The Life of the Prophet 20 | Sh. Moutasem Al Hameedi

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in him that learner who wanna stay I wanna stuff fellow who not going to be let him in she Lori Ann frisina will see ya Tina Madan Mohan Laila who want me you little further Hardy Ella shadow allah allahu la sharika lah whatcha doin no muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh sallallahu aleyhi wa ali he was selling them at the Sleeman kathira um I do so we got to a point where we said the one of the Companions of the Prophet SAW said I'm one of the pioneers among the Muslims in Medina passed away that's why this was a new Allah Allah Allah who and one of the ants are one of our era and we said Assad no tsurara was one of the pioneers of the Muslims in Medina because he hosted Mesaba be no mayor at the beginning when Misawa no mayor was being the teacher in Medina and Moran Lim prasun sent him to Medina in order to teach the new Muslims in Medina the basics and foundations of Islam so a solid Minister Allah was his host and he was defending him and he was you know spreading the devil of Islam so even one of the early Muslims cab Malik Allah Allah who on his son Abdul Rahman he says when my father became an old person's talking about cab every time he used the Adhan for Juna every time he's done for German solids and Saleh to Juma he would make dua for I said no tsurara so I asked him why do you make that for jalapenos illallah he said he was the first one who established Juma in Medina when we were in the early days of Islam in Medina before the Prophet seldom migrated to Medina so we said the prophets of our solemn buried him and so I want to connect this story to another story and we said that's of the person who came to times far to the prophet sallallaahu l'm first time he came he offered sadaqa the problem didn't heat from it but he handed it over to his companions second time he offered the Prophet SAW salaam and this was in the house of abu ayyub al-ansari he offered the prophet salah salem a gift a gift which was food the problem eat from it and he also gave from it to his companions so he said first time he said this is one second time he said this is two and now he comes for the third time he comes to the Prophet SAW so he narrates the story I'm gonna try to read some of the Arabic there as well and sometimes I'll just skip some of the Arabic and sort of just narrate the story so he says I came to the Prophet SAW cinnamon he was in Alberta when he wasn't ready and he had just buried one of his companions so I'm gonna link it maybe it was a sadness or a funeral maybe someone else's but since it all blends in nicely here let's put it together so he says I come to the prophets on Salem and the process arm was wearing two pieces probably similar to when we were at the time of had by the way most of what the prophet saw Salem most of his clothes for his daily life was made of Azhar and Reda the lower part would you make Azhar which we making hedge an Andhra the lower part and the upper part most of the days that's how the prophets of Salaam would dress up most of the time and that was the dress of Quraysh most of the time now in special occasions they would wear on top of that you know it could be a cloak what they call Abba or Juba okay a cloak and an external kind of beautiful colored cloak they add different shapes and different colors the prophets of Salamis favorite dress was Alchemist alchemy so I mean the closest to it is what you have as we thought what we call taupe today right is what people were in in most of the Gulf countries Saudi equate Emirates Qatar it's this kind of thought when they were similar to it was is in Egypt as and in Sudan as well pretty much that's what you're talking about it was a little bit shorter than what it's today but that's it it was below the knees very close but now obviously how these modern designs so I would I'm assuming based on some drawings that something story is made what you have in Egypt especially in South Egypt and a side and in Sudan that's actually closer to what the Arabs used to wear that's closer to what the Arabs used to wear at the time so he says I came to the Prophet problem when he was in Alberta in the graveyard he had just married one of his companions and his companions were around him so I saw him and now tried to go behind him and he was searching for something it was searching for something he was looking trying to see something on the back of the Prophet SAW Salem he says the Prophet Solomon noticed that I was behind him trying I was searching for something so he sort of the upper one which is a reader a reader is on the top and an is are is the lower boy this is the bottom part so the problem loosens or he drops the upper part so that what's between his shoulders shows and between the prophet's shoulders was a birthmark there was a birthmark it was more of a brown patch of skin with long hairs in it that was the seal of prophethood that was a sign of the prophets messengership and it was mentioned in the previous scriptures hartamanda buwa this guy is salman al-farisi salman al-farisi he has some knowledge of the scripture and he's gonna tell us the story so he already knows about this mark he was trying to see it because he already saw two signs and he had three signs of the Prophet SAW Salim and he was searching for that three third sign so in the process alam dropped the upper part of his cloak and said man Pharisee as soon as he sees that mark he rushes to the Prophet SAW Solomon starts kissing his hands and his feet the prophets also and says to him to how well come come in front of me let's figure this out he says my shock what's going on so he tells the story to the Prophet saws and the problem wants the Companions to listen to this so he lets and manly ferry she tell his own story so so the man is gonna tell his own story so he says I was a Persian man from oz Mahan oz Mahan has many names in Arabic as behan and Isfahan now it's called Isfahan it's called Isfahan it's in Iran today so I was in a small village there and my father was sort of the religious leader was there Imam there bishop the priest whatever he was the religious leader of of that community and since I was his son I was entrusted with the entrusted with the fire to keep it going and it was a great blasphemy for the fire to go out in their community because did they worship the fire the Persians worshipped two forces the force of evil and the force of good or the force of the day and the night the light and the darkness this dual God but also the fire was connected to that somehow I haven't figured that out but anyway it was a very important ritual or part of their religion to keep the higher the fire going so he says so I was supposed to keep the fire going in the worship place or in the in the in the temple and my father was a rich man so he had Gardens he had pieces of land he had he had a lot of property and he was respected well respected so one day my father got really busy and he said I was going to check out one of my gardens or one of my farms so he said and he said I was the spoilt child of my father so I wasn't really exposed to life he he always protected me from engaging with life and going through trouble so I was pretty spoiled and so my father would not entrust me with big duties but this time he just said I can't really go and check on this farm or this I want you to go and check on it and do one two three and don't get distracted and don't like keep yourself oh don't get yourself busy in anything else don't get me worried about you so his father spoiled him even the sense he was very protective of him extremely protective he would easily get worried about him if he didn't turn if he didn't come back home on time and so on and so forth so he says I go and on the way I see this church Christian Church and I don't know what Christian Church is I see that for the first time and I can hear something so I go and check it out and I found these are Christians and they're praying and I don't know what Christianity is to ask them what is this they said this is our prayer and what are you guys they said we are Christians so he decided he he sort of found something appealing there so he observes them and he joins them and he loves what they have there like he loves their prayer so he spends the whole day with them until it was nighttime then when they were done he obviously got completely distracted he goes back home without checking on the garden or the farm and he finds his father in a very like nervous troubled state his father system where have you been I've been looking for you I got worried about you and it shows you now the innocent side of Salman and Pharisee being a spoiled child he says I was just on my way and I saw this church and I like what these guys did and I was observing them for the rest of the day and I joined them and when they finished I just came back and really the religion is beautiful and his mother says no our religion is better than their religion you shouldn't go there so Salman said no I really find the religion more appealing than our religion I think it's a better religion than ours his father sees this he says okay now it's getting serious so what does he do being very protective he changed his own son he keeps him at home and he changed him to make sure he doesn't you know run away so Salman in Ferris he realizes okay I'm stuck now with my dad so he sends someone to that church and ask them or we actually asked him when he wasn't with them he asked them where is there's this religion what is it based in I couldn't what area what does it come from they said it comes from a Shem Palestine Jordan Syria Lebanon so this is what it's these were the people the main people of this religion are so he sends when he's in his captivity he sends to them asking if you know about someone or any people are coming from a sham for a visit you guys let me know and after some time a group came from a shaman they were visiting obviously Christians they were visiting that area and they obviously did their services in that church so they went somebody went and informed Salman that yeah we have a group from a Shem he says whenever they intend to leave and travel back to a sham you guys notify me so when the guys are about to leave they notify him he managed manages to escape and then he joins them and he travel he leaves his dad he leaves his family it is wealth he travels with these guys and it goes to a Shem so in a sham they have there the priest or pastor and he's their main guy the main source of knowledge and religiosity and he runs all the services so he joins him and he says listen I've seen this religion I love it and I want to join this religion I want to be with you and I want to learn from you he says ok you just join me so he wants to live in service of God in the church so he joins him in the church and he says I see this man he says I've never seen a man who's more evil than that I've never seen a man more evil than that he commands people he orders people to give in charity so they spent from their gold and their silver and he takes that to give it to the poor but he keeps it to himself he doesn't give the poor any any any anything so he keeps it to himself he said it was such an evil man but then after a while the man got sick and then he passed away so the congregation really wanted to honor him so he wanted to give him a good funeral honorable funeral they get ready and some man sees this and he says you know what you guys this guy so much they said he's over like priests our leader he said but this guy is no good listen how come my limo cabbie had a lock how do you know about this he said I've been close to him and I've seen he command you he orders you to give money in charity he keeps it to himself it doesn't give it to people who need it does it prove it he said I can show you where his treasure is where he he's buried his all his wealth they said okay show us they go and they dig it out and they find seven huge jars full of gold and silver these guys really lost it when they saw that so what they did instead of burying him and giving him giving him an honorable honorable funeral they actually crucified his body and stoned it then they found another priest to run their community and Salman said man Pharisee says I've never seen a man who doesn't pray the five daily prayers who's as righteous as this man what does that mean he means I've seen a man who's truly righteous and devout he's truly sincere he's truly sincere she used to worship Allah Samantha and do so much good and he was selfless in his service to a lawn service of the community so I stayed with him and I learned from him and I benefited a lot from him after a while he's not feeling well then he dies passes away as he was passing away I asked him and I said listen I left my family I left my country and I came here to learn from you and be learning from you but I'm gonna continue this process when I learn more what should I go so he says to him a lie I don't know anyone who was upon this true religion and this true version of the religion except someone who's in Alamosa in North Iraq the Muslim so if you want to pursue more knowledge and more religiosity and more spirituality you have to travel there so the man passes away they bury him and salman al-farisi sets off to all Mosul he goes so mostly he finds this man he says this is so-and-so sent me to you I was learning with him he passed away as he was passing away I asked him where to go to learn and he rec join you he said okay stay with me so he stays with him and says I find him just as good as his friend who recommended him and I stay with him and learn from him and benefit from him then after a while he's about to die so I'm asking him as he's dying you know I need to pursue this further I need to learn more why should I go so he says honestly I don't know anyone who is still upon this except for one person in the city of not sleeping not sleeping I think I think if I'm not mistaken it's to the south of Iraq so all to the north of the Arabian Peninsula so once he died up as soon as he died Samana pharisee travels and he goes to not sleeping he studies with this person and he lives with him in this man also he's about to die all these people seem that they were at an old age so he started with him the man is about to die now see he says where should I go I need to learn him to pursue I need I need a mentor I need a shave I need a teacher he says well I you know I know that this whole series you've been through I know all of these people and there's only one person left of us who's treated truly upon the true religion and it seems these were these were people upon the saint the true version of Christianity that was to worshiping Allah it seems it seems like it or at least there was a lot of these elements so he says there's only one person in Moorea Moorea is in Turkey today is a city in Turkey he says that's the only man left on earth upon this so the man in Pharisee travels to an warrior after the death of his teacher he travels there and he finds a very good man he says just as his other companions excellent righteous selfless knowledgable so he says stay with him and learn from him and I stay for a while then after that he's about to die so ask him what can I go I want to pursue this further he says well I owe my son I known no one on earth was upon this I think I was the only I was the last man on this on the face of earth on the face of this earth so man so he dies passes away Simon Pharisee stays in a moria he starts working well actually he started working already before that before the death of his teacher and he said I made some money and I bought some cows and some goats or some sheep and then after the death of his teacher he stays there for a while and but before his teacher dies in ammonia this last teacher he says I don't know anyone I'm the last one on this but he says this is the time these are the signs of a time when the final Messenger will be sent and he will be sent in an area where there is a lot of date trees palm trees and in an area where there are two on the sides on the both sides of the city there are two hills that have this dark stone you know nature so he says I kept that in mind and he said and this prophet when he is sent he would not accept charity and sadaqa but he would accept the gift and between his two shoulder blades there is the sign or the mark of prophethood so these are the signs that Salman was searching for so he stays in a Maria for a while then one a group of Arabs came as business people they came to that area so yeah they were from the tribe of help although kelpies is dog right but there were tribes called like this so so he asked them and he he he says would you guys if I like would you guys take me to the lands of the Arabs because there a description that he was given matches only the lands of the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula so he wanted to go and investigate and he wanted to find out for himself so he he approaches some of them and he says if I give you if I offer you my cows and my sheep would you guys take me to some of the main the main cities in there in the Arabian Peninsula would you help me travel that they said yes absolutely so they strike a deal he joins them on the way on the way as they were getting close to probably Medina area the guys turn against him and they actually take him as a slave they say you're no longer a free man now you captive to us you have no power to free yourself you're just a slave the cows are ours the Sheep is ours we're gonna take the Sheep okay and you belong to us as well and they sold him in the slave market and it seemed this law is sold him in one of some of the villages or the towns that are to the north of Medina probably hiber maybe labor so he was he said I was bought by a Jewish master when he took me to his town and I saw the part of the day trees I was very happy and I said alhamdulillah have arrived the shows you as well the innocence of this man and the sincerity in his heart his intention was sincere he was truthful in his intention he wanted badly to find that prophet it wasn't about anything he didn't like his intention was not mixed with anything else so he says when I saw the date trees I was extremely happy and delighted and then I started working for my master then one of his cousin's comes and he sees me working he says I want to buy this slave from you would you sell him yeah I'm gonna buy him so they strike a deal and he buys me from my home from his cousin from his my first master and he takes me with him to yes rip to medina and he says when i when i saw yes rabbi so medina i recognized the description it's obvious that's the city that's the town you know full of day trees palm trees and the two hilly areas dark hilly areas around medina on the east and the west he says that's it he said I recognized it she said I kept working hard working hard as a slave to my for my Jewish master and he says I know I have no clue about the prophets Allah that he was sent in Mecca and he was preaching Islam and calling people to Islam and then he says one day I was fixing some of the date trees and I was on top of it it was very fruitful and I was they have certain things to do with it so what's fixing it and my master was down underneath and I saw his cousin rushing to him and was in a very troubled state and he says are tell Allahu Benny atella in homage to my own and aaradhya linear Aluna in Hoonah B may Allah destroy the children of Tayla this is one of the grand great-grandmother's of over the N of the people of Medina the herbs of Medina house and their house they are gathered around the man that they claim to be a prophet so salman al-farisi upon hearing this he says i lost my mind and i went down so quickly that i was about to fall on top of my master then i climb and climb the tree and I and I asked the cousin of my muscle what did you just say he says my master punches me right in the face and he says that's none of your business go back to you work so I apologized and I went to my work but I got the news there's someone among the Arabs in Medina who they think is a prophet so that's he says when it was nighttime I had already set aside some some food that I brought on the side for for sadaqa so I took it and I offered it I went to see that man and I went to offer him that sadaqa and that's the first time he met the prophets of Solomon he offered him this other card the problem did not eat from it the problem handed it over to his companions so this is the story of salman al-farisi stories and man a Pharisee what can we learn from it so much so much the most important lesson for me is the power of intention the power if you have the right intention Allah will plot for you his father plotted against him and kept him CAFTA captive the first priest plotted generally for his own self for his own sake and he could have been an off-putting factor right to get him to say you know all these religious people are just you know the same they all work for their own agenda so on and so forth you're gonna find people or religious who really have who's who would be really nasty there are religious people okay who have no manners there are the religious people who have ill intentions who have a lot of hatred and envy and jealousy and bad things but there's a lot of religious people who are extremely good and truthful right so you can't generalize you can't generalize so he could have said okay that's what a priest is what do you think the rest of the people are forget about this forget about this and just the you know the other day someone sent me a message from a new Muslim I may Allah make it easy for new Muslims honestly melih make it easy for new Muslims he said like I embrace Islam and then he struggled in the local mosque and local masjid from people how they treated him how they're always having assumptions and then he travels so and as he was traveling he was in he stopped over in France and something happened to delay and want to fly it's some issues and he was trying to fix it and the guy who was helping him fix it the one who works for the airlines or the immigration was a Muslim his name is Mohammed French citizen he said he made it so difficult for me he made my life difficult at that moment and he wasn't helping out it was an easy issue he just made it so complicated and then a French guy comes was non-muslim he comes and he solves the matter in five minutes and he makes it easy for me and III didn't have to miss my flight then I asked myself why he's a Muslim behaving like this and not Muslim behaving like that and he says I traveled to a Muslim country I'm not gonna mention the country I traveled to this Muslim country everyone is trying to set me up everyone's trying to get money out of me everyone is just you know playing games trying to get money from me try to fool me and so on and so forth wherever I go he said I don't feel even safe about people everyone you approach even the religious people that I met they were trying to get money out of me I travel to another country same thing happens he says so I ask myself if a religion is true is true why and this is the truth from Allah why you find these non-muslims are behaving well and doing well and they observe your rights and they respect them and they try to be nice to either try to help you out whereas these Muslims are just doing everything to set you up and take advantage of you so may Allah make it easy may Allah make it easy and that's all responsibility that yes sometimes we limit religion to some of the rituals which are important but the rituals are part and parcel of a bigger picture right of us being you know respectful of us being rightful towards others being just and fair and being kind and nice and being gentle and merciful unfortunately actions speak louder than words they speak louder than words so so man and Pharisee did not take he was so resilient he was so sincere and powerful in his intention that this did not deter him from pursuing you know whatever he found to be the truth at the time and then he keeps traveling imagine he could have settled in that community and say oh you know I'm probably the most learned person among them let me make a sheikh over them let me be the their priest right he didn't say that he was he wanted to know more about Allah he want to know more about life more about the truth so he traveled never mind he didn't accumulate wealth he didn't work it wasn't about were claimed it was about finding what life was about fighting who Allah was and worshiping him and knowing the truth so he kept traveling from sham then to Mosul North Iraq then to South Iraq or North Arabian Peninsula them back to back north in the middle of Turkey and then also being you know taken as a slave unjustly being kidnapped and taken as a slave and sold in the slave market yet when he sees Medina he's delighted it doesn't seem to bother him that he's a slave as long as he found what he was searching for so although he seemed to be taken advantage of or he didn't seem to be working for himself Allah was working for him Allah was making things work for him and that's the power of intention and that's part of the hadith or resonates with the hadith we quoted today in the hotbar sadaqa la havas alcoho if you are truthful with Allah Allah will get you what you truly want always truly deserve so be truthful in Allah but sometimes our intention is not so pure it's not so powerful say I had the intention has the intention what's it lousy intention it's a watered down intention but when your intention is sincere and powerful Allah doesn't let you down and that's why the truth is if someone is sincere and searching for the truth Allah will guide them to the truth they're truly sincere and they don't happen to be guided and they are truly sincere Allah has a way out for them but it's impossible that someone was truly sincere and they want to search for the truth and they've done it because when you have an intention you're gonna do what you what you need to do because intention is motivation intention is Drive so if you if you are if your intention is to about something you're gonna pursue it no nothing is gonna stop stop you from it but if someone is say pursue and they do everything in their capacity to find the truth but for some reason they could not arrive in it Allah is gonna have a way out for them Lots not gonna but if someone truly wants since it wants the truth Allah is gonna guide them Allah is gonna guide them so this shows us the importance of intention there often often times we count more on tactics strategies and techniques and tricks and on our own intelligence but we forget a greater intelligence we forget something that's far bigger than our intelligence when Allah plots for you and Allah plans for you and Allah takes care of your affairs if the whole world is against you you're gonna get what you deserve you're gonna get the best look at Yusuf alayhi Salaam brothers plotted against him and they got rid of him they threw him in the well they tried thought of even killing him then according to one of the versions of the story he would they sold him as a slave as well and he was taken to the house of Aziz then he was put in that position of temptation being tempted by the wife of an Aziz then it was accused of trying to abuse women sexually this is why he was taken to the prison falsely accused he was taken to the prison and he spent such a long time in the prison you know some of them office city and they say do you know what's the time between Yusuf and Islam was taken away from his father than the moment he was reunited with his with his father and with his parents some of them say was 41 years 41 years such a short time he usually cinemas were because he was with Allah he just went through all of this and it worked for him this or if you swear Sam was not taken by his brothers and sold as a slave and taken as a servant and then put in the prison he would not be able to be in a position to interpret the dream of the King and thus to become one of the main assistants of the King and such an influential person and it would not be the situation will not be conducive to his brothers coming and the famine happened and his brothers coming to Egypt in order to seek provisions and for he for him to meet them from a position of power and be able to have all of this happening so we emphasize so much the the concept of planning and and being smart and finding out for ourselves which is important it's important but we miss out on something that's much more powerful and that completes the picture and that's it that's to put your trust in Allah truly put your trust in Allah and approach this life with sincerity what do you want out of this life so the man in Far East you wanted to find guidance and follow it so even though he was went through all of these you know difficult times and he was taken advantage of and he was set up like that and he was sold as a slave yet the very thing that was meant to be against him turned out to be working for him it took him exactly to where he wanted it took him exactly to the land where the profits are son was going to be sent so that's how we should approach life yes you can read all these self-help books all these strategy books and you can improve the quality of your life good all of this is good and important and you shouldn't dispense with it that's part of this life but don't forget that's your intention what you seek in this life your approach to this life your approach to Allah smuggle you level of trust in allah subhanho wa taala is so consequential it brings about results it's not just it's not just theory it's not just like this abstract thing that has no bearing on life no it does have an impact on how life unfolds truly your intentions have a huge impact actually the biggest impact on how your life unfolds but we don't we don't do it well enough to really see the results we don't do it well and the problem makes it clear in the hadith we just read it you really say like where where are our minds when we approach the issue of trust the problem says well we're live in FCB Eddy no wonder come to work alone I had a la hija but luckily no come come by year Terry Misano batana says by the one in whose hand and whose hand my soul is if you truly put your trust in allah as you should Allah would provide for you just as he provides for birds in the morning they leave their nest with empty stomachs they come back with full stomachs what's the condition he mentioned if you truly put your trust in Allah as he deserves that you trust him that's that's the condition that's the point and that's consequential mmm nope a.m. he says a cool-ass bab a tawa cooler illallah he says the strongest factor in this life the strongest causal oh the strongest force in this life that brings about effect is reliance on Allah but you know to walk alone and he then he says he says there are people who really jump into danger and take risks in life and they do this because they just have full trust in Allah and he says these people whatever they throw themselves into they will survive and they will thrive why he says Lian nothing but a humble area Sol to me he says because their trust in Allah protects them that's not hocus-pocus stuff that's real stuff remember him also he says I lived I stayed in Mecca for some time and he said I used to have some pains and aches in my in my body and there was no doctor I could not afford a doctor and there was no doctor at some time by the way Mecca was not even though was the hub of worship there was not much civilization there so he couldn't find a doctor and he said and the only medicine I had was Zemzem water and I would drink it I would drink it with the intention of having or being healed and he said it worked better than any other doctor or any other medicine then he says and some people try it out and doesn't work for them so he explains that in Arabic he says well I can be has ability any weather Timothy Allah he says it works only based on the level of your certainty and your trust in Allah if you drink it with certainty and trust in a last minute Allah is gonna have this effect if not it's not gonna work he even talks about real clear he says rakia is effective when a person who is doing it really trusts a lost man Tala it works it works the level of trust in a lost man that makes the rock layer works so you have to figure out that beliefs are consequential which is smart you might think I was just some other inside right it's it's all you know hard stuff that really works right gravity physical stuff mass weight no it's not the world is much bigger than what we see physically is much bigger than that there's a lot of connections so salman al-farisi everything seemed to be against him everything seems to be going downhill but it was actually that was exactly the best thing for him it took him exactly to where the Prophet SAW son was going to be so he met with the prophet sallallaahu Salam upon an appointment an appointment that was made by Allah subhanAllah so the Prophet SAW solemn says to cinnamon in Farsi he says ya care to be a Sandman he says Sandman use no kotoba mo kotoba is a transaction that used to be at the time when there was slavery it was the right of a slave to free himself or herself so they approached their mas and they say I want to free myself and I will do the work that's necessary that its equivalent in value in value to me freeing myself so so that was known as Makkah towards the problem says approach you master and seek to free yourself so salman al-farisi goes chase master and he says i want to free myself finally he convinces him so he convinces him and it was such a like huge price he comes back to the Prophet Allah and he says I agreed with him that he would free me if I take care basically grow 300 date trees for him and 40 ounces of gold huge such a huge money the Prophet SAW said I'm says he turns to the Muslims he says you know help your brother help you brother most of them are poor at that stage yet the prophet saww seldom shows this solidarity this Brotherhood this brother his slave we need to free him so he can really pursue his religion pursue his worship and connection to allah subhanhu obviously said man Pharisee becomes one of the most important companions in terms of knowledge in terms of influence influence to the point the Prophet SAW solemn says Selmer Norman ll Bates Salman is from us a debate the family household of the prophets of Allah are using so as a manufacturer was extremely helpful specifically what stands out as we will inshallah we'll come to see later on Reza what will conduct the Battle of the trench the whole idea of digging out a trench came from Salman and Farah see it came from Persia there was something that was commonly done there at times of war when an army was about to set a siege around another another a city or a town that would dig a trench around it to protect themselves and they would fill it with water so he had this idea and he shared it with the Prophet SAW settlement came right in time right in time to give the Muslims an advantage against all the you know polish and their allies were about 2000 at the time who surrounded Almudena the prophets of Allah when he was seldom goes to the house of Athena Solara the one who he buried earlier and he goes and as I know Sarah had two little daughters the Prophet SAW Salim he gives them each one of them earrings earrings made of gold made of gold they kept these earrings even to their ears the daughters they kept that to their children to their children to their children they kept those ones so the and they the Prophet Salaam actually took care of the family of a sadness although he said they are my responsibility so he was providing for them he was providing for them financially he was checking on them the prophets also had such a rich social life such a rich social the Prophecy's animal check on his companions you would go and visit people and if someone was wasn't feeling well he would go and visit him he would check on him someone was missing for a couple of days he would ask about him he would inquire about him people needed help he would go and take part he would be everywhere with everyone so he created that bond and that connection so one of the companions used to spend time with the prophets of our solemn and he used to come with his little son toddler his son was about two years old he used to play with him a lot and he loved so the problem looks at him and he as he's playing with his child and he says to him boohoo he says you love him obviously but it's just a way to get him to speak about his love for his child so he says so the father says to the prophet saw and I'm very interesting to show you the love of our Father he says yeah I saw Allah ahead back Allah who came out with a bow he's almost Allah may Allah love you as much as I love my son that's how much my love was so after after a while the problem stopped seeing this the man she asked where's this guy from the unsolved so they say you know remember his son his son died the problem goes and visits him and he comforts him and he says I won't ask you a question if you're given the choice that your son lives with you in this life okay and you enjoy him that's one choice the other choice is that on the day of judgment any gate in paradise you want to enter it from your gonna find your son waiting for you there and he would not enter until he he would wait for you and he won't enter until you come so he takes you by the hand and takes you into paradise the man says I want to on the second one the problem says you get it the problem says any any Muslim that I take their child away from them and they are patient I take someone that they love from them and they are patient then there is no reward for them but Jenna there's a few hadith about this and one hadith a lost man Tala sends the angels and he Allah knows but he sends the angels to check on that person who lost his child so they would come back and say k4 watch it - my buddy how did you find my seven and they would say what did Nahor saw a beard on me Allah be I'm a dog we found him patient and he is praising you but before that when I lost my gotta sends the angels of Angel of Death to take the the the soul of that son he when the the angel comes back and he says my falutin be a birdie what did you do with my servant they would say we took the soul of his son and Allah would say to them to monitor a body you took the son of my servant they would say yes he said and the Lord say humph Elif Feli that akka BDE you took his heart away from him then allah send them back check check on him so check I would say okay he's praising you and he is patient so Allah sponte Allah says you bare witness that his reward his recompense will be Jenna will be Jenna so the problem gave these glad tidings to this man and you see the way the problem consoles these consoles his companions and that shows that belief in Allah and belief in the last day gives us a great advantage in handling the difficulties in this life if someone went through what salman pharisee when they would say oh allah why does this happen to me why this way that but when you were sincere and your focus and manifest was focused on what was focused on finding the truth that didn't really matter for him the other stuff and that's it when you have a goal that is connected to Allah and your so you have this laser-like focus on it and you're so sincere about it and telling you your experience your predicament in life your hardships in life will be watered through there will be filtered out you won't feel it you won't feel that much why because your has not lost what it thrives on that's the point so the profits are seldom used to give this kind of this kind of consolation and this kind of respect and this kind of connection so he used to socialize a lot with with his companions now I shall be allow and her being in the house of the prophets Ursula she asks him permission to go and check on her father her father abu bakr radiallahu anhu used to live in the same house with bilal and I am Arab no for hire I'm a loafer IRA well through the shepherd of Abu Bakr who helped them out for the Hitler for the emigration they were living in the same house and so she goes to the house and she says that's publi and knew from algebra Lena before the wives of the Prophet Solomon commanded to take a shield or a screen away from people not to expose themselves not to meet in person with other people right they used to they were supposed to be in their house later on so so she goes to the house and so some level of mixing was allowed at that time still at that time so she sees her father she sees Milan and she sees a menorah and they're all hallucinating they're speaking some nonsense and even Bilal was speaking some real nonsense so she looks at her father and he's saying some lines of politicians will lie he may a dream I up all of Allah he doesn't know what he's talking about she's checks with I magnify Allah and he's done loosen and he says he doesn't even know what's coming out of his mouth she goes and checks I'm glad he's the same thing he doesn't even know what's going on and he's like mentioning all the names of the people of Karachi used to torture him and he's not he's in a trance so what was exactly happening to them that's next week inshallah so next week and shallow the halacha will be on and I won't I don't want to keep you more away from the potluck just ah come here solo sir my second Hamid why do some people seldom I'll can take two or three questions I can take out you got ten minutes okay so when we take more questions questions I shall are no questions day yes Solano cat I I don't know if they are the Aryans or whatever I really don't know so that was innovation mentions and the narration is insalata blues-rock has been authenticated by the scholars of hadith hamdulillah so it just mentions there were Christians it doesn't mention anything but we can infer from the story seemingly these were people upon monotheism it seems like it it seems like it most likely yes but who exactly which denomination I personally have no knowledge about this but probably if someone investigates that they might find some traces probably yeah any other questions let salman al-farisi this is a privilege is like universe Harvard University gives this PhD what they call it honorary PhD yeah honorary PhD so he was given that status just to himself not out of lineage is just the status I was given to him by the prophet sallallaahu synonym because of his sacrifice because of his position as well so it's not by blood is not by any other thing and and I I'm not sure I don't think it extends to his progeny as well probably just to him yeah because I bet have to be from the lineage of the prophet sallallaahu ID he was in them yes a good question Salman and Pharisee left his father in order to pursue the truth say Malka 'the calf left their people so the question is in these days if someone embraces Islam someone starts practicing you know should they at one point at what point should they sort of move away or move out I would say generally speaking don't disconnect from family don't disconnect from family now you have to use your judgment if your being in the same house with your family is really very detrimental and extremely like consequential when it comes to your practice of Islam you aim a new level of Eman then definitely you have to do something about it some people have the strong presence strong personality and really their own but they don't bother like someone gives them a hard time they're gonna give harder time to that person don't mess with them some people have this strong this resilience about them this tenacity about them and really a negative environment doesn't affect them that much but some people are sensitive so you have everyone have to have their own assessment if it's detrimental to your faith if it's negatively affecting your level of your email and you feel it's getting really bad probably the person might need might need to take some sort of a drastic or radical approach maybe I'll just need to move out but I would say as much as you can keep a connection even if you move move out keep a connection why can still even if your parents are non-muslim on I'm practicing if you're good to them you're getting so much reward being good to the parents is not contingent on religion it's a principle and keeping connection with them might one day open their hearts to hear the truth and you don't want to lose that opportunity so it's it's the purse is the judge is the person's judgment person's judgment obviously we sermon Pharisee seems he was his father was very domineering and overbearing so he was has so much power and it seems that he was a very sensitive soft person Salman Salman moved out that's the only way for him to figure it out and then being in the Arabian Peninsula after that we don't know how long he had been in the Arabian Peninsula before seeing the problem and embracing Islam so we don't know exactly whether he had chances or his father was still alive we don't know about that but what we know is that he stayed in Medina and then it doesn't seem that he went back home afterwards oh you mean the Christians that he met okay well Christianity bye-bye the definition of its own scholars and theologians went through a lot of phases so there's a long history of Christianity going from one phase to the other undergoing huge challenges and in the air in the first few hundred years although there was the change there was a huge change this became dominant what ended up being Catholicism mainly but still a lot of there were a lot of patches here and there of people who were still upon the true version of Christianity or a great part of it a great part of it don't forget at that time communication was not through the internet or phone or phones so it was easy for people to live in in enclave's in towns are not being out of touch of the world so it's easier with the media now a means of communication to dominate but in those days it's easy to find people have different versions of Christianity so what it seems is that up and the people that because even in the words of these teachers teachers of the man fallacy they said I don't know many people who are upon this I only had know a handful of people so that shows although there was lots of Christianity Christian people at the time especially in a sham that was where the Roman name or with the Byzantine Empire was so there was a lot of Christians so why did these teachers say it's only one or two people left upon this so it shows this was not the dominance which was mainly Catholicism then and Orthodox Christianity so it seems like it was more of a Unitarian probably monotheistic still version seems like it but as I said the the the narration doesn't specify anything so I'm gonna stick by Generation okay any more questions can you speak up I'm really not sure when that fact that a debates are not allowed it's how long for them to take so look tell him for them to take sort of ah I'm not sure where that started if it started before Islam but whether it started whether there was something before Islam or not in Islam it was started by the Prophet SAW seldom that he said siddhappa is impermissible for a he'll beat this is why the Prophet SAW said them when he saw a lesson I'll be along I know the son of Ali and he approached there was some dates for sadaqa he's a little boy said probably two three years to I'll guess - or maybe younger so he sees he takes one one date and he puts in his mouth the Prophet SAW said I'm system Koko and he gets it out of his mouth and he says in the hadith a letter hello Lina this sort of has not allowed for us sadaqa she takes it out of his mouth interestingly the Arab states say Koko until now like something cool like spit it out it's not it's not pleasant cool right don't touch it it's filthy cool alright so I don't really don't know if there was something before me a logic behind it there's no logic stated but we mean people could improvise scholars could improvise why it just put as well preserving the preserving the status of the prophets or so many's family because sadaqa entails having the law being on on the lower lower end receiving end so it's not pleasant for the status of prophethood as well yeah but there must be other wisdoms but this could be a basic one any more questions it could be it could be any other questions yes yes if someone's lineage goes back to the prophet saww said let me a sadhaka is not Herald for them yeah so there has not heard for them anyone is truly truly from a debate and they know it for sure so the car is not handled for them they cannot take soda even if whatever even whatever it's not Helen for them even if they fall in one of the categories for the cat because who do you give you a soda car to anyway you know give it to a poor person is that ten minutes well that's yet one more question that's a treat for you today the manners that this the story we mentioned about the convert who seen this bad behavior I would say from Muslims and for its culture its culture and obviously when someone cheats that's a sign of a wiki man and someone steals that's a sign of a wiki man and someone lies as a sign of us weak amen so obviously it's all connected but unfortunately a lot of cultures in Muslim countries they sort of allow this sort of gives space for that unfortunately but that means not fear don't feel desperate we shouldn't feel desperate it means everyone should take responsibility and ownership over their own conduct their own character if I grew up in a culture that sort of somehow gives advantage to you being you know being selfish or taking advantage of people or being treacherous then I I take it I take control of myself I'm gonna see that as a blind spot because most of the time whatever we have in our culture's it becomes a blind spot we don't see it so I'm gonna figure out for myself if that's wrong it's my responsibility to fix it I'm not gonna blame my parents I'm not gonna play and blame my culture that happened now from now on I'm gonna work on myself to fix this someone finds in themselves it's easy for them just to come up with a light and to tell lies that's the case and I find myself lying it's my responsibility to make it a goal that I start working on this issue until I resolve it that's the only lesson that weekend or the only take away from such things it's not just to put Muslims down or just to put Muslim countries down I mean there are we have a lot of serious issues otherwise Obama would not be in that state but what really concerns us as individuals at this time is yeah you are latina hermano at this stage I think I'm on full circle a common bond like that the datum oh you who believe were you first and foremost about yourselves fix yourself do not be you know distracted by those who his guidance focus on fixing yourself I mean you can still talk about people the people do this people do that that's bad that's not good that's against Islam fine but what do you do by complaining you're not achieving anything about complaining but you figure out something is wrong you see it in yourself you start working taking practical steps to fix it and improve yourself then you're doing well that's the most important thing to take away from this okay so we're done Charlotte I come back I'll see you next week barakallahu call muscle loss values I do sell em enjoyed the potluck
Channel: Abu Huraira Center
Views: 3,656
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Keywords: khutbah, muslim, Islam, Quran, Khutbah, Moutasem Al Hameedy, Reminder, Recitation, Muslim, Abu Huraira center, Servants, Most, Merciful, Lecture, Canada, Toronto, Abu Osama AL Dhahabi, Bilal phileps, Abdulhakem Quick, Yasir Aldosary, Wadi Alyamni, معتصم الحمديدي, Digital Mimbar, The Daily Reminder, Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh, Free Islamic Course, Usool Al Fiqh, مراد, السباطي
Id: OI02G1h4c08
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Length: 63min 32sec (3812 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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