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hey everyone wolf Loro here well my Deathwing assault box finally arrived on Friday morning and so of course I immediately opened it up and Dove straight into the New Codex now as expected for the real answers on what's going on within the mind of the lion we're going to need to wait for the novels however there was certainly plenty of new information unveiled to how The Unforgiven and the Dark Angels in particular are adjusting to their primark's return so let's waste no time and just jump straight in okay so let's begin with Lion l Johnson himself the main event for the most part he is kept as a pretty mysterious and enigmatic figure what he thinks about his Modern Day sons the chapter the hunt for the Fallen it's all largely kept a mystery but there's a very strong theme of The Lion keeping to the shadows and observing his sons in silence that he's even able to escape attention entirely if he chooses to do so at times just emerging from the shadows of a room and he doesn't just do this on the Rock he travels to All The Unforgiven chapters silently observing now again just why and what he's thinking aren't known just yet but it's certainly feels like the primarch is appraising his sons in some way this new modernday version of his former Legion is he silently judging them ensuring they meet his exacting criteria is he ensuring there's no taint of the truly corrupt within them or is is he simply watching and learning as a commander can only be at his best if he truly knows his soldiers who knows at this point as I said the answers to what's going on in the Lion's mind are very much still a mystery now what's interesting is that mention of him traveling to All The Unforgiven chapters and he's very much leading them in battle too not simp simply observing and watching silently from the Shadows so very similar to what we have seen with Gillman the lion clearly still classes all his sons successor chapter alike as his the Legion of old so to speak however that said it's clearly stated El Johnson unlike his brother Gilman apparently has no visible intention to assemble large Crusades so The Unforgiven you'd assume are still doing their thing very much apart and I am a little surprised at this I get it from a practicality and story standpoint I mean El Johnson charging around at the head of a reformed Dark Angels Legion is maybe too much of a game changer however I've always felt El Johnson would essentially use The Unforgiven as that Legion as his Legion of old so I'm very curious to see his thoughts and intents with this when we get to the next novel we've already seen he was Furious learning Gillman had disbanded his Legion in the first place and that was great to see so time will tell I guess here there is the possibility of course he could in fact be doing that just seeing their uses better served being widespread we know he has returned within Imperium nylas for example and chaos is everywhere maybe the lion judged that a crusade wasn't his best option at this time again only time will tell we need a little more information at this point obviously here we're also told the lion stands above the Supreme grandmas in turn terms of the chapter and Unforgiven and that he alone is privy to every single secret and hidden piece of knowledge throughout all of dark Angel's history and this is another curious note for me and it had me wondering what he could know that azreal wouldn't have but I guess in hindsight this could simply relate to the days of the Legion which of course azreel wouldn't know much about or perhaps maybe each successive Supreme grandmas since those days has recorded a message or log of some kind for the Primark alone should he ever one day return now that's purely speculation on my part but I have to admit I do like the idea of it it would definitely be a fun novel or short story to read El Johnson reading records or messages left behind for him by each of the successive Dark Angel Supreme Grand Masters we're also told the lion has two personal chambers within the rock the first as you'd expect a grand command room with ancient banners hanging from the ceiling essentially the main command center and secondly a secret more private chamber deep within the depths of the rock known only to to the highest ranks of the Inner Circle here the watches in the dark are frequently cited and the area seems to be somehow merged or shrouded with the Lion's new psychic power or at least embedded by that same Vibe of ancient calaban with mist rolling across the floor and the forest likee plant life growing over the stonework and this is where the lion conducts the truly important conversations with the privileged few azreel Ezekiel Bal Etc now there is also a tease that at times when waiting for permission to enter the Lion's chamber the Inner Circle have heard the lion quietly speaking with other people but that when they enter there's no sign of anyone with the Primark the voices are said to give a sense of unease and well at this point I'd say there's two possibilities one most likely El Johnson's redeemed immediately when azreal laid eyes on them with his reunion with the primarch in the arks of omen campaign he was filled with a sense of unease as well they are essentially Fallen to him so getting the same Vibe and feeling from these voices would make sense however there is of course the possibility they could be the Watchers in the dark instead we have seen within the Lion Son of the forest and previously within the heresy that the lion can and does converse with the Watchers so it's definitely a possibility however I think it's far more likely to be the lion speaking with his redeemed sons and so deep is this chamber it's close to the former C of lofer And in regards to lofer we're told l Johnson has said absolutely nothing not even to Supreme Grandmaster azreel that at times he stands within the now empty cell with his eyes closed and seemingly listening for something definitely one of those interesting little notes that I'm looking to see more of in regards to the wider Imperium the Lion's feelings are ref to be what we've already seen in the Lion Son of the forest that he doesn't like what is seen of the institution the worship of his father as a God by the ecclesiarchy but that the simple people of the Imperium those still working hard are deserving of his defense and respect and it appears no reunion with Gilman has taken place just yet the references that are given are still really situated on Imperium nylas as for Supreme Grandmaster azreal his relationship with the Primark appears to be trustworthy at least from The Limited information we have seen so far we're told that azreel offered El Johnson the sacred lion Helm back upon their proper reunion after their first battle to which the lion stated he would only take it back when he felt a supreme Grandmaster was not worthy of it and today was not not that day so clearly he has seen something of worth within azreal perhaps here's modern-day course way I think the relationship between these two is one of the things I'm looking forward to seeing the most in the next novel I really hope we get to see a real conversation between the two that it's not all left to mystery or what we see of azriel's faults that we get a real genuine in-depth conversation between the two may be down in this secret chamber of the lion the two conversing in private when there is no one else around now the hunt for the Fallen continues just as before four interrogation and torture still included which may surprise some people given the lion realizing that not all those on calaban had truly turned against him a lot simply oblivious to Luther intent and were just defending themselves during the primarch's assault believing he had turned against them however in this vein there are times now the lion will enter the interrogation chamber and caller proceedings to a halt ordering the chaplain out to speak with the fallen and this is said to be a rare occurrence so there obviously has to be some factor that plays into El Johnson's reasoning here I think we'll have an in-depth discussion on the hunt for the Fallen next so really dive in and debate and discuss it some more but sometimes after long hours the lion will sadly tell his men to continue the interrogation and sometimes he'll open the door with the Fallen seemingly having vanished and this is where it gets a little curious again as obviously this is the redeemed that referencing here El Johnson deeming them worthy of another chance that they didn't truly betray him or the emperor and it says only the highest of ranks May truly know what happens to the Disappeared fallen again we're talking senior command azreel Ezekiel probably bile and I'd assume saffon however it then States even they have suspicions on what they think they know know and that even azreel doesn't know how or why El Johnson makes the decisions he does maybe simply reaffirming that strong secret and mystery theme throughout here or maybe El Johnson is somehow not revealing the full truth to any of his modern-day Sons so this lands us squarely on the new Inner Circle companions quite clearly the Redeemer Fallen that much was obvious from the very first sighting back in the reveal However unfortunately we get less information on them here then everything else really nothing more than we already know from the reveal back on Christmas day they are a mystery to the chapter acting as bodyguards to Heroes Across The Unforgiven and they speak only to themselves in encrypted Vox the excuse being a a vow of silence outside their Brotherhood not even The Unforgiven Grand Masters know who they truly are and I was hoping for some information on how they were accepted into the chapter here how azreel reacted when the lion told him about them and who actually knows but unfortunately we didn't get it here it's all still yet to be revealed I'd assume again the dark Angel's Inner Circle must know that core command few again azreel Ezekiel b saffon as it would be impossible for them to not put two and two together with what they already know so I'm really hoping this gets a proper explanation in a novel where we can really see how azreel and Co reacted to this news how well Johnson explained it and delivered his decision to his sons why this decision and knowledge was withheld from the grand masters of the successor chapters was it from azriel's advice to the Primark or something else this is a factor that I really want to see uncovered however all in all very intriguing we've now got our first look at Lionel Johnson reunited with his chapter how the chapter has adjusted and how The Unforgiven Army moving forward so far we have far more questions raised than answered which as ever is the dark Angel's way but it's all definitely raised my expectation and anticipation for the next Lionel Johnson and Dark Angels novel to come I am so looking forward to receiving those answers and reading those important conversations but as always everyone what do you think what do you think of our first sighting of Lionel Johnson reunited with his chapter are you surprised to see him traveling amongst The Unforgiven chapters that he's not seemingly leading them all as a legion that he appears to be silently watching and observing his sons is he appraising them in some way is he learning and formulating his plan moving forward or is he in some way disappointed despite r feeling no such feeling as always everyone leave your thoughts in the comments below huge thank you to all my subscribers your support truly means a lot to me it really does if you're new please consider subscribing to help the channel grow and if you enjoyed this particular vid then why not DRP a like on it too but with that said I am off and I'll see you all again real soon
Channel: Wolf Lord Rho
Views: 25,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark angels, lion el'jonson, primarch, space marines, primaris, unforgiven 40k, roboute guilliman, warhammer 40k
Id: SvQeosjSdwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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