The Last Of Us Episode 8 Aftershow

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well hey there guys greetings and salutations and welcome back to the channel my name is John campy and this is our The Last of Us episode 8 after show open spoiler discussion so just be warned we're going to talk about episode 8 of The Last of Us in full open spoilery goodness uh as we are off to do it's good to have you guys here as we talk about it this week I I'll tell you what guys oh my goodness this episode delivered everything I could possibly want I mean I kept like we say it almost every week I keep waiting for um the the show to have a week episode I keep waiting for it to stumble because you know most shows do even the best shows we'll have a weak one here or there but this show has consistently week after week after week delivered the goods and delivered in such a way that has left me thoroughly entertained thoroughly shook uh thoroughly emotional thoroughly excited and Disturbed all at the same time and oh my God they they did no different here with episode 8 now here's what we're gonna do I'm going to talk a little bit about just just briefly about my kind of thoughts and feelings about this episode of The Last of Us and give you kind of my general thoughts on it and then what we're going to do is we're going to throw it open to you guys hear what you guys have to say about the episode The Super Chat scenario open I will let you know though the super chats are only going to be open for a little while longer and then we're going to shut them down but they're open as of right now if you have a thought Theory opinion or question about the show and that's a good too all right let's talk about this episode I mentioned this a little bit earlier on the show on the John campus show but I'll repeat it here I remember talking to Ann and telling her this is kind of the episode where like the show kind of becomes Ellie's show the story kind of becomes Ellie's show now I know druckman talked about it in the after show and I and I can't remember if this is exactly true or not but is the event for those who played the game I think the events of yesterday's show if I'm not mistaken then I could be really wrong about this is that the first time in the game you actually start playing as Ellie like do you play as Joel up until that point in the game and that becomes the first time that he played Matt is saying yes that is true that's first time and yeah and it really plays that way in the show because you know last week's episode was all about the flashback understanding Ellie a little bit more with Riley and all that kind of stuff then this week this is really an Ellie Centric story although it's not all her we do get a good amount of Joel too but this the show up until this point and maybe up to last week has been Joel is the main character of the show this is Joel's show right it starts with his daughter his loss his struggle coming across Ellie now his mission to get Ellie across the country and at this point the story of Last of Us really becomes about Ellie and now she is the primary character of this story and that really played a huge function in uh in the episode that we just saw by the way how great I keep forgetting the actor's name but the the actor who does the voice of Joel in the video games having a legitimate meaty cool role in this episode that was really fun to see as well Troy Baker is his name thank you uh wall walrix or warlocks in the live chat as well as Doom mentioning as Troy Baker doing it and by the way Scott Shepard playing David now um the Emmy for best guest appearance in a show is already locked up Ron Swanson has that one locked up and it's for the last of us so that's that's set in stone he's going to win the Emmy for best guest appearance in a show playing bill however I'll tell you what if it wasn't for that performance Scott Shepard playing David in this episode of The Last of Us very well could have been up for that award very well could have been the one up for that award he was so great because like we have to believe that Ellie is kind of getting seduced and fooled by his good guy act but that only works if we as the audience are also getting a little bit seduced and fooled by the good guy act right and David uh or Shepard I should say played David in such a way that well maybe he's not so bad in in the show like and we know he's bad in the game but maybe he's not so bad in the show and then but they played it off in such a way you know here's the brilliant thing about the David character when you're that evil you can't you may think you're fooling people but you're not really fooling people and I love the way that they showed the people of the group right the people of their flock the way they looked at David you could tell they all knew they all knew I mean maybe David still thought he had them fooled but you could tell that deep down they knew they were now living in fear of this guy rather than following him as a leader and their hope they all lived in fear of the guy and my God that he played that so perfectly oh he played that so perfectly so therefore later in the episode when he shows his full awful true colors to Ellie it makes sense because we've seen that the people he lives with have seen through it already like they know that's what he is and so when he reveals it at the end to Ellie they've already laid that groundwork because otherwise that might have come off a little bit too extreme like oh he was a super nice guy and then all of a sudden he's super evil no no no no the episode laid the groundwork to really set that up and you know Nick is saying in the live chat like when he slapped the girl yeah I mean that was Arthur's but even before he slapped her just the way the people would look at them he thinks he's got them fooled he thinks they love him he thinks all that kind of stuff because he's a narcissist but in reality they were afraid of him and they just played that off so well and I'll tell you what man I I don't know how you get much he was like they were sitting around the writer's room saying how do we really make him evil uh I don't know let's cross a pedophile with a cannibal yeah yeah it's like bad guy Bingo but still oh my God when he dies like because you know I often talk about John Wick that the key to John Wick working was the puppy because when John Wick goes on his massive murder spree and he's killing a lot of people the audience has to feel like they're fully behind his just cause and truly believe that yeah you go kill those guys and what better way to do that than make us as the audience fall in love with a cute little puppy and then somebody kills that puppy then we're like [ __ ] that guy he's Gotta Die and everybody who gets in John's Wicks way needs to die too right and I think you know the purpose I think of this episode was to show the birth of the monster side of Ellie because Ellie has she's not a monster but there's a side of her there's a part of her like David pointed out that is just born in violence man like she's she's got that side or she's a monster a part of her as a monster and we saw the birth of that and I think for us as the audience to get fully behind just how brutally she kills David at the end like like 50 stabbings right we had to feel like we get it and by showing especially that part where David's on top of her and I like it when they fight it's like this this guy Gotta Die this this [ __ ] here he's Gotta Die and it totally got us on board when and totally understand it did not feel out of character for Ellie to turn on pure murder switch Ellie's got a murder switch where she'll kill you and a lot of people around you and just the and we as the audience have to buy into that this little girl has got that murder switch and David um oh with David we all wanted to throw that murder switch for her didn't we like we wanted to we wanted that murder switch thrown and we wanted to see her go into pure murder mode and now I gotta say though I kind of wondered at the end where's all the other townspeople like in the center of town with gunshots going off and one of their buildings on fire I was kind of wondering where's all the other people and uh it was like at the end of the day I didn't really care all that much and let's talk for a second about Joel and like his sort of thing you know I've seen some people online saying well Joel healed too quickly and I I don't believe that's true like remember he had been recovering for days and the penicillin was probably like I'm no doctor or anything but I know when I've taken medications with a high fever medications can break a fever fairly quickly again I'm no doctor or anything like that but we forget he had been resting and recovering for days and then she gives him the penicillin and all that kind of stuff to me it wasn't that much of a stretch that 24 hours after that he may have been good enough to get back on his feet and function a little bit again I'm no doctor but it didn't it didn't not work for me at any rate but there's that but I love the fact that we saw Joel go into pure butcher mode and because through that like when we see Joel like torturing those guys and like killing those guys what that was communicating to me is remember the last couple of episodes they've really been establishing the the deepening roots of the relationship between Ellie and Joel and when Joel comes out of that coma or whatever out of his fever dream and he goes straight into monster mode that again is just an extension of the the growing depth of the relationship and the bonds and the affection that he has for Ellie like as he's you could tell he's willing I will do anything inhuman to you for me to get to that girl I I'm gonna be the monster I will torture you and I'm gonna murder you I'm gonna kill you guys because you threatened this little girl and so in that way Joel was acting in such a way that was like screaming baby girl long before he takes her in his arms and calls her baby girl which is the first time he refers was that in which we haven't heard since episode one when he's referring to his own daughter and my God that moment when Ellie turns around like Joel grabs her and she doesn't always and she's freaking out and she's panicking all that kind of stuff then when she realizes as Joel she didn't overplay it there was a little bit of subtlety to it but just the I don't I don't want to call it relief relief doesn't seem like it does isn't a word that does the situation justice but she then wraps her arms around and hugs him and it's just unbelievable and you know I think like a lot of people they talked about it in in the post show as well that we were waiting for Joel to get there to save her but they very specifically were like no no nobody's saving her at least saving herself she's gonna save herself we got to see the birth of the monster side of Ellie and she's going to get herself out of it now it was still important that Joel be there when she comes out of that and yeah I think it was uh Mason said that he like emotionally saves her at that point so I still think that was key and that was important but I'm telling you guys man borderline perfect episode borderline perfect episode I I absolutely adored this thing and uh the only thing that sucks is that next week's the final episode no more Last of Us after next week at least not for another year and a half maybe two years which really really sucks I hate that but I mean this series this entire Series has been near Perfection I've been loving it all the way anyway guys that's those are my thoughts on what we've gotten from The Last of Us so far I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far and uh now we're gonna spend the rest of our time doing the important stuff which is going over to you guys and hearing your thoughts theories and opinions now in case you're trying to send in a super chat at this point we've have the super chats filled up we have turned them off so unfortunately we're not gonna be taking more Super chats but we got a lot of super chats already lined up to get to so let's get to it shall we and we are going to start off here with where are we at we're at Jesse has a turtle he writes this is why I could never be an actor I feel so weird with so many shots just focus solely on my belly give Pedro and Emmy just for that one I think good actually it's funny because didn't his scar look like a bite mark so Anne when we were watching he's like wait a minute Joel was bit I thought he got stabbed I mean because that Stab Wound did look like a bite mark but man listen I'll tell you there's a lot of stuff I I feel for Shepard the dude who played David like having to get on top of a little girl and talking about being a pedophile and raping a little girl stuff like like I remember Aaron's husband Tom was in a movie about two years ago a short film that is getting a lot of got a lot of awards consideration where he had to play an abusive father to a little girl and it wrecked him as an actor like for not as an actor as a man like he would have to call Aaron like I'd be with Aaron working on stuff then he would have to call Aaron just to decompress like it really messed with them having to do that he felt just like he felt awful all the time how actors can do stuff like that to me is very very impressive very impressive all right uh just a sub 32 says I can't believe Ellie killed Joel not quite sure what you mean by that anyway Cody hunt writes I felt a little disjointed I felt it was showing you when I saw James back in town I assumed he was out looking for Joel in the houses if you talk about James is the Troy Baker character right uh Troy Troy's character the guy the guy who does the voice of Joel Troy is yeah Joel in the game yeah so but he that is uh James um and oh you always say kill Joel you mean from the video game I get it now okay um but no no that made sense remember David said when they were all there and they had shot the horse and and knocked Ellie off the horse he said uh he said a couple of you come with me uh like drag the horse whatever and then come with me and then the rest of you go find this guy well then clearly James is one of the guys that went with David back to the town so I I didn't feel like that was disjointed I thought that worked pretty fine all right uh let's see here Cody Han also writes anyone else knows that David had a much larger portion of food than everyone else I was shocked no one stood up to him when he struck Hannah well see here's the thing about that right that no one's going to stand up to him because this wasn't the first time something like this has happened right this group has been together for a long time and this was not the first time that they probably saw him do something awful as a matter of fact him hitting that little girl probably isn't even close to the worst thing they've seen him do we all saw the way they looked at him they were all afraid of them right so this was it's not like out of nowhere everybody thought he was just some wonderful guy and then all of a sudden he did something monstrous like this was something they had probably been living with for a while and watching him hit that little girl to them was probably just Tuesday it's just another day that we're living under this guy's thumb I mean that's probably what they were conveying I thought at any rate Cody all right thanks for that man next up Chase o rights and this is like a 20 Super Chat thank you Chase for supporting our channel on that level man there's incredibly generous of you uh Chase writes this show is absolutely incredible I love this episode makes me wonder why Uncharted didn't get the same treatment well look you got to remember first of all I don't think Uncharted works as well as a show I'll be straight up honest with you I do not think Uncharted works as well as a show I think Uncharted is a story that's better crafted and better suited for a full feature film kind of treatment um it just so happens it did not get executed nearly as well as this one did right like see everybody's looking for formula when a movie does great everybody says oh the movie was the right thing for it if a TV show does great then think everything should be TV last of us is great because they have the right people executing it not because of which medium it's going to right Uncharted being made by the same people would not have been any better probably would have been worse probably significantly worse if they had just done it as an HBO series like if you have the same people involved still making the same thing and they had their concept for the show just taking it from the movie screen to the television screen just would have made it feel even worse so it's not which medium it applies on but but again certain properties I think lend themselves better to one medium or the other I personally think Uncharted works best as a feature film sort of thing last of us I do believe works better as a as a episodic kind of television series but here's the thing if drunkman and Mason were the ones doing The Last of Us and Warner Brothers decided to do it as a movie you probably would have taken the first game and broke it into two movies probably in The Last of Us One Last of Us two and then the second game would have been Last of Us three and Last of Us four but if it was still druckman and Mason it still would have been awesome whether it was in television or movies or whatever and the pace would have been a little bit I mean anyway it's it's not the formula though it's not the formula but my God this show is so good chase this show is so good it's absolutely incredible all right let's move on here next up and thank you again Chase for that 20 Super Chat that's really generous of you uh just a sub 32 writes Ellie went from cargo to baby girl yeah and remember earlier in the show Joel refers to his eye your cargo and since that point we saw the relationship in in such a great organic natural way and then when he calls her baby girl I thought I almost I almost wept I thought that was beautiful all right CJ rebirth rights all I wanted to see was Joel interrogate the two men and the he it's okay and the he it's okay baby girl scene and they freaking nailed I don't know what the he thing is that you're talking about but yeah the baby girl scene when he calls her baby girl for the first time I'll tell you what we got we had about six of us I think in our theater room watching last of us last night and I think you could hear all of us go like when he calls her baby girl it was so beautiful it was so well done it was so uh well put together it was absolutely gorgeous and yeah seeing Joel go absolutely medieval on the two guys trying to find out where she is was really cool too all right Daniel vacura writes do you recommend amazing explain on the podcast why they didn't have Joel pull Ellie off David like in the game essentially it was the logistics issue where uh they couldn't explain Joel getting into the burning building with only David having the keys Joel discovering Ellie outside was powerful and it worked two out of two yeah so I mean I was also like many people were kind of half expecting as she's killing him that eventually like she just keeps going until Joel pulls her off but I'll tell you what it this worked better for me like her making outside terrified petrified then him behind her and sir just freaking out like they're out of danger now right they're outside of the building they're out of danger because if they were still in the building and it's burning and it's getting ready to come down for them to pause and take a moment like a meaningful moment for her to just to let it soak into US of her recognizing that it's Joel and then them having that Embrace in that hug and being allowed to just linger there for a minute it would have felt odds like you are you do know you're in the middle of a burning building right for me them being outside removed from the danger per se to me that allowed it to just linger and not feel weird that they're not rushing to get out and they're rushing to get away it felt very natural and organic so I personally Daniel me I like the way this worked better again that's just me but I like the way it worked better all right thanks for that Daniel appreciate that man next up Boon Lee Tran writes David is one mustache away from Mythic Quest David I'll tell you what I'll tell you what David um God what he did in this show right Scotch Shepherd playing David I'm gonna sneeze in a second here um what he did in this episode like I said It reminds me of Bill in episode three like that level of accomplishment sorry about that it just it's almost on par with what Nick Offerman did in episode three not quite but it was close and oh God he made me you just made me believe that villain man he made me believe that villain all right next up uh Danny verkura again writes and he says Joel did warn Ellie in episode four about other people they didn't shy away from showing David as a pedophile like the game being a teacher who found religion makes it worse along with I like the fighting oh man they did everything but here's the interesting thing about David too was that at some point you realize like he basically admits to Ellie it's not about him finding God he used religion unfortunately the way a lot of people will use religion uh not everybody but but some people will use religion politicians uh will use religion as nothing more than a way to control people right and what he basically admitted to Ellie it's like oh no like I'm not into God but I found whatever I needed like they're they're looking for something so whether it's God or whether it's whatever blah blah he just used that as a tool to to control people and that makes them even worse I mean it makes him an even worse monster and all that kind of stuff it's just man they did a good job they did a job of fooling me a little bit it's like maybe he's not so bad I mean look I will say this for David I will say this for the cannibal pedophile I think there was a part of him that legitimately did want to take care of his people like and and to me that makes for an even more compelling villain I like unless you guys disagree but what I got out of that was there was at least a part of him that despite the fact that everybody's a monster and maybe he only wanted to take care of his people for his own purposes and everything he did legitimately want to take care of his people he wanted his people to survive and yeah and again for his own selfish reasons yes but I'll give that again I just they did such a good job in just one episode of introducing this is why when people say oh you can't do this in three episodes or you can't do this in just one movie in the show The Last of Us we had never met David never met him and in one hour we met him introduced to the character understood his pretense saw his true colors and then saw a climactic battle between him and our protagonist Ellie and Ellie Victorious moving on they did all that in one hour does anybody feel like they rushed David does anybody feel like that was rushed or did they actually do a really fantastic job in just one hour introducing the character giving us a sense of the pretext of what he's living under having the true colors exposed and then having a climactic battle at the end between him as our antagonist and Ellie as our protagonist all done in one hour you can accomplish a lot in storytelling in in a rush in the right amount of time but everybody always thinks oh you can't possibly do that in just three movies you can't possibly do that in just four episodes yeah you can when you do it right and you have your story in the hands of skilled writers you can do a hell of a lot in one hour and they proved it here because David is one of the great television villains after just being in one episode man all right thanks for that Daniel uh next up uh uh lee Mel Lee kh2 writes and David's saying Ellie was dangerous fell on deaf ears when she hadn't actually killed any of his people I respect them for prioritizing drama first I feel they should have Incorporated gameplay here's the thing though that no this is key this is key he did not know she was dangerous because he saw her do dangerous things I mean then anybody that's water wet right like anybody can see her doing dangerous things and then no oh she's dangerous no he knew she was dangerous just from the two-hour conversation he had with her being with her for a couple of hours because remember James had like a a Four Mile round trip so he had to go through and it wasn't just a nice hiking path he had to go through the snow A couple of Miles get back into town find the stuff they needed probably rest for a minute then Trek through the snow two miles back and like so a couple of hours right the thing about David about evil a monster recognizing another monster right that's that's the beauty and the horror of what was going on there it was David and his monster recognize game recognizes game a monster recognizes another monster and he knew and hanging out with her and talking to her for a couple of hours he knew he knew what she was it's kind of like when Dexter right for those of you guys who watch Dexter kind of reminds me a lot of low in Dexter would come across somebody and he would know like because he himself was a monster right and he would recognize then somebody I think that was about him wrecking a monster recognizing another monster and and that why is to me why it it was it was so powerful about that because he wasn't wrong when he was talking to her in the cage and like kind of expressing that he believes there is a sameness and maybe a connection between the two of them part of the thing that I think that pissed Ellie off so much was that he wasn't wrong there there are things that are similar between David and Ellie obviously also very very different but and that's what kind of also made it all more terrifying I think a little bit more terrifying of everything all right next up we go Sam Fisher writes what was that line you were talking about Chris oh obviously Chris is not here and I'm not exactly sure what line she was talking about I forgot to ask her after the show Chris and I had a meeting about some other stuff about some scripts we were working on like uh the editorial video scripts not movie scripts uh and I totally forgot to ask her about uh about that so I'm not quite sure what line she was talking about to be honest all right if guys in the live chat if you know which line that Chris was talking about on the John Candy show earlier go ahead and throw that in all right uh let's see here uh uh Lemmy also writes again uh oh it was the baby girl line that's right uh Aaron uh uh Aaron writes I think it was the baby girl I think you're 100 right I think that's what he he or Chris was talking about all right let me write amazing episode but I thought they missed the mark a bit by not having more action Joel not fighting anyone at the resort let me down and made the struggle to get Ellie feel hollow oh I 100 disagree with that uh let's see if we can find part two no no part two okay we'll just go back to part one then um I a thousand percent disagree with you on that number one we saw him we literally saw Joel kill at minimum three people this episode right we literally saw him kill three people this episode we also couldn't see huge flying action from him per se because he's still like 75 incapacitated but he is not in this episode at full strength he's not at full strength um and also I agree with druckman and Mason saying you can't just do the stereotypical he shows up to be the hero at the end she needed to get or I mean she needed to get herself out she needed to save herself we needed to see Ellie because that monster that David saw in her the dangerous monster that's inside her we needed to see it and I think Ellie needed to see it in herself so I think it was a hundred percent the right decision not to have Joel roll into town with the song playing in the background I need a hero but I'm holding that for a hero like then Joel comes riding in on a horse shooting all the townspeople and breaking in and sweeping up Ellie in his arms no no no no no no get get that [ __ ] out of here get that [ __ ] out of here they needed they needed um for him to get there in time to embrace her they didn't need him to get there in time for him to savor and save the day and again it would have been well I'm willing to to buy into the fact that he could get back on his feet and sneak up behind people and kill a couple people and then torture them when they're tied up I don't think I could have bought into him at the beginning of episode like laying comatose on a bed and then by the end of it you know I need a hero riding in on a horse and shooting 50 people I think that would have been a bit of a stretch I think that would have been a bit of a stretch uh anyway okay uh let's see here next up we got just a sub 32 who writes as hard as it was for to watch the torture scene it's understandable Joel is not a good or bad guy he's a Survivor he has lived in this world for 20 years and he's Shield Ellie no matter the cost I I agree that the torture scene was difficult but it's a difficult world that the story of Last of Us takes place in it is a hard cold world in this world but also to us like we saw right in episode I want to say episode five I think it was episode five where they were the uh um all the infected come up out of the ground when the gunfight's going on anyway whichever episode that was like when Joel gets into the building and finds the sniper right Joel doesn't want to kill him Joe's like look please don't just put the gun down toss over here please don't do this don't make me hurt you don't make me kill you like he doesn't want to hurt him he doesn't want to kill him right now juxtaposed that against having those guys tied up again that was a physical manifestation of his now absolute complete affection and attachment to Ellie this guy who did not want us to kill a sniper who was shooting at them and trying to kill him he didn't want to hurt him even though he was trying to murder them Joel didn't want to hurt that guy to this it's like you guys put my baby girl you guys have my baby girl in danger there's no way he was going to let them live he was going to get whatever out of them he had to and to me uh I just I love that I love that I thought it was real like to me it worked really really well all right thanks a lot Justice sub next up we got Luke Stockton who writes I've played the game multiple times and yet I was tensed through this entire episode oh my God by the way I should take a moment and point out that Luke Stockton sent in like a 50 Super Chat oh my God Luke thank you so much for supporting us on that level man that's incredibly generous of you thank you so much for that let's get back to your question here um I have played the game multiple times yet I was tensed through this entire episode David was probably creepier in this than in the game I I agree with you by the way uh and at the end when Joel found Ellie and she is fighting for her life to turn around and see Joel I started bawling Luke I'm gonna tell you what there there were sniffles remember I said they had five or six people in our theater room watching this last night there yeah there were some sniffles when he says baby girl and he and then he takes her in his arms and they just hug again key that they're not in the burning building so they can Linger on it a bit takes her in his arms there was there's a little bit of that in the room uh it was powerful it was emotional and again this has kind of been the theme of this series that whenever they deviate even sometimes a lot and sometimes a little they have managed to take the greatest story ever in video games The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part Two and they've made it better I I think they've made it better um and I know me saying that's going to rub some people the wrong way and if you disagree that's fine that's perfectly cool nothing wrong with that I'm just saying for me they have done the miraculous in making it better like episode three was a total departure from the game in certain ways I mean bill was still bill from the game but whatever it made the show better whenever through all the episodes they decide to focus on one thing instead of another or have this character do something different than they do in the game every time they've done it it's made the story better and then when you get into part two which is the single Greatest Story Ever Told in a video game Last of Us Part Two is like the single Greatest Story Ever Told in the video game in my like even a little bit better than part one I cannot wait to see what they do with that I cannot wait I I'm both Giddy and terrified but here's the thing right you pointed something else Luke you've played you've played the game multiple times there's a lot of us who know exactly what happens in this story and yet like Sam and Henry is a great example right salmon Henry is a great example we knew they were gonna die right those of us who knew anything about the game we knew they were gonna die and yet when they did it and they died it broke me it broke me as it did like Ann was oh my God my way I like ugly crying ugly crying but I mean that's a lot of us who know the game like even though we know all these different things that happen it does not fail to emotionally Shake us anyway that my friends is some powerful damn storytelling when the eyes knows what's coming and they do what we knew was coming and yet it still emotionally breaks us my God that is some damn fine storytelling that is some damn fine storytelling uh it oh my God oh my God uh yeah absolutely fantastic okay anyway uh you know what guys this will be a good point for us because we've been going for about 40 minutes now maybe some of you need a little bathroom break maybe you're like me you want to go refill your drinks and uh maybe you just want to talk amongst yourselves for a second that's all good because that's what we're gonna do right now we're gonna take just a short little break hear from the sponsor of our show here and I'm gonna stretch my legs refill my drink we'll be right back and while we're doing that we're gonna hear from a fantastic sponsor of our channel the good folks I love these guys their food is delicious over at hellofresh with hellofresh you get farm fresh pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep skip trips to the grocery store and count on hellofresh to make home cooking easy fun and affordable and that's why it's America's number one meal kit guys it's 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for for supporting us on that level man that's fantastic of you thank you so much man all right next up Ethan Holgate writes uh Bella was freaking amazing her performance at the end felt so genuine and real to me when Joel ran into her I truly felt uh trauma traumatization I cried I'll tell you what guys I think I said this on the John campus show earlier today um we were about an hour late because we had some friends over we were hanging out and stuff like that so we watched the last of us about an hour after it came out and right as we were getting ready to sit down and watch the episode A buddy of mine texted me and said that this um this episode was Bella Ramsey's Emmy resume this was the episode that was her Emmy resume Nick Offerman Emmy um uh uh I mean we knew that was going to happen Peter Pascal gonna give again Emmy nomination that we could already tell and Bella Ramsay's been great but it's been the focus has really been on Joel It's really been his Joel so bellarms he's been fantastic in the show but I've never not up until last night did I watch and go oh my God she is going to be a serious Contender for an Emmy as well I'm not saying she's going to win but she's going to be a serious Contender for an Emmy and last night was that episode for me and uh yeah just just an incredible job just an absolutely incredible job okay let's keep going here uh next up uh CJ rebirth writes uh tell them uh Ellie's the one who broke your oh God what a great line telling that little girl broke your finger oh my God again the performance man it's all in the performance CJ all right Mighty tank one writes I wish there was two episodes left so we could build Joel and Ellie's relationship more however I have faith that will be awesome regardless I mean here's the thing I'll be honest with you mighty tank it's done they've done it last night like they had already almost got there but last night sealed it the bond they have is as clear as you can possibly make it right I would while I do wish there were two episodes left um I would almost feel like spending another episode showing the deepening of their bond is almost at this point redundant they've done it that episode both through everything she was willing to do to sacrifice to try to protect him and then everything he was willing to do in a monstrous way to get to her and protect her and then taking her in his arms and calling her baby girl something he hasn't done since he referred to his own daughter all the way back in episode one here's the thing it's now done task complete and I would I almost feel now like that part of it is finished and we don't need to just revisit it and kind of belabor a point we already know I mean don't get me wrong I would take it if they offered it I would like I would love to have a couple more episodes but I almost feel like that part is now done but you know we'll see we'll see when we get to the last episode all right uh Justin D writes um prediction The Last of Us Part three will end with Ellie sacrificing herself for the Cure only for an infected to kill everyone involved right before the series ends no you know what I don't think so and I'll tell you why because while this the story of The Last of Us is about a bleak and cold world the real story of The Last of Us while it takes place in a very Bleak cold depressing awful world where anything that can go wrong will go wrong and anything that's good will be ruined by something but really what the last of us is about both the games and the TV show is about those fragments of beauty still to be found within that cold and broken world whether it's the fragments of beauty that bill and Frank had with each other whether it's the fragments of beauty that uh of Joel just finding Ellie whether and and then their growing relationship whether it's the fragments of beauty of the town that Tommy is now living in and what that town has been able to create whether it's the fragments of beauty of of any of these things right and so to me I don't think what they'll do even in the game is end it in a dark Bleak thing I I think it's going to end they may not end where the world is saved they may not do that but I think it'll end on a note of optimism right I think it'll end on a note of optimism at least that's my guess we'll we'll find out Justin though you might be right all right Tracy Dale writes I want to learn more about Marlene and her role in Ellie's life and relationship with Ellie's mom uh in the game it seems Ellie and Riley know her before she recruits Riley in the show her role seems more from a distance yeah I agree in the show Marlene's role is really not all that important and you know what to be honest it doesn't need to be much more important by the way I just noticed Tracy put in like a 20 Super Chat Tracy thank you so much for supporting us on the level really appreciate that um this is one of those subtle changes between the game and the show we're honestly and quite frankly the role of Marlene is not that important right to the story of the show like what they needed the character Marlene to do has been done and now it's really up to that point right now at that point this show is about Ellie and Joel it's not about Marlene and yes reference Marlene and all that all that's good but to be really honest with you um what would be the point how would showing more of okay here's the question this is the way I pose it right this is a show that has been supremely about efficiency in their storytelling everything that's happened has been about us understanding Joel and Ellie and US understanding their developing relationship and all that kind of stuff right so what would showing more of Marlene's story do for the show what does what would and I don't ask this as a rhetorical question by the way just to be clear this isn't a rhetorical question I'm asking what would showing more of Marlene's story due towards deepening our understanding of Joel and Ellie and their deepening relationship my thought is and I'm open to being to having someone suggest otherwise and give me some some reasons why but as of right now I'm like it wouldn't it would be completely unnecessary at least that's the way it feels to me right now again I could have my mind changed I could totally have my mind changed but I mean like somebody in the live chat is saying we'll expand Marlene's role being more critical to Ellie's life why what does that do for the show like honestly it doesn't help us understand Ellie a little bit more it just helps us understand Marlene more and understanding Marlene Moore is not important to the story of the show I I unless I'm wrong about that which I could be I could totally be off by that but anyway that's just kind of my thought on that all right there's a really good thing to bring up Tracy and again thank you so much for supporting us on that level it's incredibly generous of you and I appreciate you sharing your perspective all right next up Daniel vacura writes uh Communism works in Jackson but following one man with religion doesn't work in this world Mason talked about how dangerous it is to be religious and using it as a rationale for being violent on the podcast well here's the thing um I think that's true in life do you mind if I get a little theological on you for a second here's a little theology for you um did you know like I made a documentary a number a bunch of years ago first documentary I ever made called Prince of Peace God of War did you know that the early church it was the early church was Hardcore pacifist hardcore pacifist like you you were nobody in the church in the earliest days of the church could ever be involved in any form of violence as a matter of fact too in the earliest days of the church when you read the writings of the early church fathers and stuff like that you couldn't if you couldn't be say a Christian and even be involved in politics in any way shape or form you were not you were not supposed to be even remotely involved in politics in any way shape or form and then all that changed once Constantine um came to power and converted to Christianity once Constantine uh the emperor converted to Christianity all of a sudden everything changed all of a sudden to a lot of people Christianity became about political power and that was long after the foundation of the church like that was long after the foundation of the church and I made my documentary called called principles God of War talking about how when you look back at the founding of the church and you understand all that kind of stuff I promise I won't stand this long just give me another minute and I'll finish up and we'll move on I know nobody wants to hear about this John I didn't tune in to watch this a lesson on church history so I find this a little bit interesting as it pertains to this episode of The Last of Us but um I found it interesting that in a faith that was founded on the principles of pacifism and based on the principles of not being involved in government or political power or any kind of power whatsoever that at the time that I made the documentary the majority of the American Church supported war in Iraq right and that's why I made my documentary I found that dichotomy very interesting and so I made a documentary about that but again that goes to think about when religion or faith is used for power then it is an ugly bastardization of what faith is supposed to be but anyway that's the end of my thus end of the sermon the Reverend John campia today uh there is that anyway uh let's move on okay next up uh we go uh justice sub 32 writes David should be lucky Ellie killed him quickly had Joel showed up five seconds sooner uh he would have turned David into hamburger meat yeah he would have by the way that raises a really interesting question I have let me ask you guys this because and I asked a couple of people too and we're all like I'm not really sure you know how Ellie bit David said now you're infected was he infected like I I honestly cannot remember Ellie is immune but does she carry the fungus like can she still transmit the fungus I'm kind of under the impression that she doesn't so I don't I think she was bluffing um and then now I'm seeing everybody and sing sing no she's not yeah so I I don't think the show has specifically referenced this in a direct way but I actually think she was bluffing right because otherwise if she still could transmit like she's cut and bleeding isn't like hugging Joel wouldn't that be dangerous if she's cut and bleeding about like maybe her blood getting on him into a cut or whatever and him getting infected just from hugging your their blood I mean I don't know I don't know I don't know I simply don't know but um yeah I I think she was bluffing when she said I'm infected and now you're infected too so again unless I'm missing something that but that's what I thought anyway thanks for bringing it up just just sub okay Daniel vacura writes it was an interesting change for there to be uh women and children where everyone doesn't know their cannibals will bury him in the spring nope yeah like I and I'll tell you what it that the way Bella Ramsey plays that scene when she's in the cage and all of a sudden looks horrified I'm like what can she possibly see and then you realize just that scrap of a human ear on the floor and she put it all together in her head and that reaction she had like listen she Ellie has seen monsters killing people she has seen Joel be people to death she has seen a swarm of infected come up out of the ground and attack and rip people's heads off and she's seen all this kind of stuff she's seen a lot of nastiness but when she was in that cage a look came over her face in a way that looked like it was the most horrifying thing she's ever seen in the world and then the the camera smash edits and cuts over to seeing that little scrap of an ear on the floor and she put it all together she put it all together in her head and that thought horrified her horrified her I thought that was so well done man I thought that was so well done all right next up uh DJ Stevie C writes as far as the first season of shows go I think this ranks up with Game of Thrones and or in House of the Dragon my favorites of recent times it feels it could go above those if it sticks The Landing what do you think I I gotta tell you DJ I I don't disagree um it all comes down to the final episode the the final episode because let's let's let's say this if the final episode Nails it the way all the other episodes have nailed it I think we are talking about the best first season of TV I have personally seen since Heroes season one I still think Heroes season one was maybe the best first season of Television ever but that's that's a long time ago like how long ago was Heroes I mean it was well we're talking 14 years 15 years I can't remember exactly that was a long time ago that Heroes came out um it didn't end up great but the first season I I still think is the best first season of TV I've ever seen a pharah saying yep save the Cheerleader Save the World um uh House of the Dragon fabulous first season uh Game of Thrones fabulous first season but I think if if the last of us can nail this ending the way it is done the rest of the series we we might I think we're talking about the best first series of a television show since Hero season one now that's a tall order we'll see but I'll tell you what's going to piss me off I'll tell you what's going to piss me off okay and I'm about to say something that will spoil the final episode if you do not know what happens um let me figure out I don't have a spoiler warning here um what do I do you know I'll tell you what I'll put up this this picture of me and my wife Ann there we go as long as this picture of me and my wife Ann is up it's a spoiler warning Okay so ready here's something that kind of happens in in the next one so so mute mute wait till wait till this disappears to unmute okay if they end this season with I'm going to be really pissed if they end this season with just Joel finding out that the only way they can develop a cure for the infected is by killing her and then they end it like if they don't end the season with Joel making the decision of taking her over everybody else and saving her and getting that they just end it with you don't understand Joel We the only way we can get the Cure is by killing her unfortunately what are you gonna do Joel and then the camera plans in on Pedro Pascal's face and then the credits come up oh my God I'm gonna be pissed I'm really going to be pissed all right I'm going to take down I'm going to take down that picture now all right so there we go that that's that's what would piss me off that's how they end the season but if the season can be that great man I think we're talking about the best first season of Television since Hero season one all right Ryan loner writes I was liking most of it but then David Goes a bit to cartoon evil at the end I was honestly expecting him to call Ellie a meddling fool I'll tell you what right I gotta disagree again I think I mentioned this a little bit earlier right if it wasn't for the see I would agree with you if the show hadn't already established that every even though we hadn't seen it yet we as the audience had not seen it yet everybody else in David's Community the way they looked at him they already knew he was a monster everybody was afraid of him he may have thought he had them fooled he didn't have them fooled they were all just living in fear if they hadn't done that if they didn't make that clear to me as an audience member then I would agree that it would have felt like a little bit too far of an extreme for them going like again if you're going to play villain bingo cannibal pedophile ranks pretty damn High um but because of the way they laid that groundwork that his own people all looked like he's a monster so because of that it kind of worked for me but that's again that's just me but I can totally see uh I can totally see what you're talking about there all right next up soothius writes interesting to see the differences between the two towns one town thriving with everyone doing their part and the other town that was dependent on one man I mean yeah it it totally shows you Cults of personality can be really dangerous I mean that's the funny thing culture personality can also be and like with the Right leader and all that kind of stuff can be incredible but oftentimes under the wrong person it can be a real disaster and a real mess and you're right it's there's a really neat juxtaposition that forms when we start to look at you know the town where Tommy's living versus this town and this I mean this is obviously a lot smaller than a town There's not nearly as many people here as live in Tommy's town but still one thriving one struggling and yeah you can draw your own conclusions it's a good observation suthias all right Ryan loner writes what is it pause for half a second too long venison David comes in with the whole deer perfect uh spelling out without actually saying it oh yeah because again there was a little bit of a misdirect there for the audience right like venison it's like to the audience well yeah I mean because we just saw him get the deer there you go then he comes in with the deer and that's when everybody went but wait a minute I thought this is oh my God like you could hear everybody Across America doing that all at the same time all right Walter White Walker writes a Prelude of things to come Vengeance uh yep again I won't go into it but yep 100 100 uh Walter also writes oh you want Revenge season two hold my beer again we're not gonna go into the details of that but yes again we saw this is what we saw in this episode about the birth of the monster becomes very very important for what is to come in season two all right Juan Branagh writes if Joel had to kill Mando to save Ellie and Mando had to kill Joel to save grogu who wins well Mando's got a spaceship and laser guns and bescar armor and uh yeah uh Mando wins I mean that's unfortunate now strip mando stripped in out of the Mandalorian armor strip them of any advanced weaponry and all that kind of stuff I'll give it to Joel but uh but yeah it's uh it would be close but I'll yeah with all that stuff obviously Mandalorian wins Harps K writes uh so that girl ate her dad didn't she yep that was one of the big like when you saw her at dinner the horrifying thing you realize she's eating her dad she's eating her dad you know what me and the people watching the show had an interesting philosophical discussion about okay let's say you are responsible like forget forget the fact that you are a pedophile cannibal uh let's say you're responsible for the welfare and survival of this whole group of people and the reality is you've run out of food not through anything you've done but game is scarce you're not being you're not getting food for your people and you're not killing your own people to take their meat but like they die like the the girl's father died out on a mission he died on a mission we had this my group of friends and I we had this really deep discussion about well then how do we feel about that like the man died he's died and you're responsible for trying to keep your people alive what do you do it reminds me of what was the name of that movie with the soccer team that that crashed it was that called alive I think the movie was called alive anyway it forced us to ask the same question right like what Would You Do Not only to survive but to keep people you care about surviving what we landed on and maybe you agree or disagree but what we landed on with a group of us talking about it was okay to keep everybody alive is saying eat vegetables what vegetables it was they were living in a winter wonderland there there was no vegetables there was nothing to grow there was no food so um what we landed on was I think it would become understandable but you had to give people the choice you had to tell your people listen this is what we're doing we need to survive until the winter passes until the game comes back until whatever but we need to survive but it's up to you you decide if you want to eat or not and I and that's what but then again I don't know there's maybe if I think more about it I'll totally change my mind of that but it I love shows that make you think about like some really hard questions and the really hard question there is what would you have done there's no other food oh God it's oh it's disturbing to even think about Harps all right Matt Sanders writes um I'm afraid of next week they only have one more episode to wrap things up and it's not that long thanks guys yeah but again what does it need to be that long again we just saw in one episode a character we've never met before David we meet David we get introduced to his character we learn about his pretense we see his true colors and a climactic battle thing at the end all done in one episode right and with what's to come we again I won't go into details both what's to come in the final episode do they really have that much ground to cover I mean really when you really think about it narratively do they actually have a whole ton of if they could do all of that in this episode then I feel pretty confident they can get us to the conclusion of game one in the next episode honestly without too much trouble I I really don't think it's gonna be that big of a deal but then again ask me that after we see the episode maybe I'll have a different opinion all right thanks Matt next up Ren Davis writes once again this episode is another example of efficient storytelling completely agree uh they ex they excised the right amount from the game to add in more content for David his interplay with Ellie was so spine chilling I agree and again to me Ren the thing that made it creepy was not so much David himself what made the part that made my spine tingle was again a monster recognizing another monster that's the part that really got me was that with with only be sitting down and talking to her for a couple of hours he knew what she was the good and the bad he knew what she was that also tells us that David is an incredibly insightful person which if you're going to manipulate an entire town into following you you'd have to have some pretty decent Insight but he was an insightful person he was able to to glean all of that from her and I'll tell you man that's the part that made my that whole scene was fantastic that whole scene of her in that cage the performances were top-notch the dialogue and the writing were exceptionally good but again to me the part that made my spine shingle was that him as this psycho recognized in Ellie you're a monster too and he's not wrong and that's the part that pissed Ellie off anyway oh I loved it oh I loved it it was so freaking good all right next up Aiden Foley writes David was insanely disturbing I love this show again an antagonist a character we have never met yet in the show and they just bring him in out of nowhere and is he not are we not going to be thinking about David all year now for the rest of the year before for the rest of the next year and a half two years before we get to the to The Last of Us season two are we not going to think about David and he was in one episode it's it's incredible writing incredible writing all right uh Damaris love writes Ellie is officially baby girl now best show ever again man when he calls her baby girl oh oh the emotions the depth of the emotions it just it's like the whole show was a build up to that moment it's it's uh it wasn't literally I'm saying it's almost like the entire show when we start this show with Joel and his real daughter was all a build up to that one moment when he takes this girl into his arms and calls her baby girl oh I'm getting I'm getting chills just thinking about it all right and we end things off with Esteban Riaz who just sends in a Super Chat to be supportive thank you so much Esteban and guys that'll do it for this episode of our last of us out after show open spoiler discussion talking about what is the best show on television right now again all due respect to Yellowstone which I completely love in succession which I completely love but this is the best show on television right now uh last of us have been incredible ah the sucky thing though is that next week is it that's that's it it's over next week is the final episode and you're right they got a lot of ground to cover can they stick The Landing that's gonna be the question we're all gonna be asking ourselves for the all this week can they stick The Landing I hope they can fingers crossed that they will we'll see how well they're able to do it anyway guys big special thank you to all of you for being here but especially those of you who sent in those super chats number one because you gave us great fun things and insightful things to talk about number two you supported our Channel as you did it and all of us involved with the channel thank you guys so much for your support uh don't forget guys to join us again tomorrow for the next installment of the John campus show we look forward to seeing you there and guys that'll do it for now thanks a lot for being here and until next time my friends bye bye
Channel: John Campea
Views: 37,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Campea, tobeornottobethatisthequestion, The Last of Us, HBO Max, Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Neil Druckmann, Craig Mazin, Gabriel Luna, Sony, Naughty Dog, Playstation Productions, HBO, Episode 8
Id: xuDWvbcyM80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 15sec (4035 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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