Having Faith In Allah - Sh. Moutasem Al Hameedi

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let me get into the the topic I was really I was in two minds as to what to talk about but I figured out after mother I'm gonna actually talk about two topics and put them in one so it's gonna be two in one and that's a promotion I want to start with you so finding his cinema Yusuf alayhi Salaam the story of Yusuf alayhi Salaam is very powerful first of all allah salla gave dedicated a whole surah in the Quran for surah Yusuf almost there's nothing in the Quran that is exclusively the no sir on the corners exclusively for one complete story and surah I mean the story of Yusuf occurs only in surah Yousuf as a story that's the only time it occurs whereas if you look at the story of musa alayhis salaam it's all over the Quran and so many other stories and the story of a Sally is salaam the same in so many other stories so there is something special about Salah use of and about the story of this valley Salaam to the point that Allah span tell Evan says about you the story of Yusuf and in general losses not cut can a fetus Asli him I brought only allah al bab indeed there are stories in the in their stories there are lessons that is abre abre that's the arabic word abre we translated as lessons but it's more than that for the people of reflection people's understanding now abre and the arabic language comes from the word abara to cross over it bro cross over basically when you cross over a bridge from one side to the other that's Umbra that's a bore and the reason is stories have symbolic power so you can teach someone a lesson by telling them a story and if they are able to figure out the lesson and then cross over into their life and apply the lesson to their life that's a block that's what a lot burnt add almost a third of the Quran is dedicated to stories why because stories teach us they hit deep they drive the point home so the story of Yusuf alayhi Salaam is very powerful in the sense that it relates to the life of every one of us every one of us and usually Islam went through a lot of traumas in his life but he was not traumatized he went through a lot of traumatic experiences in his life but he was not traumatized he went through a lot of down times as we would like to call them but he was happy and he was content and he went through a lot of challenging circumstances and instead of being broken down he actually grew he grew and when everything seemed to be against him the reality were first turned out to be for him so things were happening for him not to him not to him and there are secrets where this is happening there are secrets why this is happening surah yousuf teaches us three secrets three things that if we learn them hold them to them and apply them solo use of all the story of Yusuf can play again in our lives the success of use for any salaam can play also in our lives and really these three secrets are the basic tools with which you can handle any situation in life literally Islam was sent to be lived by the way it's not is not for us just to do certain rituals certain prayers and when we deal with the real life okay let's get real and they start dealing with the practical stuff put it slam on the side now that's not why Islam was sent Islam was sent for us to live this life fully to understand it experience it fully and bring the best out of it and in order for us to grow a last month Allah says a lot summarizes the test of this life a lot here some penalty Allah says when F sin were mass her were her for Al Hannah half would you all aha what a Kawara analyst he says a self or a soul that he created for Al Hannah half for Jorah how otaku allah inspired it allah offered it two ways both of them are available for Jewel evil and the the way of wrong things and tak waha also the way of taqwa righteousness and the right path both of them are offered and humans can choose any one of them both of them are available then Allah Santana summarizes the testable of this life by saying but after Hammonds occur her work at Harbor Mandir said Allah says he who makes tests clear of himself which Allah has given us was goodness ourselves physically whoever makes this key of it then he will be successful he who ignores it and neglects it doesn't take care of it there will be the losers as simple as that that's true test of life you want to be successful you have to make this clear over yourself what it is clear in the Arabic language Teske has two primary meanings first a Pajaro purity purification number two and nama growth and development so our mission in this life is to take our raw selves and do two things with them purify them and grow them so self growth and self development in the way that Allah spittle prescribed is what Islam really is about really so Yusuf Ali Islam you will find through all the circumstances and the events that usually Islam went through he was actually achieving these things by means of three tools that we gonna share these are the secret of us release them just in brief first he was taken away from his father by who his own brothers they conspired against him they took him they throw him in the well they deceived his father they played a game he was left in the well then he was taken out of the world he was sold as a slave so from the son of a prophet who was promised prophethood into a slave so he's taken by that Caravan and he is sold in the slave market in Egypt not only a free man but a prophet or someone who's promised to be a prophet and now he goes down into this cascade of negative events to the point where he loses his freedom he reserves himself he has no slave means you don't own yourself someone else owns you you're a property you're just like this someone owns you you don't have any choice you don't have any sale on your life and he's taken to the house of al Aziz and as he's sort of a minister in Egypt a very important influential person in Egypt that has ease so he's taken and he's still young so he grows in this house as a servant and as a slave who has no say who has no choice he just has to obey and do whatever he's commanded then when he becomes an adult he's offered such a difficult and trying fitna and what is it the wife of his own master who's also his master she is his master she commands him he has to obey she develops this affection and this love towards him this physical attraction she sets him up in a way she invites him for fahisha for zina what did she do she closes all doors and windows she says here you go he's supposed to obey he has no say there's a power imbalance it's not like oh no I don't feel like it I don't want to do that no you're my slave you don't even have a choice you can't even express yourself in this point she commanded him go ahead now still with this power imbalance Yusuf alayhi Salaam he's connected to a loss of Hannah what to Hannah he's connected to Allah so he says Mahad Allah he says I seek refuge in Allah in the whole lobby I said amath why Allah has been good to me laws been good to me I'm not gonna violate the laws and the rules of Allah subhanAllah - Hannah and he realizes that if he stays in that position there will be a temptation there'll be the temptation of being a man you know presented with a woman who calls him to herself the temptation of him having less power in front of her and the pressure that she could exercise on him all of this was a temptation so he decided to get himself out of that he rushes to the door he finds his master by the door straightaway she finds she's caught now she wants to free herself she wants to pass the buck she says he was trying to rape me he was trying to rape me so he's accused falsely now he's finally Islamic speaks up for himself and he doesn't know it was that so they call upon someone from her family a wise man let's find out investigate what happened and he said they found out basically it was her mistake because his shirt was ripped from behind so she was chasing him but they said you know don't expose that don't talk about that this is the wife of this influential man the wife of the minister it's a political you know slander now there's issues no keep quiet about this you severely Saddam don't open your mouth then she's not done with him she decides to take it on him to take revenge so she sets him up in the presence of other women because they were talking about her the news seeped out into people they started saying oh she's interested in her slave boy this is the wife of al Aziz now she said and some women are very intelligent they know how to stage things so she decided to set them up together Youssef and the women so she gets out of it so she brings them she offers them they were preparing some food they were using a knife to cut some stuff she commands Yusuf to walk in front of them he goes walks past them they taken by his beauty man Haddad Bashara and how the hell am I looking at him this is not a human being and the prophets are salaam by the way in his journey in a mirage when he made the slot and the may lodge when he ascended to heaven he saw prophet alayhi Salam he says for a to you so Fanning is salaam for either who are conducting a shuttle Hosni yusuf was given half of beauty so some scholars who commented in this hadith they said allah created beauty for humans certain type of beauty for humans he gave half of it for humanity and half of it for yourself it was very extremely handsome so they saw him they couldn't you know they couldn't they were taken by his beauty so they were cutting some vegetables or whatever they ended up cutting their own hands their own fingers and because of that of their beauty they were taken by the beauty they didn't feel the pain and by the way this is a human experience it's not unique to them literally whenever attention is taken by something we can actually stop feeling the pain and this is what they call Pain Suppression by Allah say it Pain Suppression if you can something can capture your attention so forcefully that it takes you whole attention even when there is pain you don't feel it that's how we humans function take your attention away from the source of your pain usually goes down to a point where you don't feel it anymore although it's there so they weren't feeling it and now they were talking about the wife of a disease they are trapped and taked taken by the beauty of use if they are trapped now so the news started spreading about them they turned it against use of that he's trying to you know attract women he's trying to set women up so they said the only way to you know deal with the situation is to get him convicted if he's found guilty in the court that means your hammock Allah if he's found guilty in the court that means it's his mistake all the other stuff is rumors it's untrue that's how they conspire against Yusuf and they send him to prison he usually some he was saying o Allah like the prayer I prefer the prison to being in this fitna and trial so he goes to the prison imagine someone has been through all of these negative events one after the other they would usually turn to Allah why me oh why this reasons happened to me like why not someone else you might not say it with your tongue but as the Arabs say beliefs and in handy now really sandal makan right that's what your heart feels and it wants to say it but you don't verbalize it but you feel like why me what is this happened to me what did I do Yusuf Ali Salam was not in that state he went to the prison he finds these two men as soon as they and this shows us well when you have goodness inside right away when you hold to these three things that we're gonna reveal in shallow shortly this nurtures your heart and when you nurture your heart it shows on your face shows on your face this is why one of the scholars had a beautiful statement they said what Juhu yes Shaboom in man and what Jewish Allah move in mental codes they say the face drinks from the fountain of the heart so what you have in your heart usually shows in your face but most people don't pay enough attention to really see the reality of people this is why the prophet sallallaahu send them when he first came to Medina some of the Jews wanted they went to see him when he wasn't kaaba at the beginning mister to Kaaba right so he wasn't Kaaba first for 14 days before he moves into Medina some of the Jews came to see him leaders of the Jewish tribes one of them was Abdul Abdul Salam the most learned scholar of the Jews in Medinah the time so he came and he he had heard that this man Muhammad was a liar a charlatan and so on and so forth so he said I wanted to see him so when I he said phenomena related to who I am - I know a holy sword he kept up he said when I saw Muhammad I realized this is not the face of a liar this is not the face of a lion so usually what people have inside usually reflects but we need to pay attention and that's what's called furiosa the Arabs called this furiosa a sense of intuition and insight into people when you see them you can tell who they are in Miami Sheffield it was very intelligent with this he could see someone praying in the Masjid and he could tell which city is from why he came to this city and what he wants and what what his profession is he used to do this often as he mama shaven because he studied for us as a science he learnt it he read the books and he consulted scholars who understand this so usefully Salaam when he enters the prison there are two other people when they see him they see the beautiful face not only the the handsomeness of him but the righteousness the beauty the piety is sincerity you can tell this is not a liar this is not a dodgy person straightaway they assumed this is a man of must be a man of knowledge he must be wise so they narrated their dreams to him one of them said in the Irani a steel hammer I saw myself making wine the other one said in the Iranian authority hubs and jalapeño mean I saw myself on my dream having Bread on over my head and birds are eating from that bread he's funny Salaam understood with the interpretation of the dream don't forget his first dream was interpreted by his father and this was a promise of his prophethood so before telling them about the the dream since these people are interested he decides to tell them about something more important than their dreams about a lost person since their open the open minded they're willing to listen to him now it's time to tell them about Allah because these people don't worship Allah they associate partners with so he starts telling them about Allah that he's the only one who has the right to be worshipped he's the creator of the designer of the universe of everything and we should worship Him he's alone we don't associate partners with him and he started speaking about them then he says in the midst of all of this imagine this predicament this trial he's put in prison unfair you know unjustly and the first place he was taken from his father all of these predicaments the news fatty cinema to see he's so chill like his so chill in the prison he's not traumatized if someone went goes to prison now and I mean there's no real cause for his going to prison they might lose their faith then really the my question why does a lot of this to me well this what is a lot allowed this to happen to me so he's fairly some chance he still says I'm telling him about a lot and he says then he came in from Leela hey I'll a now and a nurse well I can act on nasty lyashko on he's saying this is from the blessings of Allah upon entirely upon us and upon people but most people are unfaithful man you just put in prison and you're talking about thankfulness you should be talking about oppression right we talked about impression we were oppressed I'm put in prison unjustly the case is all fabricated so he should start speaking and making a case right you guys we need to rebel we need to do this where we put imprisoned this it's injustice we have to stand for justice it wasn't about this it was about Allah he said there's so many blessings from Allah upon us but most of us are unthankful then he says to them this is from what Allah taught me daddy come on Mary lemony Robby this is what Allah told me it's not my knowledge it's not like don't think it's my intelligence is my merit that's something from a loss can't I refer it back to Allah because truly we don't own we don't want that Allah gave you that knowledge through people through experiences whatever you have or whatever you claimed to yourself is really a gift from a lost man or to Allah if you want to be truthful about it it's not about you even the fact that you pray in the masjid you don't own that Allah allowed you allah inspired you allah gave you the total faith to pray in the masjid so don't ascribe anything to yourself so use for anytime after this he interprets the dreams for them and he says one of you obviously will be crucified then birds will eat his blood his body the second one he said you will serve the king and then he told him you know remember me remember me and that shows us well when you can use something use a means to get somewhere use it nothing wrong with that you're putting your trust in Allah doesn't mean you do what you are supposed to do you wanted to get your risk doesn't mean you don't study you don't get a profession you don't get skills you don't apply for jobs or you don't make your own business no you have to do it this is how the world works trusting a lost man that means you put in the work but if you're not putting in the work you're not trusting a lost planet either you're just fooling yourself so then you just release them the man forgets a news release Lama stays in the prison for so long for so long then when the King has the dream the guy remembers he calls upon Yusuf because the interpretation Yusuf gives not only an interpretation but a solution now with a solution the king says I want him for me I want I want to see this guy he refuses he says you need to clear me of the charges I stand for myself I stand up for myself I stand up for myself clear me first of the charges so they investigate the clear norm of the charges he grows in the eyes of the king this man is not so desperate to get out of prison he's not so desperate to be close to the king it's manacles principle he that is a man of principles Yusuf he's offered I want you to be close as kin says I want you to be one of my assistants he says he asks for a position he says give me the treasure the Treasury sort of Minister of Finance give me that position any happier than adding I am an honest I'm a trustworthy person happy of Allium and I have the skills and the knowledge isn't that self-promotion nothing wrong with that if it's true and you deserve that position and you can actually do a very good job there you should actually speak for yourself yes but don't lie there's nothing wrong with that don't be super extra righteous where you put yourself down when you can do something good that's an opportunity for him to be more influential so he starts designing the whole financial system in a way to deal with famine that was coming after that seven years seven years seven years then he deals with all of this then Allah brings his brothers to ask for help because they were in a drought Yusuf and Egypt were ready for that so now he has the power over his brothers he ends up basically with his father and mother coming to Egypt and then his dream becoming true when they all prostrate themselves before him because at their time prostration was okay was a sign of respect but you know what sherry I knew snap it's how long it should you only prostrate before Allah subhanAllah so useful Islam throughout the process he maintained three things and that's these three things three things are available to every one of us and they're quite simple quite easy you will find useful Islam first of all is thankful throughout the way then he come in from Delano Island that's when I can knock that on nasty lyashko on this is from the great blessings of Allah upon us but most people are on thankful ungrateful and he says because at a tiny'mon al Maliki I limited a min tweedle a hadith fatherless Allah what he says o Allah you have taught me so much and you have given me so much power and position so he's thankful to Allah every time he's thankful you never find use for any story complaining about things that happened why did they happen not at all he doesn't even feel negative about them he feels optimistic why because he's been thankful he's always thankful even the hardship is thankful for him he's he's thankful in Belgium this takes me to the second one he's thankful when there is a blessing number two when there is hardship an predicament his patient no complaint in the whole sewer a son doesn't complain he doesn't even say to Allah Allah take these well why did you bring these women into my life to give me so much trouble he didn't say that he said oh Allah I prefer prison to these women he didn't even object toward a la santé this is politeness or the loss of a note on so that's patients Shakur Sabah and the third one was what wow this is why when his brothers asked him they said to him to LA they said to lilac allahu la nena when could another helper in Allah has favoured you up over us when they figured out that al Aziz was you so and he has all this power and this is the guy we got rid of we thought he was dead and now he is the Minister of Finance and he controls all controls of the country he says to him he says to them in who may yet thirty why is that whoever has taqwa and patience Allah will never waste the efforts of the mercy name so these three themes are so powerful and so elusive when there is hardship and challenges in your life you need patience hold occupations beautiful patience when there is blessings and ease your thankful chuckle when there is obligations you have taqwa so do what you are commanded be thankful for the blessings be patient with the calamities and the hardships and life would start working for you period life will start working for you but the challenges to have these three things in your life it's challenging and there's an obligation you fulfill it now stuck one and there's Haram you keep away from it it's aqua that's number one number two because there's an expectation but then life places a demand on you and expectation on you if it's a hardship and challenge and a misfortune what do you do patience when it's a blessing and ease and times of tranquillity you are thankful you literally you could use these in any situation in life and they will make things work for you this is why some of the scholars said and here where I come to my second topic it blends in nicely with this because I was going I was going to talk about the cutter of Allah oftentimes things happen in our life and we start saying you know why does this happen to me or what does this mean maybe Allah is with me maybe Allah is not pleased with me or maybe I've done something wrong and now Allah is punishing me I don't know is this good or is this bad we always have trying to figure out these meanings leave this for Allah this is a loss knowledge this is this is why Jarrah Sadiq or him Allah Ta'ala one of the grandsons of allahu ta'ala anhu he used to say is a dominant Shahada bhima arad allahu minhu la Bhima Arad Allah who behaved he says the real ones will be happy and successful on the day of judgement are the ones who keep themselves busy with what Allah wants from them in terms of what Allah expects from them to do obligations not the ones who are busy with what Allah wants to do with them sometimes we keep saying what does this mean what is that alone to do what's gonna happen to me that's a lot of business don't get there leave it for Allah the only thing we can do with regards to this is trust trust in a loss of Hannah what to Hannah there's nothing really that makes you more powerful than trusting a lost panchala emember bleep am i him allowed to Hannah he says in Madera - San Joaquin he says there are people who have high level of trust in Allah high level of trust that these people throw themselves into great risks and then he says what - what Kulu and Allah who well as Berbick our Tibetan he says in the strongest factor in life consequential think force in life is to is trust in Allah she said these people their trust in allah protects them from the risks they throw themselves into trust in allah is not a mental concept just a thought just an idea I trust in Allah it's consequential it puts this universe in a state of alignment that it helps you and protect you that's why I last month Allah says in the hadith would you see the divine hadith we all know that is reported by Bukhari where the Prophet SAW says Allah Allah and I'll end on Eid be filial never DB Masha I am to my so I says I am to my servant as my servant thinks of me let my servant think whatever he wants of me you think Allah is gonna help you and protect you you truly sure about it you're certain not like you testing a las panatela out let me see if he actually protects me or not if you're testing Allah it's not gonna work you have to be trusting you have to be trusting that's what faith is so if you truly trust Allah Allah will not let you down he will not let you done by the reason why sometimes we say oh I trusted Allah by didn't turn out to be what I wanted is that we didn't really truly trust Allah and we don't have enough self clarity to actually recognize this is why the prophets also them says in the hadith well daddy NFC bada havana cultura Kahuna and Allah he have got our he la raza Kakuma a local player Terre Haute Oh Jamison Hobie Tannen he says by the one in who sold my hand is if you were to put your trust in Allah as he truly deserves that Allah would provide for you as he provides for birds they leave their nests in the early morning with empty stomachs they come back full another hadith the Prophet SAW solemn says order allaha wa antumul teen when I believe job for in Allah Allah sturdy wooden men alley been - in 19 call upon Allah make duaa when you are in a state of certainty moopan your clean certainty you have no shadow of doubt about it that Allah will answer this because Allah does not answer the call or the door over heart that is Allah falafel basically the coffin of the power in the might of Allah its heedless it's not really the heart is not there in terms of trust in Allah and realizing that a lot takes care of everything so his heedless of that fact the hardest heedless of that fact so really do we feel ourselves I'm on top of the allahu anhu has a beautiful statement he says in nila mohammed or also any - you know hun many job well a kidney a Medora for either will him to do her can attend each other - now how he says when i make dua he says i don't really worry about the answer of my dora because I know the answer is there but what my concern is my do have while you do is it a real to her am I really making to her in a state of certainty that's what he's saying that's the meaning paraphrasing what he says this is why he says then after that he says fajita will him to do a so if I am inspired the Dora basically if I'm in a state to be inspired to make the right do out with the with the right state of heart of certainty he says the answer is there the answer will be granted straight away so his concern is my daughter does it qualify his daughter or not am i trusting of allah or not so before we turn to allah and say oh allah doesn't answer my door i should turn to ourselves his wife has in the bus lee when one man came to him and he said you know you said trust in allah give you no mannaka sam edelman sadaqa and he said you the prophecy says you give from your wealth and it will not decrease your money your money you will not decrease he says but I do that some money goes down like the I lose money it decreases so hustle muscle he said it doesn't it doesn't but you have to give with certainty and it can't really be a pain you have to give when you are in a state of certainty that Allah is not gonna reduce your money so he said so he told him tonight give for the sake of Allah and I'm gonna give for the sake of Allah so that night both of them gave for the sake of Allah a few days later the man comes back to me says listen my wealth went down by that value I give ten dollars I have less ten dollars less than what I had previously hassle mostly said well I I got something else that came to me after I gave that so the car that night he's Allah playing favors here no hazardously said well Eric in any to subduct to your opinion also duck to email an antacid duck turkey burn I give sadaqa out of faith in Allah Allah is gonna my money's not gonna go down you gave money you're testing Allah you want to see if I'm money's gonna go down on that and that's what you get scary it's scary but we don't pay attention to ourselves and we always expect you know things are not going well just because Allah doesn't answer over drought but the truth is law answers overdrive so I'm not sure if we have time we still have time right right so let me just share this thing about other Abadan Islamic the great companions are the allahu anhu when he was dying he was on his deathbed his son comes about and he sees his father he realizes his father is gonna take his last breath soon so he says yeah but also any watch the head he says o my father give me an advice and and you know put your heart i did give me a good advice he says yeah Bonnie he says in the Canon top I'm not I'm an amen in the cantata man Eamon had to mean a big order a hurry he worships me he says oh my son you will never taste real a man until you believe until you believe in the cutter over la the cobalt and the cutter the good and the bad of it radio shadi so he says a dairyman surely so the son asked how do I know the good of patter on the bad of color how do I know that he says to him economy only you see back one Arisaka Lamia cognac you know what comes to you it was meant to come to you there was no way things could be otherwise and whatever missed you whatever you missed was not meant to be for you so sublime hakuna matata Lamia cool Lucy back so that's you figure this out for in Avila Mahalo Allah who and column for card and hook tube for ketab a man who okay you know the first thing Allah created in the creation was al column dependent Allah commanded it right and it wrote down everything that was going to happen till the day of judgment till the day of judgement that's all cuddle basically you believe with certainty that what happens was meant to happen what doesn't happen was never meant to happen so the puddle is basically the decision of Allah Allah decided that this thing happened this is why it became a real nothing happens without the permission of Allah so Allah allowed this thing to happen allah wrote this thing to happen so it happens and where do most people go wrong with al-qaeda say yeah whatever written is written we just say it as a statement but we have to figure out that this has to be in your heart first and foremost that you truly believe he said that you'll never find the taste of Eman the sweetness of Iman until you believe that whatever came to you whatever happened to you was meant to happen was never meant to happen was not going to happen regardless of how much you wish because we have two things we have the decision of Allah and the plan of Allah subhanAllah and we have on the other side our expectations we have our plans so I wish for example that this project works out this is my wish but lots of Ballantyne has another plan now when the project doesn't materialize and Allah says plan becomes real because it's always gonna come real if I still hold on to my wishes I'm gonna I'm gonna struggle that's resistance that's resistance because what I'm saying oh Allah I think my plan is better than your plan it should have happened that's what you saying you're not saying it with your tongue by your heart Allah nothing Allah doesn't allow anything to happen except with wisdom and mercy so allah chose something to happen he could have chosen something else but he did not he chose this to happen now you wish that reality went some other routes he wanted something else to happen but it didn't happen but you still hold on to this against the wish and the will of Allah span of time and that's where the pain comes from so basically reality even when it doesn't happen the way we want it is not painful reality is not painful I'm telling you we can deal with any reality as humans the pain comes from the fact that we are resisting Allah Scudder we're resisting a loss plan we're not happy with it we're saying somehow my plan would be better than this you see the point that's where the pain comes from so if you are if you manage to get to a point where you develop enough trust in Allah Spano Toyota that you hand your affairs over to Allah so whatever comes about or Allah that's your that's your word has come true I'm gonna I'm gonna give up on my plans because they didn't materialize okay my wishes I'm gonna give up on them I'm gonna accept reality as it is Allah Allah almost choice that doesn't mean if there is a sin that happened there's a calamity that happened you don't you know have issues with it a sin happens you're not supposed to be happy with it it's a sin supposed to hate it but you have to come to grips with the reality it's a facts and I have to accept it as a fact don't live in denial that's what we mean so this is why there is a proverb among the Arabs the older arms needs to say in Lamia konma to read farad vehicle if what you want doesn't happen then once what has happened do it the other way around if what you want doesn't happen see what happened and want it for yourself you will stop that resistance and all of a sudden things become easy he's high level scholars call this maqam or rebar macabre River you're pleased with Allah whatever he brings about and by the way it's not an obligation scholars have disputed is a river with hardships and calamities is it an obligation or is it a recommendation they say it's most of them say it's a recommendation but it's a very high level a few manage to get there you don't want to make something else subbable is an obligation your patient something you don't like it I'm gonna be patient I'm not gonna say anything against it I'll try my best to live with it by still I have this resistance towards it I'm not pleased with it I'm not happy with it but still I'm not gonna say anything wrong I'm not gonna do anything wrong that's patience but a real law you move beyond that you transcend reality and this is why I'm alive disease I'm allowed to her he said aspire to womanly ribbon in the fimo out a little cutter he says I've reached a point in my life where I wake up in the morning and I really I have no pleasure except in what Allah brings about and what allah wrote rights to happen so he's not even approaching life with their preconditioning that all some wishes that when this I want that no he's open to Allah not everyone can reach that by the way and if you try to reach it when you're not ready you're getting yourself into so much trouble but this is a high level of spiritual growth where a person is so connected to Allah span entirely they can actually reach that level naturally you can't force it you sort of promote yourself and you peacefully you know transition into that when you connect to a lost Panza hand and you develop so much trust about hospitality recite the Quran the Quran is a new heart when you do all of these acts of worship and especially the acts of worship that pertain to the heart oftentimes we would pay a lot of attention to external acts of worship we have to keep in mind that the most important acts of worship are what's in the hunt so when you're performing your salah the state of your heart is very important not the state of your body the state of your body is important you have to perform your Salah but what's the state of your heart that's where Salah really is that's what the law really is this is why some scholars have disputed some of the Shephelah scholars the disputed they said well if someone doesn't have for sure and there's a lot at all is their salat valid or not do they have to repeat it how do you let the majority of the Scots say no Salah is accepted as valid but there's no much reward enamel is as ideal of Tana he says you have to repeat yourself there's no for sure if there's no mindfulness like if you're not there you have to repeat it does his opinion so yeah so we have to pay attention to the state of our houses we give in charity as we help out other people as we pray our Salah as we recite over hold on it's all about mainly it's about the heart and that's what we have to pay attention to so again let's summarize and recap to the story with Yusuf alayhi Salaam really the most powerful three tools that can help you deal with any situation in life is what you'll find in surah Yousuf and these are the three secrets of his success why things turned out to be for him to work for him what seemed to be against him was actually turned out to be for him so the fact that he was basically he could not become in such a position of high power had he not been kidnapped by his brothers and thrown in the world it wasn't gonna happen if he was not taken as a slave he would not meet the King and be in the prison and given that exposure but Allah makes the whole world conspire come together to serve Him even when it seems to be against you these are the three things chuckle and we don't do enough sugar we don't do enough thankfulness grateful we don't do enough we like we live in so you know we drowned in blessings from Allah but we struggle to find something to thank Allah for because we don't do enough of it and by the way there is a secret in sook some of the scholars say many people say you know I'm going through hardship and I try to get so much support and patience but I I have a limit do you know what's the secret to developing high levels of patience it goes against conventional wisdom goes against our gut reaction you want to boost your level of patience so when there's you can handle more hardship peacefully do more sugar do more thankfulness in your life surprisingly when you do more sugar than thankfulness in your life you'll actually find that you have much more patience in and within your capacity and you will be able to put with more things so you want to expand your capacity as a human being expand your capacities of human being do more sugar and you'll be surprised how much willpower you develop how much patience you develop how much resources you develop counterintuitive so the more thankfulness you do the more mindful you are of the great things Allah put in your life the more patient you patients will will be will come about so naturally to you you don't have to push yourself into patients that's a big secret that's a big secret so sugar subl patience in the face of calamities and basically dutifulness taqwa doing what you are supposed to do the haram and the helen being a dutiful obedient servant stick to these the these things you can survive any situation in life it will turn out to work for you so the statement that I was gonna quote when I sort of got distracted away from it the scholars say some scholars say the cutter of Allah is happening when Elmo but didn't kill him at Allah whatever Allah wrote is gonna happen the words of Allah powerful they're gonna be a reality you can't change them what can you do they say there are two sides to al-qaeda there's the right side and there's the wrong side where you choose where to place yourself you choose where you place yourself you believe in the color of Allah and sort of accept it as a reality and hold on to these three things that we mentioned you place yourself on the right side of all others so everything that happens works for you where do you find this you found this in Sahih Muslim you find this inside a Muslim the Prophet SAW Allah says in the hadith there are many weddings of the hadith I'll choose one wedding the Prophet SAW Salim says lay a compiler who may I be healed not minikappa and in like an affair on yahoo there is nothing that Allah decrees nothing that Allah allows to happen in this world except that it is good for the believing servant it's good why because it will I believe in servant puts himself on the right side of another that's the active side of another starts working for you even though it sounds to be a calamity heart ship predicament things are falling apart you're losing everything you realize things will turn around we'll just work for you unexpectedly you know said man in fantasy lovely alone huh he left his father who was a worshipper of the fire these Persians and he moved with some Christians and in a sham and he figured out you know that priest that he was learning from was taking the money for himself the donations for himself he was holding so much gold and silver when he died he told them why do you guys honor him he was you know taking all all the money you donated for himself they said how come he said I'll show you what his treasure is so they go where he hides his treasure and they find all of this wealth so they they crucified the body and they stone it then another priest comes and he's very righteous Salman in fact he says I've never seen a man as righteous as this person and I kept studying with him until he died he was about to die I told him what should I go when I learned more he says I only know one person and he's in Alamosa North Iraq that's the only person I know who's upon the truth now because the religion has changed you know the region of and over him I see Holly Salaam he said it's not has changed but these were upon probably the remains of the truth so he went with him and he spent time with him he learned from him and that person was about to die and tells him you know I just came to you I was referred to you by your friend where shall I go now I want to study more he says only there isn't one man in Busse law or in yeah in Muslim so you go to Busse law so after he dies he goes to Basra and so on and so forth and he goes to a moria another city which is in Turkey today then basically when his last teacher is dying he says where should I go now he says well I owe my son in India Alamo I had a nine-hour jail out of the nomicon alayhi Elana he's on the last one that I know of that's upon the truth there's no one I can recommend how I can refer you to what should I do he says but it's a time for a prophet to be sent it's in a city he describes to him a description that is close to Medina close to Medina and then the land of the Arabs so he decides to go to the land of the Arabs but he waits for an opportunity so he works and he gets some sheep and some cows and then he finds tribe caravan from the tribe of Ben will quell some of the Arabs and he said you guys I want to go to the lands of the Arabs he gave them a description they said I will help you go to the lands of the Arabs to the hey guys we're Medina and Kleber and Mackay is will help you go there and he says I'll give you my you know some of my sheep some of my cows but they set him up on the way they take his sheep and his cows and they take him as a slave this image was very salaam so it's turning to be against him and will they take him they take him to Qyburn and Highbar he is sold to a Jewish master and he works with him and but when he sees the date trees he says ok that's fine probably that's good but he his his master sells him to his cousin who was in Medina in the æther by the time so he's sold and he's known it when he sees the atropine says out of to harbour say Fatiha I recognized the description that's the city and that's the time just before the time the process Allah made his road to Medina that's the time so even though he was taken as a slave his money was taken but it was all for him it wasn't against him seemingly it's against him but when you are on the right side of all other things I can work for you what seems to be a loss will be an advantage will be a win for you why Allah works in such a waste that's why in surah Yousuf Yousuf Ali says in arabiya you see not ability if only manager My Lord is lottery if ok let me test your Arabic Arabs today not leaf how do we translate not leaf today the general usage of today ok that's that's the proper meaning I'm not gonna expose this not leave if we usually use it as what today this guy is not leaf soft nice kind gentle right this scratch meaning but the real meaning is subtle subtle Allah works in certain ways you can't figure out you think you're outsmarting Allah but all of your wins are a loss if you're against Allah you not realize it and you're with Allah whatever seems to be a is actually a win and the lot is just planning for you and that ability if al are so subtle in how we get what he wants done so basically the point in this lesson is always place yourself on the right side at the active side of a other not the inactive or the wrong side of al Qaeda where basically you don't have trust in Allah why does this happen to me Oh things are just gonna fall apart then that's exactly what's gonna happen you choose for yourself things will be against you who chooses you choose Allah gave you the choice honest there law give you the choice whatever happens in this life has so many meanings by the way a calamity could be a blessing when can you tap into this blessing in the middle of calamity when you place yourself on the right side of a mother active side of an atom which is trusting a lot thankful patient and dutiful taqwa so the world is so mysterious the world is so mysterious of an I read a few years back a story of a nurse who was working in a hospital she wrote a book about this then she was laid off she was dismissed I don't have any positions anymore this year we're doing a lot of layoffs you don't have a job for us she was turned redundant no job for you she was supporting her two father and mother two parents disabled she had no other source of income she doesn't know any and know how to do anything else she said I lived in so much misery for a year blaming everything that was happening to me then guess what three years after the date she was laid off she writes a letter to her to the general manager of that hospital and she she says to him I can't thank you enough she's writing from a financial empires that she built within two years she started a business after a year of despair and pain she started a business and she figured out she was so she had a head for business she built a beautiful business in two years she became a multi-millionaire see since she says to her manager previous manager I can't thank you enough had I had you had you kept me in the hospital I would still live hand-to-mouth month-to-month but with that without you giving me this opportunity I would not have been so rich now it's trusting in Allah that can open these things for you so don't take things usually reality's unfinished business Allah gives you the choice how to finish that finish it it's a raw material what seems to be calamity what seems to be a blessing it's all raw material how you deal with it that's gonna make it finish it into its final shape so if it's a blessing if you are thankful and grateful and dutiful it will turn out to be a greater blessing if it's an obligation and you take it and you stay obedient to it then it's gonna give you more power than was gonna give you more if it's a hardship and you remain patient with it Allah is gonna turn it into a blessing how in ways you don't know Allah and that'll be lovely if Allah is subtle in his ways Allah doesn't have to reveal his secrets to us so we start believing in him that's what belief is it's a leap in faith because our hearts in our foot Rock we trust Allah already but sometimes we overthink it prove it to me a hammock Allah prove it to me we're just saying to Allah prove it to me so I can believe in you isn't that rude it's in that we do with Allah and by the word miracles are happen every happening every day everything about us is a miracle everything about it is a miracle everything around us is a miracle but we just got so much used to it we take it for granted with desensitized but the heart knows that you can trust Allah and things will turn out to be for you so I've spoken I think enough now so you can open the time for for questions and answers questions answers anything I'm on bin abdul-aziz no matter what I said I read on in laughing more Calcutta interestingly not known interestingly not it's a good question so let me just sort of say it on the mic when he says I wish the point where I just when I wake up in the morning I have no desire in anything except what happens so I'm sort of open to what Allah brings my way it might give the impression that you don't do you don't have an interest in anything you don't you don't take an initiative or anything but the reality is not the thing is when you tap in your trust to Allah okay your approach to the world stops coming from your mind it starts coming from your heart look at the Prophet SAW selling them no one had a level of trust in Allah as the Prophet SAW Salam but he would take precautions and the Battle of what he put on two armors he would take all the precautions when he made a draw he planned it very well so carefully but he was not acting like us from a position of desiring and fear no he was doing it from a position of trusting so there is something we can't claim about trust unless we are there when you are there a new part of yourself and that's basically your heart will start inspiring you to action but effortlessly without effort that's the catch that's the catch but we are so used into trying to get things done we we where we want so much control that we have to do everything right that we don't realize there's another system that could work if you put your trust in Allah there's another part of you that's activated your heart where it gets you to action and you never sit back and you can't even settle but it's not an action it's done frantically I want to do this I have to do this out it no it's so smooth and so natural that gives it so much power so you will be good and that's what he'll have basically inspiration is called you'll be guided and that's the meaning of the hadith also another the same actually yeah another divine hello the same hadith the end of the Harriet that we quoted well also have it says and I end up on the Abdi be am i to myself as he thinks of me then palaces were Mazzella abdi etiquette Ramu Alania been no Athena my servant still seeks nearness closeness to me by doing extra acts of worship and this doesn't mean only external the heart is the most important Hector Jorge bahu until I love him Allah loves that means the person had reached a high level for either I love to come to some ideas maybe if I love him I become his hearing with which he ears that's what Allah saying what Basara Hornady up soon will be here and i become his sight his eyesight with which he sees we had the whole let e able to shall be hand his hand with which he acts and his legs with which he walks religion of allah TM shabeeha you reached that state where allah guides you hearing allah guides your sight Allah guides your action Allah guides you feel carried to do things so that's what happens at high levels of connection to a loss put on trust but the problem is we don't give ourselves enough opportunity to really trust Allah so we we tap into the other side of who we are yeah so hope that answers it was a good question definitely a good question yes okay that's a good question is well if if if things are decided by Allah so why it's not my responsibility whatever happens is written but I lost Panchala so if I'm meant to do a sin that was meant there's not mine if I'm meant to go to the Hellfire you know this what a lot work for me right but we I believe you answered this because the other we said the father is always unfinished business we decide where we end up on the side or that side the color is happening even a sin even a major sin a major sin could get someone who treats it well I fall in a sin let's say and it's a major sin if I treat it well and if I put my trust in Allah and I want to go back to Allah this sin could be the reason I end up in paradise it gave me enough motivation to make my way back to Allah gave me so much pain it woke me up that I did so many things to make it back to Allah someone else might not respond to this in the same way well as sin if sister said I made it was written upon me they'll do more sin and I'll end up in the Hellfire same thing same cut that happened but we said it's not you don't have a choice you have a choice are you on the active side of the other on the inactive side or the right side of a ladder or the wrong side of Allah this is where you place yourself so Allah being Lord of the Worlds Rumble I mean he's the one who decides yes Allah knows but he gave you the choice where which direction you go and Allah is not gonna do in in Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah does not do injustice even by an atom's weight so basically some people ask this question they want to know it's easy to know the cutter is happening you choose where you want to put yourself but if they still insist that I would do this sin Wilson is not the end sin is not the end and act of righteousness is not the end the calamity is not the end as we said all this is unfinished business it's left for you to put the final touches on this side which erection things are gonna take a loggia and this is part of the meaning of the word Khalifa the Angels they don't have any choice at all they don't even come up with an initiative they are sowing a llama I'm not on there just obey that's it that's all the Angels do so they have no choice so this deterministic approach applies to them but Allah gave humans and everything in the world by the way just obeys Allah the only things that are given choice are humans and jinn mankind and jinn Allah gave them choice and that's the meaning of the word Khalifa one of the meanings of the word Khalifa because Khalifa someone who would entrust with something when you entrust it comes with the responsibility right you give someone freedom trust the other side of it it's wrong responsibility so basically you're responsible so where people end up in paradise or the Hellfire it's definitely their choice absolutely this is where the problem says : local medical agenda in lemon uber everyone's gonna enter paradise except those who refuse so if someone says oh well if I end up in the Hellfire and this is what allah wrote for me okay basically this is this this is an incorrect notion because you don't know how do you know that allah did not even write you for paradise the problem is if you decide you have decided that allah wrote me for the hellfire so you're gonna make choices now based on this conclusion then you made a choice you just have to wake people up to the fact that you're actually making a choice in a subtle way but this is a mental game or a mind game that you're playing or if allah wrote everything allah wrote everything but we don't know what allah knows yeah yeah yeah basically let me just review the question so everyone hears it some people say that ok blind faith I own purpose I don't use blind faith because faith is not blind I said the leap of in faith a leap in faith so faith is not blind real faith is not blind so somebody say might say ok there's blind faith I just put your trust in Allah and jump off that tower and just Allah is gonna save you you'll be saved ok the thing is if you truly reach a level of certainty which most people are unable to and you do that nothing would happen to you I know this doesn't make sense in the physical world but this actually happened in the history of Islam and we Muslims are not supposed to do it you're not supposed to do it but what I'm saying in cases it happens how did the balloon Walid rhonda allahu anhu when they dealt with a room and there was a discussion between him and the leader of the room the Byzantines and he said basically about belief in Allah and you guys said if you put your trust in Allah as nothing was gonna happen and so he said if you truly that's true and this was a position where everyone was watching and there was an opportunity for people for the Byzantines to really embrace Islam so he said if you truly show me how you trust in Allah will save you if you consume this poison then we would believe in you everyone agreed how do you lead drank that poison nothing happened - are we supposed to do this no we're not supposed to do this but unless you have a faith like heidemarie so what we're saying is lamb doesn't invite us at all to do anything that is detrimental to our health physically mentally emotionally at all but if humans are able to tap into their spiritual sight to the point by the way faith is not blind the mind is blind faith is a function of the heart not the mind it's a function of the heart and we know a lot in our hearts but the problem with people who really question faith is they want mental conviction they want to see a proof they want to see a lock that's the only way they can believe in Allah but that's not faith that's not faith that's intellectualism faith is a function of the heart and the heart is a completely different sense is the heart more certain than the mind of Allah yes why because the heart knows Allah this is why when the prophets were sent to Surat Ibrahim when the prophets were sent to their people and their people challenged them the prophets were Finlay he shocked is there is there a doubt that Allah is there this is a make sense it doesn't make sense so if humans were you know they give themselves the opportunity to look into their heart and investigate what's in their hearts they would know for sure and with certainty that Allah is there and he deserves our worship more than I know that this is in front of me spiritual knowledge is much more powerful than mental knowledge but we don't give ourselves that opportunity to tap into that side of who we are if humans allow themselves to really figure out their hearts you would have certain knowledge of Allah that's more certain than things you see and things your touch I'll give you scientific facts to show you that what we know with our mind is actually might not be true well between lost Rantala when he says woman hi at Alinea in LaMotta over all this life is only an enjoyment a mirage it says it's an imaginary Mirage in the last hundred years quantum physics or quantum mechanics has developed big time so I'm just going to quote one of the the pioneers in quantum physics Max Planck who was a contemporary of Einstein and Bohr and all these founders of the of the quantum mechanics when he was nominated for the Nobel Prize and he actually received it in that ceremony Stockholm in Sweden he made a speech and he said as someone who has devoted his life completely for hard-headed science for facts for physical facts I can say with conviction that there is no matter as such the world as we know it is not made of matter so in quantum mechanics really they say there's no matter and if you delve deep into this is made of molecules right molecules are made of atoms we all know the atoms they dig deep down try to find out what the atoms are made of they're made of subatomic particles so most of the atom is space most of it is space there's nothing literally it's space so what about the subatomic particles that seem to be the physical parts these are the the basic physical parts what are they so it's on neutrons electrons protons ok so they try to figure out go deep down and see what these are made of so when they with these quantum microscopes where they could actually you know see into these small level tiny unimaginable tiny level they figured out electrons when they try to figure out electrons there's nothing so they figured out there's something called quarks quarks these are the basic material of electrons and neutrons and the old subatomic particles so when they try to find out these quarks they couldn't find them it's called string theory in quantum mechanics they couldn't find them so they figured out what these quarks are made of they call strings these are energy and it's not energy that you can actually define or locate its potential energy so they ended up there's no material there's no material there's no matter this is why there are some scientific theory theories that come from this so there is like the multiverse theory as to explain reality at a quantum level and there is one of the theories that says the world is a hologram was the hologram hologram is a replica of reality is just is like you can replicate three dimension person only it's only an image based three-dimensional image and the sounds so real so they say we live in a physical hologram that even our sense of touch is part of a hologram so but the reality there's nothing scary well but that's basically what we know what we so sure about that what we can feel and touch and see is not actually it's not what it seems to be to us so this is why there is a so there's a theory actually in cognitive psychology and that's very interesting there's a guy he's still alive he's there the let me just finish this and I'll get to your question he says basically things are not what they seem to be so he has a theory he calls it the interface theory he basically says you know like your desktop he says when you see for example the what is the the the bin when he when you you trash your recycle bin he says it looks like a bin there and it's somewhere on your desktop he says does it really look like this no it doesn't look anything like it's all numbers and digits right zero one zero one zero one and it's not even there it's in your motherboard but he says it's a convenient way to put it when you drag an item and place it in your recycle bin it's not actually this distance there's a completely completely different process behind it but it's just very convenient it makes sense he says the world that we live in is just a convenient the way we see it is just a convenient way to deal with it but it's not reality it's scary so what I'm saying is that even what we know at an intellectual level with our senses it's not actually as it seems to me so what we seem to be sure of actually we shouldn't be so sure about sure of but we're so much trapped in our senses but the reality is what our hearts know is much more powerful and profound that we could possibly know with our minds but we don't give our hearts a fair chance to really figure out what we know so I'm done that's it well you're looking you got it what gods party God pardon particle the god particle okay they trying to figure out this kind of you know at the subatomic level the God part yeah yeah no no no in Islam we live in a physical world and we relate to it in a physical sense we'll just go about this world this way but if thing is we realize there's a nimisha hada the world of the seen where Adam elevate the world of the unseen so we use our mind to relate to the seen world so don't jump off a cliff and say there's no real world you're gonna die don't do that don't drink poison you're gonna die live in this real real world but you had to recognize there's an unseen world that my five senses cannot comprehend the only way to connect to it is through my heart the only thing I can know about it is through revelation where Allah told us in the Quran the Sunnah that's it
Channel: Masjid Quba Ajax
Views: 11,571
Rating: 4.9117646 out of 5
Keywords: Moutasem Al Hameedi, Moutasem, shaikh moutasem, sheikh moutasem, Quran, Islam, Masjid Quba Ajax, abu huraira, Faith in Allah, Qadr of Allah, Yusuf, Surah Yusuf, Faith, Destiny, trust, patience
Id: NlffrWT-Zsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 11sec (4271 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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