Stomach Flu and Sub Plans | Teacher Evolution Ep 13

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I don't want to write something when you leave and you are the only car in the parking lot like I'm trying to do what's best for my students and I know that I have to look out for me too but it's just it's hard because I just feel like that doesn't matter as much as like making sure that they get what they need [Music] good morning YouTube today is hot day so we've been having spirit days on like Mondays for the month of October for me that is just an excuse to not do my hair but I will fully take my school up on that option I feel like I had a pretty productive weekend I got two videos edited which I feel like it's been forever since I've been able to do that I edited my birthday vlog and got that posted and I edited my vlog from last week and got that posted I also got a product up on TPT which that has not happened in a very very long time I posted my conference form so those are ready to go holla yeah I feel good about that and then I got a little bit of lesson planning last night done that was a weird way to work that I got lesson planning done last night not as much as I had wanted but I'm actually gonna be trying math like groups for the first time in my exploratory class most of our math instruction is like whole group which is great for my higher learners but some of my lower learners like it just does not work because I have to be able to pull them in small group to reteach so I'm gonna try small groups I'm gonna have students independently doing like task cards around the room and then I'm gonna have it to like small groups working with the teacher I'm gonna have some kids and but my TA is gonna have some kids so fingers crossed it actually goes well I need to go get coffee and then I need to be as productive as possible during my like extra planning time this morning and my actual planning time because I have a lot of stuff to get done the whining how about you good morning can I get a medium iced vanilla latte please oh yeah that'll be it thank you so for math groups today I wanted to show you what I'm doing these are from I think it's Blair Turner's math centers maybe I don't know I will link whatever it's from in the description box but I printed off these multiplication mania game boards so this one is board C and this one has one digit by three digit multiplication so my students working with bud will be practicing this so this is like the directions and the spinner and then I have two game boards and then I have the answer case so they have to check their answer with her and then I also printed off game board D which is one digit by four digit multiplication that's what I'm gonna be working on with my group and then my students who are working independently are going to do with these test cards around the room they're gonna use the partial product strategy and record it on the recording sheet I honestly made these up like super super quick last night I was trying to find task cards on TPT and I could not find exactly what I wanted and I'm really particular like some of them have like cute borders and stuff but I'm like is that really necessary sometimes I feel like it's distracting so I wanted just very simple cards so I made these up honestly I had plans when I was in second grade to make like task cards for all of the standards but make very like differentiated one so even within the same standard like this having like all different kinds of like multiplication so I obviously never did that for second grade so I think I'm gonna do it for fourth grade it's probably gonna take me like all year to get them done but that's okay like I'll have them for next year but if this is something you guys are interested in just like let me know or let me know like something specific that you want per task cards that you find like difficult to come across on the Internet and then I'm using my rotation boards to actually run the centers I will link this for you in the description box even though my students aren't rotating they're just gonna each do like one station I'm still using this to help divide them so I have three groups and then I just used the two rotation one so over here I just put like their group name so pink group there on the front carpet green group as are on the room and blue group is at the back table I'm gonna list the student names here and then over here I have the activity that they're doing and for the timer because this is actually in Google slides I just took my rotation boards and open them up in Google slides and I did have to reinforce this timer but then when I present it it will actually start on its own counting down and we're gonna spend about 20 minutes doing this so I'm gonna go through now and add my student names so I got food this morning which the nice thing is because I started like a new train I don't have to do anything I just get to enjoy this so it looks like there's a lot of candy like some Kit Kats although I'm pretty sure chocolate is like the last thing that I need right now oh we see yeah this is gonna happen at lunch time there is a mini pumpkin and that's really cute there are these pins which came from the target dollar spot it's really sad that I know that this is like the little sign that I'll put outside my door to say that I've been food these are like gel clings which this is actually really good I can put this on the window of my door because I don't have any decorations right now and then there's this like chalkboard sign and it has like orange color on the side so that's really cute and then there are these like necklaces which I can wear during Halloween time so I had but my ta make copies this morning so I'm going to go through a binder clip all of these and then follow them away and all of my drawers [Music] it is now after school I did not really vlog during my planning time because I was focusing on getting as much grading done as possible cuz I had a lot of students turn things in to me this morning because I gave it to their parents during the conference - - over the weekend and then during lunch I actually had a lunch bunch so my homeroom class because we got all new seats I took the group that had the most number of points they ate lunch with me tomorrow I'm gonna do my block one group that had the most points and then on Wednesday I will do my block two group that had the most points so it's gonna be a busy week ANCA with lots of lunch wentest that's okay I enjoy spending that like smaller group time with them it's after school I have a lot more grading to do just things from today that my students turned in and all that good stuff so I'm gonna work on getting that done and then I have a conference I think at 5:15 originally was supposed to be at 6:00 and then she emailed me yeah it's at 5:15 so I'm gonna get that done with and then I'm gonna head home for the day life update it is now 6:30 I've graded everything with the exception of pre assessments that my block two did today so I think I'm just gonna wait and do those like tomorrow morning because I don't I've looked over them enough that like I know who gets it and who doesn't but I'm actually going to go through and like do all the data and put it in my data chart and all that tomorrow because I'm not staying later I'm gonna get out of here I do have to work on lesson plans for tomorrow at home tonight but other than that I am done good morning YouTube okay what is this hair doing I had a pretty productive night last night or at least I feel like I did I did end up grading those pre assessments for my black two kids and I got that date all done which I feel really good about I have a couple kids who like didn't finish so I have to give this back to them but I need that for Wednesday so if I can get that all done today that would be great I got my lesson plans done for today but I'm finding it hard to get like anything else done like I can't work on stuff for TPT I can't edit like I'm just exhausted and I feel like by the time I finish all of that it's like 10 o'clock and I'm like okay I'm just done like I'm checked out for the day I'm just gonna lay here I did do a like charcoal face mask and it hurt it hurt more than I thought it would to like take it off and maybe I didn't put it on thick enough I don't know but it was really funny because I just put it like around my nose and then on my chin and I turned around and I wanted Billy to do it with me and he had put it on his entire face I'm like oh that's gonna hurt so bad when you but yeah I'm trying to like make sure each day I do like a little thing for myself something to help me relax I know I get coffee every morning so that's kind of doing something for myself every day but whatever that's really just for my sanity and then I have to do something to like motivate me to get my work done so I'm gonna head to school I have a meeting this morning and then I'm gonna miss my team planning because I have to go to that and then tomorrow we have a CDM meeting and then we have a stick meeting one of these days I don't know so many meetings y'all like feel like as a teacher all you do is go to meetings grade stuff and then try to teach kids in between come on how may I help you good morning can I get a large iced pumpkin latte please Becky yeah that'll be it thank you so I ordered these Avery Table of Contents dividers off of Amazon and they came last night I got two packs I currently have a pack in my homeroom student data binder that's where I have all of their like emergency papers and things like that but I also wanted to organize my black one and my black two using these dividers especially now that I'm starting to make copies of like tests and quizzes and things plus I have like conference forms and everything else I want to go ahead and get those organized so I'm going to put these into the data binders probably not until after school cuz I don't really have time right now I'd rather go over my plans but I'm actually looking forward to that I know that sounds really weird but I love organizing stuff and I was given another Apple this morning by one of my homeroom students he actually said he picked it himself which is awesome so I will enjoy this during my lunch today it is now my planning time I totally give this morning I did not have that meeting it's not until next Tuesday so I was able to meet with my team which was nice I went ahead and got everything laid out that I need for today so I'm gonna sit and like great a couple things I need to go run to the bathroom I also need to write sub plans because I'm out tomorrow for a PD so it's probably gonna be a long day today it is now after school it's about 4:10 I just spent a couple of minutes making a to-do list so that hopefully I can stay focused and be as productive as possible this afternoon so I need to organize my block 1 & 2 student data binders with these dividers that I showed you earlier I need to attach a new shelf so in one of my cabinets and I'll show you guys that in a minute I have an extra shelf but I don't have any of these like plastic things that actually hold the shelf so I ordered these off of Amazon and I'm like 90% sure that they're the right ones I honestly just kind of guessed but I'm gonna put up that shelf and kind of finish organizing that cabinet and then I need to grade just a couple of papers that I have from today that shouldn't take me long at all and then I need to write sub plans for tomorrow since I am out for a math PD [Music] [Music] okay so sympathize with me for a minute please tell me I'm not the only person who has this problem you know I made my to-do list I organized those student data binders like there is no tomorrow I attach the new shelf and rearrange stuff in there although I have to order more clips because I didn't realize I have two extra shelves so I'm gonna order more clips so that I can put the other one in there but still I got that done and I graded papers and the only thing left is sub plans and I'm just sitting here and I'm like I don't want to write something as I don't like writing sub plans and I even have like my nifty little sub plan template and I shouldn't mind it I do I just hate writing sub land so I'm sitting here just like procrastinating in every way possible like I walked out of my team teachers rooms I'm like talking to them and I just don't want to write some plan so someone come write them for me please I know I sound pathetic like this is really not a big deal and I'm just being a baby but I just don't feel like writing sub plans [Music] just oh you know like two hours later I finally am all set up for my sub honestly it's partially my fault because I haven't really made my like sub binder for this year I know horrible teacher moment but let's be real like we all have things that we just slack on and I honestly just haven't gotten to it so I had to type a lot of the procedures and stuff into my actual set plan so I'm just gonna show you guys how I have it set up right here are my actual sub plans these are my sub plan templates they are editable I have them in my TPT store and I will link them for you down below actually you guys it is an editable PowerPoint document but I uploaded it to my google drive and then I just opened it as Google slides which let me show you how to do that I put this into my drive and then I just double click on it and up here open with I go to Google slides now when you open this with Google slides because I had like tables there a blue color in the background but I actually just edit that and I put in text boxes instead so these I literally just took them deleted them and then I just inserted text boxes and typed my text in there but this template will work in Google slides and honestly I really really liked it like just having it on here because then worse come to worse if I ever have these sub plans and let's say I can't make it into school now I do have emergency sub plans so this probably wouldn't happen but if it did I could actually just send this to one of my team teachers and then they could print it out for me yeah I typed up all of my plans for the day it is like five pages long it's kind of crazy I'm not gonna lie but I like to be very very thorough so then the next page I have is all about emergency procedures normally I would put this in my sub binder but again I haven't done that yet so I just printed out this one page and put it there the next page is a student roster for all of my blocks followed by a dismissal list so I'm not going to show you those but underneath I do have a how was your day so they so they can fill out well-behaved students not behaved students visitors phone calls and any notes and then underneath I'm not gonna show you but I just have my seating chart for homeroom block 1 and block 2 and then back here I have a Breezies and it just says for your enjoyment then I have laid out my math copy so I labeled them math block 1 math block - and then math early finishers they're most for my block one but any students can use them I don't really care so I just put our Li finishes on there then I have social studies which these are both for black one and black two so I just labeled those I have my folder and I labeled it folder for attendance and notes from home then I have slide so usually these are the slides that I project on the board I just printed out copies so they can actually put them under the document camera and still protect them so I labeled the projector remote and I actually went through you guys are kinda think I'm crazy I went through each slide and actually labeled like what time they need to display it so the morning works I'd displayed from 855 to 9:15 block one display at 10:35 locked to display at 125 and then dere time I'm just blocking student names but they will display this from 320 to 335 and then those blue papers that were there are just papers to go home at the end of the day I do have a sticky note on those as well but I turned some over because they have student names so I think I'm as organized as I can be he at this point it's not the greatest and I say I feel bad that I don't have my actual sub binder but come to think of it I honestly don't think a lot of subs even read the Sun binder so I feel like I have you know all of my plans I have a student roster I have an emergency procedures list I have dismissal lists I have pretty much everything they could possibly need worse come to worse they can always ask one of my team teachers if they need help and on that note it is 8:30 I had no idea was gonna stay asleep I was only hoping to stay into like 7:00 maybe 7:30 but it took a lot longer than I thought to get all that ready so I'm gonna like rush out of here go home good news is I don't have anything that I have to get done tonight when I get home so I'm gonna go eat watch jeopardy and then just relax for the night I don't know how much I'm gonna be able to vlog tomorrow because I am gonna be in PD all day good news is I'm with my team teacher so I'm not by myself but I just don't know how much I will actually be able to vlog but I will catch up with you guys sometime tomorrow when you leave and you are the only car in the parking lot good morning YouTube so it is 7:30 today I am NOT going to school I'm going to a Community College kind of I like BWI Airport if any of you guys know where that is I am going to a fourth grade math single subject cohort so it's basically for teachers of the advanced math class I don't really know what all we're doing I know we had to give a pre-assessment to our students on Monday on like fractions and I know we're analyzing that for like data and stuff I don't really know what else this is all about so I will find out I am going to treat myself to chick-fil-a this morning because it doesn't start until 8:30 so I have an hour to get there and it's only about a 25 minute drive so I should have had plenty of time I'm gonna get chick-fil-a and then maybe if I get there early I'll have time to like sit in my car and enjoy it I'm gonna get on with our friends and coffees which I loved last night it was tiring because I didn't get home until 9 o'clock and my time I ate dinner it was like 10 o'clock but the good thing was I didn't have to do anything else so when I finished eating like I just went I think I got in bed and that was really nice so it's stuck having this day it's going too late 30 but at the same time it was nice like getting home and not having to think about school at all so I'm gonna go get my coffee and we check the leg and then I'll catch up with you guys later on hi can I get a number two meal with a frozen coffee please that'll be yet no thank you Michelle thank you so I want a book which I usually never win stuff like whenever they do drawings for prizes and things I just don't even pay attention so I'm like I never win but they pulled my name out second I got to pick out from a table so I picked this book cranium crackers it's like critical thinking activities for higher-level learners and just ways to like challenge them for like gifted talented students and it actually worked out well because like my team teacher was there with me so then we'll be able to share this book so that was a very nice silver lining today there's a really bad glare of my glasses so I'm just gonna take those off we did get out early we were supposed to end at 3:30 and it's 3 o'clock and we are done hallelujah my team teacher and I went to lunch I forgot to bring my camera and block it but we just went to Jersey Mike's we are actually at a like Community College that's around here and it's right next to a mall so we went over and we got Jersey Mike's and I saw a Dollar Tree so I think I'm gonna go over there even though I have a million and a half sandwich containers because I'm now using them to also store my fraction tiles I need a couple more so I'm gonna go just like check and I honestly haven't gone to Dollar Tree in quite some time so I'm gonna go just look around I'm gonna go to the post office cuz usually I struggle to get there before it closes and then I think I'm gonna go home and like start working on plans and stuff for tomorrow because Billy and I are gonna meet at the gym but that's not gonna be in till like 7:15 ish so I should have some extra time which is really nice maybe that means I won't have to be 14 as late tonight so sweat be my luck I finally find a sandwich container and it's missing the clip on this side and you better believe I'm looking through the entire store trying to find it [Music] [Applause] good morning YouTube but today is one of those days where I just really don't care how I look I'm feeling so tired lately and I don't know why because the past few nights I've gone to bed much earlier than I normally do by like 10:30 10:45 I'm in bed and trying to go to sleep I've been falling asleep really quickly because I'm so tired but yet I sleep in as late as possible this morning I got up at 7 quickly showered put my wet hair back into a bun didn't put makeup on I just can't like I'm just so tired so maybe it's like catching up to me from that day staying really late and doing sub plans I don't know but I do have really really good news a billy got a job and I know he already got a job and I told you guys that but he got like a full time job which month with much better pay and benefits and all that he has been working at a political consulting firm in DC which is what he wants to do like obviously he wants to work a political job and specifically like he wants to work for a consulting firm but he had a temporary job so it was only through December the pay was not good at all like he was basically making minimum wage he was commuting an hour there and an hour back and it just wasn't working out and we knew that so ironically I told you guys that he had interviewed with State Farm and all that well they didn't hire him but apparently the person they did hire like ended up leaving so they called him back like last week he went in for an interview on Monday and then he got the call yesterday that he did get the job so even though it's not political and it's not really what he wants to do long term a it is much closer to where we live so it'll only be like a 15 20 minute commute rather than an hour be it is much better pay and see he can do this while he works on getting his master's and then that will make him more qualified for some of the jobs in DC but I need to head to school because I have to fill out a conference form I do have a conference this morning at 8:30 for a student who was not like the family was out of town last week what just happened in my place so I did the conference this morning and I'm gonna go get coffee get to school do that and I'll catch up with you guys at like lunch time I don't have cultural arts today unfortunately how did the market obvious hi can I get a medium iced coffee with the French vanilla swirl and cream please so this is the aftermath from my substitue honestly pretty good like I'm really really happy - everything's in a pile that makes it easy for me no idea why there's a random driver esport there but that's okay and I looked in my turnin bins and actually all of my papers are like clip together even with the correct color clip so I don't know how that happened but that's awesome and that put me in a good mood for the day this is what my students are gonna work on today so this morning we have chorus so a lot of students will be leaving and then we're gonna have our study hall time because we don't actually have like cultural arts like I don't have planning time while my students are doing their study hall I've got to pull kids to FMP which you guys apparently some people don't know what I'm saying to F and P which is fondness and pennell benchmark assessment system it's a way to assess student reading I'm gonna do that then when course students come back we are gonna take our essay which is a reading skills assessment and then I'm gonna be FM paying for the rest of the day so this is what our students are gonna be working on this was given to us by the ela teachers and since we're gonna be in homeroom classes everyone's just gonna be working on the same thing so I've got about a half an hour to fill out my parent-teacher conference report so this is in my TPT store if you are interested its editable you can edit the grades and I have different numbers of like rows and you can edit the work habits and behaviors I do think I'm gonna go back and make some of these other parts editable as well but right now if you do purchase this and I'll link it for you in the description you can edit the grades work habits behavior and then I'll work on getting the rest of it editable as well because I've already had a couple requests for that good news it is lunchtime the morning that's actually gone really well my conference this morning went amazing and then all morning my students have been working on our essay so the reading skills assessment it's on the computer so I've been able to get like some pages and stuff organized like I've had to go around and answer some questions and like helping them get on to the computer and all that but overall it went really well this afternoon they're gonna work on assignments for ela and I'm gonna be bass testing I did get two kids done this morning during study hall I'm sorry I'm brain dead right now I'm really really done I dig it too gets done for bass or FMP this morning during study hall so that's good I'm hoping I can get through three or four this afternoon maybe because we don't have that much longer than we could keep working on it but I'm gonna enjoy my lunch and I'll catch up with you guys at the end of the day so it is already like five o'clock which is partially my fault because I was in my team teachers room after school and we were helping her like a ranger Dez and I've got nothing done but I'm actually gonna get out of here because Billy left work early because he had to go to State Farm to do something so we're gonna meet at the gym at 5:15 instead of 7:15 which is gonna be really nice that means I'm gonna have to do a lot of grading at home I tried to get some grading done while my students were working on their tests this morning but because I had a sub yesterday and my students did a lot of like book work and they did a quiz that means I have a lot of grading to get done so I'm gonna bring it home with me if I don't get to it like it's not the end of the world but I'm gonna go ahead and get out of here because it's like 450 I need to get to the gym and get changed so it was a very fast day I did get through a lot of FMP I got through at seven students so I now have 12 done which is good enough I think for now but yeah I'm gonna leave and I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow I know I sound tired it's because I am okay just kidding Billy just texted me and said that we need to push it back to 5:30 so I'm gonna show you some notes and things that my students gave me today because they took the assessment this morning when they finished they had time to either like read or draw and this girl made me there's like an entire book I'm not gonna show you the whole thing but I just saw this note on the back it's so sweet says hi mr. a I just want to say I'm really lucky to have a teacher like you like seriously all the feels right now and then this one that says miss for a dear mr. a you are the best I really wish you were my teacher cuz this girl's in just my homeroom I don't get to actually teach her and it says you are nice funny really funny really nice pretty really pretty and every comment in the world I hope you like my jolly and then it says PS don't tell miss Li or miss hi and then this would ever hear a happy Halloween and it they put from your favorite student which I always tell them they're all my favorite students which is completely true [Music] good morning YouTube I had a miserable miserable night last night and it's not very often that I say that last night first of all before I left school I'm gonna gross you guys out and I'm not trying to oh but like just so you know what I kind of went through so I was by this way I had to go the bathroom a lot last night and it happened first before I left school and then it happened like when I left the gym and then it happened like 15 more times before I went to bed and it was really bad and I was like okay whatever like finally by eleven o'clock like I was good and that bathroom anymore I was like okay I think it's passed so I go to bed woke up at 3 a.m. and throw up literally 12 times um and I drink like water cuz I'm like I'm gonna be very dehydrated I have nothing left in my system like it got to the point where I was just trying to throw up and there was nothing like to even come out and like I drink water and then five minutes later throw up all the water like I can't keep anything down and I know you guys are gonna be like why didn't you take yourself you shouldn't be there if you're sick and I know that but like when it's 3:00 a.m. I don't want to sit there alright sub plans + I'm trying to get in all the curriculum before the test and like with my block one like I literally don't have any time to spare plus I have to meet with my right start advisor this morning you know plus I have to meet with my room parents this afternoon so it's like I just can't take off and I hate that I hate that about D teen like you can sit there and be throwing up and like not take a sub because it's that much of an inconvenience to you and I don't know where I'm like starting to cry I'm just don't feel good my throat like birds from it and uh like I want to go get a cold like frozen coffee because I want something for my throat but at the same time like I know that's probably not good for me but like nothing is good for me right now like I can't keep anything down it's already like 7:30 you can tell I put a lot of effort in my parents this morning I'm gonna go get on the road I guess I'm gonna go to Dunkin Donuts I don't know I'll figure it out between here and there so I ended up just going to a gas station I got myself a Gatorade cuz I know I'm gonna be really dehydrated I got some Cheerios that I can try to snack on this morning and I got a soup I wanted to get a banana because I know potassium is good but they didn't have any like fresh fruit or anything so this is gonna have to do so I think the highlight of my day so far was a student bringing me homemade strawberry jam alright it is my planting time and I had team planning because my team teacher and I didn't get a chance to do it Wednesday and I'm like in really rough shape right now I'm also starting to get a migraine and I get really bad like auras with it where I can't really see so right now like this side of my vision I literally can't even see so I don't know how I'm gonna survive through today I did eat Cheerios and my stomach feels like okay right now but I feel like I'm like still on the verge of feeling like I'm gonna be sick and I'm just I'm so done with today it isn't at lunchtime as you can tell I think right now it's like I don't know why like I'm just when we first switched and my black one dudes gave it like I just started crying like I couldn't even control it and then when I dropped my students off at lunch and came back like I just and I think it's because I just don't feel good like I literally think it's just because I feel that bad and like I'm shaky I've drank like a little bit of my Gatorade but I don't want to like overdo it because I don't want to get sick again the Cheerios did stay down so that's good but I just can't really eat anything for lunch I'm gonna try to eat some like popcorn like something with salt to help me retain more water but yeah I'm not doing great I told you I was it like getting a migraine I had like the auras where I couldn't see but I ended up getting like the actual migraine and it's mostly gone now honestly I think it's from being dehydrated because everything I went through last night and then in the middle of the night like there's just nothing left in my body the days halfway over I know like in hindsight like I shouldn't have been here today like I know that but at the same time at 3:00 a.m. like I didn't want to sit there and write sub plans and I didn't want to just use like emergency plans that are like basically busy work and I didn't want to give that to my students because we have so much that we have to fit in before the upcoming assessment and another like week we can have so I don't know it's a catch-22 like I know I probably shouldn't be here and I know people are gonna yell at me all right but like I'm trying to do what's best for my students and I know that I have to look out for me too but it's just it's hard because I just feel like that doesn't matter as much as like making sure that they get what they need so I'm gonna go keep my fingers crossed for the afternoon it is after school as you can see my desk is a hot mess like I just have papers everywhere so for lunch I ate like half a bag of popcorn I did have soup but I just could not stomach it so I guess I'm gonna take it home and maybe try to eat it tonight I am feeling a little bit better or like I don't feel as just downright horrible because my Migrante away but I definitely don't feel good so I'm gonna say for just a little bit try to get some stuff cleaned up so I gave this to one of my girls in my black one this was like a challenge for her and she had to come up with as many different multiplication sentences that would equal 2280 as she cut and I promised her I would give her a candy corn for each one that she came up with and I am so impressed like look at some of these she used like fractions so 1/8 x 80240 1/32 x 70 2960 like i was just so impressed so i have 4 candy corn all counted out and bagged for her she found 42 different equations that worked so I'm gonna give her 42 candy corn on Monday okay my team teachers are not really not made to go home it's like 4:30 ish I think I'm gonna get out of here now I need some feedback from you guys you will notice I didn't really include any like mail haul in this video I've kind of gotten conflicting opinions from people some people really like to see it some people don't because I know it does take up a lot of the video so give me some feedback down below do you want to see it do not want to see it would you rather see it in like a separate video like maybe I don't know once a month I post like a video that's all just like mail stuff but I want feedback because I do want to give you guys what you want to see and if you want to see it like I can record that for another video but I don't think I'm gonna keep including it in my vlogs because it does tend to like weigh them down and it takes up a lot of time so just give me some feedback let me know or if you've ever gone through something like I did today where I had some kind of like stomach flu and still had to go through school and then the milk gained a migraine leave a comment let me know make me feel better yeah I do feel okay right now but I don't feel good at all like it has not gone away should be an interesting night so I'm gonna end it here if you enjoyed this video or if you feel bad for me for being at school today and give the video a thumbs up it helps out this video and it helps it to be able to reach more teachers don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already so that you don't miss any future videos as always thank you for watching I love you all so so much don't forget to think positive and I'll catch you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use the link right up here in the description box you'll find links for my teachers pay teacher's store along with my Pio address if you're interested thank you for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next one
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Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, sub plans, writing sub plans, sub plan template, substitute teacher, substitute teacher vlog, sick teacher
Id: pTD-IA9a33k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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