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so today's video is going to be another salt true-crime cast today we're gonna be talking about a serial killer and before we get into it I just want to give a little bit of a warning and I've never given a one in like this before but this case is probably the creepiest I've ever covered on my channel so not like this Gary it's not the most gory not the most like upsetting it's just creepy like it sounds like a horror film but today I'm going to be covering the serial killer known as the weepy voiced killer and they are called the weepy wife's killer because after every kill that they would do they would call the police and give themselves up they wouldn't give themselves in but they would call the police crying weeping giving where the body was how they killed them and saying sorry for killing and so I will be putting those police phone calls in this video and just a warning they are some of the creepiest things I've ever heard so if you are easily creeped out if you're watching this alone at night with the lights off maybe turn on a light so before I get into it I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this is all just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so on New Year's Eve of 1980 a 20 year old University student Karen attack was out celebrating the New Year with her sisters and some friends then we're out celebrating in the Twin City area of Minnesota and if you're not kind of familiar with American geography neither am i but I'm going to try my best so the Twin Cities are two cities that are often kind of categorized together they're often talked about together as the Twin Cities even though they are separate cities and these are sent Paul and Minneapolis and between the two cities is the Mississippi River so Karen and her sisters and her friends were all out in the city of st. Paul celebrating New Year's like I said so then we're all having a good time Karen stuck around to see midnight but when the club closed at 1:00 a.m. her friends and her sisters noticed that Karen had gone Karen was seen leaving the club alone just after midnight she was drunk she still had a drink in her hand she was wearing no jacket and it was snowing that night and she just kind of walked out into the road and went off although Street that Karen walked out until was pretty busy it had people everywhere it was New Years Eve everyone was out however Karen eventually found herself on an alley where alone the only other person on this alley bear was a man in a car who saw Karen she was obviously drunk she was walking around without a jacket on it was snowing outside like I said and so he pulled over and offered her a lift her and Karen drunk and cold wasn't really puttin her safety first and so she just got into the car with this stranger and then around two hours later at 3 a.m. police received the following phone call so police rushed to this manufacturing shop where they found Karen pure tack on the ground injured and no one else was inside she'd been left on a bank of snow by a rail where and she didn't seem to be moving I responded at all karen was naked and severely beaten with a tire iron actually to the point where her skull was cracked open and unbelievably karen was still alive and so they rushed her to the hospital she had emergency surgery and she survived the attack even though police didn't really know much about this attack at the time due to the severity and the viciousness of the attack on Karen they actually categorized it as an attempted murder rather than just an assault unfortunately because Karen had been beaten so bad to the head she didn't remember a single thing from her attack which I suppose is fortunate for Karen however this also meant that she didn't remember a single thing about her attacker what he looked like what car we drove anything like that and so finding him was gonna be near enough impossible the attacker also left nothing in the way of physical evidence at the crime scene and this was in 1980s so the possibility of getting DNA evidence for the scene wasn't even considered there were also absolutely no witnesses because this manufacturing shop where she'd been attacked was completely isolated there were no houses around it so no one to hear or see anything police had no suspects no one was arrested and this case went cold very quickly then five months later on June 3rd 1981 police received another disturbing phone call hello are you there well this time the caller didn't give police instructions on where they can find the body so police didn't really know what to do at first the second caller wasn't immediately linked to the first one obviously it's gonna take police a couple of hours to put two and two together and to link the two and to take this second call seriously and so because of the voice and because of the very kind of out their claims in the call police just kind of disregarded it as a wind up that was until a body was found a few hours after the call was made a group of teenage boys were walking through a wooded area by an unfinished freeway when they saw a female body laying face down the body was that of eighteen year old Kimberly Compton and just like the caller said she'd been stabbed with what seemed to have been an icepick 61 times she'd also been strangled with a shoelace however that wasn't her cause of death her cause of death was from the blood loss from the stab wounds Kimberly was from a small town in Wisconsin and she just graduated high school and decided that for the next chapter of her life she wanted to move to st. Paul in Minnesota and so that's exactly what she did she moved to st. Paul to start a new life but she was murdered within hours of getting there so Kimberly got a Greyhound bus to send Paul when she got there she bought a locker to put her bags in and then she was a little bit hungry so she walked outside to the bus station and immediately on the other side of the road is Mickey's diner so Kimberly went across to this diner she ordered some food and then move alone to eat it and it was pretty quiet in this diner there was only a few other people in including another man eating alone a booth just a few down from Kimberly's this man noticed Kimberly come in and sit alone eating her food and so he decided to get up and go over and strike up a conversation with her and eat with her quickly the two of them got on to the topic of how Kimberly was new to the city and so this man offered to take Kimberly around driving her to all the different sites and Kimberly accepted so the two of them finished their meals and then left the diner together and then just a few hours later was when police received that second call this time police actually managed to trace the phone call to a payphone by a bar by the diner and the bus station however obviously by the time they got that no one was there since Kimberly had left her bags in the locker in the bus station her body didn't actually have any form of identification honor and so police couldn't identify her for a while but eventually when her body was removed and taken for postmortem they found a locker key in her pocket so they could go to the bus - and look inside of her bags and there they found her ID Geron her postmortem it was found that just hours before her death Kimberly and eaten beef and fries and this was huge because Kimberly was very new to st. Paul she'd only been in the city a matter of hours and so no one really recognized and no one knew her name so no one was able to piece together her last movements that was until police realized that the special at Mickey's diner across from the bus station was barbecue beef and fries on the day of her murder and so police went into the diner asked the staff if they recognized Kimberly Compton and they said yes so they could piece together her whole movements before her death and that's how police learn everything of how this stranger had gotten up to go and speak to Kim believe they'd gotten talking and eventually and left together making police think that maybe that was her murderer once again the killer left absolutely no physical evidence at the scene the waitresses at the diner couldn't give any more information than they already had and so ultimately it seemed as though this case was gonna go cold - but then two days after Kimberly's [Music] this time police decided to release the phone call to the media who complain on radios and hopefully someone might recognize the voice and come forward and a lot of people claim to recognize this voice everyone seems to think that this caller was someone that they're knew and so police were given hundreds of names they looked into every single one yet none of them led anywhere for nine months both of these cases went completely cold no new information no new leads no new evidence that was until police got their first suspect just two months after the murder of Kimberly Compton in 1981 and man named Allen Lopez murdered his whole family and was sent to a mental facility for an hour asar after committing the murders Lopez was in a standoff with police it wasn't like a violent standoff there wasn't shooting or anything but police were just outside the house knowing that he was in there but they just kind of had to think of an appropriate way to get in and arrest him since he was obviously a dangerous man if police would have just stormed straight in who knows what kind of weapons Allen had in that I don't actually know how he killed his family so it could have been guns it could have been anything he could have been a very dangerous man so police were waiting outside they were waiting for him to come down there were formulating a plan and that was when Lopez shouted out to the police that he was responsible for the murder of Kimberly Compton so anywhere Allen Lopez was found guilty of the murders of his whole family and he was sent to a mental facility and police were just kind of waiting for him to settle into his new environment before they were gonna go in and questioned him about Kimberly Compton's murder but within days of Lopez arriving at the mental facility he actually committed suicide and police never got chance to question him about Kimberly's murder so police knew that whoever was responsible for Kimberly Compton's murder was also responsible for the attack on Karen who attacked those two were linked by police at this point obviously because the victims themselves were very similar young women but also because of the calls that is a very strong link between the two attacks so even though it was dead and even though police couldn't question him they still looked into alan lopez as being the possible perpetrator of those two attacks and so at the time when police were looking into this they thought that alan lopez couldn't possibly have committed the first attack on Karen Pugh attack because he was actually in a mental facility that night but then nine months later when they began looking back into Alan as a suspect police looked into some records and found that he naturally been given a day pass out of the mental facility on the night of her attack and so now Alan Lopez looked like a pretty strong suspect and so they began looking into his connections or possible connections with Kimberly Compton's murder but then they looked into Lopez's police records and found that he was actually in jail on the night of Kimberly kontin's murder and so if he couldn't have committed one of them he probably didn't commit both of them and so now police were right back to square one they have no suspects they have no leads they were just looking at two cold cases once again but then six months later on August 6th 1982 police received a third confessional phone call emergency [Music] [Music] the following day a second body was found 40 year-old Barbara Simons had been stabbed over a hundred times her killer had tried to dispose of her body in the Mississippi River but she'd actually gotten caught in some growth on the side and that was how her body was able to have been recovered so police managed to trace Barbara's movements on the night of her murder and found that she was actually in a bar that night police went to that bar and interviewed all the bar staff the waitresses who said they'd seen Barbara dancing and talking to a man all night at one point close to the end of the night Barbara went up to a waitress and ordered a drink and she made a comment saying I hope this man is nice he's given me a ride home staff then witnessed Barbara leaving the bar with this man and because of that comment she'd made to the waitress that waitress made sure to get a good look at the man but she's so eerie that Barbara might have predicted things going wrong with this man and so she said that to the waitress to help solve her own murder so police showed this waitress over a hundred mug shots of possible suspects all with previous convictions and she looked through every single one before finally one of the last ones was him the man in the photo was 38 year-old Paul Michael Stefani whose previous conviction was for aggravated assault Stefani also had a history of mental illness both in himself and in his family which in itself doesn't prove anything doesn't prove that he's a murderer but when you think about the killings that we're talking about right now the women have been killed and then the murderer is remorseful calls the police begging them to find him telling them where the bodies are in things that seems like a mentally ill person it sounds like maybe the person is in two different minds maybe they're going through a psychotic episode when they killed a person and then they snap back out of it and suddenly feel remorseful they also found that a couple of years before the first attack on Karen puller attack Stefani actually used to work at a manufacturing shop near Marburg manufacturing that same manufacturing shop where Karen was found attack injured so maybe he knew that the area was isolated knew that there was gonna be no witnesses and knew to carry out his attack there so police put Stefani on 24-hour secret police surveillance just so that they could watch him and then maybe gather some evidence to arrest him the day after he was put on police surveillance on August 21st 1982 Stefani got in his car and drove away and so police followed it well they followed him for a while before they actually lost him and when the stefani knew he was being watched by police and lost them intentionally or whether it was just a coincidence and don't know so Stefani drove to Minneapolis red-light district and picked up 19 year old prostitute Denise Williams the two of them made a deal Denise's rent was normally a hundred dollars yet Stefani only had $40 on him and so they made a deal that he would give her the 40 then they would have sex and then he would give her the other 16 back at his house so Denise agreed they went back to his apartment he did exactly as he said and when they'd finished he offered to drop Denise back at the red light district where he picked her up from so the two of them got into the car there began driving back to the red-light district and Denise started noticing that Stefani was taking some unusual turns eventually they got onto some roads that were pitch-black it was late at night it was dark and there were absolutely no streetlights on these roads and so at this point Denise got a little bit worried so she asked her family which way he was taking her and he just told him not to worry he's taking the back streets because it was a shortcut but Denise knew that it wasn't Denise had actually been a prostitute since she was only 13 years old and so she's been on these streets long enough to know her way around she knew the shortcuts she knew her way back to the red-light district yeah this was in the air and so Denise began panicking she's thinking why is this man lying to me why is he taking me elsewhere is he gonna try and attack me what's going on if he did try and attack her Denise was a relatively small woman and this was a 6-foot 300-pound man Denise would have no chance so Denise began looking around the car for anything that she could use as a weapon if this man did try anything on her that was when she noticed an empty glass bottle rolling around on the floor of the car and so she thought if he did try anything she'd grab this bottle smash it over his head and then groan before long Stu finally pulled into a quiet dark road it was a dead end there was no streetlights and he stopped the car and suddenly Denis realized that this was real that her fears were all becoming real Stefani turned to his left pulled out a screwdriver and stabbed Denise Williams straight in the stomach with it and so Denise put her plan into action she reached out and grabbed this glass bottle and smashed it straight over Stefani's head Denise had cooked right into Stefani's cheek and he began bleeding a lot he was bleeding all over Denise some of his blood even gotten to Denise's eye and clouded her vision for a while all she could see was red meanwhile he was still stabbing her in the stomach and she was still hitting him on the head with this bottle Denise was trying to reach for the car door so that she could get out but with all the stress of trying to defend herself and being attacked she just couldn't get this door open quick enough eventually she did get the door open but she fell out onto the floor and Stefani actually fell out on top of them all the time still stabbing her but Stefani hadn't chosen an isolated area to carry out his attack this time he'd actually chosen a street full of houses and it was at this point a man asleep in his house with his windows open heard the commotion heard Denise screaming and ran out to see what was going on this man's name was Doug panin he ran straight outside and saw a man on top of a woman stabbing her and he could actually hear the stabbings like the screwdriver hittin and cracking her bones and so it was shouting at Stefani he ran up to him and grabbed him by the shoulders and when he did stefani turn around and lashed out at Doug trying to stab him as well so dog just ran straight back into his house and called the police stefani instead of carrying on his attack on Denise realized that the police were probably going to be there very soon and so he just George straight back in his car and sped away Denise had been stabbed a total of 15 times all over her head face neck chest Stefani had actually punctured her liver and one of her lungs as well Denis was rushed straight to hospital where she received emergency surgery and she survived meanwhile police received another call but the fourth call was nothing like the others no we provides no confessions no remorse just a man asking for medical help no fireworks on 5:05 yeah Westminster what's the problem what's your part Minh number two where you bleeding from quickly police put two and two together while Stefani was being treated a man suspected of murder loses police surveillance and within an hour a woman is attacked Denis had told the police everything about how she was hitting him with this bottle cut into his cheek here wounds all over his head she saw them and so when the same man that lost his police surveillance sought medical attention for such injuries they knew that he had to be the attacker once again police should Denise Williams hundreds of mug shots of possible suspects and once again she picked out Paul Michael Stefani so Stefani was arrested and charged with the attempted murder of Denise Williams but nothing more just yet they had to collect some evidence to say that he'd done the other ones so one officer began questioning Stefani and halfway through he went and got out the weepy boys to kill a case file and when he did and when Stefani saw this file suddenly the energy in the room completely changed Stefani give this policeman a look that can't really be described it's more like he knew kind of look I don't know how I can explain this look to you but Stefani then became snapping he became very agitated although the only thing he actually said about the weepy vice killings was you're not gonna pin those on me police did however charge him with the murder of 40 year old Barbara Simons the last one that was committed in Minneapolis police in Minneapolis were also a pre comment that he had committed the other two attacks in st. Paul but it wasn't their place to charge him for those because the other two attacks happened in st. Paul and not in Minneapolis the two cities have different jurisdictions and so we'll be up to the San Paul police if they're charged in for those attacks are not but we'll get back to those two attacks in st. Paul in a minute right now we're just talking about the murder of Barbara Simon's and the attack underneath Williams and so police began gathering evidence for his trial and they began with those weeping remorseful phone calls police knew by the things that were said in those phone calls such as how the victims were killed where to find the bodies police knew that it had to be the killer making those calls there was no other way that the caller would have known those things if they weren't the killer because these bodies hadn't even been found by police yet they hadn't been reported in the media only the killer would know these things and so they got both experts to come in and listen to both the calls and also some audio recordings of Stephanies just normal police interviews of his normal voice and the experts said that while these two voices in the calls and in the interviews were remarkably similar they couldn't conclusively say that they were the same person during his trial Stefani's ex-wife his sister and his neighbor were all brought onto the stand to listen to these tips right there in the courtroom and say whether they thought it was Paul or not and all three of them thought that the voice was that of Paul Stefani his sister even took the headphones off after listening to the tip and just broke down in tears saying yep that's my brother so Paul Michaels two finally pled not guilty to the murder of Barbara Simons and also not guilty to the attack on Denise Williams despite all the evidence that police had against him but obviously because of how compelling all of this evidence was Stefani was ultimately found guilty and sentenced to 58 years for both of those attacks as for the other attacks the assault of Karen pure attack and the murder of Kimberly Compton like I said it was up to st. Paul police if they want to charge him or not but they didn't they didn't see it necessary to charge him because they thought he was guilty it's not like they thought he wasn't guilty of these two attacks but they knew that he was already gonna be serving 58 years in prison he probably wasn't gonna be out for the rest of his life and so they knew that this dangerous and that committed these two attacks was locked away from society and so they didn't see it necessary to charge him for those two attacks but they knew he was guilty of they just didn't seem necessary to make it official in the eyes of the law they said that they didn't quite have enough evidence that he'd committed both of these attacks and so they could put money and resources and police work into getting that evidence but they said they weren't gonna bother because obviously he's already in prison and besides there was no guarantee that they were gonna find incriminating evidence against tafani for those two attacks they could be putting money and resources into something that wasn't gonna deliver which is sad because I see why they didn't bother like I said that we're gonna be putting all this money and all these resources into something that could possibly deliver nothing when they could be put in that money and resources into capturing other criminals that are still out on the streets but at the same time those two victims don't get any kind of official justice it's a tricky one it really is kind of morals versus realistic efficient running of the justice system everyone's gonna see it differently everyone's gonna have a different opinion on how they should have handled that then in 1997 12 years into his prison sentence Paul Michael Stefani was diagnosed with terminal skin cancer and given less than two years to live around the time of this diagnosis two finally asked if he could speak to some policemen from st. Paul although he didn't give a reason as to why so seven-pole police went and met up with Stefani in prison where he actually admitted to every single one of his crimes starting with that first attack on Cameron Poe attack he basically told police what they already knew about the attack but he gives some contacts some reason as to why you did it which I've already spoken about in this video about how she like left the club and then got in his car and everything remember were you here with the Taylor did you hear one time two times are you swinging at this beer ticket holder within 50 on the forehead mother cheek and jaw come on top of the head there's only one a Stefani was kind of really been all of these events police started to see this vicious murderer once again morph into this friend aw never saw you like to make friends he then confessed to the murder of 18 year old Kimberly Compton his second attack lay down on the grass and I open up a bra expounder kidding well seem to be the thing you're supposed to do that was part of life rather than the cars / like eating foods partly to me the same I killed my brother until I did it and I drove away then I look like the want rule what are you doing and then I I just couldn't turn myself in that's why I can't get on the horn with your sister finally it finally confessed to all four of the we'd be wise to killer attacks but he wasn't done there he actually admitted to a fifth actually another murder making his death toll now three and officially making him a serial killer and this murder was actually his second kill so it happened right between the murders of Kimberly Contin and Barbara Simons the victim was 33 year old Kathleen greenin and Stefani's mode of killing was very different this time on July 21st 1982 Kathleen and her friend Carol Kellogg were planning on going on a trip away together and so carol was gonna come to Kathleen's house that morning and they would set off together so carol arrived at Kathleen's house she knocked on the door but she got no answer which was really strange because she knew that Kathleen was gonna be in the house she was expecting it to go that morning Carol then noticed that the front door of Kathleen's house was unlocked and so she just let herself in thinking that Kathleen was gonna be inside maybe she couldn't hear a knocking but she walked in and it was silent and so she started going between all the rooms she was shouting for Kathleen she was looking in every single room but there was no sign of her anywhere that was until she got to the bathroom Carol noticed that the doll was half open and the light was still on inside and so Carol pushed the door open and that was when she saw her friend Kathleen laying face-up in the full bathtub dead say that you both get into the tub you should because I mean why I'm my first go ahead underwater I could see their face did you push her in there push your head down or did you push your chest area under the water or you held her shoulders down both hands police first treated Kathleen's death as suspicious they looked at her ex-husband they looked at possible suspects and then ultimately just ruled her death as an accident and nobody ever suspected that this was a weepy wife's killer attack mainly because there was no phone call but also because the mode of killing was different this was just a very out of place killing for him and so because police had initially treated Kathleen's death as suspicious they took a lot of evidence from her house including like fluro album spawn books everything like that and so when Stefani admitted to this then began looking through all the evidence again and so police looked at a phone book that Kathleen owned at the time of the murder and found a number in there labeled Paul s and this number actually belonged to Stefani at the time Paul Michael Stefani passed away from terminal skin cancer in his prison cell on June 12 1998 H just 53 and that completes this case thank you so so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this one this has actually been a really highly requested kiss on my channel so I hope every one that requested this kiss is happy now it's been requested for a long long time as well and the name of the case always intrigued me I don't know why I never actually properly looked into it until recently but Jesus Christ I do have one question though before I go I want to know if you guys think that Stefani was genuinely remorseful for those killings do you think he was in a psychotic episode when he committed the murder and then kind of snapped out of it afterwards and then made the phone call or do you think he was just always a sick person and that phone call was just him putting on an act and it was all just part of his kind of serial killer persona I don't know what I think I don't think he was in a psycho episode when he committed the attacks because a lot of them were very kind of spontaneous like that first one on Cameron that was very opportunistic of him like he just saw her walking down the road and thought right I'm going to attack that woman whereas the murder of Kimberly Compton he sat and spoke to her for a while like I wonder if he was having psychotic episodes I wonder when he snapped into that do you think he was into it before I even met Kimberly or do you think they were having a normal day and then he snapped into it I do you think he snapped into it at all do you think he's just a very kind of evil verse and was just a serial killer the whole time he never had like switches in his mentality I don't know I really don't know what I think and I've been thinking about this for like the past week and it's driving me insane I don't know what I think about this man at all but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed make sure you leave a big thumbs up because that really helps me out subscribe down below if you want to see some more from me cuz I upload true crime videos all the time anyway yeah thank you so so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,191,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2018, crime watch daily, disappearance, documentary, eleanor neale, eleanor neale 2, interview, killer, missing, mystery, now, serial killer, solved, solved disappearance, solved mystery, true crime, unsolved, unsolved disappearance, unsolved mystery, paul michael stephani, paul michael stephani interview, paul michael stephani 911 call, paul, michael, stephani, weepy voiced killer, the weepy voiced killer, weepy, voiced, 911 call, disturbing, chills, chilling, top 15 disturbing 911 calls, stefani
Id: ta_2PdooqrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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