Five Elements of a Disciple - Pastor David Ogbueli

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I have a lot of respect for elders and fathers I want to honor all the fathers I feel like prostrated before all of you somebody told me where was DNA say what are you doing you wash me who wondered I said I'm following the footsteps of Abraham yes you know I believe in honoring fathers and elders today I want to read from Isaiah chapter 2 that prophecy about the endtime Church you know if you live in so difficult time as this they say tendency sometimes to get over when with the bad reports so what I do is that I have gone through the Bible and I watch out any time I'm listening to the Word of God have somebody like this another one that I don't know and picked out all that God said about the endtime Church I have them tested where I always see them and what the Lord has taught me is focus on what I'm doing be aware of what the enemy is doing so that you will be able to take him out but don't focus on what he's doing if you focus on the bad reports and all of that you can be overwhelmed the scripture very clear that gross darkness will cover the heads but the scriptures are very clear that such moment is going to present the church with tremendous opportunity like we have never seen before I think was Malachi I was talking about the last days is it is a time of heat a time of pressure a time of turmoil upon the edge what what is that why did God allow it to his plan it is to cause they're like just movement of human beings and people from all corners of the head pressing into the kingdom about this time fifty years ago a major group of God happened they affected bees and this city played a major role in ease the factory is the Southwest and so they were moving but didn't go so far towards the Northeast stopped somewhere even partin's daughter tried to pick it up for wear like from the Middle Belt I'm listening to Rivera me and others who took it further into the corner but the rest of the church did not come behind it that's why fifty years after we are having a harvest has been right a nice the king and his rotten and his smellin and the effect of it is pushing us down here this next move of God that is coming we must not allow it to die or to stop in the south and part of Nigeria okay the word that I desired the sort of a most concerning Judah and Jerusalem it shall come to pass in the last days so once I see anything that these were the last days I know he's talking to me it's talking to the church and to start with if the last day started on the day of Pentecost like Peter claimed Peter Marie Claire quoting juror that the last day started on the day of Pentecost and if it did I wonder where we are now so if this scripture ever applied he applies much more to us now it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow into it that part and all nations shall flow into it and all nations shall flow into it so I see two programs something that God is going to do in the church first that will result in a mother responding move in the society God moves in the church first the mountain of the Lord's house and whatever he does is going to result in elevation and the exaltation of the church because jesus said that we are city set on a hill because we are the light bearers you don't light a lamp and put it on the bushes is that there is something particular to in the church that will have impact and in fact on the nations of the society and part of what would happen to the society in that all nations every people group every tribe every tongue every nationality every will flow into it maybe I should use opportunity to make it points those who are wishing that the church would die those who are wishing that the church will be fizzled out they better go and think again prophecy is already ahead of all of us and ahead of time we are going to see the greatest days of the church it might not be everybody everything that calls itself church let's not be part of it but we're going to see the greatest days of the church and there are three major secrets that will result in that I will use D 1 D 2 D 3 to illustrate the number one okay canary edition of us all nations shall flow into advanced you and many people shall go you notice the word many people I was telling our people recently I said all these titles they are building everywhere they are building it for the church the endtime Church because there is no beauty we build now that can contain the of harvest that is coming about to him the kind of harvests were going to see in these last days and we are seeing it everywhere on the end everywhere many people shall go and let us go to the mountain order of the Lord's house to the house of the God of Jacob that he will teach us his ways and we will walk in his paths not only that will lay his ways walking meats for out of Zion shall go for the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem okay I start with this one that he may teach us his ways and we walk in it the first thing that is going to result in this is the restoration of the lost art of discipleship is now a lost art in the church we have learned how to build buildings we know how to build infrastructures but we have failed in the most important assignment Jesus gave us which is building human beings in the society we are making the same makes a human capital development is the least neglected and involved with the youth so I know what is going on and the same thing is what is happening in the kingdom human capital development in the kingdom is what is at its lowest right now we have lost the art of making disciples that's the first dd1 is discipleship it is when we start reproducing again men that look like Jesus men that are the Express image of Christ the world is going to take notice the politicians are going to take notice the outward out is going to take notice because very soon the governance will come to church and said we have them problem in a community we crime you guys know how to change people there is no other institution that has the technology for reforming and transforming human beings education long cannot do it unless education umpires Kingdom principles government cannot do it the prisons are not the police's overwhelmed there's only one institution that's given that capacity the deegeu is the demonstration of the authentic power of the holy spirit and I won't touch it because I know that come on down later learn of what she means that session and if you notice that's another area there is failure because what happen is that a certain group of glasses and eight couples in the body have now gone to bring fake miracles not just fake miracles that's arrangement they go get people arrange them to come and pretend to be whatever and all of that why that is going to dance I know that group that have even gone to the devil to bring in the power of the devil into ministry we now have pastors and a noble again doing ministry we have ministers that are no safe we have our coachman in ministry but anytime he gets very dark when things decay solo when things fall so low we are ripe for know that make you move of God a move of God will have a tremendous outpouring of the Spirit but you will also have a moral revolution that's why the discipleship component is out it's not just Holy Spirit know is you have the everyday of transformed lives that is what is going to change this nation from the way we are known global as a mosque or one of the most corrupt nations you a nation of righteousness the thought the thought the thought is the demonstration of the wisdom of God that's what I call development development is taking it beyond just discipleship and preparing people for heaven preparing them to be godly and ordered but demonstrating on earth a foretaste of the kingdom to come in development you deal with all social and all social problems development is tackling the social and economic problem of a community the kingdom has solution to the decay in education the kingdom has solution to the rising crime the kingdom has solution to all types of social ills the world is going to come to the church the mountain of the Lord's house when the world sees that the church has the answer when we start using the wisdom of God to show solutions to human problems all types of problems including violence that will require a lot of work in training and equipping all our yourselves all our Daniels all our layers all our Davis all the people in government those in the marketplace and all of them to know how to deploy the kingdom tonight my assignment is the D 1 which is discipleship when Jesus gave us the Great Commission a match of the 28th 1920 said go make disciples of all nations teaching them is it teaching them to obey all things whatsoever I have commanded you the Great Commission is a command to go and make disciples we're good with converts Nigerian Church has done well with making converts we have grown in thousands I think they say we are about a hundred million Christians in Nigeria half the population 50% of this soup cordon idea is made up of salt yet there is no test yet we know very well that all you need is a small quantity of salt to change the taste of the soup we're good with infrastructure we build the largest churches in the world and who knows one day probably we will build and there's nothing wrong with that sebat is meant for man so if people have grown so much like us here now we may be bladder space for nations comfort is not wrong long as is infrastructure savvy man the problem is infrastructure is container human resources content we've left the content and we are carrying empty container the command is to go and make disciples but Jesus identifies the hearts the core of discipleship and he points out that it is obedience teaching them to obey to be honest with you before the Lord jolted me to my back to my senses and corrected me and had to use me now and the team of orders to start a massive correction across the whole ministry that we have raised I taught we're making disciples Reverend I thought that's what we are doing because we are very good with teaching so we give people a lot of knowledge but truly because they have so much knowledge but nothing has changed in their personal life many have not change the behaviors have not changed the characters have not changed yet didn't know so much we have grown many like that I met them even pastors and the decay began to report and I was frustrated I wanted things to be better but I didn't know what was wrong I didn't know how to solve the problem I thought the solution is more knowledge that's the error we are living in now the era of knowledge you know it's true that my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge so what Nigerian church understands is knowledge-based discipleship what Jesus taught his disciples is obedience base discipleship and I did knowledge base until part of that beauty was collapsing on my head and on the people scripture wrote about people like that in the last days ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth they just pride themselves on new revelations teaching them to obey and were shocked me is that he said is all all things what 7 that not selective obedience but total obedience was when I began to discover authentic discipleship and I realized that push our disobedience is Pasha obedience is disobedience like if I give you tell government you just take three that you like break the other walls you broke the houghton if natural Constitution has 24 articles in it up just make another example and you take three you know disorder one's kind of nice but these three criminal laws I think this one's I have my own laws I like to keep people when the government captures you an arrest you they're not going to say oh good boy you have no vein or the other words your bed traffic laws you obey tax laws you obey know they will jail you teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you so I'm gonna do give us that neck stick tools I know there are many stats a lot of Ministers here and as I give it you see fast on yourself because that's what have we had to do when the major repentance revolution he toes and was the face on the floor I wish I can get videos and play for you you need to see us where we're doing repentance one hour I didn't repentance is you know like give your life to Christ today you don't we don't preach repentance anymore they don't need for repentance repentance is against faith that's the way my friends in Legos are saying are you trying to you know you need repentance they said Jesus has already yes because of grace cheap grace you need to see us where we are repenting and I need to say these at this points that the scourge of fate past us that we have in Nigeria we don't we didn't import them fake pastors are the product or the result of fake crystals once you have learned a lifestyle of disobedience and finally you grow into leadership with that what happens that leadership amplifies what you've been doing because if you were carrying women or Carolee somebody's wife maybe nobody sees it because you don't have visibility leadership puts you in a position now where is there any day you'd open a newspaper or turn on the news you hear wantin about pastors we need to rediscover obedience based this a bush I was saved in Scripture Union raised there and that's how they raised me that's how their results in 1988 came in the revival of the 70 has no quite gone of fully but as we moved on and cross into the year 2000 we got into a new brand of Christianity the knowledge bed base brand and we sold it to a whole generation and didn't know that anything was missing that's the beauty of Reviva when he George so back to senses then you realize how much the enemy has to do the devil truly is a chief and his good on his job so I'm gonna give you five ways to know if a disciple or not and there is a word I'm going to introduce to us here you find it a lot in the teaches of Christ and in the New Testament is what I am if anytime you see that word it means that they say condition to meet before you claim whatever is on this side is a water connects benefits or blessings to conditions the processes so what this does is I'm going to give you the five ifs of sigh pushin there went a great multitude after him and he turned and said to them verse 26 notice this great multitude bastard If any man come to me and had not his father or mother and wife or children and brethren and sisters yeah his own life he cannot be my disciples you can see the conditions next verse and whosoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple and then he goes on to talk discuss the fact that anybody who wants to build a house must first count the cost right at the end of that he gives another condition verse 33 so likewise who serve a hippie of you the four circuit not all that he had cannot be my disciple and the moment he finished verse 33 in a made that ultimate statement he said if a salt salt salt that's us that's who we are believers we're sort of the earth we're light of the world if short has lost his sever is good for nothing he said it's not even good for the soil is not good for money is not good for anything you put it in this soil it makes the soil bearing its poise the famine the only thing you do with it is a trait a way for people to match on it that's what God does with a Christian that has lost his salt a ministry that has lost his salt is to be trampled underfoot by men god help us thank God he is beginning to do that I'm hearing voices of Reviva here and there they are not yet the control priority for live voices no but here and there when just end of last year I think was November the Lord spoke to me deeply that ability was a Kairos moment when legless four priests who submit dissented a number of places have been I have seen signs of Samson's head growing back why were in Jaws was a mission conference you know the Lord did some amazing things in a meeting but one of the things he left i am i friends with we left with all our heads well one of the things he said there he said many of the people who where you call factors of faggins some of them who went on to Paris but who we're champions of the revival of the seventies that our fathers he said many of them by the end of this decade would be with me heaven you say you might just have about one or two left on the edge he said you remember the year before bill agraja went and then last year bunker if you check us now they are one or two like Morrison and we don't know how long he has left on that when it was about time for the floor to calm Methuselah was the last person to go the Bible said then all that generation from Adam the new God vanish from the earth it was now Noah and of course his boys and their wives and they were dealing with a generation that is completely so the Lord said one of the things that needs to begin to happen now within this decade and he said don't waste time is that those ones who were in touch with who saw their former house in his glory should be brought into meetings and we are allowed to transfer their walk with God their knowledge of God their life because this is more than just knowledge is their life to this coming generation because what is imagine now we have a new generation of pastors that don't know the Lord with a new generation of churches that are not even churches they are just man-made creation to feed a man or to maybe boost a man's ego there's some creations of some people this is a whole new generation he said that kept us with bridge and it needs to be done fast but days are coming and we had to find them and you have more of people that have the chaff and their colony sometimes and this generation will be following them because that's what they know you know I pity any man that has never tasted the Reviver I was born again into one of these new churches that have no contact with God at all because you think that's how Christianity is you think the Bush wife is what it is you think are going around carrying case opera is what it is you think that mixing three senator with charms and daughter is what it is the things lying in the name of God and no more prophecy is what it is and you will grow up thinking of that's what it is somebody said Lord keep the father's long enough let the children pick up snake and think his rope you know in Matthew chapter 16 I think from verse 24 something happened you know Peter has recognized Jesus had a revelation of Jesus and Jesus recognized that he was a father that gave him the revelation so Jesus actually developed a new confidence in these guys have been training I think now I can begin to review the cross to them so he began to talk to them you know for now Jesus began to show them how he will go to Jerusalem so find the hands up now I'm going to read for in 24 where he gave the message but preceding that this is what happened if we're going to show that how he was going to Jerusalem suffer in the hands of the Pharisees and the elders um Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him it's a fight before you this cannot happen it is today because jesus replied to me I get thee behind me settle in this boys of today church people Oh get hold of this kind of posture put it on social media they will finish the path of Jesus they will finish you because as far as this morning wood and the color Chris and we have created now is a something that is feeds human nature that is humanistic in nature is Philemon ago if his human pride you can tell them anything see rose you can collect your color book is that get it behind me Satan the social media will go haywire there was a look at this man oh this guy is evil trying to save him you want to come commit suicide so if God I shown you that you are going to die why you still going and somebody that cares about you is why your Kali the devil between your who who really has demon now you see now that one of the goals of discipleship is to truly to produce people that God can count on without it is like building a house with no foundation way the devil can collect them and use them Jesus now explain it much explanation there they say way to nowhere Saturn has you he said to Peter for down Severus not the things that be of God but the things that be of men it took me years before I got to understand that sure when the devil is trying to talk to me I can recognize his voice when the devil talks to you what you'll be expected I say crystal for him to tell you and kill somebody no that's not what he said he talks in support of self when you look at that place you think Peter was trying to protect Jesus it wasn't Jesus he was trying to protect he was thinking about the business they left behind fishing ministry and all their businesses to follow this man and he's talking about going to the cross if he dies he has ruined our future some of you might think I'm joking I'm not making it all if you want to know how serious the matter is the Bible actually proved that Peter went back to fishing after Jesus died so what is this whole thing is financial concern what is this Rotem concern for family what is this Wharton may our daughter suffer what is this voting those are the very thing that discipleship deals with the first goal of discipleship is to destroy itself doesn't matter what you are doing if you like run a Bible School for them until you have produced men who have been set free for self you don't have men gotta use another goal of discipleship is to break and destroy this on do attachment of family family and close relationships you know why some girls can't focus on follow Jesus because one boy that said I will marry you because of that boy she drops or have virtues and that's why she's messing around if you get people who love their family but they are not unduly attached who put God first their relationship the place Jesus of the product where the place Jesus is above all types of human attachment what else - husband - father - mother - brother - sister - River your children until you do that you don't have a man God can use mama I don't know the only explanation is that God must have trained you the way you trained him because the way he travels goes to sit down and all that which woman wanna husband that dangerous place was it two or three years ago I decided to do a girl do it come from South Sudan ministers if you see the level of people who have Beckham including men of God actual level with what God has done with you are you mad what are you still looking for you can relax and enjoy I say enjoy what and I all conference was not inside Sudan oh we took it to the boundary city of ganda so we brought them over across the border and he crosses the border into that place in the mists of faith what kind of woman well Osman do that without the wretched problems in northern Nigeria he will turn his head and go there who allowed the person do that if you have not produced the people who will go they love their husband they love your mother doesn't love their father but Jesus comes first you don't have a disciple doesn't matter what it is called their family interface they would be traded charge betrayed Jesus or betray everybody let it came where we are teaching this kind of Rhonda Scripture we read it and if you notice verse 25 said except you hate father mother wife husband but he ended with everyo like you cannot be can notice the world be my disciple you lady came to see me in the office her two children I'm a church I'm this would have first service and I made the mistake of reaching discipleship that Sunday this half face contact she had be hearing good things and she did well to come she came to see me she was so worried he said what kind of church is this that's teaching children to heavy appearance I said well calm down when we read the second scripture that explained away you were not listening I think he was so disturbed by Luke 14 you'd be here when we read much each of the ten and I need to show it to you because I don't go out and miss presenter please a message of the ten verse 37 Jesus explained you know the principle of interpretation is a scripture interprets Scripture one of the laws of interpretation he that loveth father or mother more than me so I opened it for her I showed her I said we ready to disobey you were not listening it is City spot it a loveth father or mother more than me is nobody of me he that loveth son or daughter more than me I said that's what he was saying it's not hate the way you mean it we had the you turret eyes she said okay but but why we do not be telling children to do this kind of thing oh that I carried them for nine months so I said to her ma'am your husband is still alive say yes I see between your husband's murder are you who should be facing his life beside should be facing is what I mean right I said what I did want to erase them she said no you didn't raise him but you want to come into his life and overthrow the woman I raised him did you carry him for nine months she said no and so why do what he said that's the way God made it I said this one that's how God made it and I explained to her I explained to her you better not be competing with God in your child's life as a look at me now I flew in this evening from Abuja if there's a little turbulence or anything I'm sleeping at night something one story I call my mother's no we'll listen me if which is want to come back oh my father's the belissa me if I'm sick I caught dad will he help me talk less of 7 before scene or saving me from eternal damnation so I explained to her the parents actually stored the person that made the child should confess before you that is actual managed so I explained to her I said it did raise that man but you want to be facing his life if you ask your husband the same thing will apply she won't want your father any other person to confess your husband will want to confess in your life I said if human beings are like that how much more God I need to rush I need to rush because I would love to tell you some of your the purpose of discipleship this is not just the only ones for example when he said in verse that the three of you you are not free from if you can not sacrifice whatever you have you cannot be my my disciple Jesus was also pointing out that one of the goals of discipleship is to get human beings that have been delivered from the hood or possession code of Mammon it doesn't matter if you like anointing me Bishop your assistant general Vasya if most he has in that man is not a disciple did they something like Judas will come up where money issue or gain or profit you see him you will sell Jesus sell his will sell you sell the church man that cannot be held down by the Leogane of future look then you have learned that God can use one of the goals of discipleship is to also produce men that I know intimidated by persecution paranoia never by suffering evil men are intimidated by the fear of death do you see the quality of work God has given us he said unless you are willing to take up your cross be willing to embrace the cross pay the price even if it means my life you'll know yet my disciples that's what the early church produced not just who know things who complete you can talk and then they produce work God thank you and God hears them to turn the world upside down produce men and all fear debt or men I can kill the flesh they fear only the one that can cast body spirit and soul into hell there you have men five ifs of discipleship Alice even if I give two I can stop five is five conditions if you miss it you a disciple number one the eve of what foundation because disciple she has three pillars one is knowledge pillar number two is obedience pillar number three is multiplication of life fence is knowledge of the scripture and knowledge of the teachings of Christ so doesn't fast if a solid knowledge of the word of God a solid knowledge of the scriptures you have spiritual ignorance because they say you have disciple but you need to enroll in the school as fat one of the first thing you have to do is to develop a no printable appetite to know God and to know his word and that is John chapter 8 verse 31 look at Jesus said it I'm not one making it up he said jesus said to those Jews that believed in his name ladies and gentlemen in the choir you notice that they were believers already did believed in him he said to them if you continue in my word one translation said abides if you abide in my word then he said what is the condition then I in my disciples tell you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free you see the first condition a pasta do you know one of the biggest problem we're facing today since I come into the kingdom 1980 I have never seen a generation of Christian that's tougher for spiritually dresses like this generation that's why somebody comes up is a lie-down is walking on top of pregnant women they lie down somebody a church a church in East Africa the man came to service and brought jig jig is a bleach used for washing clothes when you you know when you have stain you use it it removes it a broad jig in the church and blessed it and get people to be drinking and they are all we're rushing to come and drink 22 people died in the service I was praying that the police were arrested let's at least be reducing the number because of the level of spiritual literacy today that's why the endtime prophecy of deception is big time in Nigeria we're not the only country in the world that why was nigella video home the headquarter of false prophets and deception we had once exported into African countries I think South Africa whether they have overtaken us or they're coming behind I don't know you bring snake to service and tell people to be eaten and be kissing it a lawyer a Christian lawyer watch me teach something and he called me in the middle of the night 1 a.m. normally I don't peek I don't even answer no bars I don't know sometimes but I don't know why I was impressed by the holy spirit to answer the number and the man was very desperate I said calm down what is wrong he said there's a prophet in his house he said they are looking for the fruit of the womb so the prophet said who do the reverse for you but it will start to have midnight so here are arrived at around 11:30 it's very well they subdue food can we start appraisin only 12 midnight 12 Midnight's in our tour the man that the Lord said you stayed downstairs is a duplex in the Paulo and close your eyes tight on the train that this is a very serious warfare they now take your wife to the bedroom the master bedroom because that's where the demon that is causing the pregnancy operates so he took his wife to the master bedroom and of course when he got there he undressed and told Madame to undress Madame straw good initially because they were Christians they go to church finally they convinced the Madame to start undressing but he was downstairs his conscience he was having problem he said they found my number he is competing and called me in the middle of the night I don't know I don't peek so I said where's the Prophet says with madam upstairs in the master bedroom and say where you as I am downstairs in the parlor earlier I said go to the gate bring your second tip and let them call me I'm Majid everything they have take them to their room immediately rush call me after carry him and throw him outside don't let that's how the window my family Russian madam naked prophet naked and they were struggling you know try to push demand Allison the man was trying to attain you had disobeying the word of the Lord that I'm a man ran into the bedroom to commit I said you are calling me I give the instruction I said one to him outside the gates leave your gate where they can do whatever they like there after when he was thanking me I finally got a trained lawyer what is the meaning of that that's the level of illiteracy in the church they don't read their Bibles pass falls down sorry their Bible the Cuckoo's salmon salmon calm everything is Google now you think you know God that way no you're not a disciple till you begin to have a deep and solid and it's not just I knew I read by blow is an old GU in pursuit of the knowledge of Christ and there is one attached to it is a Biden life because that's how the first principle of discipleship is abiding the principle of abiding if you check John 15 he said there are two types of abiding you know 15 16 is if you abide in me and my work does water abide in you so I've just talked about the word abide in you richly let the word of God dwell in you richly which is you abide in him that part is spending time with God it's fellowship is spending time that's why the prayer live with the Apostle said those two things we don't play with it we can't delegate any written who give us up to prayer and to the Ministry of the world there is no man of God without the sacred place once the secret place is over what you have is empty noisemaker let me tell you the Lord gave me seven instruction why we are waiting for him us it connects with the new ticket the next thing is and this is the one I want to share the fashion show she gave me and he said you want to get to the end of the other end of the decade 23rd no scratch no smoke not even one of your head fall into the ground I say yes that's why I'm here please help me he said the key number one is abiding in me it's something divine you are the branch you were raised like that scripture you know taught you that you've grown you that's what is the secret of your anointing that's what is secret of your humility that's what is the secret of your brokenness he said you stop spending time with me try to come in the flesh will become overwhelming and then that's why men of God for you say you stop spending time with me then knowing to would dry up there you start introducing gimmicks you stop spending time with me that's way you will look for substitutes to replace what you have lost in the secret place he said that's one thing you must do then he said give me a promise I'm going to share with you I just said two of the five es algo this one or one more in all he said to me it's a review we respect the Covenant of the secure place relationship between you and I if you would take care of that he said one of them is you will be under my direct protection it say I have a ranger sent to protect you but this time is not just an angel you will be under my own protection my I will be watching over you I will be giving you Direction before anything goes I will talk to you about it and you can hear me he said well you are far off you don't even hear when I'm screaming he said you will be under the protection of the cherubs I said what do you mean by that you see remember when Adam fell out of the garden I didn't send my girl or one of the lower angels to go and protect that tree of life it was a gentleman I said people who it's like if you're close to the president they will if you know Nigeria we don't have local police state police but we are going there they will leave you in under protection of local government police they will leave you under the protection of State Police you beyond that federal he said you have shot a lot of arrows it was tried his best but he can't watch anybody that dwells in my secret place he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty is then you can say of the Lord you are my refuge you are my God if God will not be the one to hide us he will not be the one to keep us even will not be the one to protect us the second if and as well and of discipleship is the eve of obedience in that great scripture that give us the Great Commission that's what he said they're teaching them to observe can I borrow to your men I need them to be young because you're gonna stand okay to marry young guys yes one here one here yes you'll find that they were one here thank you thank you sir you know in Luke chapter 6 I think he's fast for the 65 curette he said why do you call me Lord Lord if you don't do what I tell you why do you call me Lord Lord Amata chapter 7 verse 21 he said not all who call me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but they that do see you be gents is the heart of discipleship and one of these are grease boys was challenging me because he had me preach on this in a conference and then he said after he came to meet me no no no that scripture is for Old Testament people is known for I said what he said because all the teachings of Jesus are four quarters among people in the New Testament you don't need to obedience all you need is just receive faith that's what is going on in let go so I don't know why but they say his grace revolution so I said to him when did you two cement starts he said New Testament started after Jesus rose from the dead so that all the things he taught when he was here was not part of New Testament there are Old Testament people you were talking to it doesn't apply to us we are polite people we just full of Paul they made Paul and Jesus look like they're fighting police a disciple of Jesus also but they made disciple look like he now knows more than his master anyway so I said neutral minister said after Jesus Rosales areas as okay that means Matthew chapter 20 rcent fest I said where is the Great Commission it's a part of Old Testament or literally it's a great Commission photo new testament because jesus said them after he rose i saw okay now we have something to work with and so much of the church it from verse 18 if you earlier but he said when they saw the Lord you know where he rose the disciples rejoiced they he came to them and said all authority in heaven and it has been given to me as we are greeted this after resurrection said yes I say verse 19 go make disciples of all nations not some things all things whatsoever I have commanded you Jesus put obedience at the heart of the Great Commission and I said since he said teach them to obey not the teachings of Paul even the way no quarrel PO but he said it teachings of Christ I said to him can you not see that in the New Testament according to you Jesus said go back to the Old Testament and obey everything he taught them to do Testament and the whole church and Chris's Bute or his teaches this is how they destroy Christ you don't need to what are you walking bitterness unforgiveness it doesn't affect you New Testament you don't need any walks yes it's a you don't need to do repentance I say if you sleep with somebody it doesn't affect you because it only affects the body that your spirit is what counts I thought New Testament said now we are to glorify God in our spirit and in our bodies which are he is which our God he said you're the Temple of the Living God the temple of the Holy Spirit the eve of obedience I need to show you that if if John 15 verse 14 you can see it II my friends if you do what I command you so I know there is a beautiful song choir you know I know you guys love it and I do too I'm a friend of God I'm a friend of God he calls me friend Tori he my friend if you do what I command you one translation say you are my disciples if you do what I tell you so we go claim all the blessings without meeting the condition and that's what is causing all the frustration in today's charge we keep promising people things is about teaching them to meet girls condition and then of course nothing will happen so you have the people were losing their faith that I wonder what a Christian is doesn't work anymore he said not all who call me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven as Matthew 7 4 verse 21 but those that do the will of my father so my friend and I said to him he said it was Old Testament after we proved that is now New Testament in our condom I say can you see is only those that drew those that obey the professing Christianity it is no backed with practicing Christianity is not a void that's what James meant when he said if faith does not have works is useless they try to explain whether who call me a lot law that is not Christians talking to us ok tell me with religion called Jesus Lord he said I said other Hindus he said I said okay are there Buddhists I did the traditional worshipers or a dead Jew dies they recognized Jesus our Lord okay said okay okay okay maybe they're actually Christians I said they are only one group of people recognized my lord but jesus said if they don't add obedience to their profession of their faith I would denied them out that my never knew you even if they were dream miracles and prophesy and you know if you check the other version of it John 14:15 you know I read 15 14 14 15 even said if you love me keep my Commandments what does that mean that if we are living in disobedience we're living in rebellion and we're also saying that we don't really love Jesus so God Almighty love is not emotion you know Lord I love and they you cry lead to God is not a woman his own emotional God is principled John chapter 14 verse 21 look at it again HIDA had my Commandments and keepeth them it is he that loves me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and I will love him and manifest myself to him if this is the only blessing I have studied the blessings of obedience in the New Testament is mind-boggling almost every good thing is tied to it but if this is the only blessing just to be a friend of Jesus just to be close to him this way it's enough for me look at verse 23 the same John 14 he had my Commandments and jesus answered them and said Allah if a man loves me he will keep my words my father will love him we will come on to him and make our abode with him how many people we have want to be friends of Jesus how many ones who have to abide them presence of the Lord in your life see if the condition to default on said he that loveth me not keepeth not my saying you see that and the word which you hear is not mine but the father we sent me I want to add one more text I'll leave it first John 2 verse 3 to 6 first John 2 verse 3 to 6 and hereby we do know that we know him this assurance of salvation all you need to be how we know that we know him if we keep his Commandments verse 4 he has said I know him and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar the truth is not in him I did not read any Old Testament scripture everything I read and I can go on reading up to 24 scriptures if the iced I now read opted for scriptures for you I did not touch anything in the Old Testament he has said I know him and keepeth not his commandment is a liar the truth is not in him verse 5 but husavik he paid his word in him verily is the love of God perfected hereby we know that we him okay I brought you men here just come a little closer here's the illustration I leave you with two active ingredients that create authentic Christianity - you know I don't know the best soup in a butter but I know the generous soups we eat in Nigeria you see across the Keiko and some of those whatever if you know the recipe for making a goosey soup all bono soup or grain or soup you can make it any better you can make it in Lagos you can make it in Kadena let them export you to London you make it in London get eaten let them take you to you as you can make it to us all you says give me and once you mix them you produce the sentence am I correct sir that's why we have franchise for example we are this fast-food joint KFC or some of them you go to keep cylinder you go to KFC you can you go to keep seeing but you gotta keep see in Legos it gives you the same there are two active ingredients that produces authentic Christian authentic Christianity it's John chapter 1 verse 17 the Bible said the law came by Moses and we're not talking about the law but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ what has happened to this modern generation is that they have taken mr. grace mr. truth you know sir help me making tea not three bad type of tea you know the originality live of Italy give me like four ingredients for making tea even the water water everybody water Emmy Lou you need me low or any of those cocoa product mill above it any of them yes to you milk you need milk no sugar and sugar or any other sweetener at least do you agree that these fortunes can create G that's the type I grew up with before the bag bag is or helps you know we put the bread in silence G oh my second is cookery - we eat it with was this biscuit cutting biscuits hey if the same thing within your Latin so I study in Austria mystery do you want to make water two active ingredients is hydrogen and oxygen that's why we call what a h2o two molecules of hydrogen reacting one molecule of oxygen you create water but Jesus did not call us water now even though we also what I in ourselves he called us sort so I like the salt formula the truth ingredients for making salt is sodium and chlorine one molecule of sodium one molecule of chlorine you create sodium chloride look at chlorine tickets and it's accusing is poison if you held the chlorine gas if you take sodium well it kills you is poison you take to poisons react them they create life 7 compound you call swords in or during the war in eastern Nigeria maybe a couple of maybe a million or more than that died for reward shooting I'm not that 1 million died not from bullets it was kwashiorkor why no access to salt if no for so missionaries the Catholic missionary Association and France some of those people that we're dropping sort from another movie wiped out short is a life-giving element and their lifesaver that is how will you react the recipe grace and react it with truth you create something that saves life can either somebody say Amen prophetess 16 verse 6 see part of what you get part of the result ok by messy and truth iniquity is what part by the fear of the Lord will happen man depart for me if you take only grace creating licensures lose a morally bankrupt generation if you want to truly put this genuinely transform life and change you have to take both of them what is grace grace is a person is the person of Jesus and the work he did for us on the cross what is truth is the teachings of Jesus the values and the principles that he taught you have to bring the principle and mix it with the principles to create Redemption authentic Redemption what do you do to Christ and the work he did for us on the cross the active ingredient is faith we can do we can add to it we can't do it on our own you know that the wages of sin is dead and it's not just physical death it's that's with separation from God like when you cut a branch of a tree for that tree that branch is dead even though the leaves my big dream so the fastest in the rivers is it's a pressure from God you might say look green life have lasted not ideal but you are dead spiritually dead separation from God you've caught the branch off its going to wither away finally after some time that branch with us that's physical death and second-team sin delivers but the ultimate consequence of sin is eternal damnation this movie campaign that's why it's by grace that we are saved we don't have anything to pay if I pay for my sin and lost forever everybody that pays is doom eternally God saw our bankruptcy and his saintly soul out of his love for us to absorb our liability take our day pay our depth on the cross and to offer ours not just part of our sin would offer eternal life so how do you respond to Jesus and the work he has done for you faith you can end it by work but how do you respond to the teachings of Christ obedience submission so the two active ingredients for producing authentic Christianity is that Jesus must be your Savior but Jesus must become your Lord your Savior is the one you believe in I don't trust my own righteousness or in my own ability to serve myself I trust oh Christ and His finished work but my Lord is the one I saw me through and I obey that's why Nigeria recently is bankrupt we have thrown away obedience and now we have a kingdom without a king actually they say King but we have a kingdom of rebels and this is culturally toward ele Church new we now have people who profess but whose life denies sir the greatest enemy of Christianity is no Boko Haram or the terrorists burning down churches Church seems to grow more faster self during persecution the greatest enemy of Christianity those who profess its but denied in their lives sir you know if this one comes to you selling drugs you say we come from this are complete we make the best coffee off maybe tuberculosis our compliment the best in the world and it comes to you martinis and why he selling it his coffin we you buy why won't you buy because you say if this thing is real why hasn't it cured him there professors there my revenge allies but life contradicts everything that won't damage in the crisis I'm making don't believer look at how Nigerian church is smelling today everywhere well known for everything bad let's rediscover discipleship and go back to a life of obedience he's very passionate about it if you check John 13:34 38 he said a new commandment I give unto you he said it's by this shall all men know that you are my disciples if the if comes on if you have loved one fan or when we Nigerian church teach the rest of the nation by example that we can rise above denomination now we can rise above tribalism then something is wrong for example it doesn't matter where that money's from and there's something going on in my area I will protect him because it's a child of God because it's my brother this covenant between me and my brothers is the blood of Christ I don't care where he's from I don't care which tribe he doesn't even what is the point I'm not even gonna talk about that we're not discussing culture evangelism here but if we don't understand covenant love you see how I will be blaming the politicians and the ordinary men out there when they fragment the country in different ways everywhere like where I'm from I see all kinds of agitations everywhere and I've find myself who sitting against the current I'd sometimes very dangerous attempts I'm telling you some some as I finished I will fear for my life because my job is not to preach cultural movement my job is to produce disciples of Jesus Christ who baby [Music] you
Channel: DC Airforce TV
Views: 4,917
Rating: 4.9661016 out of 5
Keywords: DOMINION CITY, PASTOR DAVID OGBUELI, 2017 SERMONS, 2017 MESSAGES, NCF, PASTOR LAWRENCE UGHAMMADU, PASTOR LAW, PASTOR NOBS, PASTOR NOBERT ONAGA, PASTOR CHUKWUDI CHINEME, david ogbueli, david Ogbueli messages, Pastor David Ogbueli messages 2017, Pastor David Ogbueli preachings, Dc International, DC Airforce international, DC messages 2019, #NYS 2019, #DC Messages, #Dominion City
Id: IvDZnJLV7kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 47sec (4547 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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