The Life of the Prophet 21 | Sh. Moutasem Al Hameedi

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yeah he'll de la moda la la whoo woman your lil fella had the other shadow al-hilal ah who had the hula Cheri color my shadow no muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh sallallahu aleyhi were early he was so happy he was selling the Matisse Lehman kathira what that I do so last week we covered the story the beautiful story of salman al-farisi probably allahu anhu and we saw some of the lessons just to recap some of the lessons were the power of your intention that if someone is really sincere truly sincere in searching for the truth and they go after it even if they take some the wrong turns Allah will bring them back to the truth even if seemingly things seem to be working against them the very thing that seems to be you know against them would be actually working for them why because that's the planning of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the planning of a lot man and you could always put yourself either on the right side of the planning of Allah or on the wrong side truly as a human being you can put yourself either on the right side of the plan of Allah or the wrong side and you choose so the plan of Allah is going to come true whatever Allah plans whatever Allah predestined it's gonna be true because allah wrote the Makah idea which is what was going to happen mark idealist tomorrow to a lab Public Health Public Health Authority will become seen an Elfa sena allah wrote down everything that was going to happen before the creation fifty thousand years before the creation of the heavens and the earth so you have two choices either put you side on the put yourself on the right side of allah's planning or you put yourself on the wrong side and you choose the plan is working as unfolding and is going to come true your choices are gonna put you either on the right side or the wrong side what is the right side trust in allah spano tad trust in allah once you trust in allah and sincerity towards allah you sincere even though sin as I said things might seem to be happening too you they will be working against you Salomon fallacy was what first he was exposed to a very bad person who was in the position of a pastor or a liar or or a teacher and he was a corrupt person but yet he was not dissuaded he was kidnapped by the very people who were supposed to deliver him to Medina he was kidnapped by them his money was taken over and he was enslaved he was turned into a slave so seemingly you know everything was working against him but that what happened to him took him a ride to where he was supposed to go to Medina where the Prophet SAW solemn was meant to come so they meet and again the same we know we mentioned the story of Yusuf alayhi Salaam everything seems to be working against him against him but it was actually a plan for him and that shows anything in life any any reality has more than one interpretation any reality anything that happens in life has more than one interpretation if you lock your mind into one interpretation you if it's negative you're stuck but if you are open to more interpretation and see how things could work for you then and you and this should be out of the trust of Allah saw that things are gonna work for you and that's exactly what the hadith of the Prophet SAW Sunnah means which is reported by Abu Hurairah and collected by Muslim I definitely am real many in Umbra ho hula hula ho hi Oh amazing is the state of a believer all his affairs are good for him fairness Allah - Sabra ochakov avocado hi Rhonda ho if an ease or a blessing comes to him he's thankful and it's good for him when a solitude avoir la Ossa Bharatha can hear in Lihue and if a hardship if pain if calamity comes to the believer then he is patient and that's good for him that's basically choosing to be on the right side of all other of the decree of Allah or the plan of Allah subhanAllah let's always choose to be on the right side so that's I would say many many people say be smart right be be clever figure things out learn the tricks and so on and so forth even if you're the smartest person on earth unless you have sincerity unless you have truthfulness unless you have trust in Allah span with Allah you're playing dumb actually you playing the game that dumb way there is there is you can say micro intelligence which people compete over but there is macro intelligence what law works for you Allah actually makes things makes things work for you Allah plans for you you can't achieve that with intelligence beings being smart learning the tricks you can achieve that only by ethical principles Islamic principles be honest be sincere be truthful be forgiving be kind when you do that you tap into this macro or mega kind of intelligence that is way beyond you know the the capacity of human beings so let's go back and see what was happening in Medina what was the social life like in the first year after Hitler see what was the Prophet SAW syndrome how was he dealing with the Companions how were the Companions dealing with each other and with the non-muslims in Medina we mentioned that the prophet sallallaahu Salim you know had very good relationships with his companions and with others and he would really get engaged get involved in the personal life of his followers we mentioned the story of a man who had his little son he used to bring him over when he was with the Prophet Solomon play with him and he loved his son so much yet after a while later the man sort of disappeared he stopped joining the gatherings the Prophet SAW seldom missed the person so he asked about him oh did you see that guy so they told him his son died the problem goes to visit him and comfort him and console him and then he gives him the glad tidings that if your son dies off your daughter dies of someone that you love dearly dies and you are patient then you you get a great reward from Allah Stalin the problem told him the glad tidings that your son would be on the day of judgment waiting for you anticipating your arrival to one of the gates in paradise and he would take you in he would not go in until you come and join him so that relieved the stress of that father another really some other other type of relationships the prophet sallahu seldom was going to visit 700 badda-badda we said one of the early Muslims somehow early Muslims in Medina he was one of the leaders in Medina and he was one of the biggest most influential people among the unsought so he wasn't feeling well the prophet sallallaahu Adi we seldom goes to visit him and what would the Prophet Sunnah me usually write what was the main riding animal of the prophets or Salim for most of his life people think camel people think course most of what the problem really rode was a donkey Oh sometimes a mule most of the time most of the time he didn't have the luxury all the time of a horse or a camel well camels well usually was used for long travels long travel so I think I'm just assuming I'm not definitely sure cuz I'm yeah although my ancestry comes from the desert I never lived in the desert I don't know how the Bedouin live but I guess camels are not used for short commutes I guess so the prophets also Monday was riding on his donkey and he was going to visit said Abner ibadah who wasn't feeling well on the way the problem sees this gathering and this gathering has Muslims and non-muslims Muslims and non-muslims socializing which is having a conversation among them was Abdul Abner aha Muslim and among them was Abdullah II know bei ebbe no sir dude who was a non Muslim so the Prophet SAW Salam is passing by them and it's dusty and it was windy so the the dust that comes from the as they as the donkey was was walking past the dust comes to that group or reaches that group so I do love and obey who said well he puts his scarf sort of or imam at the the the tip of his scarf he puts it on his nose and he says you know keep that dust away from us go somewhere else he was sort of mocking on the prophets I'll seldom indirectly so he put that on his nose and he said you know take the dust away in that smell bad smell away the prophesy him sees that it doesn't take offense he goes and approaches them he sits with them so the problem sits with them and what do you think the problem is gonna talk about he talks about Allah and he recites some caught on to them obviously the Muslims enjoy it and love it Abdul Ivanova even a saloon and we said that previously before the prophets of Sun lamp came to Medina he had been designed to become the king or leader in Medina but the arrival of the Prophet SAW Salim you know put that the whole plan on hold and then it was completely you know forgotten so he has this grudge against the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam that you really sort of destroyed my plans to be the leader and king of medina so obviously he's gonna makan everything's gonna pick on everything when it comes from the prophets awesome so the problem was speaking to them he was reciting some Quran to them so the long they say says to him what you're saying is nice but don't bother us too much you see the cynicism you see the negativity he says what you're saying is good but don't bother us too much with it Abdul Abdul of not Allah I was there he doesn't like that so he answers back abdullah to obey answers back and then it's almost a fight erupted among them the Prophet SAW Salaam was caught in the middle he started calming them down take it easy calm down he calmed him down then the Prophet sent him departs and he goes to visit side of Nevada and while he was speaking with Salman or whether he brings the issue up he sees do you see I'm the Loblaw obey even us at all what he said and this and that happened the suicide of Nevada said o Messenger of Allah give him the benefit of the doubt prior to you arriving in Medina we had a plan to place him as the king and the leader in Medina in order to bring about peace because we were fighting with one another and we thought he might be one of the most influential people he might be the best person to appoint as the leader of Medina and he would be able to eliminate that kind of fight between an AWS and the Khazraj and hundreds of casualties and people died and he had high hopes in that so when you came all his plans you know vanished so he's having this he's holding this grudge against you so let it go he had the prophet saw something really doesn't hold a grudge doesn't hold a grudge and by the way this is a sign of strength this is really a sign of strength oftentimes when people are forgiving when people are easygoing we tend to assume you know we can mess with these people no problem these are people who can take advantage of well maybe some people are just like this but you know don't take that as a rule don't take that as a rule because really real forgiveness or real easygoing nests with people is not all weakness there are people easygoing but that's a sign of strength and a sign of strength that they have disciplined themselves they have mastery over themselves over their ego and over their desires and basically their attention is attached to things that are more important than just getting you know involved in such arguments and petty things so that was the profits on a salut it was it wasn't like he wouldn't waste his time with something and with something like this he has bigger things to work towards he has greater investments he has a lot of you know work to do and these are simply you know petty things for him to get involved in so the Prophet SAW solemn takes that and a lhasa panel Tejada actually this how he advises the believers in Mecca previously and in in the early stages in Medina a lost want Allah for example says well at a small nominal adeana al-kitab a man-cub Lacombe women and levena a Scirocco as an kuvira and you shall receive a lot of verbal harm a lot of verbal harm from the mushrikeen the non-muslims and the people who were given the scripture before you the Jews and the Christian then a las panatela says went espero what at the offer in nevada come in as many more but if you are patient and if you hold on to taqwa then this shows strength of yourselves of your souls as well no more this shows firm resolution a high level of maturity and personal strength also Allah so Allah says about the people of the book what the kathira wa min allahi ta'ala we all do nakum embody a manickam affarin hazard ameen and the emphysema embody matter but you know the homework a lot of the people of the scripture they wish to turn you back into disbelievers after you have embraced him an why out of envy jealousy from their hearts so a lot of intelligence says to the believers how to handle this how to endure that therefore was for who forgive pardon so forgiving a forgiveness and pardon and not the weapons of weak people that the weapons of strong people that's why the prophets are seldom shows this kind of self-discipline that's a sign of strength the Prophet SAW silences lazy dubis ilaha lisa Shadid o basura who lack in the she did Allah diem Laocoon of surrender kebab he says a strong man a really strong man is not someone who's physically able to beat people down but a strong man who is able the strong man the real strong man he's the one who is able to hold himself back to control himself because that shows inner strength everyone can let go of their anger can let their anger run the scene and they act on impulse everyone can do that even look how out of people if you really you know push them beyond their limits don't lose it and I will act like crazy but the people are able to control their anger control their shape on and their desires that's what real strength is that's what and really a lot of the virtues if you want to figure out a lot of the virtues they are the ability to control your impulse and rise above it rise above the for example take courage what is courage a lot of people think it's recklessness no it's being carefree no one of the wise Edwin's very wise Bedouin was someone sawed him and when he met him I asked him what is courage because this man was known for courage so he says to him I'll teach you what courage is and these people who have wisdom issue from their answer you can tell from their answer he didn't say courage is one two three right it didn't give him a definition he said give me your finger index finger and I give you my index finger bite or mine I'll bite on yours so he puts his index finger in the other guy's mouth and he bites on the other guy's finger he says bite as hard as you can and and I am gonna do the same both of them stop biting so the person who came to us this Bedouin pulls his finger first then the Bedouin turns them and says this is courage this is courage and bravery then four years are we to read that so many times I never figured out I said that's patience that's not courage right let's places you could put up with more pain than the other guy and really it didn't make sense there's no so I couldn't it was a mystery for me and like I remember a lot of likely teachers and the shoe and our Arabic language teacher in the school there were and those who used to teach us literature they used to bring this up and talk about it and that doesn't make sense and I thought I was the only one who couldn't really figure it out but it turned out everyone in my classroom no one really understood it even some of my teachers I asked them like teachers in school I asked him about it and they said yes patience I said well it doesn't exist you have no clue but subhanAllah late like later on figured out he's talking about a principle because and I really things started not started to connect when I read that there's a book on others estate there's a statement actually and there's a book that's taken from last time entitled laughter that's time so the statement is everyone experiences fear everyone experiences fear but the brave decide to act despite their fear see what the difference is everyone experiences fear but they don't let their fear conquer them I experience fear so there was a book written it was a very good book in English it was a best-seller it said feel the fear do it anyway feel the fear of doing something but go ahead and do it act against your fear so with that biting on the index finger what that means basically he was telling him if you act if you let you if your impulse is so strong and overwhelming that it controls your reaction when your fear kicks in and in a scary situation you're gonna is gonna take over but if you train yourself to free yourself from the control of your impulse whether it's fear whether it's pain and you decide to transcend it and act against it and act despite it then you can find fear you can find courage so what he was saying you acted on your pain but I could transcend my pain but I was experiencing similar pain to you that's the difference so if you want to have courage courage means that you are patient even when you have fear that you don't allow this fear to overcome you and set the course for your actions you do the right thing even though you're experiencing fear you get a point it's a little bit subtle but it's very strong so so a fool as again when you have when you have the power to forgive that means you have mastered your impulse you are able to transcend it and this is a high level of maturity and person growth anyway now again in the early stages in the first year in Medina the prophets of solemn did something very special exceptional unheard of in history and really has no parallel in human history and this was the Brotherhood Elmo aha between the ants are the muhajreen and ansar it's a level of brotherhood and selflessness that has no rival has no rival what was that the prophets a son gathered the Muslims in the house of Ana's bin Malik and as a pneumatic tells the story of the mark Isis the president gathered the Muslims in in my in our house and he brought them together and each one from the Ansar took one of the Mujahideen one of the immigrants the newcomers to Medina as my guest as my brother as my brother and this was not just simple kind of generosity it was this becomes my brother he's more brother to me than my blood brother so in the early stages let's say one of the Ansar dies one of the Unser dies and the Maha or the Brotherhood was formed between him and another one from the mahajabeen when he dies his brothers Blood Brothers they don't inherit him who inherits him his Muslim brother brother narrative so with stronger than blood Brotherhood and it was actually like this it was actually like this one of the examples was sad them not Robina sad dog not avi his share among the Mohanji in his face from the unsolved so his share among the muhajireen was after a man of new health his guest his brother was Abdul Rahman Abramoff so he took him the first time the Prophet SAW son appointed them together as brothers as one he took our manual health he brought him to his house and he said listen my brother he brought his all these assets in the form of money liquid money he brought it and he said you see this house it's mine half of it is yours now don't you see the level of selflessness no question no doubts no second thoughts half of it is yours you see this money he really divides it into two equal parts that's yours this is mine and he says to him I have two wives and from my generosity I'm gonna divorce one of my wife's and you take it as your wife later on when she finishes her Enda somebody's gonna say well they should consult the wife right you think is it seems that the Y and the women among the ansar were more generous than the men themselves that they would actually compete to be a wife of one of the Mohajir one of the companions of the Prophet SAW but sometimes we see things in our own limited limited vision and I'm gonna enforce them on the story I'm the man of no elf what he came to Makkah to Madinah now jobless penniless homeless nothing he has nothing literally nothing what a beautiful what a great temptation all of a sudden overnight you're rich because Sodom not all beer is really rich all of a sudden you're rich you have a house half a house I mean it's it's still a house you can turn it into town house and and not only that like soon you're gonna have a wife I don't have to give her Mahara or you'll have to pay her anything because she's already paid you don't have to do anything what a great temptation what does he do he says yeah he barakallahu like a female a coffee addict he says my brother may Allah bless you wealth and your family for you all I need from you show me the market show me where the market is so he knows where the market is he goes and he trades he does some business he figures out a way and he does a business and he comes back the same day with so much food that he bought from the work that he did and soon after shortly after actually Abdul Rahman Alf becomes one of the richest Muslims in Medina it's his skill and his wit in business but not only that it's the Baraka is the blessings from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala you know you can have a business with someone you can actually set them up you can deceive them you can make more money you can take advantage of their ignorance in some area you can take advantage of that and you think oh I've made fifty dollars more and you think you you really like you've achieved some kind of profit you've lost not in theory in reality in reality you're gonna lose much more than you made in ways you will never figure out in ways because and we said that repeatedly ethical principles what islam teaches us in terms of principles manners and virtues is the same fabric of this life of this universe how it runs you go against virtue it's gonna the whole world is gonna turn against you in ways you never thought you never figure out that's how the world works this is how Allah created this universe even if someone seemingly seems to make a lot of money you might say switch this but this such people might be living in a state of poverty despite having a lot of money and the problem actually spoke about this in a hadith reported by the Imam Muhammad and it's authentic the Prophet SAW says about someone who lives this life and the main concern the main goal in this life is what this dunya the beauty of it they are completely taken by the beauty of this dunya and that's what they chase so he says allah subhanaw taala will bring to this person a sense of lack and poverty in the hearts and in front of their eyes wherever they go this is why you find people have millions and is too craving more money and they don't really use their money than that just guards over their money it's happening and this is not an encouragement to be poor by the way I'm not encouraging any of that if you can make money from halal means and utilize it in something good by all means do that but I'm just saying I'm referring to something that is more profound it's it's don't you know when you act with with virtue you're just gonna get more you're just gonna get more in ways you never expect so I'm Adam he doesn't take advantage of the situation although it would be hell for him by he acted with more virtue from a higher moral standard and he says no show me where the market is so he comes back with some food and soon he becomes one of the richest people do you know what he says as well he says will lie he talks about himself I actually want to see his own statements he says Philip adora ie to kneel over effect to heaven Laura due to an OC by the heaven Elphaba he says I got to a point in my life that if I turn over any stone that I see on the side of the street I'd find gold or silver under net under it you heard that whatever he touches turns into gold right that's a real example that's a real example what does this happen from a sense of richness insight that's why the prophet saw silence says Elena Elena Neves real sense of wealth is the wealth of yourself that deep inside you feel your lies enough for you truly you and you're not acting from a position of lack that you're dying and you you craving something and you badly want something no oftentimes a lot of the things that we badly want if we really wake up to the reality of things we don't really we don't really need them really we don't really need them but somehow allow sometimes you fall under the delusion that this is what we need and so the more answered at the point the Prophet SAW said I'm appointed guest brother or the maha that's your brother you're gonna host him he would go and take him by the hand he says come come with me my brother it would take him to his house and he would offer him whatever whatever he has what is this bring about strong love among the Muslims sense of unity a sense of self selflessness the unsolder you know they struck the best examples and selflessness generosity and giving this were a lhasa Fantana praises them and Allah Allah says well Levine at about wad Allah when a man a man bubbly him you hit bounnam and Hajj Allah Allah him Allah says about the unsolved and they are the ones who've been living in Medina which is where the problem is supposed to establish Islam before the muhajireen they had been there even before Islam cuz a lotta sign for them to be there because of the goodness he knew that they were going to have so allah meant for they all sought to be in medina uhit bounnam inherently him they saw in love with those who emigrated towards them they're not deeming them as a burden you know we were living in a good state these people came to share everything like they didn't see it as as as a burden on them on the contrary they loved the fact that these people came to share the goodness that we have they loved it you had borne him and had jelly him when are you doing after you salute him Hajj at a min or two and they do not find in the hearts any grudge anything about the fact that the answer that the Mujahideen were given superiority because the muhajireen in islam the early muslims are giving superiority because of what they've been through because of what they've been through because they believed in the prophets and when everyone disbelieved in him they remain steadfast and stronger in islam when their life was on the line and not only their life but sometimes death is an escape but there were they were tortured severely and they were going through so much pain but they would not give up on their religion so allah subhanallah put the muhajireen at the highest level so the unsilent a grudge against this although now they are helping the marjorine now they're sharing their work through the muhajireen and they taking care of the muhajireen and they of opening their houses for the marjorie in their sharing everything and they don't even it doesn't even occur to them that maybe we match their level they still see or deem they muhajireen in high esteem they see them to be better than them then a last month allah says with your owner either unfussy him when i can ID him Kasasa and they favor others over themselves even when they are in need you know favoring others over yourself is such a great virtue but favoring someone over yourself when you are more in need than they are as that's only for the answers that's what a Lhasa that appraised them in the Quran this is why as we will see Jolla we will come to see in months to come that the prophets of Allah ready we seldom after was what her name after life after the fighting with the people of a life the muslims won so many spoils of war so much muslims became rich really rich after that the Prophet saws Allah he had so much for himself his share he kept nothing to himself he just gave it to all those new Muslims all those new Muslims he gave it to all those new Muslims why because he saw himself in no need he had the wealth and the richness of the self of the heart of the soul so the more he didn't give the answer anything he didn't give the uncertain things some people's tried to throw a word that oh the problem forgot about the answer now he's gonna abandon them now the prophet since Mecca is conquered now what person can go to Mecca he's gonna leave Medina and he will go to Mecca the professor Lim has a word with the Ansar and he says to them maybe you're finding some of you are finding some feelings in the hearts against the fact that I gave all these new Muslims who came from Mecca thinking these are my people so I'm favoring them and I haven't given anything to the answer the problem said some of you probably are thinking about this or somebody even said that they said yes some of us said that the Prophet SAW said I'm said I'm giving these people because I want to keep them in Islam I know these people they're Islam there a man is not strong I am keeping them in Islam by means of giving them that but I left the answer for their faith I know that their faith is strong enough to keep them in Islam regardless then the prophets of Allah saw them says to them once you be happy that people will walk away from this place with wealth and you will walk away from here back to Medina with The Messenger of Allah that's your share they started crying and they said Bernardo Lina your ass or allahu allah o messenger of allah be pleased with this that's or share the profits of salem says I am from I'm from you you are from me you are my brother still my last day your land is my land I'm gonna be with you these are the unsolved so they have this special place in Islam special place is Amman anyone who is generous anyone who's kind anyone who's giving is really following the footsteps of the unsought these companions of the prophet sallallaahu a'ready he was seldom something extraordinary happens now the Prophet SAW said Allah said you guys take ok take these he says to us I'll take these muhajireen and share with them the were meant to share with them you know whatever they had like in terms of finances whatever in terms of food and drink or the basic level of it was host them in your house and offer them the necessities offer them the necessities do you know what the answer said then say ok that's fine it's not it's not easy but we're gonna share they went to the Prophet SAW send them a couple of days later and they said yah Rasul Allah exum bein and our bein a homeowner in Mecca in Mecca the wealth was sheep and camels that's how someone had wealth they needed to invest it what was camels and sheep that's it that's how they this is out how you would know someone was rich they had so many camels are so many sheep someone sheep that's it in Medina what was the sign of richness dates date trees date trees so the main wealth in Medina was date trees you had a lot of date date trees you're wealthy you didn't have date trees obviously you're poor as simple as that just like today is just like your bank account look at someone's back account and assets that's exactly what their bank account or assets well so the answer comes to the professor time a couple of days later they say you are a sort of like Symbian and our being a homo knuckle they say Oh Messenger of Allah you know we don't want to share with them only the accommodation and the food and the basics we want to share with them our wealth our assets the the date trees like if I have a hundred date trees I want to give my brother 50 of them 50 of them what is the process and I'm saying he doesn't take advantage of the situation he says may Allah bless you well for you it's enough that you guys host them and share in all the basic needs with them that's enough that's that's what Islam really teaches that's a clear real example manifestation of what islam teaches that's it nothing is like this in history nothing unless I said the Mahajan do not take advantage of this situation now them the muhajireen when they see this they know they tell also the Prophet SAW Solomon they say aerosol Allah how can we pay back these people can even back this is like this is a level of generosity we have never witnessed before how can we pay them back so the margin whisk well what a little bit concerned that it seems that we won't be able to even to catch up with these people in terms of good deeds we one of what can we do to pay them back but want to be good to them as much as they were the Prophet sallallaahu Selim says to him I says to them actually the muhajireen said we're afraid they're gonna take all of the reward that is there whenever we're gonna left we will be left with nothing the Prophet SAW Salim says is no you will be able to share the reward as long as you are grateful to them and thankful and this is why the professor teaches in the hadith he says Manzana alaikum our orphan the cafe oh-ho whoever does a favour to you for you then pay them back so has been kind to you a reciprocate someone's been generous to you reciprocate someone's done something good for you reciprocate do the same do the same or do something equal and the person teaches us a way that if you are unable to really match that person's generosity sometimes you don't have the finances right you don't have the resources how can you pay someone back but the problem shows the necessity of gratitude and paying people back the problem says man Carly if he just circled on the cut edges there who whoever says to his brother jazak allahu khairan and he has paid him back because that's a powerful doha may Allah reward you with good it's a powerful trap but that's when when you can't play back in real oh there's no opportunity there's no like a situation doesn't call for it but obviously you still have keep this in mind till the opportunity reveals itself now will it go to a point where there were more answer than the Mujahideen more answered then the Mahajan een so let's say just hypothetically hypothetically there were a hundred from the Mahajan and there were a hundred and fifty from the unser so 50 of the Mujahideen were taken or say 75 of the Mahajan were taken by some of the ants are hosted 25 are left from the Mujahideen but from the ants are the 75 left so those 75 from the ants are started fighting over who's gonna take those 25 they got to a point where they can only you know resort it to something like tossing a coin in order who's gonna take that one you see the level of generosity again that's the unsought and that's the Companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one day and somehow Allah look at the the Prophet SAW son himself most of the time he won't even have food in his house he won't have food in his house how often the prophets of Salaam would come to his there was a common practice of the Prophet SAW salaam he would go to a show some of his wives you say it was like let's say around 10 or 10 a.m. 12 a.m. the Prophet SAW said Allah would be after federal he would be with this compare come back home so he would ask his wives do we have any food at all they would say no there's nothing he would say okay I'm fasting today that was a very common practice of the prophets of the large to know and I shall obey Allah and I was asked how many times or how often you know would you guys light a fire in the house of the Prophet SAW Allah basically to cook and she would say three moons would pass without a fire being lit in the house of the Prophet SAW son no cooking so they said what would you guys eat she said I swear then we would eat water or dates and water that's our consumption you talking about well two interpretations could be month-and-a-half or could be three months but let's say a month and a half 45 days all they eat is dates all they drink is water that's it that's the house of the Prophet saws in them and one day the Prophet SAW some has a guest someone from outside medina and the guest really it looks it looks hungry the problem goes to his house he takes with his wives do we have any food messenger Allah we only have water that's it that's all we have a problem doesn't know what to do so he tends to some of his companions he finds them in the machine he says who hosts the guest of the Prophet saws and them who would like I have him in their house one of the unsolder saw again he said I will take him almost over I'll take him so it takes him it was almost the end of the day so the man goes to his wife he takes the guest into his house and he speaks with his wife in private and he says do we have food she says I have very little food that's enough for our kids to eat before they go to sleep he says listen get you kids to sleep keep the food we have the guest of the prophets Allah and Allah and the food is not enough for three people it's enough for one it's enough for one adult so she sends her kids to sleep she cooks the food and it was night so she brings the food they sit three of them and what does she do she shows us she's the fixing the the light lamp she says there's something wrong with it she goes and fixes it and I says it's not working it's dark he's just gonna eat in the dark she did that on purpose why she they want to give the guest the impression that they're eating with him and the guest ate all the food and they just pretended to be eating it was dark he couldn't tell see the level of generosity that's the unsought these are the answers lovely Allah who and whom this why the Prophet SAW seldom says in the hadith a lamb it will a man who bullion sorry he says a sign of belief is love for the answer an amateur a man a Buddhist all love the Elohim and so the prophet saw some also had a very rich life like a social life with the Ansar so he would as we said the problem would speak with the answer kids women in the street he would speak with them and he would be a fatherly figure to them fatherly and we mentioned previously an incident that actually happened over and over again the person would see some of the children of the ansan in the street he would see them and he would say yeah LM Allah and I'll be your book o Allah is my witness that my heart loves you now my heart loves you so the Prophet SAW said I'm Rita was a very expressive person in that sense very expressive person and is why when he was asked who is the person that you love the most he says Aisha oftentimes now men are so shy to mention the name of their wife right oh I shouldn't mention the name of your wife right but the man asked him who's them the one day you love the most she's a Aisha the guy says no no no I'm asking about males men this is abou her her father Abu Bakr aliyyul a'la no problem had no issue with that in his same it's none of your business it was the problem was very expressive and in that sense very expressive yeah so when the when the unsub him to the Prophet SAW cinnamon they said o Messenger of Allah we want a split or wealth with them the the date trees want to split that give half of it to them hi Jillian and we're gonna keep half of it to ourselves the process and said no he said but what we want from you is give them jobs give them hydrating jobs in your farms let them look after the date trees and you know give them whatever they deserve and that's it so this worked out fine this worked out fine and this shows as well as you know Egyptians have a proverb that's beautiful very expressive as well Egyptians are very expressive mashallah so they say and can have Ibaka Sal Mattel has such cool Lhasa if you're if someone you're dealing with of someone you love and respect is honey don't suck them hole runs like all of them like whatever they give you don't take everything don't take advantage of the situation and this is basically a very sustainable approach a very sustainable approach so this shows whatever is available to you don't have to take all of it you don't have to take all of it whatever generosity is offered to you if it's not needed you don't have to take advantage and exploit the situation who else was living in Medina we know there is the Jewish tribes what was the relationship between the prophets of Solomon the Jewish tribes we're gonna come to talk about something because the problem strikes some kind of a treaty and he writes an agreement with them as to how to Medina should be run now the Muslims are a major power in Medina and there is a balance of power that we need to be aware of they need to be regulations agreements as to how we deal with one another how we defend Medina as people who in live in Medina together in terms of we have disputes what is the way to resolve these disputes and so on and so forth so some kind of a description or a system to manage the affairs and the relationships between the different groups living in Medina so with the the Prophet Solomon he comes to Medina he finds that the Jews used to for us the day of ashura the 10th of muharram the tenth day of the first month in the Hijri calendar and the lunar calendar the Easter fasted so the problem says why do you guys fast them by the way the Arabs used to fasted as well previously in jahiliya these two fasted so the problem asked the Jews why do you fast they said this is the day Allah saved musa from throne so we fasted in thankful Musa fasted it we fasted in thankfulness to Allah Samantha the problem says to them and a hackle Macumba Musa I have more right to musa alayhis salam the new guys because my message is the same as his message is the closest airs message it's the worship of allah so allah alone without any changes so i have more right to Musa and this is something that we should fix about our identity we as Muslims we really we have more attachment to al maseeh hadith Salam to Jesus peace be upon him we have more connection to him and more in common with him than anyone else truly who claims to be connected to him in actuality and we shouldn't see ourselves as Outsiders when it comes to Alma see Holly his Salam the same to Musa alayhi Salam and the same to all the prophets and messengers we have this affiliation with them so we will not just like these renegades or outsiders who have nothing to do with them we have everything to do with them we are following their footsteps at the beginning the prophets of Salaam loved to take the example of the people of the book at the beginning so for example the Arabs this is the way to sort of style your hair so the Arabs used to split their hair into two sides either from the middle or from the side split there the the Jews loved to let their hair loose on their forehead so in the Prophet SAW solemn saw that the Jews that's what they used to do he sided with that so he started doing we call it in Arabic settle settle okay you just leave your hair loose in front you don't sort of comb it to the side or to the left but when the later on when they showed their animosity to Islam and to the truth the prophets of Salaam the from the Prophet SAW said Allah detached from them over time the problem was hoping that the Jewish tribes would really pay attention to what their scriptures were teaching about worshiping a lost McCallum but the messenger saw seldom the final messenger because they knew they had the name of the prophets of Salaam they had the signs of the prophet saww Selim and everything they needed to know that this was really the final messenger but they did not they rejected all of that and they decided and we mentioned some stories previously how they deliberately said I'm not gonna believe we're gonna take him as enemy for as long as we live and all these negative responses except for a few of them like abdullah bin salam and nobody no gap so in the problem their enmity and rejection becomes clear and apparent and the prophets of sodom sets boundaries with them he sets boundaries with them and yet there's a beautiful example to show the Prophet solemn how just and fair and open-minded he was one day one of the Jews comes to the Prophet saws and lamb and it seems like he's so happy I found something against Muslims so we because though there was this kind of competition over who has the truth and they were trying badly to prove themselves to be on the truth although they know deep inside you know what they were propagating against the problem was not the truth so one of the Jews comes to the prophet saww sermon he says to the prophetess and he says in the come to net didn't he says you guys commit shirk your Muslims commit shirk he came to the Prophet SAW so you guys sets rivals with Allah Spano town and the Prophet SAW sometime doesn't say ok like get out of here and we don't take from you right and you say you're this you're that it didn't say anything it says one man attack what's this what is this about he says you guys say masha'allahu Ishita and you guys say well kappa you guys say when there's a discussion whatever you want or whatever you wish whatever you and Allah wish and you guys when you make an oath when you swear you say by al-qaeda what do you think the professor's have said that's none of your business he didn't say that when the truth comes you take it no arrogance here no ego the prophets assembly is this he turns to the Muslims in front of thee the Jewish guy who came seemingly seems from the situation that he came somehow to put the Muslims down to prove a point the processor intends to the Muslim he says oh no Masha Allah who say what Allah wishes were Allah wills and don't say well kada but say what a big lab by the Lord of the cab in front of that man obviously the man was disappointed because when you have this type of string you don't act on your ego you have the humility to just accept the truth I'll accept it I don't act on impulse here it's not about me it's not about my ego it's about the truth it comes I take it the man was baffled he went back with nothing simply nothing he was trying to score a point he realized the problem was acting from a completely higher place where this kind of you know pity kind of competition doesn't even count it doesn't doesn't bring about anything so again the prophet sallallaahu and he was seldom again was his he still approached the Jewish tribes a few times explaining to them about Islam and reminding them and so on and so forth and they would say no we don't know he the president said you know my description you know these science any book they say no we don't know we don't have this and this is what a lost man had revealed in the Quran that they used to conceal and hide parts of the scripture why for personal gain for personal gain and this is something that Muslims should avoid falling into should avoid falling into it's easy for us sometimes to fall in a in the trap of making fatwa for ourselves especially if you have some level of knowledge if you have some level of knowledge you can always cut corners and give yourself a fatwa you know I'm doing this because this and that because you have the tools now and this is the danger of having knowledge without tyskie having some knowledge and some tools without proper self development without proper self purification and maturity without spiritual maturity this is very dangerous because you have the tools and you can play games with them now something very interesting happens the profits are seldom obviously we said they build the Masjid how did they pray how did they know it was time for prayer people would gather just figure out the time for prayer and gather and sometimes people would miss the prayer and come and pray and so on and so forth so the Prophet Selim was concerned he wanted to find out a way to inform people it's the time for prayer now so you guys come on come come you can come and pray so some person said why don't you make a big flag so whenever it's time for the Salah you let someone wave that flag on top of the Masjid so people get to see it they will tell each other and people will come for Salah problem didn't like it someone said why don't we use the same as the Jews they have this home they blown the horn it makes that noise and brings these people there the congregation why don't we use it the problem didn't like it someone said why don't we use the the bell just like the Christians like the church we used the bell ring the bell and people will hear it and there will come the problem disliked it there was one of the unsolved abdullah bin jose he's watching it he's watching and he says i see the person was not happy with all of these suggestions so the program discusses this with the muslims and they finally the problem you know with a little bit with some hesitation and hatred towards it he says which is gonna go for the bell i gonna get a bill and now hosts called and the host so the muslims start searching for to buy a bell and it wasn't something very common there wasn't common among the arabs so this is Abdullah Abu zaid's from the Ansar he goes back to sleep because back home he's sleeping at night and he sees the stream and he sees this man holding a church bell and he says would you sell me that so the guy turns to him in the dream and he says what do you want it for he says we wanted to call people for the prayer then he says to him Allah I do look ahead I hired him in that act shall I not guide you to something better than that he says yes indeed tell me what is this so what does that man tell him in the dream next week and Charlotte we're gonna find out so inshallah we'll meet next week by the way the halacha next week is gonna be after Maghrib mother will be about 7:30 so roughly we're gonna start around 15 minutes to 8 10 to 8 so we'll just say after my head up now for the time being so the halaqa next week from starting from next week will be after mother okay don't forget because time is gonna change so after Maghrib insha'Allah is gonna be the halacha do some local do we have any questions that can take a few questions if there is any before we close okay yes we missed the cliffhanger yes last week we said initially Ilana went to visit her father and she found him with Boleyn and a merabh no fahara in the house and they were hallucinating literally hallucinate let's saying some nonsense so she goes to the Prophet SAW she says this is the case what was that it was Medina was known for a plague there was the plague of Medina about will Medina so anyway the symptoms was extreme fever to the people who to the point where people start to hallucinate and many people died and it seems even the father of the Prophet SAW said them and the mother of the problem they seem to have caught the contamination and that's why he died it seems according to some historians so there was this fever there so the Companions a lot of them caught the contamination so the Prophet Allah made dua that Allah subhanAllah that takes away the plague out of Medina it was very no many people would refuse to travel to Yathrib or medina just because of that plague it was a plague place and this is why it wasn't popular by the way so when the muslims migrated a lot of them caused a fever so the problem made that door and then the person who sees a dream and the problem says Rokia nambia huh the dream of prophets is true is a revelation he says I saw this dark woman with bushy hair she has was forced out of Medina and she left from mother Hobart in a mejia then she went to an area called Maria which is today called the Jaffa ok which is so so he says for a well to her and her home and Medina so I interpreted that dream that this was the plague of Medina and literally after that Medina was clear of that plague so that was what happened that was what happened yes and as I said Medina was not a like a favorite destination to most people it is why the Prophet SAW seldom says when he came to me comes when he came to Medina he said Allah had been in Lane and Medina Atacama Hellena meketa a walk thought or Allah make Medina dear to us as you made Mecca dear to us or even more as upon Allah until today everyone not forgive those who are gonna go for people go for Underland had most people feel more relaxed in Modena they feel more attachment to Medina there's so much peace there it came to be known as the city of the Prophet SAW so that was the story jazakallah had for bringing that up any other questions okay so I'm done there's an announcement please listen to it shakuntla here sallallahu seldom I see Muhammad while he was up he was a mechanic for the lecture what a coffee come just quick enough finish Allah for the Salah changes tell us
Channel: Abu Huraira Center
Views: 4,696
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Keywords: khutbah, muslim, Islam, Quran, Khutbah, Moutasem Al Hameedy, Reminder, Recitation, Muslim, Abu Huraira center, Servants, Most, Merciful, Lecture, Canada, Toronto, Abu Osama AL Dhahabi, Bilal phileps, Abdulhakem Quick, Yasir Aldosary, Wadi Alyamni, معتصم الحمديدي, Digital Mimbar, The Daily Reminder, Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh, Free Islamic Course, Usool Al Fiqh, مراد, السباطي
Id: 9a8X7CDGSxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 23sec (3563 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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