STOP tolerating Jezebel spirit - Robert Morris

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because we were both exhausted but in New Zealand I God began to download over me about this spirit what I've dealt with in this spirit and what this spirit tried to rob from me stop tolerating and I I thought about all sorts of catchy titles and I know that's not a catchy one and you've seen I'm not that catchy but that says best what I want to say stop tolerating turn to Revelation chapter 2 and if you'll open the first Kings 19 if you'll put a marker there there's an Old Testament person named Jezebel and a New Testament person named Jezebel but there's a spirit that was behind both persons and we're going to talk about that spirit but these were actual people revelation 2 verse 18 and to the angel of the church in Thyatira write these things says the son of God I've gone through by the ways I've read this passage over a hundred times and everything keeps jumping off page at me that this is Jesus talking Jesus is tell trying to warn us about something these things says the Son of God who has eyes like a flame of fire and his feet like fine brass I know your works I want you think about this the complement of this to to be saying this to many of you listening I know your works your love your service your faith and your patience and as for your works the last are more than the first it's not a bad thing nevertheless I have a few things against you because you allow that word in the old King James is tolerate you tolerate you allow that woman Jezebel who calls herself it's always a self-imposed position who calls herself a prophetess but you allow her I'm just putting that back in helps to remember the sentence to teach and seduce my servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat things sacrificed to idols okay let me let me stop just really because I'm not sure this is that I'll get to this later but you remember in The Jerusalem Council acts 15 when they were deciding where their Gentiles needed to become Jews once they got saved and they decided the early church fathers that once we I'm telling me I'm a Gentile once the Gentile got saved he did not have to become a Jew to be safe to believe in Jesus which I'm glad because I like ribs and shrimp by the way let me just say cuz we have a huge outreach to Jewish people here if you're a Gentile Church you need to decide that a Jew can accept Yeshua and doesn't have to become a Gentile he can remain a Jew and be saved because you remained a Gentile and got saved okay so you didn't have to be adopt that so okay so all right but they decided though they had to do four things they had to stay away from sexual immorality things strangled things offer to Idol and things with the blood okay four things here's what Gentiles have to do they have to say we're from sexual immorality okay I want you to notice what Jew Jezebel does who teaches there my students took my servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed Idol that covers all the other three things offered idols things strangled things with the blood that covers them all that's exactly what Jezebel's trying to do is to trying to get us to the Fowler stuff now let me just explain sexual immorality defiles you inwardly and these things defile you outwardly the reason that the Jews said this was that if a Gentile was eating something sacrificed to an idol or strangle the blood he couldn't have fellowship with you because it would be followed you so what they were trying to say was we don't want you to separate we don't want you to defile yourself with sexual immorality but we also don't want you to defile yourself in a way that it affects our fellowship that is exact what the Jezebel spirit does the Jezebel spirit tries to get me to defile myself in a way that disqualifies me either inwardly or outwardly for the ministry did you get that I could have spent a lot more time on that but that's just something that God God keeps unfolding revelation to me and I didn't have that in my notes I wanted to just mention that to you all right verse 21 and I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality and she did not repent indeed I will cast her into a sickbed watch very carefully and those who commit adultery with her into Great Tribulation unless they repent of their deeds I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that I am he who searches the minds and hearts and I will give to each one of you according to your works God is the judge now this word allow he said I want you to don't allow this anymore that's what I'm that's what I'm bothered by you're allowing this and I again again okay James says tolerate it means to allow one to do as he wishes to allow someone to do as he wishes here's the problem with the Jezebel spirit we don't want to confront it because of what we'll get back now I'm just giving you some some generals all right some generalities here if there's someone in your church that you dread confronting it is very possible there's a spirit there it is very possible you dread to either the over-the-top reaction you get you will get or the rejection the withdrawal you will get either one if you dread confronting if you allow the person to do as he or she wishes you may be tolerating a spirit that you should not tolerate now Elijah stands up and addresses this spirit on Mount Carmel but he addressed actually two spirits that many of us don't think of and if you're on top of jezus Jezebel spirit you have to talk about the Ahab spirit as well a Jezebel spirit cannot operate without an a have spirit now by the way before you point fingers okay let me say this every person here has been affected by the Jezebel spirit at times and by the Ahab spirit at times every one of us here had been controlling and had been controlled so this is something that comes against all of us but let me tell you some things about Ahab Ahab did a lot more than we think and a lot of people to have not really studied a habit to understand this if I were to ask you and don't say it some of you will know it but some of you won't it might be embarrassing to you because you'd say the wrong answer so let me just who was the the king of Israel that conquered the most land now before you say it was not David most of us say David David you know okay it wasn't David it was Solomon Solomon conquered more land than any Jewish king he was number one in conquering land who was number two David David was number three he had was number two they have conquer more land than any other king other than Solomon here's what that tells me you can be a great Conqueror and still be in bondage to the Jezebel spirit this guy that conquered more land than any other king other than Solomon couldn't get a vineyard next door to his castle and went and laid in his bed and turned his face to the wall and put his bottom lip out and Jezebel comes and gets it and she gets it by the way through but manipulation intimidation deception lying fear that's the way she tried to come against uh Elijah now the Jezebel spirit can operate in a man or a woman it is not gender biased at all okay matter of fact there are many in instances in the Bible of the Jezebel spirit operating in a man a mini and I'm going to give you a couple but let me give you one that all of you would know and know a lot about probably Herod the Great Herod the Great operated in the Jezebel spirit absolutely no doubt he he it was manipulation it was intimidation it was insecurity if let me give you the things the way to recognize a Jezebel spirit by the way insecurity and rejection when you see in scared and rejection watch with us pride and arrogance pride and arrogance insecurity rejection pride and arrogance and I have them in my notes and I now have forgotten the other two so hopefully we'll get back to that in a minute expiry rejection pride arrogance Oh manipulation and control manipulation and control do you remember what Herod said he said to the wise men when you find him now you come back and and tell me where he is so I can worship him to know so I can kill him and you by the way Herod was always planning on killing the wise men that's why one of them to come back that's why the Bible tells us very clearly then being divinely warned in a dream they were warned because he was going to kill not only Jesus but the witnesses he is he's a huge manipulator he was extremely insecure watch her insecurity and rejection he was insecure about everybody around him he killed he'd see the servants talking and kill him he listened to this he what is it when you trying to get my mind to work this morning what is it when you when you you you banished someone okay he banished or killed all of his wives Herod there in the early days he banished him and and then later in his life he just killed him matter of fact it says that he killed this is history now his historical documents say Josephus said he killed his favorite wife although he admitted later to regretting it well I think that's sweet of him he regretted killing her by the way she was a Jew his favorite wife and he killed her but he married her to get favored with the Jews her name was Miriam he was always trying to get people under him and over him to like him he was always manipulating that's why why he was called here at the gray because he was great he really was he built a lot of things you can see to this day by the way there are five Herod's in the Bible Herod the Great Herod Antipas Herod Philip heretic one here at agrippa - you have to be careful when you're preaching because I made these mistakes - you know Herod Paula standing for Herod you know Hera tried to kill Jesus and we say now this the same Jesus be careful you know but make sure you really to your study first because that was a few Herod's later but Herod was called Herod the Great because he built a lot of great things oh let me tell you one more insecure thing Harry did his favorite son his favorite again son who was everyone knew would be would take over when he died he killed him five days before he died knowing he was dying because he was so insecure that's how we get Herod the Tetrarch see something you might say oh you left out Herod the Tetrarch okay here Tetrarch is not a name Tetrarch means a fourth and the kingdom was divided into four sections tetrarch's and so that's why you have here at Tetrarch mention Scripture but it was actually Herod Philip that was one of those okay so anyway here's the three things he built you can see to this day this like all great he built Caesarea the the harbor city of Caesarea you can go to the ruins this day by the way it was named Caesarea after Caesar because he's trying to manipulate he's trying to get favor he built Masada which is the finest desert spa ever built it's much better it for that day it would have been better than anything in Vegas that you could see and he built which a lot of people don't know this he built the western wall or the Wailing Wall where you see the Jews praying and where some of you have visted Herod built that and it's really just a retaining wall he was expanding the Temple Mount again to gain favor with the Jews so there's a spirit that operates in men and women it is a manipulating controlling insecure jealous spirit it comes out of insecurity and rejection and it becomes manipulating and controlling let me show you the effects for effects here are my four points all right four points the four effects of a Jezebel spirit how you know a Jezebel spirit is affecting you when you see this in you it's possible it is a Jezebel spirit soon all right number one fear I thought it was very inch arresting that pastor Jimmy lassen I didn't know what I was ministering today and matter of fact I told him afterward in the green room after service and he said well and that's something because he said when you called when y'all called me to do this conference God said to me immediately he wanted me to talk about fear so fear now go to first Kings 19 if you had your Bibles there or you can just flip back to it you know easily first Kings 19 verse 1 and Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done you know first Kings 18 is where he killed all the prophets of belt in the previous chapter a hab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done also how he had executed all the prophets with the sword then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elisha saying so let the gods do to me and more also if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time and when he saw that he arose and ran for his life this is Elijah this is the man of God that just called fire down from heaven and I really don't mean this in a wrong way but a woman says he has just killed 850 men actually 450 prophets of bel and 400 prophets of Astaroth he's just killed 850 false prophets and a woman says to him I'm gonna get you and he runs that's as fear that is a spirit of fear I want you to think about this do you get kind of quaky or shaky or nervous when you think about addressing one of your pastors or one of your elders or one of your deacons or someone in your church that's not a person that's intimidating you that's a spirit that's intimidated you when I when I and I had to address this I've gone through about a four year process now doing this but after I addressed it and did what God told me to do I was praying in the green room one day before one of the services and I nearly always take authority over the enemy I hope you take authority over the enemy before you service now listen this is why submit to God resist the devil so I'm always submitting to God I nearly always get on my knees I just did that I normally always get on my knees before I preach I pray in the spirit as I said I submit my tongue to God I submit myself to God and then I stand and I resist the enemy and I rebuke the enemy because there's a warfare going on so I was doing that I was resisting and rebuking the enemy from the service and it came in my mind and all this you know how it is it happens just like this the thought came in my mind rebuked the Jezebel spirit the next thought came in my mind was I don't know if I want to do that have you ever had thoughts like this because you know this is a strong spirit that's like oh you know this is Strong's I mean I'm not just fault the thing that I really want to you know call it out again you know that's what I was thinking okay and just like this the Lord said to me this is not a strong spirit just like that he is not a strong spirit compared to me just like that compared to me he's not strong and then the Lord said to me listen you address spirits in my authority son not your authority in your own authority you couldn't even address a puny spirit he said now you stand up and you address this spirit in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ so I want you to understand if you have fear it's a spirit the spirit you need to stand up and address that spirit of fear and its power listen its power the power of the Jezebel spirit it has power because we tolerate it when we stop tolerating it it has no more power if this is a constant battle for people and authority please hear me you say well I I've you know I did this three years ago well get ready to do it again because as long as you have authority this spirit is going to try to attach itself to you through someone else constantly it is rooted as I said insecurity and rejection when you study Jezebel Jezebel was rejected by her father and had a controlling mother now listen to me carefully this is a pattern that I've seen many people who have the Jezebel spirit feel rejected by the father and they have a dominant mother not at all but many that I've seen her father gave her to Ahab to form an alliance she didn't want to be married Ahab she was like a piece of property she felt rejected by her father and she became a very dominating person people who have a Jezebel spirit have to control they have they are so wounded that they don't want to be rejected so they control every person and every circumstance around them that's what they do they'll try to control their family because they don't want their family to reject him and you know what happens don't you the family ends up rejecting them the thing they fear comes upon them we would we would call them control freaks that's what we would say we'd say you know you know you know how she is she's a control freak okay it's very possible she actually has a very deep wound of rejection she's trying to control everything around her so she won't feel rejected that's what's happening there are several instances of this in the Bible but let me I mean say it this way the most subtle way that the Jezebel spirit gets into a leaders life is through a friend people who have this spirit won't to be your best friend they feel called called to be your friend called to minister to you call deserves you I'm just called to serve you I'm called God called me to serve you or to be your intercessor or to be your armor bearer now I'm not saying that we don't need that but I if you will notice I hope you do notice I don't have a bunch of people weren't running around here serving me you won't see three or four people carried my bye and doing all this stuff and you can do all your stuff at your armor-bearer you want to do I don't do it I'm a human you're a human we got people working around here but I don't need three or four boys running around me taking care of me you understand I'm saying but you got it you've got to watch out because people are and listen you got a distinguish now between a person and a spirit some of these people are really good they're good people they really are they don't even know that this spirit takes up residence through an open door of rejection in them and that spirit takes up residence and begins trying to control you you understand that the Jezebel spirit hates you hate your church and it's going to try to get to you very subtly now I'm going to I'm sorry okay I'm gonna go ahead and pologize I'm sorry I'm gonna blow one of your sermon series right here I see the Jezebel spirit operating in Jonathan salsa it is so clear to me that I can't believe that other people haven't seen it I really can you got to remember when I got saved I didn't know the Bible you know it's a Michael jr. talked about job last night I had one of my friends got saved he immediately read the book of Job because he needed one okay so I didn't know the Bible so I'm reading through the Bible when I come to Jonathan David I immediately saw a snake in the grass I didn't know that everybody preached series on this and use it as the ultimate example of friendship and covenant but it was as clear as it could be Saul finds David five times three of those times only one guy knew where he was it's incredible to me and Jonathan says this look at that you want to see the Jezebel spirit listen what he says oh my wait wait before I go that let me tell you say really oh they made a covenant read the covenants they are more one-sided than anything you've ever seen in your life matter of fact they just make one everybody said I made a covenant I made three covenants and every time he gets more and more it is never Jonathan saying I will protect you and I will protect your family your since here's what he says you promise to me that you won't harm me or my family or my descendants do you know why he said that because it was normal when a king came in from another family to kill all of the reign and family members that's why I'm a Phoebus yet Jonathan's son when he that's why he's living in lo debar lo debar is not on the way to anywhere if you've ever been to Israel okay he is he is living and he's scared to death when he's called he comes in and bowels down says what am i such a dead dog that you called me you know he thinks he's gonna die because he's the last remaining descendant so that's what John is doing he's working both sides of the fence I promise you you just look so let me let me show you watch this this'll I know you're I can see already you're mad because it took away you're serious but alright look look at this first first annual 23:17 this is Jonathan and he said to him do not fear for the hand of saw my father shall not find you now watch you shall be king over Israel and I shall be next to you even my father knows that whoever promised Jonathan the number 2 place huh he knew David was the anointed leader he knew David's probably gonna kill Saul but here's what he figured if Saul kills David I'll be king if David kills Saul I'll be number two I'm gonna keep both ends helping and any you don't think David knew this when David's running from Saul one of these times he's running from Saul let me read you what he wrote Psalm 41 verse 6 and if he comes to see me they stole my Jonathan if he comes to see me he speaks lies his heart gathers iniquity to itself and when he goes out he tells it he goes and tells where I am watch verse 9 even my own familiar friend in whom I trusted who ate my bread has lifted up his heel against me in Psalm 55 he says the guy that made a covenant with me but let me read it to you out of the message and this my best friend betrayed his best friend his life betraying his word now in the New King James it says broke our covenant he broke our covenant all of my life I've been charmed by his speech never dreaming he turned on me and his words which were music in my ears turned to daggers in my heart I'm sorry I ruined your series I'm sorry but I don't like that statement right there I don't like anybody's saying to me pastor Robert I'm here to serve you and you're the number-one guy and I'll be the number two I'll serve you and I'll and I'll be your armor bearer I'll be here I don't I don't need that I need you to be his armor bearer I need you to serve God not me the spirit always wants to be next to the person in authority here's number two isolation when you want to get away from everything and everybody it's very possible now I know I'll explain in a moment a difference here because there's a good form to knock take first Kings 19 verse 3 again when he saw that he arose and ran for his life and went to bear Sheba which belongs to Judah and left his servant there now this is a very trusted person to Elisha but he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness ok isolation let me tell you the difference between isolation and solitude solitude is a good thing Jesus often withdrew to pray to pray to be with the father solitude is getting alone with God isolation is getting along with you and you're not that cool to be alone with I solitude is a good thing I am a person of solitude I am a person I have to go to the mountain I have to get along with God I have to be with God I come down and basically give the law and I got to go back up the mountain again and spend time with God and all everybody around here knows that but what happens when the Jezebel spirits attacking me I don't go into solitude I don't get alone with God I just get alone with me I just I can't be around buddy I don't wanna be around I don't want anyone I want to be alone I want to watch movies eat potato chips and ice cream that's what I want to do and I did this and I begin withdrawing and withdrawing and withdrawing and the more I had to get away I had to get out of our city limits because I could feel that spirit here but I don't know what it was until God by in His grace beginning to reveal it to me you can remember also I'm going to read it but later in first Kings 19 when he's complaining God he says I alone and left do you feel like you're the only one he felt like you're the only one like number three is exhaustion exhaustion verse four but he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sat down under a broom tree now I went into the Hebrew and it really does back this up but I want to read you that verse and the message so you may just have to look at the screen verse 4 and the message says and then went on into the desert another day's journey he came to a lone broom bush and collapsed in its shade collapsed and then verse 5 in the message says exhausted he fell asleep under the lone broom bush suddenly an angel shook him awake and said get up and eat he looked around into a surprise right by his head were a loaf of bread that's the first angel food cake they baked on some coals and a jug of water he ate the meal and went back to sleep you all know why he was exhausted he's exhausted that God just asked anyone here ever relate to this can I see your hand exhaust it now we're going to talk about something else the next but I'm gonna we're gonna talk about wanting to die as well but I just want to show you a verse because it's really good job 3 verse 11 job said why did I not die at birth why did I not perish when I came from the womb and verse 13 says for now I would have lain still and been quiet I would have been asleep then I would have had been have been at rest okay listen to me when you read the obituaries and think lucky guy at least he's finally getting some rest I wish my name were there because I'd finally get some peace heaven looks really good to me when you're exhausted I I wanted the doctor to diagnose me with exhaustion a lot of you know Brian talked about how it preached on Sabbath and I believe in Sabbath but as I look back on it a lot of it came from me being so tired I was trying to tell people rest rest rest she oughta rest and now I feel like I am busier than I've ever been in my life I doing conference is constantly going to but it is it invigorates me there's something totally different now I don't have that spirit and the reason that spirit had access into my life was because I tolerated it as long as you tolerate it it's going to affect you with all of these things that we're talking about if you're having problems sleeping it might be a Jezebel spirit because that's what a Jezebel spirit does when Elijah got away from it he slept and slept and slept and slept let me ask you this when you get out of town do you sleep for hours just days can't hardly wake up and when you drop back into the city limits where you Minister do you feel the oppression you got to break through you can't tolerate it God did not design us to have to sleep by sleeping pills it was not his desire for you here's number four depression these are symptoms or signs of a Jezebel causes of it all causes but a verse four says but he himself went a day's journey in the wilderness and came and sat down under a broom tree and he prayed that he might die and said it is enough now Lord take my life around no better than my father's this prayer to die I found in the Bible it's common to leaders many leaders prayed to die Rita just a few Moses verse 15 if you treat me like this please kill me here and now what a prayer if you like me kill me Jeremiah 20 verse 14 and 15 listen to Jeremiah the Prophet cursed it be the day which I was born let the day not be blessed in which my mother bore me let the man be cursed who brought news to my father saying a male child had been born here he's cursing everybody and everything about life Jonah 4:3 therefore now Lord please take my life from me for it is better for me to die than to live listen to me carefully thoughts of suicide are evidence of a Jezebel spirit I never entertained suicide in my life still haven't entertained it but I had the most bombarding thoughts when I fought this spirit I do have I would have a thought like that this is just unbelievable I'd have a thought like you know you and Debbie had a good day and you talked to all the kids on the phone today today to be a good day I would reject it obviously stand against it and not have you have a desire to I'm not saying that I'm just saying that's a demonic spirit telling me how I get out thoughts of suicide here's another one listen relating to commercials on television about depression you ever seen those commercials are you depressed well I am now after watching this good gosh has a good commercial for that medicine what honey what was the name of that medicine they thoughts of suicide thoughts of depression we give you one more under this thoughts of quitting Debbie and I had a conversation one night where we outlined my exit from Gateway Church that's tired of it that's tired of fighting outlined it so well we could do this we'll say we'll stay up to a year we'll help them find another pastor what did it what I'm going through this is my dream I founded it that's what God called me to do this spirit I don't want to be I can't do it I care you know I saw so we outlined my exit strategy the next morning I get up thank God for quite times faithful went in to have Mike like time and the Lord I mean I can't even I mean I sit down chair and the Lord said now I don't know why but he begins a lot of sentences with uh with me have you ever liked and here's what he said he said I did not authorize that conversation last night just like that I did not authorize that conversation okay that day and the next day Jimmy Evans Jack Hayford and James Robson all three called me in the next two days and said what's going on what's going on and I remember when I was talking to Pastor Jack I said pastor Jay told him about this and course we kind of laughed and he said yeah I've had lots of conversations God did not authorize and then he got kind of serious and he said Robert I'm mad just like that he said I'm mad said it it angers me that you've come to such a place to think about quitting what God called you to do we said you have to deal with this I want you to deal with it and he and Jimmy Evans and James Robinson helped me and then I went obviously to the elders of the church and had already been talking to them but that's where the Apostolic Hildur ship came in they came in to set things in order I said this is this is a spirit Jack Hayford gave me some of the best advice I want you to listen this advice he said you can be gracious with the person you can't be gracious with the spirit you can be gracious with the person but you can't be gracious with the spirit so we begin to deal with it before I tell you how I dealt with it I need to tell you one other thing I've told you suicidal thoughts or an indication depression is an indication thoughts of quitting or resigning or an indication let me give you one another indication here I know this is all under depression but it's just how I have it in my notes impure sexually impure thoughts are an indication of a Jezebel spirit I have a very immoral background I've shared very openly had a moral failure in my 20s had to step out of ministry get my life straight it's over twenty eight years ago now 24 years ago I stepped out 28 years ago that it happened but so I have I have this immoral past but God set me free and that's why I'm so big on healed and set free because I was saved and I love Jesus but I wasn't healed and set free and and it doesn't matter whether you administer or not if you're in bondage you're in bondage so I'm real big on that but I've walked in freedom for years when I began to deal with this the impure thoughts were like the suicide they were just unbelievable it's unbelievable and I was very accountable to Debbie that's very countable to the elders of the church never failed never looked at pornography never did anything like that but just bombarded bombarded with this stuff and let me read you if you go you don't have to go back to that revelation - well it just says about who teach my servants to commit sexual immorality so if you're struggling all in the area of sexual impurity you may have a Jezebel spirit that's gotten close to you and has an inroad by the way the people who operate in this manipulate mainly through guilt they make you feel guilty they say things like you know you're rejecting me just like everyone else has you're rejecting me just like everyone else has oh I oh I know I was gonna read that in chapter 20 but we read it before I'm in chapter 2 verses 20 through 22 of Revelation but I read before he said I will cast her into a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her let me give you another sign of and this is I had four points and I know I'm giving you a lot more stuff but I'm giving another sign of it strange and prolong sicknesses strange and prolonged sicknesses I started having sinus infections like you wouldn't believe I said to the Lord Lord why would my sinuses Lyman why are they so infected all the time he says really clear to me you know everything in scripture represents all the five senses it's a great sermon series by the way all the five senses represent something the spiritual touch sight spiritual sight spiritual hearing spiritual ears taste smell smell represents discernment that's what the Lord said to me he said your discernment your spiritual sinuses are infected so your physical sinuses are infected they're infected because you just you keep going past your discernment you know it's wrong but you just keep allowing it you tolerate it you tolerate it you allow it strangers prolong sicknesses of one other thing that that I saw through this was bizarre and near tragic accidents bizarre and and near tragic or another way to say that let's see I wrote that down how I said it Oh fatal nearly fatal accidents I had several accidents that were just bizarre now let me tell you why not the person the person wasn't trying to kill me but the spirit was and we know that we have spiritual proof spirit is trying to steal kill and destroy and I'm going to say something that I thought this morning when I was going over notes I thought everyone's gonna want to write this down I don't know if you can write this fast so you may have to get the CD steal kill and destroy this the Jezebel spirit tries to steal your peace joy and confidence it tries to steal your peace joy and confidence it tries to kill you with sickness and accidents it tries to kill you with sickness and accidents and it's trying to destroy you with depression and fear it's trying to steal your peace joy and confidence it's trying to kill you with sickness and accidents and it's trying to destroy you with depression and fear so what's the answer the answer is you address it in the person and remove him or her from all leadership unless he or she repents if the person will repent then the person can continue to minister whatever and go through a process but if the person won't repent you must remove that person from all authority and this is going to this may be sound kind of tough but you have to remove that person from any personal influence with you you can't remain friends with a person that won't be humble and teachable you can't there's no way because that spirit will affect you if you're going down in first Kings 19 and I've got about five more minutes a little over here but if you'll bear with me if you're going down first Kings not Cain you know the the wind the the fire and the earthquake and the still small voice the wind offer since obviously represents the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit began to give me words of knowledge to confirm that this was a spirit I began to ask the person-specific questions to confirm that this was a spirit there one of the questions that the Lord gave me was I said do you feel called by God to walk beside me to keep me from screwing up and the person said oh yeah that's exactly what God called me to do I think about that but called by God to walk beside me to keep me from screwing up and I said do you realize how that makes me feel that if it wasn't for you I'd screw up I mean nothing to do with the Holy Spirit or God or even my own integrity in in ministry so words of wisdom so the wind the fire began to purge I don't have time to go into all this the the earthquake God begins to shake everything in your life the still small voice God begins to speak to you remember he speaks through his voice my sheep hear my voice God is not mute he didn't quit speaking 2,000 years ago he speaks through his voice his word council and peace those are the four major ways God speaks his voice his word council through Council of godly people around you and the key word there is godly and peace that you have peace in your heart I began to seek counsel you remember ill I just said I'm the only one left God said I got seven thousand others dude okay I began to seek godly counsel from the elders and the Apostolic elders and other senior pastors it's amazing how many other pastors are going through this now here's the last thing after he deals with this he is told to anoint three people hazel Jehu and Elijah Hays LJ who and Elijah here's what I think that he was told to do the way you deal with the Spirit is a prophet a priest and a king a prophet a priest and a king in this instance hazel obviously was the king I think he'll I show was the priest for the people of God I think J who operated list the Prophet because J who's the one that killed Jezebel actually said throw her down and trampled underfoot so but let me remind you all of us know this Jesus is the Prophet the priest and the king now Jesus says in Revelation - if you don't deal with this I'm gonna deal with you and listen to me very carefully this is what the Lord showed me if you don't deal with this because those who sleep with her or judge - if you don't deal with this listen he will remove you if you will not remove her he will raise up someone else who will stand against the spirit and he will raise up someone else to carry your ministry who has double the anointing that's what I feel this is the prophet the priest of the King he will remove you if you will not remove her because he's the king who judges all he'll raise up someone else who will stand against the spirit he'll raise up another priest in your place and he'll raise up someone else to carry the ministry another prophet who has twice the anointing okay here here are the three practical things and I just have to say them to deal with it get with God seek counsel and take action get with God you have to get a word from God on this seek counsel and then take action and let me tell you what happened as I begin to deal with this we were in the process of building this building it's a very expensive building it's in we built it in the midst of we began our capital campaign we took commitments three-year commitments when the president in October of a a said we're in the worst recession of our lifetime and the next Sunday was commitment Sunday praise the Lord I remember even saying to God I said God you're the one that led us a year ago to do it this month October of o8 surely you you know would have seen the headlines before and known this I here's what the Lord said to me he said I'm planning it right when I wanted to because I'm gonna get the glory for building that building I'll get the glory for it so anyway because of that we had banks lined up to give us money we we give a lot of money away but we live way below our means you know like one year our budget was 18 million our income was twenty four one year our budget was 24 our income was 34 one year our budget was 35 our income was fifty so we live way below our means so the banks we had money in the bank we'd already spent almost twenty million dollars on the product we're okay we were okay financial that's what I'm trying to tell you all right but the bank's the ref federal regulators came in and shut them down the banks were lending way over their limits and so all of a sudden the banks were like well we want to help but we can't we can't do it we can't give you we can't give you that much money total land fees everything's about a hundred million dollars okay that's Big D anybody I don't care how big your church is that's big okay so the bank's say we can't do it we just can't do it you've got to do this you got to do this you got so all these things we're going through all the stuff we've had our groundbreaking ceremony we had our groundbreaking ceremony we got dozers out here we're using the money in the bank we don't have the we don't have the loan papers we don't have the loans and so I'm praying all this time I'm dealing with this finally it comes down to that the we still need twenty million dollars because the bank's wanted we had all this commitments we had almost 50 million dollars in commitments and we'd already had all this cash done but the bank wanted all this lined up in case the commitments didn't come through because they've done stuff with other churches where people make commitments the commitments in come in and they really didn't understand our giving track record our people have given and I'm grateful for that so anyway they came down there we needed 20 million dollars more all this time I'm dealing with this spirit okay a spirit now not a person even though that I did they will deal with a person I'm dealing with spirit so one morning I'm jack told me how to with it pastor Jack so I'm over here at grapevine Lake and I'm on the shore of the lake and I'm riding this where I have to deal with the person putting it in but I'm cutting off the spirit I know that I'm finally we've given time to repent no repentance we're dealing with it so when I finish I go to close my laptop and I get that thing before the lid closes it's like no no no no pray over it so I open the lid back up just in symbolic gesture and I'll be in to pray well it's one of those prayer times I looked at the clock as I begin to pray and it was 1046 in the morning I just saw that and I begin to pray and I begin to pray and I begin to pray and pretty soon I'm in my vehicle all by myself there was no one parked around me because it was cold at the lake it wasn't the summer so I'm the only one parked on the shore probably a good thing and so pretty soon I'm shouting I am tearing down this stronghold this principality in power over this area over the church I'm breaking up I'm just you know you've had these times I mean I'm shouting my voice or I'm shouting I'm crying I'm repenting for tolerating this God please forgive me forgive the church remove the curse that I brought on the church for tolerating this in our leadership God and I'm I'm praying and I'm okay when I finished I'm shouting Oh hallelujah hallelujah I feel it it's broken I know it's broken I still got deliver the letter handle all the junk but it's done it's done in the spirit yo y'all you know you following me I'm shouting hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I'm just excited you so believable I look at the clock it's 11:46 60 minutes one hour happy thank you thank you God I just can't believe it's done okay the phone rings right there the phone rings I picked the phone up it's a member of our church and he says to me Robert do we have all the finances for the church for the new building do we have all the loans that we need I said no actually we don't I didn't say that's all I said he said well my wife and I were praying and we would like to loan the church 20 million dollars a person a family in our church he didn't know the bank said you need 20 million dollars and it happened after I dealt with this the minute I dealt with it it happened and I wonder what's being held up in your church and in your ministry and in your life because you're tolerating a spirit I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes if you are dealing with this right now and you know that you need to deal with it I want you to stand up so I can pray for you okay okay the first thing I want you to do is pray and I don't want you to pray out loud I want you to be able to to just pray just have a moment with God but I need you to repent for tolerating it I need you to just talk to the Lord for a moment by yourself and just say Lord ask you to forgive me please forgive me for tolerating this in your church and tell them anything else you need to tell me or don't want to tell you thank you that if we confess our sins you're faithful and just justified you're the only one justified you're the only one who has the justice to be able to forgive us of all of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness the Lord I don't I I admit I don't fully understand this scripture I think I have some revelation but I don't fully understand it the Lord you said to the disciples to whom sins you forgive they're forgiven so Lord I feel that that means we just come into agreement with heaven and I come into agreement right now and I say to my brothers and sisters you're forgiven you're forgiven you're released and now Lord I ask you to give us wisdom give us the plan of how to move forward what to do what to say Lord I pray every person here now would get with you would get on the mountain would feel the wind the earthquake and the fire and word here the still small voice and Lord we submit ourselves to you and we resist Satan and in the name of Jesus I take authority over every demonic spirit that's coming against my brothers and sisters in Jesus name and I rebuke it right now in Jesus name not in my authority but in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ in the name the blood and the power of the Lamb I rebuke Satan every spirit of rejection every spirit of fear every spirit of intimidation every spirit of manipulation every spirit of control in Jesus name I say go go in Jesus name right now go in Jesus name and lord I want to tell you thank you you thank you thank you for a breakthrough in every person's life that's standing and every ministry that's represented we tell you thank you for the breakthrough in Jesus name Amen let's thank the Lord thank you lord
Channel: TheKathleenBean
Views: 1,608,912
Rating: 4.769948 out of 5
Keywords: robert morris, connect, pastors, leaders, jezebel spirit, defense, thekathleenbean, wisdomhunter93, abandoned2god, amightywind, almightywind, yahsladynred, cult, evil, yahservant777
Id: VtW074wfF9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2011
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