Friday Khutba | Deliverance from Pain | Sh. Moutassem Al Hameedi

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[Music] what foreign [Music] [Music] all praise is due to allah we praise him we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness we seek refuge in allah from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our actions whomsoever allah guides none can lead astray and whomsoever allah leaves to go astray none can guide i testify that there is none worthy of worship none is worthy of our ultimate love and devotion but allah the almighty and i testify that muhammad peace and blessings be upon him is his servant his slave and his messenger all you who believe fear allah as you should be feared and die not except in a state of submission to your lord as muslims all mankind be dutiful to your lord who created you from a single person and from him he created his wife and from them both he created many men and women and fear allah through whom you demand your mutual rights and observe the rights of your kin surely allah is ever and all watcher over you or you who believe keep your duty to allah fear him and speak the truth he will direct you to righteous deeds and will forgive your sins and whoever obeys allah and his messenger has indeed attained a great achievement the best words are those of allah the almighty and the best guidance is that of prophet muhammad peace and blessings be upon him and the worst things in the religion are the newly invented matters for all the newly invented medicine religion are considered to be an innovation and every his misguidance [Music] collected in his great book the great collection of hadith a narration from abdullah ibn may allah be pleased with him he said allah so this narration is from the prophet s there is no servant no person who is touched with either sadness all with worry stress and concern except and he says oh she says allah so we're going to go over this dua from the beautiful dua from the prophet salallahu and as you can see it is about times of sadness times of pain times of worry concern so if this person turns to allah says allah oh my god oh my creator o my lord allah in i am your servant i am your slave so i'm gonna translate the hadith then we will go over it with a little bit of explanation to see how we can utilize it oh my lord i am your servant i am your slave and the son of your slave and the son also of your slave so my father and my mother are your servants as well maldonado your judgment is going to pass it's going to be a reality i can't push it back whatever you write to happen in your in my life whatever you decide to happen in my life it is fair and just you only treat me with justice i ask you with every name of yours suck a name with which you call yourself you'll refer you to yourself with awanzan or a name that you sent down in your book and your revelation this knowledge of the knowledge of this name to yourself that you make the great glorious quran as rain showers for my heart if a person says this allah would remove allah will remove allah will replace the sadness and the worry with joy and happiness so the companion said oh messenger of allah shall we not learn these words the prophet saws says everyone who hears these words should learn them so let's go over this to her and it's not just words that we say it's a way of life it's a very profound hadith it's a state that we get ourselves in allahumma so first we call upon allah you are my lord you are the only one that i worship you are the one that i that i give my ultimate love to my devotion belongs to you you are the only one who deserves this my lord there's a connection you are my lord you are in charge of me you are in charge of my affairs you are my originator i came from you you created me you brought me into existence i belong to you you are my lord you are my master so here you define allah that's the first definition the second definition [Music] no one deserves to be worshipped no one has the right to devotion and ultimate love except you khalakhtani you created me you originated me you brought me into existence with a purpose i am your servant i am your slave i'm your property i am yours i belong to you so here you define yourself these are the foundational definitions of life who allah is and who you are and then the relationship between you and allah i am your servant i am yours i don't even belong to myself i belong to you i don't even own myself i came from you you originated me i don't have a necessary existence i don't have an intrinsic existence you brought me into existence and thus i have yours i am your property and i am at your service and i am obedient to you you are the master i am this slave i am the servant you decide and you say and i obey that's who i am and that's who you are that's the nature of the relationship so you put yourself where you belong and you give to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala what he deserves it's not that i it's not only that i am your slave and servant but i am the son of your slavery my father my ancestors and this includes all of your ancestors till adam alaihissalam all of us are the servants of allah ibn and my mother as well is your servant this is a definition of all of us including the sources through which i came into this existence my parents and their parents and their parents and so on nasa yeti be addict my affairs are in your hand are under your control when you decide something it happens when you write something upon me it takes place and this is there's also a pledge here that wherever you whatever you decide i will follow i will obey i am here to fulfill whatever you want from me now see it be a dick i'm going to follow everything your judgment is going to come to pass when it comes with when it comes to me to my life so this has to do with the kadar of allah whatever allah wrote down in the present preserved tablet is going to take place no one can push that back so here you are acknowledging the might and the power of allah maldon whatever you judge that's going to take place that's going to happen no dispute about this your judgment whatever you allow to happen in this life whatever you bring into my life from you it is justice it is fair you never you never deal someone a bad hand you never extend injustice to your creation so this is a recognition of what is coming to you from allah first you recognize who allah is and you've defined that clearly for yourself then you define who you are clearly and then you define the relationship between you and allah and what is the communication from allah to you and you acknowledge that since allah is the master the rob the lord that whatever he judges happens and whatever comes from him is good and is fair and just had also has another meaning in terms of legislation because that's another quad from allah when allah says the principles the beautiful principles of islam of justice mercy of compassion of truth and the warning against the evil principles of injustice oppression harm etc all of that is fair from allah indeed allah commands only that which is just unfair and which is greater than justice which is actually going the extra mile with doing good excellence against lewdness and evil acts despicable acts that's what that's what comes from allah in joining the good forbidding the evil although allah himself he is the one who defines good because good does not have any independent existence apart from allah good is from allah good is the definition of allah himself in allah and everything that comes from allah is good and everything about allah is good that's what's that's what this is what the definition of good is so we say whatever you command is fair and just and it's beautiful this is not a compliment this is not just a an empty praise this is an acknowledgement of a truth i ask you by every name of yours and allah has many beautiful names they're not only 99 the hadith of the prophet saws for allah there are 99 names a hundred minus one and then the hadith continues in the turmeric this hadith does not limit the names at attributes of allah but it it refers to specific 99 names of those of allah allah has more names because allah is complete and perfect and his names describe and denote his beauty and his perfection so i asked you by every name of yours that you have given to yourself or that have used to refer to yourself or that you have sent down in revelation or that you have taught to any specific servant of your creation or that you have even kept to yourself i ask you by all of your names to make the quran in the arabic language the original meaning is rain we use it to describe spring but the meaning is rain the quran is his hydration is life for the heart so you're asking allah to allow the quran to occupy its place in your life which is bringing life to your heart awakening the heart because the heart without connection to allah is dead and you can live physically with a dead spirit with a dead spiritual heart so you're asking allah to make the quran the source of life for your heart and the light the illumination in my chest and the washing the rinsing away of my sadness and the removal of my stress and my agony and then allah would answer this to allah now this is not as as we said these are not just empty words there is there are there are facts and truths behind this but the quran does if we allow the quran to play its role to run its course in our lives things change drastically because what the quran does it gives two things and that this is what is mentioned in this dua and it's referred to in the quran is the one to whom we have given life life of the heart that's an awakening that's a yakova you wake up from the slumber of everyday life you wake up to the bigger meaning of life to your purpose that is built in you and part of part of you recognizes it and that's why you seek meaning that's why you have big questions about life why am i here what is my life about why did i come into existence what's the meaning of all of this where am i going to what's going to happen after death and the feeling that you need to do something valuable with your life you need to make a good investment of your life that's intrinsic to every human being where does it come from that's the seed of faith in your life that can be that can be grown with the rain and the water that is the quran you need to water it that seed so allah says a person who had been dead but to whom we gave life we revived we brought this person back to life and we gave offered this person or granted this person lights this light helps this person navigate the path among other people is this similar to the example of someone who is dead and who dwells in darkness and this is what we find in this hadith the quran we're asking allah to make the quran as rain to revive our hearts and to be the light in our chests because that's what we need to navigate this world and the quran is the source for that so when you read the quran when you embrace the quran when you stop placing conditions and expectations on the quran because it's the word of your lord you stop placing conditions you allow it to do its own work in your life with full submission then it's going to do its work it's going to fix your inner workings it's going to open your heart to see the reality of this life to see paradise and the hellfire and to see with a clear vision in your heart what you are meant to do within with your life and then it will give you the guidance the light as to how to navigate this world the intricacies of it the path that you should take but the problem is we don't allow the quran to do this in our lives so in this dua you're asking allah to let the quran be what is meant to be in my life the source of life a revival and a source of light and with this you can handle every situation that's why when this happens when this becomes a reality in your life what happens the sadness is repelled the stress and the worry are removed so the quran is not just there for us to tell us what's halal and haram or to limit us or to place constraints upon us it's a source of life and light it upgrades our life it elevates our lives but sometimes from this small corner that we force ourselves in and we start placing expectations on allah and on the quran we read the quran as a text book we expecting the quran to be like those bestsellers we expect it to communicate to us in a just like humans communicate to humans we place the demands and the expectations of our culture and our time on a book from the creator of the heavens and the earth so we limit it we limit it but when we allow it to be in our lives to reside in our hearts to be a source of guidance to have an organic relationship with the quran let the quran teach you let the quran guide you let the quran grow and live within you then you will start to see that life will start to make more sense your life will become more meaningful you'll understand why things happen why allah allows things that puzzle most of humanity you'll start to see through that why is it happening and then you can transcend hardship calamity sadness etc that's the power of the quran but the problem is unless you are in a receptive mode it doesn't happen so the here we see the relationship the connection between our inner state our well-being our state of well-being and the state of iman they are strongly connected they're strongly connected and there's a strong connection between being a good person and being a healthy person in every sense and being a true muslim but we have severed these connections we have compartmentalized these connections and practices of the islam has become a robotic so islam is one thing life is one thing your emotional state is another thing and we are dealing with a fragmented life and hence we have a lot of issues and problems so it's important to contemplate this hadith this dua and learn it as the prophet salam encouraged at the end of it and try to live its meanings and it's not like an instant but something will happen instantly but it's a journey and it's a process that you need to build you need to advance you need to build momentum and every time you you practice this narration and you live it you're going to reap more of its fruits for allah so i'm going to conclude with this and oftentimes the question comes is the person who has iman immune to mental illness or what's the relationship between a man and mental illness or mental wellbeing and there's a problem with this question because mental illness is not one thing it's it's it's an umbrella for different conditions some mental illness is a matter of physiology neurology so there is some kind of a birth defect in the brain or maybe there's an injury in the brain and it causes something it causes some sort of a condition that's different that's just when someone is born for example without a without a limb without a hand without an arm you can't say oh this person becomes a good muslim they're going to grow an arm the same thing applies to this kind of conditions that are a result of neurology but there are some mental conditions that are caused because of one's view of life the way a person's process is life the one the the the the style or the way the person sees himself or herself in the world and what is their relationship with the world that leads to traumatic experiences and this is what actually psychologists call self-inflicted pain sometimes our expectations make us miserable it's not the experience but it's our expectations so again it's important to understand that we can you cannot answer a question like this because it's a too generic too generic is there a relationship between our emotional psychological well-being and iman absolutely absolutely iman changes your view on the world it restores the true and accurate vision and it brings life into your heart and a lot of pain in the human experience comes from the fact that the hearts are dead that we nourish the body we try to nourish our minds and our heads but we forget our hearts and we insist that we can treat that either with medication or we can treat it with just some kind of of therapy but we are forgetting that our essence is spiritual and there is a need for the soul to be revived to be nourished to be given the necessary nutrients and without having that developing that balance we would definitely suffer and allah promised whoever does righteousness and goodness in this life when they are in a state of belief when they truly believe in allah then we shall give them a good day life we shall give them a good day life and if we reflect on the lives of the prophets peace be upon them and the righteous people you can see some of them went through excruciating challenges and they had pain and they suffered from sadness these are normal human emotions negative emotions are very healthy and necessary but they did not lose balance they experienced sadness but they experienced hope at the same time they went through pain and worry but they had trust in allah at the same time so they had a rich emotional and psychological repertoire just because they tapped into more depth into their being so it's important to learn this hadith it's narrated by imam ahmed for abdullah bin masood i encourage everyone to learn it you can look it up in sha allah on google and i recommend that you learn it every time you go through some hard times call upon allah using this dua and have unconditional trust in allah and you will see how allah will deliver you as i conclude there is an organization i don't want to pronounce them wrong but they are collecting uh funds for a lot of the civilians in afghanistan who've lost their home who are going through again you know what the conditions are people lost their home people lost their families there are people in dire need so they are collecting these funds that are going to go to these civilians so please support them with everything you can and whoever delivers a believer when they are in dire need allah will deliver them from the from the hard moments on the day of judgement so we ask allah to accept from all of us um [Music]
Channel: Abu Huraira Center
Views: 2,114
Rating: 4.963964 out of 5
Id: F343_HTX77s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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