Friday Khutba | Five Treasures | Sh. Moutassem Al Hameedi

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all praise is due to allah we praise him we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness we seek refuge in allah from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our actions whomsoever allah guides none can lead astray and whomsoever allah leaves to go astray and can guide i testify that there is none worthy of worship none is worthy of our love and devotion but allah alone and i testify that muhammad sallallahu alaihi waali wasallam is his servant and his messenger o you who believe fear allah as he should be feared and die not except as muslims o mankind be dutiful to your lord who created you from a single person and from him he created his wife and from them both he created many men and women and fear allah through whom you demand your mutual rights and observe the rights of your kin surely allah is ever and all watcher over you o you who believe keep your duty to allah fear him and speak the truth he will direct you to righteous deeds and will forgive your sins and whoever obeys allah and his messenger has indeed attained a great achievement the best words are those of allah and the best guidance is that of muhammad peace be upon him and the worst things in the religion are the newly invented matters for all the newly invented matters in religion are an innovation in bedan everybody is misguidance and it leads to the hellfire the great companion [Music] becomes [Music] my beloved gave me an advice prophet muhammad that consists of five items first one to have mercy towards the weak and the poor and to sit with them spend time with them to focus more to look at those who have less than i have and not to focus on those who possess more than i do well that i connect those who are related to me even if they turn away from me and to speak the truth even when it's bitter and to say there is no might there is no power except with allah or from allah in another version of this narration he says because these are from a treasure these items are from a treasure that is underneath the throne of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and again sometimes we try to look at things we search for big things huge things but we don't realize sometimes what really makes a difference are the things that we underestimate the things that seem to be simple to us and sometimes the biggest impact on our faith the things that help us grow spiritually in our faith the most are the things that we tend to undermine and look down upon so let's unpack these five things and see how we can implement them in our lives this is a prophetic advice and guidance the prophet sallam said to have mercy towards the poor and the weak and to sit with them mix with them go and see them for yourself and we have fallen in these times we have fallen into sending donations from overseas through organizations and charities which is not necessarily a bad thing it's actually a great thing because there are people who don't even think about those who are less fortunate so it's a great thing but there is something else other than just donating the fact that you go and see for yourself how the conditions of these people their struggles their pain their humility which we tend to forget at these times because we are bombarded with a lot of propaganda a lot of influence through social media and even through the the whole machine of of society and its culture that tends to make us focus on the rich you know when you are checking your social media a lot of the videos and the ads that are that are brought up that you are faced with you'll find it that it's about people who are rich or people who made some kind of fortune and it captivates us they tell you how they made a fortune how they made a million in a year and how they started getting more income and they try and they claim to share their secrets with you so you start chasing these people and see how much or how they have made such huge amounts of wealth because you want to be like that that's not necessarily bad but we probably need to ask ourselves where is this desire coming from because having wealth with which you preserve your dignity and you don't put yourself down before others is a great thing abdullah mubarak the great he was a rich person and sometimes he was blamed for the kind of business that he used to do and abdullah mubarak used to sponsor he actually sponsored a few of the great personalities in a taber in he said to them don't worry about your about earning a living it's on me just stay with knowledge spread knowledge and teach the people and i will take care of your expenses so when a person says to him why are you doing all you talk about zoho and about abstaining from the pleasures of this life but you are just engaging in so much business and you bring in caravans and you s you're buying and selling and he said to him he said had it not been for this wealth we would have been used as mobs as rugs by others who have ill intentions i protect my dignity my honor myself from being abused by those who use the poor and abuse them and bully them which is the norm these days although it's done in a more in subtle ways and masked ways today but that's what capitalism is about you are worth what you possess if you have less you are your worth is less and try to for example apply try to rent a property and you see how the rich and those who have the wealth and have the property how they screen everything about your life and they get into the very private aspects of your life just why because they can afford it because you need them so he said i protect my dignity from those abusive bullies out there with the money so there's nothing wrong with possessing more money but the question is where is this desire coming from is it i want to live a life of luxury i want to live you know the american dream i want to enjoy myself that i want to go on vacation every other month and so on is that the reason for it i want to drive the the best cars the most expensive cars and i want to everyone to see what kind of what kind of car i'm driving if this is the place that this desire is coming from then there's a problem so that's why the prophet saws he's balancing this out this desire for us to look at people who possess more thinking that we're going to learn from their secrets and hoping that we will be like them and most of them are abusing this desire of ours in order to pull your money towards them and they give you a false promise that they are going to share the secrets that will make you rich the prophet sallam is saying don't don't let this be your focus but also look at the people who have less people have less go and sit with them go and mix with them their humility is contagious and is going to humble you it's going to bring you back to where you should be it's going to remind you of the reality of this life because allah says about humans the natural tendency in humans that man humans when they become rich when they have resources they tend to become arrogant and feel that they are self-sufficient and that they have made the wealth the wealth by themselves out of their own merit and that they are better than others that's the human weakness so we need to fight against this by look by mixing with the poor checking them out so we could learn from their humility because life has humbled them sometimes by force and there's a lesson for us to learn from from that so this is something that is good for us good for our hearts and good for our children if we do that and the second point the second advice clarifies this because it says and to look at the people who have less than what you have and not to be completely consumed and focused with the people who have more because again as you are trying to learn the skills of the rich and their formula for getting rich overnight you tend also to catch their arrogance and their attachment to this worldly life in a way that cuts you off from connection to allah from keeping in mind that the real life is in the hereafter so when you focus and look at the people who have less than you you tend to appreciate what allah has given you because we all live in a lot of blessings but the thing is we automatically take them for granted and we don't count them and we look at the people who have more and we see ourselves as deprived as disadvantaged why allah give these people all these resources they didn't give me where if you were to neutrally check yourself you would see billions and billions and countless blessings that you are enjoying and you only wake up to them when you lose one of them health is a typical example you wake up one day and your health is compromised you realize that you were so wealthy with this health with optimal health but you were not appreciative of it but now you start to feel the loss now you start to see and appreciate the value of it why because the fact that it was taken away from you woke you up it shook you you started to see the reality that you were hiding or you were pushing away from you from yourself because you were focused on the people who have more than you have there are people have more than you have maybe in terms of finances or other things but you have more than they have in your own ways as well but we are just so fixated on wealth and possessions material possessions to the point that we don't appreciate other gifts sometimes the the provision from allah the blessings from allah come in the form of peace of mind good health beautiful children a wonderful spouse a rich heritage [Music] sometimes it just comes with personal traits with social connections sometimes it comes with knowledge and understanding sometimes it comes with personal traits just personal traits that's a form of wealth and richness but we are programmed away from appreciating this why because we're singing single-handedly focused on material wealth and by doing that the masses are being exploited and abused to spend their wealth in a way that makes the wealth pour towards the rich they get richer so the prophet saw is saying look at those who have less than you so you tend to appreciate what you already have this is medication for the heart and that i connect to my relation to those who are related to me by blood your parents your siblings your uncles aunts cousins and so on and so forth connect to them give them their rights allah brought us into this world through some kind of lineage through some kind of ancestry through family through the parents and he made genuine connection connections that are physical yes through our genes we are connected to our cousins to our siblings we share something with them and that's still true and this imposes some kind of right towards these people because we share the same origin with them so they have more rights than others and the prophet saws those who are connected to you those who are related to you by blood they have more right upon you than a stranger although both might be in need why because there is the right of the poor upon the rich to help them and support them and there's also the right of those who are connected to you through blood if they turn away from you and many of us have this attitude that i'll give when they give me i'll be kind when they are kind everyone can do that the real goodness in your heart shows when people turn away from you when people don't treat you well but you still fulfill the obligation on your side regardless of them failing to fail to fulfill their side that's true nobility and it doesn't mean you make yourself some sort of an object of their abuse it doesn't mean that you can do that with dignity because when you come from a position of truth you have this you have this groundedness in reality that gives you so much leverage and power and that leads us to the following piece of advice and to speak the truth even when it's bitter when it's not sweet and it's inconvenient and that means and we spoke about this previously you have to ground yourself in the truth you have to live for the truth in truth and for the truth that's how we out that's the only option to live because anything other than that it means we are we have we are misaligned with the truth and the definition of this is lying and deception so say you speak the truth that doesn't mean you don't have wisdom some people go and speak the truth when it brings about more destruction they say it inappropriately in the wrong time no when you take a text from the quran or from the prophet salallahu it applies within an ecosystem of etiquettes and other texts you find sometimes someone starts practicing they know something true they go and create a problem with their parents with their siblings with their boss with their friends with their spouse and say i'm just saying the truth even when it's bitter no that's lack of wisdom use common sense use good judgment but speak the truth even allah says to the prophet sallallahu when the s is likely to benefit there is a situation for everything for every situation there are proper words to be said and a proper manner to convey these words through all of this is important but make sure that if you can't speak the truth or the situation does not allow for speaking the truth or it's likely to create more damage then at least don't lie at least don't lie and the final one there's no mind there's no power except with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and this is about this is about remembering allah and when we do the curry we are engaging with the bigger truths of life there is something inside of us in our human nature right at the center of our human nature that craves the truth that feeds off of the truth that improves and develops with the truth that is empowered with the truth we have this thirst for the truth and it quenches our thirst and it empowers us and it grounds us and it makes our existence meaningful we have this need for the truth so when we engage in vicar yahwah subhanallah we are engaging with the most important truths about existence that's the existence of allah his qualities his names his attributes we are allowing these truths to come into our life to start to shape us within and that's a profound exercise these are not just words vicar is not just words it's a very profound exercise it's an engagement it's a holistic engagement that gets every part of us working and when you do more thicker it's not like you have just had more numbers in your records no it changes you it changes who you are but again we don't give ourselves the chance to grow with that we don't have the patience and the perseverance the persistence to keep doing that so that the results start showing in our lives but we just get excited we do it for a couple of days and then we go back into business as usual so we don't build momentum so zikr is some sort of a travel you're traveling to another world you're traveling to the world of truth that cannot be captured with your eyes something you cannot touch with your hands there's a bigger truth but your heart can connect to it and it's more real than what you see in what you hear it's just we are not using our heart as the main faculty our heart has a real experience with the world of the unseen and it and it craves that but we're not giving it that we're so focused on our immediate reality what is going on the financial situation of the country how to make more money and how to buy this how to buy that how to get this how to take this trip how to buy that house we're so focused on the material part of our existence which we should not ignore but it has devoured the totality of our lives so these are five pieces from advice of advice from the prophet sallam that have come from under the throne of allah just underneath the throne of allah this shows their their their status and their importance and their power their power there's nothing about the advice of the prophets that is lip service that is mere words these are so transformative but we need to engage with them fully staff do so if we look at these pieces of advice and again the moment you've heard those a level of obligation has fallen upon you a level of obligation has fallen upon you these these are prophetic advice and you are meant to fulfill them prophet sallam has this authority his words have this authority and these things the beautiful thing the beautiful thing about islam and about islamic instructions obligations prohibitions is that they are not arbitrary in this sense they're not just random allah just wants to put a burden on us so just wants to test us although this is true there is an element of test but we are tested through the things that are good for us everything in islam has practical benefit whether we figure that out or we don't but we know allah is the all-knowing and the unwise he's profoundly wise perfectly wise so wisdom entails that there is nothing that allah does randomly so everything in islam that we are invited to is good in a practical sense everything that is prohibited in islam is detrimental in a practical sense there is no separation between how allah created the world and the system he sent to us to navigate this world is the same so let's hold on to this advice and try at least to implement whatever we can at least today next week try to fulfill each one of them search for a poor person even if you connect with them online even if you if you travel overseas just go ahead and see even in this society there are people who are poor there are people who can't afford to even have accommodation or even have food for the day go and search for them speak with some some charity tell them i want to i want to go with my kids i want to help the pro and be kind to them even if it's for once sit with them speak with them see what their struggles are that softens your heart it takes it away from its complete consumption with this life and and and its pleasures and look for those relatives that you have not spoken to in a while go and connect with them give them a phone call go and visit them send them a gift with the intention to please allah and obey the prophet salallahu and keep the remembrance of allah today at least just for today as many times as possible simple simple let it let it start changing and purifying your heart allah 2 15 and we will make the hot bar shorter as well so 2 15 2 15 the hot power will start
Channel: Abu Huraira Center
Views: 1,905
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: khutbah, muslim, Islam, Quran, Khutbah, Moutasem Al Hameedy, Reminder, Recitation, Muslim, Abu Huraira center, Servants, Most, Merciful, Lecture, Canada, Toronto, Abu Osama AL Dhahabi, Bilal phileps, Abdulhakem Quick, Yasir Aldosary, Wadi Alyamni, معتصم الحمديدي, Digital Mimbar, The Daily Reminder, Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh, Free Islamic Course, Usool Al Fiqh, مراد, السباطي
Id: quoWbv6kgzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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