Christmas Festivities & BIG NEWS! | Teacher Evolution Ep 25

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I have no words I oh my goodness you guys like I'm let me just say TG IPD which if you don't know what that stands for thank goodness it's pajama day guess who has officially survived to winter break [Music] [Music] good morning YouTube I'm running late this morning so I need to get on my way I'm gonna make this super short you know that it is the last week before Christmas break when you are so flipping tired on a Monday morning like it's not even Wednesday or Thursday or Friday it is Monday morning I slept in a weekend and I am already exhausted we have school through Friday this week so if you are currently on winter break which okay by the time you guys are watching this I will be on winter break too but you know what I mean if you are all went to break this past week I am very very envious of you because we only get a week this year and I feel like it's just gonna be super short and I'm tired and I have so much to get done over break but it's okay you know what I'm gonna enjoy this extra time with my kids I'm gonna go get some coffee even though I'm running like seven minutes late this morning and coffee is a non-negotiable [Music] so the first thing I wanted to do was show you all my outfit because I am gonna wear something like winter slash Christmas themed every day this week so first of all my earrings how stinking a Horan is he upside down no he's good okay thank you are these like little reindeer earrings I got these I think actually from Walmart like probably a year or two ago and there were only a couple dollars and I just love wearing them because it make me so happy and then I have it this sweater with Santa and the reindeer and it's got little jingling bells on it and it's got this puff ball which is disgusting by the way do you see all of that lint mm yeah no thank you but anyway I got this from I think Macy's probably again like a year work maybe even two years ago and I got it on like a really good sale and I think it's cute and then this is actually a lularoe skirt I don't remember the exact name of it I'll put that in the description box for you I actually had a subscriber send me some lularoe stuff and I never really worn it before I had one pair of leggings but she sent me like a shirt and she sent me some leggings and she sent me a dress and this skirt which I actually really really love it's super comfortable it's stretchy which is really nice because I'm always climbing up on chairs and desks and all that good stuff so I will link her like Facebook page because I don't remember it off the top of my head but that will be in the description box for you and then these shoes I got from Sears for 20 dollars literally like six years ago I got them like my first year of college and I love them they're super super comfortable I think they're like an Oxford style or something like that but I love them here's the next thing I want to show you all this is probably one of the nicest and cutest and just overall sweetest things I have ever had a student do for me so last night I checked my email which I actually don't usually do on the weekend but for some reason I checked my work email and there was an email from one of my like students emails and it was like an invitation to open a Google slide so I was like what on earth is this like I did not assign my students anything and I opened it up and look you guys one of my students she's in my block too super super sweet girl made this Google slides for me so it says Merry Christmas surprise look at those effects y'all and then on this side it says I you have the best Christmas ever the reason why I made this is because you are an awesome teacher and for a teacher who runs a bazillion errands every day you give us the fun stuff if you're a mean teacher you would give us tests every day but what get away with it because well giving away tests every day isn't a crime so technically no harm will be done I was cracking up you guys it's so cute but we're getting off topic here so I am hoping you have a great Christmas break because you deserve it I tell you and also who would want a non-fun Christmas break and I'm hoping you also have fun with your cats if they get presents I hope they love them oh maybe you should make some sort of Christmas themed Google Doc assignment just a suggestion and then on this slide it says I hope that you guys relax every minute of Christmas break and then it says if you don't plan to at least don't let it be lesson planning because everyone says lesson planning is a pain and you don't want to have to hate and Christmas break do you if I were in your shoes I would just lazily go around the house and watch TV and then on the last day of break you do lesson planning yes girl I'm with you that's what kids do why don't you try it but at the same time I don't want you to try it because you're a very organized person at least in my perspective so well it will ruin your very neat plan to spend to last a break oh my gosh my teacher hurt you guys it's gonna explode from happiness then it says this is the ending and it says well anyway is that this was just to show you that I am very thankful that you are my teacher I feel like it's Thanksgiving again and that it says we wish you a Merry Christmas and she inserted like a video clip oh my goodness you guys like that is what keeps me going is seriously the fact that one of my students took time out of their weekend to make this Google Doc and then they were creative enough to send it to my email like I just I can't like I am just so I'm so lucky I really really am I love my students and like oh my goodness I cannot like I'm gonna open that up every single day like any day I'm having a bad day or I'm tired or I'm frustrated I'm gonna open that up because it will make me feel instantly better so I'm going through papers that I printed out over the weekend these are my plans for math for today that I'm gonna give to my TA and then I did go ahead and make another note sheet so we are starting units of capacity for customary units so cup pint quart and gal so I went ahead and made up more notes I think they're helping my students I don't know you guys seem to be interested in these so I think I'm gonna try to go through and make these for like every standard and every different thing that we could possibly learn and get them put up in my TPT store will probably take a while maybe I'll make it like a growing bundle I don't know I have not decided yet but I'm gonna have my TA make copies of these and then since we are starting units of capacity a lot of you guys have told me about gallon ma'am which I've heard about for a really long time but I'm actually going a different direction I just personally feel like this makes more sense to me and it's easier to remember so this is called the kingdom of gallon now I did not get this from TPT I got this from memory joggers comm and it was kind of expensive it was like $5 but I just really wanted like this story to be able to tell my students and then it kind of tells you like what to do as a teacher and what other questions to ask but basically it goes through it it tells a story and the students will draw it piece by piece so first you have the kingdom of gallon so they draw a big G and then you tell them there are four queens in the kingdom so they draw the four Q's and then each Queen had a prince and a princess so that's where the piece come in and then each prince and princess had to at Katz's and that's where the two seas come in so I'm gonna have my students we're gonna do this together but they're just gonna do it on like dry erase boards and then I'm gonna give them a copy of this to glue into their math journal along with the notes just because I know some of their drawings may not be super super neat so hopefully this will help them and then these are just like the papers that I am going to read off of so I guess I will like that for you guys if you are interested if you've done gallon man this may be another thing to try just as another way to help them remember just for the record my desk was nice and clean and then my kids gave it and there with that but we have all kinds of goodies coming in for gingerbread houses we are gonna make gingerbread houses on Friday so we're asking that each of our students bring in a can of icing and then we also had parents like volunteer to bring in candy and like tablecloths and just other things that we will need so I've gotten lots of those goodies I'm gonna have to find somewhere to keep them until Friday but I'm excited I can't wait to do this with them and I did have some students bring me and gifts which is just super super sweet so I have this bag from one of my amazingly sweet girls in my homeroom I haven't opened it yet I think I'm gonna like hold on to it and maybe wait till the end of the week but I also got a card my girls brought me in this stuffed hippo because I've been playing for them I want a hippopotamus for Christmas so that was really sweet and then this lanyard with cats all over it oh my gosh how stinking cute and then look at this you guys so it's a coffee mug which is beautiful it's filled with candy which is a great added bonus there's an Amazon card and this is my favorite part it's a sloth that the boy actually sewed him self like that is just the cutest thing I've ever seen I'm keeping that forever okay I lied I ended up opening that big bag right away because I do want to start writing thank-you notes oh my goodness I can't decide which one is cuter look at this pillow it has a slot in a Santa hat like I don't care if Billy likes or not it's going on our couch as soon as I get home it's so so cute and then look at this little sloth on the reef oh my goodness you guys my kids know me is so so well so I have these thank-you cards left over from last year I'm pretty sure I got these like from the dollar store for really cheap so I'm gonna need to get more of them I'll go out tonight to like Dollar Tree and grab some more but I'm gonna go ahead and write out thank-you notes for things that I received a last week as like early Christmas gifts and then things that I received today and I'm just gonna do it as the week goes on so that it's not super overwhelming on Friday it is now lunchtime so the theme for this week as is every holiday embrace the crazy basically my kids I mean you know what for it being the week before winter break and for winter break starting much later this year than normal I think they're doing a really good job they did well in math today we're still working on conversions and I think they are starting to get it like think of this I can see the light bulbs going off and then in science we're still working with like earthquakes and overall they did a really good job they are chatty and they're a little bit like off-task but it is completely to be expected so you know what I'm counting my blessings because I looked back at my vlogs from last year which actually this is the time last year when I started vlogging which is just very nostalgic for me but I was having a really hard time around this time of year with my class and so I'm counting my blessings because my kids honestly are doing a great job one thing I am using this week because I remember SEMA crazy are these classroom timers so I will link this website for you down below I just keep it saved on my symbaloo but there's all kinds of different interactive timers and usually I don't really use these I'll use like the sand timer or I'll use this one or the candle because they're not super distracting a lot of these other ones are distracting and my kids are more focused on what's going on on the screen than their work but since it's a week before Christmas and I'm like you know what my kids deserve to have some fun and we're still like we're not doing a lot of like Christmas themed activities at least until Friday so I'm trying to work in the fun where I can so I just wanted to show you down at the bottom they have these holiday themed timers so they have Christmas timers there's like this elf race and the snowmen race and like the Christmas trees they like grow which is pretty cool we use the snowman one basically the snowmen are just like hopping and they're racing so like they move back and forth between first place and like whatever else and my kids are saying they're like cheery and I'm like you know what I'd like for the last minute if you're done your work and you want to sit there and cheer for them like it's fine it's not the end of the world something else I'm using is this fireplace so this is just a video that I pulled from YouTube it has like 10 hours of a fireplace going and I saved it to safe share which I'll link that for you guys again in the description but basically it just plays a fire like going and it has sound effects and all that good stuff so I just make it fullscreen and I played this up on my projector and it just helps set the overall ambience for the classroom okay I have had a huge huge event transpired since I last talked to you guys so a storytime I was sitting in my room eating my lunch there were probably like three minutes left of lunch and one of my team teachers came in my room and she said the kids are getting in trouble like we've got to go down to the cafeteria and I'm thinking like seriously kids I can't even sit here and enjoy my lunch so I'm like okay so we all go down there and I walk in and my principal standing in the middle like they're all quiet she's talking to them on the microphone like telling them how their behavior is unacceptable and I'm looking at some of them and they're like smiling and I'm like really like you're gonna sit here and you're going to laugh about the fact that you're getting in trouble with administration during your lunch time on a Monday and I'm looking around I'm like a lot of them are smiling and I started to get the feeling that like something was going on but I didn't want to get my hopes up for anything so I was just like okay like it's probably not that and then my principal was like I'm gonna have them explain to you like what they did and table by table all of the fourth grade students yelled out you are going to Boston so I got picked for the Hyland's Boston Marathon team of all teachers for 2018 I'm literally still in shock like if my camera's shaking that's why I was honestly just trying not to cry and I don't think it even has fully hit me because honestly I kind of figured I didn't get it like the last I'd heard from them was a week and a half ago and they said like yeah you're still in contention but I was like if I haven't heard anything from a week and a half like that's not a good sign so I honestly told myself was like you know what you didn't get it and I was really disappointed and I honestly hadn't told you guys that yet because I was kind of embarrassed to say like I didn't get picked for the team but apparently I did get picked and I'm just who I'm obviously so excited because that is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I feel very appreciative that they would pick me for their team like that's a huge huge honor and I'm also super appreciative to my school like they went through all of that to surprise me like they had signs I'll show you that in a minute and all of the kids were just so excited for me even my admin like gave me flowers and it was just literally like made my entire life like by far one of the best moments and just standing there like part of me was like it was very surreal it's almost like I couldn't believe that it was actually Eponine and ho thankfully one of my team teachers and my ta like videotaped it so I've actually got it on film so I'm so so excited I will if I can all like insert some of the video clips for you guys to see [Applause] I am so excited I have not told Billy yet so I'm actually going to leave here so I can go to his work and tell him and I also need to go to the post office but I'll even care about that right now like I am just I have no words I oh my god I'm gonna run in the Boston Marathon so after they all yelled it out some of my kids popped up from behind the tables I didn't even see them and they had these signs that says congratulations hooray for Miss for a love beer I mean and then this one that says Boston here she comes go miss ray seriously amazing they also had students standing with like letters that spelled out Boston literally one of the best moments of my entire oh I'm gonna cry I'm trying not to cry one of the best moments of my entire life so this is my Secret Santa gift for squads myth so me and my squad the ladies that I went and saw in Nebraska did a Secret Santa so there's something breakable in it so I wrote you look nice now please treat this box with care and then I wrote fragile on all of the sides [Music] good morning YouTube I just want to be known yes I have a million packages in my back seat I planned to do a mail haul over winter break so I promise I will be taking those out at some point I was not super productive last night but I'm not even going to apologize for it I was just so excited and it's still like I don't think it's fully hit me yet like I still feel like I'm like somewhat dreaming that I got picked to run the Boston Marathon for the Hyland's team and I just could not focus on anything else last night because my brain was just like stuck on that and it was so hard to like get myself even to make lesson plans for today but I did I made lesson plans for today but I did not make them for the rest of the week nor did I go to Dollar Tree like I said I was going to but it's okay because I still have thank-you cards left at least to get me through tomorrow I am tired because I struggled so hard to fall asleep last night I was just laying there and again I was so excited like just laying there like looking at my ceiling smiling because I was just I'm just so happy so genuinely happy so thankful both to my school and to Highlands that I'm just I'm over the moon so I'm gonna go get some coffee because I do have team planning this morning with our fourth-grade team and then during my planning time I'm meeting with my rights our advisor just to go over my observation so I will catch up with you guys once I get to school good morning can I get a medium iced coffee with the French vanilla swirl and cream please that will be it thank you [Music] [Music] so one of the first things they did this morning was hang up the posters and my students made for me and my Boston sign on my walls that I have a daily reminder of what I am working so hard for hashtag luckiest hater ever I was showered with even more gifts today not that I need candy right now because I need to try to not eat bad but still I'm just so so appreciative I have the best kids in the entire world and it's not my planning time and so this Santa hat is not mine it's one of my students I found in the hallway because they left it out there and they've yet to notice that I'm wearing their hat so I'm just gonna wear it until the end of the day and see if they realize it and then I will give it back I just met with my right start advisor to go over my observation and just make plans for the future figure out what I want to work on so I've got about 30 minutes left of my planning time I've got quite a few emails from yesterday and today that I need to respond to so I'm going to do that and then start writing some more thank-you notes for gifts that I received today it is now lunchtime as you can tell I no longer have my Santa hat he actually did not recognize it but I felt bad so I ended up giving it back to him and instead I put on a hat that one of my students gave me this morning as a gift so it says bottoms up and it hold up can you see it it has Santa like upside down in the Tiffany I thought it was cute and it lights up which I thought was really cool the morning has gone pretty well and my black one did really really well with the lesson we got through it usually we run over with math and today we ended right on time hallelujah and then we were able to get through all of social studies so I feel good we only have a regular day tomorrow and then Thursday we have an assembly in the afternoon so the day is gonna be a little bit off and then Friday we're building a gingerbread houses so we can do those people so my day went from being pretty good to being super and despite the pun this actually is not fun at all it is now the end of the day I have a lot of papers to carry because I probably should have graded yesterday but because of everything that happened I was just too excited and I left all of my papers here so that means I have to do more tonight but it's okay I'm gonna sit here for right now for about an hour until five o'clock I'm going to grade as much as I can get it put in the grade book maybe I can get all of it done doubtful but I'm gonna try and then whatever I don't get done honestly I think I'm just gonna leave it until tomorrow like I'm just not too worried about it at this why I do need to write thank-you notes tonight so I'm gonna take home I made a list of like students who gave me stuff and what all they gave me and then I will write the thank you notes tonight that I can hand them out tomorrow please tell me I'm not the only person who does this when I am grading papers every time I finish grading an assignment I put my pen back and I pick up a new one for the next stack so I got three assignments graded and put in the grade book and I felt like it was doing really well I didn't get everything done it's okay at about 455 is like I'm gonna stop like I have a copy I need to go make real quick and then I'll be able to leave by five well I went to go make a copy the copy machine is broken so that's not happening tonight and then I ended up meeting with my team teachers in the hallway and we were just talking and then we have to give this geography B by Friday and it's a hundred questions and we have to read them all out loud to the kids while they bubble in on a scantron so that's not gonna be fine whatsoever and it's like super last minute but I guess we're gonna try to fit that in on a Friday which stings cuz that's last day before break but we have to get it done and we were just told like literally this afternoon so yeah it is now 5:15 I'm just now getting back into my room I'd like a million missed calls from Billy I need to get out of here I need to go home I need to write thank-you notes actually I need to go to Dollar Tree I need to write thank-you notes and I have grading to do and I need to lesson plan so I need to go be productive I also need to go to the gym so I'm gonna get up here [Music] time for a mini mail haul and by mail haul I mean stuff that I all about myself I went to Dollar Tree before dinner and after dinner I went to two different dollar trees don't want to talk about it because all of a sudden I realize is like oh my goodness I've not gotten anything for my students and I feel like the holidays just snuck up on me this year I feel like I've been so busy and I honestly didn't even think about it in years past I always gave my students a book you guys saw that last year but because I'm not teaching reading I didn't want to get them books because I'm like I don't know their interest like because I don't teach them for that I just I don't know I felt like it wasn't right I was like oh I got to come up with something in like kind of last minute to give them so I'm gonna go through and show you what I came up with first of all at Dollar Tree I saw these little stockings they were two for dollar and I was like oh my goodness they are adorable and I actually already bought them all pencils I always give them pencils for holidays cuz it's easy so I thought oh I could put those inside of these stockings so I got the stockings and I was like I can put you know candy canes in there so I got some mini candy canes and then I got some erasers I thought I could put those in there too problem however is that I could only find ten stockings so I'm gonna have to go to another Dollar Tree tomorrow hopefully find some more of them if not I think I'm just gonna have to give up on that dream and I'll hold on to these like for next year and I won't wait until the last minute to buy them and then I will just give my students the pencil and the eraser and the candy cane like without the stocking but I'm gonna try I thought they were too cute and I wanted to grab them while I saw them and then this little box is for my custodian I'm gonna give him a gift card I haven't decided where or for what yet but I will get a gift card and it will go in that box and then for my main student gift because I wasn't doing books like I wanted to have one main like part of their gift and I thought about doing socks but I couldn't find any adultery that I liked like I wanted nice like holiday socks and they did not have any they just have like regular fuzzy socks that were like black or blue or pink and I just wasn't having that so I saw these little cups and they have like this straw in the top and I thought that these were really really cute and my students all carry water bottles anyway so I thought that this would be nice for the holidays and they had a bunch of different patterns but I look through them and these like we're very similar just with different colors so I decided to do the green colorful we're the boys and the light blue color for the girl so basically they will each get a cup and maybe if I can't find enough stockings maybe I will just put their eraser and pencil and like candy canes and stuff in side of the cup I don't know to big department but I got all of those they're done here on the floor thankfully I was able to find 30 of these to give to my homeroom class I'm only giving gifts to my homeroom students not all my block students because I would be like 75 students and I would just be a lot so I'm gonna stick to strictly my homeroom next I want to talk a little bit about my team teachers and what I'm doing for their gifts so I actually ordered each of them a fourth grade shirt from the blue envelope I will link this for you guys down below you guys know I rave about them all the time I seriously just let their company and I have a fourth grade shirt and I've gotten a lot of compliments on it so I decided to get one for each of them as well I have not even taken it out of the wrapping because I'm trying to prevent it from getting covered in cat fur so I'll probably do that like tomorrow night or Thursday night I will get those I'll put up into these bags I just got these from Dollar Tree and I'll try to make it look cute I probably should like getting me to card but I don't know that's actually gonna happen but I will try to get that done before Friday so in the actual mail this came from lindsay miss Johnson's journey on Instagram I'll talk her down below but she sent this super cute Christmas card and it makes me feel really bad cuz Billy and I have nothing in my we did not do Christmas cards this year we tried to take pictures with our cats all insert one of them here it did not go very well the last thing that I got is a bag from Etsy this is actually my first time trying it see it's one of those things that I've heard about for a really long time but I just never really made the jump until someone actually emailed me a like link for a free month so I was like sure let me go ahead and try it so I actually got this bag for free but I have signed up essentially if you've never heard of it see it is ten dollars a month and you get a bag which these are really really cute and it's a different bag every month and then you get five different products and you fill out a survey so the products are all like based on your answers to those questions so you get products that like you're interested in and I just thought that this would be a really fun way to try new products since I'm still trying to figure out like what makeup I like so if you are also interested in trying this I will put a link for you guys down in the description box and you can actually get a free month and try it as well don't feel any pressure like I don't get a free month when you guys get a free month I think I get like points that I can redeem for like maybe products I don't know I don't really understand it but someone shared a free code with me to get a free month so I thought I would extend the same to you guys if you're interested you can use that and get a free month but I wanted to show you all what I got this month so first of all there is this silver bag and it has like glitter up at the top really really cute I love backs like this I throw them in my school bag all the time I throw them in my gym bag I always use them when I travel so I feel like I can just never have enough of these bags and Billy never lets me buy them so I'm happy that I will start getting them through epsy as for actual products I got this hair oil I don't even want to pronounce the prayer name o u AI however that is pronounced so I will try this I've tried a couple different hair oils and they seem to work pretty well for me for just smoothing out frizz and making my hair shinier and all that so I'm interested to try this and see what I think I also got this brush so this brush I mean I think it's an eye shadow brush I don't even know the brand is Luxy and I think it says precision shader so I think it's for eyeshadow I don't know but I will try that out and then I got this mascara and it's by radial and it says glam Oh lash mascara XXL I love mascara names are always really funny but I'm still like trying out different mascaras just to figure out what exactly I like so I will try this and let you guys know what I think and I apologize my camera is having awful times trying to focus right now I think it's like this background so I apologize I'm trying to focus it as best as I can so then I got this always on gel liner by Smashbox so I've tried a couple of different kinds of eyeliner at red liquid eyeliner I hate it I've dried like a felt-tip pen and I have tried gel eyeliner and honestly out of all of them I think the gel or the felt tip pen are like my favorite so I'll be interested to try this one because I've tried gel where it's like in a little container and you apply with like a brush and this one is actually in like a pencil so I'll be interested to try that and then this last thing I'm super excited about so this is actually Lisa Frank eyeshadow which makes super nostalgic for the 90s but I thought the packaging was super super cute and let me open it up hold on so it's like this shimmery like brown kind of color which actually I like to wear a lot for eyeshadow so I'll be interested to try this I don't know how the quality will be because when I hear Lisa Frank I think of like stickers and everything from the 90s so I don't know about in terms of cosmetics but I will try it out and let you guys know what I think [Music] [Music] good morning YouTube I got a text from my team teacher this morning saying that admin said that we could wear jeans today yes I swear my neighbour thinks I'm crazy like every single morning he just happens to walk out and sit on his little porch well I am videotaping myself walk to my car like every morning he sees it every morning and like we both know that there's something like happening but neither of us want to acknowledge it so welcome to my life we do have a staff meeting this morning and we have an ugly sweater contest as part of this staff meeting so I am wearing my all-time at favorite sweater with the sloths on the Christmas tree I seriously love this thing this is actually a men sweater from Target I think I got it last year but it is my favorite sweater it's so comfy and it's adorable so if I win the contest like I'm a little bit insulted cuz this is my all-time favorite sweater I have been slacking and I have not gone to the grocery store so I'm out of yogurts I have no breakfast this morning so that should be fun but that's okay I do get to stay inside today for recess because it's my media day so I'll just snack on something extra during lunch good morning can I get a medium hot peppermint mocha latte please that'll be it thank you [Music] all right it's now after the staff meeting it actually was so so much fun they had tons of food so I got to eat breakfast which was awesome food makes everything better and then they had like games that we played they played a slideshow it's like pictures of all of us we also did the game where you have like a wrapped present and you have to put on like oven mitts and you have to try to open it while the person next to you is rolling a dice and tries to roll doubles and then once they roll doubles she pass it on to the next person I did not even get a chance to roll or to open the president because my team teacher got it before I could so I'm a little salty about that but it's okay that was the perfect way to start my Wednesday so it is never a dull moment I was about to take my class to media and we had a fire drill which was weird because we just had one like the other day and turns out it was not a drill there was some kind of like a gas leak or something in the cafeteria I don't even know but we were out there for a good like 40 minutes and I felt so bad cuz a lot of my kids did not have jackets and it was like 38 degrees outside like it was freezing and it stinks because that lost like over half of my planning time because it just so happens that it happened right when I was supposed to have planning but that's okay like at least I don't have like a ton to really do right now but I need to go to my team teachers rooms that we can work on our SLO in the little bit of time that we have left oh and quick funny story so one of the girls I felt so bad short sleeves her arms were freezing but she had like leggings and then she had knee-high socks over them best idea I've ever had I told her to take off her knee-high socks and then stick them on her arms and she was like this is a really good idea I'm like yep you're welcome so of course at the start of my math block one of my students takes out their driver esport and they're like miss for a like there's this mark and it won't come off and like of course so I put on my desk it's like I'll deal with that later but I want to give you all a quick tip if you ever get like permanent marker on your board and it won't come off if you take a regular dry erase marker and color over top of it like this then when you erase it it will actually erase the part underneath like you can see it took off that part there so I'm going to finish just coloring over top of this and then hopefully I can get the board clean again I may need to use some expo spray but yeah there you go you can see it's coming off so just to show you guys I was able to get it all off again just using a dry erase marker color over top of it even like sharpie it will come off if you color on it with a dry erase marker first so it's given a couple more gifts this morning I have some lint truffles which I don't really need to be eating some homemade cookies that look absolutely amazing which again I probably shouldn't be eating but I'm going to eat it all now during the holidays so that I can have a fresh start in New Year's I got some more like Reese's again probably don't need it but that's okay I got like some Dunkin donut gift cards and look you guys I think this is my new favorite thing ever it is an ornament but it's one of like the sound ones and it plays I want a hippopotamus for Christmas I'm so excited so I was going through this bag of cookies not that I was eating and he totally wasn't doing that during my lunch uh-huh anyway I found this cookie in there that the girl decorated so stinking cute it's a little gingerbread house like they did better than I could like oh my goodness so adorable it is lunchtime but it is my day to stay in for recess so while I sit here and enjoy my lunch I have a couple of emails to answer then I'm gonna try to catch my breath because it has been a crazy day between having the fire drill this morning because of the gas leak and then missing a bunch of my planning time so with a planning time with my team teacher was really rushed and then I didn't have time to like get my copies that were made today like sorted and put together so it's just been a crazy morning so I'm gonna sit here I'm going to eat some cookies I'm going to catch my breath and answer some emails and try to get caught up it said I can have a productive afternoon so I meant to tell you this this morning but I forgot so at the staff meeting administration gave us each like one of these little jingle bell keychains because we can always hear them coming because they have their keys and they're always jingling so they gave us a keychains that they can hear us coming as well I thought that that was really cute and then at my custodian actually stopped by and gave me this Reese's it's a mug and a minute mug cake oh my goodness you guys and I thought that that was so so thoughtful because I always give a gift to my custodians but I would never in a million years expect them to give something to me because like they help me out every single day in my classroom so I thought that that was really sweet I'm actually gonna go in with a couple of other teachers and we are going to get like a joint gift card for the custodian but I may get them like something else too just because like my custodian is seriously amazing like he cleans all of my desks every single day like he is just amazing so I want to really make sure that he feels appreciated this holiday season good news I made it to the end of the day and there's only two days left until winter break it's definitely like getting a little bit more hectic and cuz they're a little bit crazier like it's totally to be expected but you can tell we are all itching for winter break because it's just super late this year and when I say we I mean the teachers and the students so it's okay we're getting through it tomorrow afternoon we do have an assembly so my block too will be cut short and then Friday is basically like just hold on until dismissal like it's just not a normal day at all and that's completely fine like I actually really enjoyed those days bad news last night I did not get those papers graded and I did not get those thank-you cards written I wanted to but like I didn't finish work until like midnight because I had to lesson plan and then after that I did fill out some like paperwork for Highlands for the Boston Marathon and I had to fill out like a client profile and that took a while like it's super exciting and it's like finally sinking in that I actually get to do this and like I was actually selected but I did have some things I had to take care of last night so I'm gonna try to get grading done tonight I have to get thank-you cards written tonight I also I'm gonna leave right now because it's 4:18 I need to go to another Dollar Tree to try to see if I can get more of the mini stockings so I have to drive to Bowie which it'll probably because of traffic it may take up to like 20-25 minutes to get there I'm gonna check that Dollar Tree and then Billy and I will go to the gym a go home a shower eat dinner grade write thank-you cards maybe try to come up with a different like plan for tomorrow right now I just have like the typical lesson plan from the curriculum but I thought about trying to come up with something like holiday related because I just feel bad like the kids have been working so hard and then they're gonna have to take that hunter question geography be like quiz on Friday and I just I want to make it like engaging for them because I can definitely tell like they're burnt out I'm burnt out like I want to make it fun so if I have the time tonight I don't know if it'll happen but I would like to try to come up with something like holiday related but for now I need to go to Dollar Tree because I have to finish getting gifts for my homeroom kids and then I wasn't gonna get gifts for my black kids cuz I told you it was just gonna be too many and I just do not have the time right now to try to make something like crafty or cute and I don't want to spend a ton of money and unfortunately two of my team teachers they gave things to their block kids and so then the kids who were my blocks are like well why did they get stuff and I didn't get stuff and it's like well now I have to go out and get them stuff and like I don't know I just I assumed we were all getting stuff for just our homeroom kids cuz to me that made the most sense that way every kid would definitely get something but because they gave things to their black kids and I didn't now like I look bad and like I have to get them something and I don't know I have no idea what I'm doing right now like I will try to figure it out when I get home so wish me luck so welcome to night time with Michelle I am currently listening to Demi Lovato on my computer and I am prepping gifts to give to my block one and block to students so here is what they actually look like I found these little like dough containers at the Dollar Tree they were eight for a dollar which is a steal so for sixty students which covers my block one in my block - it basically cost eight dollars which is not - had whatsoever and then I just made up these little tags on the computer it says we hope you have a delightful holiday break and then it's gonna be from my team teacher and I together we're gonna do just like a joint gift and the goal was to make this look like an ornament like hopefully that's what it actually looks like I don't know if I pulled it off or not but it was worth a shot so what I'm currently doing is cutting all of them apart I've probably got about half of them cut so far and then I to go through with an exacto knife and I have to cut out the circles that we can pop the dough containers in I wish I could use a hole punch I do have like a two inch punch but I tried out the hole with the actual dough containers and it's too big instead of a two inch hole this is like a 1.8 for the inch hole I literally had to try like four different times until I found the perfect fit so unfortunately I can't use a punch so I'm just using like an x-acto knife and I'm going to cut out all of the circles this seems like a good idea but I'm already regretting it [Music] good morning YouTube a long night last night let's start with the good news good news is I did get all of the like delightful tags cut out and I got these circles exacto knife 'add exacto knife it you know what I mean I got them like the circles cut out so all we have to do today is pump in the pleitos and then my team teacher is going to target this morning to get them some candy and I think that's gonna be good enough and then I still have to get together the presents for like my homeroom but I don't have to give that to them until tomorrow so I didn't worry about that last night I did get a couple of thank you cards written but not all of them because I ran out of thank-you cards and I know I said I was gonna get those at Dollar Tree and I've been to Dollar Tree like 4 times in the past two days completely forgot to get them so I will just have to use like other cards I have at school I think I have some that are like gold and white I think that's like Christmassy enough so I will just use those and I will try to get those written today this morning I am NOT gonna go to Dunkin Donuts because I need to go and get money I need to get cash I never carry cash on me and I have to give it to one of the other teachers for the custodians gift so I need to go to Royal Farms I need to get cash and then if I have time I might try to grab a coffee from like McDonald's or something I don't know I may be going without it today [Music] so today in my bag of goodies I have all of these little dough containers I have all of these that I cut the circle out of and then I actually have one of my student gifts because they are not going to be here tomorrow so my team teacher got candy canes and then we went ahead and put all of the dough containers inside the little tags and just for the record these all were in a very nice neat stack but then dough pocalypse happened and it just all fell apart so these are the thank-you cards that I wrote up last night and even though I was super busy yes I did take the time to draw a little Santa hat on each of their names hashtag details now that I have student gifts ready for my block students I am trying to prepare something for Chromebooks today because I have Chromebooks in both of my blocks and usually my students have to get on this math program it's called math facts in a flash it's really really boring like my students hate it cuz it's just basic fact practice and I don't feel like forcing them to go on it today like it's been a long week it's almost Christmas so I'm gonna do a Kahoot with them and I know I've told you all about Kahoot before but just in case you are new to my vlogs so this is what the student screen looks like the website is just Kahoot it I will link it for you in the description box I will project up on the board the game pin my students will enter that in and then they are in the game so they get to answer the questions as we go and it's super interactive and fun so I am actually making my own Kahoot what I love about Kahoot is there are hundreds and thousands of pre-made games that you can actually use I'm actually making my own today just because I couldn't find any that were exactly what I wanted so I'm making one just to review customary measurement like the units of measurement and practice converting them so I'm getting it ready now it will take me no more than like 10-15 minutes to prep and then I'll use it with both of my blocks and hopefully this will be enough to keep them engaged I also just went through the pages that we're gonna do for math today so this is like they pose a problem and then this is like the practice page and I made answer keys for both of those so now I think I'm officially ready for the day it is now lunchtime the morning was mostly pain for you it wasn't - too bad my students actually did a really good job during math they got through the posed a problem and then they got through the entire practice page we got to go over it so I was really proud of them for that and then after we had Chromebooks so we did that customary measurement kethu and then we finish that and we had a little bit of extra time so I actually let them do like a Christmas trivia Kahoot that I just found that someone else had made so they enjoyed that block to this afternoon is actually going to be shorter instead of two hours it's only gonna be an hour so I'm gonna kind of condense what we're doing for math and then we will have Chromebooks for the last half an hour and we will do the customary measurement one and then hopefully one of the Christmas trivia ones then we have an assembly and I think it's a magic show I'm not positive I'm pretty sure that's what it is this morning during study hall since we did not have cultural arts I did get a couple more like thank you notes written so I think I have I don't know maybe like eight more to do I have a couple from the other day that I haven't written and then what I got today I have to write them for so I think during my lunch I'm gonna try to get as many of them written as I can it didn't want to quickly show you all my outfit for today it's pretty basic but I have the same oh that's a close up they were the other day hold on he's there we go my little reindeer earrings that I got from Walmart and then this sweater so story time I got this water from Kohl's about four years ago and I got it cuz I was going to an ugly Christmas sweater party and I didn't own a Christmas sweater not that it's ugly it's actually really really cute but this is actually what I was wearing at the ugly Christmas sweater party when Billy and I met so it must be good the hug and then I have just like my red kind of maroon pants that I got from I want to say American Eagle and then black boots all right I have survived the second to last day before break so now we just have one more day tomorrow hallelujah it is pajama day we're building gingerbread houses once we get the 100 question geography B quiz then the rest of it will be fun stuff so I am excited the kids are a little bit crazy but we will just have home rooms tomorrow so it'll be a little bit easier like keeping the same kids all day super amazing news that so PTA came around to us at the end of the day and gave each of the teachers a $100 gift card which my jaw like I'm still trying to pick it up off of the floor because that just blew me away like I've never ever ever gotten something like that before from PTA I thought that that was absolutely amazing and like that just helps to offset some of the costs that we spend in our classroom and I'm just so incredibly thankful like I really really am I have to get out of here though because Billy and I are going to like a dinner for his at work so there was a Christmas party like two weeks ago but that was like a regional thing this is for just his office so I had to go home and I need to like shower and actually do my hair and my makeup and all that good stuff so I will catch up with you guys at tomorrow morning [Music] good morning YouTube let me just say TG IP D which if you don't know what that stands for thank goodness it's pajama day there is just something so much more motivating about waking up in the morning when you know that you get a put on comfy pajamas and you get to wear slippers I am all about pajama day last night was a very very low I didn't realize when we went to this dinner for Billy's work which was wonderful by the way the restaurant that we went to is in Annapolis it was absolutely amazing I got a crab mac and cheese it was an awesome time and I have to say like Billy's boss is just amazing like he treats his employees really really well but I did not know that we were going to be there very late so we didn't get home until after 10:30 and when I got home I had to package up my team teachers gifts I had to package up some other gifts were like the secretaries and my principal and vice-principal and I had to shower and then I had to write some thank-you cards which I got all but like to written I'm gonna try to get those written this morning but it was 1:30 and I'm like I need to go to bed so I am very very tired but it's okay one last table for break we're doing fun things after the Geography Bee and I am so ready to sleep in tomorrow good morning can I get a large iced vanilla latte and one of the chocolate frosted donuts with sprinkles don't be a thank you okay so these are my team teachers gifts I already actually delivered them to all my team teachers this one is for my TA and then these cards are for like the ladies up in the office my principal and assistant principal and then this is for my custodian I did go in with some other teachers I gave like ten dollars for a joint gift card but I wanted to just give him a little bit something extra because my custodian is seriously amazing and he worked so so hard and he always goes above and beyond this bag is filled with things that I'm going to give to what my homeroom students today so I think when they go to cultural arts I will put these out on their desks so I wanted to show you all my outfit for pajama day if you are like an OG subscriber and you were with me last year on Christmas I actually wore basically the same exact outfit but I wanted to show it to you guys anyway so I have it this oh hat that I wore in my Secret Santa video can't remember where I ended up getting it but probably like Target a year or two ago and then I have my red like polka-dotted pajamas and I got these from Kohl's or super super soft and super comfy and then I have my favorite part the slippers game from Target last year so I got quite a few of my thank-you cards written up last night but I think I have two more to do plus anything that I'm brought today so before my kids come in I'm gonna go ahead and write those last two and then I will try to get any other ones done during my planning time my desk is such a hot mess right now which in hindsight some of the things that I received like earlier on such as like these things probably should have taken them home and that would have prevented this but that's okay I think I'm just gonna leave it and like figure it out at the end of the day okay it is my planning time which is definitely not like actual planning time today I just went up and met with my assistant principal to go over my first SLO so that is done that's out of the way I would love to sit here and write think you know it's for the things I received today but there's no way I'm gonna get them all done like kids were just coming at me and handing me stuff I was like oh my goodness so I think I'm just gonna write those like over break and hand them out when we get back I hate doing that but there's just no possible way that I can get them all written right now so next order of business is to take all of the goodies for my homeroom class I'm gonna go ahead and put them out at their seats so when they come back from Cultural Arts they can look through them and then go put them in their locker so that I don't find them all around the classroom for the rest of the day [Music] so this is what I'm doing for my homeroom kids I kept it super simple like I wanted to get them the little stockings but I couldn't find enough and I'm like you know what like I think this is good enough I love my kids but I don't need gifts to show them that you know like I I don't know I have mixed feelings about teachers giving their students gifts like I love my students and I want them to know how much I appreciate them and how much I care for them but at the same time I don't want them to feel like getting gifts is the only way to be shown that but regardless I did get them at these little cups from the Dollar Tree that I showed you earlier in the week and then they each got a pencil a little eraser and a small candy cane that I will let them eat while we do the geography beat questions guess who has officially survived to winter break it is after school it's four o'clock so let me kind of like backtrack the last time I talked to you all was during my planning time when my students came back from PE we had to wait until band students came back I wanted to start the Geography Bee questions like right away but kids were in band so I had to kind of postpone it I read them the invisible boy because every month like our equity department picks a book to read aloud and that was the book for this month and we saved it for the last day so I read that to them we did the geography PE with you guys the questions are so hard like my kids are just sitting there like I have no idea and I'm like just guess like we got through all of that it was okay they were good sports about it then we went right to lunch because that took us all the way up until 12:15 and we get lunch at 12:20 after lunch and recess we came inside we did an ugly sweater at contest so my students ready to give it and hold on okay so the students were each given like a blanket sweater this is one that I made it says Mary sloth miss and they just had to decorate it and then we did like a gallery walk they went around and they looked at all of them and then they voted and the student who want I gave them like a dumb dumb or something but that was just fun they got to be creative and I got to sit and relax and like color and try to catch my breath then I gave them papers for them to make their gingerbread plans I gave them juice boxes they drank the juice boxes and then they used that for like the base of their gingerbread house to like build around to help stabilize it went to the cafeteria we built gingerbread houses for like 45 minutes it was very chaotic my kids were very sticky leaving but overall it was fun I really enjoyed just getting to see like their creative side and what they came up with and all that good stuff so I did have fun today but at the same time I am very very exhausted and I cannot wait to get home so here's my plan I need to clean off my desk area and just like my classroom in general because I do not like leaving it a mess before I leave for winter break so I'm gonna quickly do that and then I will catch back up with you all so just so we can see the before shot my desk is just an absolute disaster i stuff everywhere i stuff all over the floor it's a hot mess like I paper scattered all over here the classroom however isn't so so bad I just want to kind of like straighten up my tables and my groups and all that good stuff cuz they're kind of a hot mess but I'm gonna quickly just power through this get as much done as possible so that I can start my winter break [Music] so I had to show you guys this gift because it's just so incredibly like thoughtful and it just is so fitting with this week because I found out that I get to run in the Boston Marathon on Monday so this parent actually made like a Boston themed gift along with just some of my favorite things so first of all it's all like blue and yellow gold like those are the colors of the Boston Marathon and then there's gloves because these are like your throw away gloves you usually start with them at the beginning and then you take them off and you like throw them before you start the race and then it ends up getting like donated but you want cheap gloves that you can get rid of quickly and then there's like the Gatorade chews that have like energy and stuff and then look at this ornament absolutely beautiful the Unicorn is like the symbol of the Boston Marathon it's like chasing the Unicorn like going after something that's difficult to be caught and then they even put Boston 2018 on the back like absolutely amazing and there's like a Target gift card and a Starbucks gift card and Oreos and goldfish which are all my favorite and of course Reese's I just thought that that was absolutely incredible here is the after my desk is finally all cleaned off at the exception of my phone and the card for my custodian overall my room looks better it is by no means perfect but that's okay like it's good enough for now and when I come back that week that first week back from break I just want to make sure that I work like super super hard and get my room and just my life in general back in order but for now I need to go relax alright I am going to end the vlog here so that I can go home actually I need to go to the gym then I can go home and I can relax and I can enjoy my Christmas break so I hope you guys enjoyed this vlog if you did please give it a thumbs up that helps me out and it helps my channel out it helps this video be able to reach more teachers if you have not already subscribed to me go ahead and hit that subscribe button wherever it is like never remember and hit the little notification bell so that you get notified every time I post a new video overall for it being the week before Christmas like Christmas is on Monday and going all day every single day this week I'm super proud of my kids I do think they worked really hard it was chaotic it was hectic it was exhausting but that's okay like that's what these weeks are about and looking back at last year like I'm just mentally in such a happier place and I'm so appreciative of my students I'm so appreciative of my students family I'm so appreciative of my team teachers and my administration and just my school in general and I love where I am and I'm very very lucky to be here and I want to make sure that I keep that in my head and I remember that as often as possible because I look back in my old vlogs and I just I was very unhappy and seen like now what a difference it makes like being where I feel that I belong it's just wonderful I'm super super excited to start training for the Boston Marathon for now my coach told me just to keep doing what I'm doing and then we will start actually training come January so I hope you guys are interested I'm gonna be playing a little bit more of that into my blogs what I'm eating how I'm training what I'm doing all that good stuff I'm gonna be blogging it the entire way so I haven't decided yet if I'm just gonna keep it like in my weekly vlogs as normal or if I'm gonna create like separate like fitness blogs for the week and just recap like my workouts and my nutrition and all that in a separate blog I don't know so if you have input just let me know down below I'd be interested to hear what you guys have to say but for now I'm just super super excited I'm very honored that I'm picked to be on the team and yeah so I'm going to end it so I can get going on my Christmas break as always I love you all so much don't forget to think positive and I will catch you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use the link right up here in the description box you'll find links for my teachers pay teacher's store along with my Pio address if you're interested thank you for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 197,552
Rating: 4.9129939 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, christmas break, winter break, christmas in the classroom, big news, big announcement, michelle ferre
Id: Sx_S7-mkyUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 28sec (3388 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2017
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