THE LAWS OF CONVERSION- Dr David Ogbueli & Dr Macaulay Kalu

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doc i you were sharing some things with me you know or communicating with technology and first of all before you talk tell us who you are what you do well thank you so very much sir and um i really want to take this opportunity to appreciate you um because so many might not understand how much impact that you're having globally because some of yours have been following you for some time what do you do with the african union so by god's grace um i represent what we call the sixth region of the continent of africa so the continent of africa we have what we call regions so there are five regions in africa not south east west and central africa in which ecowas is a region in africa so with the regions the heads of states well i've been privileged i've been with the african union since 1997 as as an advisor to the heads of state so i'm also currently elected officially as a policy advisor on what we call diaspora focal point desperate for focal point so i advise on the relationship between the global diaspora of african descent and the continent of africa i'm still interested in that cis region you are telling us that we have a cis region now yes many of us don't know that no a lot of people we know about north africa south africa east africa west africa and central africa is there another africa yes yes where is that one so that's the interesting part that the the sixth region is actually virtual uh you know which is quite interesting so the sixth region is all people of african descent so many of us might know or have learned the history about the transatlantic slavery that happened you know 400 years ago and that took a lot of our brothers and sisters were taken across the atlantic to the united states and the caribbean and so many other aspects of you know the world and so uh for a long time uh the world have noticed that the diaspora impact especially even those who were born in the continent living outside the impact of the diaspora affects our economy for example nigeria alone just take nigeria alone the diaspora remittances in nigeria alone is between 25 to 27 billion dollars a year dollars 25 to 27 billion dollars and so you guys hear that and so and so if you remove that today the economy of nigeria will completely crash so so many people think that it's our budget that sustains nigeria okay now i understand why things can be so bad and we are still surviving yes and people are buying cars some families are still exactly because a lot of people as families so many of us that are outside we still have families here so we are building houses you're creating a job uh you're sending your loved ones to school you're paying their school fees somebody's been employed as a teacher to do that so some are you know actually paving the roads and and all that that this government are not doing so there are so many things that the aspirants are doing that we may not be seeing uh you know from that perspective as you look on the government but as a matter of fact it's actually what is holding the economy of of this country so after reviewing all that that the there is a huge uh you know influence and impact that the diaspora have and also placing more demands on us we felt you know what it's not enough to tell us to do things we also want to hold you accountable as leaders and so for you to demand more for us we want to sit on the table of decision to make sure that those decisions are made together and we will hold you accountable to make sure that it's done and so that's what started the formation and the creation of the sixth region of the continent of africa and i'm i'm particularly everybody just lift your hands and thank god we've been praying about i'm so grateful that this movement is gaining ground and getting stronger because have you guys noticed most of the issues of the diaspora in the scriptures the man that delivered the jews from egypt was a diaspora his name was moses am i correct or living in egypt he grew up there trained there the man that saved the jews during the time of economic terrible economic crash of course recession and farm mind that almost wiped that nation joseph was a diaspora am i correct i think he left his family when he was 17 traveled abroad lived in the land of egypt he rose up in a rank but he was the man god used to save his people if you check the one after the nation of israel became a failed state and the whole place collapsed they went into captivity for 70 years all of those people that were used to rebuild that failed state from ezra to nehemiah to all of them they were desperate it looks like i don't want to put percentage on it it looks like maybe the answer to the prayers of african nations and most of these things we're praying for is going to come because people who have lived in countries where things work where the rule of law applies to bring that understanding what do you think is the importance of diaspora to the future of africa and you know interestingly you've really put it so very well that uh you know the the the diaspora is on the african context is actually the most citizen the joseph of our time that's exactly what it is and uh and he has played that so very well that what is happening that in the in in the developed world as they call themselves uh we are called developing what used to be called thought word and now we called in developing world and so what is happening is that we are all privileged now as aspirants to have learned all the things they know we went to the same school we have every knowledge and as a matter of fact uh if you know the story of a lot of people of afghanistan a lot of the invention they actually built america and a lot of inventions actually came from the people of africa these african-americans and so because of all that now things are changing that as africa is opening up the doors to welcome home now one of the prophetic things that god says at the end of the time he will gather his children from the north and from the east and from the west there is a gathering happening now it is also prophetic in the aspect that humanity started from africa and so we are entering a new season you know god made the heavens and the heads on the seventh day he rested the sixth is when he made ma okay and there's a completion why it was formed with the five regions and now the sixth region and the sixth region is a global gathering it's a global gathering of all humanity back to the origin of life wow because i like the original life began there is no i studied i i started in europe before i went to north america and i studied from their books the history book in europe and in north america tells you that life began in africa no debate no debate we didn't write the book they wrote it and so if life began in africa which means which is also in the bible in genesis it talks about ethiopia yes yes and and also the reverse that gathers and joins and so ethiopia has been uh the historic name that covers humanity and so because life began in africa god is gathering his people that there is a joining force of bringing all humanity back to the origin how come you're in this secular world you are dealing with all these global organizations african union and other and you can still be spiritual you know um i i've been privileged um you know to really be you know when when prophecies over your life there is nothing you can do than just to surrender and obey and even the formation of the sixth region i by god's grace was one of the brain behind it it sounded crazy when we brought it out to talk about it um but because it was divine even when i started to when the revelation came to say the solution of africa is by africans alone we are he said when the righteous are in authority so when he's talking about the righteous being authorities not saying an outside righteous in authority in your country he's talking about yourself finding the righteous person to be in authority which means it's you by yourself and so it is us by ourselves we take care of our situation by ourselves and if you have learned about the turnaround of history uh with what happened in china when they closed a lot of people left china and they opened up and invited all their their aspirants back to china and it turned around what they did they actually sponsored their diaspora in the u.s and so many places in germany and they brought them back and they gave them the position of power to change the economy based on all that they've learned the diaspora turner china that you're hearing today is because of the diaspora are you guys hearing all that india did the same thing the same thing that is happening in india because you know what happened in the hallway and even in uganda in kenya all over the world they were scattered and india also had to invite all their the technology that you see now that is booming in india that they at the top is based on the diasporans that came back based on what they learned from the diaspora and using that to turn the nation up and upside down and that is what god is doing now with africa that when we are saying that africa is the next frontier is not just by feeling it is the fact that it's spiritual and it's something that god has designed that last year we just celebrated the year of return monday the year of retirement 400 years of transatlantic slavery last year marked 400 years we completed 400 years how long did the jews stay in egypt before exit exodus happened 400 400 years last year marked 400 years yes of that you know slavery and it also announced the end of not only slavery but all the effect of it in ghana they hosted black people from all over the world they came back nigeria should have done that yes it's really unfortunate that i say this in camera that we did not take our our leadership position as a as a country i needed to understand that nigeria plays a very important role spiritually it's not just because us because of our populist nation but god has blessed this country that you know i i tell people because of what we do we do projects you know based on the au and we connected with united nations and all that and i want to say this you know not too because you asked me why because it's a spiritual thing you know and i don't hide from i even when i do teachings or i'm called to speak one of the things that i enjoy the fact is that there is a history about jesus and i always say that my role model is jesus christ and so you know people talk about you're not afraid to say that even before president talks about the talk because it's a story that everybody knows that is real and so because of that you know and i follow his leadership and i use it as an example just as other leaders will you know you know for example if a muslim is here he will not be afraid to you know you know give thanks to god in his you know islamic you know format and and all that no matter who they are they're proud even at their workplace as a matter of fact uh they respect their their faith so highly that even in workplaces there is a place of prayer set out that they can take a break and go and pray but some of us we get so religious about these things you know as christians and and we don't understand the significance of our relationship with god we're not called unto religion we are called on to relationship with god and that's why and that's why the season that we are celebrating right now is a very important season that god is calling us and telling us to look up for hope that is coming it's a season that redirects our thinking process you see the aspect of the fulfillment of the lord that god is talking about is to bring us into a place of righteousness which is an inward holiness a holiness is an aspect of setting yourself aside for the lord and so we need to move away from the aspect of emotions of religion into the aspect of a spiritual renewal and relationship with jesus christ and i tell you when you decide to be honest and authentic with yourself it doesn't matter where you are the forces of heaven will always cover you wow it doesn't matter where you are and i you know you know if not time i will share you testimony upon testimony upon testimony of what the lord had been doing i don't hide my faith i don't i don't shy away from as a matter of fact i've gone places uh you know you know you're walking uh you know as a you know your diplomatic uh uh position or in your political uh influence and then you go some places and they find that because i'm also an apostle man of god and so you go to some places you know you're not talking about you know religion and all that but they find that there's something spiritual about about you and sometimes i've gone into an office and god will use me and give me uh you know uh you know kind of revelatory you know uh insight of maybe a a prime minister or a leader or a ceo and when i begin to to say it they will live i've prayed for a prime minister kneeling down and asking me to pray i have prayed for world leaders that will compress privately and secretly and ask you and say please pray for me i have messages when they are going into to bring a new policy or a new idea in their senate or in the house they will text me and say man of god pray for me that god will use these things that because they were saying i said what do you think about it can you pray over this i mean so god is doing something that there are people there are still remnants in leadership oh you know one of the things that i say that one of the things that got me interested in the aspect of politics and all that is the fact that the lord showed me he says that you cannot change a system from outside the system you can only change the system from inside the system that's why jesus had to come he could have done it from heaven but he had to come and be like one of us to change what we could not do so being the salt of the earth you have to get into the soup exactly before you can change the text i see wow so he says you are in the world but you are not of the world and so so you're something that's why i say you are the light of the world so you so we need to move away from actually trying to be the light of life that's what christians are doing you're lightening light you're in the church everything is in the church you come to church every no no no wherever you are god has sent you there as the light of the world you don't need to be having only fellowship with fellow christians you need to be the salt and the light no matter where you find your self because that's what you're called to do and so most of that's why jesus was mostly condemned because they say he eats with sinners he's always with sinners he changed the mindsets of the pharisees and the sadducees they were confused if you are a rabbi rabbis you know train their people and go with their people but jesus was always going to the sinners they say he's a friend of sinners he said no i came to find the lost and that's what we are called to do you're not busy with your fellow brother and sister and some people are afraid to go to the unbelievers and i said if you're afraid to go to the darkness it means that it's a problem with your light yeah you need to check your oil the bible says he said god the bible says that he said the spirit of man is the candle of the lord and so which means that when there is a darkness when you as a child of god appears god now puts his light on you because you are the candle that he will put his light to show forth [Music] wow i wanted to address something you mentioned it but address it that maybe your voice will help to you know get that message in the emotionalising of religion in africa and sometimes the substance of righteousness our moral values are missing and is that's part of what is leading to the decay we are seeing in the society address it thank you so very much um you know this is one of the most painful experiences that some of us have seen so far as africa is concerned um you know i want to thank you i mean last week i think i mentioned it to you there's something profound you said during the broadcast and you talked about the books and you said something you said listen uh even if you have money to buy to come and give an offering i rather want you to use it to buy a book that would change your life i don't know if any of you heard that i'd rather have you buy a book that would change your life take that offering money buy a book transform your life because you see the bible talks about that how can they hear or send somebody sent to them how do you send somebody to a place if you don't have money to go to a place you need money you see when jesus was here there was supernatural means of things being done but now he has given us the holy spirit and you are the one that the holy spirit is living you are the jesus of our time and so the money that he needs to do what needs to be done is through you so if you don't have money how do we take this message to the rest of the world and do what need to be done and so it is it's a spiritual i think you know man of god for all the the confidence and all the things that you've been teaching i mean it's so profound like sometimes i'm listening my heart wants to jump out because i know i'm excited about it now let me say this i i'm one of i love i teach emotional intelligence it's one of my best subjects okay wow you cannot make decisions out of emotions you see let me tell you uh love is not emotional it's not emotional so many of us think the love is not in love is not emotional love is constant wow if love is emotional do you know none of us will be alive today because just as humans behave you know when you are in the emotions that you play as emotions of love it's an illusion just like somebody who gets drunk when you're high you're excited you say to the person ah you are the sugar in my tea you are the ocean i swim you are the butter in my bread you are the you have all these beautiful things that you say to your loved ones but when they provoke you you come up with words like i hate the day i met you you are the devil you see all those things why you know we are having a problem today because we don't understand love because we've not been able to you know the question is who is the epitome of love who is your example a human example of love that you can tell me that this person is the overall of love show me one you watch movies and all that you see everything but there is always fault and the bible says that god is love so what it means is that if you if you don't have god you cannot give love so when i say i love you means i guard you that's what it means that's why he says that he said love your neighbor as yourself so which means you need to receive love for yourself there need to be a relationship between you and god that you have loved yourself and rebuild your relationship a good right standing with god that you are able to give who you are which is love he says how can you say you love god who you don't see if you don't love the brother or your sister who you see in the physical because they are made in the image of the same god so what this means is that so many of us have been taught to play religion i needed to understand that you are a spirit you are not your body see when you were born as a baby it was the same spirit see the bible says in ephesians that we were with god from the foundation of the earth so which means when god was creating heaven and eight i was there you were there you did not just appear we were with god from the foundation of the earth because you're a spirit and god is a spirit those that will worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth actually call that spirit to the power too because he said must worship him in spirit and in truth what is the truth the truth is the word of god which is the spirit of god he says sanctify them with thy truth your word is true john 17 17 and he says the word that i speak to you they are spirits and [Music] and so when he said to me you must worship me in spirit and in truth he's saying all is about spirit because the word is the spirit and myself i'm a spirit and your functionality depends on your spirit listen if if somebody dies today and you weigh them they will weigh the same amount that the spirit left them does not change anything it is actually the spirit that brings the functionality of your mind and so that somebody is moving around it's not anything that has to do with him it is the spirit that lives in him and so your spirit is important and so that's why the bible talks about the aspect of who you are in the spirit and also how you manage and control this we say the spirit of the prophet is on the subject to the prophet so you don't go by emotions and start saying because i'm a spiritual person i will do whatever no no no no no and so when it comes to the aspect of our relationship with god we need to understand these things you know having lived overseas for several years as a matter of fact thank god i have a very good friend here we went to school to together pastor roy um you know and and and he knows from the time that i left it's been a long time and i lived in europe and lived in overseas and i find it interesting that so many of us you know when we go to church overseas um there is more emphasis on learning like you know the amount of god will finish within the week we do exercises on this the topic to discuss how it applies to our daily life not just the spiritual aspect how with the conversations the midweek services and most times how we now apply it in our business in everything that we do because the relevance of the message is to help you today so many people are talking about the god of abraham isaac and jacob the bible comes in hebrews 11 i said these are ordinary people like you and me which means if god were to write another bible your name should be there [Music] and so he's telling you that it's not about playing the religion of life so many of us you know i might have gotten you know i i i i pastored in europe and all that and and and what time i because i traveled a lot and i went to i came back i was tired i normally like to travel within the week so that i'm around within the weekend for the service and so my prayer team you know the the uh the the prayer warriors as we call them uh we're doing you know thursday prayers so i came back that day i was tired it was in the evening the lord said to me go and join them and i'm like lord i mean why should i he said they have moved away from what you're teaching them go and join them so i went there and i sat at the back and i was watching them you know they were praying and you know and they had a list as the needs of the church to pray so they were praying the least you know finances and these and all the stuff that you know the needs of people and prayers and sick healing and all that and so for whatever reason my spiritual was so angry and i stopped them and the lord said teach them how to pray the bible says that you don't know how to pray as you offered to but the holy spirit you see so many of us think that we are praying when we begin to speak to god do you know that when you actually that's why there are process in the old testament that shows how to enter into the holies of holies coming to you with thanksgiving and all the process that when you actually enter into the presence of god you see when the praise of god comes here none of you will stand you can't even speak a word when you experience the presence of god is so heavy that you can't say well as a matter of fact he speaks to you he said let your will be done so what you do is to go into the true room of grace and pull the will of god to earth and so when i started to and i had to lead them into prayer of entering to the spirit do you know that when we begin to worship and enter into the pre known to the holy of holies the prophetic words begin to come out the lord begin to tell us and give us directives rather than us telling god what to do [Music] so many of us think that god is a vendor machine that you just put in your prayer slot and then the thing comes out from the other side that's not how it works as a matter of fact what you're supposed to do is to be in tune in the spirit to understand give us this day our daily bread every single day you're supposed to enter into the throne of grace and receive the message of the day that your function that day will be according to the plan of god oh lord and so most of us here we we get so excited and emotional and which i call you know emotional worship emotional illusion you know you you do this emotional worship and and then after you get all the high and and do that you speak in tongues and do all that feelings and all that stuff guess what your problem is still there it didn't change you see it's even one thing to say that somebody's prayed for deliverance or they get their healing do you know that it's not complete if you don't do a follow-up what you need to do paul said do not lay hands suddenly which means if that person is not ready to receive you are actually making their life more worse than how it started because the bible says that when deliverance is done and nothing is filled in that space the bible says that demon will go and bring several more so you can imagine the damage that we are doing in the church by not being sensitive to understand that somebody is ready for the next level before we talk about deliverance because you deliver them sure they speak well they look okay they look normal but now they can go back without understanding that they need to be a follow-up to fill that place with the word of god and help them to have a relationship with god that they can sustain themselves then you can make their life more miserable by laying hands and getting delivered that we get excited and celebrate but we've made their life more worse because there is no follow-up to make sure that something feels in that space there is a worry there is a concern as i travel i keep hearing more people echo that about the way religion is being practiced in africa because religion if we actually are in touch with god it should have transformational effect first on our own lives and on the environment on the society and this emotionalism in religion without the ability to convert is part of the problem is what actually the heart of the problem itself so i'm going to give you something i would like you to write it down in this moment as you get back to prayer get back to fasting take out time i i sent out a secular to our people recommending passion fast the type that daniel did don't harm yourself don't go into any form of excesses you know but as you do that take it beyond just something you do that ends in the spirit take it all the way to something that will end up repositioning you for the next level in life there are five laws of conversion the first law is prayer communion worship the time you spend with god and he raised up one particular type of prayer which is praying in the spirit it will help you a lot and the purpose of prayer among other things is for downloads it's communion with god but in the course of that communion listening to hear what he will say to you habakkuk said i will stand upon my watch and i'll watch to see what he will say to me and then the lord said write the vision every time my wife can tell you this even the kids every time any form of devotion whether it's personal or family devotion there are two things that are always with me a barrel and a paper of course it's so serious when i want to go to bed because god communicates with me a lot in the night in the night visions or whatever i put a barrel and paper beside my bed on the side of the bed because sometimes at the cool of the day just like it used to happen download starts after i have rested and then 3 a.m 4 a.m 5 00 a.m it starts so the first law of conversion taking your spiritual life all the way to physical impact social impact personal life transforming impact the first law is communion with god prayer and all of that the second is revelation revelation is now downloads listening to hear what he will say to you i'm not talking about necessary audible voice all those kind of things hype up whatever inside you god will start enlightening you will open up your eyes your inner eyes will open and you start seeing you start understanding and that's when breakthrough ideas and some of these things coming and then when god speaks when god inspires you when god injects into your spirit divine inspiration or an idea or revelation or whatever our understanding it produces the third phase of conversion which is what is called conviction conviction is now what we call faith faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of the lord when people come in with god god speaks and when god speaks what his voice does is to beat faith in their human spirit now faith can come by studying the bible you know studying your scriptures but it's not just from the suffrage study if the study goes beyond just the logos you start meditating on the word you stop praying inside lord open my eyes to understand this then the wicked word will come and that quicken word is what bears fate is the revealed word the inspired word the wicked word that produces faith that's what he was explaining to us most of these men of faith in the bible had their faith activated or their faith injected when they heard what god said and then conviction or the power of faith or that persuasion is what now leads to confession so you come out you speak from a depth it's not just for your head it's those kind of speaking that moves mountains and it is people who speak from that depth that those who move people when a speaker speaks out of conviction that's what rallies people up to come together to accomplish a vision because beyond the believing phase of faith many times you need human beings and resources to actually accomplish what it is that god has shown you and the bridge between the vision and the resources is communication but it's not just talking that's why you see this faith thing he said it's a currency it's true god created the universe with it and you can create your future with it so between that vision god is giving you when you were communion with him between that revelation and his fulfillment is communication sometimes we have to speak to the invisible speak to circumstances and call the things that be not as though they were but other times we also need to speak to people when you speak to people i can i can sense as you are sharing there's a lot happening even to me listening to you and people because where is coming from when people speak for and they are deep it moves people it moves circumstances it even moves principalities and powers it shifts things in the realm of the spirit reorganizes things to make a way for you it can cause a red sea to part it could be obstacles on your part it can cause your wall of jellicle to come down and then rearrange things to make it wait for you to pass and then of course the last part if you're going to see your dream come to pass all that revelation actualized is action it's execution faith without walks is dead it starts with communion and time spent with god if your religion will not just end up as a religion without substance no impact no change you know nothing is changing in your life and you're not making impact in your world you need to learn the laws of conversion you need to learn how this thing starts in the spirit and ends up in the physical most of the time for example faith is something that we all need to understand faith is god's law of conversion how things can be moved from the realm of dream to the realm of reality how things can be converted from the realm of ideas to the realm of substance how things can be moved from the realm of the spirit to the realm of the physical there is a bridge that turns these things that converts these things that's what the law of faith is all about faith is not just some imaginary or some emotional thing you feel in church no that's why you see it starts with being in touch with god hearing from him but dotting you ahead from god ends up becoming a project that is finally executed and it becomes increased reality that's why even god in creating the world started with dreams but he ended up progressing to the point of speaking but god did not stop with speaking god moved all the way to action there was a time when god took mud and made man out of the dust of the edge there was a time when god planted a garden in eden so a business can start a project can start a social project can start like that and all the way to execution and it is when execution happens that you see manifestation results is when is execution action backs up what we are talking about and it's the same thing with the practice of our faith religion that is not practice is just an illusion you see the aspect of practicing it when it comes to social issues like the issue of social justice helping the poor the needy or issue of speaking out for the oppressed or issue of social organized social action coming together to maybe change a law or change something that is going wrong in the society so sometimes we pray and leave it there one of the purpose of prayer is to download direction download vision download inspiration download guidance download you know instructions from the almighty god and the man that has that download is like a pregnant woman you incubate it and then finally push it out he becomes a baby at his proper time glory be to the one more thing before we leave today it has been an awesome experience having you here what advice will you give to a young man listening for many of the continents from nigeria young professionals here at home the diasporas are coming they are thinking about how to come and help what do you expect from our young people uh young professionals right here in africa what will you tell us the first thing is believe in yourself okay um you know i i i mean people ask me you know they want to do xyz then what god and i said you cannot change anybody or any country without a spiritual change the first thing is a spiritual revolution you need to believe in yourself believe in that thing that is inside of you the reason why you're getting frustrated is because there is an assignment inside of you that you want to solve whatever that angers you is your assignment whatever the angus is your purpose anything that gets you angry so when you see somebody who's gifted in music right they're always drawn to musicians when they hear music they drawn to it somebody who's good with decoration you know and all that when they come and see they know colors and all that if they're coming to your house they're already using their mind to rearrange your house and tell you where they see it's supposed to be and all that because that's their calling they might not study some people have passion for food they might not study but they are good better than even those who go into school that's their the assignment so believe in yourself that's number one number two you cannot do it alone one of the things that is a challenge in africa is that we have the mindset of complete ownership we don't do it in north america we do a percentage ownership so which means i can actually i can actually uh invest or partner uh in different if i partner in 10 businesses of 10 percent i have 100 percent wow wow so i don't need to own 100 wow everything that we do is about shares people start business when they know it has a vision that's why it's in stock market facebook started when and they put in the stock market why because he has to sell shares for you to succeed you have to main to open up and sell shares because the change is not about you it's about the people you came to serve i see so so partnership is the way forward is the key you can't do it by yourself so every vision is a puzzle and other people have a part of it you don't own it that's your vision is given to an individual but fulfilled by a group or a team and that's what if you see all the issue that we are facing that god called the people was given to one person he said to moses aaron your brother is already on the way there are people ready to help you jesus couldn't have done it alone but he had 12. the first thing he did was to get the 12. he had the power to do it and so every vision has a provision of support system there are vision helpers that are already ready to make it happen wow so having said that you got to believe in yourself you got to go into partnership and and and you just have to know that that which god has given to you that which you have started is possible and there is help so i want to thank god for the man of god because as a young person there is hope there is hope there is hope don't ever lose hope it is possible and even in your own uh you know and and and one of the things that give birth to that hope is setting up think times think tank groups brainstorming it helps a lot [Music] you know don't be some of you say you know my vision i don't want somebody to still listen if it's your vision it's your vision unless it's not from god if it's your vision people i hear some people say ah joseph had a problem if he had not told his brothers and his family you know he wouldn't have he had to say it because vision is a currency purpose is a currency you don't hold it if you hold it you become a dead sea but it has to flow you have to share it because it's on it that people jesus came down and he said this is what the son of man came to do he shared his vision and people join in to help that vision you have to share it so even people they'll be fake you know the bible says that god is jesus is the the lion of the tribe of judah but satan is the roaring light so there will always be a copy in the disciples of jesus there is a there's a judas there will always be a copycat but you shouldn't worry because original is always original when you focus on being original don't focus on the fake focus on being original one of the things that i was thought about money was to focus on the original money we spent money there some project that i did an investigation that we had to do about dealing with fake currency and all that and we did that we spent so much time on real money do you know when you touch fake you don't need a mirror to look at it you just why because you have been so used to original that when you touch fake you would know that's why jesus the bible says looking unto jesus the author and the finisher of faith stop looking at demons and devils and all that look unto jesus he is the light of the world when you focus on the light you will lighten your environment and you'll be the light that god has called you to be wow wow wow wow wow we're going to do more of this so watch out for it and for our friends from all around the world i'm so grateful and if you're a diaspora wherever you may be if you have not keyed into the vision of contributing to the development of the modern land i think you have heard today you need to key into that movement and of course the rest of us from africa because it took both the right hand and the left the cooperation between the two to rebuild every time things damaged in scripture especially for the children of israel those at home and those that are coming back that partnership is what it took for god to bring reformational transformation or you know whatever it is you know i want to thank you doug thank you for being here today and we are going to do a lot more i have a couple of other questions but let me leave it to you the next time we are going to be doing this the month of october i'm hoping that you will not yes you know we're going to do a whole every week every week just before we go i wanted to pray for the young people and the young professionals from all over the continent of africa because they are watching from everywhere you know then of course and then we'll close the service yes amen precious father we want to thank you today because you are faithful and true he said let it be done on earth as is done in heaven our young people are spirits that you brought here on earth and it's time that you are calling them back especially at this time that you ask us to focus on your budget so that we will receive our portion to do what you have called us to do so dear lord i pray that there will be a shift and a turnaround there will be a complete supernatural turnaround in the mind and the hearts of every young person that is hearing my voice today that the supernatural power of god will bring you to a place of quietness where you say be still and know that i am your god and with this i say lord take us to the next level of your greatness take us to the next level of your glory through your revelation through your purpose through your plan through your simon and through your enlightenment knowledge and understanding of the vision that you have given to us thank you our father for having answered our prayers that change has come and we are ready to affect the world through being the agent of change that you've called us in jesus mighty name we pray [Music] amen [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dominion City
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Keywords: dominion city, pastor david ogbueli, david ogbueli, david ogbueli messages, david ogbueli 2020, breaking altars and covenants, evil altars, spiritual warfare, demonic altars, emeka nwankpa, david ogbueli prayer, rev david ogbueli, rev david ogbueli messages, ncf, pastor david ogbueli preachings, prophecy, prophetic, prophetic ministry, new covenant family, priesthood, golden heart foundation, david ogbueli messages 2020, pastor david ogbueli 2020, pcj, pastor nobs, rev dubus
Id: peO5FA1lbXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 28sec (2908 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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