The Life of the Prophet Part 26

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have the reliability no salatu salam ala sayidina muhammadin wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in what I do so we said we're in the battlefield of better and some of the people of Hawaii they tried to dissuade the rest of the army from taking part or from fighting against their cousins against the Muslims and they realized the Muslims although they are smaller in number they're about 1/3 still they are determined to win this battle so we had Hakeem you know he's an I came even know he's an coming or approaching approaching or atiba in order to convince him to take care of the blood money of the person that Elijah's trying to avenge in order to avoid the whole this the whole war thing and Raja decided actually to take the blame and he said I'll take all the blame you can guys guys do today can call me the coward I'll take that but let's not fight these people but Abu jahil did not leave a space for that so he acted in a provocative way so when he came over his and by the way human his own becomes a Muslim later on becomes one of the great companions so a caiman Islam approaches abu jahal to convince him as october instructed him when he goes to abu jahil jihad goes crazy he starts screaming among the people you know especially the family of an arab non-halal army or a little Rami especially to his brother Hamid that now Akbar wants to waste the blood of your brother and the honor of basically with the issue of revenge there is dignity and honor of the tribe so he wants to waste all of that so they went into a crazy state where they started screaming the name of RAAM although than the one we want to avenge Amer we want revenge and the whole army went crazy when emotional and this is the time you know rationality gets out of the window so I realizes this is the case after Abu jihad has incited and provoked the whole army he approaches utbah and he basically accuses him of being a coward he insults him he uttered by insults him back out back goes crazy he loses it completely and he decides to march forward in order to initiate a fight or the battle with the Muslims so he calls upon his brother Sheba and his son and worried in order to fight with the Muslims in the middle in the meantime the Prophet SAW Salim was lining up the Muslims he was putting them in order and he gave them some instructions he said do not approach them do not fight them unless let them be the ones to start the offensive or their offense and the Prophet Adam says either a show either either either hammer or alaykum faction burnable if they charge against you shoot arrows on them was stabbed was taboo prema Hakam owned a blue comb and do not be very economical with your arrows don't waste them don't waste them so use them carefully because the Muslim didn't have so much you know equipment so much as we said they were not properly equipped and ready for a battle when the Muslims were lining up the Prophet SAW was making sure that their lines were straight and I lost my glasses and so lots of stuff in allahu allah DNA apart even if he severely he softened and Nia can home bony animals Allah loves those who fight in his cause they stand up straight sure but a foot to foot as if they are the bricks of a wall like being lined up one next to the other Abdul Rahman of now one of the great companions is standing up in the line and he's feeling a bit uncomfortable he's feeling a bit uncomfortable because he looks to his right and he sees a young man swirlie 14 15 years old then he looks to the left and he sees another man a young man and he says so I say to myself I wish like I had stronger men around me because in the battlefield by the way if you have someone weak next to you when you are engaged fight in a fight with someone it's easy for that one to get killed and then the other guy would actually jump either on your back or approach you from the side so you'd have to fight against two people at the same time they might take you by surprise so when you have stronger people around you you're in a very but in a good position so I'm the one who says I look to the left and to the right and I see these two young men and I feel really uncomfortable then one of them approaches me he winks at me and he says uncle I want to ask you a question but he says he whispers in my ear he says I don't want you know the other guy to hear what I say to you so he says ok what do you want he says do you know Abu jihad so I say yes I know but John because I've got Alfa's from the mahajabeen so he knows away I know Abuja what do you like what do you want from our Jail because I heard that he insulted the Prophet sallallaahu idea was synonym though I made an oath to Allah span over to her that if I see him I will either kill him or I will die before I do that I'll die trying to do trying to kill him I either kill him ultra or die trying he says I was surprised then the other guy winks at me he says I want to ask you a question say what he says do you know Abu jihad I say yes what do you want to avoid yet he says I heard that he insults the prophet sallallaahu Salim and I'm I'm determined to either kill him or get killed trying to kill him Abdul Rahman I hope says well ah I felt so happy I would not replace them with an with adults around me so it's ok and we said the Muslims were really in a state of enthusiasm strength as the prophecy son gave them the glad tidings also the prophets Allah seldom we can see here the the military expertise and intelligence of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the you know in the battlefield that becomes very chaotic and we talking about the desert it's quite dusty you need I mean in even when you play soccer or basketball or football the each team dresses up with the same colors right two teams having different colors to recognize because you know all the time in in the in the middle of a of a K or chaotic state you don't have the luxury of identifying this is my team there's another team you know you don't have time to look at their faces and recognize right so when you have distinct colors you understand that's my team at the time they didn't have this kind of uniform so the prophet sallallaahu seldom gave the muslims common their common unique uniform and it was why wool so the muslims would wear white wool on their chests so you would recognize that this is a Muslim once you see this the white their chest some Muslims had slightly different defining or distinctive marks we have hamza ugly allahu anhu he had an ostrich feather a big ostrich feather on his chest we have a super normal Iwan wearing a yellow turban a yellow turban the prophet sallallaahu salmon and at that time just before the battle that rains again it rains again so the muslims are fresh and the narration actually in it describes the morning is a very fresh morning very beautiful morning and you know in the desert when it rains overnight and you wake up in the morning early it's a very beautiful fresh breeze and it's quite unique it's not a common thing in the desert but it's quite a refreshing experience we and we said if you remember last me that the Prophet SAW seldom he took a small nap just before the battle and he woke up in a very positive state and he said to the Muslims up show fan ilaha as origin Aulani Masada alcone he says I'll give you the glad tidings Allah showing me exactly where each one of them is gonna die and he said this is what I would read this well Omaha Caliph will die this is where awkward night will died is where the body of so no ID will be here and so on and so forth she was showing exactly what each one was gonna die Omaha cop says wallahi after the battle we found each one of them in the same place on the same spot the prophets of Salaam has identified before the battle so he says Fattah but and Futuna be Dalek so we felt so good after the process of them giveth give us these glad tidings a lot from Thailand so Lawton and FAL talks about the metal of better solitude and fell so a la semana Tyler says that in the in the battle or in the end sorted and found that Allah is gonna support the Muslims with angels so the prophets of Sodom speaks about Bakr and - I leave Navi apart me he says Shia for in a coma and Malika the angels are with you so he says to Abu Bakr on the law I know I'm sure friend in America do believe he says double buckle gibreel is with you it's fighting with you and said to ali let up shoot for enemy kill you party low mark McKay it is fighting with I leave not be a polyp and lost man Taylor says he promises the believers to give them or to support them with a thousand angels so in the battle of whether the Angels took part in the battle they literally and he says in the allah Jibreel more attend men be a Mamet in Sephora or a Cuban Farah so who the problem says I see Jibreel wrapped around his head a white turban and he's riding on his own horse that's debris this is a well invisible world for us but last night allah revealed it to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we said October and his brother Sheba and his son and we need marched forward three men came forward from the Muslims they were from the unsought Murad well with two young men one of the young men who were around I've got madam now one of them must forward and more width and I do love Nora waha they march forward so when Roxy's he says who are men who are these said we are from the Ansan it is ya Muhammad Al seen Elena of the jelena no Laura and I'm an Illumina I mean a banana Abdul Muttalib we want to fight with people who are our cousins he lost it completely now we want the children of Abdul Muttalib these are the ones we want to deal with so the Prophet SAW solemn says ethology our Hamza Hamza Abdul Muttalib face to face with Raja Bhoja Ali and even a vitaly face to face with shame and al-hadith I mean I have the remote polyp or a beta I wait a minute her if he he gets to deal with with Al Waleed first of all Hamza like ultimate so the battle starts with these three people now what about one of the leaders of Makkah he takes only one second with Hamza Hamza strikes him with his sword chops off his neck he's down then we have saber he's fighting with Ali bin Abi Talib and even all thought it kills them finishes him off finishes him off we have them al walid another hadith and the robot doesn't have fighting each one of them stabs the other so Hamza and I'd Ivanova Talib go on attack and we'll eat and finish him off and they save await them in health and they carry him back to the Muslim army why now you know the Muslims are going to take care of him and treat his wounds the Muslims now are like there's the the spirit goes out people of parish are shocked shot the Prophet SAW saw them in this moment he carries some sand in his hand and he looks at the people of courage and he throws it in that in that direction and he says share hatena Buju may allah disgraced these faces then he says to the muslims Emmylou Allium so the Muslims start marching forward people of course charge against them they fulfilled the plan of the problem they start shooting arrows so because when an army charges against another they're exposed completely so with the hours they this is the maximum number of people you can kill at that time as they are charging against you then they would hold then they would charge again and they would throw arrows on them and so on and so forth and then the two armies you know meet and they they the battle starts now Hamza every night Abdul Muttalib lovely allahu anhu like no one stands in front of him no one stands in front of him he like anyone who comes his way he finishes him off quickly in no time and the Muslims are fighting fighting civilian in as the battle starts sees Abuja he sees Abuja he sees a pagina he looks for the young men so he says to them do you see that guy over there where there's a group of people surrounding him that's Abuja he says phenomena are a tumor Abba ABBA jehanne de la la la he Mithras a train there were like Eagles like falcons rushing to Abuja they ran to him so we had we have Murad ignore Afra one of them and the second one is also more add and add the manager mo these two young men they rush to Abuja hell so more ad even know I'm ribbon of jamal he gets first to Abuja and he says once we got to Abuja hell I can hear his son at Rhema he says a burj al lion fell away he you know protector pooja has don't let no one get to him so he says am making a point to get to him and I really reach him and I strike his leg in the middle of his shinbone with my sword and it flies out a flies he says at that moment his son a crema cuts my arm on the shoulder so my shoulder actually my whole arm comes off and it's still hanging to my side with a piece of skin so I'm dragging it I'm fighting and my arm is you know is swinging around so he says I kept fighting and fighting until it really became a burden so I put my foot on it and I pull that piece of skin and then I carry on the fight so he says then I rush to the prophet sallallaahu Selim and I tell him I killed Abu jahil but as soon as I tell him that the other guy Mourad is well mild not Afra he says to the problem I killed them so they puzzled the prophets of Salem says did you wipe your swords yet they said no problem said let me see your swords he looks at them and says killer Kumar Patel who both of you killed him because more Adam Hamilton of Germany first chopped off his leg and then his shoulder was chopped off more headed north lock him from the other side and he stabbed the Magellan and Abuja hell fell on the ground you know motionless he couldn't move around so both of them killed him so the battle was to going on and the Muslims seem to be getting the upper hand as we said Hamza really destroyed a lot of the people in Croatia killing a lot of their main people like the brother of Nairobi no ID the brother of no Kenobi no idea I forgot his name is one of the most important people on Hawaii who was killed by Hamza and remember this I mean he's the brother of Maupin Abinadi because this is gonna have consequences later on to Hamza Rabia Lohan and there are some narrations where Hamza actually was fighting with two swords hammer used to fight with two swords at the same time Hamza Rabia Lana used to fight with two swords both his hands at the same time and yes so the the battle keeps keeps going sadly no ABI Waqqas is fighting really really strongly he's one of the fighters that really stood out but his younger brother you remember what his younger brother's name the one who whose sword was dragging the younger brother what's his name oh my oh my Oh mayor is martyred he's killed in the battlefield so Amaya the young boy is actually killed in the battlefield the Muslim the Prophet SAW salam was in the first line he was fighting against the people of Quraysh let's see what's going on there as well now let's move on to my even ahadith in the battlefield my McAuliffe was trying to be he was trying to protect himself by many of the the younger the younger ones among Polish so they were making some sort of a wall a defense around him so and he was trying to get away from the middle of the battle as much as possible because in his mind was the threat of the prophets of our solemn that he received from side up no morale that they were going to kill him so he kept that in mind and remember when he when we said he left Mecca with Abu jahil because I would gel really provoked him and he said I'm just gonna leave them on the way but he couldn't really escape so he was stuck with the army until that moment by the way there were many people in the in the army of Polish who had to go because of Abu jahil and others we have for example at best the uncle of the Prophet SAW Salam he was a non Muslim but he had to go with the with the army why because he could not leave there was a lot of politics around this there was a lot of politics so if he stayed in Mecca he would get in so much trouble the consequences would be really serious so he had to go and many others we have a nice open wine and I also been a while also the the the prophet's son-in-law he was a non-muslim he still he didn't want to fight against the muslims but he had to go and we have many people from Benno Abdul Muttalib who had to go just because of this and we'll also have a million new caliph who refused to go or didn't want to go just because of his fear of being killed so in the middle of the battle he's trying to pull away from the middle from the the the the most difficult the center of the the the the center of the battle and then he sees one of the Muslims that actually draws a smile on his face so he's he's field disappears at the moment who does he see he sees I've drove madam now I've dragged her mouth I'm not her no elf is a friend of whom are even ahadith there are business partners by the way he's a friend so in January yeah before Islam Abdul Rahman Ralph his name was Abdul unload his name was Abdul angry and he was a very close friend - um a year ago caliph and they used to be business partners so this drama becomes a Muslim so he calls himself Abdul Rahman so he tells that's in Mecca still early so he tells what's his name my my even heard of calls him one day I had drama he says I'm no longer a drummer my name is Abdul Rahman soem I am not enough says I don't know who's up ahead man I'm gonna call you Abdul Hamid so he keeps calling him abdominal but there was still business partners friends when I've got a mental health moved to Medina he was still in touch with Omaha Calif there were business partners so may even know how that had business by the way he had shops in medina he had some kind of business in Medina and I've got madame de health had some business back in Mecca so he wanted protection he wanted protection we said the money of the Muslims was taken right there their property was taken but anyone who had protection his money on his wealth would not be taken so I'm your rock man no elf entrusted oh my even enough to take care of his business in Mecca and he agreed with the condition you take care of my shops and my business in Medina and they would actually visit each other they would visit each other and every time they would write to one another I've done animal food rights this is from Abdul Rahman tomyam no caliph and in the message he would reply to him and he would say I don't know Abdul Rahman if you said if anything comes to me from a black man I'm not gonna deal with it right with your original name the name that your father gave you Abdul Rahman said I kept cross bonding with him we Abdulrahman using the name abdullah me so now in the battlefield on my team no caliph as we said he's scared of being killed he sees Abdul Rahman in Ralph's a big smile I draw a big smile on his face and he says I'm drachma no elf had some shields that he had because when you fight against someone you take whatever they have if you kill them take whatever they have you put it on the side because still there is no ruling in Islam as to what happens with the spoils of war nothing has been clarified they called Al Anfal the Sola is named after Al Anfal the spoils of war there's no ruling yet but according to the rules of the Arabs when you kill someone in the battlefield you take their belongings and they become yours there your share so I've got a man who health had already killed a few people in the battlefield he took their shields and he was trying to secure them a side of the battle then come back so when when I may even have seized him and he says he calls upon him he says yeah yeah at down with his old name I'm down so I'm like mine looks at him he ignores him and he keeps going then he says I'm gonna cut up he says yeah I'm dead either he says all the you know the slave of the God oh I'll call you whatever you want so he says I turned to him and he says hey Nika feel a woman had a hill at the rock shall I offer you something better than these shields that you have it prior to this just prior to this my yamaja life was on his horse and in the middle of of the battle some muslims charge against him and he falls off on his back so he falls on the on the ground and he's completely scared and right next to him and he falls off his horses well and he's scared too the question is why is Ali scared because we know and even our we thought it is probably among all the Muslims you can say he's the most courageous he's known for that shahadat already lovely alone and he's known for his courage so why is that he's scared here he's really scared and he's right next to my ear McAuliffe the reason is this is not a leave now be a pilot this is ally in Omaha he's the son of Amelia his name is Ali his we'll both of them were scared so both of them were trying to get away from the middle of the battlefield when they saw Abdul Rahman wealth and this conversation took place so made no head of sister Quran Ralph shall I offer you something better than these shields like these shields are nothing you know I can give you camels I can give you wealth you know how rich I am you're my partner so I'm Johanna of things to himself and he says yeah why not so he throws the shields and he says come he holds my mcauliffe by the hand he says come on let's go out of the battle so he wants to tie him up with his son to get to captives so they can ransom themselves and that would be a lot of money so he already took him by the hand he started we wanted to secure them to the side of one of the mountains so he's happy now I'm not a man now if he's happy and the way of no health has just you know he's breathing properly now lucky I'm saved now now I'm safe so and now am ia blue caliph is excited and still you know some the fear and the anxiety is still there so he says in a very anxious state he says to turn off he says many lady either suddenly here Isha Nahum who's this guy who has this this ostrich the ostrich feather on his chest who's that Allen Harv says that's Hamza he says her that lady fire at B and AB in an FA hey this is the guy who killed us because Hamza like destroyed so many of them then he says I am Carla Castano humph and actually do not eleven and actually do not even don't you guys want milk then you guys want camels like you guys whatever you want I'll give you just take me out of this battle so as my other Hanna I was holding him by the hand take him away from the battlefield they hear a scream a very loud scream oh my he have no heart of to the top of his lungs learn I do too in nature someone screams this is Omaha's mayor I never serve if he survives who is this belong that's been that because who used to torture banal in Mecca on my mo caliph now banana sees him he's he's like he rushes after them who might even know her if he says to be loud no no no that this is my captive leave him alone leave him alone banana says Lana Jota may I nest and never survive if he survives I'm gonna kill him I'm Drive tries with him yeah be loud this is my had that Siri this is my it's my share man you can't you cut it like you you're getting going overboard he says no he/she will die today so benign realizes I'm gonna defend him so he goes and calls on a group from the unsound he says yeah my shovel on solid that I do a lot on my year table no father this is the enemy of Allah I even know enough come on guys and help me so a group of people come with me lad and they chase after them so my even know how that says - oh sorry I'm gonna have system enough come on rush rush man like start moving quickly and then he's dragging him but he realizes they're gonna catch up with us so what does he do he says I left I leave the son of my mcauliffe I left him for them so he actually they get distracted with him maybe I'll you know managed to escape with Omega Omega enough so they killed Ali and they rushed after them and when I'm not a man realizes they're gonna like there's no escape now what does he do he says to me McAuliffe a Brook he says kneel down man just kneel down so he kneels down and he says I throw myself over him to protect him with my hands on my feet and everything but he says when banana arrives at him with these unsolved a each you know stab him from underneath me to the point where they cut my thigh they cut my thigh but they killed him from underneath me and subhanAllah he says I don't matter but keeps remembering this he says every time I remember that and I laugh and I say no for Allah who be dad Virginie but at the robbery would be a theory says Mel love forgive me that he made me lose my shields then he made me lose my my captain so that was the story of my mo Calypso Miami kind of is killed by Bilal and this group of the unsub and he's left to the side of the battle as we said his son his son Eddie was also killed just before him so he said one of the people who really did very well in the battle was sad Navi what cost himself some of the Muslim historians they say it seems that he was fighting for himself and on his behalf and on his brother's behalf who died earlier in the battle in southern over classes he was fighting he comes across one of those karate leaders and his name was obeyed the minister a dinner house obeyed even aside with us he had a nickname he was famous for abou that incurs the the father of the big belly abou that'll coach so he had a full armor all over his body he had a an iron armor designed for his body so there was nothing exposed of him but his eyes everything was protected so he comes face to face with sadly Miyabi what cost sad America says who are you he says a Naboo that'll crush and the father of the big big belly so Samuel would cost says I attack him and I target him in his eyes I stab him straight in his eyes right his eyes he died straight away now the it seems that the army of Kailash whatever remained if the army of Quraysh decided to have collected themselves together and charged against the Muslims again hopefully they would turn you know the flow of the events against the Muslims but it didn't work out the one who really stood in the face was the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has a leave nobody thought if he says we found ourselves in the most difficult times in the battle we find out the prophets of Saddam was right in the front line and all of us were actually hiding behind him and we said you know the the the Angels helped the Muslims out in this battle so for example one of the Muslims says I was fighting with with one man from Krrish then he runs away he runs away I chase him and I raised my sword and I wanna sort of hit him before I hit him I hearing a sound I hear a sound called hey zoom hey zoom a blip a zoom he says smack them hey zoom it's a name hey zoom he says but I look at the man and I see his face is cut right from the middle then it turns green and then he falls he drops dead he says I I never killed him how did he die so a few incidents like this happened then there was an adverse the uncle of the Prophet sallallaahu Salaam he was fighting against one of the unsub shirt man from the unsub and then this drive from announcer he brings him to the Prophet saws and he says he doesn't know that best so he brings him to the proximity and he says this is my captive I just managed to get this guy from Porsche the professor looks at him and that's his uncle at best but at best says no he did not he did not catch me the one who caught me was someone with such a beautiful face that I don't see him among you I don't see him among you but the unsorted the guy from the outside he says no I caught him the problem says to the Ansari a Schmitt for in Allah has a gel cut a adekanbi medic he's be Malik he says just be quiet Allah supported you with an angel an angel got hold of of rod bass I mean I've done my palate a lovely allahu anhu so the and a lot of Nutella talks about a police in the battlefield by the way before the battle before the battle just before the right before the battle Abu jahil was like trying to really get everyone completely like provoked to fight against the Muslims he makes something that's strange he turns to Allah and he makes DRA Abuja Allah actually talks about this in the Quran Abu jahil really raises his hands and he makes direct to Allah and he says Allah whom man Kanna expire Rahim was yeah and I be mallanna ready for who allahumma for I wear a bra he says o Allah who is among us Mori has more evil who's among us has brought something new which is wrong who among us cut the relations of the womb like the relationships between father and son brother and his brother and his cousins whoever brought that to us o Allah destroy him oh Allah who is Allah who Mansour man kana I have been a Kaleo Amina he says o Allah give victory to the ones that you love most among us that's a Buddha he'll make a guide work that's all why is this as well it's to give the impression to his followers so Han Allah so now the battle was over whoever is left from college they run away ends up with 70 dead people from Quraysh and 18 dead Muslims 18 dead Muslims so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam decides to decides to bury the the bodies of the non-muslims to get rid of their bodies so one of the there was like a ditch we said the area of battle there's a lot of water springs and there is a wells and there's a lot of dry wells these are just ditches so the profits are certain commands the Muslims to put the bodies of the none of the people of Croatia in those ditches so they do not stay exposed they do not get exposed so they put them there but the prophet sallahu seldom has not seen Abuja he says who has seen Abuja hell who knows what happened to Abuja so the abdullah al masud says yahveh so la la Anna a Jew to whom let me look for him let me search for him so abdullah al masud goes and searches among the casualties among the dead people in the battle is after the arrest of flesh has left the ran away and they went back to Mecca and some of the Muslims say like they say like we saw the women of garage running away we could see their heels and if we wanted to catch them we could have caught them so I'm loving my soul searches around searches around and he finds the body of Abu jahil Abu jahil was big by the way Abu jahil used to eat by himself he could eat a calf by himself a calf by himself he could eat one sheep by himself one meal that's Abuja she was very big physically extremely big so he finds him after loving my soul he's known for being little small physically he's very tiny to the point one day he was climbing a tree in Medina and his shins get exposed and there's no flesh he's just born and skinned some skin on bone that's what a lot of Massoud was he was very tiny so some of the Companions look at his shins that they love like it's just bones this guy's a bunch of bones the prophets of Psalm says table Hakuna mean ugly sappy you laugh at the at how skinny his shinza he says Allah he lesser of the circle episode 4 gentleman Joe Vuli wrote he says well I hear the shin bone of a beloved my soul is more weight Anjana than Mount Hood mount offers a huge it's not a mountain sucess a chain of mountains so I'm alone so this is little he's short skinny his little so he finds abu jahal and Abidjan is still breathing he's not dead yet he's breathing so our long hood climbs on his chest shows you how big he is so climbs on his chest and he can see Abuja is looking at him so I would love my Saudi he says he basically a las montañas disgraced you exact Allahu Leon his Allah disgraced you today but you jihad looks at him and he says woman Allah woman Roger didn't cotton to more volume he says who is greater than me among the people you kill today and he's dying and he just has such a big ego he says who's greater than me among the people you killed today when he said struggle of DOMA Saudis is like a detonator more tenants ohnaka delta height emoticons are burn he says rely you you climbed to a very difficult point do you realize what you're doing now you just on my chest says that Allah may Allah disgrace you a blood muscle takes his sword and starts smacking abu jahal and buddies his sword is doing nothing literally is doing nothing to hotel then he says i look at his hand and he has a very good sword so I go with my sword I start smacking in his hand until he lets go of his sword so I carry his sword then with his sword I take off his helmet then I basically sort of slit his throat then he says I go to the prophets allah salaam and tell him I found him there he is so the problem says take me to where his body is so he goes to his body the Prophet SAW suddenly looks at him he says had 400 know how the hill umma is the firown' of this one he's the firown' of this one why because four islands biggest or like the worst thing about foreign was his arrogance was his arrogance he said another Pokemon Allah arm your highest Lord your Lord and Abuja he saw the truth but he refused so and obviously just like the drive that he made as well so he knew that he was upon falsehood but he was so arrogant to admit it and he gave a facade of himself being on the truth of the Prophet SAW Salim instructed the Muslims to put these bodies in one of the ditches in order to not keep them exposed and then they found the body of Omaha caliph and the body were may have no health actually swelled swelled and he had an iron Armour on his chest so they started trying to get him out of his armor to move him any piece of his body like he they pulled his arm it came off they pulled his fingers they came off they pulled his feet they came off the Prophet SAW said I'm said keep him or he is keep him or he is don't move his butt he's gonna you know gonna break into pieces keep him over he is but cover him with stones and dirt does that remind you of anything yes Maria put a stone on the chest of bedad but also if you guys remember when abu bakr radiyaallahu anhu decided to bible on off on my EF know hadith to save him he gave him the money and he went to search for B land but he couldn't find him when he searched he found him covered completely with a pile of stones now o my a new column gets the same thing the only way to deal with his body was to cover it with stone so it was covered completely with stones so he he gets what he put forth before so that's the end of Omega Avenue hell if I lost Metellus is insulting and fed about the people of Quraysh what a takuna can living in a harem in the area him but Iran what he an ass why acid una and 7-eleven la will be Miami Luna Mohit and do not be like those he's talking about he addressed he's addressing the Muslims and warning them not to be against the people of collage do not be like those who have left their country left Mecca out of arrogance and pride what he and nasan to show off to show their power off to people where so do non-civilian land they fight against the way of Allah they they push people away from allah subhanaw taala but allah you know has control over everything they do well is a another homage upon a man ahora para diwali by the chameleon my mean and nasty were in nature on the come on shape on beautified their actions for them for the people of Makani said the no one will be able to defeat you today among humanity and i am going to be an aid for you i'm going to i'm going to support you falen metal attila theatre nanaka sila after ye when the two armies came face to face Shaitaan turned back on his heels and ran away or other in niibori own income in the army let alone and he said to the people of Quraysh I have nothing to do with you I can see what you guys can't see what was he seeing we're seeing the Angels seeing the angels in nee a half Allah I fear Allah basically is not like he fears a Lada he's gonna be obedient now but he fears Allah he fee he sees the punishment of Allah that's gonna take place now so he says I don't want to be part of own I don't want to be a subject to this punishment so he runs away in the a half Allah Allah who said leader a pub and Allah is severe in his punishment so the so the people of Kauai seventy of them are dead seventy are taken captive seventy are taken captive the main leaders of Polish were killed in this battle abou johana October he'll never be a shape abnormal bi his brother his son and Walid Najma these are the ones by the way who used to give the problem the hard time in Mecca welcomed by a beam or a beam or a place among the captives he's not been killed he was among the captives so these are the ones who used to you know usually bully the Prophet SAW silliman market the other ones who put the intestine of the camel on the back of the Prophet solemn as he was praying rockabyebaby might he's the one when the Prophet SAW said them was make you su dude right next to the camera well you're not supposed even among the Arabs it was Haram it was her on to harm anyone even a bird or an animal he goes and he holds the color of the problem from the back and he squeezes it where the problem almost suffocated to death until Abu Bakr came and he pushed him away from him by the way something about october of nabi might be more i it was known in mecca as a helene very patient for bearing person and at the beginning of the tower of the prophet saw something he was very soft to the prophet saww said them like people of Makkah used to be against the promises send them they used to give him hard time of babbling right was was okay was your right with the prophecies and didn't give him a hard time he even one day made a big feast and he invited the most important people in Mecca including the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu you sell them the Prophet SAW Sodom told him I cannot come and eat from your food unless you become a Muslim he said I'll become a Muslim you know by the way among and today still until today there are people among the Arabs who really appreciate these things about generosity and inviting people to their house it's a big thing for them they would do anything for you actually for for them to host you in their house it said and some matter of pride and reputation for many of them so they would they would go all the way they'll do whatever it takes you know to get more people into their house and invite them and get the word out so he says to the Prophet I'll send them if you only gonna come to my house if I become a Muslim okay I become almost an eye shadow and I the love them and also Allah he doesn't mean it he just wants the problem to come so one of his close friends you know hears about this and he comes and he says what did you do you became a Sabaton became a an apostate you left his lap yeah like you left the religion of our fathers he says no I didn't really do it I just wanted Muhammad to come I couldn't like I couldn't invite someone like Muhammad and he says no it's a slight to my honor so I said I only come if you're Muslim I just gave him that statement this is not I will not do that I will not I will not be your friend anymore as long as you're a Muslim she says what do you want me to do he says like from now on I'm not gonna deal with you unless you break one's with Mohammed he says okay I'll break bonds over Hamid he says but you have to do in a certain way he said what's the way he says I want you to go to Muhammad and spit in his face it's okay I'll do it Hamid is not a big deal for him so al are you sellin his friend is more important so he goes to the Prophet SAW said when he was in the middle of his companions and he spits in his face but Allah made the spit come back on his face it didn't reach the prophets also that it came back on his face and what did it do it burnt his face it burnt his face so after that akbar Bonomi my it was known on his face were the marks of of that burning from his from his spit that's a punishment from Allah so Allah so they they they even said after the Battle of Basra that was still visible on his face you could see the marks of that on his on his face it's like it's like acid water if that's how Allah tended to be on air on him so the only captives were there the Prophet SAW seldom sees a bubble now be more iron among the captives and the Prophet Allah doesn't know what to do what to do with the captives now let's deal with the martyrs what should we do with them the Prophet SAW solemn says shroud them in their own clothes their own clothes you don't wash them you bury them as they are did the president pray on them no no some did not pray on the Shuhada on the martyrs he just buried them he did not he did whatever they had their clothes they he buried them and their clothes and he put them in their grief that was it and the problem says abajo shuhada fear how our city plays in hot berlin Finnegan he says the souls of these martyrs are carried by green birds taking them around in Jannah then on last until I would speak to them and says yeah hey birdy matters the moon they would say aloud say to them all my servants what would you like what would you what do you wish for they would say oh allah you've given us everything what else do you wish for you're forgiven our sins you've entered us into paradise and you're you are pleased with us what a late Anna what else do we want he said o globo you ask for whatever you want they say so they think and they say o Allah do only thing we can ask for is that you send us back to the dunya so we can die again for her sake because they see how much honor a loss what Allah gives to the people who actually end up dying as martyrs so the captives so we have 70 captives in Islam still add up until that moment there is no ruling as to how to deal with captives what are we going to do with these captives so the prophets of Salam decides to consult with the Companions he says what do you guys think mainly he consulted with Abu Bakr I'm not and I leave early 11:00 so Abu Bakr road alone he says you know sort of a lot these are our cousins cousins should have killed them why don't we spare their lives and then we open the door for ransom so they can resin themselves their family can ransom them we get enough finances because we are in a state of need so that will strengthen us that's that's good that's really good wealth and we save them we'll give them an opportunity maybe you know some of them will become Muslim whatever there could be many other scenarios soma but Khan was still having mercy towards them that hopefully if they have more time something else is gonna come up I'm all up says he Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah my Arabic and I don't see that I don't really agree with this I'm on the same page what I see is that you give each one of us their cousin like you give an adverse to hamza and it hamza killing you give everyone to his relative among the muslims and they kill him so people know that we muslims you cannot mess with us so the Prophet SAW said lumpy thinks about it and it seems that he was leaning to the advice of Abu Bakr so he decides where to spare their lives and will allow them to ransom themselves so the following day the prophet saw him by the way had a Sunnah after every battle he would camp in the battle for three days would camp in the battle on the battlefield for three days before he leaves so the following day they wake up the prana kebab he sees Abu Bakr o buckaroos crying he's weeping she the Prophet solemn is weeping so I'm all up says what makes you weep tell me if there's something that makes me weep I'll weep and if I don't feel like weeping will make my four myself to week what is it what's going on the prophet saww Salem says the Katniss Allah for pan Allah spoke that I sent down for an and the Quran is about how to treat captives lost Montana says Moroccan aleena begin and Nia Cunha who as Sarah had a youth Lina fill out to renew narrable duniya raghunatha das want Allah says it is not befitting for a messenger who still has not power over the earth has not gained any power yet to start taking captives and getting them to all this political stuff of ransoming them and all the stuff you need to establish your strength now you need to establish a reputation and you guys are all as we said all the Arabs are you know aiming at you all of them the waiting to jump on you so you guys can't take it he's in can't take this lightly you have to do with it seriously then the last part Allah says had it not been for for the mercy of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala he would have destroyed you the law would have destroyed you but at last montana consented to the decision of the prophet sallal are you selling them this time so Allah forgave them and a lot consented to them and this is one of the points were probably Allah who anymore his opinion was confirmed by revelation revelation of or on is why the Prophet SAW Salem says in the air con few enmity mithoon Pharaoh ma if in my own mad there are people who are inspired by Allah that would be Omar and he says in umami habla con con amore hadith on there were people in the nation's before you these were people were inspired there were not prophets but they were given wisdom and knowledge by Allah subhanAllah effectively among those who had the thorn is all Hobart met Musa met him right a lot of other wise people righteous people in the Institute before priorities now they were more have the phone unlost mightily inspired them what goodness luck guided them and in subtle ways you know to to the way of the of the truth and these people would actually have what we call it furiosa they were they could see through things and this way I'm gonna hop up in there are a few things even like one of the narrations mentioned one of the companion says map a lady on the map ila oh ma Li she in katha in Nana's Allah Quran we were you do I'm are never said about something that it is such-and-such except that the revelation would confirm what he says even sometimes in three places in the Quran actually among hubbub said a statement and the Quran was revealed in the same exact wordings of Malacca pub verbatim verbatim so that was a moment as to how to deal with with the with the captives and how the prophet sallallaahu Selim dealt with that there was the issue of the spoils of war how to deal with them previously past prophets and messengers the way for them to deal with the with his spoils of war they were not allowed to use it so they would collect the spoils of war and create a pile then a fire would come from heaven and it would burn that spoils of war and take them that's it so they were not allowed access to the spoils of war so the prophets of allah himself had no had no plan at the beginning for as to how to deal with the spoils of war but allah subhanallah reveals water and fat which is basically an FAL means spoils of war yes Aluna cannon and fan the beginning of the solar they ask you about the spoils of war pudding and value lillahi what was would Omaha was the who that's a Benny come they ask you about the spoils of war tell them this is an issue that belongs to Allah and His Messenger then Allah will make a judgment about it fact of Allah how else to hold a turban you can feel Allah and you know observe your relationships take care of your relationships so then I lost punch Allah revealed to the prophet sallallaahu Salam in the same surah as to how to deal with this point of war which we will come to explain that inshallah probably next week Saturday not be worth us we said he really fought very well in the battle he came to the Prophet SAW with special sort that he took over from one of the people he killed and he wanted that so he fell in love with that sword he wanted it so he came to the prophets of Solomon and he said make this sword my ship make it mine the prophets also them says it's not yours and it's not mine put it back says he Allah so Allah give it to me Anthony he Alice Allah make it my Rossum said it's not mine it's certain it's not yours I can't give it to you put it back in the pile of the spoils of war put it back he's really so he says so I put it back then I I walk away and I say to myself you know probably no one fought like I did today and then this sword that I badly wants might end up being someone else's it happens human beings several classes human being he wants that sword badly so he says how come like I fought like no one else today and then I won this sword and I am the one who got it and then it ends up being the share of someone else he says I sell as this thought process was going through my head someone says to me side of another world us the Prophet SAW said that wants to talk to you say says I thought to myself maybe I'll obviously Allah knew what my thought process was so maybe he revealed something about me in the battle reprimanding me telling me off revealing something in the Quran about that so he says I go back to the Prophet so I settle down and I'm still like anxious I'm afraid of what's gonna happen so he then he goes to the prophet sallallaahu sudden problem has a surprise for him so what is that surprise that's for next week in Selma you're gonna see the surprise from the Prophet SAW son I'm too sad it is no ABI Waqqas we can take two to three questions and show any questions any questions yes you okay what's the opinion of I even ABI talib as to what to do with the captives the narration doesn't mention anything that ID expressed any opinion so we don't know Abu Lahab did he take part in the Battle of Badr he was alive at the time but he did not he did not take part in the Battle of Badr he was back in Medina why there's no clear indication yeah so Abu Lahab was in Mecca he did not take part in the battle maybe he was ill maybe he was old I already know but he didn't take part in the battle yes question I'm not sure how many sons who may have new halluf had he had idea who died with him but he had others who became Muslim later on yeah so one of them is soft one yes and I think there are others as well so I'm not sure if stuff one the son of Omega was in the battle but it's possible a lot of these people by the way who would capture for a quote captive in the back of better they became Muslims later on whether a lot of them I love them by the way but I would not be more likely it was the only captive that the Prophet SAW said Allah decided to kill why because there was no way to deal with this guy the kind of damage that he caused the Muslims was irreparable so the process of selling them had already passed the judgment of death on him she was brought to the prophet sallahu Selim he was the most it was like the worst against the Muslims and the Prophet SAW all already who sell them and the prophet saw them actually to bring him and to execute him so he turns to the Providence of me says ya Muhammad Manila sabir this is o Muhammad who's gonna take care of my children the Prophet SAW Allah says even now and now he go to the fire by the way he could have bite he could have become a Muslim now if he became almost an he would save himself he could be could save himself but he didn't and now he thinks about the children but what about the Muslims he killed in Mecca what about the Muslims he tortured what about the hard time that he gave the Muslims in Mecca previously so the Prophet SAW said this was definitely from a lost Mantella that awkward never might was to be killed and thus Libya the children of rock Bobby might actually become Muslim so for example one more confirm he has his daughter uma c'thun he comes one of the great Muslims and she actually in the rates hadith from the prophet sallallaahu seldom actually she was Muslim she had a most she'd been a Muslim before and she makes immigration to Medina around year six or seven after hijab and he has some of his children as well he has two other children who become Muslim and one of them actually becomes later on during the Khilafah of malnourished Ann he becomes the governor of a coup one of his children one of the children of Bab nama be mine he becomes the governor of Al Kooper but he was caught drinking alcohol as a Muslim and he was punished his father he was a Muslim he was a there's a companion who was actually he was a little child at the time of the prophets of Allah Allah he was a little child by the time of the Prophet SAW the loaves in it okay so this is the story of the Battle of Bethel okay I'll take one more question and finish with it sure okay I'm done Hanna Ralph was he helping my olive no he wanted to take him as captive because by the way at those times killing someone or capturing someone as a captive were the same was the same it was a win it was a win so my I'm the man who helps it al I mean we Muslims could benefit from him we could benefit from him this is a fat cow right as an Arabic it's a fat cow we can't let it go so that was it wasn't really helping him to save him for the sake of saving him no was basically for him this was taken as a captive there was something good it was something good by the way as to the workshop inshallah not this not tomorrow Saturday next Saturday I would say it's only open for people who 8 or 18 years of 18 years plus there's nothing dodgy and the workshop is just people are younger than 18 they have nothing to do with the marriage so they won't understand and they won't be able to relate so this is for people who are 18 years old plus okay 18 years old plus just uh cool off hey Ron what sort of Law Center - a pyrimidine Ryder he was off the edge mine
Channel: Abu Huraira Center
Views: 3,004
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Keywords: khutbah, muslim, Islam, Quran, Khutbah, Moutasem Al Hameedy, Reminder, Recitation, Muslim, Abu Huraira center, Servants, Most, Merciful, Lecture, Canada, Toronto, Abu Osama AL Dhahabi, Bilal phileps, Abdulhakem Quick, Yasir Aldosary, Wadi Alyamni, معتصم الحمديدي, Digital Mimbar, The Daily Reminder, Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh, Free Islamic Course, Usool Al Fiqh, مراد, السباطي
Id: fnAzIjoymt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 18sec (3798 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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