TIMELINE of the 40K UNIVERSE by Trazyn the Infinite

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foreign [Music] [Music] work my museum art gallery Within These Halls sits the Galaxy's most comprehensive collection of artifacts in existence I have spent my long years cataloging the entire culture of all the beings I could from the dawn of time to the present day Within These Halls are libraries containing the last known words of countless races who have been cast to the harsh uncaring Winds of time truth be told there are more galleries in my museum than a mortal could wish to visit in several lifetimes each Hall is dedicated to a great Empire and their achievements but also their faults and inevitable demise the history of the universe is filled with such Empires their names forever carved on the steel of time there are others who accomplished little with their gift of life their existences being short painful blighted Tales the tales of History are only reserved for those who earned the right to write them I will show the halls of my library to guide you on the Story of All of time as we start from the dawn of all existence density [Music] temperature a singularity initiating the expansion primordial gas and Cosmic dust sent into eternity to become everything we know or ever will [Music] gravity is the key to it all gravity birth the Stars it connects the galaxies guiding them in motion to their inevitable orbits that haunting Cosmic ballet played out over infinite millennia forever churning in the Restless flow of time locked in the Embrace of gravitational Unity vast ages of time pass ancient Evolution forms in the Stars gravity guides worlds Beyond count into existence as the Stars collapsed and more were driven into the infinite possible have will have the first true life in the universe emerged victorious in an arms race of evolutionary barbarism I suppose I should introduce the immaterium the Sea of souls The Ether it has many names however it is generally referred to as the warp an alternate Dimension that has existed as long as the universe itself made up of pure psychic energy and raw emotions the warp is endless unpredictable and terribly dangerous to those who cannot harness its power the first conscious life was the star vampires self-aware entities that appeared in the void between nowhere and nothing beings of great power that consumed the energies of stars feeding on the life force of the planets themselves these parasites do not differ from any life in the universe all life desires the same outcome energy consumption and safety for their offspring they would with time be known as the Katan cursed reptilian old ones scrape their Primal forms onto the shores of Worlds long dead before even we necrons evolved to stand upright the first true sentient beings to cross the vast reaches of the Galaxy they were the first to climb the Long Trail of evolution and self-awareness their ceaseless advances place them at the top of the pyramid in this galaxy they traveled through the Stars like dust travels on the breeze and even built what younger races would call the web way through the web way the old ones seeded life on hundreds of worlds in their wake they birthed countless Untold species and cultures [Music] life was cruel to our species I need not tell you that evolving Upon A cursed world falling victim to the scorching heat of our nearest star withering our bodies and lives our suffering evolved our culture and history we built our Empire despite the struggle and endless pain we were worthy of the kiss the Stars had shown to the others our leaders met with the old ones we begged for the Cure to death to show us the secrets of immortality they refused us refused our desire for life and in their ignorance they doomed themselves there was no choice for us we raged war against the tyrants countless Generations ground to powder but beneath the heel of the greedy and the vicious [Music] even with our unified empire even with the might of countless worlds and millions of Genius warsmiths the strength of our dynasties was not enough to defeat the old ones the war was lost the greatest defeat being that we were still cursed to weak frail lives the old ones banished us to the edges of the Galaxy they forced us into Exile on our home world it was then that the Catan came with their offer the ancient beings of the cosmos had appeared they came as Gods promising the gifts we desperately sought we were all fools to believe them after the agreements were signed our people were put in Chains and marched into the furnaces as our flesh and blood was ripped from our bodies we became the machine we were betrayed the 10. those traitorous sun-eating dogs feasted on the soles of a whole race entire culture how tragic then that the Ambassador for the Katan was named a Deceiver but our translators misunderstood and believed its name was messenger the god War the breaking of the Void the war in heaven five million years of hate and Flame the old ones were driven back by the combined force of the Katan and us their steel slaves wherever we necron tread life Fades like a distant spark in a cold night the old ones those fools they grew desperate creating the Elder to help them in their losing War a race of decadent hedonistic artists to fight steel gods fools they created the fierce Croc a species that thrives on War and the desire for war little did they know of the plague they were creating and on a small habitable world it was said that they also ceded Baseline primate life as the last defense strongholds are on the verge of collapse after we have flayed the mines and spirits of countless old ones they formed their last doomed battle line as the old ones were pushed into Oblivion zaric the silent king led our armies against our slave masters we turned on the Katan the Katan were weakened by the war against the old ones and the threats of the eldari and Croke armies the Catan was shattered defeated and placed in our stasis Chambers made to watch from containment as the race they saw to enslave freed themselves the mighty Katan were not much more than prisoners forced to watch us live on despite their evil desire weakened from the wars we faced the new threats of the multiple upstart races the crook and so many more the silent King decided Our Fate we were to wait in silence as our armies rebuilt we need not fear time like our puny carbon-based enemies it is during this time deldari developed their technology at an exponential rate becoming the dominant force in the universe it seemed they had Advanced their species to immortality but how long could they sustain their own desires I admit I am partial to the aldari their great works are unrivaled their ability to will a world into being is haunting [Music] we must speak about the so-called human element as their Empires take up many Halls of my museum though sometimes unhinged and unpredictable they are interesting and present true promise for us we will cover much of their history difficult as it is with the conflicting dates set by the Imperium itself but no matter we will account their records from our own sources Imperial records will be our guide or should I say those Imperial records which I have procurred will be our guide I always found them to be of great Amusement they had begun on a small class 54415 planet on the edge of the galactic arm of the Milky Way they had first crawled from the primordial ooze as advanced water-based life to think that glorified fish now wrap the Galaxy in an iron fist is enough to burn my central processes to solder however as we slept these fish people became Baseline primates class 4 beings for much of their early existence The Primitives accomplished little it was their use of tools that separated them from the other animals of creation from the first moment to cave-dwelling Savage struck a poor sign variant with a rock it was all over slowly they invented pottery and the bringer of security at his fire [Music] it was then that the warp entities had emerged from the void the first knowledge of the immaterium the damage from our Wars against Gods had ripped wounds in the universe from these wounds came the apparent gods extremely powerful creatures that bask in The Souls of the Dead growing ever in power The Mortals referred to the beings as the chaos gods they were named corn zinch and nurgle what are three more pathetic void beings against the might of this galaxy we have killed greater beings before we may have to do so again it is at this point that the aldari learned the secrets of the web way and continued their dominance of the Stars the Imperial myth concerning the birth of their God Emperor is as follows seeing the inevitable fate of humanity to be consumed by the chaos Gods a group of humanist shamans banded together to stop this future they had devised a plan to save their species from the thirsting gods committing ritualized Mass self-annihilation as the shamans died and their souls entered the warp the power of the souls overwhelmed the beings that inhabited that dead void the soul of their soon-to-be Emperor was birthed and made manifest in his physical form I must add here this is perhaps one of my favorite twists of fate in all of history deep within a black stone complex which crashed on Mars before the rise of humanity is the noctis Labyrinth within walls built 65 Million Years Ago by us lies the ancient void Dragon Imperial myth tells us that it is believed that the emperor conquered this dragon on terror after this defeat it was imprisoned beneath Mars for all time little do they know those red robed clicking iron princes that their void Dragon is a Katan let loose by corrupted Slumber codes I wonder how they would react to the news that its real name is the Eater of knowledge the humans began their empire on terror their grasp of technology is slow they spend much of their time throwing sharpened tree pieces at each other had a multitude of cultures each one's God more important than the other it was during this time that the chaos Gods had fully awakened with the abundance of new Souls the chaos Gods had grown stronger one human myth is that these events in their early years manifested the Gods corn was born in the channel bits of millions of dead humans nurgle vomited into the universe in the wake of the vast catalog of their illnesses and zinch during the artistic Awakening periods of each unique Terran culture arrogant to think that the Universe would notice their tiny conflicts humans had conquered their Homeworld they had experimented with the possibilities of travel through the immaterium still unsure of how to harness its power for space travel they had developed primitive space-faring capabilities and set off to terraform their solar system they have always been amusing creatures thinking themselves masters of the cosmos even back when fire was their most advanced achievement in essence they are simple jellyfish a travesty of nerves that stems from an inferior brain piloting a suit of bone wrapped into King meat it is their arrogance that I enjoy so much they were never meant for the Stars yet they do all to conquer each parsec they fight amongst themselves more than any enemy Tranquility makes them squirm they lived for war the humans built colonies throughout their nearest Wells a slow process due to their primitive spacecraft they continued to do what they do best build and breed worlds are terraformed and colonized sublight travel was their archaic way of colonization each colony drifting farther from the home World of terror over expansion resulted in loss of communication it was only a matter of time before this formula would collapse into Bedlam and chaos as the years drifted on countless Interstellar Empires emerged and throughout the galaxies most of these supposed Empires bore me they Prosper for such short spans of time one does not even need to remember their futile existence the humans furthered their grasp on nature bending any resources they could find to their greed colonies stretched into the vast reaches of solar systems over extending their empire [Music] the myths of the emperor continue to grow it is said the emperor arrived on molec and found a portal into the immaterium a deal was made with the chaos gods for the gift of knowledge of warpcraft allowing the emperor to create the primarks the Eldar Empire had grown into the most advanced civilization in the universe they had achieved the Apex of Technology creating their own desires from will alone lesser races proved no threat to their domination of the Stars [Music] evolutionary jump there were sudden appearances of psychas as they call them cursed individuals who can draw power from the immaterium humans who developed the Navigator Gene allowed the first human Navigators to make The Passage through the warp the great Navigator bloodline's controlled warp travel the humans continue to explore and colonize all that they've found treaties were signed with dozens of Xeno races it was truly a golden age for Humanity technology often gets the better of the Primitive species that crafted the promises of comfort and ease of existence has led to the downfall of dozens of species it was then that man's greatest Creations their slaves turned on their masters in force the cybernetic Revolt as it was once called started with the men of iron Anarchy ripped throughout all of humanity the Golden Age of humanity ended in brutality who knows how many billions lost their lives or what technology was destroyed in the process across the Stars another empire fell to time the Eldar had enjoyed their moment of success technology was not their downfall their own desires tore them apart sheer physical impulses and depravity broke them they're yearning for lust and pleasure cursed their kind the being that sworn from their depravity forever changed the course of the Stars it was then that the being known as slanesh came to be the eye of Terror that came to be from the creation of slaanesh obliterated almost all of the Elder He Who thirsts as some have called slanesh feasted on billions of eldari Souls some of the aldari foresaw the dark future and left their homeworlds behind the craft worlds were all that was left of them now vast floating cities that are slowly fading away as a fan of theatrical Renditions of historical events I find the performances from this era to be especially entertaining the humans had peaked in their scientific advances the historical blueprints or as they are more commonly known the standard template constructs became the database of all human technology Humanity was plagued with warp storms that appeared throughout the far reaches of the Galaxy warp travel was impossible and the colonies began to erode this is a difficult time for my collection almost all the important artifacts had been stolen by that damned mechanicus ugh if only I were awake during this time the humans are easy candidates for the corruptive powers that inhabit the warp through the warp storms psychic energy flowed into space the weaker of Humanity's Cycles suffered from demonic possession the human race tore itself apart [Music] the Emperor of mankind began his plans for Domination he began work on creating the gene seeds that would lead to the formation of his twenty Sons or as they are more commonly referred to primarks Imperial record fails to State exactly how this event occurred it only States the Primark embryos were scattered throughout the Galaxy all blame is laid at the feet of the chaos gods for this deed but who can really say the emperor set out on his quest to find the missing primarks my sleep was suddenly over myself and other high Lords awakened from our slumber my initial excitement evaporated as the realization of how much time had passed I had to continue my work it was my duty to my Dynasty to store the relics of our past even that miserable little pile of secrets urukin was awakened however this was not our time to reclaim our galaxy what a time to be awake to witness this short era of grandeur this story of this era contains artifacts that are amongst my favorites in all of my museum the warp storms that plagued mankind for over 5 000 years drifted away the Emperor of mankind was known as the greatest psycha in history he United the people under his rule during the unification Wars he made a pact with the cult mechanicus on Mars he expanded the human Empire while discovering his Wayward Sons the blood that was spilled was that of Legend the humans had set to take hold of the Galaxy swallowing everything in their path Unity was always their strength yet they denied it at every chance they could the emperor was the key to their survival he colored his Legions and sent his sons to fight his Wars I witnessed such glorious battles during this period so much occurred during these times so much to record to document to preserve the artifacts from this era are amongst some of my favorites the primarks had been found and sent on their various Quests for the emperor the great Crusade had come to an end Humanity had become the dominant life in the universe imperial history recording events during these times had been subverted so much has been altered to appease the masses to appease the Inquisition and the religious maniacs what is known as fact is the emperor's favorite son Horus had betrayed the emperor he and half of his brothers rebelled against the Imperium and I was there to see it play out the Battle of istan 3 was where the treachery transpired with blade and Firearm to see the armored Warriors battle brother against brother it was as beautiful as it was tragic foreign I remember being impressed by the humans my theory of their hatred of Peace was proven once again how they love to fight the Eternal War had begun above Terror another civil war had already begun Brewing the mechanicum split into two the red robes believe in a being they named the omnisaya many believe the emperor was not the true Avatar of the machine God many believe that the emperor is in fact the omnisia made flesh an epic battle took place above what the humans had once called the Earth the traitor sons of the emperor invaded the human Homeworld they had come to kill the emperor and take control of the Imperium this was a staggering battle for beings such as humans the final battle occurred between Horus and the emperor after Millions were killed by their blood brothers the final blows were landed by the emperor and his favorite son Horus a clash that left the emperor fatally wounded it is a shame what happened the emperor slew Horus who In fairness had it coming much to my annoyance those loyal to Horus managed to steal his remains away how I wished to have horus's armor in my collection I have spent many centuries harvesting rumors of the remains of the arch traitor wounded Emperor was interred in The Golden Throne a technological Marvel from Humanity's old world technology the mechanicus hardly understood this was the end of the human reign of superiority it had come to a glorious finale the fact that I'm reasonably confident that The Golden Throne is our technology is not important the times following the Horus heresy were boring in comparison humans fell back once again into predictability it was Black or White from then on the Loyalists gradually reclaimed the Imperium pushing the traitor forces that aligned with the chaos Gods back into the warp the nine loyalist Space Marine Legions are divided and began their own Quest throughout the Galaxy the humans desperately wanted their place at the top as they struggled other races grew in strength across the Galaxy had formed back when slanesh the depraved was birthed they saw the event as inevitable and accepted their evolutionary Destiny they are a brutal race arrogant hedonist and vile for the sake of nefariousness there were none in the Galaxy who rivaled their cruelty a slave in the city of Kimora named vecht swore to be the ruler of the dark city he was ambitious and founded his own group known as The Cult of the Blackheart with a devious plan he betrayed the leaders of Kimora and had the humans kill his enemies with the leaders weakened vect took power and led the dark Elder what he led them towards is unknown these beasts created nothing they offered nothing they reveled in suffering just as the Katan did they are beneath our regard but have earned are disgust the Orcs attempted to claim their position at the top of the evolutionary chain the ancient race had swelled in numbers over the Millennia an orc War Boss known as the Beast built an impressive Army that rampaged the universe it was during this time that the green skins became a threat to all I find them to be similar in some ways to the humans warring against each other obsessed with power obsessed with what both races call loot loot what a crude word both believe their technology to be superior to all another life form that idolizes the spirit of war the Estates were able to stop the Green Wave at Great costs however a new species emerged from the dust of the cosmos the flesh robotics first discovered the tower on a distant world the adeptus mechanicus ship land's Vision found the Primitive species the blue creatures were simple in nature having only learned to use Simple tools and Fire simple creatures that were of no thread but still their elimination was ordered as they were to be destroyed for the good of the Imperium before the planet could be annihilated it was surrounded by a violent warp storm the wars soon to take place changed the fate of their world the Imperium abandoned their plans for colonization and left the species to their feet I am sure the Imperium uses this story to drive their agendas the tower were able to unite under one Banner they claimed to stand for the cause of the greater good seemingly effective form of governance as the centuries passed the Tau built their empire diving into different castes you may encounter them they will speak of all these castes bar one the ethereals these ruling beings are conveniently forgotten about in the Tau propaganda its faceless Elites are the true ruling class of the Tau the Fire cast are the fists used to quell Rebellion the Earth cast show off their medical capabilities to lowly Serfs the air cast blockade worlds and offer free transports and of course the Water cast those silver tongue diplomats they promise so much to anyone with the oral receptors to hear these upstart fledgling fools Must Learn To Tread carefully they do not have the ability to confront the Imperium that they berate Holy Father time will tell whether these masters of masquerade will live or die another rise in power for the awful Orcs centuries of crusading had weakened the Imperium Humanity teetered on the verge of collapse the orc invasions were relentless even worse the more the Orcs suffered the more they grew countless star systems fell to the Green Wave it is their chaotic nature that holds them back from remaining atop their evolutionary chain a culture predicated on the desire to be bigger and stronger than the rest can only go so far without true governance even with their Simplicity the damage they caused almost destroyed the humans it was not our time to rise our armies were set to awake at a later date however our tomb worlds were invaded by the adeptus mechanicus on their quest to find the lost standard template constructs they discovered our tombworlds their curiosity and their degradation of the Slumber protocols led to countless members of our race Awakening 65 million years of Slumber it was our time to rule the galaxy once more to reclaim what we had died for our metallic bodies regenerated our Weaponry was to Mortals what the storm was to the stone more of our tombs were awakened our armies began their Conquest the silent King took back his rightful seat on the throne it is our time once again how the humans love to hold their Martyrs up for all to see no single world is a greater martyr than Cadia in truth I had believed the Terran method of time recording BC stood for before Cadia they speak of this planet so often during battle it was a world of much importance to the Imperial and to be frank the Galaxy the fall of Cadia is a loss it was a weapon a weapon designed to remove the warp from our reality its loss must be lamented during the 13th Black Crusade the war master of chaos Abaddon the despoiler launched a massive assault against the loyalists a unfathomable war broke out and the planet was eventually destroyed it was a significant loss for the Imperium losing such a beautiful world to their own traitorous kind one of the greater threats faced by the Mortal races of the Galaxy are the beings we labeled the great devourers the tyranids the humans named them the tyranids after their attack and consumption of tyrant Primus revolting insectoid creatures that swarm world after World consuming everything that stands in their path all life is consumed by these creatures consumed studied and improved on though they appear as mindless animals they are sublimely clever beings they have demonstrable hierarchies they adapt and evolve in the moment to conquer any situation little is known of their history there are no records of them before the great sleep they appeared from the deepest reaches of space the humans first discovered the creatures in the Eastern fringes rumor has been said that they were first seen by the Inquisition as far back as the 35th millennium speculation and rumors of course but I still enjoy this Discord it is said that they have begun to surround our galaxy ready to unleash their own Conquest after being drawn by the emperor's Light Within the void I cannot say if this is true or not others believe they are being pushed back chased into our regions of space all of this poses a great question are these beasts coming to this galaxy after having consumed everything they could in their own or this is not the ideal case are they running from something greater if they continue their rude Interruption of the drama that is the Galaxy's unfolding history I may have to add a new section to the gallery perhaps I will name it a brief history of the tyranid species [Music] the universe is at unrest the rapidly growing threats to the Galaxies have increased as the weak find power all of us are grasping for our rightful place on the throne of the universe all Empires rise and fall It Is the destiny of all life to fade away life is a struggle for all who have fought to survive even the smallest of life forms face this turmoil the weak become dust in the infinite Darkness never to be remembered to rank which species stand at the top would be Irrelevant in the current turmoil they all cling to their spot each battle and War gaining favor or falling to the side to Rise Again The Great empires of the past have all earned their place in my Halls they each have a place in the history of the Galaxy the future of the universe will continue others will try to gain their spot as did all the great empires of the past it is a pitiful attempt all life will wither and die there is only one race that will succeed them all we are Immortal we have learned from our mistake we will rule our galaxy once again but Humanity in its rapidly breeding expansion has offered us what we never thought possible a means to return to the flesh times we are the infinite [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Warrior Tier
Views: 959,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uxRY25TV_Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 47sec (2387 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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