Finally Into My Classroom! | Teacher Summer Series Ep 29

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I did get into my classroom today they started throwing out t-shirts and I totally got hit in the face because I was not paying attention but at least I got a t-shirt out of it but I did get all of my bulletin boards done I did a double border with the black and white stripe and then the board dad I still have stuff all over the floor as well but this is a new carpet that I got from my room [Music] [Music] good morning YouTube I am up way too early for my own good I had to get up at 5:30 don't want to talk about it it is currently 6:45 and I'm about to head to my new teacher onboarding kickoff I think that's what's called for the next three days I'm going to these sessions they run from 7:15 until 3:30 thankfully I do get paid for being there so that is always nice but I'm just gonna get more information about the county and the curriculum and kind of how they organize things I am banking on the fact that they're gonna have food there because it says from 7:15 to 7:45 our refreshment and registration I'm all about refreshments so I'm really hoping they have food because I have not eaten have not had coffee or anything to drink yet it also says that they provide lunch and I am all about that life so I don't think it's gonna be that bad the worst part was waking up and that's already over with I did get into bed at 1:00 I turned off electronics at 12:00 because I know that those keep you up I'm aware I turned off electronics got into bed but I still don't fall asleep until probably after 2 o'clock and I woke up a million times because I was stressed about over sleeping it's ok I got up I got ready if you guys watch my video that went up on Thursday with my outfits for back-to-school you guys have already seen this outfit this is a dress I got off of Amazon I will link it for you down in the description box I think I got this necklace from maybe Kohl's or something I have no idea and then this jean jacket is from a black house white market my neighbors are coming out and trying to get into their cars and they're looking at me like I'm crazy so I'm gonna go ahead and get on the road I will catch back up with you guys whenever I have a chance [Music] hey this about 5 o'clock and I need to be kidding out of here but I wanted to show you guys I did get into my classroom today now all of my stuff is at home so I didn't actually do anything in terms of unpacking these are all materials that were left for me but I just wanted to kind of show you guys what I am working with it is a little bit smaller than the classroom I had before but there's a ton of storage which is amazing I don't know how I feel about the green walls like I think it's cool that they're painted like funky colors but I don't know how I feel about the green but it's okay it will grow on me this is all like my teacher desk area it's actually all built in which is really really cool and then there's like two tables back here and then there are these little shelf things back here and then there are three computers that stay in the classroom so just so you guys can see it I obviously will show you progress as I start putting stuff in here but this is what I am working with this year it is now 515 I am just getting home so I apologize I'm really not gonna have a lot of like good vlog footage this week because unfortunately I'm doing a lot of trainings and a lot of meetings and I'm not gonna vlog during that time so let me kind of back up first thing this morning I went in we all gathered in the cafeteria they had like light refreshments I actually met a girl who recognized me which was really cool because I've never had that like happen like just I'm out somewhere and people recognized me so that was really cool I've been going to lie and she was so sweet and I just kind of hang with hung with her the whole time she was so so nice I'm so happy that I met her I felt like I knew her which I know is weird to say but like when I connect with you guys I feel like I already know you so that was really cool and actually I had another girl who and recognizing me which was just really cool because I've never had that happen but the morning was essentially sitting and a lot of listening it was a lot of information about the county they did provide us with lunch they just had sandwiches and chips then we got to go to our schools which I was really excited about because I had not seen past the front office in my school I did get a tour I got to see all the classrooms and I got to see my classroom which I showed you guys I am in love like my room is so pretty like everything is new the school was just renovated in 2015 so that's really really nice tons of cabinetry in my room there's a lot of cool like technology stuff that I'll have to show you all but I won't lie I'm feeling very overwhelmed right now it's amazing because I'm not a new teacher but I feel like a new teacher because I basically am I'm starting over in a new school new grade new curriculum all that so I'm starting from scratch I feel like a baby again I feel like in a teacher and it's a humbling thing because I was trying to feel really comfortable in second grade and I finally felt like I knew what I was doing and now I feel like I don't know what I'm doing again so I feel a big weight like seeing my room and knowing how much I have to do and I was hoping to be in there on Thursday but then I found out I have another like day-long training that I have to go to on Thursday so I won't actually get into my room to work until Friday and that's just like I've so much to do I have so many boxes to take there and it's just a little bit overwhelming it's okay like I'll get through it my room doesn't have to be perfect at the start and I tell that to people all the time it's hard for me to accept because I want my costume to be perfect but I have to know that it won't be and I'm gonna have to figure out a lot of things as I go for this first year all that aside I'm tired I'm gonna go inside I need to chitchat with Billy I haven't seen him all day I got a bit 5:30 and I think go go go ever since so I want to go in it kind of relax I have a little bit of editing to do I need to get my video posted for tomorrow and now that I've seen my room I want to start like working on some more stuff so I will catch up with you guys later on and I go to grab my stuff and I see the grumpy teacher books just chilling back here I needed to go to the post office but I had no idea that I was gonna be getting home this late so I'm so sorry but I'm going to have to put this in the mail tomorrow hashtag real life I did want to show you guys we were given these bags this morning which is really really nice it's a nice thick like canvas bag and we were given the first days of school by Wang and Wang I highly highly highly suggest this book if you're a new teacher I will link it for you down below I actually had a copy of this when I was in college I've no clue what happened to it I'm actually pretty happy to have another copy even though I'm not a brand-new teacher because I'm changing grade levels it's just gonna be really nice to kind of read through this and refresh myself since I am trying to decompress and think about anything besides my long to-do list right now I thought that I would procrastinate by showing you guys this huge Amazon box that came first of all let's just note the fact that it has a heavy lift with care sticker on it because there is that much stuff in it I kind of went a little overboard last week and ordered a ton of stuff but it was all things that I needed and I figured I might as well just order it all so let me show you guys what I got get rid of these so you're not needed alright first thing you see are some air fresheners so I have these like little plug-in things for the Glade air fresheners these are three refills I believe they were like $5 somewhere around that I can link it for you guys down in the description this one is Hawaiian breeze I also got clean linen this is what we use around our town house I really really like the smell so I think I'm gonna leave these here in the town house and then take the Hawaiian ones with me to my classroom and I think yeah here we go these are the actual plugins so we have a couple of them around the house and now Luna is playing with that stuff lovely we have a couple of them around the house but I wanted some for my classroom this pack was literally like two dollars for the two of them and I thought that that was amazing the refills are a little bit more expensive but still it works really really well are you having fun yes okay great umm let's see these are command hooks I went ahead and ordered a lot of them because we have a lot of pictures still to hang around our townhouse class I will use them in my classroom so this was like a three pack each one has six of the large pair so there's a total of like 18 pairs in here I also got some packs of these like mr. sketch markers these are the thin ones I can link them for you down and I'll just link all of it the description box what am I talking about I got three packs of these there were only a couple dollars each I think they were like 399 each I actually got these for my team teachers and they go with this so I got the mr. sketch markers and I got these packs of post-it notes what I'm gonna do is just kind of like tie them together with ribbon and I'm gonna give it to my teen teachers as like a get-to-know-you kind of gift and just like a happy beginning of school your gift whatever I like reasons to give people gifts and I'll attach a little tag that says something about like we're gonna have a bright year together so I thought that that was kind of a cheap and easy gift for them I don't know what this is okay this is just a mattress protector for our spare bedroom alright what is this okay this is another one of those Bostitch like staple removers because I'm gonna be having the one in my classroom and I want to have one to leave at home as well and then this is all a strobe writes and actually this isn't even all that I ordered I have on the way this is horrible okay so this is actually the cardstock so this is the 65 pound and I got it in the five like main colors that you typically find and those like assortment packs so I have lunar blue which this has 250 sheets I actually buy the packs that have all one color rather than the assortment because it you just get a lot more like for the money this one of course is on the other side okay this one is cosmic orange and it's kind of interesting because they're all different prices I guess it's like supply and demand I don't know but not all the same colors are the same prices you have to just kind of check this one is solar yellow and I can tell us what is green one and I just don't member the actual name of it all right this one is Terra green I also ordered the fuchsia one I think it's like fireball fuchsia or something like that but it has not come in yet I think it's supposed to come in later in the week okay I lied I actually got four packs of these six pairs of command strips you can actually go on Amazon and buy the command strips and like I bought it as a 24 pack so it was actually a lot cheaper than buying them individually I do not buy command trips in the store unless I absolutely have to because they are way way cheaper online so dinner tonight is nice and easy and I don't even feel bad about it we have pulled pork that's heating up in the microwave it's one of those things where you just buy it and literally put it my grave you don't have to do anything else we're gonna have it on buns which Billy is browning right now we have corn and then macaroni and cheese and we put bacon in it don't judge us [Music] it is now almost 9:30 I ate dinner I relaxed for a bit while watching bachelor in paradise and now I am working this is my video that needs to go up tomorrow morning on Tuesday I did film it yesterday on Sunday I got most of it edited last night but I had to cut myself off at midnight because I needed to get to bed at a decent time all I'm doing right now is going in and adding these text boxes of the questions and once I get the video finalized then I need to get this document up on TPT this will be in there as a freebie for you guys it will be linked in the video that goes up on Tuesday all about questions to ask if you are new to a school or new to a district and it will be editable so you can change any of the questions to fit your needs there's a little bit after midnight and I'm in bed which for me is pretty early but I need to start getting to the habit of going to bed earlier so I took my sleep stuff I'm hoping that will help me I am exhausted because I got a bit 5:30 and I don't remember the last time I did that probably when I went to California but I pulled an all-nighter and that was a totally different story but for actually waking up I have not gotten up that early in a very long time so I am tired but I also have a ton of my mind so I know it's gonna be one of those nights where I just lay there thinking about all the millions of things that I need to get done I did get my video fully edited and got it up and I did get my product in my store so I feel productive but at the same time I have so many things that I want to work on for my classroom and I did not have time to get to them because I didn't finish my video until like 11:30 and then I had to get laundry out and folded and put some stuff away and I just did not have time so I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed I'm not gonna lie especially because I thought I was gonna be able to meet with my team teachers on Thursday and get in my classroom turns out I will be in training all day on Thursday so I just kind of threw off my schedule for the week I'm now gonna meet with my team teachers on Wednesday after my training so I have my training until I think like 3:30 or something like that and then I'm gonna meet with them after but for now I'm gonna go to bed because I have to get up at 5:30 again tomorrow in a Wednesday and on Thursday and I'm not happy about it good morning YouTube yesterday I woke up at 5:30 like pretty easily I was kind of surprised today nope not so much I again had trouble falling asleep last night which I don't get it because I was tired I took my sleep stuff and I just kind of laid there because I had so many things on my mind and I don't know how to turn my brain off good news is I actually got ready a little bit early this morning I've been doing this thing lately where after I dried my hair and it's still warm I twist it back into a bun and I leave it there while I do my makeup and then I just take it out and that's it like I don't curl my hair I don't straighten it and I haven't decided if it like actually looks decent or if I'm just trying to convince myself it looks decent because it's a lot easier it is about 6:40 which yesterday I didn't leave until 650 so I'm a little bit early which is good oh I don't really need to be early it's okay I'm gonna just drive it get there get a parking spot and then sit in my car on my phone until like 7 20s when I actually need to go in it didn't start until like 8 o'clock so I don't need to be there but they did have food they have muffins and I need that in my life right now so I'm gonna go ahead and drive there I will catch up with you guys later on in the day [Music] [Applause] I am done with my new teacher orientation for today it's currently about four o'clock it finished at 3:30 they did have an Expo from 3:30 to 5:30 but I was like nah I really don't feel like going to that right now because I'm really really tired I have a million other things to work on and it's just like tables set up with like different like insurance companies I just really didn't need that so I left I did stop at the post office on my way home I met off the grumpy teacher books to the winners you guys probably will have that by the time this video goes up and I checked my PA box and I have a ton more stuff like even more than the last time which is just mind-blowing I'm probably not gonna film myself like opening them because I have a lot to get done tonight and I just don't have time to set up all my filming equipment however I will definitely show you guys like what all I got I'm really really excited I probably should be a good person and film tonight for the video that's gonna go up on Thursday because tomorrow afternoon I'm gonna be meeting with my team teachers and I'm probably not gonna have a lot of time but I'm also really tired and I kind of don't feel like getting ready and filming and all that so to be continued for now I'm gonna go ahead and go inside cool off I need to go check the mail and chitchat with Billie and our dining room table and chairs can you guys can see there's like the huge bugs out in our yard so I finally get to see that and get it all put together so our table and chairs finally did come and thankfully Billy got it put together while I was away today I'm not gonna go through like where everything is from because I'm gonna do that in the Tom house tour but just know the table and chair is it hi Luna okay so far I really really like them I feel like it's the perfect size for this space we have six chairs we figured if we're gonna go ahead and get a table and chairs you might as well do six instead of four at our old apartment we did not have a table and chairs because we did not have room for it so it will be nice to actually eat at a table rather than eating on the couch at the orientation today I attended two different curriculum sessions the first one was on science and then the second one was on social studies tomorrow I will have math and reading and then Thursday will be reading all day but I thought this was really nice the social studies department gave this to us as a gift so it's just nice like sturdy plastic container I don't know what I will use it for yet but it's definitely a great container we also got just this little notepad we got a little thing of hand sanitizer we got a pack of Expo markers which is really nice because Expo is the only brand of dry erase markers that I will use and obviously there are a little bit pricier than regular dry erase markers there's also a small thing of hand lotion in here this will be nice to keep in my desk I thought this was really nice so there's pens in here which which cat was that did you throw up okay yeah I don't know what that was okay sorry about that um so they gave us pens so let me just put these down here these are just like the bic gelasa t pens which actually I really really like these so there's two of those and then two Flare pens which I really appreciate especially the black because I use black flare pens for everything this is actually a really pretty purple color it kind of matches my shirt they also got us a thing of gum which was nice actually orbit is my favorite kind of gum there's also a thing of hosted notes in here which you can never have enough post-it notes there also is a thing of tissues which I really appreciate because you go through those really really quickly as a teacher and there's a nice Expo dry erase eraser [Applause] Billy and I are now on our way to dinner we need to go grocery shopping and honestly right now that is the very last thing that I feel like doing so we're gonna go to a place called bentos that's right around the corner they have like Chinese food and hibachi it'll be a nice quick easy and cheap dinner and then when I come back I need to film because my guilty conscience is getting to me and I know that I need to get it done and then I also want to start working on some more stuff for my classroom [Applause] [Applause] I just finished filming my video I ended up doing an entire video of me just opening up my mail so if you were curious what I got make sure you go back and watch that video I hope you guys enjoyed it I apologize I just do not have the energy to film any other kind of video right now this week is honestly taking it out of me way more than I thought that I would and it has shown me that I need to fix my sleep schedule and I need to get working because I have a ton of stuff to do so unfortunately this is just as good as like a 2 right now so now I am watching bachelor in paradise with Billy while I edit my video and eat some brain food aka Reese's Pieces apparently my brain is still in summer mode because I was just sitting and chilling on the couch and he got to be 11:30 and also and I went crap I'm meeting my team teachers tomorrow and I need to get their gifts ready which technically I've already met two of them but that was kind of on accident I didn't know I was going to meet them but I'm meeting them all three together tomorrow so I'm gonna go ahead and get their gifts ready I showed you this earlier in the week I'm gonna give them each a pack of these mr. Sketch scented markers they're the thin ones there were only a couple dollars on Amazon and I'm gonna give them each a post-it note and I quickly just whipped up these signs on my computer it says we're going to have a bright year and then it has a little light bulb and I put my name at the bottom and I'm going to use this twine to assemble them [Music] [Music] this is the finished product it's not the cutest thing I've ever came up with but for it being extremely last-minute I will take it I am very much a people pleaser I believe in making good first impressions and I really just want my teammates to like me enough that giving them stuff is a way to get them to like me but it doesn't hurt and on that note I'm going to bed because it's like 12:30 in the morning I did not get my video all the way edited which is okay because I can do it tomorrow I did not get anything done for my classroom but it's okay because I can give you a ton tomorrow like today is not the only day I have to work on stuff and I was productive today as much as I could be I got when I got done and the rest can wait until tomorrow good morning YouTube so day three was getting up as late as humanly possible I could not get up at 5:30 there go my glasses I could not get up at 5:30 again the I slip in until 6:30 because thankfully Irish our last night before I was filming so I didn't have shower this morning I also am leaving later because the past two days I've been getting there right at 7:15 and I basically just sit there until eight o'clock when they take us all in the auditorium and yeah I'm kind of snacking on some food which is nice but I don't need to be there at 7:15 so I'm leaving it's about 7:05 I'll probably get there about 7:25 which I think still gives me plenty of time I also realized that now I look really stupid on Monday when I like showed you my dress and I said oh you already know where this is from because I did the video on it I did not end up doing the video on it but I will link it for you down in the description and I'll also link this black blazer that I'm wearing it comes off of Amazon and this skirt is from a White House Black Market and this blue shirt is from somewhere t.j.maxx I think but I will be showing you guys this outfit and full in that video when it does come in another like week or two I'm gonna get on the road I will catch up with you guys after I am gonna be meeting up with my team teachers at Panera once I'm done with my training so it may be a little bit later we're also gonna try to get there without GPS this morning on the third day I think I should be able to do it okay I actually have a chance to vlog today it is currently about 11:00 a.m. our morning session just let out it was all about the math curriculum which I enjoyed however I won't lie I was kind of falling asleep I have an hour and a half until I be at my afternoon session now the afternoon one is at a different school but it's only like five minutes down the road so I'm gonna go out to lunch because as much as I would love to eat the same sandwich for three days in a row even though it's free I would just rather go out and grab something for lunch I also I'm gonna try to find a Dunkin Donuts get some coffee because like I said I was totally falling asleep like I was covering my face and looking down so I could close my eyes periodically then I will catch back up with you guys when I'm done in the afternoon and the highlight of my day so far was getting this free t-shirt during the little like assembly that they did first thing this morning before we actually went to our sessions they started throwing out t-shirts and I totally got hit in the face because I was not paying attention but at least I got a t-shirt out of it [Music] hi can I get a medium iced coffee with the french vanilla swirl and cream please do better be it thank you it is now 3:30 I am done with my sessions for today I am heading to Panera to meet up with my team teachers ok at 7 o'clock I am just now getting home I was with my team teachers for several hours at Panera but I got a lot of my questions asked I got a lot more information so I feel good I feel excited I'm so excited about my new team they just seem like they get along so well and they're all pretty like easygoing and that's just I'm excited I'm so excited I miss my old team like very very much but at the same time I'm really excited for a new team I don't know I just I am embracing change which I don't usually like I usually like things said and I don't like change but I'm trying to embrace it I'm trying to be excited about it and I am excited about it I just I'm so ready for this next school year but right now I'm ready to take my shoes off because my feet hurt really bad and I am starving and even after opening all that mail yesterday here we are with another package actually I ended up having three packages because Billy had already brought one in and there was another one in the mailbox you guys I don't even know what these are I don't remember ordering this much stuff yeah remember how I wanted t-shirt oh I didn't want a t-shirt I got hit in the face by t-shirt umm this t-shirt is huge so I don't think I'm gonna be wearing this any time soon you go thank you thank you okay we're gonna play a little game called what is inside these boxes I've gone ahead and just like cut them open but I haven't looked inside my guess is this is more of that sleep powder that I ordered I have no idea what this is and this is clothing of some kind but I can't think of what it would be I ordered some clothes last night but there's no way that I already came so we're gonna start with this one yep I'm right so I got a bigger holy moly a bigger container of this how many ounces is this this is the 16-ounce one so it's more expensive but that smaller container that I showed you guys a couple vlogs ago is only like $10 I forget how much this one is but I can link it for you down in the description box if you're Oh if you're interested I'm gonna say this one for last because I'm really curious about that one um okay what is this oh okay I forgot about this okay this is a blazer actually I'm wearing a black one right now I have bought this blazer in several colors because I have that in love with it I will show this to you guys in my like fashion back to school haul thing I'm on the struggle bus right now hold on guys okay I can't get it open yeah this is a blazer I will be sure to show it to you guys in that video and I will link it for you and all that good stuff I kind of forgot about that I ordered that like two weeks ago and it just now is coming okay let's see what this one is ah thrown out this - okay this is some border for my classroom of course black and white stripes like that sure now Billy and I are chick-fil-a bound I promise we are gonna go to the grocery store soon we're planning on doing that tomorrow but for right now it's 7:30 I'm starving Billy is starving and I really want chick-fil-a hey guys I'm very frustrated right now I stayed up until after 2:00 a.m. getting this video edited and ready for you guys to post on Thursday however currently our internet like there's nothing we checked our whole like region like all the states around us are out we have Verizon FiOS and apparently is not coming back until like 8:30 tomorrow and I will be at my PD and will not be able to upload it so I have no idea what I'm gonna do right now but if the video does not end up going up on Thursday which right now it's looking like it won't I am sorry but there's just nothing I can do right now and I just went back and realize how ironic this is listen to it yep that's exactly what I'm experiencing right now technical difficulties good morning YouTube so my video did not end up going up I even checked this morning it's currently 7:30 and we have zero internet whatsoever so I'm really sorry I'm hoping it will be back by this afternoon and I can get it uploaded then but right now I have to go to PD today is an all day reading training good news is instead of having to get there between 7:15 and 7:45 I don't have to be there until 8:30 so I was able to kind of take my time getting ready it's currently about 736 I'm headed that way but I'm leaving early so I can get some Dunkin Donuts coffee because I am very very tired I didn't get to sleep until about 3:00 a.m. because I was working on editing the video iMovie which is what I edit in a lot of you guys asked me that I just use iMovie because it's forget my computer it was being so slow and it took me hours to get it edited I didn't finish until 2:30 and I was having to upload problems and I was frustrated and I was laying there in bed like mad because I couldn't get my video up and I didn't fall asleep until 3:00 so I'm running on like three hours of sleep right now today is my last day of PD until next week so that had somewhat of a good thing tomorrow I will be in my classroom all day so you guys will get to see what I get done I'm gonna go ahead and head to my PD and I will catch up with you guys later on [Music] hi can I get a medium iced vanilla latte please nope that'll be it thank you now 11:30 my morning session is done I am meeting this handsome fellow right here we are gonna have lunch at Subway and yes I'm aware I was just there yesterday there are not a lot of options around here [Music] it is now about 4 o'clock my last session ended at 3:30 I'm not gonna lie I'm really really really tired I was struggling to keep my eyes open like the entire way home there have been a little change of plans I know yesterday I said that Billy and I were gonna meet at the gym and then we were going to go grocery shopping or at least I think I told you guys that however I now need to change that because I need to go to the Container Store my mom's birthday was earlier this week and there's a container from there that she wants and since I've seen her tomorrow I need to go get it tonight originally I thought I wasn't gonna see her until next week I don't know why I had that my head but last night it hit me that oh wait I'm actually seeing her tomorrow so that means I need to go get the container tonight The Container Store is kind of a far Drive we're gonna go to the one in Rockville it's like 45 minutes away with no traffic with traffic it could be like an hour-and-a-half Drive so I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna wait and leave a little bit later so hopefully we will miss most of the traffic however I am so excited I have actually never been to The Container Store I've looked at their stuff online but I feel like the store is just going to meet and exceed all of my expectations I need to go inside and hopefully our internet is back so I can upload the video it should have gone up this morning relax a little bit before we end up leaving so Billy has been productive while I was gone he spent some time bringing up all of my boxes that have my classroom stuff from the basement to our living room he has already packed his car with a fair amount of boxes he has a little bit more room and then we're gonna pack my car later tonight and then tomorrow whatever we can't fit in the first trip he will just come back and get the rest [Music] over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so it's about 9:30 and I'm just getting home and I am so so incredibly tired I think I'm gonna put together my mom's gift and then that's gonna be it I'm gonna go to bed I have not gotten up this early in a really long time and it's definitely taking it out of me but anyway so this is the container that my mom wanted from The Container stores just like little acrylic drawers oh hi cat this is the bag that I got really Luna thank you this is the bag that I got from Target it says happy birthday or whatever I thought it was funny and apparently when it likes it too but my problem is I did not get tissue paper because I swore I had some but I went and looked I have mint green and I have gold and literally neither of these is that a spot for you to lay we eat here Luna literally neither of these is going to look right with it so I don't even know what to do I might just suck it up and do the mint green even though it's kind of look horrible if it that way it gets rid of it [Music] [Music] okay I liked you guys actually did not go to bed instead I have been organizing coupons because I get in weird mood sometimes or I feel like doing this I bought this organizer at the Container Store tonight it was about six dollars but I like that it's really really big and I thought this would be good for housing all our coupons rather than just throwing them in a drawer oh goodness some of them are already falling out I need to make labels for them but right now I have all of our Bed Bath & Beyond coupons in the front and then I have like stores like Ace Hardware Lowe's Kohl's places like that then I have like fast food I would show you guys but I have like one hand right now it was harder than I thought it would be then I have like sweet treats so Dunkin Donuts Rita's places like that and then I have miscellaneous coupons back here which actually we have some red box codes so I need to figure out what other categories I'm gonna use because I think I have like 16 compartments or something so after I think on a debate I will make labels I will go ahead and put them on and then we're gonna just keep this in our kitchen drawer when we're not using it and then any time we were going out to go shopping I will grab it and bring it with us now I am in bed it's about 11 o'clock which is not as early as I wanted to go to bed but for me that's pretty early so hopefully I will get a good night's rest I don't think I'm gonna shower in the morning cuz there's no point I'm just gonna be working in my room carrying boxes getting sweaty tomorrow I really don't think it's worth it I'm gonna just lay in bed relax for a while watch some Grey's Anatomy for those of you who don't know I am obsessed with Grey's Anatomy and I've watched it several times but I'm going back to the beginning and watching it through I think I'm on like the middle of season 2 right now and I forgot how much I loved this show so good night I will catch up with you guys in the morning [Music] good morning YouTube this morning was one of those sleep in until the last possible moment mornings I woke up at 7:30 and I'm leaving at 7:45 I'm wearing yesterday's makeup and I put my hair in a ponytail and I really don't care as you can tell I have my car pop pop pop top as you can tell I have my car packed up with boxes Billy has his car packed up with boxes we probably got a little over half of my stuff so Billy will have to come back and make more trips we are gonna take it to my classroom unload it and then my parents are gonna be coming with a trailer we love the rest of my stuff so as you can see nothing has really changed since I was in here earlier and the week Billy and I are going to carry in all of the boxes and then we will start unpacking them [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it is now four o'clock which means I have to go but I wanted to just quickly show you guys what I got done today I'll start over here I have no idea where I'm gonna put those cards yet so they're just kind of chillin there and I need to move that computer table back but I did get all of my bulletin boards done I did a double border with the black and white stripe and then the bourdette which you guys can get pretty sure you can get on Amazon but when I do my tour I'll have everything linked and then I have my magnetic border I haven't decided yet what I am putting on which bulletin board so I just left them blank those are a ton of textbooks just kind of piled up another computer over here these Sterlite drawers are all empty I have my rainbow drawers right here but I'm going to have to take out all of the rooted reading since I'm not teaching second grade and I'm not teaching reading I dig in my library pretty much all done I did get some more of these black bins over the summer because I had some extra categories but I didn't have room for them in my old classroom so I will have to make new labels for those but the rest of it is all organized I have my black carpet back here now I have no idea if those rainbow bins are gonna stay over there or not because I only have 24 but I'm gonna have like 30 students so that's not gonna work however I'm just kind of sitting there for right now this table is a hot mess this is all stuff for the most part that was in the room when I got here so it's a lot of manipulatives and materials and I started going through them but it got kind of overwhelming so I still have a lot more to do I'm probably gonna store either some Sterilite drawers under here or some of the black star light bins that I have I haven't really decided yet my desk is just a hot mess it has kind of collected everything that I didn't know what to do it throughout the day but that's okay I will get it cleaned up next week this is a new addition to my classroom that I'm really excited about I splurged and got a mini fridge because in my old county you had to pay to have the fridge you had to pay for like energy fees and I didn't know how I felt about that so I never got a refrigerator but here you don't have to pay you just have to like buy the refrigerator if you want it so I treated myself to this one I got it from Walmart for like $60 it was really really cheap it's small but it that's really all I need I need it for coffee creamer and I need it for sodas and then I need it for my lunch and that's it these drawers are actually like movable I originally had them kind of under the desk but they were a little bit in the way so I moved them over here now back here this little like bulletin board originally was like this blue kind of navy color and I didn't like it because it didn't go so I actually covered it with felt and then I put some border around it the only reason I put border around it is because I measured wrong and I had like a huge gap over here so I ended up putting up border I have all of my drawers set up if you're interested in these labels they are in my TPT store I can link them for you still deciding what all is going to go down here on these shelves I have so much storage by my desk area it's insane my teacher toolbox is right there top is still empty this cabinet right now I have binders which I'm gonna have to go through them all and kind of clean them out and then for right now this is where all of my colored construction paper is and I have a little bookshelf right here haven't really decided what all is gonna go on there besides my turn in bins but I need to real able those I have my border around that board and then I did get the top part done and same thing over here I still have stuff all over the floor as well but this is a new carpet that I got from my room it's from Wayfarer when I do my classroom tour I will link it for you all this is a bunch of stuff that I need to go through this is a bunch of stuff that I need to go through this is a lot of like holiday stuff that I don't really need very often this cabinet is gonna have all of my math manipulatives which I started going through I don't know what I'm gonna do with those bins but I've started organizing some of them but I may have to get some more of those black containers and then this one is going to have all of my indoor recess stuff at the bottom and then I have these stair light containers and I need to get more of these little like plastic pieces that you're able to hang the shelves on because I have more shelves but I do not have those pieces and this area back here is a hot mess I have all these black containers still to go through all of these bins I need to real able some of my bins I've put some of them away but as you guys can tell I'm like missing labels missing lids and I still have not arranged my deaths at all either if they're still just all clumped up in the middle with stuff piled on top all right Billy and I are gonna go ahead to dinner because I've not eaten anything today and I'm absolutely starving I do feel like I made a fair amount of progress like I feel better than I did earlier in the week but I still am looking at everything that I have to do and I'm not gonna lie I'm a little bit overwhelmed and stressed it's okay I will stay late next week I don't really mind doing that at the beginning of the school year if it means good my classroom set up and organized I have to say though I am in love with my room it's all very very new there's a ton of storage i love this desk area however it is smaller than my other room so I don't know how I'll feel once I get all of my deaths arranged but overall I'm just so happy with this room we are gonna go get food because like I said I am starving it'll catch back up with you guys after [Music] I am done dinner and I just pulled it into my townhouse and I'm so tired I was struggling to keep my eyes open the entire car ride home I feel like I finally hit a wall and I'm like I need bed right now what that means is I'm gonna go inside I'm gonna shower because I feel disgusting I didn't show her this morning it was really hot in my room I'm really sweaty and carrying tons of boxes so I'm gonna shower so I feel human again and then I'm gonna sit on the couch and I'm going to vlog and I'm going to bed like ASAP I'm going to bed but I really hope you guys enjoyed seeing my classroom I know I didn't get a ton done today and I know he didn't vlog a lot of it because I was honestly just trying to get as much done as possible but I promise once it is all done I'm gonna do a full classroom tour I'm really really really excited to show you guys so stay tuned that will be coming in the next couple of weeks but if you did enjoy this video and you're excited that I have a new classroom and I'm starting to get it put together please give the video a thumbs up it really helps me out helps this video to be able to reach more teachers and don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already so you don't miss any future videos just to remind you this is the end of my summer series so next week I'm gonna be going back to my regular schedule which means I'll have a video up on Saturday and Sunday so no video on Tuesday and no video on Thursday but I have a lot of awesome videos planned coming up so make sure that you're subscribed hit the little bell so you get notifications as always thank you for watching I love you all so much don't forget to think positive and I'll catch you guys in the next one thank you for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use the link right up here the links to my social media sites and my teachers pay teacher's store are in the description box for you along with my PA box if you are interested thank you for watching and I will catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 263,277
Rating: 4.9196949 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 2nd grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, new classroom, tour of classroom, classroom tour 2017-2018, new teacher, new teacher classroom
Id: ZNKE7mZfDz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2017
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