but that could change they genuinely could do they will write books they think you like and they will release models that they think you'll buy so I think Josh Reynolds he doesn't write for GW anymore so it's unlikely you'll see him but in theory another writer can pick it up always hold out hope and let's face it basar cool made the sons of the Phoenix and they are the worst cover ever so it'll be interesting to see what they do which traitor Legions will get primaris first uh that's a good question I mean the black Legion would be the obvious answer because fabus bar would love to get abdon off his back so that would be a really good way of doing it one interesting link that I I would love to see them do from this would be to Epimetheus so if you're not familiar Epimetheus is a grey knight from the pandax books and well book and it's he's a very interesting character he was originally a dark angel he becomes one of the first grey Knights he's very very powerful he's he's in stasis he comes out of stasis his job is to guard this uh Cave where there's this massive nurgle greater demon uh the prisoner of the emerald cave and he ends up big spoiler at the end of that book he gets captured by abidon and he has a very horrific ending his ending is that he ends up having like all load of his glands and stuff pulled out he gets strung up and then he has blanks sewn onto him so that he can't use his powers at all anyway one of the things that I am pretty sure abalon says at the end of that novel it's quite an old novel now he says he's going to gift to Fabulous bile some of the uh grey night uh Jean seed parts of the Jean seed so that fabc SP can try and create something new and that would be a really interesting way to pull this this Alpha primer storyline in with this kind of older law surrounding Epimetheus because he's a really interesting character it's a really cool idea and then he basically after this one book it was a campaign GW ran at the time after that campaign we don't hear from him ever again so it would be really interesting to see maybe fabulus B use the alpha Primus uh glands with the material got from this founding grey night member maybe make something new you know fabis Bell can make some crazy stuff with that I just want to see him stuff all that into his new men like he's going to get take the bare minimum he's going to use the stuff that abidon knows is associated with cuz they've obviously taken like a dead prar space Mar cut it open and been like that's new yeah and uh he they like we want that I want those and and those guys like bile will give him that but he's going to hang on to the really good stuff for himself basically he's gonna he's going to pull a Game Boy he's going to give abdon the original gray box Game Boy or maybe even a Game Boy Color but he's going to be over heill here building the Game Boy SP no totally we're just going to get smaller and smaller and smaller more compact then creations of bile can really mean something like I'd love to see CCI aile have the new men as their like souped up version of like not quite a Space Marine not quite a chaos cultist well he has this kind of and one of the earlier um Fab SPO books I forgot on their name the Consortium he has the Consortium and these are all like apothecaries that work under fabulous bile and I was like that would be a really cool unit to release someday he has a college yeah a whole college and that would be that would be really interesting that if in creations of bile you could run apothe like more than three apothecaries and or they're automatically Squad leaders for your legionaires yeah just this one 10man Apothecary squad or yeah the the squad that never is whatever they they want um so I would just say m thank you so much for donating the the memberships you're absolutely Legend it means the world I do see support of the channel means so much man thank you to everyone who does support the channel um which does remind me uh please do like the stream if you can like the stream And subscribe if you haven't subscribed all that good stuff um yeah it really means a lot to people who support the channel um and people seem to generally like this content um which has been really nice so thanks to everyone Dr Roo thank you so much for coming on man um this has AB I begged I begged you to do it so thank you for letting me thank you for letting me hang out with you and talk to you about like one of my favorite characters and bellisari call yeah I mean yeah if you do just want to hang out and have a good time or if you're super into painting as well then uh Dr Rhino your Twitch um I'll put a link for it in the description go check out you do put yourself on YouTube as well don't you I think I saw I'm really bad about that I tried learning how to edit things and I was like no live content forever but uh but yeah hang out on Twitch Dr Rhino um you'll see a little Purple Rhino logo that's me yeah um my schedule is switching up a little bit I got a new job that has me working nights but that's actually beneficial for uh for you folks over across the pond because that means if I'm streaming it'll probably be in my morning your afternoon sweet sweet and I should as well you also I've seen you've been doing quite a few things with play on tabletop who are very large uh tabletop town if you're you're not familiar um chat like so so yeah amazing amazing content coming out with them in the next few weeks yeah yeah you actually did a battle Report with your dad which I thought was so funny so uh yeah yeah that was pretty cool but yeah thank you to everyone who watched this um I hope you enjoyed it let us know in the comments you know what do you think of this book have you read it and uh yeah what do you think this is setting up like like we say this is setting up big story lines for the mechanicum and for the chaos side and I think some type mechanicum stuff in there as well so I'm pretty excited or true mechanicum I should say if there's any dark mechanicum fans in the audience but thanks very much for watching and I'll see you next time bye everybody
Channel: Sandman of Terra
Views: 38,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Belisarius Cawl, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cawl Protocol, Primaris Techmarine, AdMech, Tech Hereteks, Fabius Bile, Chaos Space Marines, Dark Mechanicus, Emperors Children, Chaos Experimentation, Bile The Clone Master, Flesh Is Weak, Warhammer 40k, 40k lore, Imperium of Man, Warhammer 40k Characters, Blackstone Fortress, Warhammer Community, Lore Explained, AdMech Technology, Chaos Corruption, Cawl vs Bile, fabius bile belisarius cawl, genefather review, genefather 40k
Id: KyXOMTicK88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 35sec (2735 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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