I Cry Because I Care | That Teacher Life Ep 62

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but those are the things that matter like those are the things that your students remember those are the things that help to like build your relationship with them I have to grade 23 tests then I have to go through and bubble in 32 answers for 23 tests and it's frustrating because I care so much about them [Music] good morning YouTube I will be completely honest with you guys I barely did anything school related this weekend and I don't feel bad about it like at all because I know with the week that I had last week the last thing I needed to do was stress myself out over the weekend and overwork myself I needed to take time for myself and I feel much much better going in today I feel much more positive I have to say you guys were so supportive on my last vlog I am so appreciative of all of you because you made me feel so much better so on Saturday I got up and I went to a dentist appointment I took my mom out to lunch I went to Target as you guys saw in my last video and then I came home and that was basically all I did for the night completely enjoyed my night watching Netflix relaxing and then Sunday my boyfriend had to work first thing in the morning until 11:00 so I slept in completely enjoyed that then him and I went to his mom's for breakfast is like a breakfast brunch and then after that we had to run some errands like we went to the grocery store came back home he took a nap and I sat there on social media like I did nothing productive and then we went out to dinner and I did not start lesson planning until like nine o'clock but I sat there for two hours I got my lesson plans done for the entire week almost I have just a couple small gaps to fill in and that was it and I am NOT going to apologize for that because I shouldn't do any work on the weekends like for me to sit there and do two hours of lesson planning I think it's good enough because I don't have to do that on the weekends at all if I don't want to I'm gonna go get some coffee it's like 7:30 so I'm definitely not gonna be the first one at school by any means but that's okay I wanted to sleep in I will catch up with you guys when I get there I am now at school so I need to unpack this target pack of the stuff I got over the weekend and I just want to show you guys like hash tag end of the year teacher tired these are what my lesson plans look like for the week I made like a to-do list and then I literally just bulleted out like my schedule for each day of the week on this like random notepad I had seen in my office because I just didn't feel like actually typing out lesson plans and at this point of the year there's so much going on with testing and with different assemblies and things like that that I just type out a schedule and that's all I really need so this is for today we are going to review for math which thankfully one of my team teachers made a review PowerPoint so I had nothing to prep for that we are gonna review vocabulary from last week and take a quiz I'm gonna do a read aloud and currently we are reading wayside school is falling down and I've actually never read this to one of my classes before but I am absolutely loving it it's so like strange but it is really funny and my kids are really liking it too then we have Junior Achievement and that's where there is a volunteer that comes in and teaches a class for that 45 minutes and it's just kind of about like your community and jobs and it's kind of a really cool almost like introduction to like finance type of things for kids so I always really enjoy that usually I have it in March but this year they couldn't find volunteers so I'm just now having it which I'm not complaining about at all then recess then I'm going to introduce Hama Hama phone sorry took me a second there and we have lunch at a later time today because fourth grade is doing PARCC testing so I'm gonna introduce it with some videos show some posters show some examples after lunch they are gonna make a pair of pairs so that's what this is I just quickly made this up on PowerPoint the clipart is from educate the word here draw a picture use it in the sentence and then same thing for their other word and for those I literally just wrote them again on these scraps of paper I had seen in my office and I color-coded them by difficulty so some of the easier ones are on the pink and then they get harder as you go and that way I'll be able to differentiate really really quickly when I'm handing them out to my kids after that today is F day for our countdown so we're gonna eat goldfish and I think I'm gonna give those to my students when I do my read aloud and then we are going to fly frisbee so I have the frisbee time right before PE we will go to PE pack up and then we are at the end of the day [Music] it is now the end of lunch I couldn't really vlog because I had friends for lunch but but so far behavior is not bad today my students are now in PE so I thought I would quickly just show you what my room looks like currently it's actually not too bad I have panda bucks that were turned in for the incentive because they got their 100 this was my example from the pair of pairs this is work that I had to send home with a student who was absent today extra goldfish that we ate earlier so I'm gonna send them home with the student who brought them in frisbee which we have not even had our frisbee time yet I told my students we can try to do it after PE but we're only gonna have like 10 minutes so so far they have not earned it yet today I have my lesson plans for the rest of the week sad excuse for lesson plans but still and then my classwork been it just has the pears in it which actually my kids did a really good job like I was really impressed with it so I'm gonna try to get those like attached together so that I could have my volunteer hang them up on Friday it is now the afternoon and the day is basically over when my class comes back we're gonna try to go outside and throw frisbees if not it's dismissal time in like 10 minutes anyway so I'm not too worried about it good news is my room is not as hot so they had a maintenance person come in this morning when my students went out to recess I was a teacher staying in and he was able to get up in the ceiling and fix it so he took out some weird part that was all like corroded it was really gross but he was able to get the heat off I still don't have air conditioning but the heat is off which makes a huge difference and he's gonna try to come in later in the week and get the air on as well so I'm so much happier my friend from last week actually is not here today which I was kind of looking forward to seeing him because he had a really good day on Friday and I was like looking forward to trying to keep that going but it's okay hopefully he will be back tomorrow and we can have a good rest of the week [Music] without you [Music] [Music] okay I know the lighting is horrible so I apologize it's 4:45 and I'm in my car I just got back to school after running an errand so let me kind of backtrack right after school we technically had a faculty meeting but it was just grade level like PLC team planning and all my grade level teachers had already left so it was just me i sat in my room and tried to be as productive as possible then I remembered that I needed to go out and track down one of these stupid fidget spinners and I never thought I would say that but last week I showed you guys that spinner activity that I did with my class using these for subtraction sentences and I had a ton of people request and I put it in my store my goal is to get it posted tonight however I realized that I needed one of these to take product photos what I do with it after that I have no idea maybe I will use it as an incentive that my students can earn and they can use it for the day I don't know but I tracked one down at 7-eleven where my students told me to go and I'm not back at school so I'm gonna go back inside and try to be productive again so here's where we are at with things I tried to download an app onto the iPads that way we can use it to film with the green screen tomorrow because we could not get to that today and actually I haven't even picked it up from the apartment office yet oops but the Wi-Fi here is not laying it down there so I'm gonna have to take home the iPads tonight and get that app downloaded I went ahead and threw away the lesson planning sheet from today so I have the one ready for tomorrow I have everything done and ready to go for tomorrow with the exception of the green screen app which I already talked about my fidget spinner that I'm going to take home with me and these are just some quick cause and effect cards that I made so this week we are reading the book fireflies this is part of Maine rooted and reading and one of the reading skills for this book is cause and effect so I'm gonna use the posters that are in the rooted in reading pack I'm also going to show my students a flick have you Larry video on cause and effect and then I'm gonna give them each one of these cards and they're going to match and try to find their partner so one of them will be the cause one of them will be the effect they will find their partner and then they will try to decide who has the card for the cause and who has the card for the effect literally typed these up in like 30 seconds it's not the most creative lesson but it will work to at least introduce it and this is currently what is keeping me sane right now I do have a couple of things on my to-do list but those are all things I can get done at home so the last thing I have to do before I leave for the day is stuff Tuesday folders my mailman was absent today but good news is I had another student step in and they stuffed all of the papers into my mailboxes for me and I cannot wait to send these home with my students because as you can see some of the pictures were like too long too thin the mailboxes and it's been driving me nuts just staring at it so one more thing I've got to do before I leave is go ahead and stuff Tuesday folder so that they are ready for tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] okay it is 6:30 and I'm ready to get out of here I have no idea what I've been doing for the past three hours because I feel like I really haven't gotten that much done but I've just been moving so slow today however another Monday down there's only four left I can see the light at the end of the tunnel I do have a couple of things on my to-do list however I don't need them for tomorrow I don't need them until like the end of the week so if I get them done tonight fantastic if I don't not really a big deal my priority tonight is getting the fidgets spinner activity finalized I am gonna stop at a couple places on my way home I think I'm gonna make a home goods run because I just really want to go to home goods I'm also gonna go to Barnes & Noble and I'm gonna treat myself to a book and that's gonna be what I do for myself this week for the teacher three I might also go to Dollar Tree because I have to start brainstorming my end-of-the-year gifts for my students so I will catch up with you guys in the morning I might show you a couple of clips from my errands that I run but if not I will see you guys in the morning [Music] so story of my life I was sitting on the couch all comfy of finishing up my dinner and then I had a thought of getting the treats for my students before their math test tomorrow so now I'm walking to Target all right mission accomplished good morning I have a confession to make I did not finish those fidgets spinner boards for TPT last night I tried really hard I did get a lot done I stayed up until 12:30 but I just couldn't get it all done and I would rather wait another day to post it and make sure that it is perfect then like rush and give up because the quality of my products is one thing that is really important to me part of the reason that I did not finish is because I was randomly inspired to go to Target and get treats for my students for testing and like making tags for them and all that so I am happy I did that because I feel like when I was in college and I would look on Pinterest and look at like boards on teaching you know you would see all those cute little notes that the teachers would leave the students and I remember saying like oh I'm always gonna do those and reality is that doesn't happen because I'm either too busy too tired don't have enough time whatever but those are the things that matter like those are the things that your students remember those are the things that help to like build your relationship with them so I'm happy that I did it I'm gonna go get coffee and I will catch up with you guys when I get to school so I literally just got to school and my desk is already a hot mess I swear I left it nice and neat yesterday but I left these are the tags that I ended up making last night so I bought Smarties and dum-dums and this one says good luck smartypants you will do great on this test and then this one says you were no dumb-dumb and it has the same little message at the bottom so I'm going to give them the smarty pants one today and then the dumb dumb one tomorrow that's part is I have extra dum-dums and Smarties which is fantastic because my candy bin has like nothing left my kids are picking from the scraps so now I have some candy to add I did want to quickly show you the app that I'm using for the green screen it's called touch cast and it's pretty easy to use what I really like is you can upload like a video background and there you go there is the camera and then you go here to green screen I can show you guys like a more in-depth tutorial on that if you are interested so I brought this like tripod type thing I don't even know what to call this that way I can film with the iPad now this is actually the same tripod that I used in the video where I was doing my FaceTime interview so it's made to hold like an iPhone and I don't really have an adapter for an iPad I need to get one so here's what I'm resorting to I'm just going to like hang it like that because I literally have no other option this is the green screen I need to go ahead and unpack the box because I was too tired to do that last night I just brought the whole box in and of course I go to my mailbox and I have more papers to add to Tuesday folders so before my kids come in or at least while they're in here it just has to be before we take our math test I have to take down all of the number lines and number grades that are in my classroom so I have those posters back here and then I also have a hundred and twenty poster up here by my bins and I'm honestly so super sad for my kids because they get to use these for the first two assessments and we actually have like personal sized ones that are in these drawers and they're in like dry-erase leaves so my kids can write on them with dry erase markers they get to use those for the first two math tests that we take that are like County assessments and then suddenly this last one which is harder and cover stuff that we haven't even really taught yet my kids don't get to use it and I just feel like that's so unfair you teach them how to use these tools and then you take it away for their tests like it's uh don't even get me started on it [Music] so this is a green screen that I got I got it from Amazon so I will add it to my Amazon store but it was less than $20 which is fantastic it's really just like a green curtain if we're being honest like you can use any kind of green fabric you can even use green butcher paper like you do not have to go out and get a fancy green screen you guys can keep it simple it will work I figured I'd go ahead and invest in this that way I'm going to use it for the next couple years and I do want it to be something that holds up and then it did come with these couple of clamps that you can use to help hold it on your board I have never been so excited to see my room in the 60s this feels so good in comparison to the 86 degrees that it's been [Music] all right it is now lunchtime and it has felt like such a long morning partially because we are eating lunch 35 minutes later than normal instead of eating at 12:10 we're eating at 12:45 because of PARCC testing and I think our last day for that is Thursday and it's kind of nice because then the afternoon is much shorter but it has been a very very lengthy morning we basically did our math test we had Junior Achievement and that was it we went outside for recess and I gave my kids extra recess because when they have to sit there and take a test for an hour and 15 minutes it's brutal especially because I have to do it again tomorrow but I have to say like they did a really nice job no one broke down everyone like tried their best yes it was really really hard and some of them were really really lost but overall they impressed me with just like their work ethic plus I had some kids that I wasn't expecting to do as well as they did so that's a really good feeling then we had Junior Achievement and they kind of learned about like almost like an assembly line like they had to make donuts and they had to put the stickers for like the different ingredients and then they had to color it for the flavor and that was really cool my students always enjoy that for the afternoon we are gonna do the green screen filming and we are going to do just a couple like seat assignments while I am helping my students to film with the green screen because it's the first time that they have done that but hopefully it should be a nice easy afternoon overall behavior hasn't been that bad especially considering they had to sit quietly so long during that test so I'm gonna go enjoy my lunch and then I will catch up with you guys when my class goes to music quiet on the set all right knuckles I will give you the sign put down knuckles I wanted to quickly show you guys the setup I had for the green screen honestly it was so easy I had this ready to go in less than three minutes and that was taking it out of the box so I used the clamps that came with it and I just clipped it up here at the top of the board I did have a stool for my students to sit on because I needed them to be a little bit lower than standing just so that the camera matched up with their face I put this desk here and I put my tripod right on top I hung the iPad and I did have this light-up microphone that I got from the target dollar spot a couple of years ago for them to use and then their scripts I literally just held it right here above the iPad when they were filming that way they could read directly off of it and you could have your students do that in partners as well so I'm going to go ahead and show you what the app looks like so again the app is called touch cast and it is a free app when you open it up you're just gonna start a new project and then you will have a screen like this now the camera down here it can swap both ways so you can have it front-facing or you can have it facing out so I just obviously want mine facing out then for the green screen you come down here to effects and then you can turn it off and on so when it's on that's when you will actually see whatever picture or video you have imported so you can go here to pictures and the app actually comes with some pre-made ones but you can also go to any that you have in your camera roll and your albums and then you can also do video as well so you click video and again there are some pre-made ones but you also can go to your Google Drive you can go to Dropbox onedrive any of those things you can also go straight to YouTube you can type in a video and you can select it from there so I'm just gonna go back because I already have mine on there but once I start recording this was actually a video that had all kinds of different desert scenes so they kind of pop up as it goes along so if you have any questions about this leave a comment and I will do my best to help you again you don't even have to use a real green screen you can use green paper you can use Green cloth or fabric that you get at like Walmart it doesn't have to be anything fancy it's a free app it's super easy to set up I do recommend playing with it ahead of time just so you get to use it and you kind of know how it works but still I definitely recommend you try it out because your students think that it is absolute magic it is now after school my room isn't horrible but it could probably be a lot better I just have like folders that students left and things that are just kind of like laying out that my students don't put away and I was gonna say I don't know why it bothers me but I dunno why it bothers me it's because I'm very OCD and it just drives me crazy my desk isn't too bad I have unfinished papers and I need to put their pieces into bags for ketchup and pickles because cut and paste activities just drive me nuts when they're not finished I have a random library book that my students found and no one said that it was there's more unfinished work and pieces that I need to put in the bag study guides that were turned in today I've handed out the Panda box but I need to go through and grade them and then I also need to go through my classwork bin pull out what is not finished and grade what is [Music] my classroom looks at least a little bit better I went ahead and passed out their treats for tomorrow before the test I don't want to worry about trying to do it in the morning because I will have my PLC meeting and I won't get in here until right before they're gonna take the test and I don't want to be stressed out trying to hand these out and I don't want my students to have sticky lollipop hands while I pass out the test classwork Ben and harken are both empty my ketchup and pickle papers are all sorted out and ready to go for Friday my desk is nice and clear my great bin is empty these are actually already graded I just hold on to them as like an answer key until the rest of my students turn them in these are just like my lesson plans a my to-do list and I'm gonna leave them here and other than that we are good to go I still need to figure out this library book but I think I'm just gonna turn it into the media center all right I'm getting out of here it's almost 5 o'clock usually on Tuesdays I stay until like 5:45 and I will meet my boyfriend at the gym however he is not gonna be home until 8 o'clock tonight he actually has finals he is still finishing up his bachelor's and he is trying to study and meet with friends to like go over stuff so I'm not gonna see him till later on but it's actually okay because I need to get out of here and go home because I have a piece of mail being delivered to my apartment building and if I don't get there soon they're gonna close and I'm not gonna be able to get it so I'm gonna go grab that and then my one goal for tonight is to finish that spinor activity for TBT I promise you the next time I talk to you guys it will be done okay you guys I am so excited about these so these are essentially large plastic magnetic pockets that you can put on your filing cabinet or your dry erase board these are from the company store X which if you guys have seen those black mailboxes that are in my classroom it is the same company store X makes those mailboxes and I didn't realize but they contacted me they actually have an entire sorry my cat they have an entire catalogue that are all educational products and they're all made for classrooms so I'm gonna link that for you guys down in the description and I will link their website and all that for you I am so excited to use these so I will make sure that I show you what I use them for when I get to my classroom tomorrow good morning I am very very very happy to report that my fidget spent her math activity is done it is posted and honestly I'm really excited about it like when I finish a product that I've worked really really hard on and I feel like I've covered all my bases and included like as much as I can include it's just a really good feeling and I'm excited because I've had people tell me how much they love it so if you saw it in my blog last week and you're interested it is now down in the description for you guys I'm laughing because you guys don't realize this but in the morning when I go out to my car probably about 50% of the time the Sun is coming in my windshield at like a really strange angle and I can't film so I end up just driving to like the other side of the parking lot here at my apartment complex and REE parking so that I can film these it's about 7:10 I am headed to school I have my PLC meeting this morning of course I'm going to get coffee and then I probably won't catch up with you guys until like lunchtime because PLC mornings I'm always in a really big rush and I get there and I don't have time to vlog but I will catch you guys at lunch this you guys I can't even turn in a because there's so many people so if I don't feel myself ordering my coffee in the morning it's probably because there's like an 80% chance that I also ordered donuts and didn't want you to know about it so I just got to school and remember that today is h4 our ABC countdown which is hat day did I bring a hat Twitter no okay so here's where we are at with things it is lunchtime but half my lunch is already over let me cut it back up so first thing this morning we had the last part of our math assessment it was hard like I felt bad because there's just questions on there that literally are not in our math curriculum and I just really felt for them then I got an email from the lady who was supposed to come for Junior Achievement and she said she couldn't come today which is fine but I would have liked to have known in advance so I could have planned something for that time but because my students spent over an hour testing this morning I did a read aloud and I read aloud a couple extra chapters and then we played heads up seven up because my kids were wiped out just like mentally from taking the test it was almost recess time I had junior Tifa cancel so we played heads up seven up and I don't feel bad about it when outside for recess and it is 90 degrees today so a lot of my kids were just like miserable so coming in from recess everyone was just very irritable like you know that feeling when you were really hot and just bothered so it started to have some behavior problems right before lunch and I had two students in particular one of them was my friend from last week so I took my class on into the cafeteria and I sat each of those two students at different like tables kind of in the back away from everyone because sometimes we need to just have a break and kind of sit by her selves and it helps so first I talked to my friend from last week and he's still like he was just so angry I guess from like getting in trouble and you know I was trying to talk to him I was trying to reason with him and he was just screaming at me and so I was like okay but I'll leave that for now I went over to the other student he had already calmed down so we kind of talked very quickly and then he was fine so I let him go get his lunch and I let him sit back at the regular table and I just kind of looked at the other friend he still looked like angry so I left the cafeteria I literally walked halfway down the hallway and I was like no I don't want to leave it like that I know that it's not gonna help at all in the afternoon like I'm just gonna start to have problems again so I went back and at that point already within those like two minutes that I've been gone he had started to like cry because he was just upset so I sat down with him and I was like look I love you I care about you I know that you don't want it to be like this I don't want it to be like this either and I told him I said I know you feel angry about getting upset and I tried to tell was like that's how I feel when you're treating me that way when you're being disrespectful and so he calmed down we kind of like both cried together we hugged it out it was all good I helped him get his lunch and he sat down so I'm hoping fingers crossed that it will be a better afternoon now I have 15 minutes of my lunch left however I forgot my lunch today because I was gonna bring my leftover Chipotle because that's what I had for dinner last night and I still had half my bowl left and first thing this morning I go okay I need to go get my Chipotle and then I left my apartment without it and I didn't realize it until his halfway to school and it was too late to go back and get it so I do have a little thing of like crackers in my purse I'm gonna eat those but hoping that your name will be better hoping that once everyone is kind of cooled off and they've eaten their lunch and they're happy again in it that we can have a smoother afternoon so here is the afternoon in summary class work bin is empty because we have not gotten anything done I have confiscated two hats and within the 45 minutes that we had after lunch before PE I got this book read out loud and that's all I did I'm gonna try to keep this short so that I can try to stay positive about it in summary the afternoon has been rough again the same friends who had trouble before lunch they came back fine like walking my line they were beautiful and I was like yes it worked no we get in the classroom in five minutes later they're starting the same thing so the one friend who chuckles it's chuckles sorry forgot to mention that so chuckholes he just needed to take a break like he needed to go somewhere else because he is one that's why he's called chuckles who likes to make his friends laugh like he is the class clown so he just needed a break he needed to go somewhere else I tried to send him across the hall he wouldn't go tried to come mom left a voice mail tried to send him to ISS again that is like a punishment but like he just needed to go somewhere else he needed a break he went she wasn't there because she was handling a behavior problem elsewhere in the school thankfully he came back he sat at the back table and he just did the stuff that I gave him and always well my friend from last week again just kind of started like the acting up again and it wasn't bad it was just like he wanted attention and like that's not how you get my attention so I waited until the class went to PE I kept him out we had another heart-to-heart just like we did in the cafeteria like we literally sat on the floor talked it out he cried we hugged it was all good now when he comes back from PE I have no idea if it will actually work but I'm not trying to sell negative it's just frustrating because I lost half my lunch I've lost half my planning time because I'm trying to like just deescalate these issues and like I'm just trying to sit there and tell him like look I love you I care about you and you need to do better because I love you and care about you like I want the best for you and it's hard because I cannot control their actions ultimately like I can influence them but I can't control them and it's just I don't know I make I'm exhausted and it's only Wednesday like I'm trying to stay positive because it could have been worse like it wasn't as bad as last week so I am grateful for that and I'm going to count my blessings for that but I only have 15 minutes left in my planning time now I need to get a letter typed up about field-day but I'm kind of still working out details for that so chances are it's not gonna go home today just realistically but I'm gonna at least try to get it started thankfully I don't have any gradian to do so there's the bright side I guess without you [Music] [Music] it is now after school so let me kind of backtrack a little bit the last like 15-20 minutes of my planning time I did get the field trip letters written and printed but I did not send them out because it was just a hectic end of the day but it's done I also went through my lesson planning binder and updated my calendars now I had at one point a separate calendar for work and then a separate calendar for like my business like scheduling videos somehow they merged onto the same calendar I have no idea how that happened but I went through an update at all which made me feel better it made my OCD feel a lot better picked up my classroom pe came in they were doing a decent job one or two minutes later one of these students for my team teachers class comes in my room and she says there's no teacher in our room so my team teacher went home sick after testing this morning she only came in because of testing she went home sick they did not have any sub to fill the job so they had to just have assistants cover no one came to pick up her class from PE so I'm thankful that they went back to the room saw there was no one there and were responsible enough to come into my room so I brought them all in sat them on my carpet told my class and their class that it was a game and whoever could stay quieter I would give the entire class each AP and a buck because I'm not about bribery at this point call the office so that they could get coverage a couple minutes later coverage came that class went I gave them each a panda because they did a nice job my class was quiet and I was going to give them each a panda buck too but as soon as the other class left they started talking again so no then I got a call from the office informing me that the same student who had the issues last week who I had to heart-to-heart with Stu heart-to-hearts with today one of them right before PE got an office referral I don't know what he did I don't think I want to know what he did but it's just frustrating that it's like I spent half my lunch talking to you to let you know that I care about you but you need to make better choices and I believe that you can do it because you've showed me that it's gotten better same talk right before PE I spent 15 minutes my plenty time talking to him having a heart-to-heart with him hugging him letting him know that I care about him but he's got to make better choices and then he goes to PE and he gets a referral and it's just frustrating because it's like I don't know what else to do like I feel like I'm trying to be there for them emotionally and just let them know that I care about them but also let them know what my expectations are and it's not fixing anything and I'm just mmm I'm gonna let go cuz I don't want to go on a rant but it's now after school and I'm a pretty lengthy to-do list I am gonna stay late tonight because my boyfriend works and it works out I don't mind saying like I put on videos and podcasts and all that and it's just kind of relaxing so I have to grade all of those cumulative assessments that my students took the last few days and that sucks because not only do I have degree them but I have to bubble in the scantrons for all of them because in second grade they do not bubble their own scantrons at least here that means I have to grade 23 tests then I have to go through and bubble in 32 answers for 23 tests not even including I also still have things to do for later in the week like I need to prep some stuff for math stations for tomorrow my kids are basically just gonna play games after two days of testing but I have to get a couple materials ready for that I don't know I just have a couple like odds and ends and I need to do in my room so I'm gonna go get started on that I will catch up with you guys later on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh okay you guys last night I showed you these magnetic pockets that I got in the mail from store X and let me just tell you after putting them in my classroom these are one of those things where I'm sitting here thinking how on earth did I survive without these they are seriously one of the greatest things like ever to come into my classrooms so here's what I have done with them I have two of them right here on the side of my desk I used to have this sign there but I started to think about it and I was like look I can keep a cute little sign there and sure it looks good or it can actually have the side of my desk be functional and in a classroom you have a lot of stuff like that is one thing I can guarantee you is you have a lot of stuff maybe not your first year but every year you get more and more stuff and you need creative ways to store it so I put two on the side of my desk these labels right here are from my Sterlite drawer labels they're the ones for the big ones like these same labels so I just used the black ones printed them out laminated them and then stuck them on with clear tape so I will link this for you down in the description if you don't already own them if you do own them this is definitely another way you could use them so first one has calendar pieces which let me just tell you why this is amazing so these are all of my months for my calendar which previously I had back here in the cabinet because I could not find a good way to store them because they're so long but these pockets are literally the perfect size so it holds all of those and I went ahead and put my calendar pieces there and I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but when you have to go to the back of the room to get your calendar pieces it wastes time and when you do that every single month like it adds up so just having them right here next to the calendar is going to be a huge time saver underneath I have another pocket and this one has my schedule cards so inside it just has all of the cards that I will put up on the board and one of the reasons I put that one down low is because a lot of times I have my students change them out for me so it's nice and convenient for them previously I had them down here in this little black basket but it wasn't long enough to fit the schedule card so they were always like folded weird way and it was bothering me so I like this a lot better because it fits all of them perfectly and it will be easy for my students to access over here I have two more these are seriously perfect for the side of your filing cabinet like this whole area was just like gray and ugly and I love now like these cute pockets and they're just black and like classic looking and I love it so this top one has all of my focus wall pieces so this is my focus wall I previously had these cards like sitting under here but I just I don't know I didn't like it so now I have all of these like comprehension posters in here and I also could put like my vocabulary bags in here or any kind of focus while that you have these are would be great for storing your materials in for now I just labeled this one with other because I kind of want to leave it open because you always have like random stuff and if you don't have any place to put the random stuff like it just sits out so I like having this just as an option of places to put like I don't know any random papers or anything that gets delivered to my room and then I have another one over here yeah I told you guys I literally never wear my shoes um I have put one on this cabinet so this cabinet holds a lot of my paper and some random stuff but mostly it has paper my students know that the papers in there they know that they are not supposed to go in there most the time they don't except for when I have a substitute for whatever reason the substitute always lets them in there it drives me crazy but kind of my solution or at least a way to decrease that is I have put this pocket right here with scratch paper so this is just like anything that maybe it was the wrong copy instead of throwing it away I'm gonna put it in here my students love paper they love to make books they love to just like doodle so I figure if I have a place to put like extra paper that they can access hopefully it will decrease on them taking my paper and let me just show you guys how strong these pockets are so these will hold up to five pounds so like you could put an entire pack of paper in here and it would be fine like let me just show you guys I have to pull so hard in order to get off and then listen like it is so secure it's not even funny like I can push down so hard on that and it is not going anywhere so again these are from store X that is the same company that makes these black mailboxes I have found as a teacher while you do want to save money it is also so so worth it to spend money on things that are going to be durable these mailboxes are amazing they have held up for three years and I could probably get another like 10 or 15 years out of them they are so high-quality and same thing with these pockets I know I just started using them but I can tell that these are going to last forever they have a super strong magnet I love that they come in different colors I personally went with black because I love just like that classic look in my classroom but they come in tons of other colors I cannot tell you guys like how excited I am to have these I wish I had gotten them sooner I had no idea that these even existed but they are seriously the greatest thing I'm just my organizational heart is going to explode because I'm so happy right now I'm gonna link these for you guys down in the description if you want to try them out go ahead like I am NOT making money off of like you guys buying them I'm just telling you guys that I think this is a great product and I definitely think that you would enjoy it just as much as I do so it's getting hot again in my classroom because while the heat is off I do not have air conditioning so it's now like over 80 degrees again I'm literally like sweating so part of my parents but I don't even want to check the time because I know that it's after 8 o'clock however I'm happy that I stayed late today because I feel just a big like weight off my shoulders because I feel like I was very productive I got the math test graded I got them bubbled in they are done with the exception of like three kids I have to make up some parts I got my pockets on and labeled and I'm just so excited about those so I feel good I feel just like I can finally relax so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go home I'm going to eat my leftover triple-a that I should have had for lunch because I'm starving and then I will catch up with you guys in the morning good morning I feel good today like last night I was super productive I got home obviously kind of late I think it was like 8:30 when I got home but I just sat in my office got stuff done off my to-do list and then I was able to sit and I was able to do my nails and I just feel good I feel like I'm finally getting my to-do list like down and the more I do now the less I will have to do later and that makes me super happy I did choose to sleep in kind of late I didn't get up until 7:05 so it's currently 7:30 but I don't have anything that I have to do this morning before my kids come in so I was like you know what I'm sleeping in I'm gonna go get my coffee and I will catch up with you guys at school I wanted to quickly show you guys what I'm doing for math stations today it is basically going to be a game day because my students have had two straight days of testing and I'm not gonna start a new unit on a Thursday especially because I'm actually not gonna have math tomorrow because I've junior achievement first thing in the morning so I figured I would just keep it nice and simple so these blowup dice are from the target dollar spot I showed you guys in my last target haul this was five dollars for four blowup dice and they're going to play that with this game it's called around the block bump so all they need between the two partners is a one die and then they need like they're marking pieces so I've got just unifix cubes that they're gonna use as their game pieces and basically they're gonna go around the board and then they're able to mark off the answers and they play it just like bump so I also have included in here the answer key because I never really trust my students to like actually get the right answer like that sounds horrible but I want to make sure that they're actually doing it correctly so basically after they solve it their partner will check on here to make sure it's correct and then if it is correct they can make their move so my students are gonna play that in a partner's this one is just task card so it is three digit addition task cards these are in my TPT store and they have a QR code so they're gonna solve it in partners and then they will use the iPads to scan the QR code and check their answer they are also going to play shut the box which I love to play a math because they're super simple all you need are dry erase boards dry erase markers three dice so my students are gonna play in partners I'll just kind of quickly explain the game you would write the numbers one through twelve on your board and you're going to roll the three dice so after you roll it you have to use all three dice to try to make one of those numbers so for example here I could do 6 plus 6 is 12 minus one is 11 so I would erase the number 11 and you have to keep going until you've exhausted all of your options okay so here I could do 6 minus 6 is 0 plus 1 is 1 and I would erase 1 and then you keep going until you've erased as many numbers as you possibly can with that combination of dice and then once you don't have any more moves you're going to switch and the other person is going to go so I love that game because it's great for fact practice but it requires like literally no prep whatsoever and then my last station is going to be my students playing prodigy on the rest of the iPads and the laptops so I have 4 groups and there's going to be about 6 groups or sorry 6 students in each group one of the groups will only have 5 so I will probably follow that group around to be able to be that person's partner 4 - I do have any more options [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna go again wait yes once if you can hear me clap twice you have one minute to get your station cleaned up and be ready to switch well you have four you have 291 you didn't have 205 yep [Music] yeah [Applause] you have 110 and you have two one so how much is that Wow so go ahead and mark off 12 with your cue go ahead erase your boring timers about to go up your station be ready to rotate so yesterday during recess I had a student come up to me and tell me that two boys had kicked her which I mean they always kind of play and they're always kind of like kicking at each other's feet so I didn't take it super seriously but then the mom messaged me last night and showed me a picture of a bruise on her shin I was like oh my goodness I had no idea was that bad of a kick so those two students who did the kick in which one of them was knuckles I had them write apology notes during recess today so knuckles like did a decent job he said I'm so sorry for kicking you I won't do it again I will be your friend fine my other friend doesn't really understand how to do an apology it says sorry for kicking you but next time don't punch me and then it had buy-in his name and I said sorry for kicking I would be your friend but you punched me so sorry it is now lunch overall the morning has been okay it hasn't been in great but it also could've been a lot worse so I'm not gonna complain math groups were pretty smoothly with the exception of one student who got a huge attitude and had to be removed but after he had time to himself he was better then we went over cause-and-effect and we watched a flick happy liar video and we did the activity where they each got a card and they had to find their partner who had and they had to figure out who had the cause and who had the effect because we were supposed to do it the other day and we didn't have time then we had Junior Achievement then we had recess came back in and I introduced author's purpose so we looked at some posters about it watched a full capillary video and then we did an activity where they each got a piece that had a book title on it and they had to decide if the author's purpose of that book would be to persuade inform or entertain that is part of the rooted in reading form a for the book fireflies and then I took my class to lunch so I am thankfully going to have time to enjoy my lunch today I actually packed a lunch today so I'm gonna go eat that and then shortly after lunch my students will go to music so I will catch back up with you then so I did not blog while my Saints weren't music and I will talk about that in just a minute but I forgot to send home the field day letters so I suck as a teacher plus these are magnets that were given to me by the Junior Achievement person and I have forgotten two days in a row now to send those home okay it is 3:45 and I'm not staying here one minute later than I have to because it has been a rough afternoon of course and I'm very frustrated currently so I need to go to the gym to let out my frustration so here's what happened when we were lining up for music I had two friends who were being disruptive and laughing and trying to show off so the entire class sat back down we've relined up it was still the same two friends so at that point I pulled them out they had to walk with me to music which of course they still didn't care they're laughing carrying on drop off the class in music bring them back to the room to make phone calls which one of my friends was chuckles of course made a phone call to his mom she didn't answer I left a voicemail and he basically told me he doesn't care because he's not gonna get in trouble so there's that then the other friend suddenly wants to start apologizing and trying to like pull out the crocodile tears telling me that she's sorry and she didn't mean to know you're sorry that you're getting in trouble for it you're not sorry that you did it because you thought it was hilarious when you were doing it so no you're getting a phone call home left a message for her mom which her mom it actually just emailed me so I ended up emailing her mom as well just to make sure that she got my message took them back to music and I just kind of sat there the rest of my planning time because I didn't even want a vlog I just kind of wanted to sit there because I was frustrated picked up my classroom music and they actually did a pretty good job I introduced new vocabulary they did flaps and I had a couple friends starting to act out my friend from last week chuckles started acting up but they got it together so I gave my class the ice pops because today was I which was ice pops immediately after they get them they start misbehaving again and I'm just I'm so tired honestly of giving them rewards and giving them treats and then having them misbehave a second after they get it like it's really getting old and I know a lot of you are probably gonna say well don't give it to them trust me they have not gotten most of the things for the countdown art day they only got to do one of the art projects be the balloons only like half the class got to do them or not balloons bubbles bubbles definitely bubbles not balloons for donut day one of my friends didn't get it game day we did not get to play games frisbees we did not get to throw frisbees so yes I have been withholding it I gave them the ice pops because they were doing better but literally as soon as they got them the same friends that are always acting out start acting out and it's like I have friends that have lost privileges for the field trip I have friends who have lost the incentive I have friends that have lost the movie incentive that we are holding like as a grade level I have friends I have lost field day events and it's like I literally have nothing else that I can take from them and it's just frustrating especially when contacting parents doesn't usually make a difference because the parents just aren't involved and I don't know I'm I'm definitely at the point where I'm ready for the end of here like it's I'm trying to stay positive but at this point of the week like I'm just so tired and so over it that it's hard because I don't know I'm trying to just remember how thankful I am for my students who are doing the right thing and I do have you know for every kid that I have that's not doing the right thing I have another kid who is always doing the right thing and I am so thankful for them and I'm trying to talk individually with those students as much as I can just to let them know like how proudly I love them but I'm gonna get out of here and go to the gym good news is I don't really have anything to do tonight and I don't think I would do anything anyway because I don't have the energy like I'm just I need a night myself so I'm gonna go do that I'll catch up with you guys in the morning good news is tomorrow is a double special day plus I have a volunteer coming okay guys I totally did a bad thing and I'm gonna blame it on my boyfriend because after the gym I wanted to go to Dollar Tree and if he had come with me I would not have gotten this much but he didn't want to come so I ended up behind way more than I needed first of all these snack containers are one of my absolute favorite things at Dollar Tree and my dollar trees around me have not had these in months and normally they're two for a dollar they actually had them in a three pack for a dollar these are perfect for storing crayons are perfect for storing playing cards I literally bought every single pack that they've had and then I got bins which I did not need however these are the same bins that I'm currently using in my library so I know that they are durable and they finally have them in black which I'm so excited about because I love black storage bins so these are like the paper size tray type bins I don't know what to call them but these are currently what I use to organize like my math groups and I have three of them I have a pink and orange and a blue one but I love that these would be all in black so I went ahead and got four of these because I usually have four groups and it works out that one of them don't need don't doesn't need a bin but I figured if I go ahead and get four of them in black that way they all match I am really happy about those then I got these like kind of smaller bins like they're not super big but I got six of these and they actually have lids and that's kind of the reason that I ended up going head and getting them I have no idea what I'm gonna store in them but I like the fact that they have lids and I could stack them and then I got these slightly bigger bins and I only got four of these I will definitely probably go back and get more once I figure out what I'm going to use them for but I figured I'd go ahead and just grab some just in case I like that they are black so even if I don't use them in my classroom I could definitely use them like in my home office to help store some things in there so I ended up getting this shirt that says I'd rather be reading a picture book and tomorrow is a casual day so I think I'm gonna go ahead and try to wash it tonight so I can wear it tomorrow good morning it is Friday thank goodness I've been waiting all week to say that and I think if my math is correct you only have 3 Friday's left which is a very good feeling I am wearing my shirt that I got from the right stuff chicks it is a small and originally it looked like kind of big however after washing it it shrunk and it fits perfectly now and it's super comfy so I highly recommend these I've linked it for you down in the description I'm gonna go get my coffee as always and then I will catch up with you when I get to school I see what I deal with like every morning it is now my afternoon special and I think that kind of sums up my day the fact that I haven't been able to vlog at all and honestly right now I don't think I'm even in a place to vlog because it has been another day like that one last week where I was basically in tears all day and I don't have much positive to say right now and I'm honestly like just trying to keep it together until the end of the day because it's been that bad so I have to go pull some students from PE because I have to count their Panda bucks and figure out if they are gonna be able to go to the incentive because our numbers are due at 3:45 so I'm gonna go do that maybe do some grading just something to like get my mind off of it and then I will sit down after school when I am mentally in a better place because I don't think I can even talk about my day right now without like breaking down in tears so I will catch back up with you guys after school good news is my desk isn't horrible I have my lesson planning binder out and I have a super student paper ready to go for a student I have drawings that two of my students gave me after art my lunch that I didn't eat and actually my parent volunteer brought me in these little chick fillet chicken bites this morning which I was so happy about and so needed today and I didn't even get a chance to finish them because it has been that kind of day but otherwise my desk actually isn't too bad so that is one silver lining I have going for me right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so now that I've done some cleaning and organizing and grading and I feel much better mentally let me show you what my room looks like best news is that this back counter looks so much better I have all of this stuff out from underneath and I have all of the stuff off of the counter because my volunteer did come today so she put all the home links in the folders that were back here for our math homework she put all the papers out in the hallway took the old ones down and sorted them into their mailboxes this is a laptop cart that is in my room because we have to take our I reading inventory it used to be called s RI but then scholastic doesn't own it anymore so now it's just RI but it's basically an online reading test and we have to take that first thing on Monday morning and it is taken on the computer so my tech guy brought the laptop cart in for us back table is pretty clean student deaths aren't horrible I do have a desk over here which actually was her knuckles it is my breakfast desk so you'll notice I just took it from over there he requested to sit by himself today which I thought was gonna be a good thing for him but he still just could not control himself over here so I'm not sure if I'm gonna leave it there for him or not I will figure it out next week I guess my library is okay it's a little bit better than it has been I've had books just like spewed between the bins it's a little bit better but I definitely need to go through and clean it as these end of the school year comes to a close homework bin and classwork bin are empty which is great ketchup and pickles bin is pretty empty with the exception of some friends who are not here today to do theirs these are like 10 frame cards that are part of everyday mathematics and I have my volunteer cut off the lamination I eliminated them several weeks ago probably show it done at the beginning of school year but that didn't happen laminated them a couple weeks ago and I had her cut them out and then after school I hope punched them and put them on a ring which it's kind of pointless because I'm not gonna use them the rest of the school here but that way the teacher who has them next year will have them already done this bin was given to me for a teacher appreciation week from our PTA and I had just kind of stuck it here like under my tissue box because I didn't know what to do with it but I decided to put it on top of this bin because I have random very books that we find and no one like claims them as theirs so I've started just putting them in here this is my sign that I took down in order to put these magnetic pockets up and I decided it's not even worth hanging up somewhere you know we have less than four weeks left so I'm just gonna leave it down I'll go ahead and store it in my closet or something still never ate my lunch did not have time but I did finish that chick-fil-a breakfast that my volunteer was so so sweet and brought to me this morning rest of my desk is completely clear gray bin is completely clear as well with the exception of an answer key and I'm holding on to this because I still have friends that have to finish it for ketchup and pickles next week so friends it is 4:40 my original plan was to leave school right at 3:45 go home and edit my video and then my boyfriend is gonna be home around 6:45 he is taking a final exam currently and so he could not work tonight and he has never off on Fridays so I'm planning on spending the night with him and I so desperately need that right now however I did end up saying about an hour late because I knew as much as I didn't want to I knew that sitting and grading and getting my room cleaned and organized would make me much happier on Monday morning and much less stressed and I need that very desperately right now so to say that today was a rough day is an understatement as I told you guys briefly earlier it mirrored that day that I had last week where I was in tears again I have a group of six or seven kids that feed off of each other and I literally had them as separated as I could I had kids all over my room sitting by themselves it still didn't help and long story short because I don't really want to sit here and just go on and on about it because I kind of want to just move on to be honest I don't want to sit there and let it affect me um one of my students got sent to office I wrote a referral he got ISS at a lot of kids day in from recess and a lot of kids losing field day events and it was a rough day I will put it this way I had volunteer my room this morning and she knows these kids because she has volunteered with the teachers like when they were in kindergarten and first grade and so on so she told me that if she were in my room she would probably be an alcoholic and she surprised that I'm not one and it's a good thing I don't like to drink because otherwise I probably would be one I am trying to remember you know it's the end of the year this always happens and I'm trying to remember all the factors that cause misbehavior at the end of the year such as you know they know that you're leaving and they know that they're not gonna see you over the summer and they kind of like take it out on you and I know all of that however you know ultimately I still expect them to make the right choices and I know that they're kids but still I mean I have some of them where I'm I asked them not to talk or whatever it happens to be and they will sit there and look at me turn and talk to the person next to them and laugh about it and again I take recess I'm taking incentives I'm taking field day events I'm calling parents I'm doing everything that I feel like I can and it doesn't they don't care and I've never had that before like my first year of teaching I had a rough group but ultimately they cared and like when they had consequences they would change it this group of kids literally it's like they don't care they owe the recess and laugh about it they literally don't care and I'm like flabbergasted at that because I have never experienced that with a group of kids before and it's sad it really really is and I feel for them but at the same time I'm like you know what I can only do as much as I'm doing and I feel like I'm doing everything I can and that's all I can do and unfortunately like you're not always going to completely change every kid's life that's the reality of it and it's kind of what sucks because you think of being a teacher and you're going to influence all the kids and you're gonna just completely change your life for the better and reality and that's not the case and I do think that we positively influence more of them than we realize and we make a bigger impact than we realize and a lot of times they don't express that to us and they don't even realize it until but at the end of the day you're not going to be able to positively influence everyone and it sucks it's not a good feeling especially when you feel like you are trying to do everything you can you're putting in time you're putting in effort you're putting in money you're building relationships with them and it still isn't enough and that's a really crappy feeling I know that I shouldn't let it get to me however I am a person that cares I am so passionate about teaching and I'm such a perfectionist that when I know that I feel like I'm failing but I just feel like I'm not doing a good enough job and that kills me it really does you know I want to be that teacher for every single one of my kids that two three five ten years down the road they remember as being their favorite teacher because they helped them grow educationally and they had a relationship and cared about them wholeheartedly and it sucks feeling like I'm not gonna be that person with my kids you know it's a long rap and your blog camera shuts off because it's overheating because you've been filming so long part of the reason that I'm kind of talking about this again because I know some of you are probably tired of hearing it but hear me out last week at the end of my week when I had a crappy week or whenever it was that I did that like really long rant I think it was towards the beginning of the week I know I talked mostly just about like the behavior and why it was frustrating and I think some people took it the wrong way they took it as me like talking bad about my kids and that wasn't it at all and I want to make that very clear now why I was frustrated is because of everything I'm talking about right now the fact that it makes me feel inadequate as a teacher and it's frustrating because I care so much about them and to feel like I'm not helping them as much as I could or whatever bothers me a lot and that's why I was ranting about it and guys at the end of the day I'm human and I have emotions like this and I get overwhelmed and I get stressed probably more than the person but again it's because I freaking care and I'm not gonna apologize for that so if you saw my rant last week or any of the rants I've done this week I don't even remember it's all blur now it's not that I'm calling my kids out on being bad or anything it's more so me like that's what I'm trying to get at and that's what I'm trying to have come across to you guys so I'm sorry if anyone took it the wrong way last week or earlier this week it's not about them it's about me but I need to wrap it up because my camera is mad at me for filming so much and I need to go home honestly for me like I need to go home and have a good weekend and relax and just remember why I do this so I know originally I was going to film the video about the end of the year this weekend I don't remember if I told you guys that or not but if I didn't that's what I was planning on doing however after having two bad weeks in a row and after breaking freaking 20,000 subscribers which I'm gonna talk about in my next video I'm not gonna go on a rant now but I'm just so excited I'm gonna do a little bit of a different video that you guys will see tomorrow I'm not gonna tell you what it is you will have to stay tuned and check it out but if this vlog helped you in any way if it resonated with you because you're going through the same thing or it helped you realize that when you go into teaching it's not all sunshine and rainbows unfortunately and if this video in any way has helped you please give it a thumbs up because when you do that it helps it to be able to be seen by more teachers and that's why I have this channel I want to help other teachers in any way that I can give it a thumbs up subscribe to me if you haven't already because you don't want to miss any future videos thank you so much as always for watching and for supporting me for commenting I'm trying to respond as much as I can on Instagram and Facebook and emails and comments and all that but I'm also trying to look out for me right now and if I have to kind of put the rest of the social media stuff on hold for the next couple weeks so that I can mentally survive the rest of the school year what I've got to do and I hope you guys understand that but thank you because I do appreciate all of your support you guys are keeping me going I will catch you guys in my next video thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any my older video so you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to me so you don't miss any future videos you can use link red up here in the description box you will find links to all of my social media sites my teachers pay teacher's store and my Amazon store and I will catch you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 173,042
Rating: 4.9026427 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 2nd grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher
Id: WMMdZm_3vkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 3sec (4323 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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