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church matthew chapter 16 verse 18. i said on today i i know you know the context under which this statement came out he asked who do men say that i am and of course peter and all the other apostles they say different things some say you are elijah some said that peter was the one that nailed it he said you are christ now at the christ the son of the living god and jesus said yes you got it it's a flesh of blood did not reveal this to you it's my father in heaven that did and i want to submit to us just like jesus is not known with head knowledge is not known through flesh and blood is not known through education just like god himself is only known through revelation is the center with the church you can be minister and not even know what you are there to do you can be a minister not even understand what you are asked to build the rebuilding work is the tabernacle of david is the church is the church is the new testament church that prophecy is talking about the church the apostles read it in acts and applied it to the church so first is the building i will build now is the rebuilding because things have gotten out of place and whether it is rebuilding or the building if you want to get it right you have to go back to the blueprint the architectural drawing that that's something they do abroad that is different from how we build here when they finish a building they store the architectural structure all the things that have to do with the design of that building because that design is the dna is the seed if fire burns down that building if something goes wrong with that building and you want to rebuild it all you have to do find that document so now they put it up in the cloud these days now they even put it on the internet they are not afraid for you to copy what they do here we hide our they will put it up if you want to see it any major beauty you know in the world now like he threw airports google it in italy you will see not only that you will see all the designs all the whatever you will see the company that did it the different companies that did different components so it doesn't matter what happens they will just go back to the document and pull it out so it takes revelation to understand the church everyone lifts up your hand say lord give me revelation of who jesus is and they give me revelation of the church that he came to build and jesus and the heavenly father and the apostles who did the work the building left the blueprint the document for us as if god knew that a time will come in the future of course he knew when we will miss our way so we can go back and look at it it's not only the acts of apostles that's one major principle document but you need to start from design because when moses was the one to undertake a building project and it was a tabernacle in the old testament there was an instruction that god repeated three different times it says see to it the word see to eat me make sure that you build this according to the pattern shown today on the mount you're not supposed to go and build whatever you like build your own ministry build your own kingdom build your own ambition and call that a church it's not a church because you put the name of it a name of a church on it or you put the name of it of christ on it some people build some things then jesus called the synagogue of satan and ladies and gentlemen when you study the book of revelation before jesus started talking to us about end time prophecy and the things that will come he took chapter one to introduce himself and this is the pattern is the on the revelation of jesus that you find the revelation of the church from the revelation of jesus comes the revelation of the church because jesus is the foundation the church is the building that sits on it but if i if this building has foundation usually you don't see the foundation you see the building the building and the foundation are they not wanting when we find him we find ourselves because he is the vine we have the branches when we lose him we lose ourselves our identity is found in him so when peter got the revelation of the foundation jesus said now we can talk about building you got it he said now down at peter actually the word is rock petrols the boulder rock like zuma rock the foundation rock he's not talking to peter he's talking about the revelation he said upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it now ladies and gentlemen i need to say something here now if you want to build to last if you want to build to meet god's specification you have to build people on the revelation of jesus christ but out of that flows what is about to come up remember what paul said in first corinthians chapter 3 as a wise master builder i lay the foundation the foundation is christ maybe we should go there according to the grace of god given to me as a wise master builder and that's the what we are going to ask god to do for all of us everyone lives up here and said god give me that grace to become a wise master builder just like apostle paul give me that crazy ministry to become a wise master builder just like paul the apostle okay as a wise master builder paul said i have laid the foundation other people are known to do the building but i let everybody be careful what he deals with number 11 for no other foundation can anyone lay apart from that one which is red and what is this foundation what is his foundation that's what he was talking to peter about on this foundation i will build my church it's a revelation of jesus it covers about seven major elements but the shortest abridged version of it is that you have to know him before he came in the flesh the divinity of christ it wasn't just also just a man like ordinary man you know you have to know him where he was in the flesh the humanity of christ you have to know the work he did on calvary his debt and resurrection and his implications for women for man's redemption if there is a mistake in that one your whole building collapses and you have to preach it with his authority and his essence the cross the cross the cross and his resurrection and his implication for mankind the finished work of christ then you have to know him in his exalted state not as a man that they could kill on the christ know him enthralled at the right hand of god as king of kings and lord of lords [Music] if not your ministry will lack the authority to conquer principalities and power and to drive the mission of god the impetus the authority the audacity that the church has to undertake the global mandate mission comes from the fact that he is not just dead he didn't just die he rose again from the dead he has conquered principalities and powers he has put down dominions and truths are now exalted at the right hand of god and from that exalted position he says all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me and then he turns to us and delegates the authority and say go ye therefore [Applause] if you lose the revelation of jesus that that clouds gathering in the last days will swallow you your heart will be filled with fear and you are going to come out if you lose the revelation of jesus you are understanding and teaching of prophecy will be twisted the book of revelation is the revelation of jesus that is how the book was introduced please put it up oh yeah yeah you know i didn't finish first corinthians 3 hey go back to that first quality just where we stopped for other foundation can no man led under which is led which is christ okay let's let's leave it because that's not i need to get you to the revelation of the church but yes this is revelation chapter one verse one whenever you hold that book the large book sister six books in the bible that last book stop thinking about antichrist it's not a revelation of the antichrist stop thinking about the great tribulation it's not revelation of the great tribulation is the revelation of who and there are seven things jesus revealed about himself just between chapter one and three you need to go and know who sent you you need to go and know who you believe in you need to go and know who the church is built on you need to get a new revelation of who he is how far you can go and whether the forces of darkness can handle that mandate is determined by this i will build my church and the gates of hell so he knew from day one there will be forces there will be opposition there will be conflicts the gates of hell shall not prevail against it yes they will fight it they will not prevail and of course the greatest conflict of the ages is what is imagining this because we are heading to the culmination of evil the consummation of evil we are the battle between light and darkness between the kingdom of god and the kingdom of god we richie speak but if you are on the lord's side you're on the winning side you have to know who leads us who sent us and who is the captain of our army can i hear somebody say amen that's why i'm bored fearless it doesn't matter where when you even put me in europe where their headquarters is going to become that's where i become extremely because there is a mystery about the conflict between light and darkness the entrance of light is the exit of darkness they don't fight it's not like round one no no winner yet round two no so the question now is the church that is the light is the church now light or darkness if darkness is overwhelming because i'm told in my bible that this light shines in darkness and darkness cannot some king james vibes will say comprehend it another translation say overwhelm it it has never happened and it will not happen i'm not diminishing the seriousness of the battle but you need to know that is one battle that the end has been predicted ahead of time i've read the book from cover to cover in the end we won can i hear somebody say [Applause] then help me tell your friend stop being afraid we are the winning side and i'm not trying to hike you up i'm talking from deep deep revelation deep revelation confirms authority the revelation of jesus which god gave unto him he gave it to jesus and then jesus showed it unto his servants starting with john the beloved and other apostles because he's not the only one that wrote about some of these things even in the holy spirit some people wrote about like daniel jesus showed it to his servants the apostles things which must shortly come to pass and the way jesus got it to the apostles is sent and signified by his angel unto his servant john do you see the levels of delegation that happened there the father had he gave it to the son remember who went on the throne and took that book do you remember that when they made the pronunciation satan went into heidi who is worthy to show up here number one don't take the book number two to open the seals there are several things and number three to now read and unlock what is he did in it no one was found worthy not in heaven not on head they looked under the edge the devil went into hiding [Applause] so when i talk about jesus i don't want to hear about the devil who are you is when we finish with jesus when we finish then we cannot look over to the other side stop reducing god and satan on the same level and put them in a ring i said two of them are wrestling and god carried the devil's right leg but somehow he balanced again and the devil carried god up but god kind of balanced and then god now defeated him [Music] he has won that's not what it is when he even prepared god saw it as an insult he said don't deal with it michael god take care of that stupid the dangerous equip your church with what it takes for the end times trust for the final trust lord equip your church awaken the boldness of the church awaken the tenocity of the church awaken the daring power of the church awaken [Music] [Applause] [Music] in jesus glorious name you may be seated upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against i need seven guys seven seven seven young men young young young because you're gonna stand so young young young seven yeah i need three of you here this side there are seven pictures of the church reviewed in the bible and i chose this i chose this so if you notice if you notice ladies and gentlemen if you notice after jesus revealed himself in whole of chapter one he wasn't talking about last day talking he was introducing himself then chapter two and chapter three take note he now sends seven messages to the seven churches in asia okay before i do revelation of the church let's show you in revelation chapter one you can go there where jesus was standing in the midst of the seven candle lamps he saw seven cardinal lambs and jesus was revealed in the midst of several final advice and show it projected oh yeah i'm going to be in the middle surround me seven of you surround me yeah you give small gap but you know yeah yeah there is a gap here you need to cover me completely no space yeah this is how jesus was revealed he had a loud voice but when he turned to see he saw jesus but look at how he was revealed in the midst of seven candlestick one like the son of man clothed with a garment down to his feet go towards the end in the last two verses what and of course he saw him he showed these seven candlesticks and jesus in the middle and jesus was holding several stars in his hand his right hand while in the midst of the seven candlesticks write the things which you have seen the things which are the things which shall be hereafter and verse 20. then he said the mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand so who is doing the explanation jesus is explaining to john he saw seven stars in my right hand he said those seven stars are you shot in my right and these seven golden candlesticks i need to explain those two things to you because the message that is going to write next in chapter 2 and 3 is message to these seven candles so he explains what they are he said the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches do you know who he calls angels the leaders of the churches pastors leaders elders new testament translated as angels because they are messengers sent by him then the seven candlesticks are the seven churches without sowers are seven churches and these are seven churches in asia i know places like turkey and all of that and one of them are visited that church the church of ephesus that he wrote to and said if you don't repent if you don't stop this thing you're doing i will put up your candlesticks and the candles actually went off the church is now a mosque he started by being a tory center he ended up a monks i went there one of the biggest cathedrals ever built by the early church they called that church if you go to literally google it sophia what the church people like bishop tibet and others bastard it's not a mocks but they were won before they got there so that's how he now began to write those seven messages which is another discussion anybody that wants to understand the judgment seat of christ and the basis through which you are going to be judged ministers and your ministry will be assessed study those message to the seven churches learn all the things that jesus commended imbibe them in your ministry learn all the things he condemned and warned the church about stay away from them you will end up the same way those people ended up you know how when you have exam coming and then you are preparing for exam they give you scripts or past exams because the scripts will be repeated the questions will be repeated they give you those scripts to read and so that you can understand what you're about to write i told you that god and jesus and their boss left us the blueprint of how the church is to be built they also left us the blueprint of what destroys the church and you will see it in the letters to the seven churches i wish if the lord permits me but i have a different assignment i'm giving in this particular meeting but if he permits me i will take you there tomorrow and then there are several rewards for overcomers you have seven churches you have seven rewards for those who overcome all the things that jesus warned against you can have one assessment of your church and ministry and god has a different opinion because it's not about what people are telling you you have to benchmark yourself with the standard you have to benchmark yourself with god's standard it's not your ministry it's not your church it's his church and it was built and created with a mission in mind i will say two things so that we can pass this stage all of you who are christian leaders pastors ministers of the gospel i need to know something and this is one of the greatest truths that helps me it secures me i always go back to look at it exactly where did jesus place the seven stars at the palm of his hands where is pastor david in the palm of his hand where is pastor joseph in the palm of his hands where are you men and women of god in the palm of his hand even in the old testament god said i have heard in the palm of my hand he said beneath you are my everlasting arms so it doesn't matter what kind of storms that come sometimes i get frightened then the lord takes me back to suffering things oh i become stable in the midst of the storm because we cannot go under for going over if jesus said let us go over to the other side and now storm is trying to sink the sheep if i was there and i'm sorry sometimes you don't know what you would do that's the truth if i was there in the days of the apostles and the storm was coming and they were all frightened but the master was sleeping at the bottom of the ship with what i know today if i was there i'll just go down and join him beside him hold one hand very well we're not going anywhere with him here it doesn't matter what is going on there they were out that's what the song is all about that song with sunglasses is about walking on water that's walking by faith when the waves are contrary when your tough tides are high you can keep your eyes on the tide or you can keep your eyes on jesus the man that keeps his eyes on the wave sings the man that keeps his eyes on jesus is the one that walks on water can i hear somebody say him and that clouds are gathering persecution is going to intensify as we move further into the last days i don't want to say much in that direction today but what you're about to face is not what people have not faced go ahead and read about the early church that's why they left us the blueprints and left us the manuscript the documents so if you build another type of church another set of believers that can't withstand persecution and can withstand suffering persecution does not weaken the church it's strengthened and refines the judge but if your own building because if you refresh corinthians chapter 3 he said every walk will be tested with fire so the issue now is not the fire is the quality of the material you're building with you're building people with chaff and wood and stubble small testing and small everything burns off before the day of the lord gives the final test in life your work and ministry will be tested so remember men and women of god who holds you in the palm of israel why you are trying to lead his flock remember that you're one of his sheep remember that he has to be your shepherd before you can be their shepherd and before you qualify to be followed you have to be following him paul said you are to follow me as i follow christ you know the other thing that is very important for us to know is that jesus himself though he has ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of god is still in the midst of the seven candles moving around still in the midst of his church and he is observing what you are doing he gave us the great commission he promised us this he told us to go and make disciples of all nations but he told promised us i will never leave you nor forsake you till when the end of the age until the day he comes to take us out of here he will not he said for we are two or three i got that in my name i will be right there in the midst of them now why his blessed presence is a very reassuring fact for me i get my boldness and confidence from that is a very sobering thought for me something happened to me and it hasn't repeated since all these years it happened i went to preach in a village we were doing a village crusade in a community in this enugu state and then you know is um and they had a major deity that they were worshiping and so we ran into confrontation because the worshippers of that deity the name of their deity is true this name we call enable bible for the almighty god i said what anyway i don't want to say that conversation led to the death of that the high priest of that and then a number of things but when we were in the midst of the storm i got frightened so something happened god used it to reassure me and of course that night after he did that there was explosion in in in the in the place we were doing morning sessions of discipleship and all of that but in the 90s in the open field and i was speaking and somewhere along the line i forgot what th they were singing the glory of god rolled in and all of a sudden my eyes opened because i was not making out a call and people have come to the altar but i sense in my sweet there were still people seated and some of those boys that sat were part of the troublemakers who came to create problems for us in the meeting something happened to me all of a sudden i was able to see the congregation in a different light i saw people on whites the scripture union and the christianization of the community came up behind us helped us to do the meeting and there were a lot of prayers i noticed all the believers were white and they were all shining like rapture has occurred so anand looked all these people said look everywhere you see somebody dark you know instead of seeing them in their normal clothes and i see them they are completely pitch dark is a human being dark so it's like they took light away and turned all believers like bob they were shining like angels and then all the ones that were not said we are dark so when i saw it i observed that where i observed a number of them and there was one role everybody on that road and they were all young boys so do you know what i did i said you know when you think i walked up i said you get up you are not born again go to the altar the guy that i told to get up started clapping and he went to the altar and when he hit the other he started crying and they were willing i worked there i said you you you three of you you have not given up get up they started clapping then they took a few steps they fell i started crying and then people started crying all over the place then i went to that side where the seats were all dark i said all of you on this line you are not safe you are even gangsters oh yeah on the altar they all got up and clapped then they hustled wailing i went to that fear grabbed me fear fell on the hook i wish god would be helping me like that when it comes to ministry and lord but [Music] but this is what shocked me in this whole thing the lord was standing right in the meeting [Applause] and when i saw him he was one that gave me a nod to now actually the level of boldness the level of faith and the level of anointing now jumped i don't know how many times i can tell you if you see what happened that night in the meeting so because before i went to now when i got to i fell on my face and i was thanking him he said let me tell you something about services when people come who are my people i'm there the thing shook me so much and brought fear of god let me even tell you something pastor hussain the next seven years of my life in growth in ministry when i don't feel that i i'm afraid to go on the puppet it happened to me for several full years i asked another person to go and do that and i'll be in the corner repent sometimes you didn't pray you kind of wandered around and i'm not saying if you don't you can act for grace maybe your business man your pastor and not this kind of situation some people find themselves but i didn't know that the literal presence of jesus is actually there but you see now people of god has to be taught how to actually be a tabernacle for his presence so that we go from jesus being there abstractly to jesus being there in a manifest presence what is called sheikhan so he's in the midst of the church and that's why you can deceive everybody when you come to church you can go sleep around come in and sit and you can feel me messing around go to the puppet and preach there is somebody watching you and keeping your records and go and see the message he sent to where he got to that woman that was sleeping with all the pastors he called her jezebel jezebel is not her name he was talking to one of the churches you permitted a lady who calls herself prophetess you see what reverend was talking about to all kinds to teach all kinds of nonsense and seduce who knows how many of the pastors of that church that were left he said i didn't say i will send an angel to the i will cast her into the bed of affliction that sickness she's going to fall sick and no doctor can kill her all the men sleeping with them go to truth into tribulations you know i know those of you who preach grace that jesus can't kill a fly anymore because he has become a toothless bulldog you only have revelation of the lamp you don't have revelation of the lion you only know him as savior you don't yet know him as lord he said i will kill all her children because the woman is a married woman in the new testament church he said then all the churches we know that i'm the one that god that tries to reign and you can be repeating the same thing and think that nobody knows there are some he confronted with doctrines that are preaching he lifted two doctrines particularly one the doctrine of the nicolaitan which thing i hate how can you be preaching what jesus hates and this is church you are supposed to be building we talk about the doctrine of balance when jesus put his spouse on how he accesses the church you will know that one of the things he brought out not once at least two or three times is the quality of leadership in the church i don't care what type of ministry you're running you have some of this type of institution from babylon whether it's jesus bring her down like jail but to be able to do that you must be a man consuming righteous integration a man that is right and she can't seduce you without foolish bring her down and save the lives of god's people and i don't care if she's mama jio mama whatever you have a number of those people eating our table break clear all of them from the way when jehovah arrived she painted her fingerprint tried those seductions not everybody walks up it's immoral people that he works on it's a spirit of which god that can be with your whole congregation and people will just be misbehaving a church invaded by the marine world and they captured the church by putting some dangerous people in leadership you've been caught in such waves repent tonight see what is coming we saw the one that was confronted with the loss of their first love yeah and you heard what brother mike said in the morning when you lose your love for jesus it is replaced with other love love for self that's what timothy said men will become lovers of self love for pleasure sometimes it could be morality other types of indulgences and love for gold money you can't have love for him i have love for the world the two things cannot exist in the same person you love the world you are an enemy of god friendship with the world is enemy with god it could be love for pleasure pornography all this kind of thing sexual and it kills and neutralizes do something about it and don't wait one more second tonight and it's not just telling god you're sorry you have to clear all these babylonian idols that have fueled your lives burn all those idols about adulterers and adulteresses know you not that friendship with the world is enmity with god you can't have the two and because of this love for the world see what is producing immorality this church this is church this is church they kept the record of what destroyed churches that god built so that we can be warned and you know let me read verse five yes yes go ahead do you not think that the scripture we said it in vain is the scripture joking when he said the spirit that dwelt enough lust said to him how can somebody be filled with this man carried the body the temple of the holy spirit to be committed so you turn you give the holy spirit to a point off and then look at verse six but he give it more grace wherever he said god resisted the proud but giving grace to the humble verse seven therefore humble yourself submit yourself therefore to god and then you can resist that devil you have to start with repentance before that devil will leave you alone the first key to deliverance is repentance without it the devil will not go you are holding his property you are telling him to go he can go where the carcass are there the egos gather the bondage will not break to you let go of the sin lord deliver me deliver me no no repent first actually deliverance itself is 70 repentance a little part of it is just a size of authority all this breaking repent first ladies and gentlemen listen pastors are men and women of god listening over 70 percent of what is troubling believers are seeing problems clean it out the devil is becomes very easy because it's already defeated very easy to just kick out if a driven service is strong stop the deliverance service and engage the man and deal with sin dealing with sin is real deliverance dealing with demon is the minor part of it because that's what is giving the devil the legal right hello a lot of the problems that we're trying to solve with counseling are demonic problems including many marriage problems somebody start behaving like this some powers are going to jump inside your soul inside inside your body yeah i know that your spirit might still be there but if you open up your life to sin you're going to open it up to satan if you get to a point they will come in and once they accommodate you and that's in the scene you can't get out of it you're now a prisoner that's why deliverance now is needed and i'm going to say something to you if what you're dealing with because things are happening now in the body what you're dealing with you have tried your best a personal level it didn't work you have to find somebody you can trust a godly person you can trust and when you go to him stop lying and doing all this undress for circumcision undress you can't go to you know once i went to take an injection i don't know whether there is vaccination or whatever it's going to be on my botox and when i got there i expected the doctor to do it but he wrote the whatever and delegated it to a nurse so i started waiting for the nurse no problem nurses are supposed to be some old or middle-aged mamas who just walking you know like coming in then this young girl just walked in and i was just looking at her i thought she was preparing the ground for the main person then she did that thing up i got frightened then he said and she knows me he said pastor remove your trousers i was not happy at all and she knew i was not happy he said pastor it depends on what you want to don't you want listen again i thought that's what you said you want you want i think it was typhoid that i had or something like it's been many years or something i can't remember what it was and they told me in all these your book traveling you eat all that that there is no immunization against iphone after they treat me that they can give it to me so i said please is there oral option the one you can take with water and swallow he said no i said okay can you give it to me in my hand he said he's here you see that's where the problem is we want deliverance but we don't want to confess our sins so we tell lies and your when you mislead the doctor what do you expect him to do you you're having diarrhea he said no no he's headache doctor don't worry and it's not even serious it's just small headache so he gives you a sprain and then you die who killed who i didn't say go open up your business to everybody so this is what new testament but let me just say this to something the book of james said confess your sins one to another then pray one to another that he may be what you see some healings do not work till confession preceded so normal ministration of healing but this one resists even the cross there is sin that must be dealt with first the cross has defeated the devil and you all the demons are compared to meet this one he resists no stop deal with sin and satan will not be your problem did you hear what i just said submit yourself to god and then resist the devil put it up resist the devil i will flee then adverse it drawn there to god this part of how to submit yourself to god because you think it's just jesus amanda i submit to you no draw near to god and he will donate to cleanse your hand he's sinners he's writing to the church purify your ass you double minded adverse night so repentance be afflicted mourn and we we don't whip anymore we don't burn anymore just say blood of jesus are taking care of it amen amen amen we don't have time on the altar anymore be afflicted do you know what that word is fast promote the flesh it's fasting he's talking about moon moon develop godly sorrow for the things that are going on in your life weep let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to heaven slow down on too much excitement you care in depth of sin and you are getting excited and job get down take a few days in the presence of god you will see a change this is how you bring surgery into your soul there's no part of what he taught us tonight we don't preach repentance anymore and this is the dynamics not just god i'm sorry tomorrow you jump back godly soul leads you to genuine repentance not the sorrow of the world you know like judas because you are caught punishment is here now you're not repent all our robbers do it the day they will be fired when they catch they say please forgive me the devil that did it no it's not that one you are really saddened by the state of things in your life you want to change it's so strong it takes food out of your equation and takes don't think i was just born again and i jumped into sanctification i've also known sin and i'm not afraid to talk about it as a believer somebody have been saved this is what got me out and i discovered that there is a sanctifying power of the holy spirit that can break all of those yokes and empower you to live god
Channel: Dominion City
Views: 1,174
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Id: bnO3gVpESMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 19sec (3319 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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