THE LAST OF US Episode 9 Breakdown & Ending Explained | Review And Game Easter Eggs

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okay so the last Last of Us season one episode is now out and throughout this video we're going to be breaking down episode nine all the Easter eggs hidden details and also discussing the ending first up though I want to thank everyone for rocking with me the last nine weeks and we're sort of like Joe lanelli a bit because I doomed the entire human race just to get a thumbs up from you anyway we start off the episode with a flashback and this features a major game Cameo out in the woods We join a pregnant woman running and this is none other than Ashley Johnson Ashley voiced Ali in the game and here we catch here playing her mother so far several big actors from the game have popped up including Tommy's voice actor as Perry Troy Baker is James last week and Marlene who shows up later on in this scene there's also a hidden Cameo at the end of the episode and one of the nurses is played by none other than Laura Bailey if you've played the second game then you might recognize this as being the person behind Abby and though she's obscured by a mask it's confirmed in the credits very cool Easter egg now Ellie's mother is called Anna and she was first mentioned in The Last of Us comic American Dreams this featured alien Riley and in it we learned a little bit about Anna and what she did before the outbreak and I worked as a nurse and we know she and her lifelong friend Marlene survived together when everything went down worse and this Channel's views next week all that we learned from the backstory was that she died within a day of giving birth to Ellie but here we see it fleshed out with her running to a farmhouse being chased by an infected person we can see a big symbol for the fireflies denoting that this is a safe house and you can also catch what I'm guessing as the Boston QC in the background as we know this was controlled by Federer and though we don't learn why Anna's out on her own like this it likely has something to do with the infected perhaps they were out on the road and then they were ambushed and Anna ended up fleeing which could have led to this due to them searching out in the wild I think that this might have been the road trip that they made in order to get the qz and this could be them arriving for the first time the thing about Insurgent groups like this is that Federer could scan for the infected but they had no no way of telling who was a rebel or a firefly the sights still be allowed in so potentially this is them just traveling out of the city and then everything kicked off along the way we know that the area surrounding Boston's full of infected too and that's my theory ton on why she's out on her own like this hopefully they address it on the HBO post release podcast and if they have then make sure you drop it in the comments below now Anna locks herself in a room and then she bursts out a switchblade which becomes one of Ellie's main weapons in the main game she manages to kill the infected but unfortunately during this she gets bit as she gives birth the cordyceps probably mutated during this moment and this is why Ali ends up being immune in episode 1 we saw infection times and due to the bite being on her leg she has 12 to 24 hours left with her child Anna names her Ally and after the title sequence we jump to the Knight to see the fireflies arriving led by Marlene this group don't mind shunning flashlights as infected don't actually get alerted by them this was a big thing in the game too and you did need to turn it off when you when navigating around them and Marlene goes upstairs to find Anna holding a knife to her neck in case she starts to turn she hasn't breastfed her either in case she infects it and she entrusts Marlene with her child also the green jacket that she's wrapped up in is what Ellie later ends up wearing when she's older showing that [Music] Anna also gives her the knife and this is something that Marlene passed to her in both the show and game they also mentioned in the American dream comic that it belonged to Anna and Marlene promises to look after Ellie however she refuses to kill Anna initially but realizing that it's her Judy she eventually decides to this is very much the entire point of Marlene's Arc in this entry and we see how she attempts to put the greater good above what she actually wants to do though she swears to protect Ellie we see how at the end she approves the operation that will kill her and create a vaccine the finale has all the morally gray areas that the game does and in that when you're moving through the hospital you find some of her voice notes talking about the situation the pretty long so I don't just want to spend ages playing them but there are two recorders that very much give her feelings at the time the versus her coming back off the reveal that Ellie needs to be killed for the vaccine and she's angry that she keeps getting tested over and over like this the second is far more heartfelt and it's actually addressed directly to Anna she apologizes for breaking her promise but says that she has to go through with it because this could save everyone she says that Anna and her daughter will be reunited soon and also states that she won't kill Joel because he's the only person who may understand how difficult his choice is like him the pair both had to watch over Ellie but this choice to spare Joel of course damns them all now there's also some really cool imagery in this moment and Anna ends up giving birth to Ellie beneath an illustration of a tree trees have a neural network underground like the infected and Ali being born under this carries the symbolism that a network could spring from her that saves Humanity this could also be seen as the tree of life and it's a really nice imagery to add into the scene now you know I hate the next guy bloody hate him but Ryan arably ryanairy was chatting to him about the episode through the week and he spot that Anna sings the song The Sun always shines on TV by A-ha Take On Me by the band was played at the mall and Ellie also had one of their tapes up in her room Take On Me is also a song that appears in part two and Ellie sings it at one point in the game this video is sponsored by hellofresh I'm not really talking about this on the channel but for about the last year or so I've been a vegetarian used to love fried chicken to miss steak was a mistake to me uh but I decided to do it last year and so far I've managed to stick to it however it can be difficult to find food that tastes good but hellofresh have made it very easy by creating an entire section on their website dedicated to vegetarian meals I can't really cook either might surprise you that so I thought sticking to it would be hard but hellofresh have made Meal Time Easy by delivering delicious simple to follow recipes filled with wholesome ingredients that show up quicker than a heavy spoilers video what's good is that you can also mix and match things my wife and kids they 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finally coming off the back of the winter chapter in the game they used every season to tell a sort of self-contained story and we had things like the tomian university sections in the fall before Joel's recovery took place over the winter the final section took place in the spring and in that they've added a couple of extra sections that we don't get here we began with Jill and Ali out on Highway and the four more is the one doing all the Talking for once this is where we begin and we even have the camper van that you go into in the game and get supplies from similar to that Joel's found stuff inside of it he tries to shake Ali out of the deep feelings that she has in the game she was very much realizing that she was at the end of the road and that things here were almost over it is important to bear in mind that Ali actually wanted to go through with everything even if it meant her death in the end this is why Joe lies to her as you know she wanted her life to mean something which is a line that she also drops in part two I'll not spoil too much of that but but little things that helped betray her thoughts I think are important to bring her anyway on the highway Ellie also notices an advert for a plane which the show sort of touched upon when they came across a downed one in episode 3. Ali said that she'd had a dream where she was on one and after going to the cockpit she realized no one was flying it to me this symbolized her realizing that no one actually had a clue what they were doing and that the adult she entrusted all along were as directionless as she was when you're a kid growing up you think older people have everything together but when you become one you realize they've got no idea either Ali believed that people like Marlene and Joel would lead him and deal with things but this episode shows that they're driven by Instinct and their own desires now whereas we find Ali sitting on the back of a truck the game had a zoning out to an engraving of a deer this was clearly her remembering all the things that happened for her to meet David and it calls back to the one that she hunted during the winter Ellie's also wearing a red shirt at this point with Joel dotting a grayish denim one which what both characters were at this point in the game I've from here you move through an abandoned quarantine camp that was set up on the early days of the outbreak before going into an underground tunnel this was full of infected including Runners clickers and to blow as little trick for you though if you sneak through and just stop it you can actually avoid fighting all of them and you just get at the end with Ellie and it's all gravy baby anyway from here the pair made their way deeper underground and they came across a tunnel which had a burst pipe allowing water to seep in when trying to navigate over a bus this sprung free and Joe was trapped in it as it was carried along with the water Ellie saved him but the pair almost ended up drowning and with her passed out Joel had to swim through he managed to make it through to the surface which is where he tried to resuscitate her it's at this point that the fireflies showed up in the show they pop up just out of the blue but we'll talk about that more as we get up to that bit in the story anyway back to the episode and we see Jill messing about with a backpack on the ground similar to what you do in the games when you're crafting and checking supplies honestly I think they really recapture the opening of the chapter here with the highway perfectly mirroring how it is in the game now we also get a mention of Joel teaching Ali the guitar in both the show and game he had a guitar in that RV you feel that breeze huh I'll tell you on a day like this I just sit on my porch pick away my sex string it's all smashed up but got me thinking maybe I should find one I haven't played in forever yeah once we're done with this whole thing I'm gonna teach you how to play guitar in fact I was thinking maybe I could teach you I bet you'd be great at it all right what do you say huh you want to learn how to play guitar we'll talk more on this super spoiler section about how this plays into part two but it's important to show how Joel's regaining his Humanity he was completely shut off from the world but now he's becoming apparent once more and showing interest in picking up a Guitar again and showing Ellie his Hobbies you also see a sign for Salt Lake City and this was the location that appeared on the map in the University you really see the pair's relationship flourishing in these moments with Ellie predicting B for beat about what they're gonna do to scout the area it's a great moment between Mando and grogu and here we head indoors before we get into the giraffe scene in the game you ended up going into the Logan James bus station terminal which I always thought was a reference to Wolverine as his full name's Logan James Howlett if you're from Salt Lake though and I'm I'm so like a [ __ ] then make sure you call me a stupid idiot in the comments and be like no it's a real place and it's not named after Wolverine anyway they spot a ladder and Jill suggests boosting Ellie up in order to grab it this is a mechanic that happens in the game and you'd often throw earlier places so that she could drop one down down now this was something that he'd gone through time and time again but they changed at the Dynamics by having Ellie dropped the ladder like what happens in the show oh my God damn it Joe goes up like four flights of steps I'm not sure how long this giraffe's neck is but this moment it's ripped right out the game [Music] don't scare it what are you doing it's all right come here come on [Music] what are you doing it's all right hurry up [Music] come on [Music] can you hurry up come on hey there [Music] so [ __ ] cool [Music] oh where's it off to oh [ __ ] cool where's she going come on come on come on come on here come on let's go slow down kiddo and that was done to show that there was still Beauty in the world even though everything had come tumbling down though Humanity might be on its last legs the rest of the animals that live on the planet had continued to thrive giraffes in the show and game carry a lot of symbolism with them too and they're very much meant to represent innocence Sarah had a giraffe toy in her room the characters passed one in episode two there was one up in the kids room in episode six and they popped up throughout both mediums at several points in spirituality a giraffe's also symbol of Grace and overall they represent patience in the game this was you taking a breather for the first time in a long while and here you just looked over the herd and had a moment to relax now from here they go to a different part of the roof and we get a scene for scene Recreation of what happens in the game [Music] yeah foreign [Music] is it everything you hoped for it's got its ups and downs got adoption down can't deny the view though you can't deny that view [Music] is it everything you hoped for was that everything you hope for jury's still out jury's still out oh man she had to know that view [Music] can't you know that [Music] we don't have to do this you know that right they'll have to do this I just I want you to know that it's the other option go back to Tommy's they done with this whole damn thing what do you mean what else are we supposed to do nothing we just Tommy's we forget about the whole damn thing after all we've been through that I've done I can't be for nothing can't be for nothing [Music] now Joe offering Ali a chance to go to Tommy is not really the thing that he wants for her it's what he wants for him he knows that once he drops her off at the fireflies at the relationships no more and he's gonna have to go back to Jackson whilst she stays with them this is his chance to become a father again so he's giving her this option but he ends up making the choice anyway at the end when he goes full Rambo on everyone Ali also says sheep Ranch the Moon this is something that he brought up around the campfire in episode 6. this was the future that he wanted for himself and we'll talk about how this plays in a part two during the spoiler section later on have a spotless you [ __ ] anyway Ellie wants to go through and finish what they started which takes them to a makeshift qz Camp his two is ripped right out of the PlayStation classic though we do get two very different emotional moments playing out in both both Santa and Sarah and in both the show and game we get Jill explaining what exactly happened in the series he says it wasn't fedra whereas in the game it was anyway here's how the explanations differ slightly this is ephedra thing no Army but this place takes me back that is right after everything went down I ended up in a triage just like this they put these places up all around the first few days after the outbreak and everywhere you look you just It's All Families torn apart whole damn world seem to have turned upside down in a blank they had me and one just like this with Sarah no she was gone already is that after you lost Sarah yes it will can't imagine losing someone you love like that losing everything that you know I'm sorry Joel anyway in the game at this moment early ended up handing over a photo of Sarah to Joel back with Tommy he tried to do the same thing and we learned that he'd return to Texas and had stopped by their old house which is where he found it Jill refused to look at it or acknowledge it and it showed how much of a closed book that he now was Ali revealed that she'd stolen from Tommy though and here she attempted to give it back to him he ended up accepting that he couldn't outrun his past and it showed that he'd finally moved on from feeling nothing but constant grief and pain in the show though he talks about almost ending his own life and reveals a scar on his head was self-inflicted now this skull was something eliased about on the road all the way back in episode 3. she all said that someone should at him and missed and I wrongly assume that this scar was from when the soldier shot at him in Sarah Jill said that he wasn't scared and that he was ready to do it and in the game the character actually discussed people that take their own lives they came across someone and Ellie says that they took the easy way out Raz Joel said that it was never easy yeah he goes further into it and says that he wasn't scared and in fact he was ready he just hadn't seen the point in living anymore when Sarah died but he flinched when pulling the trigger and he still doesn't know why when we look at it he lived the next 20 years with nothing really to live for and that was all until Ellie came along the ending shows that he simply can't go through that again and he doesn't care who he has to kill to spare himself of that pain he's also seen the worst in humanity and the argument is definitely there whether it's worth sparing one good person for us like the last of us if you imagine nihilists could say that Humanity deserve what happened to them and gel very much represents the Riley mine state of wanting to spend whatever time he has left with the person he cares about ali then says Time Heals all wounds but he says it wasn't that that did it Ellie has saved him and in return he does what he sees as saving her and thus saving himself It's Kind it's kind of picky poison on what version you prefer over this or the game and you know I'm a die-hard fan of the ladder but I actually think that it worked better in this show now the mood is enlightened by some puns apocalypse lipstick there's no two apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow too soon no it's topical a moon rock tastes better than an Earthly Rock oh I love this one moon rocks tastes better than Earth rocks why because it's meteor meteor that's terrible that was actually good what did the green grape say to the purple grape breathe you idiot it's so stupid what did the green grape say to the purple grape breathing with it well the fun is spoiled by a firefly flashbang might not be a flashbang I'm not a weapons expert and every time I get it wrong people kick off so yeah if it's not call me an idiot in the comments below and make sure you get those comments up anyway in this scene that's reminiscent of Sarah waking up in episode one we cut to some blinds flapping back and forth before we find Joel in a hospital bed windows are very important the last of us and one was used on the menu screen with a similar setup for this being used at the end of episode 3. Joel initially believes that he sees blood but this then forms into a firefly shape or shadowing what's to come now from here we get a scene that Rifts in the game with Joe and Marlene talking [Music] welcome to the fireflies sorry about that they didn't know who you were yeah you're pretty hard she's all right they brought her back where's Zoe she wasn't here not even a scratch she's mostly worried about you you came all this way how'd you do it I have five men whose only job was to protect me I still almost got killed do it it was her laughs she fought like hell to get here what is over she felt like hell to get here she would have been dead on day one and it was meant to be I lost most of my crew cross in the country I pretty much lost everything the country but I owe you we always take me to her you don't have to worry about her anymore we'll take care I worry let me see her please I can't she's being prepped for surgery you can't she's being prepped for surgery what the hell you mean surgery the doctors tell me the cordyceps the growth inside her has somehow mutated our doctor he thinks that the cordyceps and Ellie has grown with her since birth that's why she's immune once they remove it they'll be able to reverse engineer of ax makes normal cordyceps sync the cheese cordyceps it's why she's immune but it grows all over the brain cordyceps grows inside the brain it does it does find someone else there is no one else listen you were gonna show me find someone else there is no one else take me to her you take me to her right now stop I get it please you don't understand they do but whatever it is you think you're going through right now is nothing to what I have been through I was there when she was born Joel promised her mother that I would save her child I promised I knew her since she was born I promised your mother I would look after her then why why are you letting this happen because this isn't about me I'm the only one who understands there is no other choice here I have no other choice [Music] yeah you keep telling yourself that [ __ ] March him out of here he tries anything shoot him welcome onto the highway leaving there with this pack he tries anything shoot him we also add in some extra lines of dialogue explaining how and why Ellie is immune as we learn in episode 2 the cordyceps work almost like a hive mind with that being vast wires of them underground this very much extends to how they work with the immunity too and they see her cordyceps as normal so they don't attack a multiply these chemical Messengers being replicated could end up being a cure and this Moline sees elia's array of light now there are certain things that come with this and if you ever get into talking about whether Joel was right or wrong you'll run into people who say the vaccine wouldn't have worked anyway and that there was a chance it could fail there's definitely that possibility too though the second game does make it way clearer either way the Firefly is having this cure could have completely shifted the Power Balance on the planet and they would very much become the rulers of Earth deciding who got immunity and who didn't they're as cruel as the rest of the groups we've encountered and as we know they completely hate Federer they're also complete heads and who knows whether they'd even be able to replicate it at scale I think whenever I've played through this section on the game as well I've always thought that the big thing Marlene didn't do that she should have is let Joel and Ali say their goodbyes as soon as she got into the hospital she was pretty much scan rushed to surgery and there wasn't that chance where Joel could make his peace with what was happening they wanted the Cure as soon as possible and whether that's to gain power or save people I'll leave that up to you to decide now Marlene says that she was there when she was born but she's very much sacrificing her in her feelings to do what she sees as being best for the planet what I love about the ending is that there's no right or wrong answer and you can fully see Joel as being the bad guy had people not played as him or watched him in the show then I think that would definitely be the case too on paper this is a man who stormed a hospital and used it as a shooting gallery so that he could kidnap a girl and lie to her about what happened these aren't the Hallmarks of a hero but I can also see why people don't like Marlene either had Jill let them do it they could have held the world to rans awesome I know I don't think stopping them from doing that was his intention there are questions to be asked now in addition for the show Molly instructor guards to give him Ali's switchblade and this carries a lot of significance Anna gave it to Marlene at the beginning and I very much view this as her trying to get rid of the girl she's gonna carry every time she looks at it this item brought with it a promise that Marlene's gone back on and how giving it to Joel very much reminds him of what he's fighting for and she did try her best to be fair and she even enrolled Ellie and Federer so that she'd be far away from the fireflies still though her immunity brought them together Molly now sees Ali as being a hope for Humanity the blade is of course so he can survive but Joel's gonna to remember her every time he looks at it as well we get an added shot that also wasn't in the source material with a tear rolling down Marlene's face to show how difficult this was now it is also possible that she suspected Ellie was immune due to the birth and this is why she wasn't immediately shot when she revealed she was infected we don't really find out how Ellie ended up with a fire flies but it's possible that she went directly to Marlene after hearing about her from Riley and the game Joel was taken out by one God in the scene however here is a scored by two but he still manages to get the upper hand he stops at a sign before he hits the stairwell and this is so he can see what floor she's on and then makes his move by killing them both such a good moment and he interrogates the god like what we get here [ __ ] you doing keep walking the [ __ ] are you doing keep walking I said keep walking I said keep walking where is he operating room I ain't got time for this where top floor the far end now he takes his knife back along with his backpack and switches into cold Terminator mode we talked about this last week with the interrogation scene there and how when Ellie's in danger he won't stop at anything to save her there's no line he won't cross no one he won't kill and he mercilessly moves through the Halls firing at people even if they surrender this bit was so intense in the game too when he pretty much just worked your way through the hospital killing everyone that you came across I really think it's a beautiful Montage even if it's horrific I got goosebumps seeing this play out here similar to game you eventually hit the children's Ward and you can catch the paintings that they had on the wall which are perfectly recaptured in the show we also have rooms after the side and this is where you'd find the recorders and so on like in the game Joel steps through the main door and he then sees Ellie about to be operated on I won't let you take her I won't let you take her now this character becomes very important later on and we do get some focus on him as Joe leaves carrying Ellie he leaves the nurses alive and hey you're a better man than me Joel because I was smashing him like the like button now he ends up getting to the elevator and in the game he's chased by soldiers but I think it makes more sense to have him just make his Escape without them breathing down his neck it's very much done in the game to keep up the tension Raz here he's clearly internally struggling with what's going on now the ending of The Last of Us is something that stuck with me since I first played the game back in 2013. killing doctors like this is clearly crossing the line but you could see things from Joel's point of view as he'd been playing as him for the last 10 hours or so as Joe leaves he carries Ellie out and this is symbolic for a number of reasons it's exactly the same as how he carried Sarah at the start of the series and Ellie very much represents the daughter that he lost he also gets put in a similar situation to how he was with Sarah at the beginning whereas we have a soldier standing with a gun drawn ready to shoot them we see that Molina stands between him and the life that he should have Marlene tries to talk him out of it and she says that if Ellie doesn't die for something like this then she'll know that die for nothing because of the way the world is the infected could tear her apart Raiders could kill her and we've seen throughout the season how many threats lie around Each corner she always says it's not up for Marlene to decide but that's very much the case with Jill as well what about Moline correctly says that they both know what Ellie would do which is confirmed later on in the story by the character herself now just like in the game we get the resolution of the scene playing alongside gel and Ali driving out of the area let's play these scenes together so you can see how they compare can't keep her safe forever you can't save her even if you get her out of here then what how long till she's torn apart by infected or murdered by Raiders how long before she's Torn to Pieces by a pack of Clickers that is that she hasn't been raped and murdered first Maybe but it isn't for you to decide for you I mean for you to decide it's what you know it so what would she decide look you can still do the right thing here even after what you've done we can still find a way she won't feel anything [Music] [Music] [Music] ah what the hell am I wearing let's take drugs are still wearing off all right you're with me take it slow the drugs are still wearing off what happened we found the fireflies it was just the fireflies and then turns out there's a whole lot more like you Ellie turns out there's a whole lot more like you people that are immune people that are immune it's dozens actually anytime a damn bit of good neither dozens of them the doctors they couldn't make any of it work they've actually they've stopped looking for a cure they've actually they've stopped looking for a cure taking us home bill I barely got you out of there [Music] [Music] wait oh let me go let's come after her you just come after her now an important addition here is a line about Raiders attacking the hospital I always wondered why Ali didn't question why they got out of there so quickly without saying goodbye but this light helps to add why they had to leave straight away it also means that if they go back there they can see the bodies and this lines up with the idea that they were attacked by an unknown group yes I don't know if they wanted money or they wanted something more sexual but it's a lucky thing I had my pieces your pieces my gun I started blasting well I don't see so good so I missed then they ran away anyway you guys all think I'm a hero and I'll accept that responsibility we see Joel mercilessly shooting Marlene and her wound is a repeat of the last time with her getting hit in the side the shows just how far Joel is willing to go and she's meant to be a sympathetic figure In This Moment she's clearly badly wounded but Joel isn't willing to take any chances and he kills her because there's a chance you'll still come for Ellie again Marlene has very much given up her Humanity in deciding to sacrifice Sally for the vaccine whereas Joe has found his once more through regaining a daughter now the car breaks down by the side of the road and we get a similar thing to what happens in the game Ellie looks at her bite mark and she very much views this as the thing that was driving her but now it no longer really serves a purpose Beyond protecting her from getting infected Joel says they have a five hour hike ahead of them which they joke about managing and this is a call back to episode 3. he also discussed having a five hour hike then too and like the game at this point he starts to talk about Sarah and how the pair would have been friends don't think I ever told you but uh Sarah and I used to take hikes like this well Sarah and I used to hike like this all the time I think the two of you would have been would have been good friends I think you really would have anyway I bet you would have liked her back and we can see conflict with an alley and she's clearly weighing up whether to question Joel as he spouts off stories about his daughter just like the game they arrive overlooking Jackson but here we see it carries the updated design from part two with a giant wall surrounding it the pair look over it and we get Ellie asking the question in a scene that's pulled right out of the game not much further now it's a little bit further now hey wait hey wait back in Kansas City you asked me about the first time I killed someone back in Boston back when I Was Bitten I wasn't alone and I got bit in the mall I wasn't on my own my best friend was there my best friend was there and she got bit too she got bit too if we didn't know what to do and she says you can just wait it out be a poetic and just lose our minds together we didn't know what to do so she says let's just wait it out you know we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together and then she did and I had to I'm still waiting for my turn Ellie her name was Riley and she was the first to die her name was Riley she was the first to die and then it was Tess and then Sam and then it was Tess and then Sam that's not on you I know none of that is on you you don't understand I struggled for a long time with surviving but if you just keep going you find something new to fight for maybe that's not what you mean no matter what you keep finding something to fight for now I know that's not what you want to hear right now swear to me swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true swear to me that everything that you've said about the fireflies is true swear all right I swear okay okay this of course goes over Riley and the line about losing their minds together is a reference to this it also cements the survivor's skill at Ellie feels which is reoccurring here once more Ellie is once more living whilst people are dying that she could have helped and she Bears the burden of it she's very much wanting to know that there isn't another side to it and that all the deaths meant something Riley Tess Henry and Samuel died so that she could get to the hospital the lives were very much wasted in her eyes because of Joel's actions he swears that everything he said was the truth and Ellie pauses and then says okay this is a line that's always stuck with me as she's not really saying whether she believes it or not she's just saying okay I will accept that version of events rather than contesting it or asking further questions she's happy to live in this reality where her father figure isn't a monster in her mind she's going along with it that he tried his best to get her to the fireflies but Raiders attacked and it didn't work out now did he do the right thing well that's definitely Up For Debate but deep down he knows that it's not what Ali wanted which is cemented by the fact that he has to lie to her had it been what Ali was really after then he wouldn't have hid the truth and he doesn't want to seem like a selfish monster in his new Daughter's Eyes he wants to be the father figure in her life that she's been craving all along and he knows that telling the truth will completely shatter this illusion and this works both ways as well with Ellie not so much believing a lie but she accepts it since playing the first game I've always referred to it as being the Godfather of gaming and that's mainly down to how the ending plays out in that seminal film Michael's girlfriend K arrives at his home and his sister bear sin and accuses him of murdering her husband Michael denies all this and this is because he's attempting to retain the idea in case mind that he's a good man who isn't like the rest of the family whether we end with the Mobsters coming and clearly treating Michael like a Mappy head the doors then shut on her as she realizes the truth deep down that's very much the case with Ellie too and she's now going on to a new life in Jackson with Joel believing that he's is not someone who's just doomed Humanity now you can totally see things from Joel's side too and I think that had anyone else been given Ellie then we likely would have had a different ending Marlene and the rest of the fireflies were happy to sacrifice her but the fact that Joe was someone who never got over his daughter makes him the worst person to be escorting her he sees the similarities and eventually comes to believe that Ali is very much his daughter which is cemented by certain things that he does he calls her baby girl at the end of episode 8 and this is a nickname that he also used with Sarah Joel also glances at his watch at several points and these all happen in moment in which he sees similarities in them are they just playing soccer with Sam causes him to do it and it slays throughout lots of aspects of the show they did remove the moment from the scene at the end in which he does it too but it's an important thing to bear in mind as it was there originally Joel needs to find a reason to live and it's also cemented by the fact that you find something to survive for when he lost Sarah he wanted to give up and it attempted to end his own life however he must have had help deep down that things would work out which is why he flinched he's now found the thing to make him whole again and he'll do whatever he can to keep Ali at his side even if it Dooms The Last of Us it's a chilling way to close out the season and I'm so glad that they kept the scenes the same it was perfect the first time I saw it and I still think that it's perfect now now that closes out the episode and for the next part of the video we're going to be talking about the consequences of this and what it leads to in season two or part two but it's probably gonna be season two so there are Major Spoilers here and with the first season following the game so closely I can't imagine that season 2 will follow the second game pretty closely as well so if you don't want to know what happens then I highly recommend you turn off now heavy spoilers ahead and I mean heavy heavy spoilers like people will be mad you still here okay all right well let's get into the Super spoiler section you can't get mad you promised you wouldn't right so the first thing that we need to talk about is the fact that Joel dies early on in the second game he's killed by Abby who we discover was the door of the doctor that Joel kills in order to take Ellie we learned that for years Abby trained her body to be Perfection so that she could track down Joel and get Vengeance this happens as well and along with a group of people she heads out from Seattle to Jackson Joel saves her from a heart of the infected but she still ends up killing him which is what sets Ellie off on a quest to avenge him that's pretty much the plot of the second game without getting too much into spoilers but yeah Pedro Pascal might not be along long in the second season anyway the next thing I want to talk about is the line about the guitar and the RV party opens on Joe hauling it and this is a very important item that reoccurs throughout we know that in between this pawn part 2 that Ellie learns to play it and she picks it up and strums away at several points in the game the ending of it very much centers around it and after failing to kill Abby and being let go Ellie ends up living on a ranch with her girlfriend Dina and also her son this is a sheep farm like what Joel said he wanted in the season and with his added context it's very much Ellie living Joel's dream we also get references to the Moon comment with a flashback showing Joel taking Ali to a museum for her birthday they end up sitting inside a shuttle and Bard and with a helmet and headphones on Ellie imagines going to liftoff now back to the guitar and after Ellie experiences constant PTSD flashbacks she ends up leaving to hunt Abby down after Tommy tells her where she was spotted aliens of finding her in Santa Barbara completely disheveled after being captured by a group of slavers known as the Rattlers she ends up saving her but as she goes to sail off Ellie once more gets a PTSD flashback and she forces Abby to fight her during this fight Abby bites off her fingers and though Ellie gets the upper hand that she decides to let her go this is because she remembers Joel and she learns that she could forgive him and thus forgives Abby too anyway people kick off about Ellie returns home to find that Dina has left that she's left her some of her belongings including Joel's guitar Ali starts to strum this and she attempts to play Future Days by Pearl Jam which is the song that Joel played to her at the start of the game because of her missing fingers she's unable to do this and she very much lost everything including a piece of Joel in this quest for Revenge now that closes out the game how we get an open window some of the how the scene with Sarah start in season 1. I also imagine that the hospital scene will return but we'll get this from A New Perspective like what we did in the game Abby rushed in to find her father dead in the wake of Joel's Rampage and I was actually surprised that they didn't at least send to her in the final episode I still think season 2 will play out like how it did in the game but maybe they just didn't have her cast yet or maybe they just didn't want to have the conversation around the finale being a very very controversial one because Abby is a very controversial figure the the face model for her still gets sent hate mail and stuff in yeah people are going to be very mad I think anyway that's all this spoiler Easter eggs in the entry now with the last of us first season wrapping up I thought I'd give my final thoughts on it as a whole if you're asking whether I think the gamer show is best then I have to go with the former I think the game is probably gonna remain my favorite world time for most of my life another would be pretty difficult for the series to Top This how about the series start off really strong and after those first three episodes it crossed my mind a number of times that I actually thought that this was better than the game the characterization changes cast action scenes in drama worked really well leading it to being such a strong start however I do feel as we got under the latter parts of the Season that the formula became very clear and every episode sort of slaughtered into us being a new character having an adventure with them and then watching them die having crossed the board and I think that the latter episode sort of lost their variety though I enjoyed episode six and seven I think putting them back to back made it feel like this story was dragging a lot and if you compare things to how those moments are handled in the game there's a lot more variety it broke things up with the infected and Raiders attacking whereas outside of the ones that popped about the end of each episode it didn't really have those Dynamics there's so many Stellar infected scenes as well that didn't make the cut in the series which I think is a shame because the clicker moments in episode 2 are handled so well I wanted to see this translated to things like the hotel basement the tripwire trap as they arrive at bills the sewer escape and pretty much every section of the game in every episode the thing they tended to cut was the infected moments and I think that's probably going to be a turn off for General audiences who are sold on this being a big post-apocalypse show there's probably people who've just seen the series I think you know the game it's it's probably going to be boring but trust me if you pick up and play that you'll understand how much was missing they did clearly lean more in towards the drama side of things and whether that's for Budget reasons or not it did pale in comparison to me I just felt like someone the things I think of first when thinking of the game were exercised and this is all in favor so that we could get more character talking moments now saying that I think the last two episodes really went out on a high and I think in the finale especially was really well done I was worried when I saw the run time that it wouldn't deliver but it really did and watching Joel walk through the hospital like that really struck a chord with me I knew it was the wrong thing to do but I was so glad that he was also doing it the last of us is a complex show and though it did filter at some point I think this overall was a brilliant adaptation for what a truly stellar game now if I'm scoring it then the game for me is a 10 out of 10. with the show coming in at about an eight some brilliant moments in this but yeah to me it's at a high bar early on dropped off a bit and then picked up at the end so yeah I felt slightly short of what I was expecting and if you haven't played the game then I'm sure you enjoyed it way more than I did I did still enjoy it don't kick off don't stop kicking off I'm just saying that when the source material is so good it's difficult to not be like well I wish they did this you know what I'm saying yeah and if you love the game I'm sure you'll have sort of similar feelings anyway season two next and uh that's gonna be a very interesting one to discuss we will be back for that definitely but yeah huge thank you for rocking with me for the last nine weeks I know there's been lots of great breakdowns out there doing really good things um and what I've tried to do with this to kind of differentiate them is make this the obsessive Gamers breakdown where we go as in-depth as possible point out all the most minuscule stupid things and yeah people who are obsessed over this game I hope you've enjoyed that too anyway I'd obviously love to hear your thoughts on the season the game and also if there's anything we missed hope to see you guys back at the channel soon and we're running a competition right now and give giving away the rocky 4K box set to 3 subscribers on the 15th of March all you have to do to be when the chance of winning is like the video make sure you subscribe with notifications on and drop a comment below with your thoughts on the show you pick the comments out random on the 15th and the winners of the last one are on screen right now so that's you then message me on Twitter at heavy spoilers you want something else to watch we've got another Last of Us video on screen now can we forgive Abby uh it's a big question and definitely head over there right after this without the way thanks for sticking through the video thanks for sticking through the last nine weeks I've been poor
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 423,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Of Us, The Last Of Us Ending Explained, The Last Of Us Breakdown, The Last Of Us Explained, Joel, Ellie, HBO, TLOU, Last Of Us, Ending Explained, Joel Explained, Episode Breakdown, Clickers, The Last Of Us Characters, episode 9 breakdown, The Last Of Us episode 9, The Last Of Us episode 9 breakdown, The Last Of Us episode 9 explained, trailer breakdown, Joel And Ellie, all cutscenes, ending, joel death, the last of us trailer, hbo, the last of us part 2, the last of us 2
Id: q2-Egs56y_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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