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god bless everybody this is prophet lovey welcome to this amazing time in the presence of the lord jesus i bless you in the name of the lord and i believe that god is gonna do something special for each and every one of you that is watching right now i want you to let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that the prophet is live and god is going to tremendously touch you and bless you and transform your life for the better today i'm going to be speaking about the light the light not just light but the light and i'm going to share with you some spiritual mysteries that i believe that by the grace of god is going to cause you to come to a place of knowing god more than you have ever known god amen and also it will shed a lot of light on a lot of things that you did not understand why they are the way they are so i i want you i i want you to share this i want you to let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that we'll let somebody know uh that we are alive hallelujah hallelujah so i want somebody to get ready hallelujah thank you lord jesus so i i am going to explain something to you that will help you to understand what i'm about to teach you if you have shared and you're ready just say i am ready i have shared i'm ready i have shared i am ready and i have shared and you will understand why when the lord when we will stand before the lord for him to judge us he will be able to judge the whole world and no one will be exempt of god's judgment and when i mean judgment i am not saying that god is going to punish people remember judgment simply means a reward system the problem is you look at a judge as a negative thing but a judge is actually meaning you will give you what you deserve you see god says i am a god that loves justice is because god loves judgment it means that he loves to reward people according to what they have done unfortunately when we do wrong we also reap wrong but we thank god for jesus because through the grace and the love of jesus we have been um we have been redeemed we have been positioned whereby whatsoever god gives us it is actually through the grace and the love of jesus because we are in him so but that doesn't mean we need to be ignorant of certain things that god desires to accomplish and to release in our lives now i am talking about light i am not talking about light that is made of electrons and protons the light that we see that's not what we are talking about here i'm going to talk about their light and you're going to understand something now the first thing that i want to explain to you is that for you to understand what i'm going to tell you you need to comprehend something that genesis chapter 1 verse 1 [Music] genesis chapter 1 completely genesis chapter 1 is john chapter 1 verse 1 to about 15 or 10 is summarizing genesis chapter 1 is telling you something about genesis chapter 1 that you did not know i'm going to read for you today by god's grace actually do you want to read okay let's do that uh give uncode the other microphone too so that he can read oh you already have it okay perfect um i want you to go to genesis chapter 1 verse 1 2 3 in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters and god said let there be light and there was light stop right there now you need to understand something that is happening in those three verses in the beginning god created the heavens the heaven and when he's talking about the heaven he's talking about the highest heaven that's why he's saying that heaven and the earth and i'm going to do a series when we get into our our building called the spiritual realm he's going to check i'm going to tell you things about the spiritual realm the science of the spiritual realm amen that is actually going to shock you amen um i i wish i wish somebody would get this but listen to this listen to this so when you see in genesis chapter 1 in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and the spirit of god hovered over the waters then god said let there be light now you need to understand that in those first three verses it has already revealed god in his entirety in whom he is who he actually is who you are and what you are are two different things that's powerful who you are what you are and whom you are at three different things who you are is what you do what you are is what you are composed of whom you are is whom do you define yourself your person of who the the person actually is [Music] so the number one thing we notice from the beginning is this one important thing we realize that before god does anything light proceeds first wow go to john chapter one and uh and i will show you something and then i'll be able to explain to you what i'm trying to explain to you in a way that will be uh more profound to actually build you up into their understanding of of what what i'm saying amen uh go to uh go to john chapter one start from verse one john chapter one verse one in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god uh chap excuse me in verse two the same was in the beginning with god verse three all things were made by him now you have to break that down begin again in the beginning was the word okay when you see that in the beginning is telling you in eternity beyond time space and matter was the word wow and then it goes on to say and the word was with god and the word was with god and the word was god and the word was god in the beginning was the word the word was with god and the word was god in the beginning was the word the word was with god and the same word was god himself still then what happens keep reading watch this all things verse 3 were made by him everything was made by him i keep going and without him was not anything made that was made and without him there was nothing that was made that is made so notice this he made all things but his nothing was made without him and everything that he's made was made through him so it is showing you a channel is showing you the source the channel and who is doing it keep reading i'm going to reveal something to you keep reading uh john chapter 1 verse 4 in him was life in him was life and the life was the light of men and the life was the light of men in him was life and the light and the and the life was the light so anyone who is producing life that life is actually light so when jesus is giving you eternal life he's actually giving you light so the word that he's talking about let me break it down i went a little ahead of myself let me pull back the holy spirit is the manifestation of god in creation showing his omnipotence that is everywhere at the same time so when you see the spirit of god hovering over the water he's not telling you he's hovering over one location he's hovering over the waters why because the waters were covering the whole earth so where was the spirit of god all over the earth he was covering the whole earth it is representing god's omni what potence wow when god said let there be light is the first time that god left heaven and appeared into creation in the person of jesus because notice the father is not called the light jesus is called the light and if you read in john it's telling you without that light nothing was made but you look at genesis chapter one it's telling you god said let there be light after he said let there be light then he started creating so unless jesus came into the sin nothing was happening because the spirit of god represents the omnipotence of god and and the person of the lord jesus represents the omniscience of god it represents the person of god and the personality of god that is why i believe in ephesians it says in him dwells in christ jesus dwells the fullness of the godhead so the light that produced everything before anything started that's why it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god so the one who was saying let there be light was the same one in heaven sending himself transmitting himself on earth are you getting it the one who was in heaven who is the word who is god and was with god why is it saying was with god in the beginning what beginning is talking about two different timelines he's talking about in eternity in the beginning was the word he sang in eternity the word already is and that word is god and then he tells you and that word was with god in the beginning why is he saying that word was with god in the beginning when the holy spirit is hovering over the waters remember the holy spirit is god is that same word that transmitted himself already as the spirit because he's already all over the universe is everywhere there's nowhere you go you will not find him so the light is now sent to a location with god and is god are you getting it two persons of god and two and two manifestations of god or two uh uh how do i explain it um god is one god is one god is one person but at the same time he shares god is one person and the one person is also um let me find the right word god is one person but i'm trying to find the easiest way to say it and the word that i'm trying to use i i'm i'm i'm i'm trying to get it to say it right god is one person but is expressed in three persons but he shares in one substance so there are no three gods it's one god revealed as father son and spirit but they share in one substance they share in one substance so if you see the spirit you have seen god if you see jesus you have seen god if you see the father you have seen god now jesus saying the father is greater than i he's not saying that the father is better than him because they share in one substance what jesus is saying is that because he is god just like the father they share in one substance but the ranking of the father is the difference because of how god expresses himself but not that the father has more power or more authority than the son no that's not that's not what he's saying let me give you an example what is the difference between you and the president apart from the office of the president he's a human being just like you you can do everything that he can do you share you are both human beings you are all exactly equal right it is the same kind of concept but i i'm trying to make this really enter into your spirit for you to really understand that god is one person but he shares in one substance he's not three personalities or you can say three personalities sharing in one substance so even the water liquid ice is different because the sun the father and the spirit they all share in one substance in one purpose but they are distinct and they are completely distinct but they are still one person i think one time i will try i'll try my best and really like go deep into it and kind of to to divide it to be honest with you even the substance of god we don't really know we just know he is spirit but we don't know the substance of god maybe we will never know maybe we will know in heaven it's beyond what we can really understand at this moment at this present time but listen to this god is three personalities that share in one past substance so watch this now when god said let there be light it is what now genesis uh john chapter 1 verse 3 is saying and four is saying that the word also became flesh and in the word was their life and that life was the light so when you read the light shine it in darkness what does it actually mean this is what now i want to explain to you and to bring to your understanding amen and i'm going to give you a small lesson on the spiritual realm amen read verse 4 again what does it say john chapter 1 verse 4 in him was life and the life was the light of men notice this every human being whether they know it or not they are alive because there is light that is proceeding from the throne of god that is proceeding from jesus that is making them alive wow wow that is what the bible says only a fool says there is no god because the very sustainer of the universe is light if you read genesis chapter 1 verse 3 says let there be light and the light was good but that light was not the sun the moon the stars it wasn't that light was the sustainer of creation itself when the earth was in chaos because the devil had been cast on earth in order for god to reproduce life on earth he projected the light again on the earth wow the reason why the earth is covered in water if you read the genesis i believe revelation chapter 12 he tells you and the dragon opened his mouth and the earth was flooded yes yes so what caused the flood on earth was actually the fall of satan and you read again and you see and the dragon opened his mouth and the earth was flooded with water but remember revelation when satan is being thrown man has not already been sent on earth man is not on earth yet so the earth is flooded but god is trying to do something new on the earth he has to release light first why because the creator is god but god is light that's why it says god is covered in light he's dressed in light in him there is no shadow of darkness i hope i'm not confusing you if you're still here just wave your hands or just type fire actually type fire i'm so used to zoom now just type fire type fire fire fight so that you understand where i'm going with this i'm going to take you somewhere amen glory be to jesus thank you lord thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus now watch this okay people people are watching okay capture this now what day is today wednesday tuesday tuesday okay now listen to this and catch this the light of christ from the heaven the light of jesus actually shines throughout the universe both the physical universe and the spiritual universe some of you think there is only the material world but there's also the immaterial world and i'm gonna make a statement here that i hope that people with their stomach will be able to understand hebrews i believe i don't know if it's hebrews 4 12. uh let me see hebrews um [Music] thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus um uh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah uh hebrews 11 [Music] hallelujah uh hebrews eleven verse three can you read that hebrews 11 verse three yes this is like one of my favorite chapters ever it's like one of my favorite chapters first one oh verse three verse three through faith we understand that the world were framed by the word of god one more time through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god one more time through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god did he say the world or the worlds the worlds why is he saying the world it means you are not the only life amen you're not the only creation we are the only human beings but we're not the only creation i'm sorry to bust somebody's bubbles so cool we are we are we are the only human beings the only ones of our kind but we are not the only ones wow and when i'm talking about this i'm not talking about uh i'm not even talking about angels yet teach let me show you another verse i hope somebody will catch this okay i want you to go to first corinthians chapter 15 verse 40. amen first corinthians chapter uh you said chapter 15 verse 14. hold on hold on we may have to delete this it may have to be deleted verse 40 verse 40 not 14 verse 40. uh are you ready first corinthians chapter 15 verse 14 40 40. oh 14. i'm so sorry i apologize verse 40. oh all right uh there are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another one more time there are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another okay did you hear that [Laughter] or should i read it again okay who can read it in niv for everyone to understand somebody says c c s lewis kind of no you guys don't know c.s lewis was a prophet the guy who wrote the nanya's he was a deep spiritual man he knew things that he was trying to express that you can't really tell christians are you ready you have niv oh he's gonna read this okay read the niv go for it there are also heavenly bodies heavenly what does the word heavenly or celestial mean the word celestial is actually uh is there is the word in greek right is the word um what is this hold on give me one second uh-huh which actually literally means uh existing in the lower heavens of the stars or the heavens of the clouds or the things that are in the heaven so this is not talking about in remember the lower spheres of the earth the lowest heavens is talking about the universe when we talk about the heaven is different now we are talking about the realms of light the realms of god i'll give you an example ask yourself this question the watchers are kind of uh angels you see the angels called the watchers in the book of ezekiel but you also see the same watchers in genesis chapter 6 that they saw that the sons of men were beautiful and they came down and took women for wives they literally raped women and gave birth to giants what kind of angels are these that have sperm that their dna can match a human being that they can produce a human-like being it tells you that celestial bodies are not the way you think you see angels like michael or or even a cherubim like like the devil they don't really reproduce they don't have reproductive systems because if that was possible satan would have impregnated a lot of people but remember satan was already thrown on earth he was already cast on the earth but he never did what the angels of genesis chapter 6 did because they were coming from a different part of heavenly places and they were more human like that is why they were called watchers and they are still watchers that serve god mightily the ones that fell 121 or 125 125 um they are actually known by name but i'm not going to talk about it uh today they are actually known by names and they're all the bible literally says that jesus did not come to save the angels that left their place they are bound in everlasting chains in the pit in the bottomless pit this these watches are not even roaming on the they're in the bottomless pit they're still falling that pit has no end they are in chains still falling for eternity because they did a very big crime actually according to the bible you don't see any other watcher that fell except them but they are all in everlasting chains because these spirits would have been really bad but they possess a body but if you also look at angels that come from heaven or what i call pure spirits that's why the bible says ministering spirits and angels they're two different things guys they're all spirits but they're all different and a spirit came before the lord and said i will go and be a lying spirit it's an angelic being but is it really an angel the way we know them no it's different things that's why i have to delete this video i'm not gonna keep it up but i'm just hoping that you can learn something from this if you're not taking notes i feel sorry take your notes take your notes what the bible says and they all ministering spirit sent to minister to them that will inherit salvation but we also see that uh uh we also see that moses and elijah came to minister to jesus on the mount of transfiguration so what spirits are they talking about i'm just trying to open your mind to understand something hey somebody said he really has to go i i agree i will not mention him today i will hide his identity but listen to me and listen to me well listen to me and listen to me well if you are still following just that fire so that i know you you're there whether you're on facebook you're on youtube can you refresh it let me just if you're there just say uh fire and i will know you are there and we'll continue hallelujah hallelujah grapes taste better under the anointing jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus calabasa a thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you jesus now watch this capture this capture this celestial bodies we know that they are worlds i am not saying that the bible is saying that so don't say oh prophet love he said something no i showed you on your in your bible that's true not my words i showed you from the bible i would have said much more but i'm going to conserve and pass when the light of god shines from the heaven the highest heaven beyond space-time and matter beyond space-time and anything that we understand outside of creation that light comes into the high heavens and it goes through the universe it even comes on the earth the problem is that light is not made of electrons and protons like the light that we see it is not like the electrons and protons that make the light that we see so even though every human being jesus has actually come to them they have not been able to perceive him to know him yet the whole world is looking for god they are looking for greater meaning they are looking for greater self they are seeking the light you hear new ages talking about light you know the light let it just fill you but god is also talking about light but even the people who are claiming that they have the light you realize that they are very blind they can't see it you will witness to some you somebody will hear about jesus and not pay attention not even care not even care about what is to come the issue is that that light illuminates in a different way that your spiritual condition determines your ability to see it this is why a man or a woman can meet somebody from god and they may never believe or even demonize him it is because that light illuminates beyond somebody who is in a fallen condition to really perceive what happens is we have like let's say the light is flowing this way we have those moments we tap the light and we drop deep we tap the light then we deep we tap the light then we we have those aha moment i love god then it goes away i love i want to be with god oh i want to get close to god but no one not many people are consistent in the stream of the light that is coming that's so good because this light is not coming from the world it means somebody that is simply of the world will not see it will not perceive it will not be able to receive it is somebody understanding what i'm saying this is good this is so good is somebody getting what i'm saying yes yes is somebody getting what i'm saying yes papa so now watch this but there is also a problem huh let me show you let's go to the book of acts let's go to axe and we are going to go to um hallelujah hallelujah are you enjoying this yes so much you guys are to come for me are you enjoying this if you're on facebook you're on youtube youtube i need those thumbs up yes yes we need those thumbs up fire we need those thumbs up i need those thumbs up as many times as you can so that other people if i decide to actually a thumbs up may encourage me to leave it up oh you guys better leave some thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up hallelujah okay ah this is deep you're blessing us papa now i want you to go to brianna you're gonna go to acts chapter 9 amen you're going to read from verse 1 to verse 6 amen acts 9 verse 1-6 and saul yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the lord went unto the high priest and desired of him letters to damascus to the synagogues that if he found any of this way whether they were men or women he might bring them bound unto jerusalem and as he journeyed he came near damascus and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven and he fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him saul saul why persecutest thou mean read that verse again and he fell to the earth before that oh and as he journeyed he came near damascus and suddenly there shot there shined round about him a light from heaven the light was about him and he was shining from where heaven ah saul got a glimpse of the light shining from heaven it hit him amen then what happened he fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him saul saul why persecutest thou me and he said who art thou lord and the lord said i am jesus whom now persecute us [Music] it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks and he trembling and astonished said lord what will thou have me to do notice he saw the light but he didn't even know who it was keep reading and the lord said unto him arise and go into the city and it shall be told thee what thou must do keep reading and the men which journeyed with him stood speechless hearing a voice but seeing no man and so they are hearing a voice keep going and saul arose from the earth and when his eyes were opened he saw no man but they led him by the hand and brought him into damascus why did they lead him by the hand when he opened his eyes he saw no man and he was led by the hand keep reading verse nine and he was three days without sight and neither did eat nor drink so he was three days without sight the man's eyes were opened to see the light from heaven and when he saw him and the light left he was given instruction and he was told he would be shown what to do when he rose up he could see no man and immediately his vision was gone for three days he had no sight he was led by hand to that place that he was supposed to be if this light hits you quickly you can lose your sight my god wow i'll say that again if this light you enter into it quickly it may be too much wow but notice what god does he sees the light he meets jesus but jesus doesn't give him any instruction apart from go to the place you will be shown what to do go and to up this place and you will be instructed what to do if you go back to now john chapter one we were at verse 4 right read verse 5. john chapter 1 verse 5. and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not what is the darkness the darkness is the realm of men it is in the light it is the light is here in darkness but we cannot see it remember when god said let there be light darkness was still there darkness didn't go anywhere the darkness of the earth left when god created stars and moon and the sun stars and moon to give light to the earth but the spiritual light was already on the earth but if there was a human being you would not see it are you getting what i'm saying yes keep reading now watch this in acts no no he will keep reading verse six there was a man sent from god whose name was john there was a man sent from god who his name was john verse 7 the same came for a witness to bear witness of the light the same came to bear witness of the light that all men through him i believe that all men through him might believe if there is no one to witness to you about the light you will never see it wow amen you didn't hear what i just told you there are specific people sent from god and by god to come and help you to get to the place that you can see that light so that through that person you may believe that god is so that you may believe that jesus is lord amen that's so good amen oh man hey please read it one more time john chapter one uh would you like me to start from six from verse six uh verse five sorry and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not and there there was a man from god whose name was john the same came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe that all men through him might believe so the ministry of jesus was not going to work unless john went ahead of him why because john was the witness of the light he was not the light but people are going to believe in the light because of john not because of the light do you realize people never opposed john but they opposed jesus people never called john a wizard but they called jesus a wizard nobody ever called john names they were afraid of him they did not understand him but it was john that validated the ministry of jesus wow i wish somebody could hear what i was saying i need more thumbs up on on youtube i want you to understand something let me show you powerful hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah uh ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 amen ephesians 4 11. uh-huh and read it to 2 13 okay and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints so is perfecting the saints there are specific men that god has sent to bring the church to perfection amen why because they are the carriers of that light they are the witness to bring you to that light read it again and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of christ till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ so you can never come to the fullness of christ if you meet christ this is good somebody didn't hear what i just said you'll never come to the fullness of christ if you meet christ i don't know what to say that's i may have to go huh i think so it is impossible do you realize for all the people that jesus ministered to when he was crucified where were they hey he came unto his own and his own what did not receive him they rejected him they could not receive him they could not and they could not take him you can't even though he came as one of us you could not receive him the reason why before he started anything he gathered 12 men is because out through those 12 men people who come to believe in him today you believe in the lord jesus not because of the lord jesus because of the 12 that brought us to jesus wow wow it's true my god people celebrated the miracles they celebrated the deliverance they celebrated all these things but when he was called the devil they all believed they were ready to crucify him they did not defend him this definitely has to go do you realize christ the lord god almighty is appearing to soul not telling him anything telling him go to a place you'll be shown what to do i just saw you lord why can't you tell me what my he said no no no go unto this place there is a man that will come and show you what to do soul is taken to a certain location god goes to another man called ananias a devout man the man was a prophet jesus appears to him he tells him hey ananias what's happening he said lord i'm here. he said i need you to go to this place there's a man called so i want you to pray for he said lord is it that that guy that is killing us he said yeah but he's going to do a lot for me so i am sending you to go and open his eyes and give him instruction on what he must do next why didn't jesus who appeared to him tell him anything why did he just tell him go to this place you'll be told what to do [Laughter] i'm sorry some people don't catch what i'm saying okay when cornelius encountered an angel what did the angel tell him uh cornelius will your prayer and your arms have reached up to god as a memorial uh listen to me carefully send two men to go and get somebody called peter he will come and show you what to do what did the angel tell him what to do because he had not elevated to a place where he has been introduced to the light and to be shown the way of the light so that he can mature in it so it took him to send people to journey to go and get peter and peter to live where he is to come to him and deliver what jesus had given them what jesus already told the man you're going to receive it but you can't receive it without peter i feel like i'm talking to myself hey do you know why moses met god and moses just continued with god you miss a very important place let me show you something there is no man there is no woman of god that can encounter the light without another man impossible or to know the light rather let me use that word hallelujah hallelujah exodus chapter 3 verse 1. exodus chapter 3 verse 1. this is after moses was on exile read this you can read it brie go ahead listen to this moses kept the flock of jethro his father-in-law the priest of midian ah moses lived with a priest moses was living in egypt as a pagan that's all he was raised to know he served their gods he did what those people did then one day he gets kicked out of egypt because of everything that transpired but moses was looking he traveled he met these ladies that were trying to get the well and there were shepherds that were fighting them he fought for them and they introduced him to their father and he ended up marrying one of the daughters he became part of the family and he became a what shepherd under a priest wow read it again now moses kept the flock of jethro his father-in-law the priest of midian and he led the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of god so notice this jethro lived by the mountain jethro knew that god lives on that mountain and he served god at that mountain remember the first time that moses went to egypt he told pharaoh god says let my people go so that they can come and worship me at the mountain because the temple of god in that period was the mountain that's where god will cut could be met and the people in that place knew you don't go up the mountain because god is there but who was ministering to god there was a man called jethro when moses had moved when they had escaped when they when they were delivered from egypt and they crossed over and they went to the other side one day his father-in-law the priest of media meaning actually literally his name jethro his spiritual name is ray well meaning friend of god that is his name his name was friend of god so it wasn't just jethro his spiritual name is literally ray well meaning friend of god this man knew god moses is at the camp judging people all day settling disputes and stuff and his father-in-law comes to meet him he tells him moses what you are doing is very evil in the sight of god teach people to solve their own issues and that way you only settle those things that are really above the bible tells you that moses immediately listened to him why because he knew jethro carried the voice of god just because jethro was an ethiopian you understand what i'm saying he was not going to be a priest with the levites and everything he was a priest of another land that's why he's called the priest of media he was the priest of this area is this making sense yes so even moses to be moses he needed a man to show him the light amen so when he met god it was easy to transition because he was already introduced to god amen that's good is this is this making sense for somebody it's making sense perfect sense crystal clear when the disciples were with jesus jesus didn't really show himself as a messiah he tried to be human with them that did incredible things then he would ask them do you know who i am i'll say uh some say you're this then he says who do you say that i am peter spoke by the spirit he did not speak because he understood it god spoke through him not him speaking there is no human being that will ever see the light and grow in the light without a man it's a lie if god is telling you you need people to perfect you take god for his word amen that's good that's a word are you listening to me yes yes yes they are men that are carrying light they are women that are carrying light the reason why so many people cannot grow in the depth and the knowledge of god is because they are trying to follow jesus yet paul is telling you follow me as i follow jesus literally because even him before he could follow jesus a man put him on the path for him to be able to see jesus then others can follow him as he follows jesus this is good there is something that the lord told me concerning this coming year and i'm going to share with you on the 31st i i'm going to share with you the message for the year amen and the theme of the year and what god is saying concerning the year next year it's a very very paramount for you to be able to see the light amen in the coming days we need to be those who really are walking in the light amen unless somebody brings you revelation that will open your eyes to see jesus it will be dangerous so my question to you today is you need to ask yourself who is the man of god that god has sent to me who is the woman of god that god has sent to me that has lit something in me to want jesus more to look for jesus more this is where i am not because you see there's a reason why a man of god is called a man belonging to god is that despite him being chosen by god or her being chosen by god they are still men understand what god has given a person in order to benefit from it understand what god has given to a person in order for you to benefit from them that's really good don't be somebody that follows a man or a woman of god and i'm not saying follow me that's not what i'm saying be a man and a woman that understands the benefit of the person that god has given you amen you see let me give you an example why this is very important for you to understand man will always error i can error a billion times it won't change what god gave me and he won't change what god called me to be amen that god also chose me knowing those very things are you getting what i'm saying amen so i'm not saying go out and do crazy stuff no we live as children we live in holiness and in purity amen but what i'm trying to explain to you is this if you if you let let me give you an example this is just something for you to think about god let's say has chosen brianna and brianna is deep and powerful but brianna is called she's sent to my benefit or to your benefit brianna makes an error i say well you can't be serving god while you're like that okay so when you pray for them pray also that god will make them perfect like you do you see the foolishness of man come on they are meant that god put things to be a benefit to us that is why even me even though i have seen the lord i had men that brought me to the lord to know him even better i always say uh my my my father him is is is is technically my biological father i always talk about my uncle reverend simon and i talk about my auntie rachel you see on zoom all the time then i also have i also have my spiritual father but these are all spiritual men that if it wasn't for this one i would not get to this place if it wasn't for this one i will not get to this place until god matured me to the place that i can bring people to him also even though that was always my calling but i could not skip stages so true jesus himself he was raised and trained amen by a man called joseph amen he was raised in the fear of god amen for him to come to the place where he was god a man had to raise him that is why the bible says let this mind be in you that was also in christ jesus who put that mind in him even though he was a man even though he was made in the image of man he saw it no robbery to be equal with god this coming year you have to really be a planted person amen there are watchmens that god put on earth i don't care how much of the bible you have you are not a watchman if you're not called to be a watchman it's just what it is there are people who are called to be watchmen and they're people who are not there are people who are called to be evangelists and they're people who are not i know i'm not an evangelist in the church i can minister to everybody in my in my atmosphere i can minister to everybody my biggest desire is to evangelize next year but i need an evangelist to help me to understand how it works amen i am gifted amen i have everything it takes to do it but i need somebody that was sent in that field to introduce me to how to really do it there's one of my good friends his name is apostle prince apostle prince is you've seen him before is the prince purpose and he's a is an artist he's a singer he's an amazing man of god i've known him for many many years i met him here in l.a when i moved here i've never seen somebody with the ability to save souls like this man i save souls too but in my field but he can just go down the street he would save 12 people to jesus and come back but it's a spiritual thing you see it's not a physical thing it's not just about talking to people there are things i know i can't do come to the prophetic ah i will assassinate you amen double seven you understand what i'm saying but take me to evangelism hey i'm not strong the reason why i have the ability to pastor honestly before god if it was not my uncle simon i would not be able to i got that impartation of of teaching and pastoring from him he's a prophet but he has the pastoral grace he can raise a church because many many prophets are not good with churches they don't know how to build a house they can go give a word preach here they usually travel a lot but they cannot they cannot really build a house it's very difficult very few prophets have been given a pastoral grace but that's because they have been with what a pastor amen because the grace to be a shepherd not everybody has it that's why jesus told peter you are the shepherd he didn't tell the other ones your shepherds the other ones he says go into the whole the world preach the gospel you evangelist wow amen but peter and paul established a lot of churches they planted a lot of churches glory be to the almighty glory be to the almighty glory be to the most high glory be to the most high jesus is glorified hallelujah so are you listening to this are you listening to this we need more thumbs up on uh youtube youtube i need more thumbs up we are over 500 people we can't have only 400 thumbs up let's get more thumbs up even on you on on facebook also more thumbs up more thumbs up more thumbs up um no you remember the word apostles only means chief the chief sent out let me show you something i'm going to show you something that is going to surprise you amen i want to show you something hallelujah hallelujah ah let me find it oh lord help me to find it ah let me show you this hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord jesus uh go to acts chapter 13 amen verse 1 from verse 1 to 3 amen now there were in the church that was at antioch certain prophets and teachers as barnabas and simon that was called niger and lucius of cyrene and minea which had been brought up with herod the tetrarch and saul and they minister to the lord read that again now there were in the church that was antioch certain prophets and teachers certain prophets and teachers as barnabas and simon that was called niger and lucius of cyrene and monae menen which had been brought up with herod the tetrarch and saul as they ministered to the lord and fasted the holy ghost said separate me barnabas and saul for the work where unto i have called them and when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them they sent them away now notice this there were apostles and prophets and teachers praying and then they mention the names of them but you don't know so they are praying and then the holy spirit says separate for me barnabas and so for the work that i have given them they laid hands on them and sent them out to do what god told them to do why were they being sent out what is a sent out one an evangelist paul was an apostolic evangelist this guy had a grace for evangelism like crazy but where did he come from do you get it now so graces can be transferred apostle just means chief prophet simply means mouthpiece of god but that mouthpiece is in dimension every pastor is technically a prophet because they are the mouthpiece of god ministering to people but the functionality determines where you are placed are you uh everyone that speaks the word of god is technically a prophet because you're speaking the oracles of god but a prophet who is actually a nabi or or a seer speaks in a greater dimension than somebody who's just speaking the words of god they are speaking the heart of god amen everyone can go and save souls but not everybody is an evangelist right everybody can plant a church but not everybody is an apostle so even though functions can intermingle doesn't change who is who but graces can be imparted i hope i answered that person so saul became a sent out one he became an evangelist for the work that god sent him they were given the grace to go and be evangelists amen you hear what i'm saying yes yes now catch this touch this this coming year it will be very very necessary it will be very very necessary to be able it will be very very necessary to be able to be planted in a place where you will know the mind of god the heart of god and what god intends to come whoever you listen to next year stick in that place grow in that place don't be a plant that is uprooted planted a pooted plant and put it because you see if the light is shining from that window the plant will go grow towards that window but now if you change the direction of the sun it means the plant has to redo its whole growth and he has to change the direction then if the light is coming from above then that plant has to really straighten up again to grow a little the problem is if you are also planted in the wrong place it will take a long time for you to be straightened out if it if it is even possible obviously everything is possible is somebody getting what i'm saying extra deep great analogy so you need to be planted obviously if you want to come to our church we very soon actually i'm going to give you some news very very soon we are so close [Music] and you are in another city you can go to a local church there that is good but you also continue to listen to what what you are being fed is giving you this is where you find sometimes people left their cities to go and move somewhere else because of only they understood the benefit of what god is giving them am i telling you to move now i'm just saying in general you have to be so planted in order to receive and to benefit from what god has for you amen if you are not planted to receive what god has for you you are your revelation of jesus will be so confusing to the point that you lose your mind you will believe anything that moves or you disbelieve everything that even when the truth comes you won't know that's good the but jesus our lord says if your eye is single then your whole body will be filled with light but if your eye is scattered you'll be filled with darkness so build yourself up in understanding let me tell you tips to know who is a man of god and who is a woman of god number one they stick to the word of god that doesn't mean that they don't have revelation that is beyond the word of god because it definitely is there but what they will tell you will be biblical amen now the problem is sometimes people want to see black and white written but there are clues in the bible that will tell you about things that are like an example what i talked about today many of you didn't know it has it been there yeah but until somebody showed it to you you're not going to see it right yeah that's true but somebody else will hear it and will tell you the holy spirit is the light technically yes but really no really but yeah because he is god he is the same person with jesus technically yeah but is it really like that no really that's why you find somebody can be filled with the holy spirit and still not perform a single miracle not even be able to deliver somebody not be able to bring healing to somebody yet they have the holy spirit in them because there are things that are missing there is spiritual knowledge is such key help us thank you so much papa the problem is we live in a world that everybody knows come on number two they did do not the man or the woman of god does not bring down the divinity of the lord jesus what does that mean that jesus is lord and he is god and is the only way to salvation amen there is no other way period a person who believes in salvation and also believe in the damnation of the disobedient you know that they are working in god because somebody can say jesus but they bring down the divinity of christ these four simple points these four simple points ah i give a few i give uh stick to the word of god they believe in the salvation and also the damnation of those who are disobedient somebody can be called by god as a prophet but if they never meet a prophet to unlock them they will never see in the spirit even though the raw material to be a prophet is in them they will never access that realm is somebody listening to me yes listening papa so this is why you need the spirit of revelation this is why you need it amen so i'm gonna come back and pray for you i want you to go and give to god uh give give towards the building i'm gonna give you some news i spoke to the partners uh a few days ago and gave them some information and then we'll come back and and we'll speak some more and god is gonna be a tremendous blessing to us amen amen [Music] when i'm anxious lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Music] cause without you god [Music] you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on your ears so fill me full of your glory completely [Music] wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i [Music] am [Music] me [Music] you're the answer that i need you're the only remedy you're the truth that makes me free oh for you without you god i am [Music] glory completely [Music] me [Music] you deserve nothingness [Music] me [Music] let us worship and bow down for he is our god he is our god let us make a joyful sound unto our god unto our god let us worship and bow down for he is our god he is our god let us make a joyful sound unto our god unto our god he's been good to us good to us so good [Music] even good to us [Music] [Music] good to us so good he's been good to us our highest praise for he is our god he is our god hallelujah all our days [Music] for he is our god he is [Music] [Music] he's been good to us [Music] is good [Music] he hears you [Music] sees your tears too fights your fears too time after time [Music] he is alive in the prophets today for the sinners and saints he answers his children by fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] our god speaks back [Music] oh [Music] here [Music] he answers his children [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] please [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] speaks back [Music] [Music] like i started in the desert i was lost but i found my salvation on the cross you told me [Music] oh [Music] lord i know you're the only way the only [Music] way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] but i know you're the only [Music] but i know you're the only way [Music] [Music] give me [Music] hallelujah are we back bless the lord jesus now i want us to pray and we are going to pray and ask the lord that he that we will have the ability to discern those whom he has sent to us will have the discernment to understand who has been sent for us and to our benefit that this coming year there will be no wasted times there will be no confusions but there will only be the maturity that comes from the spirit of god open your mouth and begin to pray halab father i thank you that lord this coming year your people including myself that lord you open our eyes you open our eyes you open our hearts to understand where our benefit is coming from where our benefit is coming from where our benefit is coming from where our benefits are coming from further that we may be raised that we may be raised to another dimension that we may be lifted to another dimension in the mighty name of jesus that we may become father god those who will also bring light to our families and to our to our friends and our co-workers father to your glory that lord your coming will not be missed by your people father we thank you for that ability today to know where we are planted to know whom to receive from in the name of jesus amen father i pray for everybody father i seal them in your blood and in your covenant of the blood the blood of your only son jesus father bring us to divine completion bring us to divine knowledge of your son jesus cause us father to see him and to know him and to walk with him even as we follow those whom you have sent for us may we mature in the knowledge of your son jesus father i thank you and i bless you in the name of your son jesus christ amen listen i love you jesus loves you more and tomorrow we'll be back and uh i have a deep teacher actually probably tonight who knows but it's gonna be deep i love you and i will have some news for you concerning the church very soon and uh god is gonna take us to greater heights bless you in jesus name shalom [Music] you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 6,616
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes sunday, pastor steven furtick, church, Jesus Christ, Love, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Deliverance, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, Billy Graham, steven furtick, god bless america, africa, prophet tb joshua, elevation church, excel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 23sec (5783 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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