The Last of Us Episode 5 Reaction - Endure and Survive

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hello YouTube and welcome to intelligent rejects our man I'm Ross and we are back with uh episode five of the last of another one yes uh where do we leave off at the end of episode Ross Yes the group that she uh they took over at Federal headquarters where they were uh Kansas City Pedro I believe coins of Kansas City choose a Zone yep they took over their QC Zone killed a few snitches what's the what was her name the the woman uh not the actress the character I don't know he's that group is it Caroline or Catherine I think it was even her right-hand man that guy looked yeah at the moments looked as though he was like um it looks like there might be a bit of a mutiny yeah it could be I don't think so and she might have her hands full and um so yeah Joel and Ellie were making their way through the town yeah and um yeah she's got a deal with Joel too kill the funeral mother the kid that he killed um when he told Ellie to go away yeah it's cold that was cool I'm looking forward to seeing what happens now well at the end they got Joel and Nelly got attacked by two guys brother and Son Father and Son father and son I think they may be brothers if they're continuing on from the game we could be meeting Henry and Sam okay two characters from the game as well nice nice um I'm pretty sure it is them because of the Superman drawings we saw yeah okay um pretty sure they're from Sam pretty sure it is Sam your younger brother but yeah I'm excited I am oh well without further Ado I think we'll get straight into it let's let us know if you guys have been enjoying the series so far I think most people have yeah in the comments let us know what you guys think about it and we will get into episode five let's do it [Applause] gonna sign up [Applause] it's a Bullet to the Head oh and I'll take your hands so these are your agents that are oh wow I'm still alive prisoners oh wow yeah string you up you believe that yeah oh that's your fair trial there's your fair trial look at me not at that we're almost there two more blocks but he's deaf so this is a flashback I'm gathering no oh well obviously there's a pair they got up to the point of where they met yep [Music] you know Perry I used to be so scared of these people did it feel good betraying your neighbors to fedra watching us hang so that you could get their collaborators apples well I'm not fedra lucky for you no one here has to die yeah we could put you on trial you're all guilty so that's how that'll go and you'll do some time easy but first where is Henry your informers inform where is Henry what did he do to her that how did he give up her brother that's right so that's what the doctor said kill them he's with edel's Team Edelstein was a collaborator well he was a lot more described than you [ __ ] idiots where are they he said he was meeting up with Henry and Sam okay he had a place to hold up in the open City pull up where he didn't say he's still in the city do you think we should wait should we wait a day a week oh [ __ ] it let's give him a month I'm not saying we do nothing we already got a perimeter around the city we can wait him out he's not my seventh priority Perry is that what he is to you no your first priority should be that we really put them on track building we are not really putting them on trial when you're done burn the bodies it's faster wow she's ruthless I heard he's the voice actor for Tommy in the video game okay Tommy's the brother right yeah that's it so is this gonna lead us to where he finds Joel and Ellie so I assume so I'll be keeping the flashlights off yeah same just eat a lot of carrots someone like white to be leaking through the windows and then someone drives by and notices there's a flashlight on so yeah that's the sniper bullet heading your way because it's a light that's the neighbor you truly don't know about this oh I got it oh they know Federal Officer patient do me a favor what if they get to him I already did water bullets ammunition empty this was mine we weren't shooting our way out of this anyway no you can use it for sure tunnels 20 cams and six pounds of jerky we stick to the minimum I think we can make it 11 days so that's how long you have to figure it out well it looks like you've got more than 11 days worth of food there rushing it out a bit better than that he's scared because you're scared what do you expect what the lady after you are we back now 10 days later oh careful they're coming around building the building they'll get to this block very soon my last can we're gonna have to leave though oh well don't be doing that he's been caught this is surely going to be their last day yeah he's not back everyone out of food yeah I'm surprised I haven't gotten to this building yet they're gonna have to make a move he isn't coming because I've also hidden they've got no food we have to move probably you know the answer to that Michelangelo now you're a Ninja Turtle that's Joel and Ellie crashing more than likely they get stuck yeah there we go he's like hang on they're not he's not with them they didn't just lock off get out of here there's this dude and he's killing all the people that are trying to kill us we find him and we stay behind him at some point they get in front of him is true I want to help you okay um I don't know what the next step is or something like this if I lower my gun we didn't hurt you so you don't hurt us right that's right it's a weird [ __ ] tall man that's just the way he sounds he has an [ __ ] voice Joe tell him he's okay everything is great dude okay listen I'm gonna trust you y'all realizes they're good people yeah but Joel isn't yeah but he he's heard innocent people before but when it was like bad things yeah can I sit up get up slow who are you my name's Henry It's My Brother Sam and the Most Wanted Man in Kansas City my guess is you're running a close second that's all he did give up her brother probably he says thank you I guess you don't have much so this means a lot how old is he cool I never know that already yeah because the kids speak for himself true you ate we didn't kill each other let's call this a win-win and move on betting y'all came up here to get a view of the city and plan a way out Sun's up I'll show you one welcome to kill a city no federal you always heard Casey Federal monsters Savages yeah you heard right right and torture and murdered people for 20 years hey you know what happens when you do that to people when they get a chance we'll go right back to you but you're not fedra no worse I already worked with him I'm a collaborator I don't work with rats yeah you [ __ ] do today you do I know the city and that's how I'm gonna help you get out well help us I saw what you did we killed those men now I know where to go but I don't know how to make it through alive you seem capable enough your arms you're wrong and wrong never killed anyone and pointing I know they're gonna choose the closest I've ever come to being by then so that's the deal can work until they call you Bluffs do you want to call the strangers Bluff when they're pointing a gun at you so how are we getting now I wish downtown us this whole area belongs to Kathleen leader of the resistance they got people posted all around the inside Perimeter so how do we get across I know Kansas City is a Subway no but they do have maintenance tunnels so we enter the tunnels here and pop up here West Side North residential if you guys are burnt underground does not sound good it's a great plan so what do you need me for you notice anything strange about this city no infected veggie drove them underground 15 years ago and never let them come back up everyone thinks that it's full of infected which means that we're not going to be running into any of our people you see what I know is it's empty you've been down there no but the federal guy that I worked with told me that it's clean okay maybe there's one or two what if there's more one of those blind ones that seems like a bat you ran into a clicker two of them and you're still alive you see you're the right people if it gets bad you turn around run right back all the same movie oh that's your great plan no that's my diceyest plan as far as I could tell it's better than you go it's only shot yep obviously that that pulsating hole in the ground in that building is there's a lot of them underground yes oh yeah they want revenge I think there's going to be more than one or two thank God to them are they at the building there's no way they're at the building what do you got what you see it's empty the plan is good we've been down here two seconds we don't know anything that's kind of a pessimistic I'm not my dad just point your life forward you ready to run whoa wow child I heard about places like this it's going on the ground after outbreak day build settlements no way I love these [Music] four five six eleven he has issue one two Edge and back endure survive [ __ ] yeah man if you were collaborating to take care of him I shouldn't have said what I said and I'm not saying they should let it go but all things considered seems kind of cruel to send a whole Army after you for that you know I wasn't uh telling you the truth before about me not killing someone there was a man he's never afraid ever selfish and he's always forgiving the doctor got killed by Kathleen yeah no but like is he saying he got him killed kind of man you'd follow anywhere better I would have got a Sam he uh got sick leukemia there was one drug that worked big shock there wasn't much left of it and it belonged to fedra and if I wanted some I was gonna take something big so I gave them something big anyway that one great man the leader of the resistance movement in Kansas and Kathleen's brother yeah so I still think they should take it easy on me or am I the bad guy you might not be her father but you were someone's waited long enough yeah they're Brothers we haven't found him yet what about the man who killed Brian well we're not doing so good who told you I was here your mom why are you talking to my mom we didn't know where you were Michael and I were little this room seemed so big I was really scared of thunder so when there was a storm Michael told me that this was actually a big wooden box that nothing could get inside of and it didn't matter if if there was lightning or tornadoes or gunfire he said as long as we were together no perfect box we would be safe and he did stuff like that all the time he was so beautiful I'm not I never was he would be horrified by the things I've done and if you've come to tell me that Michael wouldn't want me to hurt Henry that he would want me to forgive I know that too he told me he doesn't care the last time I saw him alive in jail he told me to forgive and what did he get for that your brother was a great man we all loved him but he didn't change anything you did oh no he's on her side good they made it oh wow they didn't come across any infected in the tunnels no because my plan worked so much goddamn talking I'm just saying make this right go down the street embank me behind the last house and we're out let's speak too soon yeah the sniper nice thank you oh geez what are you doing yeah [ __ ] you're lucky you're so lucky like amateur move been a collaborator amateur moves like that stay here if you don't move he's not gonna hit you I'm gonna go around try to get in the house to the back and then I'll take about if you go out there he's gonna kill you it's dark and he has [ __ ] aim nobody's gonna kill me then he's gonna kill us do you trust me if I was hurt and I'll get at my little piece of towel and fire off a few rounds in this direction from that range you never know you probably won't even hit the house yeah it's a good point but I don't mean distance wise I just mean like accuracy wise no just relax oh it's an old fella what you doing uptown oh Put the gun down slide it over to me please don't do it you know what oh man why'd you do that uh you might as well just you know Anthony's dead [Music] it's not gonna be good oh yeah imagine if you shot Henry Henry yeah you want to step on out save us some time that's all right doesn't matter I'll come out no just let the kids go no sorry the girl is with the man who killed Brian you don't understand but I do I know why you did what you did but did you ever stop to think that maybe he was supposed to die he's just a kid oh well kids die Henry they die all the time worth everything well this is what happens when you [ __ ] with fate there's a point you ready to take him and run it's time Henry enough isn't it this guy isn't that mature isn't what he's doing it ends the way it ends on the ground they're gonna be coming out [Music] oh this is not gonna be good oh there's no it's just a nice little ramping one Ellie whoa here run run run down oh something big is gonna come out oh my God look at this oh man [Laughter] that's a kid [Applause] he's like she's like come on Joel save him she's like I gotta save him you gotta cover me oh stuff not here we go [Applause] of course oh my God let me have more coming out more Kansas is gone Kansas is over yeah you think they'll be okay no I think it's easier when you're a kid anyway you don't have anybody else relying on you that's the hard part I guess we're doing a good job then I don't know how you're still alive Henry yeah look I don't know exactly how I'm getting to Wyoming I'm probably walking but you know if you want to yeah yeah I think it'd be nice for Sam to have a friend I'll tell them in the morning Good Day New Start I didn't either of them get bit I don't know why please take your shoes off but you can relax a little bit or can you make a move I wonder if the whole that they originally seen in that building that was like are you ever scared have you ever do I not look scared never time store you inside oh there you go Pitt yeah but he's not immune my blood is medicine um Can this work I don't know the antibodies in her blood will attack the Venom attacking his blood I don't think so but is it too late what's a try I don't think that's enough blood though a bit more than that you're going ready Ellie you gotta go tell Henry and Joel right now imagine that a throughout the night Joel Henry just here a gunshot going yeah what'd you do oh he was turning you're not he can't have a turn or like you know because it's just a chain of events that he sold out the leader of the resistance she didn't say away save his brother and now his brother's just been bit hey you lied you didn't stay awake he's clicking away [Music] [Music] are you okay easy easy good turn it on himself he saved Ellie's life what what did I do now yeah but we know she's um she can't save people with her blood like at the moment anyway she's seen some stuff which was worse since leaving the cuisine hold up Ellie [Music] you know damn oh what a ending what a way down yeah [Music] well what an episode oh man that's um wow that was a roller coaster of an episode that yeah I always I actually thought that we were gonna actually from the other from episode four when they first got to Kansas City and we started getting into Kathleen and this whole group by in their story in Kansas actually for a part of me thought oh we might actually spend a maybe a few more episodes but they wrap that up all in this episode and wow yeah wow Kansas City's gone yeah no more Kansas City we just wanted to see everybody though you're infected I think that like 15 years ago that would have been the greatest idea of so let's just leave them all underground and yeah be doing something to try and get rid of them I wonder if that hole in the building in the city from the last episode where they saw it sinking and she's like oh we'll worry about that later I wonder if when the truck collapsed I wonder if like that's ended up collapsing or a fly imagine at the same time that okay though uh infected came out of that hole and overran Kansas at the same time yeah it was a nice bit of um substitute I thought that that was where they were going to come out of you know I don't know surely that's going to be where the action is going to be but no to have it outside of the town there obviously there's a lot of those Pockets underground who knows how many potential yeah holes there could be where they can just break out of the the infected just floating out of that as well oh man wow like wow that was awesome [Music] I wonder how that was just like one obviously just probably just a suit you must have just been wearing a suit yeah maybe a CGI as well I'm sure I'd love to look at the behind the scenes of this episode and find out how the costumes were done for that for that blow dog especially that kid when she was moving around what's that is that the ring um yeah the ring yeah there's one where she comes out of the TV yeah yeah and the well and I wonder if that was the same I don't think it was the same one that ended up getting Kathleen had a pink shirt on blonde hair Harper or a majority of a cauliflower face going on WOW um yeah that and then for uh what's his name that kid the same yeah that was tough that's again something they've done different in the TV show to the game in the game it's the same they meet Henry and Sam not in the same not in Kansas I can't remember where it is as well and they do go through an encounter where Sam does get bit and it's pretty much the same way but them implementing it into the storyline of Kansas City and him being a Trader to save Sam yeah all new for the TV show from what I remember yeah so much better for it yeah I mean it worked just beautifully like it was just especially like I mean he sells that it's like he's selling out like um what's his name John Connor you know in Terminator like you know later of the resistance all this sort of stuff you know I like like the Kathleen's right-hand man said okay I'm not sure if he had what his name was but like he said yeah he got nothing done in that one how many every years that he was in charge yeah he got nothing done he said just hiding and stuff like that whereas under her rule or tenure her ruthlessness has gotten things done yeah exactly the beginning of the episode The flashback where they were actually showing them taking over Federal yeah so now they've left there I can't remember what comes up next in the episode but now they're just heading west to Wyoming I'm pretty sure on their way to pretty sure he's got his plan is still to find Tommy yeah Tommy and his connections with the fireflies should be able to help him know what to do with Ellie exactly take her to the right people yeah do what needs to be done so who knows if we'll come across Tommy in the next episode maybe because from what I've heard I think there's Nine episodes in the series okay so we're up to five so that was five so four to go if we do meet Tommy that would line up well with um ending the first season with the storyline of the first game because obviously we've heard that season two has already been green lit yep and uh Neil truckman has come out to say that it will be following the storyline of part two which part two was a much more divisive game than part one divisive game then uh part one so uh without going into spoilers oh don't then um yeah one thing I probably can say is it is a bit of a Time jump from the first season from the first game so it'll be interesting to see how they handle that in the TV show um yeah so it's supposed to be a few years isn't it sort of like that from the from the first to the second game yeah because in real life how old is Bella Ramsay I don't know let's just find out right now I'll go with 16. no well she's 19. so that she can play Ellie in the second season she's perfect age to play Ellie well she's 19. well there you go well so how old was she when she was um in Game of Thrones yeah she was just tiny in that she looked very young in that didn't she she looked like under 10. or like man 11 12. she was born 2003 okay so there you go well yeah let us know what you guys thought of this episode in the comments what's it a bigger roller coaster for you as it was for us it was just a whole range of emotions yeah up and down yeah it was really good and it was it was awesome we had confrontation like gunfights with the Raiders the sniper scene was awesome we had an infected her going on with the other informants like you know users of informants in forum [Laughter] they're not getting a trial just burn the bodies out ruthless absolutely that's what that sort of world yeah brings out in people exactly yeah yeah it's great but yeah let us know what you guys thought in the comments yeah please do and uh I hope to see you back for episode six yes don't forget to give us a like And subscribe if you are enjoying what you're seeing yeah and we hope to see you for the next episode yeah
Channel: Intelligent Rejects
Views: 635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheLastofUs, IntelligentRejects, HBO
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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