The Last Week of School | Pocketful of Primary Teacher Vlog

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it is officially the last day of school with students this area started off kind of organized and then it literally just became like Tetris and I just started shoving stuff in there as best as I could so it is officially the end of the day my students are all gone [Music] good morning YouTube so I did have a little bit of a busy weekend on Sunday Billy and I had to drive up to Pennsylvania to like the Reading area to visit with his mom's side of the family it was his grandmother's 89th birthday on the 31st of May which actually is the same day as my dad's birthday we just kind of erotic and then I have the same birthday as one of his aunt's but we spent the entire day there we did not get home until like 1:00 a.m. then the next morning we couldn't even sleep in that late we had to get up we had to clean our house because our landlord had to come to do a walk-through because we have a two year lease and we're halfway through it and that's about most of the day I'll be honest I took a nap afterwards because I was exhausted and then I Definity my vlog and I didn't get a whole lot else done but we're getting there it is the last Monday at least with kids of the school year it is our last full week of school next week just teachers have to go on Monday and then that's it so I can see the end in sight I know I'll be able to rest and relax this summer so it's okay if I'm tired this week I do have a smoothie for breakfast this morning but I'm also gonna go ahead and get some coffee too because I feel like I need it this week and then I will catch up with you all at school good morning can I get a medium iced latte with the cookie dough flavor please that'll be it thank you I did want to quickly go over our schedule for today because it's a little bit different we have 50 minute blocks this morning and then we will have our homeroom class in the afternoon because this afternoon we are doing our Paul printers reading event if you don't know what Paul printers is it's okay because it's just something that my school does basically our students submit a story and then it gets published into a book and they do their illustrations and then we have a reading day where their parents can come in and hear them read their book that will be happening this afternoon from two o'clock to about the end of the day however long it takes so we're basically done with instruction like at this point it's the last week of school it's just not going to be the same as the rest of the school year so with my 50-minute blocks this morning I think I'm gonna play sink or swim with them again because they did really enjoy that when I did it after Park if you don't know what sink or swim is basically you have two teams one at a time one person from each team will answer a question if they get it correct they can either sink someone from the other team and make them sit down and be out of the game or they can swim someone from their team which means someone on their team who is out of the game they can bring them back into the game and make them stand back up but if they get the question wrong then they are sunk and they have to sit down so I think I'm gonna do it with some Disney trivia X I feel like that's the most like fair thing that most of my students are familiar with that will take up the morning time then this afternoon like I said we'll have the pop hunters event after recess and that will be it for today so I need to set up for the Paul printers reading event this afternoon I have these programs that the parents can take and then all of the students and their books are written on the inside and then here are all of the actual Paul printers books so I have ordered them in the order that the students names are in here and I'm just gonna have them read in that order I did get a little thing of many water bottles for the parents if they want them and then I also got chocolate chip cookies now I got 36 of them and I have 29 students so fingers crossed that I end up having enough left to give to my class that's kind of the plan it's for the parents first but any that are left over my students will be able to eat so I'm gonna go ahead and just try to lay this out said it looks halfway decent [Music] hello again it is the end of the day so I ended up having a lunch punch so I was not able to vlog then but it's okay I'm having a lot of lunch punches this week because a lot of my students are redeeming their cup kudos stamps for lunch bunches which is totally fine I have a group on Friday of like 7 or 8 girls where they all put their cup Cudas together which is totally fine and I'm enjoying like that last little bit of time to be able to spend with that like more in like a one-on-one type of setting the PAS printers reading event this afternoon went so so well I loved hearing my students get to read their stories and a lot of them have like sound effects and they brought in props and like they were just so into it I love being able to see them be creative and then I love even more getting to see them share that with the class so tomorrow we are doing something called it Decimal Olympics so we have this like or math Olympics we used to call it decimal Olympics but this year my team teacher changed it to math Olympics I will go into more detail with this tomorrow but basically we're not going to have like our block classes tomorrow we're not even really gonna have our homeroom classes tomorrow because our students are going to work in groups and they are all mixed up within the grade so in the morning after cultural arts we will tell our students their groups and we'll get into those groups and then they're just gonna be doing rotations so by the end of the day I will have had all of the fourth-grade students so I'll give you more details on that tomorrow but for now I actually need to get to the gym I need to meet belly there and then tonight I am working on some awards I'm gonna be giving my students later in the week so I will catch up with you all in the morning [Music] good morning YouTube I will be lucky if I get up early enough to wear makeup at least one day this week it is just not happening and that's what happens at the end of the school year Plus as it gets warmer like I hate wearing makeup cuz I feel like it just like melts off in my face and I don't like it so we're just going all natural as much as I can this week last night I prepped the awards I'm gonna give to my students on Wednesday I still need to print them out but I like sorted who was gonna get what award I typed them into the award so I'll just print them tonight and that'll be one of the last things that I have to like prep this week for the last week of school I am gonna go get chick-fil-a breakfast this morning instead of making a smoothie I just did not want a smoothie this morning I don't know I'm just really craving chick-fil-a breakfast that's what I'm gonna go get and then I will catch up with you all at school good morning can I get a number one meal just the original biscuit twist with a frosted coffee [Music] so I mentioned that today the entire 4th grade was doing math Olympics I used to call it decimal Olympics but we changed the name to math Olympics so I wanted to quickly show you before I have people even asking me are you gonna put this in your TPT store no you're free to use this idea but I'm not putting the recording Chi cuz I did not make this this was left over from previous years so no this will not be added to my TPT store but you can at least get the idea from this so each team has four members a captain a recorder materials and sportsmanship we have already put them into these teams so they don't get to pick their teams we did try to put them with some of their friends but we tried to match up some people from my class with some people from my team teachers class but there's a mix of all of fourth grade so we have already decided they're teams but they will get to come up with a team name and then this is the recording sheet so they're just gonna have one of these per group and whoever is the recorder will carry this on a clipboard and they record their stats and all of the different events so there are a total of six events we have five teachers there's four fourth grade teachers and we have our TA so one of the station's they're actually gonna do two different events so one of the events is a football toss so they're just gonna throw the football as far as it can and then measure the distance in meters they're gonna record it for each team member the distance and then record the farthest distance thrown then they will do a relay sprint among their team and they will do it twice and record the time then they will do tape jump so there is a line of tape down the middle of the floor and they have to jump over it as many times as they can in a minute so they will record that for each team member and then they will find the average of their team then the bucket milliliter relay which is actually the event that I am running basically our students are going to have a bucket of water and then actually here I have it over here so they're gonna have a bucket of water at the end and then at the other end they're gonna have this so they're gonna use this fifty milliliter cylinder they're gonna run down fill it up with water come back and pour it in here and they have to do it until they get to 400 milliliters which since they're on teams of four each person will go two different times so I'm letting them do it twice and then they're just recording the fastest time I'm sorry down here the fastest time of those two times that they attempt it and then the last two events we have a book hold so basically each person stands with their arms straight out to the side so they almost make like a cross and they're holding a book like a science textbook in each hand and they're holding it there as long as they can and they're just timing how long they can hold it there and then they'll find the total time for their team and then the cup challenge so we have a stack of like six cups and they have this little contraption that we made with like a rubber band and then there's four pieces of string tied to it so each member holds on to a piece of string and they have to work together to stretch the rubber band put it over the cup and then pull the cup up and make a new stack so they're recording how long it takes them to do that and move the entire stack from here over to the side and make a new stack and then they will do the best team time so we're doing three rotations before lunch two rotations after lunch and then we reach just gonna put on a movie and all of the team teachers are gonna meet together we're gonna look at all of the different times from the events and we're gonna give first second and third place awards to some of the different things so like the football toss the relay sprints the bucket relay we're not gonna do all of the events just some of them there will be first second and third so we got some cheap metals off of Amazon and we will award those medals to the people who got them so not everyone's gonna get a medal but that's okay like we're just doing it to the top teams cuz we didn't want to buy 120 medals for every kid to get them so only some kids will it is now lunch time I have had a lot of fun with the math Olympics this morning it's been really exciting and the kids have been really good sports and like cheering each other on which is great it was a little hectic for me because I was set up in this like courtyard area that we have outside and then a class was coming out there for lunch so I had to move all of this stuff to the opposite side of the school so it's a little bit hectic but it's okay I'm just gonna keep the stuff there for the last two rotations after lunch I do think after lunch we'll go more smoothly now that I've had three groups like I'm able to tell them like hey make sure you do this I have each team set it back up after they're done that way it's ready for the next group that comes in and I think that this is fun that we're doing it with all the fourth grade together I know in years past sometimes they did it with just the math teachers doing it and they would do it over the course of like two different days but I actually think it runs more smoothly with us doing it all in one day with all the classes going at the same time and it's perfect for the end of the year because I get their energy out and it's not like - math intensive like there is math with it but it's not a ton it's just kind of a fun way to celebrate at the end of the year let them be a little bit competitive with each other let them work on their teamwork and all of that so I am happy that we've done it I'm just a little bit tired I'm going to enjoy my lunch we'll have the two rotations after lunch and and give up the awards and that part of the day should be pretty relaxing so I got some really sweet notes from two of my students this morning this is just covering the student name but this one says dear mr. Frey you are the best teacher do you know how sad I am about leaving you it is so sad thinking about it I mean you changed my thinking about school I always look forward to come to school you have made learning fun you should get an award I will never forget you or funny moments and when you lip sing and dance I will miss your funny voices and stories you have inspired me and told me I can be anything I will always come and see you you always lift up my day when I come and give you a big hug when you have a smile on your face you have inspired me to do a lot of things like running I am so happy to run my first 10k you are so nice cool and the best teacher I could ever had and then this says you are so sweet just like a resits which is so cute and then this one says dear Miss Frey you have made my year amazing I hope you had a great year as well I will miss you so much when I go to fifth grade and graduate you totally change my opinion on math I hope you have a blast teaching next year at first I hated math and third grade but you changed that for me I am honored to be a part of your very first year teaching here you are a very fun and bubbly person and I hope your class next year is as good of a class as this year if I could give you a nice big huge award I would your fav student just so so sweet and exactly what I needed today hello again it is now the end of the day I just had one of those days if I'm being completely honest where every little thing has just been like annoying me and I'm not in a good mood I will fully admit that every little thing has been making me stressed out and I've just been getting like really uptight really easily so I'm not gonna stay here long at all I want to get home and like relax I need to go for a walk and just get my mind in a different space because I've just not been in a good mood and I think part of it is because last days are chaotic and it just is a little bit difficult for me because I like things to be very orderly I always like to have a plan and that plan kind of falls apart in the last few days and that's just really difficult for me to adjust to especially on days like today when we're doing all of fourth grade like that's so much fun but towards the end of the day when we were handing out awards we had to first condense the classes into two of our team teachers rooms so they were like 60 kids in each room while the team teachers all figured out the awards then we condense the kids all into one room to hand out the wards so there were like 120 kids in one classroom and it was just insane so I have a big headache and I'm just like stressed and I need to home so that's what I'm gonna do tomorrow is our last day with our black classes so we are gonna do some fun activities I will show you all of those in the morning but for now I'm gonna get home and he'll catch up with you then [Music] good morning YouTube the last time that I talked to you I told you that I was just feeling really stressed and there wasn't really a specific reason I just get like that sometimes so to remedy that when I got home I made sure that I went for a nice long walk but usually makes me feel a lot better and it did I also was really productive when I got home like first thing I printed out the awards that I needed for today for our class like superlatives that we're doing I also made up a Google slides presentation for the activity that we're gonna do in class and I'll show you that when I get to school and I finished all that and I finished eating dinner by like seven o'clock and then I was able just to relax the rest of the night which I desperately needed so I feel a lot better besides the fact that I'm tired I overslept this morning until like 7:05 which is really late for me like 7:00 is usually my limit like I don't sleep past seven today I woke up at 7 or 3:00 and I was like you know what I might as well sleep until 7:05 but it's okay we are getting there after today I have to wake up three more times and then it's in the Squier so I can make it I am gonna go get myself some coffee per usual and I'll catch up with you all at school [Music] so today is our last day of block classes and I'm gonna be doing minute to win it games with my students I love doing minute to win it games because it's super engaging for the students and you need minimal material so it's perfect for the end of the year this slide will be up with my students come in the room so it just says are you ready to play minute to win it start thinking about your team of four my students are gonna be on teams of four because there are four different events I'm gonna let them pick their teams and I'm also gonna let them pick which event they each do so I'm actually gonna go through and show a video to introduce each one of the different games that we're playing so these are from YouTube I will show you at the end how to like insert these but it just goes through like how to play the game and they're pretty short each one is like under a minute so it just introduces the game and I have one of these yeah so I have one of these for each of the games that we're playing so I will show them each of those and then what I'm gonna have them do is decide who on their team is going to play each of the four games so each person is only gonna do one game but everyone in the class will get a chance to participate and then of course I have the timer and again I just inserted this from YouTube and it counts down and there's like music and sound effects to make it nice and dramatic but it's really easy if you've never inserted a video from YouTube before basically you just go up here to insert and then you go to video and then in the first tab you can actually search on YouTube so I can just search minute to win it timer search and then you can insert the video from here so like if I use this one double click it it will insert it in and then I usually just stretch it to take up the entire slide so I pulled out all of my materials just to show you how easy it is to get this set up so for the a bit dicey basically they're going to hold a popsicle stick in their mouth so each kid will get their own popsicle stick when they do it they're obviously not going to share that so I have a pile of popsicle sticks they hold this in their mouth and then they have to try to balance 6 dice on top and they stack them like this so all I need for that is popsicle sticks and dice the next game is called tilt a cup so for this one they have six cups and six ping-pong balls basically they have the stack of cups they bounce a ping-pong ball they catch it in here and then they take a cut from the bottom and put it on top and they do it again they bounce a ping-pong ball and catch it so at the end they have a big stack of all of these ping-pong balls and the cops and since the cups are sitting on the ping-pong balls they're not completely steady so they have to make sure that they don't knock it over this one is called like you blow me away or something like that all they will need is a balloon and then 15 cups so the 15 cups will be laid out in like a row and they're gonna blow up the balloon and then use the air to try to knock over all 15 cups within the minute and then cookie face is one of the most popular ones they will have an Oreo cookie on their forehead they have to use their face muscles to try to get it down to their mouth and catch it in their mouth the video said two Oreo cookies but I'm just gonna do one cookie each [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning YouTube as we get closer and closer to the end of the school year I'm getting more and more tired and sleeping in later and later and putting in less and less I've heard in the morning but I am up it's about 7:20 I'm leaving about five minutes late I do not have planning time today but it is an early dismissal day so I will have about two hours after school to get some stuff done get some stuff packed up and I'm sorry to get sad that I'm leaving my students like yesterday was our last day of blocks and at the end of both of my blocks I just guys sat down like talked with my kids you know told him like once my studio always my student like I'm always here for you if you need anything and like I actually did start tearing up so it's starting to hit me that's the end of the school year and like yes I'm excited because I want to sleep in and I want to get stuff done but I am really really going to miss my students so I'm gonna go get myself a coffee and then I will catch up with you at school [Music] since it is the second to last day of school something I will be doing today is my class auction as I go through my room and I find things that I don't want or I want to get rid of after I offer it to other teachers I usually just give it away to my kids so this year's auction is gonna be a little bit different in the past I always had dojo points so my students would get to spend whatever dojo points they had left but this year I didn't really use that because we had a school-wide incentive program called cup kudos where they earned stamps so what I'm gonna do for today is each kid is gonna get a slip of paper that starts with 100 so they have 100 like fake dollars to spend at the auction and they could spend it like all in one item that they really really want or they could get a bunch of smaller things I'm gonna run it just like a typical auction so this is just a collection of like random stuff that I'm getting rid of like I have all of these dice that I honestly have not used all year they've been sitting in a container I have some of these like puzzle things I'm getting rid of those are from second grade I have these containers and I'm getting rid of and my girls love containers I also have some stuff in here and I have these caddies so it should be more than enough for everyone to get at least one item but obviously some students may get more than others just depending on what they want to spend their money on but that way every student is starting with the same amount and it's just up to them how they actually spend it at the auction it is already the end of the day and I know that I barely vlog today and I barely blogged yesterday I forgot to tell you yesterday my camera died hence why I did not get a lot of footage today it's just been chaotic it was the second to last day of school I didn't have planning time but it was a fun day we started off by doing a kickball game two of the fourth grade classes went against each other and then the other two classes went against each other we have two different kickball field so we had both games going at the same time we had a little bit of arguments about rules and sportsmanship and all that kind of stuff but overall it was fun we came in we relaxed we watched a movie we are watching the greatest showmen and my students were really really into it and I'm working on just getting stuff put away in my room if you kind of look I mean a majority of it is gone like as you can see this area is like all empty unfortunately I haven't been filming most of it because I'm having students help me and I'm trying to get it done while my students are here because if I can put my students to work and get them to do little tasks for me it makes it go by so much faster so I have not been doing a whole lot when my students weren't here we did have early dismissal today so our students left at 1:35 instead of 335 but then the fourth-grade teachers all had stuff that we had to do together we had to check their cume folders and things like that but it is now about 410 I'm gonna go ahead and get out of here go to the gym go home and relax and then tomorrow I'll show you like the final of everything packed up and all of that I mean right now things are kind of chaotic and I'm still moving things around but when I am completely done I will show you how I packed everything up honestly I don't have a ton of like tips and things when I actually packed up to like move classrooms and one of my really old vlogs from last year I did talk more about like packing tips so I'll talk a little bit about that tomorrow but I don't have to too much I mean honestly I'm just kind of putting stuff into cabinets but tomorrow I will show you like the final look at my room as I leave for this year good morning YouTube it is officially the last day of school with students I'm feeling excited I was nervous last night and like couldn't pull asleep I mean I don't know if nervous is probably not the right word but I just had a lot on my mind and like I'm actually really sad to be leaving my students I know I'll see him next year and I probably see him over this summer and things like that so it's not a huge deal it's not like last year where I was leaving and like moving to somewhere else and I was like an emotional wreck and bawling I probably will still like maybe cry a little bit today but my focus for today is really just enjoying time with my students I'm not gonna be packing to too much like during the day I'll do little things here or there but I'll mostly focus on that after school because while my students are in school I really just want to spend time with them and enjoy those last few moments so our schedule today we don't have to too much going on I don't like the last day to be too chaotic I will have my planning time and then after my planning time we're gonna come back we had started greatest showmen yesterday so we're gonna finish that go to lunch after lunch we are doing like an ice cream party and that's gonna be it oh we also have beach balls to give to our students that's like our end-of-the-year gift that we're giving them and then we're gonna have them sign each other's so that will take up some time I am gonna go get some coffee for myself this morning and then I'll catch up with you at school [Music] hi can I get a medium iced latte with the cookie dough flavor please no that'll be it thank you [Music] so I'm a little bit confused right now when I left yesterday my desk were all in their normal spots and now they're all stacked on top of each other all of these like drawer units in the back are all stacked up and these were like behind the computer so I'm kind of really confused as to how all of this got done I guess it's okay I mean I guess I could have my students like sit on the floor for today I don't really want to unlike stack all of the desks if they're already stacked up I don't know I'm gonna have to like ask my team teachers and be like how did this happen I'm really really confused right now so these are the gifts that we got for our room moms I was blessed enough to have at two different room moms that were both absolutely amazing so we got these bags from five below and then inside of them I have them stuffed with tissue paper so you can't really see but there is a towel there are two like plastic wine glasses there are some like lemonade packets and there is a koozie so we didn't go like super super crazy but just a little something to show them that we appreciate them and then I mentioned we were giving each student a beach ball so we got these off of Amazon they came in either a 12 pack or a 36 pack so we got three 36 packs and then an extra twelve pack to cover all hundred twenty students and then we all just split the cost so each students going to get a beach ball they're all exactly the same they're going to get sharpies and they're gonna have other students sign them and just a tip if you ever do this once the students start signing them it gets really difficult for them to keep track of their own ball so what we have the students do is buy the little glow hole where they actually blow the ball up that white circle we have them write their name in that circle that way if it gets lost we can easily identify whose ball it is so it is officially the end of the day my students are all gone I'll talk to you about that in a minute but I did want to kind of show you my room like packed up I'm sorry that I didn't film a lot of me actually packing it but like I said I tried to put my students to work and they actually did a lot of it for me so I wasn't able to film that but I'll kind of just give you the after shot so you can see what my empty classroom looks like we are fortunate enough that we can actually leave so up on the walls so I was able to leave my bulletin boards up and like little things like I have around my clock now on Monday teachers do have to come back and since I don't really have anything to do I probably will cover these with paper just to protect them in case any work is done in my room and they get dusty but I was able to leave most of that up and you can see my our brightest work board is still up which is really really awesome so I'll just kind of start here and then move around these are my bins that I had at the end of each group they are all empty and I've just labeled each one with painters tape with my name and my room number that way if they get taken out of my room they can find their way back into my room I like to use blue painters tape instead of masking tape or instead of like packaging tape because those tend to leave like a residue and can be difficult to get off but painters tape is super super easy this actually was a roll that I got from the dollar store it worked perfectly well then you'll see my entire back counter is all cleaned off along with the top part so I'll kind of show you the inside of my cabinets I literally just shove stuff in here the best that I could you'll see all those bins in the back those were there before and I put my pencil sharpener there and my Reed lights and then those red pins in the back were there before I just put some extra text books and my umbrella and then this one this one had a bunch of like extra paper and composition books so I moved those over to the side those are some things from my desk area I also have my lamps down here my clipboards down here and a couple other like random putting things wherever I can fit them these black bins are all from my library area they were all on top of my library holding picture books and then I have some bins down here and some extra supplies this actually has a bunch of like erasers dry erase markers and highlighters that we're all still working that I will use again next year and put in there caddies not a whole lot actually changed in these upper cabinets you'll see this one still has all of the Sterlite bins that I had in there before none of that change because these fit perfectly in there I don't need to do anything with them same thing for this cabinet it has some of my bigger ones this one I didn't really move to too much around as well but you will notice the random thing of graph paper that got stuck in there but the rest of it I just kind of configured things so I could fit a little bit more in there but it's not too too bad these cabinets however are little bit of a hot mess so this one actually is pretty good not too much changed with this one I did put some stuff up there at the top so those are containers of construction paper those are magnetic holders that I have on my board but the rest of it is basically all the same I did put one of my things of sterilized drawers from my desk inside of my recess caddy but the rest of it is exactly the same this cabinet I'm gonna be careful opening because as you can see I have anchor chart paper just kind of carefully pilot seen on there but you can kind of see my math bins which used to be like three across I actually turned them to this side so that used to be the front I turned it to the side so that I could fit for two and two and then there's two and two over there and it gave me a little bit extra space over here where I could put stuff so things like base-10 blocks though things of rubber bands and really just anything that I could fit in that space and then you'll even see back here I have the Caddy from my back table and then this thing of Rainbow drawers from my desk fit perfectly and then we have this cabinet which kind of just became like the catch-all cabinet I put a lot of stuff in there I'm a little bit proud of myself of this side how evenly I fit things in there like come on I could not have made it more perfect if I tried so I have things like my broom and my PVC pipe that has all in my meter sticks in it my cart with all of my graded work that usually is out I put in here along with some like book bins I even have like flowers strategically placed and then my containers that hold task cards this area started off kind of organized and then it literally just became like Tetris and I just started shoving stuff in there as best as I could so this drawer is basically the same as it was all year this one was empty so this has a lot of like decorations and things that I've had around the room I just put into there now one other small tip I did want to give you if you are packing up your room and you don't have a lot of space you need to utilize every little bit of space that you can find so things like these drawers that get put away I actually put stuff in the drawer so this one has lights and I had up this one has clipboards and things use every little bit of space that you can in order to pack more efficiently again I left the bulletin boards up and those posters up because I don't need to take them down my fan is going to come home with me over the summer my rug is staying they will vacuum it and all that good stuff and then put in my room this is a container filled with stuff that I am leaving in here so again I marked it with my room number and I also put tape on the sides of the drawers that way if they do move it I don't have to worry about the drawers coming open but I have my bookshelf also labeled and I even put an extra label and I said hey if you happen to find another broke shelf I would love to have it because I only have one in my classroom some teachers have three and it would be really really nice to at least have a second one so fingers crossed that they can behind me another one you'll have to stay tuned for my classroom tour video in the fall to find out if I end up getting it this area is all cleaned off this is a bulletin board it's like a navy blue color you can kind of see it back here I actually covered it with felt and then bulletin board border I'm just gonna leave that up fingers crossed that it does okay over the summer this blue paper is to cover up this area so I cleaned off the top of my cabinets and I just kind of shoved a lot of stuff in here so things like my classroom toolbox my stapler my tape all that kind of stuff is just put in here I'm gonna cover it with this paper but I'm waiting until Monday to see if I need any more of it these cabinets just had binders those are all staying I am gonna go through these binders on Monday when I have extra time and just kind of clean them out I'm not gonna get super close to my desk because I do have a yearbook that a student left behind and I have some report card envelopes and those I'll have student names on them but that big bag on the floor is all coming home with me along with my bag that's on the chair and then I don't have to too much left in this area I even labeled my trash can you guys are probably gonna laugh at me but just in case it gets removed I want to make sure it comes back to me my orchid I will take home with me over the summer this blue bin I will take home with me over the summer this actually has most of my dust stuff that way when I come in in the fall I can bring this in with me and it's one of the first things that I put out so in here I have another stapler I have another tape dispenser I have lots of scissors all those items that I will need first thing when I get in my classroom I have in this box that way I don't have to rummage through cabinets and try to find it all of this stuff will be with me it can be the first thing that I put out I'm just gonna push that back in there we go so I highly recommend at the end of the year pack up your back-to-school box so that box with all of those first little items that you want to have and be able to put out even if it's something simple like I have a thing of flowers because I love putting my decorations out and just making my classroom feel like home again so I highly recommend you get some kind of like plastic tub or some Dean to pack those items in and then take them home with you I did leave some tissues on my desk just in case I need them Monday I have two black tubs here again I labeled them with my name and room number this area is all cleared off and then this is where a lot of my like flexible seating things are I have covered up my library bookshelves with paper actually I did not cut for the hem by t I covered them god bless her she's the best I have like my bean bags my table I have some more drawers which again I taped the drawer shut and I put my name and room number on the top with the painters tape but all of these items you will notice are labeled with my name and room number that way they can make their way back to me these are boxes of books that were on the top shelf here and those also are labeled with my name and then finally we're almost back at the door these are some shelves with text books those are all covered with paper these are both labeled with my name and room number because I don't have anywhere to put them so that way they can be brought back to me and then over here another trash can a recycling bin both of which have my name and room number on them just like the other ones and then this bulletin board I will leave up and that is an emergency bag that I had to turn in at the end of the year and I don't know if I ever showed you this part this is my table all of my chairs all of my desks are just stacked on top of each other and I had my students help me with that at the end of the day so let me kind of sit down and talk about my day I know I didn't get a chance to vlog a lot but my goal was just to be as productive as possible this week and get my room packed up which it is now Friday I'm leaving my room is basically almost all the way done so Monday I won't have much to do at all which is what I wanted just to make me feel less stressed out so that meant that I didn't have as much like vlog footage but hopefully you all understand I know if you're a teacher you totally understand cuz you know what the end of the year is like so thank you in advance just for being understanding with that during my planning time this morning my one team teacher actually did not have planning time because the librarian had to do inventory a book so she was not able to take her class and I thought it was kind of unfair that like she had her kids but the rest of us didn't so I actually took a couple of her students and had them help me with things around my room just a little task here and there getting things packed up getting things cleaned I had them go through my library go through all the books make sure they were in the correct spots if you were interested in what kinds of tasks I have my students do at the end of the year I actually have a product in my TPT store it's called end of the year organization I will link it for you in the description box I actually have a checklist included in there of jobs that students can do plus I have a video where I talk all about end of the year kind of stuff so I will link that in the description box for you as well so I don't go into too much detail right now because I do have other videos on it so after I had those students help me I sent them back to their homeroom teacher I brought my class back and we finished the greatest showmen which actually was really really good I had not seen it the music was fantastic and they really enjoyed it I had some leftover juice boxes that I was not using so I gave them all a juice box one of my students brought in dum-dums for all of them so they each got a dum dum we sat and enjoy the movie then I handed out their beach balls which I showed you earlier I forgot to mention they're not the full-size beach balls they're like a little bit smaller beach balls so I will link those for you in the description box as well that actually was a really big hit they enjoyed having each other sign up they all blew him up I had him sign each other's in the classroom then we took all of the fourth graders outside we have a little fenced in area so we made him stay in that fenced-in area they got a chance to sign each other's which was great then we came back in and went to lunch I actually ended up having a lunch bunch with like seven or eight girls they had all turned in their cup kudos to have a lunch lunch with me so that was really fun on the last day of school once all of the students came back from lunch we actually had like a fourth grade ice cream social so all of our room parents came in and helped like with organizing all of that parents donated all of the ice cream and the toppings and all that so we kind of created like an assembly line we had tables set up out in the hall we sent a couple students at a time to get their ice cream once they got it they went outside and they enjoyed it like on the playground that way when they were done their ice cream they threw it away they were able to run around we came back inside got her stuff cleaned out lockers well we had kind of already cleaned out lockers but we made sure they got everything from their lockers and then it was dismissal and I'm not gonna lie I was emotional I was holding it together really well until one of my students she's actually moving to the Netherlands this summer and she started crying and then I started crying and I just like lost it but I wasn't too too sad this year because I'm gonna see most of my students in the fall it was really just my students who were moving that I got emotional about but I have to say just this year in general I had a wonderful year I kind of want to do a video like just recopy my whole year and maybe comparing it to like second grade no but I had a wonderful year I'm kind of sad that that group of students is going on to fifth grade but at the same time like I can't wait to see where they end up in life and just all the great things that they do because I had so many amazing kids who are talented in so many ways and they were so kind and compassionate and they were funny and you know when we were watching greatest showmen at the end during the credits it was playing a song and they'd kind of started singing along and then I paused it cuz it was basically at the end and they just kept singing it and like the little moments like that that I got to share with my class I'm just so so happy about but moving on now from this school year I do have to come in on Monday but I'm not gonna vlog because it's just one day after that my summer vacation will officially start and that leads me to a question what do you all want to see from me this summer I do have several videos planned like sit-down type of videos but my real question is vlog a lot of you have asked me if I'm gonna continue to vlog this summer last summer I've logged basically every week just like I did in the school year I don't think I want to do that this summer just because it is a lot but I was thinking of like the days where I'm really focusing on things from my classroom where I'm focusing on things 40 PT or days when I have a lot going on that I would vlog those and probably just have like shorter vlogs instead of having like half an hour to an hour long vlogs I would have more of like 10 to 15 minute vlogs tell me what you think of that leave a comment down below I would love to know obviously I want to produce content that you all want to see so if you do have special requests leave them down in the comments I will totally read them and I will make sure that I honor as many of them as I can I did just want to say thank you to all of you for all of your support this year and just seeing my channel grow has been amazing and I'm in such a better place now compared to a year ago I'm so much happier as a teacher I've learned a lot more about myself and I just feel like it's been a really good year for me in terms of growth and in terms of like happiness and I'm so happy that you all were kind of able to join me on that ride in that journey and get to see it as well so thank you just for being there for me the entire way I am gonna go ahead and end this vlog because I'm anxious to get out of here a billion I tonight you're gonna go grab some dinner and then we're gonna go see Incredibles 2 we're gonna try to catch a later show and so it won't be too too busy so for the last time but the 2017-2018 school year give this video a thumbs up I would really appreciate it subscribe to my channel if you haven't already as always thank you for watching I love you all so so much don't forget to think positive and I'll catch you guys in X West thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can easily read up here in the description box you'll find links from my teachers pay teacher's store along with my Pio address if you're interested thank you for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 165,982
Rating: 4.9354239 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, last week of school, last week vlog, last day of school, packing up a classroom
Id: eZ7tWsQwLFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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