The Last Week Of School | Sorting Students into Houses Teacher Vlog

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hello everyone it is Sunday afternoon and I figured I would go ahead and pick up a camera and get started with the blog this week there was a lot going on this week it is my last week of school and it is also my last week of grad school um I am NOT going to lie to you guys it has been so beyond stressful going back to school for the first time in May I don't know what I was thinking to be honest um so I have last week of school lots of little things to get done and one of the things that I'm working on today is we are working on doing our house reveals so our classroom is set up into four different houses very much like Harry Potter and I don't even think Harry Potter was the first to do this to be honest I remember but we have four different houses we have limousines that go to art be trium and in daraa and our current fourth fifth and sixth graders that we have right now all got placed into their house at the beginning of the school year well we are getting a new crop of fourth graders ours our sixth graders are going to the middle school we're keeping our current fourth and fifth graders who are that now going to become within sixth graders and we're getting some new fourth graders well we have this day called move the pride where the entire district does a huge shift and everyone goes to their next grade level for the new school year so they go and kind of see their teacher it's kind of it's just a very nice way to ease the anxiety over the summer for who's gonna be my teacher where am I gonna go it kind of releases doddle all of that because you go to the school you're go see your teacher on the first day one of the things that we really wanted to make sure that we accomplished was our house worked for the 4th graders that are coming in so we have 25 of them and then we have one that is a 5th grader that is coming to us that wasn't in our program last year and she's going to be in our program this year so that's 26 kiddos total that we are placing in two houses so we kind of figured out the number of kiddos that we can place in each house and then we needed to figure out how would did we want to reveal it have you've been watching my vlogs for a little bit you know that last year we do we did almost like a tea party where the kids got to go and pick up a hat and underneath the Hat it had like the house kind of popped out where they would then know what house they were placed in but we had to sort 75 of them this year it's a little bit like less stressful because it's only 26 thank goodness so we came up with the idea of doing dragon eggs so we have Mack the dragon in my classroom Mac is kind of like our mascot because it's Mac Mac classroom multi-age classroom and that's the Mac is the dragon so we have a dragon inside of my classroom and I said wouldn't it be really cool if the dragon had laid eggs and we had a big huge nest where the eggs were all kind of sitting out and kind of the same idea with the hats the kids would go who are getting sorted we're gonna pull their names they're gonna go out they're gonna pick up an egg and they're gonna crack it well in this egg they're going to have confetti and then like a little scroll welcoming to them to the house that they're getting sorted into so what I decided to do on top of all this I didn't want to do all 26 eggs because that would have been very very painful but I had the team's actually had the kids in our current houses they created the eggs themselves so they're all of my basement right now because they are drying off and we need to seal them up we need to get them ready for the kids to paint them tomorrow because all of this is gonna go down on Wednesday super exciting super stressful yes I know um so they're all in my basement at the moment getting drying off you have fans on them so they're drying off we're about to get ready to start making the scrolls and placing them inside with the confetti and I wanted to show you the eggs before we kind of started spray-painting them so let's walk down to the basement together and let's go and check out some eggs okay so the lighting down in my basement is not very good but we're gonna have the deal um so what we ended up doing is I had first originally planned to do like you guys know those big huge giant like Easter eggs that you can buy like they're huge at first I was like well let's just do those and then we can have the kids paint them but then my partner Katie was like wait a minute what if we did paper mache and had the kids make them and I said you know what that's a really good idea because it gets the kids involved there you feel like they're kind of part of getting the kids sorted into their houses it was just a little bit more exciting thank you me anything we will okay we'll make a golden one so I thought it was a really good idea because then the kids got involved into it they felt like they were doing they were a part of getting the other kids sorted into their houses and that's the whole point of it the whole point is kind of creating that family for them to feel like they belong together to create a community so I thought the paper mache was a great idea people are probably yelling at me right now saying how crazy are you to do paper mache in your classroom actually it wasn't that bad we did a pretty pretty good job so I set them up with partners and they each got a balloon and then they got two paper mache so here's what like the eggs are gonna end up looking like right now the balloons are still in air so we're just trying to let them all finish up drying and then we're gonna put confetti and some scrolls in it and tape it off and then spray-paint them a base color because I told the kids that they were gonna paint it however one that's a lot of paint because these eggs are huge like it's bigger than my hand and these eggs are huge for one and it's gonna take up a ton a ton of paint so my husband had the idea of spray-painting it like a base color and then having the kids do the designing and decorating with some of the other color so that it still felt like they're a part of it which I thought was a fantastic idea so we have all of these like big old dragon eggs that we are getting together and we need to get this done fast because it's getting late here's where all the other dragon eggs are this one got into an accident he's a little bumpy it's okay though I made two extras but think all the other ones are pretty much dried yeah yeah hey kiddo thank you for cleaning up down here it looks better how about me you're cute okay so that's the little project that we're working on right now with those balloons my husband is very graciously helping out helping me out because I have quite a bit of stuff to get done for today I mean I have a discussion post for my graduate course this out this evening so I needed to finish doing some reading which is what I'm about to do it was really nice like I'm gonna send my kids downstairs they're gonna play for the for a little while together and I'm gonna try to get this work done but it was really nice we had some friends come over this morning for breakfast and so we kind of hung out until almost like noon and then we went out to the plant stores and kind of did some things together so now they're getting some quiet time I'm gonna get some quiet time to hopefully get my reading done for my classwork this evening my husband is working on the little scrolls that we're gonna have that are just walking welcoming them to their houses and he's gonna start getting those together to start putting them inside of the paper mache eggs so let me show these to you excuse my reading so here's one of them this one is for the house we'll mosey and we just were rolling them up to kind of see what it would end up looking like and it looks really nice so here's the first one it says you are house who I'm using share focus and determination determination guide our path so it almost has you're not gonna be able to see it do you see kind of like the brick cookie background it's like a light Ricky background but I really like it looks pretty so that through a mu Z and then we have our B trium welcome to house our B trium well where our choices and will guide our journey and then we have Zegota houses I go to welcomes you pear pear for adventure and join us for the Mac experience and then we have in daraa we are in daraa our heart and strength has no equal which I really really like this may be look ya'll it looks like it's painted oh come on focus look it looks like it's painted on how cool is that so he is going to get these printed I have the number for how many he needs of each and then we're gonna start rolling them up and tying them around with a little ribbon and getting them inside of eggs in just a little bit Wow he works on that I'm gonna try to get some reading done for my discussion oh that is so cute ready okay all right so we finally got one of the eggs done look how lovely so we just used tape because we're running out a little bit out of time instead of covering it up with a paper machine like closing up the whole wood paper machine so we took with the pages which my husband went around and cut off all the edges on the side so it looks a little bit better look how much nicer those look now this one is probably one of my favorites it's not gonna kid even though it's not my house it's one of my favorites so he went around cut off all the edges we are rolling them up with the outside showing so that they can see a little bit of color and it's not just the plain white and then we're using ribbons for their house colors to just tie it around and placing them inside of the egg and then we're closing them up and ready ah good thing we can remove this pretty easily confetti yeah alright we're gonna cut some competin oh we got a little excited okay so we decided not to go with for real confetti like the plat is it like plasticy I don't know how to explain it like it's the really shiny almost plastic II really really tiny confetti just because one my maintenance lady in my hallway was probably murdered me she would murder me I haven't watched way too many where shows but she would not be happy with me if I ended up doing it it's just really small confetti so what we've decided to do it to still have kind of have the confetti fuel so when the kids go to open they crack the egg open and then the capetti comes out and then their little scroll comes out with like greeting them to their house you but now you have to pay all that up so Blaney always said that um so what we decided to do why is just take plain like colored paper and we're just kind of tagging them up pretty small nothing like awful small um but just done like a decent size for us to be able to clean up we're gonna cut it up um and then inside of the egg depending on the house that they choose it's gonna have their house color and then it's also gonna be mixed in with yellow which is the color that signifies like our unity as a class as a Mac team so when they open for instance as I gota is the red house they're gonna have red and yellow peaches inside like confetti pages inside of it which is gonna be exciting to see look at that red and yellow red and yellow red and yellow alright so I decided I was gonna be really nice and I helped cut a ton of paper so we have green for limousine blue for our beat trium red four Zegota yellow to shore unity and then we have purple for in daraa where we film are we doing another one yep pop I don't like it what are we doing purple alright purple so we you put the scroll in we put a handful of yellow feel like you did a lot of yellow speck sorry and then we're gonna do two handfuls of purple go do we owe you some do it I don't want to drop it all over the yellow here sealer up [Music] the eggs are loaded so cool the gold ones are my favorite I really like the gold ones they look good you know thanks honey [Music] not really when I don't hands-free whatever I'm around back at the school and I need to get all the eggs out of my trunk so I figured it would be easiest if I just go to the back door because my classroom is closer to the back door than the side door and I'm really hoping that whenever I open that back trunk that all the eggs do not come crashing out and then smashing all over the place I will probably cry I will cry it's no probably I will cry if they all end up breaking someone crossed my finger on that but I also wanted to share with you guys because on I think it was Sunday yes it was yesterday yesterday I took the money that all of the kids had raised and donated and I went out and got the soil for our flower beds that were vegetable beds that we have been working on this year so it's definitely not gonna be something that's just like a one year and then we're done this is something that we're gonna have to continue every single year but I'm pretty sure that we're gonna have some kids who are very very passionate and then we're also gonna kind of let the school be able to participate with the beds as well we never wanted it to be a maxime garden it was a you know our community garden for our schools so I wanted to show you guys too because I got cucumbers those are just one of the vegetables that we wanted to get and I found them at a really good price at the story that I went to the other one that I wanted to go to which is pretty close to us was closed on Sunday so I kind of screwed up there and didn't buy the vegetables on Saturday which I probably should have look at the little cucumbers they're so cute they're beautiful there are some of our cucumbers and here is all of our soil how did a lot of soil [Music] oh we're safe yay time to get him in I'm happy to report that all of the eggs have made it to the classroom unharmed a little bit more story on the eggs so because I didn't finish vlogging last night I was working on my discussion board that I had to get in I got it in woo hoo I do have to go and reply for some discussion boards for micro grad course grad course so I'm gonna get that done some time today so my husband was uber kind y'all he helped me so what much yesterday so much he went on ahead and decided to spray paint like a beast layer so we decided on some colors that would be a really good base layer because of like a few different reasons one it would take the kids for flipping ever to paint those eggs and it would be a hot mess too because it would take up so much pain in order to paint all the eggs so we decided you know what let's just do it base layer we're gonna talk about like what can we make the dragon eggs look like what are some patterns that we can put into it and then we're gonna let the kids kind of do that piece of it so it's probably gonna take about a good 30 40 minutes which is not a bad time because the kids start getting a little antsy after that like 30 minutes like they're done after 30 minutes so I think that's gonna be a nice kind of like compromise for them and then we still have to figure out how to do like a nest to be able to put the eggs inside of so that the third graders soon-to-be fourth graders are going to pick out and like reveal their houses so I wanted to talk to you guys a little bit about our houses and how we kind of incorporate that because I think I get this question I get this question quite a bit so the houses are only for my classroom hold on I need to check something so I get this question asked quite a bit I'm like how do I incorporate houses it into my classroom so for those of you who haven't been watching for a while I'm a multi age teacher so I teach fourth fifth and sixth grade and I keep these kids all three years now I don't do houses as like a school-wide thing we only do it within our little team um I really like the house system I love Harry Potter so I was like you know what this would be great I've seen other teachers incorporated into their classrooms and I'm like I love it let me just let me try it and let me do it and it's a really great way to have like incentives for like kid houses who are like do you mean what they're supposed to be doing because I don't really have people's since we rotate so much throughout the day in kindergarten I had like tables table one two three and four and then like the kids would sit at certain tables and whoever was doing a great job at the end of the day they could get like a reward I can't do that here because we rotate so often between us three teachers so the houses were like a really good solution for that because if I see great behavior and I've won a reward that great behavior for like houses um it helps them like work as a team and so we reward as houses here I do not take points away for houses I only reward points for houses and so we reward for like multiple different things if we see them that there aren't a star ready to go I will give them points if we see like as a group of them you know they're working collaboratively I would give them points and we keep like a chart system on our on a board that I have over here in the classroom so here's what the board looks like sorry it's laminated so it's kind of shiny but you'll see the four houses who amusia RV trium in daraa and as i gota and we mentioned last night that the yellow kind of signals like unity so it unifies all four houses into one big team which is our Mac team and then we have each house has like a different colors so we've been keeping track of points based on trimesters so we have first second and then third and then we're gonna have our year total to see who is our like overall grand winner today as actually the last day for them to be able to get points it looks like Zegota is like killing it as I go to skilling it that's kind of how we do our house system we just reward points for any kind of good behavior we also will reward point and I'm like in a sliding chair but we'll also reward points for kids taking risks I try to really promote my kids to take risks and to kind of branch out of the box and really kind of be outside too thinkers so we'll reward points for that as well so I think like can really go to anything that the teacher wants to reward the points for and we only do one two three four or five points we don't ever go beyond five points so that's kind of like our our way of just saying this isn't many points that you can get at one time they can get multiple five points in one day they can only just get it for one single event up to five points that's kind of our house system and our sweet little third graders who are coming on Wednesday to meet us before next year are going to get placed into their houses so they're gonna get to crack open a little dragon egg max dragon egg where's Mac there he is so max dragon egg to be placed into a house which i think is super exciting lots of little things to get done today okay I have to go one make a couple of copies because I just got in and bringing all of those eggs into the classroom was very time-consuming so I need to go make a couple of copies and I'm gonna answer my phone on top of that okay so we changed up our plans this morning I mean was gonna do my paragraph lesson but we needed to get some time in outside to do some plans so we're gonna go ahead and get started with our planting beds I'm grabbing my staple gun or staple gun this yeah the staple gun grabbing my staple gun so that we can do our grids like we're creating the grids in the bed and then we're gonna start making some mixing some soil together and we're also taking pictures Lots getting done this morning it's been good it's a good start to the day I'm a bit of a grumpy teacher this morning because we forgot to drop off our car at the car garage last night to do our tickets for inspection and so now we're having to do it this morning and of course a lot of things need to get done for free so now my hubby is going to now a [Music] good mood because they're not it's gonna be a rough day good can't come home Oh can't come home coming around this journey um I'm gonna I hate these roads all right I got to go here yeah there's not you out yeah I mean it's a school a little bit before 8 o'clock and as soon as I got here everybody else was pretty much here so we started kind of looking at what today is going to be look like I felt like I was about today look like twice so this morning before lunch we have a couple of parties that we have to do our trimester three that took me a minute to like figure it out Howard trimester three winners for the houses worth worth i gota so they are gonna get an ice cream party and also a extra recess so we're gonna do that this morning and then we are also going to finish up with our planting so we have to get all that done as well I'm gonna take out two houses to be able to go and do that with me this morning because the other two got to kind of work on it a little bit yesterday so the other two are gonna finish it this morning since we have four houses so I'm going to take those two out we're going to add a little bit more soil because I did need to get just a little bit more and then we are going to make our grid and put in the plants and get it watered and I am very excited that it's almost done this is the last like for a real full day of school holy moly have mixed emotions right now so the last full day of school and tomorrow is going to be moved the pride where our third graders are gonna come up and our sixth graders are gonna get to go to the middle schools so it's gonna be a great day there's a lot to get done and yeah I'm tired I went to bed at 9:30 last night and I should not have gone to bed at 9:30 because I was exhausted so I want to show you guys the eggs really quick because they came out so so nice um yesterday we had the kids do it in two different rotations they got to work with a partner on painting the dragon eggs and then we're gonna get it assembled this afternoon with my husband who has been working really hard on making a Dragon's nest okay so here are the eggs and here's what they end up looking like I think this one is by far one of my favorites I think this one looks so cool I like some of the kids who did like they wanted to go with a splatter effect some of them did like dots I don't know they came out really good here's another splattered one this one looks like the earth I love it but there are the eggs they are all ready to go now we just need to get the nests inside and get them set up on the nests for tomorrow I think it's a really exciting way for the kids to be able to get sorted into the houses especially seeing like our third graders get sorted I'm an Amex really excited about it this year because last year we had to sort all of them so they didn't quite understand the house system yet this year because we are only having to do twenty-six of them the kids are really excited to get them sorted into their house because they know what it means to be in a house together so I feel like there's going to be a lot more cheering on a lot more excitement that goes with it we're gonna have music we're gonna have our microphone system going on it would be really awesome if we can have a fog machine but I don't think that's gonna happen but it's gonna be really nice and I think the kids are gonna enjoy it so I'm gonna stop yapping because I only have about 30 minutes before the kids get in here I need to get my area cleaned up a little bit and then we're gonna be meeting with the kids this morning to go over our robots so the kids have been working on robots here they were drew out their robot they did their grids their coordinates for their robots to show and identify lines and then angles so today what they're doing is they're gonna take their robot their coordinates that they made and then they're also gonna take their biographies which they did a robot biography let me see if I can find one they did a robot biography where they kind of told about their robot so they're going to place all of that on one of these pages so they're big robots going to go here their coordinates are going to go here and then their biography is going to go here so the kids are going to get those assembled this morning and I think that's going to be a really nice kind of way to end our little project also wanted to go ahead and just mention really fast that we had another party that we needed to get done because we've had lots of little parties happening but we did summer challenges last summer and for some reason we just never did their parties poor babies I feel awful but we're gonna do donut so I went out and I got a ton of donuts for the kids who did their summer challenges so this morning they're gonna get donuts they're gonna get to go outside for 20 minutes of extra recess and I think that's another really great way for the kids to just get excited about the summer challenges for this year because they are incredibly exciting I really like the theme that we had this year which I will show it to you guys a little bit later on when I have it all printed and ready to go so we have that party as well lots of parties going on planting going on robots it's planting robots and party day ok I'm seriously gonna go and get some work done now oh by the way it's Hawaiian Day I look like a Hawaiian tourist and I'm ok with it today gets moved the Pride Day that means that our sweet little third graders who are soon to be fourth graders in today's are gonna be coming up and kind of joining us for the day with the Makah teen which is kind of exciting it's not kind of it is very exciting I'm very excited for them and I'm excited to meet them and have class meet them and have them feel a part of this like teen Hemi who I just walked in sorry I've been walking back and forth to my car so I'm like panting I apologize so I need to get my classroom ready because my classroom is not ready yesterday was a little bit of a busy afternoon we were busy trying to get together the summer challenges the folders that we typically will send home in the afternoon ironing out all the details for our schedule because we ended up having to change it due to an assembly for the 4th graders which are technically the 3rd graders so I need to get my classroom set up is not set up at all so I'm gonna spend a little bit of time getting it together and then I'm gonna show you guys all of the gloriousness [Music] so really quick I wanted to show you guys this because I think it is super awesome my sweet husband created a huge nest there is a baby pool underneath like one of those little plastic ones that you can buy they added like some tarp or I don't know what this is to be honest but they put this on there they spray-painted it and then they just took hay with glue and somehow created this magnificent nest that the kids are gonna get to choose their egg from so this is supposed to be Mac the Dragons nest he placed it over here so I have some fabric that I'm going to put around the pool so it doesn't look like a pool from the side and just put the eggs right back on to make it look a little bit more glamorous [Music] okay so that's kind of what it looks like mmm I might try to do something else with it not loving it so far okay so I think this is how I'm gonna end up having it I don't know what I want to do with that little disco ball back there right now you're not gonna see a ton because it's a little bit bright I need to pull probably the curtains down a little bit and that'll make it a little bit darker and moodier but that's where the eggs are gonna go so now what's gonna happen is when I call the kids one by one and they're gonna come up they're gonna grab one of the eggs and then they're gonna be instructed to find this piece which is where the tape is and I want them to really like punch a hole and then rip it up in half so that the confetti comes out and then hopefully the the little scroll thing will come out that kind of welcomes them to their house but I think that's nice I think that looks good I'm happy with that I think not gonna lie I might end up changing that a couple of times just gonna let you know okay so I have the summer challenges together they're all kind of laid out on this shelf and we're gonna hand these out to all of the Mac team members and what's nice is we did like a Star Wars theme as you can see and I'm gonna scoot past the cover letter because it kind of has some information on there for my district so I didn't want to put it up on camera but have a cover letter that just kind of tells a little bit about the summer challenge and when we would like for them to do it and then where to go if they need any questions online or if they need some kind of helpful hints on how to complete these and then we have one that's like a moon phases where they have to track all the moon phases they have another one for multiplication and then they have another one where they're crafting a spaceship with paper airplanes and then this one is creating a magnetic force using a battery and a wire this one is replica of a moon so they're going to create like mundo and they're going to kind of illustrate it here they're going to explain the steps here and they're going to tell me their observations that they need and then this one is creating an actual we'll plan it using chalk so they're gonna have a spot for them to create a planet and then they're gonna write a description paragraph here about their planet and then the following five pages are gonna be for them to be able to write about certain events that happen over the summer so they can just kind of log some of these events if they bring it back next year then they get to get a little treat from us as their teachers so that's their summer challenges ready to go and then we have some awards for our house winner for the whole year so we logged their trimester scores and then we add them all up for the overall winner for the year side Goethe is our winner for the year so we got them little paper crowns and then we got them little gold medals so that we can just kind of celebrate that together as a team and say congratulations to them it'll get hot I'll stop them doing a ton of stuff I'm getting really really hot okay so I think that's pretty much it I have my piece of it done I need to go through and check my powerpoint for my house explanations for this afternoon and then I have my schedule up on the board as well yeah so I have my schedule up on the board it has memes on it so I'm not going to show it to you guys sorry but it just kind of tell it talks us through what we're going to be doing today we have to collect iPads today we're gonna go over school of gene our summer challenges we're gonna do a morning meeting and then we're gonna do our house sort which is all very very very exciting so I'm gonna stop and I'm gonna take my breath I already vacuumed I need to go return that vacuum and then check in with my partner's to make sure that there's nothing else that I need to have ready to go all right select an egg [Applause] super-bright doesn't it I'm sorry if I'm binding you so good morning everyone it is the last day of school it is a half day and I feel like I'm starting to be able to breathe again without like chest pains which is what I've been having and I think that's just because I've been stressed out but it is the last day of school and as much as I'm going to truly miss these kids I didn't don't feel as sad as what I normally would on the last day of school because I'm gonna have pretty much all these kids again except for my sixth graders they're the only ones that are going to the middle school and I think we had about three move out two that are moving away and then one that is going to a different team but that's really about it so pretty much everybody else we get to keep which is really nice in a way so I'm very excited about that piece I did not talk a lot about yesterday and I do apologize and I want to like go ahead and just throw it out there you guys know that when you start teaching if you are in the teaching if you are teaching right now and if you're not teaching get ready um but as you're going through the day and you do some really big activities or you have something big that's really going on it's so hard to stop you barely get enough time to eat some of the times so I don't mean to like not show you guys anything that's happening for the day it's just that I get so beyond busy and then I'm talking with other teachers during my break times that I just don't have the time to be able to sit down and show you everything so a rundown of what yesterday was like at right after announcements they ended up calling our sixth graders and so the sixth graders got loaded up on the bus to go to the middle school and then we ended up doing a switch now I think we decided to wait until the last like they end up calling fifth grade and then they call fourth grade to move so they'll call some of the fifth grade classes those fifth grade classes will move to the sixth grade teachers the fourth grade teachers will and to this you know 5th grade teachers and we waited until pretty much the last group to be able to switch our what are going to be within 6th graders and they did end up getting I think the majority of them ended up getting new homeroom so we had them going to their home rooms our fourth graders for next year were brought into the classroom they took a seats we had kind of a quiet activity for them to do because it was like hustle and bustle in the morning we immediately checked their iPads we collect their iPads we look over them we put them in a box so that kind of at administration stuff takes place which I wish I didn't have to do it that way because I would rather be able to sit down and really greet them and get them excited for the day but it just doesn't work out that way especially with our schedule so after that fourth grade had an assembly so every year during move the pride 4th grade goes and they get introduced to our principal and our vice principal and our guidance counselor and there are a few other people that are there and he does like a 1520 minute kind of feel of welcome to you know our school and then welcome to you know you know fourth grade and that kind of thing so I took the fourth graders to that and then my partner Katie took the other to grade levels so they went into that and they were doing something with I think being leaders and just kind of a reflection of the year and she kind of had a talk with them when we brought them all back we automatically did the house sort guys it was so awesome we ended up pushing kind of all the chairs back so that the kids could sit right in the front of being the egg so we wanted fourth graders to sit like right in front of the eggs and then everybody else was kind of pushed back in their houses so I did kind of like an introduction here our houses and how many of you watched like Harry Potter and here's what this means to us and here's what they represent so I got them kind of pumped and excited about what house that they wanted to be in and then I did a congratulations to our champion winners for the year so I had our house leader that we had just recent elected and I will come back to that we had a house leader that I just recently elected he came up and he using like the microphone he announced each of his people in his houses and had them come up they got a crown they got a little gold medal and we congratulated them for being champions for the year so after that we called them one by one to go up and they were grabbing those eggs and they were just they were so cute they would just like punch into it and then they would just rip it and y'all these kids were like into it some of them were doing it above their heads some of them were able to just get the whole and then they were dumping it on themselves and then you would hear the entire classroom cheering for them they were so so cute and so beyond excited like you could just hear whenever they saw like their house colors how our current kids were just so beyond excited to have those kids in their houses it was the freakin cutest thing and at the very end of it like we all threw confetti up in the air like my room was like hot mess like it was filled with confetti so it was just nice there was mood music it was like dragon music that was like really intense and cool and we were using microphones so that kind of we were projected it was just such a really really great way to celebrate them and get them excited about this upcoming year so then after that we ended up doing we had our reading specialist who kind of came in there doing like a school-wide reading initiative over the summer so she came and introduced that to them and then we talked to them a little bit about our summer challenges and then some of the summer events that we're gonna do for them and yeah that was really about it like it was just a lot of information it went by so fast I remember looking at somebody I was like I can't believe the day is almost over like it's gone so quick I was just one exhausted but it was just a really really good day I pretty much left like right after school to be able to start working on my paper because when I was tired I was ready to go home I was ready to be home because I feel like I have not been home in four flippin ever so I do not get my paper done last night obviously like and it's tonight opening it will get done either way I'm gonna make it get done but I just wasn't able to do it I ended up falling asleep I think it around like 9:40 I was like over it I was done I couldn't even think of any more you know how you're just sitting in the deck like you're just sitting and you're like I really have no idea what I'm typing like none of this is coherent and none of it makes sense like I'm just I was over it so I didn't finish my paper I think I got probably into page 2 it's like a minimum or maximum of 5 pages but it's gonna end up getting done it and I'm not gonna stress about it hey guys I have nothing else to worry about which is really nice so the kids are gonna come in today they are not bringing backpacks they were instructed to only bring their yearbooks which everybody gets a yearbook in our district so they were only instructed to bring your butt so they are bringing in their yearbooks we're gonna do some signing we have a faculty kickball game we have Rita's ice this morning and we are going to eat all together for lunch so I'm not going to talk to you guys until after the kids leave which is at 12:30 12:00 12:00 12:30 I think it's 12:30 I'm pretty sure it's 12:30 either way so I won't talk to you until probably after that and then we have like a quick faculty meeting to talk about next week and what teachers are gonna be doing because we're still here next week so I'm gonna work on my paper for a little bit so that I can kind of try to get some of that out now that I'm thinking fresh again and then I think that's all I really have oh I was going to talk to you guys about house leaders so at the beginning of the week and actually this was last week we had we talked to the kids about house leaders and we actually had told them about this at the beginning of the year's last year that we weren't wanted to do house leaders but we were just not really wanting to like jump into it too fast because we really want these kids to be true House leaders so so we ended up waiting and it never came around until the end of the year and so I was like you listen I really want to start with house leaders and this is me talking to my partner so I was there I really want to do house leaders I think this is a really great time for us to do it down that we have a year under our belts the kids really got to know one another they know they all know they know who doesn't turn in their work they know who has those it's like those like the kids know even kindergartners know like it's they're not dumb kids they're very very smart so we sat them down last week and I was like hey guys listen all right we're gonna do house leaders and I want you to do a nominations okay so they had like a paper that they had to fill out and it had on there you know your name who is it that you're wanting to nominate what house are you not in why is it that you want to nominate this person and then they had to check off a list of qualities that the kids came up with that represented them as leaders I think I have an extra one hold on okay so this one has some like names on it now that they're done I'm gonna erase the names Wow I erased the ink we molise back I end up just using my hair ok so here's kind of what one looked like so it's just like a nomination for house leaders they had to put their name their house who they were nominating they had to quickly write like a little blurb about why they were nominating that person and then down at the bottom they had they kids came up with qualities the day that we were talking about house leaders and what a house leader means and what it does it represent and what are some of the qualities like a house leader has so I wrote all the qualities down and then the kids had to go through and check off the qualities that they believe that that person has so one thing percent in the nominations I told those kids that they were nominated and then I said that if you would like to not be a house leader you are welcome to say I don't want to be in the race I don't want to like do this and I did have a couple of kids that ended up deciding that they didn't want to do it and then they had to prepare a speech on Monday they prepared the speech they really quit kind of in the morning I had them recite their speech I took and created a ballot and the afternoon was just like a long strip of paper basically all it said was circle the person who you would like to nominate they circled it and I did like four of different ones so each one had their own special one for their house and then once once I kind of took and like tallied up the ballots then we announced to the house leaders were and the kids were really really good about it there were not kids that were upset because I know a lot of people are always worried about kids like sad or upset none of the kids were upset like they were all cheering each other on because we have this talk and we talk about it a lot during Junior Achievement that you're not gonna win everything and sometimes you know that's not a bad thing it just means that here like what is it that I can improve on you know what is it that I didn't have what quality was it that I did not have that I can try to work towards for next time so that I can try to be a house leader at the next time so it wasn't a bad thing we had kind of conversation with the kids and they were totally fine about it they were cheering each other on they were actually very excited for the other person no one got upset which is what I think I love about my team so much is that they really do support one another and they do truly care about one another so everybody was really excited for them um now my house leaders sit you see that little round table House leaders kind of sit at that little round table we have the classroom divided into four different sections right now so the House leaders sit right in the middle and they sit in the side where their section is so all the House leaders sit together in the beginning and then we got to introduce them yesterday to the fourth graders so it was super cute and everybody is really supportive and kind of cheering each other on I don't I would loved it it was a it was a great great experience so I feel like I've talked a lot I'm sorry that I've rambled so much I'm sorry it's the last day of school the kids have been gone for a little bit we had a faculty meeting and then I've been kind of getting to work in my room for a little bit it's three o'clock and my principal said that we could end up I'm gonna try that again exit all that up it's the end of school the kids are gone it finally feels like summer so it is about the time for me to start getting ready to leave I'm leaving pretty much right on time today 3:45 because I need to get my last paper submitted it to my class so I'm not really doing much except for we're sorting over some books so don't judge that I'm gonna have to close up my classroom tomorrow which I am gonna film kind of closing that up so that you guys can see how I prep my room for the end of the year and so with that I'm just gonna go ahead and sign off I really need to get this paper done y'all cross your fingers for me this is my last paper and then this court this class is officially done I did want to share however before I leave that I'm taking home some summer books that I would really really really like to read over the summer summer books that I would like to read over the summer so I'm gonna show those to you the first one that I taking home is gonna be wish tree I haven't read this one yet but it does look very interesting and this is by the author who wrote the one and only Ivan which I'm very excited about and then I had another boy in my class who really likes the weather and this one was called storm watcher it was one that I purchased at the book fair not that long ago so I'm gonna take these home and add them to my summer book list hey babe happy last day school you've been home for 15 minutes and now what are you doing I'm in a really good schools out school's out for the burn I'm sorry I'm gonna miss my babies I can't never said but I'm really happy to have a break I need to see them next year good morning everyone it is Friday yeah I am so excited that it's Friday I am at the high school right now I just kind of parked at the moment in my normal like parking spot I'm such a creature of habit like for real creature of habit I'm feeling really good about today because I turned in my last paper last night and I'm done with that class but I am I'm having a little bit of an issue trying to figure out what I wanted you so I'm gonna tell you guys and maybe you guys can chime in and tell me what you think so I this is the first class that I've taken as you guys know it was an advanced educational psychology I was a little stressed during this class because I haven't been in school in a very long time and I don't know what in the world possessed me to take a class at the during day during like the busiest time for me well I was going to take June off because we're going on a family vacation to Wyoming and to Colorado and it's gonna be ten days that were there and then I am also I'm not teaching next week but we have professional development all next week and then the week after that I'm doing the social studies curriculum and then I'm like literally leaving right after like the last social studies curriculum rewrite day to go to Wyoming for 10 days we have a family reunion we're kind of hanging out we're gonna go to a state park do you say s C's or essays say essays essays Park in Colorado which I'm very excited about because I haven't been in forever anyways back on track Bridget um I was going to go and take June off and then take a class in July I looked at the classes in July and there's nothing available for me so it's like okay do I take the two months and then just start in August I can do two in the fall or do I push myself through take a class in June which starts Monday and take July off and then maybe start one like August October I don't know anyways that's kind of what I'm thinking I don't know what I want to do yet I haven't really decided I don't know anyway so today is kind of a really nice day today is gonna be a day where we all meet the entire district meets at the high school we get breakfast they do kind of a closing ceremony thing the superintendent will talk and from there we will go back to our schools and we'll have work time which is nice I want to try to get my entire room cleaned up packed up ready to go for the end of the school year next week I don't want to have to deal with it mainly because Monday and Tuesday I'm at a different school all day for PD and I don't think I'm gonna go back to my school at all and then Wednesday Thursday Friday I only have half a day maybe not even half a day to be able to work in my room and/or be at my school so I'm trying to have my room done so I don't have to stress out about it next week so that I can just kind of enjoy like going in at 8 o'clock and not having to be there at like you know the butt crack are done which I'm usually doing so um I am waiting for Petey to arrive and then we're gonna be going in to the high school to have our breakfast and I'm going to try to call her anyways I am very like conflicted y'all I don't know what I want to do about my class I really don't know what I want to do I did not realize and I don't know if this is like a Millersville thing that's the university that I'm going to or if this is a PA thing or an all grad school thing but in the fall you have the ability to take two classes like not at the same time like back-to-back so the first one goes from August to October and then so it ends in October and then the second one goes from October to December which I thought was kind of cool because I have never experienced that like that was not a thing in Alabama or Texas like we have that so I didn't know if that was a Pennsylvania thing or just a Millersville thing but that's also an option for me I just don't know what I want to do yet in other news we're gonna get an a/c unit installed on Monday which I am so flipping excited about because I'm so tired of my stinking window it's they drive me nuts it's like I feel very like damp in my house and I don't like the way it makes me feel uh-oh this person's no he's not coming over here I thought he was gonna see me like talking to a camera thinking that I'm crazy mission packed up the classroom is about to commence and I have a lot of work cut out for me good thing is is I don't have to cover my bulletin boards because I talked with my cleaning lady and she said don't worry about it so I'm glad I'm really happy that I don't have to do that but I do need to take down a bunch of things that I have like upon the walls that I just don't think are gonna survive paper flowers for instance those things are gonna have to go down the dragons gonna end up staying up but everything off my shelves are gonna come down so that they can clean them I'm not gonna have them clean where the books are so I'm just gonna have those covered and just put don't clean those but everything needs to be off the counters I'm gonna start on one side and I'm just gonna work my way back does that make sense just what I'm gonna do I'm Sergi to the front and go to the back I think that's a game plan there so front I'm taking down the vines the choice signs coming down and taking down all the moss and I'm gonna put it in ziplock bag shelves everything needs to get cleared off here we go [Music] [Music] all right I'm pretty sure you guys are probably freaking out right now or you're probably thinking I just Bridge it up to you one the moss was like really disgusting you guys who told me Lamaze was gonna get nasty last year it was very dusty and it was gross so I started taking the moss down and then I was like I'm not liking the way this is gonna look and it's gonna take me forever to clean it I'd rather spend the 15 dollars just to refabricate the wall and maybe go with a different color next year I'm not sure yet so I just pulled it all down and started throwing it away that's right I did it um now I'm gonna attempt to work on maybe the flowers taking those down to they're gonna end up getting droopy because it's gonna be hot in here so they have to come down [Music] Oh [Music] really just [Music] they're about to start getting ready to close the building and I am still not done with my classroom I didn't realize that they were actually gonna close the building at 3:45 today so it is what it is it's just gonna have to stay the way it is and I'm gonna have to be okay with that and finish it I guess next week I didn't want to do that but c'est la vie I'm gonna have to so I'm gonna give you a quick little turnaround of what my classroom looks like before I leave today so the walls are bare I have a pile of stuff in the corner curtains came down I left my bulletin boards in the back I need to clean that out before my partner takes in and then have a few things over here my phone is ringing and that's really about it
Channel: The Lettered Classroom
Views: 11,645
Rating: 4.9236641 out of 5
Keywords: last day of school, The last week of school, education58.8, elementary schoolnew teacher, how to become a teacher, teachers, teacher vlog, harry potter, how to teach, math, reading, writing, education videos4th grade elementary teacher, university, middle school, tips, teaching, teacher, classroom, house sorting, sorting students, classroom community, classroom management, organization, classroom behavior management, weekly teacher vlog, day in the life of a teacher
Id: IEzDgzhCR40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 16sec (3436 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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