The Last Of Us Episode 3 Aftershow

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well hey there everybody and welcome to the Last of Us episode three spoilers review uh we got the gang all here we've got John and Rob and Chris and Ray Taylor and me we're all going to talk about this but we're also going to aside from our thoughts we'll be opening them up uh uh up the show to your thoughts as well in the super chats but uh how is everyone doing we're good um welcome back everybody like earlier today on the John Candy show we uh we talked in a hopefully fairly non-spoiler way about uh the newest episode of The Last of Us and of course today is the this afternoon is us talking full open sport so like if if this is not giving it away the title of this video doesn't give away this is a full open post game spoiler discussion thing if you have not seen the new episode of Last of Us be warned we will be talking in all open details and if you've got a question or a comment or thought observation you are allowed to write it in full spoilery detail uh so um yeah let's oh by the way we're trying out a different kind of camera uh to do this more casual sit around discussion and he's so great I can see all of you I know yeah yeah we're all actually facing each other in fact everybody's got high oh that's a camera that's great yes that's a camera oh that's the camera yes that's our camera right there it's this cute little owl speaker guy I love him oh yeah so um okay I already say what I thought of but I'll show it was it's not just a great episode of The Last of Us this was I think one of the the best single episodes of television it was practically a movie you pointed out earlier today Rob that it's like it's feature it it qualifies as a feature link it does yeah at the run time it has it qualifies as a feature-length film and it it basically kind of was the beauty of this and and you know one of the things I walked away with I mentioned on the show today what's that to me this episode ends the debate about does a video adaptation need to be as 100 true to the video game itself in order to be good last night's episode was a lot of Liberties being taken oh yes uh well sticking to Core Concepts from the game right like you were you were saying before we started the show that the video game itself implies that bill and Frank are together we're a gay couple um try to kind of skirt around it when talking to Joel and Ellie right in the game all we see is Frank's hanging body but in this they flesh that up they go to a whole different thing they do an entirely different thing and it was one of the best episodes I have ever seen so why don't we start talking here about what we thought the best parts of the show were what what moments of the episode really stood out to you because we all established this morning we love the episode so Chris like when you think back to watching this last night or this morning whenever you watched no last night I stayed up till 10 30 man yeah because they don't drop it midnight like they do and oh my gosh I love the the kind of bombastic fight they start to have of just the immediate like [ __ ] you oh in the first three years later the three oh that was so good I love it and especially because of Frank doing that like this is where we live and paying attention to things matters Beauty matters taking care of things matters his line was taking care of things is how we show love yes I love that I love you up for everything that happens here then because you see them taking care of each other particularly you see how Bill just becomes this caregiver in the end yeah and you pointed out I think too the the purpose line like that we all build to of just this this change was so important because of the narrative structure of this show now because you have to have Joel understand that caring for something matters we already saw tests allude to this of I know you didn't feel the same way as I did about you before she went Joel decided to cut himself off from everything after Sarah under your arm thank you before I just fling my mic at you you don't want that to happen um but so you know he's he's really shut himself off from things and you see how you still can have love and care and tenderness in this very horrible horrible world and how if you don't have that are you even really living it was it was beautiful and I think changing it so that it wasn't Frank hanging himself from being bit and hating bill I think changing it to the two of them you know still taking his own life but and but really caring about his partner and and living a life that was really worthwhile was so important to this the show I I loved all those moments I think one of the ones for me that I didn't mention this morning and it reminded me a little bit of the Parks and Rec episode where they go to I can't remember the name of the nightclub but they're people the snakele and they have snake juice yes and Ron gets totally Giddy and whatever he wears a tiny hat and then where's the tiny hat and he's dancing so there there's a moment in it where Frank tells him I traded one of your guns he's like which gun one of the small ones but they get down and he takes a bite of the strawberry Nick offerman's react I keep wanting to call [ __ ] Swanson Nick offerman's reaction when he takes a bite of that strawberry it was everything I mean it was it was so good I I that's one of my favorite I was gonna bring that up that's one of my favorite moments of the the episode because you know what I thought was really interesting is how the character has created Suburbia or or retained Suburban he's built literally yeah a fence around he made a microcosmicolic neighborhood and then when Frank's like I want to go fix up the wine store or I want to go fix up the I mean that was his what he wanted to do was re-establish civilization basically whereas Nick Offerman his character was never part of civilization he was in his even though he lived in a house he really lived under his house in that bunker and I'll tell you one of the greatest moments I thought of last night's episode was when Ellie and Joel go up to the body pit you know what he says well you know there wasn't enough room in the yeah in the qcs and um they just shot people dead people can't be infected and you saw the the kids clothing yeah the blanket and it cuts to the baby and you see these these hopeful humans being taken that was a good one Cherry that was a gut punch it was just I I was watching this going oh my God and they're doing they're doing all these things because all of this imagery we've seen it in other places I mean a lot of zombie apocalypse stories they have wartime imagery in them they have concentration camp imagery with them there's so many different real human uh human historical events that are encapsulated in all this but I really enjoyed why do I say I enjoy it I did I enjoyed great entertainment so watching this episode I was moved in so many different ways as they moved because they gave us all these different scenarios that reminded me of other things other movies other stories that I had read but it was an encapsulation of all of these things like all of the zombie or all of the post-apocalyptic stories I'd ever been told they touched on in the two of their relationships over as the years ticked by and I'm like this was really really clever because you saw the fall and and potential preservation of civilization which is something that's really hard to do with one scenario but they did them all yeah and and like you go from this the this the action scene where where Frank goes out and there's when the Raiders are attacking oh my God was that an incredible scene I mean horribly violent but you realize that all the prep work that was done it paid off you know and I thought that was really really interesting because you have to fight in order to preserve in a way they were like colonists and the British were coming but but to that point I mean I think that yeah I I alluded to it a little bit on the show today but I couldn't go into details details so I wanted to explain anything but you know there are some people who would write y'all well it didn't really further the story I'm like if you don't think this episode further The Story You're not quite getting the story because what this episode did for me besides setting up starting to build the bond between Joel and Ellie and giving us context about how Joel simply comes into this giving us recourse back to what the radio messages were and all that kind of stuff it showed us as the viewer that the world they live in is not just an unspeakable [ __ ] there's something they're fighting for there's something they're trying to get back and and I thought that was key so Ray I haven't had a chance to ask you like what was your what out of the episode yesterday was some of your favorite moments okay there's actually a couple things that's probably all I'm gonna say about the episode their story uh Bill and Frank yeah the scenes they chose in the time they had were perfect because I could you could feel like the the all the time that they you know you could just like the scenes that they picked uh drew the picture for me like their whole picture I would like every time they decided yeah yeah yeah like even like the things that they picked you could you just felt for that that that couple the three things that stood out to me was first of all that underground bunker that he had I love anyone who has like a secret bunker especially especially if it's filled with with guns like that like like he's well protected he has everything uh scoped out um number two like uh the last episode I was saying how I was so scared because I didn't feel confident in Joel I don't know why but there was a scene in this uh episode where he's just sitting at the table talking to a bill who had a gun get that one in my face just how he was talking to him like he didn't care like now I'm I'm ready for the next episode like I could I feel now Joel can protect me actually because I get scared so um so like because the last episode I was like man he no no he can't protect me like from these clickers whatever but now I'll go to war with Joel now like he's uh he's uh he's a dude now you know what I also thought was really interesting the first scene when they sit down to food and um Frank sits down and says oh you know to pair Beaujolais with rabbit there's a guy I follow on Twitter um who who is uh he's a gay uh YouTuber or whatever but he wrote he put up a screenshot of that the way and you see the way Nick Offerman was holding the bottle he goes the mice he wrote the moment I knew he was gay and he wrote that on his terms right well the funny thing about that is I felt that Nick Offerman like never left this house he never had human interaction and his world was very small he learned all this stuff in the bunker he knew Linda Ronstadt but he didn't when they tried to play it now you had a man come in from the outside that was an artist that was a painter that had lived this life where he couldn't lie and he probably had a lot of friends went to museums and had this life and Nick Offerman probably didn't know that at all was stuck in the and only knew what his mother knew like don't touch that it's my mom's and when they came together at that table it was two men of culture one from the outside and one kind of who had been insular his whole life and for the very first time you had one man that probably was never comfortable in the outside world and then another man who also was not comfortable with the outside world from two different places and they had sort of a meeting of the minds and I really over over a pairing of wine and food and I thought that was so interesting that you had I mean a man comes kind of up from the underworld and one man comes from outside and they sat down and they found one another and I thought that was a really interesting way to play that how could that food look by the way it looked amazing and then you noticed that it was this that first meal they had was also the last meal he prepared and you know what the when I realized that bill was going to kill himself as well the moment I realized it was as Frank's telling him his plan Bill's breaking down and crying but the next scene when you see him Wheeling him to the boutique to pick out clothes Bill looks all of a sudden very content as like you're watching that it's like he didn't just get on board with Franklin he's like he's planning to kill himself too I panicked and I thought I thought it was going to happen but I thought it wasn't going to take because of how he interacts with Joel and Ellie in the game I thought they were going to keep him alive and yeah I thought there was a chance he was going to take it and then like two days later wake up really sick and be really angry that he didn't die and Joel would come across him or something but there's still a chance oh no you know I'm not gonna lie when they showed that last shot with the window which is one of the most beautifully conceived pure visual shots I've ever seen in a television show I have expected yeah silhouette it's a silhouette come between the camera and the window whether it was a or a he's hiding out in his bedroom now I just didn't know but clearly it didn't two just from like a larger like film and TV perspective too A lot of times when we see gay couples they they die very violently and tragically and I think it was really beautiful that yes they they did take their own lives but I love that they had agency and that they had love and they had autonomy in that decision and yeah and I think that was really really important too that neither nine of them were neither one of them was like fridged or it was just like a horrific hateful death it was surrounded by love and they had built civilization back yeah I mean it it always kind of made me sad you had the Raiders come in but here were these guys that had built this lip even though there's a community of two it was this Vibrant Community where they were growing new food and they were in enjoying their lives and they they had wine they had culture and they could paint produce looked great I can't Garden to save my life I'm such a disappointment to my Farmer husband I love the way bill was out there just like standing with no cover or I don't know anything about the story so all of this this is new to me it's right because that's another change from the game because in the game Ellie knows how to drive a car oh so that was another little change in the show that I mean I've never been I loved her one line too like he was at crammed in between two people baby crying 12 sandwiches she's like dude you were in the sky well it's funny because none of that was available you know if you grew up in a world she grew up in the post-apocalyptic world where none of this stuff that we take for granted now and I love that we we see the world the way we see her Wonder we can recognize that because we're on the other side of her and like when she first got in the truck and she was looking she was looking at the seat belt because she never she didn't notice well he's just putting her seat belt and she's like yeah and the way she's kind of looking at like why would I possibly put this on what is this she has no clue or concept and yeah it it was really well done it was a really great world building moment all right so uh listen we got a lot more to talk about but let's get to it where let's focus on you guys and what you guys want to talk about the points you want to bring up questions you have observations theories that you have so uh let's jump over to the live chats that you guys been sending in so Jonathan what we got uh first we got um a little bit of a break from our sponsors and then we'll get to the Super Chat so we're gonna uh hear from our friends at fume and our friends at masterclass guys we want to take a second to thank 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Foundation of what we're to even understand things that are going to happen later it's not a filler like for Supernatural where they have the big long story I don't know let's take the yellow eye demon storyline and then they take an episode that's totally divorced from what the story is and it's just it just stands on its own completely it doesn't actually add anything to the show that's a pillar episode to me this was an episode that was vital for a couple of reasons the the the the starting of the development of the bomb between Joel and Ellie the Franken Bill thing about unders getting a better understanding of the world we're in and understanding what they're all Fighting For three understanding how Joel they need to come up with a story angle here Joel gets the car they get the supplies and by the way I think we're gonna come back to Lincoln even though they don't in the game I think they're going to come back to Lincoln maybe so again for that reason I don't find it to be by any definition I just don't think it's a filler episode certainly not your typical cheesecake I'm just like let's do a zany recap yeah yeah exactly on purpose but peep I think what's really interesting listening to the commentary about this everybody just wants to see the game they're waiting for all these touchdowns the game players want to see the game yeah when you get to a story like this a little bit they build a battery well you yes you did and your your and with with this episode the game players don't know what's happening you know they're off we're off the track we're off the beating track what's going on here so you know when they say filler episode oh I'm not getting to the things that I know that are already familiar which I think is kind of a strange way to approach narrative because this isn't just the game we've seen the flashback sequences first the talk show in the 60s then the great scene in Jakarta and that great flashback scene two flashback scenes where you see what happens to families you know out in the wild oh yeah and then you saw we we met bill and we saw his life when those families are being round up so you got two different things happening at the same time because you realize if this was happening in this town in Lincoln it was happening everywhere yeah and so that's what they're filling they're filling this stuff in so to me like you say it's all relevant because it's all World building and you understand what else has happened so we meet other characters we have context of where these people might have come from and what they had to put up with exactly it's very important for us too to understand that fedra is not good yeah they're not nice people they were murdering babies they are Nazis and because you know because dead people can't get sick right and it's also important for us to get that first glimp at Raiders because that's going to be a very important thing that's going to come back through as well well we're going to see some other familiar people show up yeah so Gamers be excited things will happen what's next yeah and now Bert with a fun fact Eagle started as Linda ronstadt's uh backup band I didn't know that I know that either that was a little before my time but that's amazing that's very cool all right let's not CJ rebirth has a couple quotes here they have hot water and don't you look pretty oh that don't you look pretty like but that goes that goes where we're talking about right like we're starting to see the connection chemistry and bomb between Joel and Ellie something that obviously we did not do in the first couple of episodes a league was simply a package now we're starting to see the beginnings of them building that and again one of my favorite moments of the episode I alluded to it on the show earlier right at the beginning of the episode she's sitting by the tree she goes look about Tess he said I don't want to hear stories oh I'm not saying I'm sorry yeah you're grown ass people you made a choice that had nothing to do with me I didn't make the choice so don't blame me for what obviously she feels terrible but Hey listen don't blame me and I love without a single line of dialogue camera goals goes to Peter Pascal's face and you can kind of see he completely respected what she just said it's like you're right you know sort of thing and I think I feel like that was the the Striking of the match that starts their relationship I feel like that moment was the start like it doesn't look at her as a liability like as much as like that like yeah this wasn't her fault you know it wasn't her fault I also love when Ellie went in the basement I'm curious why she felt like she couldn't let Joel know she was going down there because I think she also has a sense that she has to she has to have her strike out on her own she has to explore the world that she's been thrust into but when she went down there and how she contemplated that that infected you know yeah cut the again she's like I've never seen I've never been this close like not when I'm being chased or what would she just got out of and I love that and then kind of I showed a little heartlessness too yeah no that was great yeah yeah that was probably the best part of the episode you can't forget I mean one of the things that's different is in the game Ellie has a soft in a way it's sort of softer side to her and maybe I'm projecting because this is our little more month that she she'll kill she'll she's willing to fight um so I like seeing her have this Edge for because if she didn't you won't believe that she could survive in this environment and she's teaching herself she's she's she's she's sort of getting her wings out here like right he could die and I could be stuck here and and what am I going to do by the way we we should pick up the pace here because I know we got a lot of questions to get through but I I should mention this one thing so after I watched the episodes a couple I I do what I always do before I go to bed I pop on YouTube see what's in my recommended list whatever it came across a couple of videos from like six to eight months ago and I think one from a year ago and it was shortly after they announced the casting of the show and it was by angry people who was like this Show's doomed like Peter Scouts great and everything but he's not Joel and the little Mormon girl she looks nothing like her and it was like how they've already this video about how they've already totally screwed up Last of Us is gonna be a total dumpster fire I'm like watching this going now unfortunately on my TV I can't look at the comments I would love to look at the most up-to-date comments like milk this aged badly yeah I'd love to see that all right sorry all right what's next all right Daniel vacura writes uh Khan O'Neill was supposed to play bill as revealed on the podcast he couldn't uh he couldn't do it since he was doing our flag means death Nick Offerman is Craig Mason's friend as the second choice who was perfect he was utter I get the one hesitancy about it to me is the character is very much like Ron Swanson's cousin like a little different but at its core kind of Ron Swanson's cousin yeah but other than that how and the way they aged first of all seeing the dinner seat where we again see Pedro Pascal the way he really is like not aged up and then cutting back to to Joel now today it's like you realize oh my God the age of so great but the way Nick Offerman age through it to the point where he looks like a gentle little Santa Claus at the end since they just made him so like spry and full of life and everything yeah it was heartbreaking yeah all right what's next all right I am Jack's 12 cent support thank you and David D writes tragic theory in a country of 330 million near impossible near impossible Ellie is the first human immune person others simply ended things instead of waiting it out and turning I mean that's a depressing Theory but maybe not a bad one like that maybe there were others who got bit and just assumed well they're dead and yeah well yeah because that's what everyone keeps trying to do to her yeah it's like well that's what Joel intestine really did to her right so that's a good theory I like it all right what's next uh gigabdab writes what's a quote the government or Nazis had me dying oh okay you not the government early look government oil losses well they didn't always like that can I just yeah they are that whole thing their relationship is so freaking good like when he goes like we're gonna have friends over we don't have friends well we're gonna have friends I met a really nice girl on the radio and I like that whole thing was pure gold absolute gold I loved it even Frank's relationship with Tess yes this friendship that was again the economy of Storytelling it tells you so much in a short period yeah loved it really well done all right we've got uh justice sub 32 who writes I love that we're able to see the relationship that bill and Frank had in this episode it gives us more context on what happened to people uh they are like people they are like that was never really mentioned in the game basically saying like it it gives you more context to people's worlds well and I think it expands our understanding of the world there's something they have to be fighting for and if we as the viewers don't get to tangibly see and kind of hold on to and grasp you know why they're like Joel isn't just doing this for kicks you know Tess believed in this and we saw that she believed in something Bill and Frank showed us what that something was that Tess could see and that test one and that you gotta understand Bill and Frank don't always almost say Bill and Ted Bill and Frank become the embodiment of why Joel is doing this at all you know and I I just oh God it's just so beautiful the way they did that it also gives you hope that there's other people out there that are doing the same thing like the zombie thing isn't the end-all be-all like you can they live their whole life really well 20 years yeah yeah that's another thing that I think that is a problem with modern call them zombie stories I mean infected right is that every human being is evil at the end of the day when the fall of civilization happens the only people left are gonna be the people that are gonna pray on the week and I think that these are two guys that while one yes was a prepper and prepared they tried to have their own civilization and and that were that life was still worth preserving and I think one of the problems that we had with something like The Walking Dead is it became so downbeat and just every per and that was that was the comic that was in the comic but you watch this at the end of the day there's got to be some glimmer of hope there's got to be something that these people are holding on to and the idea Ellie having a potential cure is so they can actually end up having the society that that bill and Frank had made for themselves if only in that little tiny thing I'm so glad that you brought up walking dead because you know how those guys came to try to invade their their place I said if they're gonna introduce me to the leader of this peop this is Walking Dead all over again I'm not watching this you know I'm glad they're just attackers meaning and probably but there is more to come it probably happened every now and then we just saw one instance right yeah or had to well it's a problem with the genre that there's you know there's only so many resources to go around and people are always trying to the weak are trying to take Romero talks about it too at nauseam of just like zombies are just a metaphor for Humanity and how like people inherently wouldn't give them the opportunity to be deplorable that usually will be but I'm so glad you brought up like these people surviving because I don't know if you guys have this moment with your friends of in the zombie apocalypse who would survive or what would happen oh yeah artists aren't exactly how hot commodity usually or I'm like man I hope that our evil overlords will keep me as a pet because I'm nice I'm a pretty good cook but my survival skills are busted and so it was really lovely to see somebody who was a painter and a musician or well somebody who appreciated music thriving because you just don't think about somebody having that kind of skill set and doing well and it was quite the painter do beautifully yeah well Frank was yeah Frank was quite the artist and you saw a lot of his work and the portraits he was painting a bill and all right what's next next up we've got Ryan lohner uh I was never afraid before you showed up one of the most romantic lines I've ever heard oh with streaming which culminating with I've lived I'm old I'm content but the line was you were my purpose I mean that that line I was never afraid before you fabulous line but the culmination of it of you were my purpose so if you're gonna go hey it's not like I'm in my 20s I have lived a great life I've been happy and I'm content and I don't want to go back to living the way it was before you so if you're going a little bit of Backdraft in there if you go I go because you were my purpose and that was the line for me and it was like whatever his life was missing Frank filled yeah all those Community gaps whatever whatever he he turned his uh you know head away from he brought him back too well it was the the visuals of when we first see Bill he's in that bunker he's closed off from the world it's he's in isolation all that kind of stuff it ends with an open window looking out into the world like now he's dead at this point but it ends with him dying with somebody with an open window to the world will his world change when he met friends an open window full of color yeah and his letter was hilarious his letter was hilarious yeah but I respect you probably Joel I never liked him but I respect I see him in this darkened bunker with this colorless they weren't color camera it was all drab in 20 2003 you couldn't get like color cameras like that and then that window was just they mentioned Norman don't they mention Norman Rockwell I think maybe in the after show somebody was talking about how Norman Rockwell was maybe I was listening to something else yesterday but but but it that was that bucolic that window looking out that window that was the perfect not just the perfect metaphor that we didn't but it was also the perfect world yeah you know the world outside was the perfect world that mirrored the first thing we see at the beginning is is other than Joel we first see Nick Offerman he's in that bunker and everything is black and white there is no color yeah I actually had a question there's no life really quick from when that test died and then we when we see them visit when uh Frank and Bill already dead how much time has do we get an idea how much time a couple of days oh just a couple days oh okay okay okay all right just double checking what's next gjav dab is back calling it now Ellie will save Joel with that gun oh the one she's she uh stashed oh no doubt that that's how Joel's gonna find out she has it yeah we're following the rules of checkoff it will be going off yeah yep ABS 100 100 all right what's next all right Walter White Walker writes do you think it's too late or early to have PS Studios and naughty dog reboot Uncharted in a series format uh it is too late they're they're planning on doing a sequel yeah um and listen well bummer three out of the four of us in this room didn't love the original one of us did uh because you know it's not as bad as you guys um here's the thing it to me was like the first Underworld movie it was they may not have knocked it out of the park but there are elements there that you can build on and I I personally think that Tom Holland can be Nathan I I really think he can be and I I think there are elements there there are crumbs of stuff and if they can take that and build on that and make course corrections I think this could be a good franchise it's just but they've got some place Uncharted they shouldn't do it with Tom Holland though it should be a complete reboot no they want a series no they're making us they're making they're doing it so it's like oh it was a series yeah because I did like it but if they're going to start a series I want it to be oh it'd have to be clean yeah yeah yeah absolutely all right what's next all right uh we got suvius he smiled milfo actually smiled at the end sorry who uh whoever smiled I don't know at the end are you talking about Nick oh was it Joel Joel did yeah because in there yeah whatever it's not what what did Ellie say it's not the word or it's not unlistable or something it's better than nothing yeah that's better than nothing and if I can leave that on yeah oh yeah leave that alone yes that was good all right what's next all right Johnny weiner says uh I'm not the one who gets into gay moments of Love couples in general and films TV but this is beautiful done uh Bill and Frank's uh our favorite characters okay look they're not a gay couple they're a couple it's it's not a gay love story it's a love story and like to sound at the risk of sounding like a [ __ ] t-shirt Love Is Love and when you you get one character like Bill whose whole world is changed when he meets somebody that not only shows him love but he feels he can show love too that changes your world maybe for the very first time absolutely for the very first needed to actually live and make living worthwhile well that was the thing I got the the uh that bill could have lived his whole life and and protected himself but what kind of a life would it have been the same life he had presumably he lived with his mother you know don't touch my mother's things she was the most important thing in his life he probably barely went outside you know as himself clearly no couldn't absolutely not and what was really interesting was what did Frank do from the very beginning dragged him outside got him up from that bunker and dragged him out beyond the fence here's the other thing the place where he wasn't safe yeah the thing about that too is that it's not this is what I find fascinating about Bill was it's not like Bill was I was completely content to being this way because from the moment he met Frank and it's like Frank's just like listen I could really use somebody bill could have gone in say here's an apple here's here's a cucumber be on your way right but he he went in and created this three-course meal he went in and created this absolute thing because I think even Bill knew as hard as he was he needed other people he needed somebody else he knew how to survive he didn't fully know how to live that's a great way to put it like that you'll get anybody oh my gosh you know what's up Chef pleasure yeah yeah you know six six of Ray's seven Tinder pictures are just the food here's what I've cooked yeah tinderella all right what's next all right we've got Johnny weiner back uh I'm not the one no the Walter White Walker fun fact Ashley Johnson played the youngest sister in later seasons of growing pains and a waitress in deleted Avengers scene during the New York battle yup yeah yep and she was in um the the one with uh lady sip where she didn't have her memory uh so while she wakes up in a bag and she's got all the tattoos yeah tattoos and I can't remember what's that Gap space blind spot that was it yeah so she was also in blind spot she's one of the critical role people she's in dress Sweden's much what you do about nothing that's right yeah she is right in terms of Last of Us I'm sorry she was the voice of Ellie okay in the game in the game but she they said she's got a small role she does but we haven't seen her yet okay so I'm excited to find out what that's gonna be all right what's next all right soothius is next the right uh me meeting bill for the first time yeah he's gonna be one of those a-holes me at the end man he was nothing but a sweet good-natured person yeah way to subvert expectations with him yeah and I think even people watch and that's the beautiful thing about the episode even people who've played the game are watching and they're discovering him yeah like really discovering the character I love that that was great that's why you should never make fun of uh the survivalists yeah they're gonna have everything you want when everything comes apart you know what I don't know if you guys remember this uh Chris you might be a little too young but 20 25 years ago there was a massive blackout that like the entire east coast of Canada and the U.S was just out there was a major a domino effect happened with thing and power was out for like a day two three days yeah I saw I saw a documentary on that on H I think it was on HBO I didn't it didn't affect us here on the uh yeah but the entire East Coast so our thing now we my dad had already bought the campy ranch right and my dad is not a bill survivalist but my dad's a prepared a prepared guy right so it was so funny because when that went out one of my my dad was one of the first guys I'd ever even heard of to have like external power generators so when the power went out my dad goes out to the barn rolls this thing out that I never even knew he had plugs into the house and then you could have seen the camping Ranch from outer space because everything was black except our house was like completely lit up and all this kind of stuff it would have been calling the zombies during that zombie thing that documentary what was scary was as soon as the Lights Went Out uh they had a first-hand account from a cop that was like just doing the street stuff what he said what what he first thought he was going to get attacked by because it was in New York civilization was anyone yeah yeah so like just the fact that like as soon as the power went out he was like I was scared for my life because he was there and he was uh patrolling a very very bad Street in New York or or wherever he was and I was like oh my God yeah that would have been scary bad call for backup or anything that's that's the my memory of that is why I set up a little solar system at home so like even if the lights go out I got power man we're ready to go all right what's next all right uh Ryan loner writes that mention of tests in the letter even uh hit even harder coming just hours after the death of Annie worshing oh protect Tess and I like to how Ellie couldn't say it yeah yeah I I like that part she couldn't say it was just like okay give it to me she even looked at him for confirmation like looked at him to see if she should say anything but also I think for us as the viewer that again they did something without saying something I think when Joel then goes outside he realizes that that object that thing he needs now to protect it isn't tested anymore and now it's her now it's Ellie oh yeah and I think it's going to resonate with him as the show progresses is that that moment of Bill encouraging him you me were protectors and that's what we got to do and he's going to realize that's now Ellie well it's funny when Bill didn't want to meet Tess yeah you know and I I'd like to believe that it was that sit-down lunch that that they had that might have been Bill realized that you know at first he's he's not having he's got the gun and and and Joel says get that gun out of my face yeah you know but when they were sitting down he reluctantly agreed to take this meeting with these strangers that could have been anybody they could have led a raiding party or whatever and I thought it was pretty interesting they didn't show us the moment where they first came like how they convinced no they just jumped right into the table Yeah but that said a lot that they were sitting at the table and it was great how Offerman played it because you know it was tense the whole thing was tense but it by him writing that letter and saying take care of Tess he'd come full circle like you're not gonna invite neighbors we're not going to have friends you can see where that meeting led to he had the code to the gate yeah yeah nothing clearly built a very good and I was like just those two things you could see yeah how far and when he was shot his very first thing he says to Frank when he thinks he's dying is call Joel yeah but I could have been the only one to think this that entire conversation as they're sitting down having dinner and Bill's got the gun on the table I don't know if you noticed this but Joel is eating with one hand his other hand is under the table oh yeah and a part of me is thinking he's got a gun too oh yeah but but it was the same kind of moment that Ellie had with Joel earlier when Ellie's like hey you're adults you made a choice don't blame this on me when he's saying we don't need you but uh that that's going to corrode that's gonna be gone we got the wire blah blah and get that [ __ ] gun out of my face and there was a respect that was established and Pedro Pascal's acting is the best because that's the only part I really got hungry at when he was eating when he was eating I got hungry I don't care what he was whatever he was having I was like I'm gonna go in the kitchen and get something all right what's next right uh we've got Daniel vacura who writes Frank not wanting to be around Bill anymore leading him to getting infected and then hanging himself uh with Bill crumpling up that note would have been such a dark ending like the game both stories work yeah I have to twist on you know he could have gone again one is the way it happened in the game like we we do see Frank in the game only I think like from the shoulders down hanging but I mean they decided to go in a completely different direction again the key to making a great adaptation is not just blindly sticking to the source material it's knowing when to elevate it and this was an elevation I thought and it also oh go ahead oh I was just gonna say what you were talking about before we started rolling too with the gameplay you have agency right you are experience the game as these characters so you naturally care for them because you are playing as them you're making their choices so you have to make different choices so you have a different experience and a different emotional tether to these characters to give a [ __ ] about anything that's happening it's happening to you you feel very differently and also the tone of The Last of Us is not the game it's Grim dark for a reason that's part of the game play in it this when you're watching narrative I mean this changes the tone great oh exactly sweet romantic love story it wouldn't have worked you would never see seen this in the game we're always talking about in Marvel that Marvel is at its best and a little bit of the weakness when they know how to change gears you've got to change gears and the fact that this thing is taking us from a horrific moment like the death of Tess to this incredible tender beautiful part of the story like the show is changing games as we're going and it's and it's too easy to have like a zombie show and then just end every episode like on a grim moment as me as a viewer like I lose hope and I stop I don't like that feeling every episode and I'll quit the show if you keep giving that to me like I this was a nice picture yeah yeah it's like another group another death and when they took out Glenn I was like I'm done I can't watch this this is grotesque and and why what am I rooting for right all right what's next yeah and I mean even just to that point if you play The Last of Us too it does get into the relationships they did learn lessons from the first one on both sides you you see it from from relationships all around everyone involved yeah so yeah all right so we got next up uh Teresa Tiberius Mork uh some say this episode is just filler so awfully wrong uh it's by seeing life through others eyes you learn the biggest lessons Joel is not the same coming out of this and same with the audience you know what I said I heard somebody say earlier I think it was one of the viewers wrote in it's like you know this episode could have been like 10 or 15 or 20 minutes oh yeah we got a super chat about it yeah okay yeah so I I think I saw that scroll by before we had it in the show today and it's like okay if all you need is those YouTube videos that give you a full movie summary in nine minutes sure I could sit down and tell you what happened hey so Bill meets this guy Frank he shows them there's good reason to live they fall in love and ultimately because he gets he gets sick and they die they die together yeah you could the movies and storytelling on screen like on TV and stuff like that is about immersing us in that so we can feel it and I'm sorry that episode could not be 20 minutes and have us feel it Ray Ray pointed out earlier their their creative choices about how far in time to jump every time four years three years ten years and watching an experiencing their relationship develop un see yeah you just say oh they develop a room type Bond oh okay but we don't feel that you have to experience it to feel it and that's the difference between a neat story idea and Brilliant story telling you know by the end and I'm telling you this is the first time I'm ever excited for the next episode so the the what they did here was great like maybe you might see like not much happened in terms of Joel and Ellie like their story but to me a ton of things happen and I can't even explain what it is it's just a feeling that this is the journey right here like um it's it's about to start like I can't wait and the way that it was bracketed it opened uh at the river you know when Joel was at the river and then walking up and finding Ellie sitting down against the tree and then when you got into the story of Bill and Frank it told that whole story we dropped in Joel and Tess and then at the end you bring back Joel and Ellie and they walk and the gates locked and they find the Dead flowers in the hole it was really brilliant how they did that yeah and I needed to see Jolin test like that part because it filled in the gaps for him because I didn't get enough like I didn't feel their closeness until this episode you know I'm glad you brought the thing about the flowers too because the whole time I'm wondering are they going to get there in time to get a last words from Thing by Jim showing up and then having the camera do a pull focus on the dying flowers that with again without any dialogue without anything else that told us as the audience a little bit of time has passed yeah and no one's taken care of it they died it wasn't terribly long ago because the meat on the table had not completely decomposed no but I mean it it happened maybe they might have even just missed it by a few weeks I think they may have just missed it by a few weeks yeah yeah all right it's green it's clean Walter White Walker writes boringly straight dude here episode was amazing [Laughter] over your own the the stupid [ __ ] some people have and just see this as a human story about two people who bring incredible meaning to each other's lives and you see it as what it was it's incredible beautiful thing all right um as the resident gay in the room I just want did anybody say you could talk I'm sorry surprised I'm in here I'm surprised here in queer uh Taylor come out I just wanted to say uh growing up I didn't have any representation for me in the movies I watched the shows I watched the games I played so last night I I did not make it this far in the game so I did not know what to expect Taylor you didn't make it very far in the game period but last night was just so beautiful and and what I was thinking was not only like how lucky am I to be able to experience this story and to see this but like now people who were my age growing up that didn't have representation like this is just such a beautiful love story and growing up the closest thing I could think of I don't know what year it came out was Brokeback Mountain and it's like okay I liked it because I was like oh I feel you know like there's a movie that portrays me but it's just so tragic and this one yes it was tragic they died but it's just like the way they went out on their own terms it was with love it was just such a beautiful emotional I was holding my boyfriend crying the whole episode it was just so beautiful so for me it just is so are you saying you're a cowboy I'm I'm saying I'm a cowboy I've always been a cowboy uh assless chaps all the way but I'm just so I I'm just so proud of last night's episode just my favorite show that's on here right now that I felt represented and just how emotional it was for me well I also think another to speak to that you know science fiction fantasy and horror is as genres sometimes at least when I was growing up I always were pooh-pooed you know you'd have to have a little Star Trek as allegorical stories but all the thing is you can deal with these kinds of stories you you put things that are socially hot button issues but you move them into a fantasy context or a horror context and people that might object to something suddenly can see it in a different light because they're interested in a horror thing or a science fiction show or fantasy of course I find fantasy has always been way more inclusive way more inclusive but that's the power of doing something like this you know suddenly you've you've normalized you've just seen two people and you're not too caught up in them yeah side note and I think I might make an editorial about this there are a bunch of Jack Boots who like there's this there's this common thing out there that uh like the morons who say oh the race swapping they ruined they're more worried about uh being looked than they are about telling good stories no number one you're a [ __ ] number two Last of Us Again proves listen do they have shows with representation do they have shows and movies that have representation that are bad shows and movies yes the problem is the mentally stunted look at that well it was bad because there was a black guy in it it's bad because there was a gig no no no no no no they're bad because they were bad just like we can all points with thousand different shows that are led by straight white male guys that are bad they're not bad because the straight white male guys are bad because it was a badly made story or badly made movie with the last of us with them making the decision about first of all you know Joel's background his family heritage different than it is in the game uh you know his daughter in the game is white his daughter in the game is black like all that kind of stuff it's irrelevant a good story is a good story and if the Last of Us was a bad show it wouldn't you know they're a bunch of the Jack Boots who'd be running around going well it's because they changed the ethnicity of Joel I know you [ __ ] [ __ ] it's because they didn't make it well and if the show is great it's not because they change the ethnicity we learn from this is that it doesn't [ __ ] matter it doesn't matter yeah it doesn't matter what your family heritage is it doesn't matter what the pigmentation tone of your skin color is none of that [ __ ] matters it's just another Battle Cry of the weak insecure little pathetic people who call themselves men these days but anyway they're missing out yeah you know what it's confused to not watch something because of those reasons then yeah there's other people enjoying it you're going to miss everything cool in America yeah open yourself up a little bit all right what's next uh Victor 5001 writes a truly beautiful episode of any TV show the music during Bill and Frank's final day montage is now off me twice it's by Max Richter and he's played over the sad bits of the film arrival yeah it's used a lot that was the one thing I love that piece of music but it has almost become it's like when they played the Adagio that was in platoon yeah whenever they then it was everywhere that's one of Anne's favorite pieces of music because as soon as they started playing that music in the show Anne was like lighting up because she loves that piece it's an incredible piece of music but they've used it over the last 15 years of using so many things I thought however it was incredibly appropriate to use when they yeah it was well matched there yeah all right their last day was like the longest day right like the way they did it yeah like it you felt more make my last day a good day yeah I felt more sad as the day went on but then you could tell it was like something that they really wanted like or at least Frank did so yeah all right all right two-parter here from Alex Von Gollum who writes uh this episode displays the notion of characters are they are to serve the story Bill and Frank's ending together with Bill's letter are acting as a catalyst for Joel to care and uh and love Ellie 100 at the same time Bill and Frank got greatly developed Beautiful episode and in understanding I I believe as the show goes on our understanding of Bill and Frank will increase our understanding of Joel and Ellie I like as I I think that was perfectly put that was absolutely perfectly put well and I think I think Joel's smile at the end they had they had to put a bookend on the test situation the test Situation's done yeah you know and and it took that when Joel walked out of the house with that letter and was standing outside the look on Pedro Pascal's face that was the moment where okay I'm over it you know this is this is the catharsis I needed there was no other way for me to get this and he received it and I thought it was great and when they were in the car together it's like we're moving on to our new phase of life you know and and I've accepted this situation you're coming to Wisconsin for me or Wyoming with me in icon Wisconsin Wyoming and we're going to find somebody to take I'm gonna find a Jedi to hand you off to yes and Joel lost his daughter and then the girl he was testing yeah lost a lot you would think he would give just like just give up right but is it his brother the thought of his brother what's keeping him going right now as we speak do you get that well yeah because there's bill and Joel have a lot in common not as extreme though like I think I think you're absolutely right like Joel was a little bit living in his own bunker with as bill was not to that extreme and not to that extent he still did have potassium all kind of stuff but he's obviously very very a lot more of a jaded guy than he was before his daughter died but now he's coming out of that just just like Frank brought bill out of it Ellie's gonna bring him out of it by the way I also liked how we heard a little bit more of what happened on outbreak day yes yes yeah and they filled in which was just yeah theories yep that's another thing the show has embraced those fan theories the fact that druckman and Mason know the fan theories yeah and are incorporating those fan theories in in a great way have creators who understand their fan base and are using what the fans have come up with that's pretty cool all right what's next all right CJ rebirth writes seat belt Ellie and all Joe puts it on her it was such a sweet dad moment I know it still has the dad memories and muscles I love it he's trying to block that out too he doesn't want to be that anymore which oh this build up though right because there is a very like famous iconic scene in the game that is absolutely going to be I I just gonna be in here there is a monologue that is gonna break your freaking heart I could tell I know I know where the show is going with them too like I'm already like come on so good do I just continue watching this piece of crap about it all right what's next uh Daniel vacara is back um well it must have oh this is part two of two hang on let me okay here we go Daniel Vaccaro part one druckman said uh they only decide to change the fate of the character if it can be improved they said this was always going to be a happy ending since every episode can't have things be miserable for um Ray was just saying yeah uh then the audience would not think there's really a shot for our main cast with it being too Grim I missed Bill's interactions with Ellie and Joel but it works so well uh really impactful I was looking forward like Adam as the show was progressing we could tell we were moving through time back up to the present time I was kind of looking forward to seeing Bill and Ellie interact by the way did you notice that it's at bills that Ellie gets her iconic shirt because she ends the episode wearing that that iconic shirt yeah I thought that was that was pretty cool so there was like a little Easter egg then oh they were like I saw I was going on my YouTube feed this morning I saw there was like one video saying the 79 Easter eggs in episode three another the very next video in the in the feed side the 81 Easter eggs like they're all trying to watch the other guy didn't see yeah I did this too the other guy I missed I gotta say one thing about Bella Ramsey a lot of I guess the people who played the game didn't like that she was uh cast as oh initially yeah there's a lot of backlash but there's something about her face where that makes her look like a baby still right and that's like totally working like she's she's still young if they picked a girl that I've seen on the covers of uh the game I don't think it would work as well without the way this girl looks like me I still think she's like a small I feel like she just looks like a brunette brown-eyed Ashley Johnson I really think she looks like she could be just like her baby in a flashback like I think it was great casting that's why when she cusses it's still I'm like whoa whoa in real life but like so many things right we cast older and they play younger yep she's 19. but she still looks like we did like the the antithesis of CW casting right we're like well everyone's 30. awesome she looks like an actual child like she looks like she's four we talked about the circus because people somebody wrote in a while ago and asked about like oh they're gonna have to recast her for when they get into the Abbey story line they're gonna have to recast Ellie because they're going to be older it's like no no look at what they're doing with Joel right now they are I mean that's just how she looks but they're also making her look a little bit younger too yeah when it comes time for us to fast forward a couple of years she's going to be able to look like yeah I mean look at Jenna Ortega in Wednesday versus X you know oh yeah yeah very recasting [ __ ] man you better keep this girl she's wonderful all right what's next all right uh the Jace the J Thunder 45 right truly believe this was the most beautiful piece of fiction ever written love that they're loved that their life together ultimately encouraged Joel's final decision yeah look I'm going to stop short of saying it's one of the most beautiful stories ever written but I stand by what I said last night I think this is a top five episodes of Television the last five to ten years I I it just I'm floored by and with the time constraints too you got so much out of so little yeah yeah absolutely all right what's next all right one second just lost my spot okay Sam Fisher writes what I love about the episode most is that you take Joel and Ellie out of it it just becomes a standalone special about finding love in an apocalypse if you take Joel and Ellie out of it and you package it a certain way it could have been its own Warner Brothers released movie yeah and just call it you know love and uh zombie time I mean yeah in quarter seven reporter said the time of quadriceps you could just call that Mason and it still would have worked but within the context of The Last of Us it brings on a whole new dimension of meaning and importance and like a little DLC yeah really good DLC all right what's next all right Wicked Man rights man Joel is intimidating when he tells Bill to get that gun out of him yes let's not forget that in episode one Tess is being roughed out by that gang and the guy's biggest worry is you're gonna tell Joel and everybody's afraid of Joel we see him beat a man to death yeah I mean but they lay those scenes in episode one like listen this isn't some new thing he's not like secretly a tough guy everybody knows and even the gang leader is like yeah this this is a oh Joel yeah don't don't tell Joel don't tell Joel it was the encounter with the clickers that kind of reset that for me right just because like the it seemed like he wasn't as confident just seeing that it kind of made me feel not confident in him but then it brought it back by the way how many more questions we have to go like seven all right you guys continue I gotta run to the bathroom and I can make it through something actually this just dropped though actor Cindy Cindy Williams the uh optimistic uh Shirley of Laverne and Shirley dies at 75. she was also in um uh America American Graffiti yeah yeah he just passed away oh man this is becoming one of the worst years like I've never there's been so many like yeah all right right well uh Raymond I knew you had to go there protect mine like do you want to use the women's is that what you do Christmas all right from uh a lot of big dick energy D.A collector 89 right uh when Frank planned out how he wanted to die in bed after having a good meal and drinking the rest of the medicine in uh the wine man that was emotional yeah yeah it was really emotional I just couldn't stop thinking about how it would make the wine taste bad I was a thrill I was just like what a boy I was waiting for a Twist maybe it's like iocane powder you can't there's no sense you have to train very very much I was waiting for that twist but no they just went through with it and ended it beautifully yeah yeah all right James wheeler writes the location where Joel kept his stash Cumberland Farms was a store I grew up going to in Massachusetts when I was in uh Chatham this summer for my family reunion that's where we would go get stuff every day they got they got a great shout out and started Home Depot yeah um The Home Depot it's a good product placement all right uh Eric Hoff writes I swear this show creates a love-hate relationship you want to get attached to characters emotionally but when then we're able to you might die well they have this life in the end times yeah yeah yeah um Daniel vacura writes critics saying episode three was the best episode of the show uh where it's an all-time great episode weren't wrong it was a tour de force when it comes to acting and writing all right and then uh do you want to refresh that looks like we might refreshing it so far so far has worked okay it looks like we're back okay all right Abraham Reeves writes uh you know I was wondering if I cried during the episode since I knew we were getting Frank here boy I was not prepared to ugly cry last night this was basically an extended dystopian version of uh the up intro fantastic episode yeah oh we talked about this when we were doing the the uh communion video yes it does it you know especially when you talk about condensing this kind of story right you could do the up thing you could go that route and just visually show us something that wouldn't have had the same payoff here it wouldn't have worked but it's so beautifully done I don't know about you guys but since I was watching it with Logan like we didn't say anything to each other there was just a moment where we grabbed each other's hands and we're just silently sobbing just tears streaming down our face until the very end of the episode where we were just like I really love you and you're my purpose oh [ __ ] I was playing Xbox and I was like oh what what pass me the ball and and thought it was like the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen like I remember when it's done it was just like that was like one of the most emotionally beautiful things I've ever seen it was stunning it was great so well done all right what's next uh Juan brauna is next Rob as an AV Enthusiast can we talk about how great the 4K HDR and Dolby Atmos mix is can't wait for this 4K steel book with lossless audio wait for which movie for this for this oh for oh hopefully I mean HBO does put stuff out uh their house the dragon discs are amazing so maybe they'll do it I mean I'm sure we'll get it soon in a steelbook it's still so weird that they do because if the whole purpose that you're making these shows is to get people to subscribe to HBO Max it's counterproductive to production I know but I just if you give other people other options to watch it and the whole purpose is to encourage people and entice people to get HBO Max you're saying now you don't have to get HBO it's just that guy and Rob buying it that's true no no the house of dragons still on number uh top five best sellers the thing about it is what's the what's the criteria to be a bestseller in physical media there's still 16 billions of dollars and guess who's having who has entertainment bill because he's down there there's no internet what are you going to stream on it's got a load of DVDs down there so VHS tape and look I'll tell you something The House of the dragon and Game of Thrones like the long night when the white walkers attacked Winterfell it looks way better right it's because it was so compressed that's why there was so many complaints going over a pipe yeah and then everyone thought the director was being smugged and we said it's just your settings because I shot it perfectly well it's like he probably did you did it compressed why did you look like Pedro Pascal when you're saying that way better it's all scrunchy and I just also want to shout out uh that Abraham Reese that was a 20 Superstar oh thank you Abraham so now we're on to Jay jab dab who writes another adaptation that elevates the story absolutely yeah and listen it's hard to come by like adaptations that have elevated particularly video game adaptations that have elevated the story I mean you look at something like Sonic which is like this basically gotta start from scratch and and they definitely Elevate but it's not Sonic isn't an adaptation of the story they talked about the chaos gems sure a little bit it's it's Arcane and and Sonic which are like not adaptations of the story it's they took the the characters and now let's make a story from scratch this is the best video game adaptation like where the story they've taken the story and translated that story into an on-screen story and it's never been done better I mean imagine if they told the story of of Bill and Frank the way it was told in the game you wouldn't have this at all no not at all and and that's that's the thing you can't I mean translating things uh verbatim is very difficult to do because it's a game yeah the context of Storytelling is very different than this they created a story that's still based in the game but wasn't in the game so in a way they work in tandem with one another yeah all right what's next all right just uh some support with me from Matthew Frazier and that's that's it yeah bye well guys uh that will do it for this week's installment of our The Last of Us after show open spoiler discussion uh I mean I God I love this show so much and I'm like Ray I I I'm drooling for next week's episode cannot wait uh thank you guys for joining us big special thank you to you guys who sent in super chats number one because he gave us great fun insightful things to talk about but number two you supported our Channel as you did it and all of us here in the room thank you so much for that support I love doing this format we're all literally sitting around here nice to be able to actually like talk to each other like people this is this is kind of fun so thank you for that guys uh so for everybody in the room thank you guys for being here don't forget to join us hey guys listen for those of you still watching James Gunn's announcement they're revealing it to the major trades right now in a closed-door little press conference at the Warner Brothers Studio Lot as we speak they are going to get to write up their stories tonight and release them in the morning so you know in the morning we are going to be talking the announcements of the brand new DC Universe coming of course I thought this was important if there's something that you didn't like in this episode and you thought it should win another way you should write it put it in script form send it wrong I want every single detail of what it should have been instead of what we saw please run it through chat chat GPT first oh also also just in terms of The Last of Us guys tomorrow uh we'll pick up our last of us lunch break let's play uh before the open mic so tune in after the main show tomorrow are y'all doing cool stuff tomorrow all right guys thanks for being here we'll see you tomorrow have a good one until next time bye-bye
Channel: John Campea
Views: 52,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Campea, tobeornottobethatisthequestion, The Last of Us, HBO Max, Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Neil Druckmann, Craig Mazin, Gabriel Luna, Sony, Naughty Dog, Playstation Productions, HBO
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 8sec (4268 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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