the cutest demon

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when a Pokemon faints they die and we can only catch the first Pokemon we see in each new route welcome to the Nuzlocke here we go hello huh we just run him right over him double kick that's adorable Oh doing the hop it's doing the up you fool you thought it was lazy animating no no no no no it's just a lop can make them hop it's always had a lame animation they've been working on that for years every one of my Pokemon is an ace this is no problem at all I don't know about being an ASA they certainly are in the whole lead over the water gym off the snapper Pokemon it would definitely give me a heel right now right you uh you busy also hello oh wait a minute I sincerest apologies the Chairman is quite busy at the moment what the heck is he wearing why are all shirts in this region like mid-thigh linked at best ah your name was failure right we're just talking about you I admit I'm curious about Leon's reasonings for endorsing you I'm curious about your your clothing style quite frankly Oh much your guarding the seafood restaurant that bag lady also this guy is suave hold on I kind of want to eat there right now he's got like a semicircle for a mustache she's like the lost Mario brother mmm glory oh here's some babies I was this oh heck yeah we can should I leave should I leave I don't know I feel like I walked in on something do it if that isn't like a reaction image right there man yo what's up I would be how it be ah look at this let's use a dice to decide which puddle we go for hold on one that says 100 why hello bring in some type diversity in this Nuzlocke what the heck H by the DB gamer no more letters hmm HAP HAP it'sa like it welcome to the team okay Bailey we can't go up there oh wait a minute hello well I know you that's it to the stadium I love fishing but I love Pokemon battles even more and I'm itching for a battle with you yeah same oh wait a minute if we level them up into a vileplume right now we could just use the move reminder it literally just makes us stronger and guarantees the easiest wipe I could imagine through the Ness area the DAAD god is getting stronger God is evolving into vileplume the dodge squad has a new face so what can we learn here where's the powder talk toxic oh oh oh this is just unfair isn't it vileplume is busted I want to get a stat stuff died tell me about yourself okay goodbye Nessa Oh goodbye Nessa look at this a large gamer oh here they come this is a powerful one indeed and dot dot check gamer clothes but like with more accuracy through they look like a basketball player like they're gonna dribble that up and down the court they look like they're traveling it's punching the ground completed jobs here yeah we didn't welcome our Pokemon back multi-purpose fabric development how much of the 742 XP they struggle the little bro I sent the fish of course they would struggle I can't believe they even make they did need progress what just keep running up to four up three I'll send in a hi pizza boo shoe and dunk okay well I'm satisfied wait Musha was wearing shoes what job did I just send them for just keep running we need to pull granted yeah okay we literally just sent a fish a fish a horse and another fish they're not gonna be too happy with me are they Bob's your uncle oh god he's got like an actual tone on his head what is that's not a hairstyle ha my ankle winky face Ayten quiet there check oh he's got fortnight dances too as if he couldn't get better so I think between Joel taro and dodge we should be able to clean everything up and of course NoCal our starter we have half of our team on like a hard counter kind of state gamer a time oh my god this feels like this looks like a Six Flags area all right let's get the beat [Music] [Applause] [Applause] down the stairs over here you think Julia's get a high from doing this kind of puzzle stuff you think this is what they rigged up their houses with in order to get something out of the refrigerator they got to go solving a seven combination lock take off their shoes put them in the sink like I saw him in gym leaders get too much of a kick from this stuff kids he becoming all there she is oh yeah here oh here comes the real beaut I don't doubt my home omissions difficulty get you cleared it your mind is as a Pokemon trade it must be quite refined red ghost off blue goes blue yellow yell how old is Nessa I don't know man but apparently she has like the brain of like three year old trying to put the square in the circle hold I think I don't know man if I drink water right now my added disadvantage do you have power over this gonna go throw that Pokemon Goldeen oh we're gonna eat that fish up you want some sushi boys flying moves I didn't consider that what they'll heal from everything but get up I'm unfamiliar with it so I have caution nevermind [Laughter] doctor got the utensils for that one looks like I'm done that's Pokemon the best for last let's get him on the big old turtle hi baby it's time for some max over grows the biggest bite you can possibly fathom one powerful giant turtle revered throughout the lands for one flowery friend bull the Dodge got hers Max Keiser pillow Bell take that right in the face you're the crowd better evacuate like now here comes the big chicken train train all of it cells away in one shot done you absolute monster get out of here you can't just do that dude I'm gonna stand everyone on the right side of the stadium lost 30 years of their life of that Giga Drain they were definitely within the splash zone for that one yeah yeah did I keep the Chairman waiting like you have for the last four days head to the seafood restaurant the captain's table gotta fit the part are we eating the napkins by the way mulberry is a seafood town naturally if one is going to eat here the obvious choice is the local cuisine and using the forks that have two polygons hello why is so you're so short y'all Sonya I did not peg Sonya for a sloucher what the heck she does at least like two feet on me normally quit indented Center you know yeah yeah of course Sonya it may be good for you to visit the vault in hammerlock I believe the key to unlocking the secrets of the Dynomax phenomenon and lies in the history preserve there here's the TM as a reward thank you very much retaliate strange seem to give me at a restaurant but sure thing are these wild Pokemon they are hello hello so talk to me scraggy are those Panzers are just your flesh like work with me man let's get him BAM I saw the outside the dig dig be doodles duh dawn power our wonderful serial killer our powerful friend the squirrel mafia boss Oh has now evolved welcome greeting to the team serious bite angel likes to thrash about yeah no kidding dude if that isn't the face of a serious poke about our what is oh hello Ben oh I feel sorry for my Pokemon if I made them take part in the battle against low level of ponens bring on buddy come here grandma come get some so what do we got to deal with here we got to sell payback we went first it's all Wow it's doable funny killed oh okay okay that Pokemon is now a ticking time bomb because as long as they have endeavour they can pretty much what were any of my pokemons HP to that amount a little bit worried about that HP but I'm feeling like all grow Plus quick attack would be the play okay using super potion I should have just kept it going hey I got to be cautious [Applause] I'll grow I'll go kill this thing incinerate it burn it I hate that stupid self that thing is that level I think is the evolution number one oh god I hate that stupid little thing yikes super potion use item yeah my turn to use one of those stupid things okay okay but how about payback hello ponyta kill it get that stupid my little pony looking thing out of your aisle we're fine let's go let's get him whoo no death run baby no death run pink brown pick coal piece dark brown nope no what about red eyebrows ah feel like a splatoon character holo blue dark this is me what I get when I get a team wipe oh no don't talk me dead inside I think between happy tight arms we would be doing pretty good I I think we swap out Jill taro for now oh right of course we need to change up uh Alvina but I don't want to remake another drawing so we're just gonna make Alvina bigger all right Gary boom what I got baited what star is given newborn what the heck okay here's what's gonna happen I'm gonna cautiously move forward with Dodd there's no way they're all they are all traps all right that would be a terrible wild animal who's knowing this one it's a trap - surely this is just free food why does this keep happening to me so now we progress also before progress oh thank you guys very much with the support they were very much in support Kristin cube what's up my gamer thank you very much for the support Shane Hurley Schlueter man Shane Hurley one more time forgot to send him a message on my last donation thank you very much support ice wall outcome I'm really glad I still read it nice and slowly but uh I think that's the first time I've got hit by a quick gg all right all right all right I'll take the yell on that one I'll take the yell on that one okay that's so weak you know oh hello what's going on here oh hello that's kaboom manis wicked no wonder he's the fire type gym leader ha you are the traitors endorsed by Leon up and failure am i right I saw how you brutally slayed Nessa before now you think you're above the law and can do whatever you want well I will have to be the one to put it into that mentality it will be up to me to bring you to your creator buddy whoa whoa I thought I'd stop coming for me also hello all of ragini roll up you're gonna give me another Wragge to roll up an old friend comes up to bat let's go baby a new friend was caught well I thought WI syw max Armand says w-why I gotta go alive oh man here we go yeah pretty good I think arms is pretty good now Harvey Harvey bring a car I love that arms is only weak to grass god that's so nice I say now oh let's go clean them up yo come on take on the one-man army that guy's way too happy that guy is way too thrilled about being a cop no I need a restraining order against the cop unless you're if the law allows intimidate not the ground girls ain't intimidating me so been standing behind me looking like a muppet ha ha you're going to jail that's literally a felony you assaulting a police officer I will not stop vibrating okay here's $2,000 poison is good against psychic I remember this time Haho check out my giant brain it's not why do I try I did the same thing I usually do
Channel: Failboat
Views: 534,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: failboat, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, scorbunny, nuzlocke, challenge run, but some funny stuff happens, help me, switch, funny stuff happens, lets play, funniest moments, nintendo switch, ep 4, episode 4
Id: XSAB6wq_oHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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