Gems from Juz Amma Part 7 Sh Moutasem al Hameedy

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so we are still in so much a bursa and we said that there was an occasion for this solar to be revealed Manasseh baton Azul where the prophets awesome was speaking to the leaders of Mecca and a blind person came to ask the prophet sallallaahu where he was telling them something and he was open to listen to the prophets of cinnamon learn from him whereas those leaders the important people in Makkah the elite in Mecca were not really receptive that much he had the Prophet SAW said I'm had hopes at that moment that they would listen to him so the Prophet SAW Salim gave a frown to the blind person although he's blind yet Allah subhanAllah de reprimanded the prophets were sending them for making that choice and the loss was to clarify to the Prophet SAW seldom and it's an important principle in Islam for that kid in affected the crowd as occurs in salat al Allen for that kid in never acted the car so remind where the reminder is likely to pay off Oh is likely to pay off so somebody might say so what ifs we know someone is not gonna listen or not gonna accept the message we don't remind them there is two concepts here there is an Bell which is conveying the message conveying the message you have to convey to everyone regardless what are they gonna accept it they're likely to accept it they're not likely to accept it you have to give a bell you have the message has to reach them you have to give it to them and not give it to them in any way and the best way possible the best way possible cuz you know we're human beings humans are not computers they're not operation systems just they process information the style in which you convey the message the spirit and the mood in which you convey the message is consequential is consequential this is why it's important is were lost metathesis to the prophet saw can't afford one relieve a local be and for Dominic if you were harsh and you have this aggressive attitude people who have turned away from you people would have left you they won't stay with you why because they're human beings and that's why the Prophet SAW says to the Companions in the mob or a stone over chalene or in the bottom another narration we are Syrian what I'm to Bethel my city you were sent to bring people to Allah with ease and with good news so there are people sometimes like they expect to tell others off and convey the message to them in a very negative style and they say these people rejected the message now sometimes it's your style sometimes it's sure style and don't think a lot they're gonna hold you accountable for that a lot would actually hold you accountable for that so we have to treat human beings as human beings human beings like when they are treated with respect when they are treated with kindness when you are genuine towards them so there is this el valor conveying the message that's number one there has to be to everyone but there is something else which is the reminder they cry have care you keep reminding people giving advice that killed in Nevada they come here you give advice when it's likely to pay off when the person is likely to listen and accept and benefit from the reminder but if you know if you know that someone is like his situation is going to get even worse with your advice you hold back this is why some people think a number of Allah model from the heaven moon car is across the board any situation you go and join the good and advise against the evil and they quote the hadith of the Prophet saws and they say the problem said mantra I mean Kamal Khan for a year Hobie ad whoever season evil they let him change it with his hand if he cannot he can't with his tongue than if he cannot with his heart and that's the weakest level of him and they say so any evil you see you have to go and change it no no this is called a momen the Arabic is a general statement it applies across the board there are exceptions and you have to be aware of them for example the Prophet SAW Selim says or Allah subhanAllah to Allah in the Quran you know at the beginning the Muslims when they spoke to the non-muslims they used to put down their false gods they said these they don't eat they don't drink they're not they just stones right so you shouldn't be worshipping them so Allah cemented and instructed the believe is because the the non-muslims started to say the same about Allah who's Allah they started to insult allah sultan allah allah so allah says what has a super lady na dhanam doing in LA for you so bulletin trading do not insult their gods you know less they insult Allah subhanAllah although it's true what you're saying what they're gods is true but you know if it's gonna backfire no this is why the scholars and the one the scholar who really explained this so beautifully is the man even touchable humbly I'm a lot higher in his book Jeremy wrote to me will take him in his book Geminorum will take him he explained the hadith my boy I mean come on Quran for a year who bid he says whoever season evil let him changing the hadith or problem explained it so beautifully and he said you don't just do that everywhere you have to know when to apply it you have to know when to apply this way email especially salmon Tamiya rahamallah to Hanna he actually explains the levels of in joining the good and join the good and forbidding the evil is part of a dick claw part of a thicker tentacles part of the reminder he says in joining the good forbidding the evil sometimes is an obligation and sometimes it's recommended was to help man dupe sometimes it's neutral moba it could be like it's in the middle and he says sometimes it's McRoy dislike and sometimes it's hell sometimes it's Haram when it leads to more evil it's Haram and even Tamia himself actually the story one of the stories were in his biography one of these students mentions the story what it mean Tamiya was with a group of his students they came out of the Masjid after one of their lessons and at their time there was the Moghuls Tatar and maroon and Mahal you know they they took over the world very aggressive and they took over but Dad they destroyed better dad they killed a million people in one day in Baghdad then they moved on even they reach Damascus were even Tamir used to live it and eventually they took it over but at some stage these Mobile's they became Muslim they became Muslim that their leader azan became Muslim and he start to pray the five daily prayers and he had them other than who calls the other and they claim to be Muslim yet they still killed others and they killed Muslims as well so I mean Samia was with this group of students and they see a group of the mobile soldiers in the street and one of these mobile soldiers soldiers doing the drinking alcohol the drinking alcohol it's a big sin and they claim to be Muslims they claim to be Muslims so one of the students having Taymiyyah he approaches them he starts marching towards them even Timmy is very intelligent by the way so he grabs him from behind and says come where are you going drinking alcohol I'm gonna tell them you guys Muslims it's Haram he says don't do that don't do that said why he said his these people when they are drunk ok they don't they keep themselves busy drinking and they just sort of intoxicated so they distracted from the Muslims but when these people are sober and they're awake and they have their senses they start killing possible passers by vehicle people were passing by that's what the Tatar used to do someone is passing by they're having fun hey come over here what do you have where are you going and they stopped playing with him stop bullying him do they end up killing him that's what I used to do so you can tell me I said no let them drinking alcohol is less evil than killing Muslims so let them drink alcohol alcohol so this is why the Imams and the scholars they say liar if Malati value our jib bomber a table moon couple ammonium or monofin harem uncle the one who doesn't know the levels and the priorities with the good and the evil is not how it's not halal for him to start taking the responsibility of a little myself in hand we'll be bringing more evil so we have to be careful we have to be careful this doesn't conflict with the verse or a lot with the parole with the hadith of the process and he says believe I knew one of area belly who any will I convey for me even if it's a verse that basically that's Bulava you know about a verse he conveyed you know something about Islam saying but it's but when the matters of it matters of al-qaeda and issues you should I say brother this is wrong this is you don't get that that's not your area and that's the Arab say they later had a bearish Ikki Fedora gee this is not your specialty out of here get out of here that's not your area so you'll find and this is something I want to make this practical we have to be careful if you see someone approaching you and they start saying all this halal this Haram you do this wrong you do this right sages Alcala here and leave it you don't have to take from him you need to make sure the person who is giving you such an advice is a person of knowledge is a person of knowledge is a person of knowledge there are many people who make things harm and they're not how long why because culturally where they come from there's an issue with these things so be careful be careful and making something Haram is so evil by the way it's such a huge violation Allah so Allah says in the Quran Allah Ta'ala limitlessly for encina - come on Caleb had a Herriman WA had the halal little taller and a lion get it did not say also - do not say he says do not say do not describe this thing is halal and Haram out of your own minds of your own understanding so that you're making a lie against Allah this is such a this is one of the Cobell you know the Cobell the major sins Allah SWA this is what antipolo Allah he mad at any money that you say about Allah something you do not have proper knowledge of so that's the person is learn it unless the person knows what he or she is talking about and if someone who studied Islam and said properly and then I wanted to talking about thank them for other advice but consult a person of knowledge consult a person of knowledge a part of this is well just an extension of that the small of a digression some of the scholars say Mendham me Arif jillyfell fokaha Felice Allah who and yeah more Vienna the one who doesn't know the differences among the scholars with regards to issues it's not for him to start giving saying people do this don't do that oh it's not for them it's not for them so this is why we have a kind of clear a Maxim principle in fact that's agreed upon among the scholars there in Carla V Martinez filleth you know when there are differences and not a nickel I have not any differences among the scholars but sound proper differences in Haleyville most SL when the miracle Latin Calliphora he laughs when there is differences among the scholars sound differences among the scholars you cannot say to the other person you're wrong you cannot he's following a scholar he's following a scholar so these are important things important etiquettes the thing is we are sabotaging our religion under the pretext of giving advice we're really there are people there are young people who come to the masajid who are pushed away from the masjid under the pretext i need to give them advice I'm telling you I have seen a lot of the youth they don't want to come to the Masjid for one reason they come to the message they get picked on here your haircut hair your shirt your pants your this your that leave them leave them and there are things that people think that harm they know how long they start telling these people one day I remember after German how one guy comes to me and he's dragging two youngsters I've never seen these youngsters in the messages and he says told them that what they're doing what they're wearing is Haram and I'm telling it's not how long what they were wearing is not Haram but in our countries it's inappropriate for men to hear these things but here it's common everyone wears it so this one job - I said wait how come it's how I said yeah why is it how long we're speaking Islam when we're speaking here why is it wrong he says no no they're wearing the hell I said and you are saying it's harm doesn't make it hell huh doesn't make it home I'm gonna take it easy on these kids take it easy on these kids how long you con what you're doing is actually how long no they're doing so be careful so there are people who are sabotaging all religions sabotaging your relationship with the last panel Tejada so what I say these people to me these are bandits these are robbers they rob you out of your religion after your religion so a vikre is important said you give the craw not Bella conveying the message to everyone but they claw you give it where it belongs you give it where it belongs you give it where it belongs otherwise vikre you have to have knowledge for the DEKRA a reminder and you it the position of the situation has to be appropriate has to be appropriate this is a situation probably shared that story previously before before that but it's worth mentioning again there was a guy and that happened in my country in Jordan a guy came from Egypt as a laborer as a worker comes from a poor environment and because of the difference in you know the currency he's able to make I mean good money it's a low wage in my country but when he transfers that to his own currency his current local currency it makes a good it makes a good wage so he came over and he worked for a rich family and he was practicing were very enthusiastic recently started practicing and he wants to fix everyone he wants to get everything right and so on and so forth so he works for this rich family they have some kind of a farm outside of the city and they have a small like residence there two bedrooms probably and they gave him a small place there to stay like one room that's your room stay there look after the farm water it and look after it and maintain it they usually go there for vacation they go there on the weekend and so on and so forth so the son of that rich person the owner is a young man and he's falling into bad things so one day he comes with his young brother young brother is about seven years old and they have a third person with him with them that third person is who is a girl he brought this girl for something Haram to this farm and basically for zina so this guy the worker he says to him what's this he says none of your business get out of here there is no you can't do that you can't do that it's listen it's my it's my it's my farm it's my father's farm that's none of your business go and do your work and don't open your mouth he said no I'm not gonna let you I'm gonna let you sounds good right that's good intention it's the right thing to do it's the right thing to do but you have to have a good estimation of the situation he said no I'm not I'm gonna stop you you can't do that he starts fighting with him the other kid I mean it's probably a teenager but he knows what he's doing he calls 904 tchen Utley our country's expats don't have their rights they're not given a fair chance so he says basically they set him up they bring the police and he speaks to his own brother and they accuse him that he was trying to sexually molest molest the little child seven years old they accuse him falsely police takes him beat him they break his bones they take him to prison and what do they do they really beat him down they sent us into seven years in prison how do I know about the story one of my teachers was falsely put in prison for one year then he was cleared all of that so he was put him so he met him in the prison and when he met him in the prison he came to my teacher and he said yeah sure he and he started saying kufur he says Allah is unfair I would build up they started swearing at Allah my teacher was shot me swish what are you talking about he throws a Miss story he says it's your fault you know you don't have the power to do this why do you put yourself in that position that situation so again so I felt this was important to explain in joining the Goodrem forbidding the evil many people think you just do it across the board no man no if you're not qualified if you don't know the situation properly if it's likely to backfire you cannot do it it becomes Haram like she has done to me it says it becomes how long I'm gonna out of an airman could become how long for you if it's gonna backfire I make the situation worse you see how Islam is all built as the scholars say like a mama sharply be the Imam al-ghazali only maintain me as well and I've been I'm short and others they said Kawano Sharia on the Mujahideen it isolated Messiah Halima facet Islam is built on bringing about the benefits and the goods and repelling the evil and you know bad things that's what Islam is built on Islam is built on so anyway then I lost panel tire that tells the Prophet SAW so basically a lost man that I was shown to prevent priorities that's when there is someone who's likely to accept the message these are the people you give them more reminder you give them more technical than the ones who are very unlikely to accept so you need to also be wise as to where you put you down where you put your reminder you have to be wise you have to really be selective you have to be selective the knowledge Mandela talks about the this is a TED killer and a lot talks about man then we reach the point to Allah so Allah says Allah wants to draw the attention of man into the signs all the signs in the creation valley under intense an for the under this a novella by army sub to my shock on an auto-shutoff I'm bettin IV aha we're in urban walkable was a tune and when a flower had a cold Baba forgotten what a material a chameleon hamakom Allah says let man look at his let me read the translation of the meanings so he says he let people then consider their food how we pour down how we poured up pour down rain in abundance and meticulously split the earth open for sprouts causing grain to grow in it as well as grapes and greens and olives and palm trees and dense orchards and fruits and fodder all as a means of sustenance for you and your animals so a lots mental again and a lot did the same previously in just an MA we said specifically in solitude Nancy had a lot of draws our attention to his magnificent creation how this whole creation and how what it produces is not there randomly it's for you it's put at your service it's designed to make your life prosperous and possible so all of this Allah put it at your service and made it you know provide for you Allah says Mattel and duck embody a dynamic on providence for you and for your animals you kept your your sheep your cows etc it's all about your sustenance then on last month Allah shows the end of all of this material accompanying an army come and that's not gonna be the case all the time it's not gonna be like you guys want generation after the other and you eat and you drink then a new animals and there will be rain and vegetation and so on and so forth this cycle of Earth is not going forever it's gonna come to an end because it's serving a purpose and that purpose comes ok you know the cycle of life will stop will come to a halt so a lot so I gotta says for either yeah I just saw and this is a profound word in Arabic it's AHA even the words are very emphatic Saad is more fuck'em what huh is one of the most emphatic muhfucka words in the Arabic language and it shows a lot of heavy weight either jet Asafa to see how the translator he put the meaning he said then when the deafening blast comes to past he's calling yet deafening blast it's a good it's a good translation of the meanings but the word suck I just like in salt and Nancy I tap um is a very powerful way to Saha as well it's like it's like something heavy that falls and breaks everything that's a song a giant-ass aha yo my effort will not I mean if he were only he were a B was ah hey Betty he were Benny helical dementia new uni so when the deafening blast comes to pass on that day every person will free from their own siblings and even their mother and father and even their spouse and children so when the day of judgement comes is gonna come as a shock it's a very shocking experience to the point where people will start running away because when you get in trouble who do you refer to who do you run to usually you have brothers sisters you you go to them right because you expect them to help you you have parents you rush to your parents or you go to your spouse to the people you know you love and the people who love you and care for you but on that day you're gonna run away from everyone because you know no one can help you you know no one can help you know there are narrations from the prophets of sort of although sometimes the authenticity is disputed but some scholars actually accepted those narrations that on the day of judgment a mother will approach her son her son is an adult obviously and she's old she will come to her son she says my son how many took a fee for him if he bought me our blood to come in 30 I carried you in my own room and I nursed you I gave you milk for my own body was he hurt - Holly whatever to awaken a man will attack abort and I looked after you and I cared for you and I was up all night when you were sick and ill and I gave you all my time until you grew I grew up and you became dependence now all I want from you one Hasson one reward give me one reward from your record so I can enter paradise so he turns to his mother for you if you owe me for polio MA in that has an eternity table being the anafi I should the hatchet Delia how would you really have told me so probably that so he would say to his mother you know the Hasan are you asking of me I needed the most I can't give it to you now and he turns away and he leaves so you're my a fool not woman aji you're gonna run away from your siblings only he will be and his father and his mother no one is gonna help you you know like you want a row and run away from everyone from everything well me me what's the hey Betty he what Bernie and his wife his spouse and his children run away from everyone the Columbarium men whom you made in shallow uni every one of them for then everyone will have enough concern of their own everyone's gonna have their own case to welcome everyone has their own problems and their own worries of that on that day to worry about then the last month Allah says on that day we do Hanyu woman eat in must feel waha cotton my step show days on that day some faces will be bright nice fella but far as a must fear Allah forgives the description of mascara today morning as far is when something lights up when something lights up we do own your maiden must feel our days on that on that day there will be faces that are lit up so bright bright of what because of what because of happiness happiness who don't you made the most fear Allah he cotton was touched sure and these faces will be laughing and rejoicing they'll be smiling there will be in such a deep state and profound state of happiness because they know we have made it we have made it would you want your mind almost fira Hecate almost up show and they are looking forward towards next they're very optimistic they can see what you know what is lying ahead of them which is gonna be positive or we'll do honey OMA is another Jabara what other faces will be dusty tell Huckle her patella cast in gloom well Erica Holman can follow to La Jolla those are the disbelievers and the wicked sinners so this is how people are gonna end up into these two types of people people whose faces will be bright and radiant kids of the blessings of Allah sponsor Hannah and they know where where they're going to end up and some people whose faces will be in gloom they'll be darkened as a lost ones and it says or do I know my hidden Blalock sama law says faces that will be have what no Billa daddy foofy will do him not bulletins name not blah is you don't when someone lives a luxurious life a healthy life you can see health in their face on their cheeks right you can see it that's what a lot of scribes the people of paradise what you want oh my didn't know they were you see so much health so much like blessings and so much it's it's I don't know what's the word in English well it's just it's it's a very sustain of be living a healthy life and being physically well mentally well emotionally well everything well that's it's that state where you face lights up and is so radiant because of the health and the well-being that you're experiencing well jr. made another a lot of behind now there are they will be looking at their Lord they will be looking at their Lord and that's the blessing that a las montañas gonna give them oh you made him pass here and face is that gonna be gloomy gonna be broken double annoy you Father behalf are there certain that a disaster is going to perform them so so this is how people are gonna end up on the day of judgment again okay last one that you can see how Allah open surah um we one thing and he closed it with the same notion here in solar-type I said the same thing Allah mentions two types of people the problem was speaking to the blind person who was trying to learn more and the arrogant disbelievers who were rejecting the message Allah Swatara shows Allah started with them and then Allah closes the surah as well with their end what's gonna happen on the day of judgment - these two types of people will move on to solid at the queer certain regime Hashem so who we are at Eden neroon cavatelli below suji ilaha illa Allah Allahu Ahad alvarado Sujatha aidanu for Zuzu widget adelmo move to su edad de domville OT leather sofa no shiatsu is a summer associate at Adel Jerry Musso a lot worried engine to us leaf element of so Muhammad the solar source at the query shows what's gonna happen to the natural phenomena that we know what's gonna happen to them on the day of judgment so everything is gonna change it's a lot of internal says Yama - but that'll go viral ugly was somehow arts when the earth is gonna change it's not gonna be the same as you know it the same will happen to the skies and heavens so a last one that says the meaning of the verses when the Sun is put out so the Sun as we know it will be put out I'll be no light and there'll be no heat that has to be at the beginning as at the beginning and when the stars fall down and when the mountains are blown away and when the pregnant camels are left unattended and when wild beasts are gathered together and when the seas are set on fire and when the souls and their bodies are paired once more and when baby girls buried alive are asked for what crime they were put to death and when the records of Deeds are laid open and when the sky is tripped is stripped away and when the Hellfire is fierce the flirt up and when paradise is brought near on that day each soul will know what deeds it has brought along now there is something we have to also understand as we are dealing with verses that talk about things on the day of judgment and we mentioned that when were talking explaining salt and never as well Allah describes paradise that these are real these are not only symbolic these are real things the Sun will be put out and the heavens will crack and will break the mountains will be blown all this is gonna happen for real for real but there is something we have to understand and this is what some of the scholars say that when we recite the Quran when we relate to the Quran there are there's more than one level so for example a lavas Allah mentions three levels of people who recite Quran they make sense as well he says Quran Quran Allah Allah thirty exam I was small oh well Chris Manya Khurana Billy Sonny he does Moroccan beliefs and he someone who reads the Quran only with their tongue so the recital Quran with their tongue like they're counting pages they're going through the words and they're probably even reciting very well then he says what party on your collar Anna Billie Sammy he for you that kure-san whooping bajo so he is his recitation with his tongue is reminding his heart so he's reflecting on the meanings of the words and he's taking them to hot which is very great it's very great and that's the that's actually the basic reason why Allah so Allah sent down the Quran Allah saw that I says kitab and Zuleika mubarak on the end the bottle IATA he will he attack charaluta BAP a blessed book that we sent down upon you so that people may reflect on its verses and then remember okay and then remember that's the point he says Roger on manual Quran fear Kalihi Carra al-quran can I listen to German - German - German - German Alby he he said the person who's the meaning who the meanings of the Quran are in his heart so when he recites the Quran the meanings come out of his heart and it seems as though his tongue is expressing what's in his heart so that's the other way around rather than taking that rather than the impact coming from the tongue to the heart from the tongue right into the ears then into the heart it's actually the other way around the meanings are in the heart and the tongue seems to be expressing the heart through the words of Allah Spinoza and that's not easy even to imagine the reason I'm saying this is that there are people who read the Quran only with their mind only with their brain only with their brain so they start critiquing you know what happens logically say okay when the Sun disappears there will be no light so how are people gonna see things this person is stuck in their mind that's not how you read these things because that's a different world so the laws of physics there don't work as we know them it's gonna be a different world so you have to recite the Quran also with your hearts these meanings your mind can understand them basically when the Sun is put out when the when the stars fall when the mountains are blown away and when the seas are and oceans are set on fire and so on and so forth you can probably imagine that in your mind but you need to let that all that knowledge all that knowledge that's in the Sora run through your heart and your heart will recognize it as a tacit level your heart feels it your heart feels it and that's knowledge of the unseen by the way when it's revealed to you and the whole okay so I know these the difference between these two levels sometimes it's very subtle not everyone can really really sort of discern the difference between these two levels but it's very important and that's the same thing we do with the names and attributes of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala Allah SWA that describes himself in the Quran and the process describes him in the sooner these meanings are real these are real or whatever Allah says about himself in the Quran and the Companions of the Prophet Solomon the early generations have agreed upon that these are real meanings these are real meanings they're not figures of speech they're not metaphors they're not symbols they're not words without meaning no they have meaning they're real when Allah says of a man still analysis Noah when Allah says man-mana and let us do dilemma halacha to be a day and so on and so forth things are lost is about himself the prophets of Sciences in the kunafa little ladle ever in the lions even SME at dunya these are real meanings if you try to understand them with your head with your mind it doesn't you because your mind is designed to understand this physical world and that's why I'm a mannequin he was asked about a man came to him and he said man I ALS's Toa kafir stone it is al Rahman the most merciful rose above the throne how him and Malik said this - ah oh my loon he says we know what - raw a rise above the throne what that means we know what it means well K form a jewel so our hearts know what the meaning is well K for how trying to figure it out with your head that's not for you module it's impossible you can't reach that because that's knowledge of the unseen you try to figure it out this is why people when you mentioned the issue of a lost one trial at the hands of a lost man and they say some people really gonna say so that means Allah is like his creation he has hands no allah's hands are not like our hands but our heart to understand the meanings our hearts understand the meanings so this is why when we deal with matters of the unseen was gonna happen on the day of judgement about paradise or about allah sunnatullah himself you have to get your heart involved your heart believes in these meanings but don't try to work them out the details of them your mind don't try to see okay like Gardens beneath which rivers flow try to figure it out with your with your head it's really difficult Allah the Prophet SAW Salem says that Allah SWA thought I says what often folk they have what often map near las botanas says like the message of solomon says in one hadith like the one in the law or the people in the average state of levels in paradise when they look at the highest ranking believers in paradise they will see them like stars those till them like starts and the the chambers or the rooms there are transparent this is something we cannot imagine these things we cannot imagine with our heads but our hearts feel at peace knowing these things and that's why because of a federal recognizes these things so it's important that when we read these meanings about the day of judgment that don't try to some reduce them to physical phenomena as we know it that reality is far greater our hearts recognizes these as true but don't try to sometimes we'll try to visualize it like the description of paradise like the the dirt in paradise is what what's the dirt was the mud in paradise made of its misc musk misc was a fallen like this doesn't make sense right it doesn't make sense your heart knows it tell us leave it your heart feels at peace with that trying to work because the misc that is there is not necessarily like what we know here again you're a bona cats and I love won't we have a lotta theme and Haram in Harmelin left the timoshev in allah so allah says in paradise there will be rivers of come some right but the home of there is not like the humble here it's not like the alcohol that we have here the intoxicants it's different so this is something your heart knows so don't try to reduce these meanings of the unseen to your brain it might be sometimes problem so involve your heart your heart knows these words of Allah are true and by the way if you allow your heart to reflect on these verses and I would say try to do that maybe before Asia if you have time or any time any five minutes you have today go to Surat attack we're go to Surat at the Queen solar tech where is surah number 81 so number 81 the one go and read it and try if you can read Arabic and Sun Arabic perfect if not go to the main is translation of the meanings it might be helpful try to let your heart ponder on that sometimes when you read the solar you really takes you into the day of judgment it takes you into a different world and you feel completely in tune with that world and so such a horrific scene to be in such a horrific scene to be in it's not easy to see everything you know is broken everything you know is gonna fall apart such a scary thing so it's good actually to try to delve into the Quran in that in that way so again this is in line with the general theme of juice i'ma is that it's all about the Day of Judgment it's all about proving the Day of Judgment whatever is on that data this is not the only life we have we have next life and there will be punishment there will be a reward people will stand for a count and a loss of homes and will hold people accountable for the actions then people end up either in living eternally in Paradise or eternally in the Hellfire again a lost potala establishes this then he's gonna prove the the prophethood of the messenger sallallaahu I think he must seldom in the rest and the end of the surah and will probably deal with this tomorrow insha'Allah now today is Friday and hopefully insha'Allah this is part of say at least a Java the hour where a lot of answers the door ah it's also one of the days of Ramadan so use we have about 10 minutes or 15 minutes use that time to make the sincere dua to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala specifically that Allah helps you to ready to be able to witness their okay okay we said no Lila is from nabla it's this brightness is beauty now they are looking Nadira fear not o muhammad wa ba ha ha ha hey and now there are some verbena her elbows are not allowed be another tanto al arabiya shakuntla her solo salami say muhammad wa ali also happy 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Keywords: khutbah, muslim, Islam, Quran, Khutbah, Moutasem Al Hameedy, Reminder, Recitation, Muslim, Abu Huraira center, Servants, Most, Merciful, Lecture, Canada, Toronto, Abu Osama AL Dhahabi, Bilal phileps, Abdulhakem Quick, Yasir Aldosary, Wadi Alyamni, معتصم الحمديدي, Digital Mimbar, The Daily Reminder, Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh, Free Islamic Course, Usool Al Fiqh, مراد, السباطي
Id: ZMQ_swgUO0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 49sec (2629 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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