OWLAM NATHIYB [ANCIENT PATHS] | by Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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[Music] Oh Cap'n away from your embrace faithful but your love stays the same in you're the only one for me you are my key I can never turn from you my everything [Music] [Music] breath of life the light bed never fails lead me on you are the only way Hey when you are strong hi the only one for me you are my key I can never turn from you my everything [Music] yeah [Music] my Oh [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you we thank you for joining us tonight we pray that you've been blessed for this entire week we pray that you'll be blessed even today we pray that you'll receive even greater blessings tonight as you receive the word that is being delivered by our great prophet I just pray blessings over each and every one of you and that that your minds and your hearts will be open that your eyes will be open to what God has for you has for us tonight it's gonna be an amazing amazing evening god bless you [Music] Phil Libin maybe for prosper Nozomi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take with the enemy memory [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] turn it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna say victory I'm gonna see a victory for my battle for my bow it's yours I'm gonna see your victory we're gonna say victory for our battles my battles belong to you [Music] I was seeing of the goodness I will sing of Your Love all the darkness comes quickly you have always been loved all the nights make it darker with all the waiting's years long you have always been faithful to me ah [Music] [Music] you're always impatient you have always been here the office isn't do ages [Music] she's sitting for [Music] [Music] you me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sweet every [Music] [Music] keep walking keep walking there you keep all getting better keep walking better keep walking keep walking [Music] in I say so good you are good [Music] [Music] [Music] how great is see with me oh how great [Music] Oh [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the inside [Music] from [Music] [Music] when you to be there [Music] you too big for you to be [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh it's for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you go before I know that you've even gone to win my war and you come back my enemy you come back you call me my victory you go before I met you've even gone doing my work and your love becomes my grade leads me from the drive [Music] all I do is freeze all I did was worship all ID was bailed out oh do you were still [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you know before I can see to find your truth your mercy is the same I'm living in you wish store my head and I did [Music] and all I did was worship all I did was [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know why you're we introduced me to y'all and you picked up all my pieces you put me back together you are a defender of my heart [Music] you know me you introduced me to your love and you picked up all my pieces for me back together you are the defender oh my [Music] you know you read you do me too [Music] [Music] [Music] it's always better it's almost better please [Music] almost boy [Music] I couldn't do without [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah you have say me it's almost better this way [Music] yeah [Music] let us worship and bow down for he is our God [Music] I cannot get enough I just from [Music] every day I just wanna get closer [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll never I just wanna get closer [Music] [Music] [Music] you're somebody but you're full of compassion you're the giver of [Music] you're the Savior right the louver massage all I need a fining profile worthy for some time Laurie to [Music] god glory to you [Music] to work I live my to seek your holy face - I [Music] I don't understand your love so bad you surround me with your crazy somewhere forgive annoyed you treasure the ball I didn't know who I could be to show me worthy wonderful for some power Oh [Music] feel free Laurie [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh Cap'n away from your embrace before it's just love stays the same [Music] the only one for me you are my key I can never turn from you my everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] breath of life the light bed never fails [Music] lead me on you are the only way Hey when you are strong is my home the only one for me you are my key I can never from you my everything my [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] god bless every single person this is profit this is profit Aliyah and I thank the Lord so much for this opportunity to welcome you into my home and to minister to you this evening this morning wherever you may be in the world I thank the Lord for the opportunity to speak to you and I know that the living Jesus who lives forever is going to touch you bless you and transform your entire life by reason of what you're going to hear today what you're going to hear today listen to me is going to change you is going to position you to enter into a place that the Lord has called you to be in I want you to let somebody know wherever you are I want you to let somebody know share with somebody speak to somebody tell them that prophet Aliyah is life and God has something for you God has something for you God has something for you today I'm going to be speaking about something very dear to my heart and and very special in my heart I want to show you something about God who God is and how to benefit having God in your life there's a lot of Christians that have God and they don't have benefits I don't know if somebody can hear me there are so many people that have God but they don't have the benefits of working with God hallelujah hallelujah I want you to read something I want you to go to for go to Psalms 103 verse 1 t 2 sums 103 verse wanted to Sam's 103 verse wanted to hear there you have it I want you to read it wanted to mm-hmm bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name hmm bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits read that again bless the Lord O my soul uh-huh and all that is within me bless His Holy Name yes bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits and the Bible is telling you this forget not his benefits and this is David speaking to himself now you have to ask yourself a question what are benefits benefits are bonuses that you did not work for just because you are in a situation you are receiving something based off being in a situation not because you prayed not because you are looking for it not because you are fighting for it just because you are in that situation you have benefits I wish somebody could hear me there are situations that you are in and immediately you have benefits there are people that you can be with and you don't profit from them you can be a Christian and not no benefit so you will not enter into benefits I wish somebody could hear me being a child of God has benefits they have benefits to being a child of God and the benefits I'm talking about here I'm not talking about salvation eternal life those are obvious those are what enter you or they enroll you into benefits think about it like this let me just play with something here if you have supernatural health let's say eternal life what are the benefits that you can inherit from eternal life supernatural health divine health you are going to live forever what are the benefits of living forever if I'm going to live forever I then it means that I have a benefit of not falling sick that's a benefit if I'm given the life of God the I will not die before my time I will accomplish what God has called me to do and I am not my soul is going back to God but I am here for a certain time then I should fall sick somebody did not hear me that's a benefit because it's an inconvenience to the plan of God for me to be sick when Paul was travelling and and they got to a certain place it was his turn to put firewood in the fire poor texwood puts it in the fire and a snake comes out of the fire and bites him and paul wipes it off like a mosquito bite and goes about his business everybody is watching him and saying let's see this guy died they didn't even come and tell him eh are you okay you need medication we need to tie a rope we need to take you need to draw poison they saw how we treated the bite you are like wait this is not normal this cannot be this there is something strange about this so they stood there and watched him the next day still there they said this guy is strange this guy's not dying that is called a benefit they shall drink of deadly things and he shall not harm them not because they knew it was a deadly thing not because they sat him down then grabbed a glass and began to pray father every poison I paralyze it no just because of who they are somebody is not listening to me just because of who they are just because of what they possess just because they know something that others may not know you may try to kill them they won't die I wish somebody could hear me I wish somebody could hear me Facebook are you there I wish somebody could hear me there's something called benefits somebody just had benefits benefits benefit benefits benefits benefits benefit there are benefits to being a child of God the only benefits that believers know is a breakthrough breakthrough is not a benefit you fought for it deliverance is not a benefit you fought for it some of you may be delivered you may have no demon in you but there are no benefits you're still toiling you're working hard and you're not you're not enjoying the fruit of your labor it's one thing to another thing you finish another thing another thing starts your money comes in and goes out it doesn't come in and stay and multiply everything is coming listen to me I am bringing you into benefits today I am bringing you into benefits today mokka paiya Katia Maya you are entering into benefits today they are benefits to being a child of God angels are benefiting I feel like Facebook is falling asleep periscope I used a periscope ayudar a la ku kia market iocket aya le coup d amazon tele prakruti amar satya instagram ayuda instagram instagram ayuda lobia makos le brinda a kubiak autonomous on tele Brigido instagram instagram are you there god bless you a facebook i want you to share like ten times those on periscope and and and youtube and let everybody know God has benefits for you listen we haven't even started we are going somewhere I want you to type there say neighbor neighbor we are going somewhere I know your neighbor is not physically there but in spirit they're there by typing your tapping them saying neighbor neighbor we are going somewhere I wish somebody could hear me I wish somebody could hear me I wish somebody could um listen to me their benefits their extraordinary benefits in Christ Jesus extra the children of Israel when they were delivered from Egypt the Bible says that the Egyptians came and gave them gold they didn't ask for gold they did not desire God they just wanted to be free they just wanted to be free you see some of you you just want to be free but to God it is not complete until their benefits yes I wish somebody could hear me to God it's not complete until you enter into benefits to God it is not complete until you get into it but the benefits you see every system that is in place every single system that God has placed in has put in place did not start when you got saved there were things that were waiting for you in the case that you enter into salvation they already ready God is not creating brand-new benefits every program has already benefits in the system when they are putting it together whatsoever company you work for some companies has no benefits and some companies have benefits but whatever company that has benefits is because the company was structured to have those benefits so they have the ability to fund those benefits they did not get a surplus and start you know this was already set apart already that our employees will benefit from this and this and this and this as a father my son Andrew my son Andrew Illya has benefits he never has to go to work why what for he will grow up to run things of the family you will not grow up to go and work for somebody that's a benefit working for somebody you may be paid a lot of money but you are working for someone that is what the Bible says in Proverbs a good father lives and inheritance for his children when you have an inheritance for your children is so that you don't they don't go through what you went through if you are working even eight hours which is not a lot is no more hours that people work I don't my son to grow up and work eight hours if he's going to spend 12 24 hours let it be on his own passion on his own calling on what he wants to take off or wants to raise up not because he has no choice because he was not left any benefits I don't know if somebody is listening to me this is why Jesus was shot he said if you man beings are good but you know how to give your children good gifts how much more now you have to remember they how much more is not comparing God to human parents he said you ieave oh but you can do good for your children how much more is saying now you imagine the Gulf the gap between you and God who is completely good pure how much more not imagine what God can do that still lowers the standard how much law meaning your good is not anything to God what he can do is better than good is better than great gifts our benefit of our relationship gift is a benefit of being in a relationship you know in Valentine's Day you get chocolate you get flowers because you are in a situation that provides that now some of you you you have no benefits in your relationship they forget Alleluia [Music] benefits benefits there are benefits in Christ Jesus listen to me I am going somewhere very deep I don't know if you are ready to go this deeper way I'm about to take somebody Blair Blake says my ex law no benefits now are you getting what I'm saying so they're dimensions they're there they're there their dimensions there are places there are locations in Almighty God that are benefits in their places that there are no benefits IIIi don't know if somebody's catching this you see it's a disgrace if God if the Bible says and which says and it is true that everything belongs to God the karo on the hill diamonds gold in heaven they are working on gold and all this but you have nothing to show that you actually are citizens not only a you citizen of the city that the king of that world is your dad the king of that that world is your father the ruler of that land is your father and you in a foreign land and they cannot differentiate you you are in the low class of the of the lowest realm that you cannot prove that that guy's your father it's a it's a disgrace I wish somebody could hear me it is wrong it is wrong it is completely absolutely wrong Adam had benefits to being in the garden you know God never told him to plant anything God never told him to till the ground the ground God just told him care for the garden you can eat of every fruit it means it was already planted yes he wasn't sitting there okay let me setup sprinkle Azzam nothing it's not the season for this no remember the Bible says seat time harvest summer and winter notice only the seed has time they harvest the salmon winter are all way around the only thing that is locked to time is the seed the harvest is not seed time and harvest not seed time and harvest time these are spiritual mysteries so Adam was never going to plant that is why when he messed up his benefits the Bible says something very interesting God says go back to the ground that you came from to till it meaning tilling was not the benefit you are going back to work on that ground you came from meaning he was never supposed to work on that ground he was in benefits I just want somebody to talk fire fire fire fire somebody just like fire fire fire fire fire somebody just put fire fire fire fire fire all over I just want to see fire fire fire fire and then I'm gonna go deep now we're gonna go in the Word of God we are going to go somewhere Lockett alhabi acacias negra kedusha amicus OT easier miqo'te la Culebra diga amis de lima cydia angora Paquita LA baya ze amma Katia a Curia Masotti Delia coughs McGee Lia ajooba Telemar say Angela Angela Angela mefloquine Tala Koriyama so Tia Papa Papa hookah kaya Makati zabrocki D amico da Li dolla dolla dolla dolla da me Katya antelope Rand a two-tire a goober leper RIA and kuzia Kataya Lika kutia under the bahasa listen to me go to Jeremiah chapter 6 in verse number 16 Jeremiah 6 and 16 mm-hmm 6:16 yes Jeremiah 6:16 mmm thus saith the LORD stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk therein and he shall find rest for your souls but they said we will not walk therein one more time thus saith the Lord uh-huh stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls but they said we will not walk therein one more time thus saith the Lord stand in stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls uh-huh but they said we will not walk therein I want you to say all am native all am native one more time alumna teep one more time one more time now what olan olan means ancient in the translation of English but it Allah means everlasting past Allah means everlasting past the what ancient does not mean old ancient means something that has been established long before time so the Bible calls God Ancient of Days meaning the one who began before days so God is the Ancient of Days not because he is old he just started something called days that you have no ability to comprehend where he came from where he is going who gave birth to him if he was even born because he is ancient anyone not that has appeared in the days that he has created has no capacity to know him where he came from where he has been if he is by himself because he is ancient it means anything that exists existence itself exists because of him he is the source root of all things I want you to think about it in a second before I go deep think about it like this we have space right where did space come from even nothing doesn't exist unless it's created I want you to see how crazy that is because space is a place you have made available nothing is also a space it is something because you cannot have something that is called nothing without something so if nothing is not there something cannot be there so and both of them are not there because something is the presence of nothing so all these things are creation if you have the universe why are you going to put it you need space I wish somebody could get this I'm trying to bring somebody somewhere to understand why God is called Ancient of Days and remember this we are only talking about the physical dimension when we say God is a spirit you have to understand that the mechanics and the dimensions and the depth and the height of something called spirit even your own spirit even your own spirit we don't really have a complete understanding of it we have a a small understanding of it we have a very small understanding of it so people think that God exists in the spiritual realm so how can God exist in what he created are you getting what I'm saying this is what the Bible says and Jesus ascended above all heavens meaning there is a place after heaven somebody is not listening to me ah can you find that scripture for me and Jesus ascended above all heavens so all the heavens put together where angels exists even to the highest heaven God has a place outside of that Wow so he means God is not in the spiritual he's manifested in it because he feels all things I think I'm good I think I think I'm going too far for some people I think I'm going too far for some people yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Facebook are you there glory glory to God glory to God glory to God I'm trying to express to you that this is this is this is strange yes this is strange read it you have it you have it go ahead he that descended is the same also that has ascended a far above all heavens that he might fill all things and he gave some apostles read it again he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens notice he did not just go above all heaven far above so there is an above so when we say heaven is above we are not talking about I want you to think for a second what is above really because remember we own we are on a sphere this is not a flat plane but there is above how can above be above maybe now we are upside down so where is above that itself is a mystery god is great I want to show you something I want to show you something I want you to read the same verse again okay he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might fill all things so God has filled all things God has filled all things God is in all things God has filled all things look at this are you ready yes Jeremiah six it's six sixteen again mm-hmm thus saith the LORD stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls mm-hmm but they said we will not walk therein one more time thus saith the LORD stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths notice this the Bible saying stand ye in the ways and ask for the old paths so there are two kinds of believers because it's not talking to unbelievers God is talking to his people now remember alumna dibs simply means Allah means ancient it means everlasting past native means path so alumna T means everlasting past path and everlasting past path meaning this rod was not created now this rods were not created when Moses came these rods are not created when Adam came this rods were not created when when when so-and-so came this were paths that were created in everlasting past have you ever read in the Bible and when you see walk thee in my ways and people think that God is talking about the Bible I'm trying to bring you something to a great understanding when he's saying walky in my ways remember the Ten Commandments were given to help people know what sin is okay the Hebrews the book of Hebrews says that that without the law we would have not known once what sin is so the lost duty was to show you what sin is so before you knew what sin was before Adam knew what sin was Adam was being taught a certain path because there was no sin even if he missed the mark there would be no qualification to say what is wrong and right because it did not exist to Adam because God was trying to steer him to be on a certain path that is God's own path not a path created by man this is the same path that the Lord Jesus was speaking about I do nothing except what I have seen my father do he's talking about ancient paths he's not talking about what Moses said or his father showing him go to Jerusalem go that's not what he's talking about I feel like I'm going to dig for some people I feel like I'm going to dig for some people that's not what he's talking about if God is called Ancient of Days it means God does not change his ways you know the saying that old people don't change you can teach an old trick an old dog new tricks because God is ancient of this and is the unchangeable change they says I am the Lord I change not so God is all school I call him Jehovah old school it just doesn't change nothing about God changes nothing about God changes he's the same yesterday today and forever he's the same guy he's the same Lord he's the same God he is Elohim means you over he is he that changed not change itself is a creation so he doesn't change he cannot it is impossible it's important impossible in Karnataka it just doesn't apply to him so God operates with something is that is called olam native ancient paths meaning God has his ways and if you're going to work with him you need to be in those ways if you're going to cooperate with him you need to be in those ways or else you'll not get any benefits of being with him this is why some Christians you can have salvation you can have the Holy Spirit but you don't see any benefit of having those things now notice what it says thus saith the LORD stand ye in the ways and in the ways and see and ask for the old paths you see if you know that God is an ancient god he's an everlasting God that began before beginning began because he began the beginning so if I'm not trying to know that god of old I have failed as a Christian because he's talking to people and he's saying that said the LORD stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths meaning there are people who are standing on the way the Lord Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life those are different roads I am the way the truth and the life so there is a way to life that is in him there is a way that is of truth to him and there is also another way that leads you to the Father the word father there is the word source father doesn't mean a man father mean source when we say father of Lights we are saying the source of all light when you say my father you are saying the source which I came from so you have to understand that this is a very interesting understanding that you need to have he's a God that has no changes the Ancient of Days he is a God that has been will always be so Jesus is saying nobody comes to the Father except through me what people when people read this they think Jesus is talking about eternal life jesus said if you drink my blood and eat of my flesh you have eternal life he was not talking about his father there are people who were in heaven right now enjoying heaven but they have not come face to face with God yet and there in heaven they have not reached the level in their spirit that they can be face to face with God that is what you find the Lord Jesus in Matthew said do not turn this little children away for their angels behold the face of my father daily they're angels that stand in the face of God in their angels that don't not all angels have seen God no the devil never saw God you know that Lucifer never saw God he had never seen God and and one time I will talk about this in in great depth to explain to you why he fell he did not only fall because of arrogance he felt because he had never seen God just to show you that he had never seen god he did not even know that God is omnipresent he did not even know that God nothing can be hidden from God he is planning a takeover a coup in heaven against that God who knows everything it tells we didn't know him it's like you know there CCTVs but you are trying to steal it tells you you don't know that there are CCTVs are you getting what I'm saying it's a is somebody understanding this he didn't know he had no clue about this God he was favored by God but he did not know that God so in saying I was send up above and I would do this I would do that I would do this I would do that I would do this I raised our but you don't understand why he decided that he could fight how can you fight God but in his mind he believed he could fight that means this battle was not against God that's why in Revelation chapter 12 it just tells you and there was war in heaven the devil force we fought with these angels and Michael with his angels his battle was against Michael but you don't know why he was fighting Michael he was do you realize that in the whole passage of him fighting in heaven God is not involved there is nowhere that God is involved is not even mentioned that God said Michael go and deal with him and Mike okay MA it wasn't even like that was nothing like that I'm gonna give you a small mystery just to help you so that you don't die with curiosity let me just help you I'm just trying to show you the ancient ways of God in Revelations in the book of Revelation chapter number one the Lord Jesus says this let me just show you this quickly we are still on the ancient paths don't worry I have not gone on to off-topic we are right there I just want to bless you so that you understand that we are not guessing we know what we are talking about I'm not coming to tell you some mumbo Jumbo's hallelujah revelations chapter one hmm I want you to go to verse hallelujah I want you to go thank you Lord Jesus hallelujah I want to help you and see this okay now I want you to read verse 16 Revelation chapter 1 verse 16 and he had in his right hand servant stars and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword and his countenance was as the Sun Shine ahthe in his strength yes and when I saw him I fell had his feet as dead okay I want you to also read verse 3 verse 3 to 4 okay mm-hmm blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of the prophecy mhm and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand uh-huh that's what John to the seven churches which are in Asia grace be unto you and peace from him which is and which was and which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before his throne uh-huh notice the seven spirits which are before his throne who are the seven remember this is not talk about the seven spirits of God the seven spirits meaning seven entities is not talking about the seven spirits of God on a lap lamps now is talking about the seventh spirits before God now if you go to Luke chapter 1 I want to show you something quickly we've been we've been talking about Luke chapter 1 I taught you something from that the other day Luke chapter 1 and I want you to read verse I want you to read verse I want you to read verse verse 19 mm-hmm okay and the angel angel answering said unto him yes I am Gabriel I am Gabriel notice he's he questioned the angel and doubted the angel and the angel is telling him I am it means is a very important person right that's why when you are tested in your in your place do you know who I am you're trying to assert your position right so when he was telling him the message and he took the message lightly told him I am Gabriel meaning the named Gabriel means something if you're a spiritual person you know right he was already an angel the man knew I'm talking to an angel but when he doubted he said do you know what caliber of angel is speaking to you right because I am Gabriel I don't know if you understanding what I'm saying he's trying to differentiate himself from the other angels that he might I have seen or experienced he's trying to show him do you know who I am read what it says I am Gabriel that stand in the presence of God I am that Gabrielle that stands remember the word presence is face hmm I am Gabriel that stands in the face of God do you know Gabriel is the prophetic angel no prophecy comes apart from Gabriel they're angels that work under Gabrielle they're angels that work under Michael they're angels that work under Raphael they're angels that work under these seven spirits they are the ones that reported to God and they the other angels report to them they passed the message of God to these guys so in the room that the cherubim was is the room that Michael also was ruling or governing and remember the name Michael means one that is like God so the devil Charles let me just tell you some some heavenly mysteries that happened they therefore convinced other angels and told them listen Michael and the other guys have been lying to us where is this God that we have never seen him remember the Bible says and thousands upon thousands of angel lifted their hands to him but he doesn't say there in his presence so they worship God just like here you know I was in heaven and I saw that I've I never never told you the story that I was taken to heaven and I found myself in a place and there were some of the old prophets and apostle and I sat it was a garden and I sat and they were discussing the Bible they were having a worship time I was shocked I thought this is something that is oh no no even there I think this is this is too much for something I think this may be too much for some people this is truths I'm telling you real truth so got really saying me I am Gabrielle that stands not I am Gabrielle from heaven not I'm scent of the Lord I am Gabrielle of that stands when you read The Book of Daniel you notice something that is happening in heaven when Daniel could not understand the vision the Lord God told Gabrielle go and interpret their vision for him notice God is telling Gabrielle like Gabrielle is waiting on him go and tell Daniel is dream then he goes he tells him Daniel servant of the Most High God most esteemed why did he call him most esteemed God sent me to you to you you are important when the Lord Jesus came to Jesus it was because he was important anyone that is connected to the path of the Lord is important when Gabrielle comes notice their angels that appear in the Bible you don't know their name you have never even heard their name but this ones are revealed ah you are important most esteemed servant of the Most High it's like the Vice President is coming to give you a letter from the president God is trying to show you how important you are to Eve he didn't just send it by mail but the king himself sent his second person to come and give you something so God is an ancient God he does things in his own way listen to me sing an angel blesses your life period but seeing one of the seven [Music] laka taka taka diable kata it's a whole different thing that's how I find Daniel said he felt like he was dead notice this angel had the ability to silence Zachariah and told him because you have doubted me you not speak until this baby is born what power does he have to silence you that you can't speak not because God says so because he said so because you doubted him you played with his rank you are undermined him you too by you there Jesus glory be to the Lord now look at this look at this that's it the LORD stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths God is saying when you get into Jesus stand and ask for the ancient way because remember the father is the Ancient of Days remember when I told you my last visitation that the Lord appeared to me what did I call him I said he looked ancient yet he was not old but he looked ancient there's no way of describing it Ancient of Days Ancient of Days so God is saying ask for the ancient paths you see the problem that has killed a lot of believers is this is that many of you have become lukewarm some of you have become cold because you are do you think you are on the ancient paths but you're not we are not saying you're not going to heaven you have Jesus you're going to heaven but God is an ancient God God is an ancient god this is why that the patriarch said that the children of Israel said you revealed thy ways and to our fathers so God went to their fathers and showed them his ways he showed them something that they were asking to get into we are not talking about the way to heaven going to heaven is easy cooperating with God walking with God is a different thing but notice what it's saying and see and ask for the old paths where is the good way so they are ok ways and there is the good way and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls so there is a place in God that you have rest for your soul there is a place in God where your burdens are taken from you but it doesn't mean you have rested Jesus said let him that is a heavy burden come unto me and I will give you rest meaning you can come there he will give you rest get strength to keep going but there is a place that you have rest complete rest you just relax Jesus that's why I was telling them don't worry about your going to what you're going to eat don't worry about what you're going to where your father knows that you need these things why are you asking for these things these are normal things but then you realize these people don't know any of the benefits because they are not on the old paths do you know the Lord Jesus multiplying bread was not a new miracle every morning the children of Israel ate bread that came from heaven bread of angels everyday they did not have a bakery nothing Jesus takes bread and multiplies it why is he doing that because it's normal the children of Israel left Egypt with the same clothes the Bible says when they added weight the clothes increased when they lost weight it decreased their shoes grew their shoes decreased they never had to go shopping and neither did the clothes get old these are things that have been there it's a time loop God can do all those things Jesus was not doing anything brand-new he was taking us into depths of paths that have already existed I don't I don't I don't understand if somebody's catching this so he's saying ask ask for the old paths meaning there are many God made Abram prosperous how did Abraham prosper it's a path because every blessing on earth has to go through the promise that God in the confident that God made with Abraham unless you're getting it in a demonic way which will cost you your very own soul but if you're going to get it from God it's not just enough to be saved you have to understand the path that was revealed unto Abraham for you to prosper healing did not come before because of the cross the cross came to affirm that you make sure you get your healing the cross did not create healing because God has always healed people God has always raised people from the dead that is why Jesus could heal people before the cross it didn't start healing people after the cross he could heal people the whole time but him dying affirmed that listen this thing is for you the Bible goes as fast to say healing is their children's bread but there is a path to healing Malachi chapter 4 verse 2 Malachi chapter 4 verse 2 Malachi chapter 4 verse 2 Malachi chapter 4 verse 2 but unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and he shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall uh-huh one more time but unto you that fear my name the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings yes and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall hold the hold is right there keep that go to Luke chapter 8 43 to 48 uh-huh look 8 43 mm-hmm and a woman having an issue of blood uh-huh 12 years which had spent all of her living upon physicians neither could be heal of any came behind him in delft any came behind him and touched the border of his garment uh-huh and immediately her issue of blood stench and Jesus said who touched me uh-huh when all denied Peter and they that were with him said master the multitude thrown thee and Presti and saith thou who touch me stop right there a woman is having a problem a serious issue a serious issue she spent all her money the Bible is not saying she she spent some money she spent every thing she was dry she had nothing else left but her sickness was still ongoing you see some of you that are watching me you have an issue of blood you don't know remember blood represents life blood represents life the Bible says life is in the blood so if blood continuously is coming out of you it means that you're losing life you are delaying in life there are things that are suffering in your life some of you you are watching me today it use you you work you gain something you and something the next week something happens there you hemorrhage all the money the money goes away you work so hard you're about to make it somebody steals what you're doing you're trying to move somewhere something is taken from you you keep moving backwards until you are dry and you ask yourself I try to do this I try to do this I am serving God what is happening you have an issue of blood you're losing life but I'm here to tell you they're ancient paths that God established for his people that God established for his people you tried doctors they failed you tried this business it failed you tried that it failed you went there it failed you turned around the film I'm here to tell you they're ancient paths that God Almighty who liveth forever has established for you if you would listen you will not bleed again you will not bleed again listen to me you'll never bleed again you will not bleed again you will not bleed again in the mighty name of Jesus now listen to me listen to me the woman suffered so much in a life too much that all her living was gone and by the looks of things she was also alone she was alone and remember in those days if a woman was having that season or that period he meant you are unclean people cannot touch you it means you are unacceptable you are not even allowed to go to the temple you are not allowed to touch somebody because if you touch them you defiled them so you imagine in a religious community everybody moved away from her she was on her own and this was a sickness it wasn't like okay one week and then I'm back to society no you Europe you can't you can imagine the embarrassment you can imagine the humiliation but the woman says I will just go and touch the hem of His garment how did she know where to touch Jesus how did she know where to touch Jesus because a lot of people read this scripture they think that she just went and touched him and then he got healed no no no by the story you understand that a lot of people are touching Jesus and Jesus did not even stop you see God can be on the path but you may not be able to stop him because you're on the wrong side of the road you know God walks on a straight and narrow path God has his ways meaning is set to his race in order for you to stop him you have to enter in his way somebody is not catching me if you don't enter in his way you cannot stop him you cannot make him attend to you some of you God is going this way you are going the other way but you are screaming on the freeways Yetta means straight going I wish somebody could him you see Jacob was a very intelligent man Jacob is going to his father-in-law he forces his running away his own exile he's running away from from from his brother he gets in the middle of nowhere and sleeps takes a rock and puts his head in sleep while he's sleeping heaven is opened he saw angels ascending and descending listen to me he saw angels doing what angels doing what descending and ascending doing what not descending and ascending right pay attention to details one thing that if you want to know God you have to be somebody that knows how to capture details ascending and descending when he woke up any hurt is so the angels ascending and descending and he heard God say I will be with you wherever you're going I would bless you when it came out of the dream he took that stone raised rose it up pour pour oil on it and established an altar an altar is not only a place that you go and pray a true altar is a place that you encountered God God showed himself you did not look for him he showed up and for you to him to have a place that you can meet with him continually you established something to be the place that you can go and meet him at any time because it means it can be found in that place you see God is not found everywhere God is omnipresent listen to me children of God God is everywhere but he cannot be materialized everywhere that is why there is an appointment place with God you see when Abram left his father and mother's house according to the Word of God he got to a place and God appeared to him and when God spoke to him and one left he built an altar when he left and he got lost he didn't know what you where he was going he went back to that altar and when he went back to that all that God God showed up again said here you miss the road it's that way then he went again and God appeared over there he built another altar when he got lost again he went back to that same altar that he built today yeah you on the usually turn left so altars are powerful if God met you there and you established it as a memorial place and I would go I would go I would go a little bit deeper in a second so understand this how did this woman know where to touch the Lord Jesus how did she imagine where to touch Jesus why did she decide to go commando style and touch the hem of His garment how did she do it why did she think of the hem of the garment why didn't she think about his neck some of you you wanna touch his skin if I could just touch his hand it means power comes out of his hand if I could touch his hand if I could even just touch is here if I could just see him I'll be okay this woman had a specific mission of what she was going to do and when she did it the Bible says that the Lord Jesus stopped said who touched me the disciples said Lord there are too many people touching you what are you talking about he said somebody touched me and power left me let me tell you the truth when you know the ancient part there are things you won't pray for you just do something and there would be a reaction somebody didn't hear me you just engage with something and there will be a reaction Jesus is shocked who knows these ways in order to take something from me that I am carrying you see this woman understood Jesus was carrying a healing I'm going to take it it's mine that is why the kingdom of God the Bible says the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force you see when the Lord Jesus was praying teaching us how to pray say our Father what in heaven hallo be thy name a king come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread he did not say father I pray have mercy and deliver us bread said give us if I come to you and say give my hundred dollars it's disrespectful unless it is an established thing that I'm supposed to get it from you so it's no longer disrespectful because you established it that it is mine and it is with you give me my daily bread and forgive me my sins ah he's not saying please forgive me and forgive me my sins as I forgive ah this is not prayer prayer means to beg but this is not prayer this is a command give me what is mine their protocols and give me half of my inheritance Jacob lives his father-in-law he is afraid to meet his brother afraid because he knew what he did to his brother he goes back to where he established that stone he said to his wife wives and family go I will meet you there he goes to the same place where he had met God he started praying he waited for the hour that he slept and he saw angels but this time he did not sleep he stayed awake you people are not catching it because they remember this so the angels are sending meaning these angels were around walking around in the area when they want to go back to heaven they go back to heaven through here somebody did not catch what I'm saying he knew that for them to ascend they come to this place I will wait here today I'm not going to sleep I'm going to stay awake and pray the angel will not meet me in my dreams I will meet this angel physical how could he know that how did they have their certainty how did he have the assurance that by morning I will meet you guys I will stay here and pray I will meet you guys in the morning how did he have that assurance he knew the ancient paths how many people passed by there they never stopped and angels were always there he understood ancient portals that had been established before the earth was made for the people's benefits but people just pass by there these angels are not coming from heaven these angels are already on mission on earth but every day at a certain time they go back to get some more things to accomplish missions in the day so Jacob understood that they were ascending and this is it today he sat awake just at their rocket rocket rocket the moment is so the injury grabbed him he said notice what he did not say what he said he just started grabbing him and the angel saying my friend what is your problem he is grabbing in the same arm what is going on he's not even talking he's just wrestling the angel finally moves his bone and let's go but then he grabs the leg says what is your problem let me go for morning cometh I have to go notice he remembered what he saw in the dream he knew in the morning I came out of the vision around this time these guys were going up listen he grabbed me said I will not let you go until you bless me if you not say I pray you could you go and talk to God it means when he went to his father-in-law he carried a certain blessing but when he was coming back he knew it was not enough there was another blessing he knew that there was more because this angels keep going up and down and they cannot be empty and it means people pass here they don't know what is here so I am going to collect my own somebody type I'm going to get my own I'm going to get my own I am going to get my own I don't care about if the neighbor got there so they and I am here to get my own I want you to type I am getting my own miracle I am getting my own portion I'm getting my own portion it is not about others it's about me I am here to get my own Jesus I feel like I'm talking to myself I feel like I'm here by myself somebody said alumna tube alumna tube somebody say ancient parts he remembered what he was revealed to him noticed those angels did not show up remember what Jacob said when he woke up he said I have slept and I did not know that I slept at the gates of heaven it did not say all God decided to just appear Jacob is the only one that found the Salam he knew where it was other ones who are gay - as where angels appear and disappear this was actually a portal to a gate to a specific when you tap there you tap angels that go to a specific place in heaven he said I would not let you go the angel actually begged him said listen I need to go morning is coming morning is coming I need to go I need to get out of here nanananana if you want this to go bless me so notice he got the angel by the throat because the angel has to exit this room by a certain time so Jacob is using it as a threat he's using it as a threat I will not let you go until you bless me today if you're going to kill me kill me you an angel from God you can't kill me anyway but he understood that angels have to be about the assignment today you will be late you've never been late today you'll be late you will not go until you bless me grab him you say you can pray this pray in your room father I will not let you go until you bless me have you ever caught God we said God you know you can't do that with God when the angel is telling him who are you said he asked him what is your name because the angel was shocked what's your name meaning it was not God because God knows everybody's name when he asked him what is your name and this is something I'll teach my prophetic class why the angel is changing natures one minute he's saying who are you then he said my name is Jacob says your name shall no longer be Jacob your name shall be Israel for you have wrestled with man and God and prevailed notice the attitude changes is no longer not knowing but now he knows even more about him because God is manifesting through his angels just like prophet lava can look at you and prophesy your name is John I the Lord shall bless you it am I the Lord I'm not the Lord I'm just a speaker for the Lord so Jacob understood ancient parts now read Malachi chapter 4 verse 2 now I want you to pay attention pay attention somebody yes unto you that fear my name yes the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stop one more time but unto you that fear my name no the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall one more time but unto you that fear my name unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his way where's the healing healing was not in the mouth of Jesus healing was where where did the woman touch him which is the wind when it's talking about wings Jesus did not have wings like an angel in Hebrew when you translate that in my Rose inversion my son who is they call it the wing is the end of the garment that's what they call wing it was not talking about wings flying he's saying when the Sun of righteousness shall come who is the son of righteousness Jesus he's not talking about God in the form of God he's saying when the Sun of righteousness will show up he won't need to lay hands on you if you can touch the hem of His garment it's a done deal so this woman knew this scripture I'm talking to you but you're not catching what I'm saying this woman had an understanding of this scripture she was not guessing where she was going to touch him that is why in the other Gospels it says and she said unto herself I would go and I would touch the hem of His garment and I will be healed she knew where healing was somebody is not listening to me I feel like I'm talking to myself you know some people just Lord if I could just touch just touch you a little bit no it's not about a little bit there's a specific place you touch him you take something from him this is alumna T there are specific things that you do them specifically and something something alia Mikasa tire bucket I'll and something Rebecca to Yama something Riku BIA Antonia Acosta egad abaya and something takes place somebody shot fire somebody shot fire somebody shot fire I are you listening to me [Music] are you listening to me there is no guessing in the spirit you don't get blessed by accident in the spirit when the Bible is saying study and show yourself approved is not saying so that you can win arguments the way you win arguments is by demonstrating a God that people don't know somebody's not listening to me somebody's not catching me somebody's not catching me somebody's not catching me somebody's not catching me somebody's not catching me is somebody getting what I'm saying here are you listening to me Jesus is shocked who touched me and took power from me and the woman knew that Jesus touched her because Jesus stopped he felt power leaving me meaning you can get you a million from God any time do you know how to get it because it's there the bank of heaven as your check the Great Physician has your healing the Great Physician has your deliverance the God who fights is already as a army ready to fight for you the God would change the situation is already to change is ready to change your situation whatsoever you're looking for it's already there it's not creating it it is there because these things have been established by him before the world even began for our sake the question is do you understand do you know the olam native do you know it that's the issue that is the issue that is the issue that is the issue the woman could make Jesus healer by force everybody else was coming lord have mercy lord they had to plead and some people Jesus did not attend to all people you know that he couldn't there were too many he would stay some places he will heal all that was sick what about people who did not come that's why I kept saying it is good for me to go so I will multiply myself in you because he knew that the harvest is plenty the laborers of you even him himself he was not enough year to get 12 to help him in this instance there was a father that came my and my daughter is dead come and heal my daughter so Jesus is about to go attend to the daughter that is dead the woman touches the hem of His garment she gets healed Jesus a woman my in fact he called that daughter Jesus did not just a woman he said daughter because the secrets of the house are only for the children somebody did not catch that listen there are secrets I know of the spirit I will not reveal it to public already really to my children my spiritual children my biological children child right now they're the ones who carry that secret not everybody Abram did not reveal to Eliezer his servant what the secrets of the house were it was given to Jacob it wasn't given to everybody was not for everyone ah ah don't get it wrong are you going to go and teach your neighbour how to make money the way you have just for free even God doesn't give you secrets to everyone God has specific people he reveals things if you're not a part of his crew of his mission he's not giving you secret he will never jesus is saying to his disciples I no longer call you servants meaning they were servants he says now I call you my friends for the master does not reveal his secrets to his servants but only to his friends they come to a level whereby he was comfortable to hear mysteries with them I am a servant of God you miss secrets become a son become a child you want to be servant well and good nothing wrong with it your benefits will not compare to this child of the boss there's a matter of faith for you the prodigal son knew what was his yet he was not the perfect one but he could get his the one who was perfect was asking his father you have never been given me a goat but you've been managing all these things not knowing that it's yours the father looked at him and said my son oh that is mine is dying the father was shocked all these years you don't know that you want to ask me for a goat we have billion goats you're saying you didn't even give me one ah ah this thing's is not your house why are you acting like the servant remember the prodigal son is saying even my father servants live better than where I am right now let me go back and just become a servant meaning he never lived there father never treated them like servants but the child who thought he was faithful wanted to live to please his father by being a servant so because he was acting like a servant he could not even know that gods belong to him he did not even know that cows belong to him he was working as if he was a servant somebody's not listening to me so all those years his working is working but the father was celebrating the younger brother who got lost and gave him the ring of authority because he said this one understand this game he understands ancient parts because when he came to his father and told him give me half of my inheritance it's what I never argued with him his father knew that he was conduct but its father knew that there is plenty more where that came from now you think about it if it was truly half of his inheritance why did the father have more because that means he still has access to more it means that he only received according to the knowledge he had at that time meaning he told his father what he wanted but in summer it says he said give me half of my inheritance give me what belongs to me so you only have what you know of the Lord says seek me and you'll find me and I will show you things you do not know of so there are things you don't know unless you get on the ancient path somebody's no hearing me there are things you don't know until you get on the olana teeb if you don't get on that you continue to be dry and say Jesus can bless you huh God God is able to do it somebody shout her sister you've been going through you're about to get her catch it and you're poor him himself cannot give it to you because he's suffering but he's trying to give you what he doesn't have a doctor that is sick but you're going to him to give you healing then you go to me say yeah yeah yeah you have the same sickness that I have take this one why haven't you taken it am I talking to myself it says yeah yeah I actually have been having the same issue for a long ye a long time a long time many many years but if you take this it will help you excuse me why is it helping you why is it not helping you why is it not helping you it's because you don't have it you're doing Theory somebody's not listening to me you know Moses never lived by the law when Moses came down from the mountain he gave the law to the children of Israel but Moses himself do you know what his prayer was I will not go unless you go with me unless you give me your grace and mercy so the guy was operating off grace and everybody is operating off the law he because he went he found the ancient path he saw the Ancient of Days he said these people they need the look me I don't need the law I just need grace and mercy I will not go without that that Israel and his brother and sister at backbiting him talking about him because of not marrying a Jewish woman God comes down and says how dare you talk about Moses my friend who speaks to me face to face God is defending something that is wrong according to them you see sometimes when did they see you dressing nice they would say it's not Christian like but remember they are defending the small truth they know they don't know your own ancient paths we have God told where Jesus told the children of Israel when he was working in Israel he told them even Solomon with all his beauty with all his gold he never dressed like this roses how much more for you it means you need to dress nicely it means you need to be dripping in gold they need to see you and say Ark of the Covenant they need to see you you need to have the royal robe do you realize that the Lord Jesus his outfit was prophesied that the robe would be wearing on the day that they will crucify him it would be too expensive that they will have to divide it into four people who want let me keep one patch you keep one patch let us say at least we got a piece of that expensive cloth because he had a royal robe he was wearing a royal robe Jesus was not working with her clothes what do you think they started titling in the King of the Jews you're not getting it somebody's not getting it what do you think they even to insult him they put a crown of thorns on him then when they are crucifying him they got the opportunity Isaiah is talking about they grew cast lots for my clothes you're about to die people say hey don't shoot though the jeans and a shirt I can't wait for this guy to die the hood is gonna know me today but then the problem is there are three other guys are saying nah bro we gotta figure this out you take one should I take one should at least you know that's what he was wearing that it caused a fight before between four men that they are - rock paper scissors rock paper scissors okay you get that piece rock paper they divided the cloth what expensive cloth was this that even dividing it was still of value they see you dressing nice they say oh that's not a Christian like this you handsome they say there's something wrong these are the kinds of postures because they are used to sing they are men of God do nasty things they think everybody is doing that some of us are like Joseph we should have not sinned against God will not do that against God we love God too much this you'd recognize the why don't you take in that they are commenting on your pictures why don't you take that watch why don't you take that that car why don't you take that that that nice outfit and sell it and give it to the poor why don't you start with your computer that your company or your iPhone that you have that you're commenting go sell that one but you see they do this because they think holiness righteousness equates looking busted and disgusted go to the Book of Isaiah I'm about to finish now the Koshiba kata you can turn on the the cold anointing glory be to God I hope somebody's learning something are you are you catching something are you catching something are you catching something are you catching something somebody catching something Isaiah 61 start from verse three such yeah start from was to start from verse two was - yes to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God notice that read it again to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord yes and the day of vengeance of our God God is waiting to revenge and avenge you it's the acceptable year some of you are waiting for all when we get to heaven there will be no trying the Bible says the blessing of the Lord make it rich and adds no sorrow if God is blessing you you should not have any source somebody is not listening to me you're not supposed to have any so you start having that look woe is me instead of saying wow it's me you are crying too much and the blessing of God make it rich and adds no sorrow see our prophet you like that one have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror in you and in a positive way you say hmmm fine boy no pimples you look at yourself you say yes the Lord has done something good you even look at yourself you start saying on ah Jesus you are showing off when you're creating me how you see you people don't know how to make your Boston good these are real things acceptable year of the Lord God is not wanting to bless him you see every year God gives us a prophetic proclamation for the year every year God does that to remind you of what he has for you but how many people actually work in it when they hear the declaration instead of them praying looking in the scriptures following the principle that they are being taught to do in error to in order to enter into prosperity they don't do it they don't come close to doing it then they say then they use the you remember that cut a meme that was going around pasta you said it was my ear then he said I said say to your neighbor I don't know how many people saw that if you see that profit some of you cause you don't follow the instruction or you do the instruction without faith then one new year is coming you sassing ha dear goes the past again is gonna tell you this yes you a year yet it is you that is the problem keep reading keep reading my daughter keep reading verse three to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion to what to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion uh-huh to give unto them beauty for Ashes uh-huh the oil of joy for mourning no stop right there you can be in Zion in you weep I don't know if somebody could hear that you can be in Zion and you cry you can be in Zion and you cry is somebody listening to what I'm saying Facebook are you listening to me I feel like I'm talking to myself I feel like I'm talking to myself I want you to share like 10 times 20 times I want you to share as many times as you can you can be in Zion and you have tears you can be on the mountain of God remembers iron is the mountain of God for we have come unto Mount Zion the mountain of God you can be then you're crying yet there's no crying in his presence but you can be crying you can be in his presence and you don't have joy I wish somebody could hear me you can be in his presence and you don't have joy listen to me I believe in praising God but you don't praise God just to praise God to see what will happen you praise God because you know who he is you gotta know the ancient paths when you shout and the blessing cause after the places go up the blessing come down you come back there and next week you're back again when the praises go up the present dependable but there yeah you catch fire you roll on the grow ground you turn around like you know and they're doing like what is it go when you're doing door something you are rolling [Laughter] and they say oh I feel the spirit you go home your situation is the same next week you come again you see the problem with believers is this you are not calculated if I'm doing something and I see it's not working I'm changing it [Music] it means I'm missing a point I need to go and revisit the formulas but you see Christians are the only ones that will be on the Titanic and it's sinking and they stay on Leonardo DiCaprio we bind that spirit [Laughter] spirit of Leonardo DiCaprio No bind that in the name of Jesus the Bible says do not shipwreck you want to shipwreck in the name of faithfulness the Bible says God is faithful we operate with these faithfulness I will not be on a boat that his faithfulness is nowhere and I remain on ah that's why people shipwreck why are you going to that church oh my great-grandmother is to go there so we've been going there for years you go there the end is here huh just hold onto the Lord how a sister in heaven we are going to I want heaven here the jesus said your kingdom come I don't want heaven when I go there I wanted to begin from here I don't I don't know if somebody's catching this it's a problem it's a it's an issue it's a serious problem I will not let go Jack it's a problem it's an issue you know I'm saying this like a joke but I wanted to enter your spirit so that you can think about it and realize that uh this church you know my father used to go to that church there's nothing wrong with that you see when the Lord Jesus went to the woman at the will Jesus asked her to give her water to give him water she asked give me water and she said well you I'm a Samaritan and you're this and that in that in that and she said our Father Jacob gave us this world and Jesus looked and said you worship you you you worship what you don't know because the Jacob that you're operating with the last time Jacob ever existed was when he met the angel fort with the angel and he became Israel so if you're functioning with Jacob God already left Jacob God with with a man called Israel so you are worshiping what you don't know because the Jacob we are talking about became Israel he abandoned Jacob some of you are still with Jacob because there was a whale that your parents drank from you want to drink from the same place yet Israel the Jacob that you are fighting for became a city became a place where God is became a nation but you want to live in the mountains just where your father drunk a little spring this is the problem with Christians as a deep revelation I hope it enters is that Jesus looked at him and said you worship what you don't know yet these people are not unbelievers there are descendants of Jacob but Jacob had other descendants because he became what Israel now these ones are still in the mindset of Jacob and they never changed into the mindset of Israel listen God sent me to shift you today God sent me to shift you today what the Lord wants for you laba Kisuke a yarmulke suka barakatuh guitar Liga Judea a macabre diga acid Abba kya zakah para llamar kata-kata abacus Judea Leo stop Auriga - Maya leg Easter and Olay Baku DMR Santelli Barracuda ABBA Reba Papa Papa Bacchus ot listen to me listen to me and listen to me well there are ancient paths their ancient paths their ancient paths their ancient paths there's a reason why Joshua did greater than Moses he did not do greater than Moses because of the account of him encountering God he operated with the same God that was with Moses God literally told him I will be with you like I was with you Moses meditate on this word that I gave to Moses and you have good success remember what Jeremiah chapter 6 16 say get on the right path on that good path when you're on the good path you don't just have success you have good success there is just success and good success that's access you enter into he changes everything he doesn't only change your life it changes your children's children's life good success great success Joshua could stop the Sun his spiritual father parted the sea he stopped the whole planet he stopped the galaxy how did he do that because he understood the author of Moses because God was dealing with him in the same manner he dealt with who Moses so he dug more into knowing Moses more he dug more into knowing the ultra that Moses established because that was the time that God was dealing with him God was not dealing with him because he was Joshua remember when God anointed 72 elders they became prophets in Israel he appointed 70 elders there were other two that were passing by they caught the spirit of Moses Joshua was next to most next to Moses never received the spirit of Moses he was not even God's first choice when when Moses was speaking elders Joshua was not among them yet Joshua was closest to him he should have taken his best friend and bring him close that is why I tell some people just because you're close to the profit doesn't mean you get what the prophet has there's something else we are looking for Joshua was not brought close Joshua actually got mad that - got anointed and you wanted to stop and imagine his hat Moses who go up the mountain I'm waiting halfway when everybody else is misbehaving I'm not a misbehaving even Aaron who built who was the priest of the cut of the of the of the wrong God the God made of the calf God who knew the power of God disobeyed me I've never done anything like that God is not picking me but our time came God said ok I know in Joshua he will continue after you and then he goes to Georgia telling and the god of your father's I will not be with you the way I was with Abraham I will not be with you as I was with Isaac I will be with you like I was with Moses you see when you meet a man of encounter you can enter into his account encounter if you meet a man that has a Aden encounter you can enter into his account you can enter into the path that God put him on you can enter and discover the alter that his is is working from you can discover that how did how did John carry the spirit of Elijah why was he dressed like Elijah how did that happen it's a mystery the angel is saying he will be filled with the spirit from his mother's womb and the spirit of John of Elijah will go ahead of him meaning the spirit of Elijah was going to meet him somewhere you go ahead of him where where was Elijah's favorite place they wilderness so why did he meet Eli's what altar DB encounter what did you revive these are mysteries I think I'm talking to myself we may have to delete this video after this because I think I said some things I should not say like I hope I did actually I did I almost said too much I was close to saying too much profit you judge my brother the great prophet is here prophet ejca my Moses is here I'm sure so I'm asking a question now do i I think I should delete it no give the Prophet a microphone let's let's hear let me see if if the prophet will allow me so people plead with the Prophet you to buy you there on his Instagram still unless if Instagram Iran Kara buyer the GDR Marcus Jota okay so it's life yeah okay okay let's see okay let's see YouTube or periscope let me see my people on periscope I feel like I may have said too much okay go back to to youtube prophets they say something did they see what I did say to myself listening to you they will say he didn't say much I can't [Laughter] major you did say anything I'm waiting for your verdict in Nevada Who am I to give you verdict hmm it was it was good good we know it is good yeah yeah I'll pray about it after we're done and we have to pray about Karabakh Katya Ziegler arcuti amicus iitai Abba how some of my daughter's already texting me and sons say yeah Papa please my son is also texting me and was like I never knew Davey did that yeah it was far huh so that was for today I went too far you know people don't understand that my ability of Revelation is not normal it's not human yeah spiritual it really is I'm telling you the truth there's something I'm functioning with if you are those who are truly a liar nights those who are truly sons and daughters of Aliyah they will get the same spirit it's a spirit a release if I tell you where I got that from maybe another day I hide it if I say at the end is the end one day I would tell them hopefully one day by God's grace so listen to me listen to me well their ancient paths their ancient paths there's a reason why job lost everything and with the twinkle of an eye he had more than he had ever had there's a mystery why is he doubling everything and he lost everything he doesn't even have capital to begin business but is multiplying everything how a man who what nothing he was sitting on ashes sores all over his body in a second all the sores are gone everything is multiplied how why is Jesus saying nations and men and women will come and give unto your bosom these are there's something you need to activate for that to happen but do you know this there's something you need to do to activate that it does just it just doesn't happen there is something you need to activate something I'm gonna pray and your prayer should be Lord revealed to me ancient paths according to Jeremiah chapter 616 I want to know those ways show me thy ways o Lord so that I may walk therein God has his ways meaning there are things that trigger God to do certain things not everything triggers God not everything that moves God there's a reason blind by the mayor said Jesus Jesus Jesus ignored him the Bible says he crowded cried even louder Jesus let me tell you can say Jesus there is power Jesus and Jesus will ignore you Hey Jesus is in the flesh he somewhere somebody's crying for help Jesus is pretending he can't hear the money to office call started crying louder Jesus Jesus ignored I I wish people would understand prophet I don't know if they understand the seriousness of what I'm saying that's why some of you nothing is happening you're like the sons of sceva nothing is coming out the blood of Jesus is against you Jesus the devil is laughing at you ha I said but I mention Jesus that's why some of you now started mentioning his name in the Hebrew thinking it to have more power Yeshua our Messiah you you you you're going into it you're thinking that it will deliver more power there's something you're missing nothing is happening God is ignoring a blind man yet he came to give sight to who that was his mission statement ah you know an angel just told me that he didn't see me going to a vision in a second I use on doubting the sake are you getting what I'm saying are you getting what I'm saying he Martin his mission statement was to come give sight a blind man is carrying crying he's not over because you're blind have been sent to the blind your priority how was the third statement the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for he had anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor the recovery of sight to the blind those are the main first two things that he came to do bring people out of poverty give sight to the blind somebody didn't know hear what I said preach the gospel to the poor not to the unsaved somebody did not catch it ah somebody missed it I don't think some people caught it somebody who needs good news is somebody that is poor fast according to Jesus and then somebody that is blind somebody didn't know I don't think if you are capturing one I think some people are not getting the revelation that I'm saying it they said no no no poor in spirit no that's not what Jesus was saying remember when Jesus had read this he looked at it this I looked at he looked at the people in the temple and he said these words that you have had have been fulfilled in your hearing they started what he called attacking him who do you think you are to tell us messages like this did they started saying you son of Joseph we know you they missed the whole boat some of you I hope you hate poverty I hope you sickness I hope you hate stagnancy it is not a testament that God is with you how will the world know that your God blesses if you are suffering they will see my perseverance even Gandhi persevered what is your difference at least he did it for a nation why are you doing it for Jesus I want to show the world perseverance no that's not the point perseverance is for you people need to see the glory of God you need to say when I come out of this quarantine people who know Jehovah Jireh is alive yes people will know Elohim is somewhere yes people will know that he has smiled on me people will know that his hand is upon me people will know and to his glory I want to bring you to activating certain things you see when you're told to give some of you think you're giving because somebody means it you don't understand that you are entering into something why did why did Cain and Abel give what were they trying to gain what exchange were they trying to do with God there was a transaction they wanted now when Cain did not get it he was actually upset that God told him if you do right will you not be accepted there was a transaction he was trying to enter into let me show you something go to Daniel libera basanti Ligia Miccosukee only God Allah as the iCup ayah Allah Basanti la ku diya Musante laka pocket iya al Rhonda gita abba suta lekha pasilla Daniel chapter 11 32 Daniel 11:32 [Music] and such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flattery when I get one - one more time and such as do wickedly against the coven what covenant ancient paths so you some people that will be given the path to a certain covenant they will not do it keep going and such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flattery mm-hmm but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits one more time the whole thing mm-hmm and such as do wickedly against the Covenant yes shall he corrupt by flatteries what is flattery how don't worry you don't need you don't need that you just need Jesus flattering I love water I think it's in its I think it's in tamati he says a form of godliness but denying the power thereof don't be a Christian with a form of godliness but you are denying their power you don't need healing you just need the word then what is supposed to produce power Pali saying it in first Corinthians so that your faith will be in the power of God the Word of God must if you have the Word of God you need to produce fire you need to produce fire you need to produce fire you need to produce fire you need to produce fire that's what the Word of God is it's fire your word is like fire in my bones when you speak it should be like a dragon when you speak something should happen but do you think the Word of God means you just is just a kumbaya my lord a pillow that makes you comfortable you put it on your chest and you lay your head say yes lord i love you lord no power you some of you love it to even roll it and you say there's no high like the most high but you have nothing it's nothing you got it there are things that are activated see somebody who come into ha listen huh listen huh find that five dollar seed ten dollar seed right now huh and God no no I've never noticed I never make you give what is not suitable for what you want from God for Abraham to gain the whole world he could not give money he had to be able to give his son why because God who wanted to gain the world gave his word he's an angel he's done is a java whole school he would never tell you to do something that he has not Oded he was testing Abraham to see if his worthy of what he wanted to do what he was going to do God Himself took the same part because it was his father why didn't God just declare that everybody has salvation God wants to save the world and God is giving that is all catching this God wants to save the world and God is giving God says I want to rescue every human being he's giving us hid to himself a little Catholic that come on God is giving a seat to himself Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior Liguilla Baca tire God is giving to himself in order to activate something because he cannot change so if he ordained something to be some a certain way he has to do it himself and that reveals this great love because it doesn't take shortcuts I want you Cara Basanti Libre Katya Katya Li baba baba Shankara Katya lava so tell abraca Takata zebra Kakadu here Amazon tele Braddock is that a good Erma hyah you are about to enter into me number five is a prophetic number of grace you're about to enter into the month of grace you're about to enter into the month of grace your prayer should be Lord as I'm entering into the month of grace you see when you are somebody who understand ancient parts you understand that every number is prophetic it is what you want if you want it to just be me you'll keep asking me I have this yeah I get that may I go there oh it can be a month of grace where it is mine it is mine it is mine it is mine it is mine it is mine it's up to you your prayer colobus on tape perfect actually on time ten minutes to me but for us it will not be me you see some of you just like much because it rhymes with you're going too much forward huh says the Lord because you're in mud I wish somebody would catch me you know some of us we don't say what kind of profits we have we just let you observe and see for yourself sorry it takes grace to know is speaking to you to know who the Lord has sent to you takes grace your prayer today what you want to learn today and I felt in my heart that I should I taught this a little bit the same measure that I'm giving to you to my zoom class but I said I don't want them to be left behind let me give them at least something that they can start and when I push this guy's deeper because I was already getting ready to delete this but maybe I still will I don't know we'll see how God leads us but this is what I want you to pray this should be your prayer as you're going to give and then we go into serious pray is God grace me to know your ancient ways if your Ancient of Days it means you have never changed you are the same yesterday today and forever you blessed Moses you blessed Abraham you can do it right now father put me on the path that this men were on imagine this man did not even have the holy spirit like you and me and they did better it's bad it's because we abandoned the ways those who know their God shall do great exploits not those who pray those who know hmm you know the devil is powerful because of what he knows the Bible says in Ezekiel you corrupted your wisdom it doesn't say you corrupted your knowledge wisdom is the application of knowledge the knowledge is intact the application you corrupted it because you wanted it to benefit himself you want to get on the ancient paths to experience the blessing of God the deliverance of God their encounters with God for the greatness and the benefit of his kingdom so that people may know Jesus so that people can come to Jesus obviously it will prosper you also but the aim is not just for you but for those who look to you that you'll be God's billboard to the world as they're gonna worship as they're going to begin to sing I want you to grab a seed that represents the month you are going into the Bible says I will not give what shall not cost me find something that means something listen to me you want to activate something you have to connect with the prophetic word you have to connect yourself to what God is saying you have to establish yourself with what God is saying I wish somebody could hear me I wish somebody could hear me you're going to grab something and declare Lord I want to enter into the ancient paths I need grace you see Grace's undeserving favor grace me find me and throw me on that right path that will produce miracles that will produce deliverance that will produce change for me and my family find something that means something to you that has the number-5 listen I'm not saying give 1,000 if you want to give if you want to give 1,000 don't give 1,000 break it up into fives do the number five I want you to stick with the number five if you want to give more than 5 break it apart do the five and then do the other thing whether it's five hundred five thousand five million fifty dollars do that but break it apart it has to are five if you want to do it ten times in order for you to give what God has put in your heart it's fine but make sure you have the number five it's a prophetic connection as they begin to worship I want you to go quickly and do it do it now in Jesus name [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] to [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Applause] not with [Applause] [Music] [Music] this [Music] Oh nice [Music] to you [Music] i sir [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with holding nothing [Music] [Music] listen hold listen to me you're going to pray and you're going to say father in the name of Jesus I want you to repeat this with me father in the name of Jesus right now I desire Lord to know you and to know your ways lord I want to know your ways I want to know your ancient paths according to Jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16 I am standing on this world and I ask how Lord show me the path show me the path that will bring rest to my soul that will bring rest to my soul that will bring rest to my family that will bring rest in my marriage rest in my business in every simple thing I do Oh Lord show me the way obiga Maya my ass [Music] bah-bah-bah ha ha listen to this go to some 24 some 24 quickly some 24 some 24 some 24 some 24 you you are watching at home grab your Bible go to some 24 grab your Bible go to some 24 League Adebayor Cara basic idea and kopaka ta âlâ Bisaya Liga douchey McAuley a pocket Iook at a startup wherever you are listen to my voice grab your Bible and stand up Carew baccata even you the ones that are singing grab grab your Bible only ones that are playing instruments keep playing instruments grab your Bible quickly this is a very very very very holy moment before God la época Tookie I am a kadai eboshit l bracket acharya bakatari mama mama katsu t amicus uchiyama kikuchiyo LaMarcus Uchiyama Rama kata-kata Abba SATA Raya Makka pakka Tia Talib Ayaka rap Papa Papa katakana buyer are you there even if your day I just want you to type we got it profit with Gary profit whether you're on periscope you on YouTube you're your own Instagram I want you to type I am ready I am ready I'm ready I have my voice ready some 24 quickly Kaaba Santa how about Cassata are you ready I got it I got it if you got it just say I got it Facebook I use their Facebook show me that you got a can you show me face were gonna make sure the people on Facebook have a lake Ibaka de yada yada Lima sutiya you have your verse way and stand up listen to me don't sit down [Music] don't sit down Karabakh attire holla Basanti roppa katya kappa Kataya larry amaku see a market aya show me periscope show me periscope car baba baba Baba periscope says they already show me Instagram quickly quickly quickly son you gotta move fast fast fast fast lady a lady a lady amicus lady amicus legged Usha uncle Kapadia revelation Church show me revelation Church revelation Church ma-kun ma-kun ma-kun ma-kun Edea Lagoo dia market i'll listen to me we are all going to read each verse from verse 1 to verse 5 from verse 1 to verse 5 a man I'm going to count to three and we are all going to listen to me in my spirit there are people who are still sitting down listen to me if you're sitting down and you even give the seed of five your you have wasted it if you're not going to comply with the instructions you see so many people don't enter into the path of God because you don't follow instruction you hear one word you think because I gave it a know you gotta fulfill all the precepts of God if God says stand on one leg stand on one leg don't say because I am a Christian I won't stand on one leg I don't need to okay continue in that situation but if you're serious about going to high places learn to follow instruction some twenty four verse one to five and we are all going to read it loud I'm going to count to three you to buy you there I'm gonna count to three I'm going to count to three and we are all going to lead read it together and you're going to be audible I'm not saying shout but you're going to be audible some of you you may have neighbors we don't want you to be being trouble with it audibly don't shout we'll read it audibly but if in your place if you're in a place that you can lift your voice do it amen one two three you have to do it together he has to flow one two three we are founded upon the Seas and established it upon the floods who shall ascend the Lord who shall stand in his holy place he had clean hands and a pure heart no no for me he shall receive the blessing from the Lord the righteousness from God of our salvation listen to me we are going to read it one more time what he says verse 3 who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord or who shall stand in his holy place in fact your name because it's a question somebody needs to answer it I'm showing you prophetic secrets remember we are talking about ancient parts you need to unsend into the heavenly places that's why the mysteries are the secret sir when you encounter God mysteries are like breathing come on you know what you need to do I said you will know what to do I said you know what to do I said you know what to do I said you know what to do you're going to read it again from verse one to five but remember verse 3 when he says who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord you say your name and who shall ascend estab who and who shall stand in his holy place you say your name and don't just say your first name say your first and last name you say your first and your last name amen are you ready are you ready are you ready so you're going to say your name how many times how many times did God call Samuel on the third time he responded yes when God called Adam how many times did he call him you are not catching I thought I'm dealing with spiritual people you see you have to be detail-oriented the book of Job says for God speaks once and twice so I never got ask you something he will ask you twice I'm teaching you the only ways of the Ancient of Days why does he ask you twice because you have to affirm it because it takes two witnesses to establish something it takes you to accept and affirm it I feel the Spirit of God I'm just like I feel the Spirit of God I feel the presence of God la kudiye kudiye mangaka to Kiama casita after Katayama listen to me listen to me yo macka koopa Keitel acutal ibaka yakity Ibaka's on me kaku kaku Cara hi Cara pukka Meza KD cockatoos in praça do Katia Katia Lima Cooper Akita lakita Rebecca - karma Geeta amiguita amiguita I am the Lord I have made this available for you my children Rima kuchela Antelope Rattata calamus attila buyer i have ordained this day to take you to high places Rima Cooper the lake is the lake as a lake makuu dia r2 parakeet Allah by ikata behold I have called you to high places zharko para Tia and a lakita la Capilla zarok a tika taka taka Amaka so Tia do not take this time for granted Zeb lackaday mokuba like a Toya Attila and tilapia I have sent my servant if you will believe in his words I will establish you this day thank you Jesus it's such a strong presence I don't know listen this is God speaking Tala baba baba yeah he got a about Kirsty lira papa Baba you see when you start dealing with God immediately he has to manifest himself Jesus what you're doing even though you're doing it at home you're doing it in the presence of God and the angels of God this is a confirmation that you are standing and doing it in the presence of God you are standing and doing it in the presence of God you are going to say your name twice you're going to say your name twice in verse three when God calls you're supposed to say Here I am well God says who shall go you say me you respond to Jehovah God are you ready if you are ready just type I am ready I am ready I am ready I am ready I am ready I want you to type I am ready I am ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready [Music] let me see let me see Facebook let me see Facebook I missing Facebook and make sure people already cought okapi ah katya periscope periscope are you de la koo de basanti apricot iike a Basanti [Music] - he shall receive the blessing from the Lord now notice this there is the blessing of the Lord and the blessing from the Lord the pressed blessing of the Lord is what God has made available the blessing from the Lord is what God is taking from himself and putting it in you hey you are going to pray now father I received a blessing that is from you not the blessing available that special blessing that is with you that will cause me to ascend into greater heights in the spirit that will cause me to trouble in places in the spirit that I have never been in my family has never been in so that I can manifest you in this world that people with no Jesus is my life open llaman begin to pray la vaca tire [Music] [Music] [Music] Maria piccata [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in Jesus name Amen in Jesus name Amen I want you to take this next prayer points as seriously as you can yes Kyah in Jesus name in Jesus name you're going to pray a prayer let me tell you something when my brother opened me to this this revelation there was one time I went in and I began to pray and I was going back and forth and I realized that I bumped somebody as I was going back and forth Jesus you need to understand that this is a place no no no prophet they did not catch what you just said you need to understand I was praying one day and in this space of Prayer you know coming into this revelation I'm going back and forth in prayer all of a sudden I hit somebody but it's only me in the room and I'm trying to understand what is it let me tell you something you're going to pray a prayer today and you're gonna say shut up place me in your ancient path go ahead prophet tell them what happened when you want to sleep in my prayer room hi tell them who you saw in Europe in the prayer here Papa what we're doing ah yes hey hey let them know that it's father Abraham came to me in the prayer room and we told you said he said it takes someone that has seen and that can come to me to bring you to me so what as soon as I came out I knew I knew who to go to I knew where to go to I knew who to talk how many days before did I tell you that who came would you that tell you appear to Abraham uh who did I see Abraham came in my prayer why pray and God comes and speaks to me the only one if I love you hotel you go there if you come to my house I go to that place this is my prophet my best friend and he was like I'm gonna go pray went he didn't go to pray you went to ladies I went to sleep he bumps into a vision and for the apron is selling uh ah you know the thing is you will think these things are fantasies it happens to you are in the right place for this continue you're going to say father father [Music] we go in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name I want you to stretch your hands whether you're watching me from a TV or your phone I want you to stretch your hands towards it now as quickly as you can I make you to jump levels in the name of Jesus I receive see I met you to jump levels in the name of Jesus I make you to change dimensions in the name of Jesus I receive I caused you to ascend in higher places in the name of Jesus I see what took men and women years to do you do it today I launched you into encounters I launched you into spiritual experiences with the Lord I caused you to enter into the blessings from the Lord I let those things that you did not know be manifest unto you let those things you have been missing come to you in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus I fortify you fortify you i fortify you i fortify you this day i strengthen you this day fortify and strengthen you this day in the mighty name of the Living Jesus amen you are and your family are liberated you and your family are liberated stagnancy has been taken from you counsels been taken from you HIV has been taken from you arthritis has been taken from you coffee 19 has been taken from you spirit of death has been taken from you blood fresh has been taken from you a man incurable diseases are taken from you curses are taken from you in the mighty name of Jesus Tobiah Kataya tie Ibaka tie entire bucket eyes meze de a cobra iike tire buyer listen to me God has placed this in my heart and and I feel it in my heart to do it now there are people who've been asking to get on the zoom the zoom prophetic class that I've been doing privately the honest truth is I wanted to teach everybody but there are certain things I can't give publicly number one because it's meat meat is not for everybody but there people have been inquiring how do i how do i how do i how do i how do i god is giving you the opportunity to do it now I don't know when again I'm gonna do it because this has been something that people have been asking me and I feel like it will not be right if I don't make this available for you now when you are praying to enter into high places those who want to I called my sons and daughters all that were there they all did number eight right do you remember what was it it was 800 and this was for a new beginning now remember I said whatever country you are in do it in your currency because it's not about the amount it's about the principle you want to enter in a new beginning and Plus this is for serious people this is not for people want to play games you see when you when you invest in something you take it seriously I'm gonna let them play the song can you put that up for them to go to profit low vidcom whoever does the 800 I want you to send an email and say I did the 800 and I think screenshot there whatever in there it in for-profit lava come in for-profit lava comp and screams Oregon and screenshot your confirmation and they will the office will reach out to you and they will put you on the on the on the group we've been praying we've been learning deep things that I really can teach publicly because I'll end up just deleting videos and some people who are shallow in the spirit they will think that we are doing blasphemy but there I can take time you can ask questions and things like that so can they put that the whole thing not this one the other one the other one that the full banner the full banner they're giving a profit low vidcom let them use them not a small one we have a whole flyer owner okay we do have a flyer for that okay then use this one can you worship God we're gonna give people time and you if you already in the group just pray right now just spend time praying and then the profit is gonna close but we're gonna get time to do this can you do can you play some baba baba Cassata avvocato ricotta Katya a Miccosukee [Music] [Music] [Music] to me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to Jesus [Music] me [Music] me Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to Jesus [Music] be with [Music] [Music] [Music] now I feel the sacred flame [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see pretty kids al-ameen ibaka da Rippa rasatala back yes lord refa auntie auntie mama we are hunting a beekeeper Geeta pretty freaky chakra handle it Oh Maya vada blue Sahara come on Lord we bless you yes I decree and I declare over you today yes that you will testify as the reason of this message that you've heard yes I decree I declare that you will enjoy the benefits of the ancient paths all the everlasting paths in the mighty name of Jesus I decree that you will have encounters yes that you will see the face of God in the mighty name of Jesus may the grace of my lord the love of God and the sweet fellowship be with you continually in the mighty name of Jesus amen [Music] listen don't don't allow this atmosphere to go from you continue in this attitude continuing this prayer this month will be a prophetic month of grace to you may the Lord bless you may the Lord increase you this is prophet Aliyah and I'm here with my my brother my prophet prophet EJ may God bless you and increase you Shalom Shalom my my [Music] [Music] my my [Music] [Music]
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 5,835
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: Joel Osteen, Osteen, Miracle, Sermon 2020, Inspiration, God, Jesus, Prayer, hope, Healing, Restoration, Peace, pastor steven furtick, church, Jesus Christ, Love, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, TB Joshua, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Deliverance, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, africa, elevation church, oneplus, 5g technology pros and cons, 5g dangers tamil
Id: R83hHS5XFjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 25sec (14065 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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