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god bless everybody god bless everybody god bless everybody this is prophet lovey welcome to this amazing amazing evening in the presence of god and uh i believe that you're going to be blessed and i believe that uh you're going to see the hand of god in a mighty way and i believe that our lives will change for the better i want to talk about something that is really profound today and uh for a long time uh uh my son mike has been asking me to speak about like the rapture and the revelation the book of revelations but i felt like it's good to talk about the rapture a little bit and i believe that it's going to bless people it's going to open your eyes to really understand amen what is to come because anyone who does not have an understanding of what is to come is in danger you see the worst thing for a child of god to be found in is to be found in the place of wanting what does that mean when god measures you and you are found lacking it's a very difficult situation it's a very dangerous situation for anybody i know i don't want to be found lacking i don't i know i don't want to be found missing thank you so much for your charge gracias and uh and i know that you don't want that either remember my people perish because of lack of knowledge the one thing that god does not want us to not have is knowledge god wants us to have knowledge in abundance because without the understanding of what god is doing or what is to come we are really in danger we are really really in danger so i want you to share this i'm going to give you some insight to understand uh some things that i know will be a blessing to us and it's going to change our lives it's going to change the lives of our loved ones and uh by god's grace will be shifted to another dimension because of it amen so i want you to share this as much as you can and while they are sharing can we turn on the the heater it just got really cold you did oh you did it just got cold right it just dropped jesus jesus young 80 80 it on the heat and then young 80. if you turn orange or something yeah yeah so i want you to share this as many times as you can and then we shall begin and i know that jesus will be glorified amen hallelujah hallelujah father we honor you and we thank you for the grace [Music] amen i want you to to to share this as many times as you can and and uh god will bless us so hallelujah thank you jesus thank you so listen to me best way that you can we're going to be speaking about the rapture amen there are a few things that i think as children of god we need to be aware of there's a few things that we need to be aware of the lord jesus said on that day for that day the specific day of the rapture and the time no one knows our lord jesus said for that day and hour no one knows but he did not say that we will not know the season so it's ignorant for somebody to leave thinking that no one knows the day it means that you don't know if it is around the corner or when it is about to happen i wish somebody could understand this the lord jesus said no one knows the day or the hour that day has been hidden from mankind but the season is revealed to man that is why jesus gave us signs to know that is why the lord jesus gave us signs to know the bible gives us signs to know amen but the specific day and the specific hour nobody knows it's it's a toss-up but the period or the season that is going to happen oh it's definitely revealed amen so i want to start you off with understanding having that mindset in your head i want you to have that in your mind i want you to have that in your spirit to understand that the day and the hour nobody knows but the season has been revealed amen in the ancient days people could know when it was about to be summer people could know when it's about to be winter people could know and it's about to be the rainy season they could tell what season was coming by what was happening in nature amen but i'm here to tell each and every one of you i'm going to say it again there is no sign we are waiting for that says that jesus is coming i'll tell you this the rapture every single prophecy that has to do with the rapture has already been fulfilled okay say that again i'm not talking about remember there are three periods that we are looking out for we are looking for the rapture there is the tribulation there is the mid tribulation the end of tribulation and then the reign of the lord jesus for a thousand years where the devil will be tied up for a thousand years and we will reign with christ for a thousand years and then uh what is it called and then megiddo is going to happen and then the end will come even the time that will be in heaven is revealed it's true when the rapture will happen the time is revealed i wish somebody could understand this so there are things you need to be aware of and why you need to be aware of now i'm going to tell you some things that are are going to put you on fire a little bit amen to understand certain things and to comprehend what jesus was talking about and how does it apply in context with us amen amen so if you're ready and you have shared just type i'm ready and i've shared please let's have more thumbs up on on on you on on on youtube and facebook share this as much as you can and then we'll proceed share this as much as you can and then we will proceed so i want you to share this as many times as you can and when you're ready just tap i'm ready and then we're going to go and we're going to proceed amen like and share and then i'll give you some insight i'll give you some insight that will help you to get things in perspective amen you know it's good to have things in perspective amen amen to that you know and you know the danger the reason why i'm sharing this is not to alarm you even though it is kind of to allow you to be prepared but also is to understand something and uh i'm going to make a teaching very soon about the spiritual realm amen hopefully we'll do it in our new building but there's a series i want to do about the spiritual realm that is going to shock you and uh the reason why you need to know this is because there are things that are about to happen there are things that are about to come and if you're not aware you're going to miss what god is doing so we don't want to be those people that are not preparing for what is to come you don't prepare for a journey on the same day you prepared before you see there's a lot of christians that are not ready for the spiritual realm or the heavenly life or the life of the spirit beyond this flesh and anyone who doesn't there are consequences for it it's not just about going to heaven or to go to hell even heavens there are dimensions within heaven that you will live in it depending on your spiritual development on earth so if you skipped reading the bible on earth don't think that because you receive jesus as your lord and savior that when you enter into glory you will go to the highest heaven no you go to the lowest heaven and you have to build your way up come on i'm going to say that again you will have to build your way up ask yourself this question if apostle paul was a great man which he was apostle paul was a mighty man but when he had a heavenly encounter he only went to the third heaven you imagine somebody like apostle paul one of the greatest apostles that ever lived when he had a heavenly experience he was only allowed to go to the third heaven he could not go beyond the third heaven wow i wish somebody was listening to me listening heaven is not one location actually i'm gonna say this and i'm gonna say this just to wake you up a little bit anyone that has gone to heaven and has seen heaven looking like the earth they're in the lower heavens when you go to the higher heavens there is no human words to describe that place on earth you see apostle paul went to the third heaven and he said that things that i saw and what i heard is not lawful for a man to speak on earth he already transcended it to higher heavens that what you see there is not even what is on earth when you go into the heavenly realm and you go into heaven i'm not talking about the spiritual realm i'm talking about heaven itself whenever you are in heaven and you see heaven looking so much like earth know that you're in the lower heavens hmm so what we are talking about is to strengthen you is to build you is to teach you so that you can develop a strong relationship with the lord jesus draw close to jesus so that by the time you're transitioning you are in the heavens to be honest with you there are some people that when we when we are caught up with the lord or when our time comes you will be surprised you will see some people you thought were very powerful in in on earth they are in the lower heavens wow that for you to go and visit them you need to do you know there are these things called stations in heaven that you lower like angelic beings or human beings that are in the high heavens if they come to the lower heavens with their glory they make it uncomfortable for the others because of the amount of light they carry so they have to go through a station whereby their glory is kind of deemed for them to be able to be with the guys in the lower realms and they go into those lower realms to help them develop so that they can go to the higher realms reach to where god is so getting to god's throne is not like something easy the way people think the reality is if your husband and your wife and their husband prays and has a stronger relationship with jesus and the wife also prays but she's not as close to the lord in reality they won't be in the same place they will not be separated but they will not be in the same place because one would have been promoted to high heavens and the other one would not obviously the husband or the wife will come to the lower heavens continually to help them develop in revelation and the knowledge of god for them to go higher wow these are secrets that you don't know unless you have entered the spiritual realm they are hinted upon in the scriptures but unless you have the eyes of the spirit to see you will not know teach when jesus was talking about little children he says this little children in heaven their angels see the face of the father meaning not everybody sees the face of the father some people do some people don't even though they're in heaven so anyone who takes their spiritual life on earth lightly just think about it just because you come and just if you come if you are never close to me and you come visit me it doesn't mean we'll be best friends it's common sense right it's true so how do you think just because you said jesus is lord and savior and you make it to heaven it means you are closer to jesus it doesn't work like that there are levels and dimensions and how do we know that even if you look on earth you look at the means of operation how the spirit of god works with people and uses people it is different why is it different if we are all loved by god i'm not saying we are not loved by god but why are we graced differently number one is because he's a sovereign god is a loving god and he does what he wants number two it's because of relationship t number two relationship whoever is close jesus the bible literally says this draw close to me and i will show you things that you do not know of so there are people in the place where they know things that others don't know and their people were in places where they have common knowledge and there are other people who are in secret knowledge so if you're not close there are things you miss out amen if your prayer is five minutes come on if you don't fast you don't read the word of god you're not developing in your love for jesus you think you'll be close to him no he loves you he will grace you but he'll grace you according to where you are come on some of you will still go to bible school in heaven it's true there are schools big time oh yeah god is dangerous i don't know if we are ready ready let us go to are you ready let's let's read the scriptures a little bit let's go back to our topic and what i want to reveal to you that i think that is good knowledge to know amen amen i want you to start matthew 24 from verse 1. matthew 24 1 and jesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple and jesus said unto them see ye not all these things verily i say unto you there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down and as he sat upon the mount of olives the disciples came unto him privately okay now you notice jesus is talking about the destruction of the temple the second temple or is it the third temple second or third the temple was destroyed what twice twice so he's talking about the destruction of the temple so jesus is saying that can't you guys see that one day there will be no stone in this building left unturned if you go to israel right now is the temple together is it undone it's undone remember the construction of the temple will come up the construction of the temple will happen when the antichrist steps in they will rebuild the temple so right now it's in ruins people go there it's being cleaned but the stones are there they have collapsed so what did these disciples say listen to this and as he sat upon the mount of olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be and what shall the sign of thy coming and the end of the world now if you read that the end of the world is not really saying it's the end of the age but end of the world same thing uh similar translation so they said read it again verse 2 uh starting from verse 2. and jesus said unto them see not all these things verily i say unto you there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down and as he sat upon the mount of olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world and jesus answered and said unto them so they asked him two questions when are you coming again and what will be the sign of the end of the world so they asked him two questions those are not one questions but two questions one is when are you coming back again number two what will be the sign of the end of the world keep going and jesus answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying i am christ and shall deceive many and ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars okay dude have we had false prophets we have false preachers yes you hear about wars and rumors of war have those not happened yeah they have happened so many times yep keep going and ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places okay pestilence is diseases have we not had a global disease yet but it's not even the first global disease oh my god rumors of war china is planning to fight america america is trying to all these things are listen none of this all these things have happened already keep going and all and all these are the beginning of sorrows then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake that's already happened keep going right now to be a christian you are doing hate speech you speak about holiness you speak about sin you have hate speech we already hated of men it's just because it's not at their countries where you can't even mention jesus they will kill you come on they can defend other religions but when christians come nobody wants to defend them it's just the reality of it keep going watch this and then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another and many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many and because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax coal it's already happening some people are not even sensitive anymore keep going but he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness and to all nations and then shall the end come notice this jesus is saying after this gospel is preached then the end so jesus is talking about the end okay he's not talking about his coming so there are two subjects here right don't lose sight amen the end of the world will be because the gospel has been preached everywhere but the rapture is not the end of the world right is everybody following so far following this gospel will be preached unto all the world and then the end will come keep reading watch this verse 15 when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet stand in the holy place what is he saying the abomination of of of desolation that daniel spoke about is talking about the antichrist when you see him standing in the temple know that it's it's about to be over uh-huh keep reading whoso readeth let him understand verse 16. then let them which be in judea flee into the mountains let him which is on the house top not come down to take anything out of his house neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes and woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days but pray that your flight be not in the winter neither on the sabbath day for then shall be great tribulation such was not since the beginning of the world to this time no even after shall be now notice jesus is talking about two things he said that when you see rumors of war you see all these things not that the end has not come these are just the birth pains so it's given the time before the rapture and then it's giving you after the rapture so there are two there are two things that he's talking about here first he said uh this temple will be in ruins then after that uh you hear rumors of war there will be earthquakes there will be this and that but remember these things must happen but it's not yet the end it's just the what birth pains then it goes on to say this gospel will be preached to the ends of the earth and then the end will come so it's given them two timelines one he said when you see this know that it's not the end but when you see this know that the end is close when you see the desolation of many generations when you see uh the gospel has been preached during these seasons even to the end of the world know that the end is here so it's talking about the end and something else is this making sense if it's making sense so far just like it's making sense just like it's making sense just like it's making sense it's giving two timelines and he also gave a timeline during the tribulation and during the end the people who are going to live in the time of the end when the world is about to be put to an end how their condition will be to be very very very very bad it will be terrible it will be terrible my god it will be terrible there are people who will be born in that time by people will be left behind it will be a terrible time my god okay keep reading people are saying this makes making sense keep reading okay verse 22 and accept those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the electic those days shall be shortened it means there will be people who are elect that will be in that time my god keep going any men shall say unto you lo here is christ or there believe it not for thou for there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect behold i have told you before wherefore if if they shall say unto you behold he is in the desert go not forth behold he is in the secret chambers believe it not yes verse 27 for as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west so shall also the coming of the son of man be for wheresoever the the carcass is there will be the eagle there will the eagles be gathered together immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken verse 30 and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other verse 32 now learn a parable of the fig tree notice jesus is talking about that is his second coming when jesus will come back and the angels will gather everybody so he's talking about different things here first he said that you know if somebody tells you he's coming over there don't believe him he's coming over there don't believe him because when i come everybody will know that i'm here and the angels will gather everybody it will not be a rumor amen but remember the rapture the world will not see him no one is going to see him we are just going to meet him in the heavens my god yes so he's talking about the end when he's coming all tribes everybody's going to sing keep going okay verse 32 now learn a parable of the fig tree notice what jesus is saying now learn a parable of the fig tree when his branch is yet tender and put his forth leaves you know that summer is nigh so likewise ye when yes when ye shall see all these things know that it is near even at the doors it is near and even at the doors what is near and even at the doors keep reading verily i say unto you this generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled listen jesus is saying something very interesting now aha now it's come to us now he's saying now listen to what i'm telling you learn the signs of the fig tree amen learn the signs of the fig tree that when you see the leaves get soft and this and this is happening know that summer is close he said now this generation will not pass until these things that i'm saying to you is happen is going to happen now keep reading watch this listen to what he's saying now verse 35 heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away remember he said this generation will not pass until these things happen and he's saying he's giving is what he's saying everything will pass by my word will not pass keep reading watch this but of that day an hour no with no man so he's talking about that day and hour what day an hour he's talking about the rapture now okay and you will know as he keeps reading he's saying first of all he said learn the parable of the fig when you see this happening know that it is near and it is at the door he's not talking about the end of the world because when the end is coming people will know it period he said the suffering of those days if it's not stopped no one will survive it so that's a completely different timeline from what he's about to talk about now he said when you see these things that i'm about to tell you understand for a fact that this thing is actually at your door it's actually standing at the door meaning it's closer than you think and he said this generation this generation will not pass until these things have happened what is the generation we will know what generation it is by what is going to say next keep reading okay verse 36 but of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my father only so jesus said you will know the season because if you look at the fig tree you will know when it's about to be summer but the specific day and the specific hour nobody knows not even angels in heaven only the father keep reading 37 but as the days of noah were aha is giving you now i is telling you what the weather of that time will look like like the days of noah was what was happening in the days of noah keep reading so shall also the coming of the son of man be uh-huh for as in the days that were before them not his arrival but they're coming keep reading for as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that noah entered into the ark 39 and knew not until the flood came and took them all away so shall also the coming of the son of man be then shall two be in the field stop right there so jesus is telling you that when the rapture is about to come people will actually be having a good time my god he's not talking about they will be in suffering no no no no the rapture is not coming when tribulation has started he's saying it will be like the days of noah in the days of noah there was no people are eating people the weather was good everything was good and everybody everybody was free people were having weddings people having marriages and all these things and noah was building the act none of them paid attention oh my god but when noah had entered in the ark and rain rain began to fall then they started running to know about noah was already gone it means that that day will sneak up on you there is nothing around it that will reveal to you wow what is about to happen but there are other things in the days of noah what happened in the days of noah there was a lot of desolation there was a lot of sin people's life grew cold the rumors of war and everything was happening there was a lot of wicked things that were happening but everything was flowing everything was happening meaning the day of the rapture will sneak up on people it will not be public notice come on i wish somebody would know this so unless you can predict the spiritual weather you will not be able to tell when it is around but jesus is claiming it's at the door at that time keep reading verse 40 then shall two be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left meaning people will be working my god two be at the field did you start from the beginning that's verse 40. uh-huh what was 39 uh 39 is and knew not until the flood came and took them all away so shall the coming of the son of man be uh-huh keep reading then shall two be in the field and one shall be taken it means people will still be farming life will still be going on keep going forty-one two women shall be grinding at the mill one shall be taken and the other left people will be doing their daily chores and that will still happen people will be taken eh watch therefore for ye know not what hour your lord doth come uh-huh but know this that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken up verse 44 therefore be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh who then is a faithful and wise servant whom his lord hath made ruler over his household to give them meat in due season blessed is that servant and his lord when he cometh shall find him in so doing verily i say unto you that he shall make him ruler over all his goods but and if that evil servant shall say in his heart my lord delayeth his coming and shall begin to smite his fellow servants and to eat and drink with the drunken the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him and in an hour that he is not aware of okay now let me let me help you go back to verse 34 read verse 34 i'm going to explain to you something 34. verily i say unto you this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled what is that generation is the question what is jesus talking about this generation this is the thing that you need to think about because that is the main sign is pointing to a certain generation that these things are going to take place teaching he's talking about a certain generation because remember israel was scattered they were no longer at home none of them were at home for a long time until 1948 until 1948 israel became a state again they became a nation again so this is the biggest clue that i want you to have this is this is the main one amen in 1948 israel became a nation again 1948 now jesus is talking about the generation that will be there when the temple would have been messed up not rebuilt there are some walls that are it will be in ruins pretty much there's still the wailing wall that people go to pray to and stuff but the the temple is in ruin so jesus in the beginning spoke about that generation and then he went continued about it towards the end he said that generation that will see these things what things what i told you about what will happen to this building not being here and it will be desolate it will be broken up but it will still structure will be here but it will be the stones will be turned over meaning it will be broken that generation is going to see me coming that generation will not pass now if you think about it in 1948 is when israel became a nation is when israel became a nation so there are people there are scholars who are studying they were thinking that the moment israel becomes a nation is when the rapture is going to happen but that's not what jesus said because if you read the book of isaiah i believe isaiah 60 if i'm not wrong jesus speaks uh isaiah prophesies about how our israel will come back into its land they will be rebuilt the city they will rebuild uh the city they will rebuild what was broken uh they will they will they will prosper again and all those things that is what isaiah said and that is what we are living in right now israel is doing really well they have enemies around them but israel is doing very well technology is coming from israel military your apps on your phone if you love ways it's coming from israel a lot of the things that we are using are all israeli probably 90 of it agriculture is crazy in israel even though it's a desert it's crazy everything that isaiah spoke about it's literally happening in our very eyes they will be returned into their seat into their nation they will rebuild old desolations they will redo all these things are there some chaos here and there yes outside but not within them but here's the thing now so we are living in that time where two people are going to the field they're back home so scholars were thinking for some time that in 1948 it will be when the rapture will happen but that wasn't actually accurate because remember again no one knows that day or the time but we can know the season we can know when it is around the corner in 1948 most of the things that jesus spoke had not happened yet that is when they were coming home nothing was rebuilt nothing was put together that's when they came back home so our biggest sign is to look at what is happening in israel that's one of the signs we have to pay attention to now watch this jesus told them i will be with you even to the end of the age amen a generation is not is is is about 100 years 60 to 100 years if we should say that is 60 to 100 years to be honest with you this is me saying i'm not telling you the day of the hour please don't say prophet lovey said this or say that i want you to pay attention to what i'm saying in 2048 israel will be turning 100 years old hmm i am not saying the world is ending at 2048. i am just making you aware of certain things that you need to know as a christian to understand when the coming of the lord is what is the period for you to always be in preparation amen and me saying that in 2048 saying that israel will turn 100 doesn't mean that is when the lord is coming come on what i'm telling you what i'm trying to tell you is that it can happen at any time any second amen it can happen at any second [Music] he is literally at the door but there is a twist to it also there is a twist to it that is when israel is standing a hundred years old okay and i i want you to think about this assuming our calendar is correct which is not our calendar is not right by the way for those who don't know our calendar is kind of off because we are assuming that the lord jesus was born at 0 bc right but in reality the lord jesus was born between four and six bc he wasn't born at zero bc it's between six between four to six years before that our gregorian calendar is a little it's not the most it's kind of accurate but it's off with a few years so let's assume that the lord jesus was born maybe four bc bc or six before right let's say six years let's be a little maximum it means that you need to remove that six years out of the 2048. you need to subtract the time so that drops it to 20 42. remember i am not telling you when jesus is coming i am not telling you when jesus is coming i'm just telling you that the season and the time is much closer than we think and why is it important for us to know why it is close i will tell you after i tell you the next thing so that is uh now we are at 20 40 what 42 yeah if you want to be even more crazy with the whole math take out the seven years of tribulation because remember the rapture whenever the rapture is going to happen there will be seven years of tribulation before before the 1000 years of the reign of the lord jesus so if you subtract seven what does that leave us with 20 35 20 35 about 20 35 let's say 20 35 20 36 let's say around there so in reality we probably don't have more than 17 10 to 17 years i mean what i'm saying is i'm not saying that's when jesus is coming remember nobody knows the day or the hour nobody knows the day or the hour but we can look at what is happening in the world and know that it's very very close my god so don't think about the 2048 or 2042 or 2036 is the time that jesus is coming that's not what i'm telling him i am simply saying that that may be the maximum time we have wow what is first thessalonians 4 16. what does he say uh i'll go to it right now i'll actually read from 15. what does it say for context um for this we say unto you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first that's verse 16. that's what she's asking about she's saying that's remember when they remember the lord jesus is not going to step on the ground when the rapture is happening when you when the archangels will shout people will be caught up the dead will be taken will be taken and will disappear and then we'll come back after the seven years of tribulation it actually says in verse 17 then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words yeah that's because we'll be caught up yeah we'll be caught up will be raptured yes and when we'll be raptured there will be seven years of tribulations meaning we will be only in heaven for seven years and then we'll come back on the earth california will still be there africa will still be there nothing is going anywhere until when the end comes when god folds all this reality into eternity but before that when we come back gucci store will still be there but watch this this is the point this is the point uh anyone who knows pastor chris or akilome that's a father in fact the the right thing to say is uh papa kris oyakilome that's a father father in the faith he's is one of the fathers for sure doesn't even think we have more than 10 years he thinks the maximum is 10 years he thinks he's not saying that that's when he's saying by the way things are looking the rupture may not be more than within the span of 10 years it's happening meaning it can happen right now it can happen 10 minutes from now i may think it may be a little longer but our time is extremely short our time is extremely short our time is extremely short let me tell you by mid next year and i'm prophesying this by mid next year things will be mostly back to normal mostly by the summer next year it will not be the way it is right now people will almost forget what happened because of how quickly things will just feel like it is normal again there will be some things but people will get back because people want to forget 2020 so quickly yep i'm telling you something that you remember that i said to you amen but here's the problem people will forget then the rapture will hit them oh man because when there's calamity people pray too much people will be seeking god people will be praying people want to be holy people who forget people people you know but when there is trouble people remember to pray because remember when the the master of the wedding comes is when everybody is asleep yes meaning people are enjoying he won't come as a thief when everybody is happy when everybody is sad people are frowning just sitting around looking to god no you come at the moment you are the most comfortable where you feel good wow it is much closer than anybody thinks we are literally he's literally at the door he's about to open the door and people are taken so the question is are you prepared and how do you prove your preparation this message doesn't mean sell your things and go and be a permit no if there remember what he said when the master comes back shall he find his servants working shall he find them ready shall he found find them doing things this is the hour that you need to work for god more than you have ever worked because this time counts more than any other time man this is not the time that you relax this is not the time that you you hang out this is the time to serve your purpose before god because there are things that you will gain in heaven that you will not have another chance to gain again amen come on this is why people need to have extreme wisdom amen somebody asked how about the vaccine what about it i i just don't believe that a disease that has 99.99 of surviving needs as a vaccine but is a vaccine a bad thing no vaccines they're good vaccines and they're bad vaccines we just have to wait and see which ones they come out with i'll tell you this i'm not getting it though if you can take medication and therapeutics to get out of it why do i need a shot for something that has 99.99 or 96 percent survival rate it's crazy it doesn't even make sense why the world is shut down it makes zero sense if you are really thinking about it it makes absolutely no sense i'm not anti-vaccine they're good vaccines and they're terrible vaccines for sure but why would i take something i'm healthy i am young why would i take something that has 99.99 or nine six just the fact that it is 99 point something i'm good that's why i call it a super plandemic is there a disease called uh corona 100 there is a sickness it's real is it deadly to elderly yeah they've said that's a fact why their immune system is weak if you are healthy or strong if you do get it by the grace of god you absolutely beat it with the help of therapeutics if you're not as healthy and stuff but the point is get healthy no virus will stay in your body more than 10 days natural virus they will flash out your body may need a little more help that's fine that's why they quarantine you for at 14 days yeah 10 to 14 days if you're quarantined for 10 to 14 days and you you're corona free before even those are vaccines they'll you just don't get out for 14 days after 14 days you test you are free you know so they are trying to rush some things that is not time yet it's not the time for the mark of the beast yet it's close but is it now no somebody asked is the coronavirus in the bible there is even other ones worse than that will come but i definitely won't be here be healthy eat healthy and and you you know this storm will pass but listen to me again listen to me again this is the time to do things for jesus like you have never done before if you have never won souls this is the time to do it if you have never contributed to anything that god is doing the house of god maybe helping a ministry serving in a ministry this is the time to do it amen this is not the time to play games i'll say it again this is the time to do it this is not the time to play games because it is much closer than we think remember pasa chris said not more than 10 years i think we have maybe 16 17 years if maximum i'm not saying that's when it's going to happen i'm saying by the look of things the point of this whole thing is time is really short and if he finds you not doing anything he will leave you behind hmm not just because you said lord jesus your lord and savior be engaged in what god is doing amen super super close my god tonight i want to leave you with this do something for god amen do something for god we are working on uh on the church project do something for god leave a fingerprint for god do something that will mark that god used you on the earth that will also be accounted for in heaven let me show you something let me show you something hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus acts chapter 10 acts chapter 10 amen acts 10 4 and when he looked on him he was afraid and said what is it lord and he said unto him thy prayers and that alms are come up from a mor for a memorial before god and now send men to joppa and call for one simon whose surname is peter he was just just just full okay read it again and when he looked on him he was afraid and said what is it lord and he said unto him thy prayers and nine alms are come up for a memorial before god one more time and when he looked on him he was afraid and said what is it lord and he said unto him thy prayers and thy alms are come up for a memorial before god let me tell you what happened when cornelius was doing the cornelius did not know god he just wanted god so bad he started supporting ministries around started doing so much good the bible says that an angel appeared to him and said um i pray your prayer and your giving your arms have come up for a memorial before god if you if you understand the greek a memorial before god it's actually saying that a building appeared before god there was a structure that appeared before god that god could not see through and asked who is this who is doing this the angel said there's a guy called cornelius in the earth he's doing dangerous things for you god said okay go down and minister to him meaning that he caught god's attention because god was looking and he could not see through he was one what is this structure that is in front of me they say that's cornelius on earth wow somebody didn't get that whatever you're doing on earth you're laying bricks in heaven you are constructing something in heaven you are constructing something in heaven wow this is why it is important to do anything that you can do whether it's serving in a ministry uh doing whatever you can do that will win people to jesus not just doing good but doing things that will bring people to jesus matters a lot amen before god amen matters a lot before god because the time is short the time is short the time is very short when i think about this it makes me think it drives my mind goes i feel like i have so much more to do i hope you feel the same way too so tonight i'm gonna leave you with this um uh the time is very close the time is very very close do things that matter live holy before god be righteous before god seek god be in the mind of god walk with god do things that actually present you properly before god don't live carelessly guys it can happen five minutes from now two minutes from 30 seconds from now while we are still talking come on don't miss this train because if we miss this train it will be bad pain i definitely am not staying behind so i want you to go right now just give what you can give to god on monday on monday i'm going to have an update for you for the church and it's actually exciting news it's actually church yes no no no no no yeah it's going to be an exciting exciting it's going to be extremely exciting news so i want you to be prepared because monday is going to be a tremendous news it's going to be tremendous tremendous news so i want you to go right now give whatever you want to give to god and then we will be back and we'll pray and then we'll go on from there [Music] every burden every fear every mountain i live here when i'm anxious lose my mind i can call you every time on my [Music] you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on yours so fill me full of your glory completely line my path for me and lead me wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] give me grace trade [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i am [Music] foreign [Music] you're the answer [Music] without you god i am [Music] me [Music] you deserve nothingness [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] he hears you sees your tears too [Music] prophets today for the sinners and saints he answers his children by fire all the prayers that you pray not a one goes to waste he answers his children by [Applause] [Music] he befriends [Music] time after time [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] right [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] speaks [Music] ah i can't run away from your embrace i may fall but your love stays the same i fall asleep in yours [Music] you are my [Music] my everything [Music] what kind of love [Music] [Music] only way [Music] when i am weak you are strong your praise is [Music] [Music] my everything [Music] my everything what kind this of [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] bless you all bless you all and uh we are going to pray now we are going to pray that god will help us to be a people that are ready for his coming are people that are ready for him to be revealed are people that are ready to know him are people that will not be left behind uh if you're ready to pray just type i'm ready to pray and then we're going to pray okay let's pray father i thank you in the name of your son jesus i thank you my father that you are god in that your god all by yourself father we pray that you forgive us of every sin of every iniquity of every act that we have committed lord against you we pray that lord you will cleanse us you purify us that lord you cause us to stand upright before you lord we pray for your spirit father to be upon us in us and to move within us and to work in us lord to do the works of righteousness to walk upright before you to walk in accordance to your desire and your heart lord help us to be upright help us to please you in everything that we do father we thank you for mercy we thank you for grace we thank you that you do not change you remain the same forever we bless you for this word that you have given us we thank you father for this word that you have given us that lord you are bringing us to a place of change consistently and continually in the name of your son jesus amen amen listen i love you jesus loves you more i'll see you tomorrow and god is gonna move in a special way for all of us in jesus name amen remember the time is very close the time is close let's get our things together for the glory of jesus amen shalom [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 8,614
Rating: 4.9379406 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2019, td jakes sermons 2019, the king is coming td jakes, The Pacemaker Series
Id: Dk8oR6TlC60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 14sec (4694 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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