Friday Khutbah | People of The Quran | Sh. Moutassem Al Hameedi

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um [Music] [Music] [Music] um all praise is due to allah we praise him we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness we seek refuge in allah from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our actions whomsoever allah guides none can lead astray and whomsoever allah leaves to go astray none can guide i testify that there is none worthy of worship none is worthy of our ultimate love and devotion but the almighty allah alone and i testify that muhammad is his final servant and messenger all you who believe fear allah as he should be feared and i not accept in a state of submission to your lord as muslims o mankind be dutiful to your lord who created you from a single person and from him he created his wife and from them both he created many men and women and fear allah through whom you demand your mutual rights and observe the rights of your kin surely allah is ever and all watcher over you or you who believe keep your duty to allah fear him and speak the truth he will direct you to righteous deeds and will forgive your sins and whoever obeys allah and his messenger has indeed attained a great achievement the best words are those of allah and the best guidance is that of prophet muhammad peace and blessings be upon him and the worst things in the religion are the newly invented matters for all the newly invented matters in religion are an innovation and every innovation is misguidance and it leads to the hellfire one of the great personalities in the history of al-islam such an exceptional scholar who lived around 700 years ago his name was known as a man who dedicated his life fully to the spread of the knowledge of the quran and the authentic sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he spent his life learning and he excelled he reached a high level of knowledge he is considered to be among the very few individuals in the history of the muslim ummah who reached a level that is called a person who can perform each he had in almost any matter in islam because he had and or reason and analogy in islam is such a high status it requires a lot of study requires an extensive kind of dedication to master the basics and understand them and master them so that when the person uses their logic and their reason they're using it correctly within the dynamics of islam and they're not bringing some kind of alien understanding and forcing it on islam so scholars most of the mushtahids in the history of the muslim ummah who were many they would specialize in one area they would be qualified to perform ishta had an illogical reasoning in one or two areas but it was rare individuals who were able to perform in shtihad in all of the areas of islam immunity was one of them and he's a person who dedicated his life as well for the clarification of the pristine way of islam so he would fight off he would [Music] get himself into a position where he would expose people who brought foreign practices and concepts into islam even if it was with good intentions he would still clarify and strive to show what is the pristine and authentic message of islam that was inherited by the companions from the prophet a man who spent his life traveling and in prison in solitary confinement just because of his upholding the truth without oh he had such an unrelenting stance when it came to that he he had an affinity to the truth only and he would not compromise it for any kind of other affiliation the point here was that immunity towards the end of his life the last couple of years of his life he was imprisoned in the citadel in damascus and all of the books his books were confiscated even the his pen and pieces of paper the parchments that he had to write on were confiscated and he was left with nothing but the quran in his heart and so he spent his time only in reflecting on the quran reciting it and remembering allah subhanahu wa and he died reciting the last two verses in surat al-qamr which states indeed the believers the righteous ones will be in gardens that have lavish green and rivers flow in a position in a seat of truth close to the king the king of kings allah subhanahu wa who is the almighty and this is a good sign there's no guarantee for anyone but there's this is a good sign that he died upon reciting this verse the point that that he was in this imprisonment he said quran although he spent his life as we said learning islam teaching it defending it exposing all of the foreign things that were imp that were imposed on islam he still said towards the end of his life he said if time if i was take him back early into my life if i were to start my life all over again i would spend my time solely with the quran solely with the quran why would such a man of great wisdom and great knowledge say that to himself although he spent his life actually studying and teaching and defending the quran but he wanted a pure time with the quran pure time reciting and reflecting on the quran let's start to try to see to uncover these secrets that are in the quran that such a scholar would actually realize and thus he would leave such a wish towards the end of his life let's look at the prophet salallahu humans these addressing humans the best among you are those who learn the quran and teach it and i guarantee for most of us now upon hearing this hadith most of us think i think what those who learn to read the quran those who try to memorize it and that's where our thought process ends and that's our problem this is what holds us back from truly learning the quran and engaging with it because that's the limit of our hopes with the quran learn how to read and then memorize as much as possible for us perfect like the peak of our relationship with the quran with many people is someone who has memorized the quran we say that's it there's no level beyond that when in reality this is one of the baby steps towards your relationship with the quran for most of us this is where the journey ends with the quran but that's actually where the journey starts this is where it starts and that's why we have people who learn the quran according to this deficient understanding it's not wrong but it's incomplete and there's a huge problem with incomplete things we might think oh it's not harmful when it's incomplete it's still good it's part of the good but that's because we fail to understand the relationship between good and evil good and evil are not opposite in the same way the night and the day are opposite it's a different dynamic it's similar to the relationship between truth and falsehood old or a truth and a lie we know that half a truth is a lie if you talk about a situation describe a situation and only describe high of half of it when the person is expecting a full report you are lying you're hiding the truth so it's not that when you're telling part of the truth it's a good thing it becomes harmful it becomes harmful the same thing with the quran because we see people learn the quran and people according to us have reached the end of your journey with the quran but we don't see any beauty in them we don't see goodness in them we don't see the signs of the quran upon them so we are demotivated you deal with someone who is probably who can read the quran or probably memorize the quran and you don't find them at a high level of morality and character and ethics and you just say to yourself you know i don't i don't want to be like this person if this is what the quran oh this is what the quran has to offer why should i invest so much in it but the reality of learning the quran and this is what the prophet sallam is talking about is different it's far more beyond the is far beyond this way greater than that that's why when is asked about the prophet sallallahu islam about his character about how did he carry himself what was his personality this man how was he when you saw him what was the impression that he would create how did he carry himself in this life she said he was a quran he was a personified a personified quran he was the quran transformed into a human copy that's what it means to learn the quran and teach it that's what it means so the quran has some transformational power it changes us it improves us it really transforms us there is one hadith and here i'm just going to take one point from the hadith the messenger says a phenomenon that would happen that a person reads the quran and learns the quran until the joy the beauty of the quran shows on this person reflects on this person and he becomes a champion of islam a champion of the quran and then he changes his ways etc the point here is the prophet salaam is saying when someone learns the quran truly what happens their character changes they become extremely attractive and magnet there is some kind of joy and beauty that starts to shine and this is why in another hadith the prophet salallahu the similitude the analogy of a believer who reads the quran is like the author it is more like a type of citrine a type of citrus fruits it's it's it's quite rare it's not very common but it has this very rich taste and very refreshing smell and it has a lot of uh healing qualities so the believer who reads the quran is just like this beautiful citroen its smell is beautiful and refreshing and its taste is very beautiful and fresh and rich whereas the analogy of a believer who doesn't read the quran meaning doesn't read the quran as often is just like the dates it is sweet when you get close to it when you engage with it when you have direct contact with it you're going to find that it tastes so sweet but it has no smell you can't see the smell from a difference what does this tell us it tells us the impact of the quran on a person that it does transform how we live how we behave how we come across what impressions that we we give because of the profoundness of the quran and one of the reasons we are not tapping into this power of the quran is just the deficiency or the deficient approach i just described that we think it's all about memorizing the quran so i can tell people i'm half of my son is half of i've memorized 10 jews from the quran most of us that's what we think especially in today's culture that emphasizes impression showing off so we have kidnapped that experience with the quran to our modern understanding of selling ourselves marketing ourselves creating impression so many people think about the quran i become half of so people know me people look up to me and that's what kills your relationship with the quran and it could actually you could harm yourself by approaching the quran this way because what the prophet saw was talking about when it comes to the quran he was talking about you approaching the quran with sincerity and thinking the quran quran letting it shape you so you could live with it so you do that for allah people have no share in this people have literally no share in this your relationship with the quran is between you and allah you should not bring people into this equation you should not think about people you should not be counting the people when it comes to how you read the quran when you read the quran how often you do it how beautifully you recite it how much you know of it the great look at the great personalities in islam and this is a challenge read the biography of any special character in the history of islam and you're going to find it has a special very unique relationship with the quran with the book of allah the prophet sallam himself first and foremost then the companions uthman i found only allah would sometimes recite the whole quran whole quran full from cover to cover in one one rakah he'll dress recite the whole thing when he was praying at night many of the companies used to do this many of the tabbin used to do this imam abu hanifa would do the same [Music] 60 times i might say oh that's that that's excessive right we need a balance that's because we are applying our standards on them imam and shafire engaged with life he was a fully dynamic person extremely beautiful character he engaged in life he created such a huge impact on all of the muslims of his time he was a very influential man very intelligent very relatable and read the history and you will find that imam malik his sister was asked what would he do as a young man what would he do at home like what was his daily routine she said he was with the quran 24 7. and many people i know this is the impression we get but you're limiting yourself there's nothing else you do in life just the quran that's very very narrow that's because we think the quran is a text book we've limited our relationship with the quran to what we think quran is information that's a divine book these are divine words because of the deficient approach that we have towards it because we don't appreciate it we don't let it transform us and we haven't seen many examples of where the quran really has an impact on a person we think yes learn how to read it memorize it if we go a step further understand the meanings in the tafsir and for us this is you're a companion now no not yet not yet you need to live that quran it does unpack the secrets of life for you it does it does but not in a text book fashion it's not information it's an experience you have with the quran and fizz the wisdom starts to unpack from within you yes the quran unlocks the knowledge that allah sends down upon us in a very beautiful way very transformative way it comes with reflection this is why allah says he sent the quran down so that it could be reflected upon reflected upon the prophet sallam would stand the whole night sometimes reciting one verse one verse repeating it contemplating it this is not mundane repetition this is depth of meaning these are meanings just coming one after the other they are so captivating that it's hard even to leave it one of the great early muslims he said will lie sometimes for three nights i'm i'm stuck with one verse i can't leave it because of its beauty and its attraction and the kind of meanings that flow on me as i'm reciting it and i would be afraid that i would lose connection with the rest of the quran because i am just completely taken by this verse but then allah showers we showers me with mercy with mercy and he lets me just move on to the next verse that's the kind of relationship that's what made them stand up at night and connect with the quran and experience the sweetness the beauty and this would bring them on in the daytime when they engage with the world they would engage with it with beautiful insight with so much depth with character that they would be like the utrudja like this beautiful citroen that has so much beauty to give into the world they would tap into wisdom that would enable them to have successful marriages to be able to guide their children to be able to treat their neighbors to do business properly a lot of these people engaged with quran this way we're very successful business human beings a lot of them were astronomers a lot of them were scholars a lot of them were tradesmen a lot of them people who had crafts some of them were military leaders some of them were politicians who transformed the history of islam these are people who had a huge impact on life they were very productive so when we look at this we understand why someone like ibn tamiya would actually end his life with such a wish if i were to start my life all over i would engage more with the quran any group of people who sit together in one of the houses of allah in a masjid they recite they study the quran together except that the sekina tranquility peace serenity will come will descend from allah upon them and allah's mercy would cloud them the angels would hover around them and allah would meant allah would mention their names to the angels that are closest to him the highest ranking angels this is just by engaging with the quran and studying it and learning it the prophet salallahu and another hadith said allah has means family members family members obviously doesn't mean the literal meaning that we understand but that means these people are very close to allah just like family members immediate family is close to someone else he said the people of the quran the people of the quran they are the family members just like the family members to allah and the closest to him so there's a reason it's not just a mundane task like you read a book of philosophy or a book of history and yeah you get some information and move on no there is something else with the quran you need to engage with it fully it doesn't take you from life it puts you at the core of life where you actually can relate to life at a way more influential level more way deeper level than the normal or the average person so these are just important things that we have this treasure among ourselves we have it in our hands but we don't appreciate it we don't realize it and we don't want to limit our relationship with the quran just only to learn how to read it or just memorize it or just read the tafseer of it we need to do more than that because that's when the quran unlocks that's when it opens up that's when you start to see the beauty and the other i would say other dimensions that are available in the quran but you need to open up so it opens up so we ask allah from the people of the quran the people who are closest to you the people who are like family to you allah um foreign
Channel: Abu Huraira Center
Views: 2,577
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: khutbah, muslim, Islam, Quran, Khutbah, Moutasem Al Hameedy, Reminder, Recitation, Muslim, Abu Huraira center, Servants, Most, Merciful, Lecture, Canada, Toronto, Abu Osama AL Dhahabi, Bilal phileps, Abdulhakem Quick, Yasir Aldosary, Wadi Alyamni, معتصم الحمديدي, Digital Mimbar, The Daily Reminder, Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh, Free Islamic Course, Usool Al Fiqh, مراد, السباطي
Id: mBttBxAge_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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