How I Lesson Plan As a Teacher | Pocketful of Primary

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it's gonna be a crazy day [Music] you know what I was not the best teacher that I could be this afternoon I had to yell at my kids I'm very frustrated I was overwhelmed every single day I want to become a better teacher good morning YouTube I am warning you in advance that I already know I'm barely gonna be able to vlog today it's gonna be a crazy day first I have team planning this morning with the fourth grade team second during my planning time I have a phone crew coming to film something I will tell you more about that in the future but I can't right now and then my intern is starting at the end of the day which actually I'm really excited about and then at the end of the day I have to leave like ASAP to get home to do the rest of the filming with the film crew so just a heads up probably not gonna get a lot of footage today but if you're watching this make sure you stay tuned because later on in the vlog I am gonna show you all how I am lesson planning this year it's totally different than I've ever lesson planned in the past but I'm really excited about it so I'm gonna go ahead and get to school and then maybe I'll catch up with you there I don't know [Music] I got to work a little bit early so I do have a couple of extra minutes to show you what I'm doing for math today first of all I got this math reference sheet it wasn't from TPT it was actually from a different website so I will link it but it just has all kinds of different information that my kids will need like a multiplication char place value triangles quadrilaterals that kind of stuff so I printed them half sheets so it was two to a page so I printed 30 pages 460 total sheets and cut them apart I did print them in color because I have HP instant ink so it doesn't matter if I print a page of black and white or a page of color it counts as the same for me I'm gonna give these to my students to glue on the back of their cover of their math notebook that way they have it all year with my black one we are still practicing prime and composite number so I'm gonna give them a hundred to chart this is a filled-in one this is like the answer key they're gonna get a blank one and they're gonna work with a partner or small group to figure out if the numbers are prime or composite if it's prime they're gonna color green if it's composite they're gonna color it yellow now there's no way I expect my kids to do the whole chart so what I've done to kind of differentiate it is based on where I know my students are right now with their abilities I have a group of kids who are doing one through twenty a group of kids who are doing 21 through 40 a group of kids who are doing 41 through 60 a group of kids who are doing 61 through 80 and a group of kids who are doing 81 through a hundred that way the numbers get larger therefore more difficult and it differentiates it pretty easily so once that group does their little section if they have time they can move on and keep doing the other numbers if not at the end we're gonna all come together we're going to create one big anchor chart so the color and the rest of the numbers that they didn't get to and then they're gonna glue it in their math notebook so that they have it and then with my block - they don't need quite this much like hands-on practice so they're gonna play a game this is part of our curriculum so I can't share it but it's called prime and composite pass they need to dice a game board and colored counters so basically they're gonna roll the dice and they're going to add the numbers together if the number is prime they're gonna mark a prime number on here if the number is composite they're going to mark a composite number on here so that's really good because they're really getting double the practice with identifying the numbers as prime or composite and if I have some students who are doing a really good job with it instead of the numbers I will have them multiply em so that way they're working with larger numbers I think they're trying to get ya a straight line of four numbers horizontally vertically or diagonally so it has been a very hectic start of my morning but we're holding on it's all good I had the crew come and do the filming this morning and like it was also kind of a photo shoot and they were awesome it was just hectic because then as soon as I finished with them I had to pick up my class and then we are switching for science and social studies for the first time so the students who came to me for science I know some of them like from around the halls but I don't know all of them so they were brand new kids same things gonna happen this afternoon and then I also have my interns starting this afternoon so it's just gonna be a little bit hectic but that's okay we're getting through it and regardless I'm just trying to smile and having a good day happy to see my kids again happy to finally be feeling better some focusing on the positives instead of the overwhelmingness that is Monday morning good morning YouTube I apologize for not having my typical morning scenes and I'm not in my car but what happened was yesterday I left right as my kids were dismissed like as soon as Alaska got on the bus I was out of there because I had to get home ASAP for the rest of the video shoot and I completely forgot to take my camera with me I'm not gonna lie I'm very tired today I'm exhausted yesterday was just very draining but it was a really good day by the video shoot during my planning time that went well I had new classes for science so I was trying to learn 30 names in the morning 30 names in the afternoon I got I don't know probably like 2/3 of them but there's still some kids or I'm like oh I don't remember your name so that will be my goal today is to learn all of their names it's hard though because I only have them for like 35 40 minutes so I don't have a lot of time with him and then my intern started in the afternoon so she was basically just observing because it was her first time like in my room but I'm excited to have her it's a new day today should be a less hectic day because I've planning time this morning and I have planning time during my actual play time so I'm gonna try to catch my breath I have a little bit of grading to do and just kind of cleaning up from yesterday because like I said I just had to leave from here and that's not typical for me but we're gonna make it a good day tomorrow we are off school so this week's wall will probably be shorter than Cole but hashtag real-life so here's my breakfast of champions this party and I use that term very sarcastically because this is not healthy at all but this is the dunkin donuts ice coffee that one of my students brought me last week super excited to enjoy that and then these Velveeta like breakfast biscuits are amazing these are the pumpkin spice are like a limited edition flavor they're so so good they're definitely not like super healthy but they're amazing so if you have not had these and you like like pumpkin flavored things you would love these [Music] all right I check him in with you all it is about 6 o'clock I'm almost ready to get out of here good news is I have been productive our first check for understanding which is basically an exit ticket I got graded and put in the grade book our second one which we took today I'm gonna take home with me and grade I also got some planning done for Friday so with my block 2 on Fridays we will be doing M cubed which looks like this they're basically like advanced challenging type of lessons so right now we're working on it factors and multiples prime and composite numbers those types of things and this one is factors multiples and leftover so if you just Google M cubed which stands for mentoring mathematical minds you can find these books I don't know how expensive they are if they're not provided by your district but they are great for advanced learners but I have that ready to go for Friday I'm gonna bring this home with me just because we are off school tomorrow yay and I want to be as productive as possible so I may spend a little bit of time kind of planning out this entire unit so I can have all the slides ready to go cuz right now I just have part of the first lesson which we are doing on Friday ready that being said I am gonna go ahead and get out of here since I mentioned we are off school tomorrow I will not be vlogging but I am gonna be filming other stuff so don't worry you will get to see that later on but I will catch up with you all online at Thursday good morning YouTube I had an excellent day off yesterday I was able to film a video for you all and then I prepped some new games for my classroom I didn't bring them today but I'll probably bring them tomorrow and show you then and Billy and I went to a childish gambino concert in DC last night and it was absolutely amazing but if I look tired it's because I am tired we didn't get home until about midnight because we took my churro in and then took Metro back so I am very tired and I think what I'm gonna do is swap my coffee day which is usually on Friday is to today so that I can get a little bit of energy and me a little bit of caffeine and then tomorrow I will just go without coffee so I'm gonna go get me some and then I'll catch up with you all at school good morning can I get a medium iced vanilla latte please [Music] so best Thursday ever we actually had breakfast provided this morning that was by like a local catering company that does like waffles and things so I've got a waffle with some strawberries and blueberries some syrup a piece of sausage a piece of bacon and some orange juice I'm in my happy place now I got myself a magic 8-ball off of Amazon so I want to explain what I'm using this for first of all for any of my younger subscribers who maybe don't know what this is that you ask it a question you shake it and then the answer will surface on the other side hold on I'm trying to like do it throw away there we go so I was inspired by CJ from real rap with Reynolds I will link his channel in the description he teaches high school and he actually uses this if his students ask to go to the bathroom he has them ask the magic 8-ball I cannot do that with elementary school and honestly it just doesn't bother me when my students go to the bathroom but I am gonna use it for when my students are constantly asking me like can I go get this from my locker I left this in this other class can I go get it so from now on when they asked me something like that I'm gonna have them ask them out trick 8-ball if it says yes they can go do it if it says no then they can't I don't know if I'm gonna keep doing this throughout the year but I thought it would at least be a fun thing to try and you know maybe keep my kids more entertained and you know what that it's not me saying no it's a magic 8-ball saying though it is now my lunch time I usually don't vlog during my lunch but I'm actually feeling very like stress-free today my students took a quiz in math and they've done really really well like I'm honestly really proud of them and they're going back into their notes and they're looking at it and I just feel really good about it so I feel very stress free I also like to put on strings music while my students are taking quizzes it's down very low so it's not distracting to them and if I ever have a student tell me it is distracting I turn it off but typically my students really like it and it just creates this very calm atmosphere in the room so morning has been really good I'm looking forward to having a good afternoon and before I know it it will be the weekend [Music] so today I am staying a little bit late it's almost 6:30 however personally I don't mind stainle if I'm being productive and I'm getting things done and it's gonna make me feel less stressed so I was able to grade our math quizzes that we took today in black one in black 2 I did have a couple of students who didn't finish and a few that were absent so hopefully I can get them to finish it tomorrow because we have study hall time in the morning but I also spent some time sending some positive emails to parents I feel like oftentimes parents as soon as they get contacted by the teacher they're like oh no what am i kid do and I think it's important that they hear just as much if not hopefully more positive things about their child than they do negatives and not only is it important to build relationships with your students but is also important to build relationships with their family so personally I usually like to get it done within the first two weeks of school however because of having block classes I feel like I don't know those kids well enough plus I have a total of like I don't know 75 kids between my homeroom and my two blocks and then technically I have the students that I teach for science so I have all like hundred and twenty fourth graders but I like to try to contact all of them within the first several weeks of school for something positive so I think I sent about 15 emails to parents just letting them know how much I'm enjoying getting to know their student a couple of them I had good news from the quizzes that they took today and I shared that with the parents and I just think that it's really important if you are not contacting parents for positive reasons you're not building that relationship they're not gonna be as supportive if you have to come to them with a problem hopefully you don't but if that arises they're gonna be a lot more receptive to that if you're also sharing good news so hopefully that is helpful for you I remember hearing about this like my first or second year of teaching and I was like wow like that's a lot of work I don't have time to send these emails and I know some of you are probably watching this and you're like I don't have time to send those emails you do you can find time if you truly make it a priority and that's when it comes down to what is a priority to you personally forming a relationship with my students parents and letting them know the positive things that their student is doing is just as much of a priority as lesson planning and grading and all the other stuff that comes along with teaching so if you truly do find time you can make it happen that being said I'm gonna get off my soapbox and I'm gonna go ahead home I need to work on some grad school work tonight and a couple of other things I need to answer emails so I will catch up with you all tomorrow good morning YouTube I know I'm gonna get questions about my shirt it says fourth grade is my jam I'm going to link it for you in the description box second of all I was going to knock a coffee this morning in fact I don't even feel like I need coffee but I borrowed a dollar from someone yesterday because I was really thirsty and I really wanted a tea because the vending machine would not take five dollar bills so I need to get change for my five or ten or something so that I can pay this person back their dollar cuz I hate owing money to people it's one of my least favorite things in the world I may not even get coffee I may get like a sweet tea oh I don't know okay if y'all update it but I'm gonna go grab that I don't catch up with you all at school [Music] I wanted to talk to you quickly about student birthdays I know I shared this last year but I've had a lot more people following me since then so I have a student whose birthday is Saturday and then a student whose birthday was on Wednesday thankfully I had these left over from last year because I still need to prep these for this year but here's what I do for student birthdays first of all my students get a bookmark it just says happy birthday and then I create these little cups so these like plastic they're almost like Frappuccino cups I got off of Amazon so I will link them for you in the description box I put this little tag it just says happy birthday love miss for Rey I haven't put this in my store I've been meaning to do that but there's tons of times on TPT that you could find and just put on there I have this pencil which this is from Raymond Geddes I will link them in the description it has this eraser and it also has a grip that's kind of hard to see but it's smelly this is a piece of just white like tissue paper crumpled up so that it makes it look like whipped cream and then down at the bottom there's some candy I think there's two things of starbursts and then two things of skittles so usually what I do is I actually prep the entire classes like cups for the entire year so that I have them and then I just bring them into school as I need them and then I keep the bookmarks here at school as promised I'm gonna show you all how I am lesson planning this year I am trying out digital plans on my iPad and so far I'm really really loving it so I wanted to share it with you all first of all this is the 2018 nine point seven inch iPad I absolutely love it I got it because it is compatible with the Apple pencil which I use to do all of the writing I will link both of those in the description if you are interested now the digital planners that I got are basically PDF documents and I load them onto an app called good notes so I will link this in description box as well it is a paid app but in my opinion it's fully worth it because you can write all over it and do all kinds of cool things I'm not going to go into the details of how to use the app but there are all kinds of tutorials on YouTube that you can check out and get more information so first of all this is actually my life planner I am using the life planner by the letter classroom Bridgette I absolutely love her now I have not filled out most of this because this is for like my personal life and social media and YouTube and all that stuff so I don't really want to share a lot of that like with you also you'll notice it's pretty blank but I just wanted to give you an idea of how this is set up so this is the front of the planner these tabs are all hyperlinks so I can go to yearly and it has your at a glance my one word for the year is impact and then my seven habits I still have to fill that out there is a section for tasks so most like a to-do list and then there's a section for projects and then of course I can go to my monthly tab so let me go ahead to October which is the next month I haven't filled it all out but I just kind of started filling it out last night now I can zoom in to make it easier to read so I have my goal which is to prioritize tasks that need to be done over test that can wait honestly that's something I really need to work on so far what if my task is to finish my first grad class and then there is important dates a reading list and then over here is a task tracker so I'm gonna zoom back out if I swipe then I have the actual calendar so she has it set up with almost like bullet journaling with like the dots so here's my birthday October 14th so far that's all I put on there there also is a spot for notes and what I really like about Bridget's planner is all of these first weeks are hyperlinks so if I go to the week of the first then it takes me to my weekly spread so it has Monday Tuesday Wednesday with some like bullet journaling area and then some lines and then the rest of the days are over here so personally I just really liked that set up she also has like a blank page that you can use for drawing lined pages and then also the bullet journaling now I'm using this as a life planner she also has a teaching lesson planner I will link that in the description box if you are interested she has both of them available I will link them both I'm actually using a different teacher planner and I'll talk to you about why I loved Bridget's teacher planner but there was one little part that just didn't work for me so this one I actually got off of Etsy I think it was I will link it for you in the description this is just the cover page so if I swipe then I have the table of contents so there are some teacher tools so this has things like just kind of setting up your daily schedule and then there's birthday tracker field trips attendance record and then there also class rosters I use it to keep track of like homework and stuff like that so I'm gonna go back to my table of contents that was the teacher tools and then the students I'm gonna go ahead and show you year at a glance so this has all of the dates again and then I can go to my monthly tap so I'm gonna go ahead and show you September so I've kind of setup my September calendar I just started using this more recently so I don't have it like fully set up but these right here are actually stickers so let me kind of show you I put these in there myself so as you can see I can lasso them and then move them around I actually created these if you all are interested I could put these in my TPT store as a pack it probably will take me a while just warning you but I created all these and then I just kind of write in the other stuff going on so if I swipe then I have the actual lesson plans this is why I chose this lesson planning binder Bridget's as much as I loved it hers was going where the days were across the top so I would have two less something going down and personally I like to lesson plan on going across so this layout worked a little bit better for me here is this week set of plans so I have the date written on each of these let me go ahead and like zoom in so again these up here are stickers so if I lasso it I can move them around and I just put those there and I put the same ones on every single week so first I have my standards where I list out what standards were doing then I have cultural arts so whatever our cultural arts are some people call it a special I put those there again these are stickers that I created and then just insert it in then I have like my special events so whatever I have going on that day then I need to know about I put there just so I can see it all in one place and then I have my math block one my math block two my science and then I have my things to do and as I do them I go ahead and highlight them so I just use the highlight tool and oh that was really bad I highlight right over top like that so again I'm not gonna go into like extreme detail with this if you want I can make an entire video all about my lesson planning but I just kind of wanted to show you an overview I have gone ahead and started lesson planning for next week but it's just not completely done yet so if you all do want a full video on digital lesson planning just let me know and that's something that I can add to my to-do list just leave a comment down below today was exhausting it was just one of those days where I had no patience I will be the first one to a minute my patience ran out by like lunchtime and with my afternoon students which I get it's a Friday they're tired I'm tired I felt like any time I stopped for a split second whether it was to change the slide to walk to a different part of the room to pass out something they instantly started talking and I know that about students and that's one of the reasons my lessons are usually so fast paced like I'm constantly doing stuff because I know as soon as they're not engaged they're going to be talking or distracting their neighbors or whatever like I get that I totally get that but it's just frustrating when I feel like I can't even take a breath because as soon as I do they start talking but that's why I do these vlogs so that I can see how to make things better it's all about reflections so I love to be able to document this as embarrassing as it is for me to get on here and say you know what I was not the best teacher that I could be this afternoon I had to yell at my kids I was very frustrated I was overwhelmed the reason I document this is so now I can watch it back and I can go okay Michelle what do you need to do differently next week to be better because every single day I want to become a better teacher and I always want to be improving and making sure that I am just giving my students what they deserve which I believe is the best so I'm gonna watch this back I'm gonna do some reflecting over the weekend and try to think about some strategies or things that I could try out next week to hopefully prevent that from happening I am gonna go ahead and end this vlog if you enjoyed it please go ahead and give it a thumbs up if you are not already subscribed go ahead and hit that subscribe button and the notification bells that you are notified every time I post a new video if you want more detailed information on digital lesson planning leave a comment with that video request down below I just want to be able to provide you all with content that you want so if enough people want that I will definitely do a video on it as always thank you for watching I love you all so so much don't forget to think positive and I'll catch you guys in the next slide thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you to check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any get your videos you can use like right up here the links to all of my social media sites my teachers pay teacher's store my merchandise store and my Amazon store are in the description box and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 187,275
Rating: 4.89891 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, tpt, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, lesson plans, lesson planning, plan with me, how to lesson plan, digital lesson plans
Id: hdSEg8TDVow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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