The Last Of Us Episode 6 Aftershow

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well hey there everybody greetings and salutations and welcome back because it is time for our The Last of Us episode six open spoiler after show where we're going to talk about episode six of the last of us but in a totally open spoilery way so if you have not seen episode six of the last of us yet just be prepared maybe come back to this a little bit later or Buckle in and join us as we go I'm joined by Robert Meyer Burnett and of course Chris Carr and we are talking about The Last of Us episode six and you know let's just dive right into it because this series so far has we're six episodes in now I keep waiting for the week episode to happen the best of shows has it and I keep waiting for the week episode to happen it has not come uh this episode keeps continuing to turn out Banger after Banger after Banger you know I talked a little bit earlier today about the fact that this is a show that continues to like in MMA terms keeps changing levels right each episode is kind of is a beautiful uh like uh through thread of one story and yet it kind of changes Dynamics every time and whether it's like escaping from a qz or whether it's running into a bunch of not so well-intentioned humans or whether it's a you know stand-alone love story in the midst of a post-apocalyptic world or whatever they keep doing this and then breaking our hearts into a million little pieces after the introduction of course Henry and Sam and so maybe this will be the episode nope uh it still turned out I think it turned out to be my favorite episode of the season so far uh with last night's episode anyway before we get into the specifics and everything Rob what were your like General impressions of the episode last night you know like I was saying this morning I think it's one of the Great cinematic adaptations of all time I mean of any story translated into another medium because you know video game does exist as you've pointed out many times on the show to play it's a game you know the and and the story is there to serve the gameplay and the thing is the last of us had already an incredibly emotional story but you don't get to play the game when you're watching a narrative so they have to figure out okay uh that that gameplay carries you through so you go from one emotional cutscene to the next but you can't do that on a TV show you have to give them a narrative like how do they get from one place to the other and so what might take an hour and a half during a game play like when you're in the museum to clear the museum to get the hell out from the Clickers they can't do it like that so they have to make you care because these characters are on camera 24 7 and they're not just breaking into action scenes so that's a really hard thing to do and John I think that they've nailed it I mean what they've done is they've leaned into the game in the sense they took the can of the action scene so they've leaned into the emotion they've leaned into the characters and I have to say you know one of the scenes that got me yesterday was when Joel sees Tommy you know talk oh she's his brother for the person and and it's it's I was like there was such Joy it was like a one-two whammy when they first see each other and run to each other and they Embrace they stop and then they Embrace again you know and I'm like I barely know this dude you know I saw him once in the beginning of a and to see the [ __ ] the way Diego Luna and and and Pedro Pascal played that moment just that moment and then it just went from there you know it got more emotional to watch the scene between Joel and Tommy when Joel unloads and unburdens himself I was just I was blown away by the acting and by the kind of of relationship that they have and you know I really felt this Dynamic like he Joe's trying to play I'm your brother okay so disrupt this life that you've made in this horrible post cordycep world and come with me and do what I want because I'm your brother I mean and Tom no I'm not gonna do that and they they this dude it's tough to create this kind of emotion on a show especially about zombie fungus you know what was really good about that scene though when Joel and Tommy see each other you have two brothers who haven't seen each other in a long time they didn't end previously on the best of terms and so they see each other has to be really emotional but here's one of the other key things to that scene is that Diego Luna and Peter Pascal each had to play it differently because while Peter Pascal we've been following along with Peter Pascal now into six episodes as he's looking for his brother and he's searching for his brother trying to find his brother and now it's a culmination of that search Diego Luna Gabriel Luna Gabriel Luna thank you the brother of Diego sorry yeah Gabriel Luna on the other hand he had to play it with all the emotion but he had a complete completely completely differently because this was a shock to him right like he looks up he hears Tommy and he looks up and he has to portray not just that joy and whatever scene but it's got to be hit him as a complete surprise and so when you look at Pascal's face or Luna's face thrilled heartwarming all that kind of stuff but one of I found you and the other of what the hell are you doing here and they played it so they played it exactly the same and yet completely differently at the same time it was awesome anyway Chris you watched the episode what were your kind of General impressions of it oh man I love these very humanistic episodes they're really really great when it is the just character building episodes and it's also a nice palette cleanser because I feel like every other episode I'm sobbing uncontrollably so it's really nice when you get a little bit of respite from that although this was a really emotional one and I think the thing that really stood out to me the most and Robin you and I were talking about this off camera because of the after show they do on it is that so so iconic scene that they just nailed of Ellie and Joel talking to one another yeah you know that bedroom scene is beat for beat which you get in the game it's so well done it's still so emotional it felt I don't even having gone through it in the game even having my students watch it and like work on that scene I was so moved with how they did it it was so so well done I thought everything in this episode was great seeing how this town worked seeing how communism was working for these folks I loved that bit of no it's communism and you know this is a commune at the beginning there were two different kinds of civilizations I love that notebook behind the comments it was all so good and then the building we have too of just you know um Ellie and building more trust with each other making the contractor jokes and everything but I think one of the things that is getting overlooked too is how well Pedro Pascal played those moments of anxiety attacks yeah really really well done if you've ever had The Misfortune of having one or being around somebody who has them I mean you do just lock up like that and freeze and the even the sound mixing on that of having that high-pitched noise come in it's so well executed on this and I I just really really loved it there's just one thing that bugs me in this episode oh yeah what was that at the end when he gets shaved you keep that [ __ ] in there Joel you're gonna buy yourself five more hours why would you take it out you what why I know it's more dramatic for television but I was so mad everyone I was watching it with we narrowed it down we just have a big group and now it's just four of us who watched it this time so we all didn't cry in front of strangers like we all were so annoyed because he has you know he's a got a military background he's been living in this world why would you take out the thing even I know that if you get stabbed you leave it in he needs to watch crisis medicine yeah I think though I there are two reasons I kind of let that go one is it's one thing maybe in your head to know that but when you look down and you have a knife or a shiv or a branch or whatever penetrating your abdominal wall you're not thinking right there like you're probably first thought is to take that thing out right you're probably not thinking completely sure at all kinds of the other thing I try to rationalize is maybe because it wasn't really a knife he was he looked at and figured who knows how this is affecting my blood yeah maybe I need to get I don't know listen I can suspend my disbelief for mushroom zombies but pulling out that thing that is just a non-negotiable factor I'll tell you though about your like you pointed out that one thing about you know the panic attacks that's the part to me that really made this maybe my favorite one because in this episode and I mentioned this earlier today where you know we see our our protagonists often in these stories as being very strong and vulnerable standing up against Great odds but we're reminded of two things in this number one that Joel is very very human and he has the frailties of a human and a human who has been facing an unspeakable dimension of stress an unspeakable dimension of suffering and unspeakable dimension of endurance that he's had to face and he's shown that as a human being he will unfortunately you know have reactions to that the second thing that well I thought was great in connection with the panic attacks and everything is that we are reminded once again that Joel is a Broken Man and we sometimes forget that I think as an audience because Joel is trying to make people around him not know it so but at the end of the day he is still an extremely broken man and I think that Brokenness that he's never been able to recover from or move on from or come to terms with the loss of his daughter is becoming more pronounced the closer and closer his relationship to Ellie gets and as that relation gets closer and closer his inherent fear of failing her like he he believes he failed his daughter come to the surface I love that conversation with that he had with his brother too because when he's telling his brother and he's he can't hold back his own tears he goes I'm weak and then whatever and like you want to reach the hotels you say you're not weak man you're human you're experiencing something anybody in the world would go through if they had faced one tenth of the stuff that you have faced and like I just my heart was breaking and just the fact that we're seeing this character kind of the self-reflection and the and the consequences of not just things that happened in this episode but all the events of the previous episodes right that were leading up to that like she saved me because I was too deaf to hear a guy coming up it's like dude you're in the middle of a firefight and somebody got the drop on you like cut yourself some slack but man like that portrayal I think Chris you said earlier today I love your phrasing he said this was Peter Pascal building his Emmy campaign it so is yeah it so completely is and that's why to me this thing was just you know amazing there's one thing I do want to say that I found delightful and that was the opening scene of this episode not the replay of the end of last episode but I mean with Graham Greene and his wife I love being a good Canadians I mean he you know he goes all the way back to Dances with Wolves he was in Die Hard with a Vengeance we talked about that today his that scene was delightful he was great in it his wife was great in it and and I just I I thought that was a great way to start the episode because it actually put a smile on my face and I was like that's nice you know I thought it was good and and then Ellie steals one of the one of the rabbits one of the rabbits I I just I love that yeah I loved how amused they were with everything oh and also y'all I misspoke it's Tommy who's the one who has all the military training I think in my brain playing the game because Joel can just like Snap people's necks with one arm I was like of course he was in the military that makes sense to me but on the it was Joel's truck that has the the military but people in the chat are telling me it's Tommy who is the the military guy I think they both are okay that's what I thought because I mean like with the truck having the bumper I think they're saying and I I to be honest with you I don't remember what his Joel's background was in the game but I think the implication in the show is that Joel also and Tommy had that I gathered that from several of their conversations they're saying it's Tommy's truck um well I'm seeing some people like in the think thing they both had that training I I don't know it's I my interpretation of it was that he did have that training as well but because when Tommy's also talking to him about the gun and the scope and all that kind of stuff he's in this episode he's talking that Joel he's he's talking as if he to Joe will totally understand what I'm saying that this this and this so I never mind my mistake was thinking I was wrong I think we'll have to wait and see what Mason or whatever says about that but regardless of that anyway Chris as we look back at the episode two what were maybe some of the other standout moments for you that really stayed with you after the episode was done I mean the diva cup you got it we gotta talk about the diva cup it just made so much sense in that world and it was done so so funny of just ah thank you all right but in a post-apocalyptic World we're like I'm they've had her go you know off on her own to try to find tampons and everything having that kind of common sense you need to have these things stuff in there does help with the World building and I thought it was done in a really funny way um I really enjoyed too just the Dynamics of that town I thought it was really really interesting just to see how they were all working how they have these communal movie Nights how they all do a bartering system for their work to see how they have a council and now this woman who used to be a lawyer now is helping run this town with a whole other team of folks how they you know made that little um plaque for Sarah and for her child too that she lost I thought that was really really beautiful and such a wonderful way for Ellie to be able to question you know who Sarah was to Joel and everything I thought that was beautifully done on this really enjoyed her she's a very interesting character she's great yeah and I bought into it right away they they helped me buy into it right away and we rub over some of the other moments for you that kind of stood out to you in the episode speaking of her I love the idea of just getting a haircut yeah yeah you know taking the I mean bringing some normalcy to a normality to the this world you know when Ellie was like a haircut it looks like she I won't go too short like suddenly fashion matters but but I I really I really did enjoy that I love when she said you know what is this eggplant jacket you know she's not thinking like suddenly she's not thinking about how utilitarian it might be but that it looks fun it would look great looking jacket but I have to say yeah you know I really think that it was that whole town the way it was portrayed in the in the after show like they built the stable they walk through with all the animals in the actual town they shot in that was like a parking lot in the middle of the town you know they turned it into these stables and and they they they really made you believe that this was a I believe that this functioning Oasis existed and I kept I guess because I'm used to I just kept waiting for and I was like did this happen in the game do they suddenly get besieged by evil Raiders or cordycep people and and then that's not what the episode was about I'm like if they better they don't so that's good but I kept every time I watched the show I'm just waiting for something horrible to happen all the time and what was horrible about this episode was the emotional turmoil that you see that Joel's been going through and I overall and I have to tell you dude when they were when they were walking through the the the the the the campus the college campus at the end right I was just because I'm used to I was literally like even though I kind of knew I mean I knew what was kind of coming I was still like because it's an adaptation are they gonna change it you know and because he seems so like nonchalant here we are in this build there's buildings everyone like dude there could be people anywhere in these buildings you just like walking through on the horseback but it was it was and I did get startled I I monkey the monkey thing startled me you know just because I was tense but this was a wonderful episode and I like I love the fact that you really got a sense of the journey like you know what I loved I loved seeing the hydroelectric plant right I don't know why you know it's like that used to generate electricity you know and I I it I don't know if they use special effects to make it look but it made me you know I thought it was a real hydroelectric plant but to see it like to see those locations by the way just when they come across in here it's such a simple joke just say damn like that that was pretty funny it was pretty funny it was another dad joke from the book but these these shots even when they walked over the bridge you know they had the I don't know if there's a drone shot from high up looking straight down they had distant Vista shots just with them walking across this was stunningly beautiful cinematography it was really well done by the way am I the only person who kind of felt like and this would only be applicable to people who have played the second game but in the cafeteria as they're eating and he's telling a better manners like well what about her manners what are you looking at there's a girl looking I think that was a little bit of foreshadowing to something that comes in the last again just for the sake of people who have not played the second game I think there was a very very significant first Contact in that scene that I mean Oh you mean girl yes dude who she's looking at says who are you looking at totally yeah I think that was a little bit of foreshadowing 100 because they there's a little uh look back and forth yeah and and again I just there was just a little bit of similarity between a certain character in the second game so I told him right there with you I think that's absolutely intentional all right so I I wonder about that but you know the funny thing is I as a long time World of Warcraft player right and whenever I would I would play the game there is a very very oh thank God moment that comes when you are finally able to get your Mount you're able to get a horse because in World of Warcraft you spend a lot of time just walking from Zone to Zone and that can be very frustrating and when you finally get your horse like you're like ah and whenever you started the game again you're like okay just got to get to a point where I can finally get my mouth blah blah I felt that because we've been through all these episodes and just the fact that they were able to get on a horse you just even as a viewer I'm like okay the world is much better for them now just because they have a horse or just because he has some duct tape or just because they have a new coat right they're doing a really good job of making you feel that these little creature Comfort sort of things that that come around are actually world changing in a world like this and what are you doing a great job Ellie ringing out her hair after the shower yes with the towel you know just ringing out when was the last time she did that loved it I I going back to like when they entered the town as well the we talked about the reaction between Tommy and Joel seeing each other I loved Ellie's reaction just to seeing the town yep because this is a type of society she had never in her life been able to conceive of let alone actually see and that was I think very different from her especially when you fast forward and you look at the next time on the last of us and they show her sitting down like at a federal school of me told you're you're going to follow the rules then you're going to be an enforcer and all this kind of stuff so this was a very very different kind of world for her to see well speaking of that I was like they're watching the Goodbye Girl that's right movie they're watching and I'm like well that's pretty interesting I mean they could have picked was that in the game I don't remember it I I don't remember that I thought of all the movies they could have picked the goodbye girl I'm like that that there's right then and there they're uh talking about the the uh that movie was an overarching idea behind the whole episode that was really clever now by the way I've seen people today asking including in our own live chat a little bit earlier some people were asking well why why doesn't Tommy just go with Joel like Tommy resigned himself to going so why does Joel say you you've got to make a choice to go I think that was a very clear and obvious thing because Tommy made it very clear that he couldn't do it he's got a kid on the way yeah and you know Joel's telling me you can't you gotta leave him you can't even tell her you you can't tell your wife you can't tell we just got to go and so he had determined that since Joel can't go and this is of vital importance to the Future survival of humanity that he would do it but I think with at the end when Joel comes to the decision that okay I will continue to be a protector that lets Tommy off the hook yes and I I so to me that was a very normal natural thing I I never once pondered the idea that Tommy could still go along with with him being he's about to be a father the only way he was going to go is if there was absolutely zero other choice and that's why he agrees to it to to Joel in the first place so when Joel reveals that he will go that changes things so I never really thought that was a problem in it I don't either because Joe wouldn't have let Tommy go anyway at that point yeah you're not going especially and that that represents a really interesting turnaround in character development itself because like earlier he was like you got to come you're my brother so but now he exactly would have been nope now I get it I totally agree with you I think that's exactly what happened all right guys listen we are gonna take the rest of our show here today to hear from you guys and take your thoughts theories opinions and questions about episode six of The Last of Us now before we do we're gonna take just a second and thank a couple of the sponsors of this video today our friends at the black tux and fume hey guys we want to take a second to thank a sponsor of today's video the black tux 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opinions about this new episode of The Last of Us so Chris what do we got in there from GI CSC one of two I'm someone who didn't like the last of us two story I found that the narrative structure and pacing disconnected me from the characters and themes but as the TV series has been a great adaptation to a different medium I'm excited for when they adapt part 2. it may resonate better for me that's interesting like again I know there were some some divisiveness but again Last of Us Part Two did I believe one game of the year I think it might have set a new record for how many awards it won I I might be off about that a little bit I personally found the story of episode two to be the superior of the two stories now granted part of that is because it builds on what is established in part one right like on its own it's it can't exist on its own it's meant as a as a follow-up to part one but I actually thought the story in part two was even more humanly resonant emotionally satisfying it looks at a darker part of who we are but again it takes that that theme of what pain does to people and multiplies it by 10. yeah moving forward so I may have been hey they're both great stories and if the second one didn't work for you as well I'm really looking forward to what Mason and druckman do with uh with the second season all right what's next from Sven Sven Spain 86. I would 100 watch a spin-off show with the couple from the opening scene hell yeah me too oh my God I love that scene yep it was just so good and there's like I especially love a doing a great job hiding sir hiding I've been here since before you were born Sonny and just like these are two people who don't give an f that's just like because once he kind of figured okay you're not shooting us well then whatever I don't really care I you made him some soup it would be an interesting show because apparently nobody else would be in it right literally just be the two well they could just they could just you know just deliver philosophical observations about life yep as they ate things that he hunted for I would be there for it all right what's next from Sam Fisher I hope we see the rabbit scene in episode seven or eight I'm trying to remember the rabbit scene I can't remember it off the top of my head to be honest now granted it's been several years since I watched the the walkthrough of Lazarus part one but I do not remember a rabbit scene like if you mentioned to me the the space museum scene I know exactly what you're talking about it you're talking about the dance scene I totally remember that one but I do not recall the rabbit scene to be honest all right what's next from just a sub 32 really glad they put a scene where Maria told Ellie about Sarah I always wondered what her initial reaction was when playing the game I loved that her reaction was much like what I thought the reaction should be huh well that explains a lot about him I think I just thought it was perfect subtle to the point again lesser writers could have written some big long five-minute scene about her piecing it together and talking it out loud but all she has to say is the one look on her face and then well that explains a lot and and it was just Rob I think once you pointed out the efficiency at which this show goes about its storytelling and I think that's a great example of it it's a great example of it and and they do that a lot and I don't think it's getting enough credit I think people because so many people especially people who are big fans of the game they want those game touchstones and when they see something it deviates from the game and it has to because it's a different medium right then people like well ah but I think if you are not if you watch it for what it is it's it's it's an incredible story and the fact that like you said how many bangers do they deliver we're going to get Nine episodes ten if you include the first two strung together this is some incredible television and what you know what if you can equate it I never thought I'd be getting whatever The Last of Us version is of Chernobyl in terms of how good it was but we're getting it yeah we're getting it and um it's so well thought out all right what's next from Walter White Walker planting seeds for musical Joel broke my heart yeah because when when she says that you know something well I mean people who've played the games know what's coming to um and I you know what seeing that reminded me took me back to I remember watching footage of when they first announced The Last of Us Part Two and they announced it with that little teaser trailer of Ellie playing the guitar and and you know Joel shows up in the door I just I don't know why but when I when I was watching that scene unfold it just reminded me of that first teaser of Blasphemous part two all right what's next from uh just a sub 32 I love that Joel and Tommy hugged each other after so many years they may have had it falling out but you don't go back on family yeah I mean look that's the thing about family right there's a universal truth in that you can be angry at your family you can be frustrated your family there might be somebody that there's nobody else in the world that drives you as nuts as somebody in your family but at the end of the day they're family and and while there are certainly exceptions extreme exceptions to that yes I mean I I just found that so beautiful and touching and then the realness of it continued where it's like they are so happy to see each other but the the tendencies that would drive you crazy about each other soon came up again between Tommy and Joel and I love the fact that they didn't you know Retreat from that I thought that was great it was like one shitty line too of we'll see we'll see we'll see if I'm gonna be a good dad oh so good oh all right what's next from Walter White Walker again Game of Thrones last of us should we be worried about Pedro's face in the Mandalorian fate I assume we don't need to be worried about his face honey yeah uh again I we shouldn't go into any details about what could be coming in the season too or what may not be coming in a season two but uh listen when Pedro Pascal does a TV show it turns out you're in for a great time regardless of what he does because he's doing okay his TV career is doing just doing bad all right what's next from Mike's movie Madness sending a 20 Super Chat thank you Mike this show never ceases to amaze the writing is just top tier and the acting is phenomenal just my Pedro and Bella they're Emmys now it's for sure tied between this episode and episode 3 for best writing Emmy in my opinion I mean you know we were talking this morning I mentioned that I think I think this might be my favorite episode because it is it is such a character development episode with Joel you know his Humanity his Brokenness uh Chris very rightly brought up episode three with Frank and Bill which is I think one of the best episodes of Television we've had in a long time but I mean and there's still more episodes to come I mean I don't know how the Emmys work but Nick Offerman would be best guest star yeah it's in a supporting I mean how would yeah there is I can't remember the exact character Chris maybe you can look at boys there is a category for a guest star yeah so it wouldn't be it wouldn't be Pedro Pascal going up against Nick Offerman from best actor no Nick Offerman popping up in one episode he wouldn't qualify for the best outstanding guest actor yeah yeah in a mini series or a limited series or something I mean well this isn't uh this isn't a limited series so uh all right but but listen at this point they literally can just hey do we got those Emmys there yeah just start engraving nick offerman's name on it now because I I don't see how anybody beats that that was just insane all right what's next from Brandon that girl spying on Ellie was totally Dina right again not we're not going to go into any details I will just say that that was my first thought and there did seem to be a little bit of similarity but I mean it was such a quick motion blurring kind of moment but I I think it was but they put it in there but they did put it there they didn't have to yeah I mean come on look at that all right what's next from White what uh Walter whitewalker again I'm going uh I'm gonna love this series for a long long time is that a reference to something the song the song isn't it the song oh maybe yeah all right what's next from Zach Larson it was nice to see that even in a world full of infected and Chaos movies still bring people together any idea movie they were watching goodbye goodbye girl yeah and I I mean being the person I am I loved that because it's I mean I think that's true of life I think movies is the thing that can bring people together I mean it's just it's just a great thing I love the fact that they founded a community that was able and I love the fact that shoes started to go through the process first we had this then we did this and I love what uh Tommy says later on like pretty soon we're gonna have bacon and then that's it like we've we've hit the Pinnacle of civilization well it's so funny because the goodbye girl um is about Richard Dreyfus making friends with uh a young girl that's the daughter of Marsha Mason um what's her Quinn that girl I follow her on Twitter I'm drawing a blank on her last name my mom took me to see that movie when it first came out oh but yeah I love that you know we just saw the little details as they went through the town of the things that yeah in that world all this would be taken for granted and I love that the fact when they had the movie night everybody was there I love that it's great all right what's next a long long time is the reference to the song from episode three the Linda Ron song yeah oh okay okay uh from Zach Larson again the dog scene had me on the edge of my seat oh dude oh I mentioned that this morning like I said there's a scene between like not to give anything away so I said between Ellie and a puppy I could not believe how stressed I was at that moment and I'm kind of surprised that the dog couldn't smell anything because the the federal tester did would did register as being infected so there obviously is I mean obviously Ellie is a very biologically very special case very special person but I was expecting something to happen there despite what goes on in the game I was kind of expecting something to go on there and oh my God the tension in that scene was crazy so good and the way they played it and then she's on the ground screeching yes I love that sweet little pepper all right what's next from Daniel Luna hi guys we've seen Joel's hearing come into play what if later on as he's getting old to a certain uh getting told a certain something about Ellie he misinterprets what he hears and all hell breaks loose I I'm good I'm assuming you're I might be wrong am I I'm assuming you're talking about something significant about Ellie and I yeah I mean I think he's saying that when he hears some somebody says something about well I don't want to give spoilers yeah yeah I maybe maybe if if we're talking about the same thing and I don't know if we are but maybe all right what's next from Canada rocks there we go loved the look on Tommy's face a good old uh boy from Texas he is he's from Austin when he realizes he is now a communist this show is surprisingly funny yeah Gabriel's from Austin that's right like when she says that she says this is a we are communists this is a commune we are communists and the look on his face is kind of like oh damn like this this is this is a communist Society we've set up here I that that was kind of precious that was really really well done all right what's next from just a sub 32 mention ER was pivotal was a pivotal moment for Joel it was probably the first time he heard her name in 20 years she was never able to get past her death we see Ellie help to restore his Humanity you know what was really very very different in in a traditional scene like that where a protagonist has a point of pain that gets brought up and they say don't like that we've seen that scene we've seen that scene in other shows and movies where the protagonist is a particular point of pain against problems say don't talk about don't mention anything but that usually traditionally in a movie or TV show that uses that trope represents the end of the discussion but not for Ellie that only increases Ellie's irritation with the situation and the when she approaches she shoves him like she's like the a physical manifestation of her frustration and irritation with that and you could tell as an audience member that took me back because you don't normally see that play out in tropes like this and I love how Pedro Pascal played it too because it also shook him loose a little bit so then he falls back to the pride thing you know come morning we're going our separate ways and he was but clearly that affected him and I I adored that scene I thought that was fantastic agreed all right what's next from Daniel vacara does Joel sing this season and what does he sing he can't do Future Days now since that song came out in 2013. I'm guessing Take On Me in a season two well why couldn't he because what year is it now in the game I think it's our year it's 2023. so I mean I mean yeah it would be a little bit of playing with so this song got written post-apocalypse and came out hey Hey listen they still have not explained to me how there are still rolls of duct tape around after 20 years after the fall of humanity right they or there are still batteries for flashlights or Chef Boyardee or or still remaining cans of Chef Boyardee right explaining how this song came to be is would be the least of their problems I think so I mean they I'm not saying they will but I still think the doors open that they could all right what's next from Chase the sunrise and sunsets best episode of the season for me my heart ached again it will all depend on which types of elements and things strike you the most significantly right because I I still think maybe the best this is what I'm talking about sometimes we make a differentiation in our heads between what is best and what is our favorite and really maybe we shouldn't but if I were to I would almost still say that episode three is probably the best episode but this is the one that affected me the most you know just again seeing the breaking of Joel the reminders that even our heroes are human and can be broken and every individual can only take so much before the cracks start to show and that having those weaknesses and having that Brokenness does not necessarily make you weak despite the fact what Joel thinks so yeah again I think for me it was my favorite episode but man it's hard to get past episode three I mean that was just Superior all right what's next from Spain 86 sending in a 20 Super Chat thank you in the game the university contained one of my favorite parts of the game where Ellie has to get an injured Jewel out of the University sad that this part was so short in the show but still an awesome episode this is one of those great examples though where it did not have to be the way you remembered it to still be incredibly effective because you know as I'm watching with people who haven't seen the episode before it was a still incredibly effective like it got it all right there and Rob you've pointed out many times about this show is that you can't play it out like the game you can take certain elements and do certain things but at the same time like for them to get the actual emotional and narrative purpose out of you know Joel getting injured and all kind of stuff it didn't need to be any longer than what they did and it and it worked and it flowed without honest and again I get it when you're used to playing the game and you saw it play out a certain way that's kind of the way your head and your heart want to see it play at exactly that same way but I actually thought this was the more efficient way to do it yeah I mean is look again this is where gameplay comes in you know and and because you're doing all these things whether you're evading somebody or shooting at somebody that becomes engaging you can't watch that as a narrative you know after 30 seconds you're like bored you know let's get to the next thing okay where are we going and it's not like you're gonna watch a 20-minute Road Warrior Chase when she gets out from that you can't you can't do that and that's I think the difference and that's but that's the difference between watching a narrative TV show or a movie and playing a game all right but they've done a great job identifying these points yes they have that's the thing that's key all right uh by the way uh Canada auction live chat saying canned goods can basically last decades as long as it's not damaged yeah that's not the problem I have with them still having Chef Boyardee the problem is how much Chef Boyardee was sitting around that 20 years of it is and it's still just readily available I mean that's that's that's that's that's a question they haven't really addressed but that's fine that's fine all right what's next from Zach Larson it was sad to see Tommy gain everything Joel lost yeah like and you kind of felt you know what it reminded me of a scene in this past seasons of Yellowstone when Beth finds out that her adoptive brother is going to have a baby when she clearly cannot and there was a bit of that so as I'm watching this scene and Joel Joel's trying to you know what it was a dick thing to say though we'll see but when you understand that that represents the biggest trauma in his life I thought Joel headed together pretty well I mean all things considered right yeah like the whole thing actually it's not just the biggest trauma's life it has been the single biggest defining moment of Joel's life was losing his daughter and now having found his brother who was also there when his Sarah died hearing you're now going to be a father I mean he's trying to process I think in that moment Joel is trying to process a lot of emotions and sometimes when we're in that spot we don't you know what reminds me of when um and they play this in a lot of movies and TV shows like when a guy finds out he's going to be a dad like like that moment I I have not had that moment but that moment must have a lot of different thoughts and and and you know situations and whatever running through your head at the same time and how you physically first respond to it and the first thing you say does not necessarily reflect how you actually feel about it it says that all of a sudden you're hit with a world of emotions conflicting emotions about fear anxiety hope Joy whatever all wants it you can't hold that against them and that's why in that moment I didn't really hold that against Joel but I could see why Tommy would have been so totally pissed at at what uh Joel said I got that I totally did all right what's next from Mr subtlemount sending in a 24. oh thank you Mr settlement appreciate that man setting the episode in Jackson instead of the hydroelectric facility like the game was a great decision laying groundwork for part two by establishing the town and the people there yeah I mean it's a big big key thing like as soon as they saw the dam too and that was now I can't remember was it in game one I sometimes the the details cross over for me was it in game one or game two where there's actually a part of the game where you got to go and get the hydro plant up and running again I just can't remember if that was in part one or part two I mostly watched cut scenes I got to a certain point in the game and then it was too stressful for me to play and so I'm not sure people in the live chat are saying that's game one yeah but as soon as you saw that damn and it like I mean just we're seeing electricity like right yeah yeah this is magical this is incredible all right thank you so much for that man appreciate that all right what's next from Daniel backer again this week was Pedro Pascal's Emmy submission next week is Bella Ramsey's submission with Left Behind it's just a very well written and acted show um and how stormy Reed uh the the actual I I like her a lot yeah yeah um even though I wasn't a big fan of the movie A Wrinkle in Time like she was great she's like okay we're gonna have to keep our eyes on her for a long time yeah so that's I think that's going to be very very exciting I'm looking forward to it it's going to be interesting too again for those who know you know how does this show hold up without Joel it's gonna be interesting to see that for that episode next week that's interesting that's yeah I'll be curious though because it's interesting yeah yeah and it's listen we need I think from a television narrative point of view we need to get a little bit more backstory on Ellie because that's going to just color our understanding of her and the at her actions and her attitudes towards other things to come in the show and I'm actually really looking forward to next week it's wild that after next week There's only going to be two more episodes of narrative yeah yeah I like it breaks I don't even want to think about it Rob I don't want to think about it that's why I don't want to think about hey in a few weeks there's not a new episode of The Last of Us coming out I don't want to think about that right now all right what's next from Mattoon did Joel's accent change in the scenes where he was talking to Tommy he sounded different to me I didn't personally pick up on now I wasn't looking for it maybe if I was looking for to pick up something Chris did you detect anything as the vocal person in the group yeah both of them do a really nice job I mean obviously Gabriel's from Texas so having a Texas twang is very natural for him but I think Pedro Pascal did a great job I mean he was more emotional in a lot of these things so he's playing with pitch a lot more so that might have been the thing you notice there was a lot more of like a Gruff chest voice happening at times and then obviously hitches in his voice when he was emotional but the accent was consistent the dialect was I thought so but maybe if I watched it again and looked for maybe I'll notice something all right what's next from Daniel vacara Joel getting stabbed made more sense than landing on a spike like the game which marked the end of fall I appreciate the time Jump to get to Winter I mean yeah the time yeah look I I'll be honest with you I was at first a little frustrated with three months later because that was such an emotional climax at the end of the last episode with with Henry and Sam that I almost wanted to them because this whole show is based on emotion so I kind of wanted to see the immediate aftermath of that but as the episode got going and then they're having that conversation about the fire I'm like you know what again it was the right decision they they like I was I didn't like it at first but I realized a little bit later it was the right decision really so I think you're absolutely right all right what's next from sufias did you all see the camera Personnel that were caught in the frame of a drone shot it's the shot of J and E crossing the bridge as they move right look to the far left and you can see them two spots I did not catch that oh I did not how do you know it's not the people chasing him there was nobody chasing them across the bridge but would they cost the bridge they met him right after that yeah but they came up over the ridge but they could have been surveilled I guess so yeah I mean but that would kind of be like I'm just trying to come up with an example yeah that would kind of be like the coffee cup scene in Game of Thrones it's like how did that get past editorial well you know when you're looking at when you're looking at something you're editing on a screen that's this big and then when you see it on a bigger screen sometimes if you never look at it on a bigger screen you don't see things guys if you've got any screen captures that I would love to see this you have a screen capture of this go ahead and email it to me I would love to see that all right what's next from Justin D now that most uh now that most likely Dina has been revealed cast over under 33 we see a cameo of Abby before the end of this season I you know look this is a show we've talked a lot about this that is both ridiculously faithful to the game and takes an ex a lot of Liberties in in making up new things and as they're like and I understand how the this plays out but as they were going upstairs part of me thought when they when Joel opened the door and there were the monkeys inside there was a part of me that thought were about to meet Abby and now obviously that would be an inconsistency with the game but this this show has shown it is not afraid to do things that are inconsistent with the game and you know saying like uh like Hey listen look look what's your name Abby or are there like there would have just been a quick conversation of what are you doing it's like me and my group we were we moved on a while ago I had just forgotten some things I'm not looking for any trouble blah blah and they finally said okay we'll be on your way and best of luck to you and then by the way what's your name Abby and then walk out the door I mean I I look I'm not saying that's what they should have done I'm not I just there was a part of my head cannon that was starting to think they might do without you I understand that'll tease but but I think it's probably for the best that they didn't all right what's next all right so I was able to find on CBR there is an article up called The Last of Us major mistake spotted in latest episode I will put it up here it's not the greatest picture someone took a picture of their screen but you can kind of see them by the trees right there oh my God you can make it a little bit bigger well no I cannot but um the camera Crews right there on the left I don't see it right by the trees okay so I see the bridge okay go go directly across the bridge to the end of the frame on the left oh my god there it is how did that get past editor look at all there's people all in the tree line all down and there's stuff there equipment there and they're all drinking Starbucks too on set tons of Starbucks wow actually in the episode but you know what I can't be mad at them for missing it because I missed it when I was watching the show but no so how did somebody in editorial that's funny that first of all how does QC not pick that up unless they didn't just thought ad nobody will notice because again I didn't notice wow that's right that's just that's one oh my god oh you're counting sorry it's okay you started you started doing math and I just totally oh my God that's funny that is funny all right what's next uh astronaut before we're gonna start with the one oh sorry thank you new spoilers for the future but there were so many references and locations for part two which was exciting and unexpected Mason said on the podcast that he was told about Ellie wanting to be an astronaut before part two came out which was three years ago they clearly plan on adapting part two from the beginning and there's so much foreshadowing yeah yeah I mean that when she's having that conversation about the astronauts or something you know what sometimes they they asked Joel off as you know he's just a brave strong man but he's not necessarily a smart man but then they start listing off like astronauts and he he's riping off names too so it's like okay but no they did such a great job with that and for those who don't know anything about the second game that will pay off that one little quick conversation thing will pay off so again the efficiency in their use of time and storytelling they just laid like some amazing groundwork for an amazing emotional thing that's going to happen later in like five seconds it was incredible all right what's next from a man really really enjoyed the episode but I feel like the pacing was a bit off in the last bit everything with the university went by super quick in my opinion I think that's because of the gameplay aspect maybe too if you've played the game it did feel very rushed yeah once they get to the school animals there's not a lot of narrative to tell no right and like look Mason has clearly shown in this show narrative trumps everything else right if something is heavy narrative that's what gets the time if something has it doesn't require a ton of narrative we don't spend our time just lingering on it so when they showed up the university what needed to happen they needed to see was abandoned they needed to find out that they've re-ralled somewhere else and Joel needs to get injured those are the three those narratively those are the three things that need to happen and they didn't need to be any longer than they were and again it should because if you had done that then you had less time to spend on the really important stuff with character development character building World building and your narrative progression and again maze has been very very clear that we're spending our time with where the narrative is and where something doesn't take a lot of narrative we don't spend a lot of time on it all right what's next from Sam no disrespect to Jensen Ackles but I'm so glad the show Runners cast Pedro Pascal that scene with Tommy was so good Jensen Ackles wanted to be Joel yes but I don't think he was ever actually like really in the running he said so himself yeah I think I was part of the conversation but I'd like to do it they they like it was a little bit more than just Jensen Ackles sitting at home wishing he could be it like he they actively campaigned for it his agents were actively after it and you know what I especially after watching I re-watched recently that episode from the boys the I think was the final episode of the season when Soldier Boy confronts homelander and you see him talking to him it's like yeah maybe if if I'd been able to raise you but you're just a disappointment like just the way he played that scene I believe Jensen Ackles could have played a very good role I really really do and it's tough to think about anybody else playing Joel other than Pedro Pascal because that's what we've seen but at the end of the day it's hard not to just believe they made the right call yeah I mean I think again I think Justin Ackles could have done a great job with it I think we'd be loving him in this but Pedro was just bringing something to this that is he's bringing the next factor to it that I don't think a lot of us could have predicted and it's just been really really well in an interview too Jensen Ackles was like I was pulling for Pedro Pascal yeah so he's happy with the decision too yeah worked out great for everybody I think and now you know Jess's Soldier Boy and I'm sure yeah we're not done with him all right what's next from uh Brian sander everybody loves contractors I love that I love this show so much one of my top five HBO series what's yours Rob and or John no well first of all that line was gold it was good everybody loves contractors it was such a great line and the way he set it up too you know we used to build things yeah so everybody loves contractors so that was so funny so what was the question though was our favorite HBO show what was it uh what are your top five no no no no we don't do top fives on the spur of the moment but I mean when you're looking at something like HBO I mean you're looking historically too right you're talking Sopranos you're talking the wires I mean it's just some of the absolute greatest television in history has all come from HBO and every year continues to be even this year you're talking house of the Dragon now we're talking about last of us I mean or whether like whether it's Barry or whether it's whatever they are just always at the Forefront of the best stuff on I was about to say seduction succession yep um I loved Oz but I don't know it was great when this was awesome it was awesome I loved Oz that was my first exposure to JK Simmons oh my God yeah oh Schillinger geez yeah that's great oh what about you Chris you have like one HBO show that like was your favorite of all time oh man I'm a big party down fan like I'm really excited it's coming back coming back yeah all right what's next um and then I believe we're just ending with some support from Zachary zavros who's in uh zarbos who is in um my voiceover class and he was at your event that's right I met Zachary last night and anyway guys that'll do it for this installment of The Last of Us episode six open spoiler discussion I again I opened the show by talking about how I keep waiting for the week episode to happen and it just doesn't come and I don't see it happening anytime soon oh the depressing part is we only got three episodes left but anyway guys thank you for joining us for this installment of The Last of Us after show we're so glad you decided to come along big special thank you to you guys who sent in those super chat questions number one because he gave us great fun things to talk about but number two you supported our Channel as you did it and all of us involved here thank you guys so very much for that support So guys don't forget to join us again next week for the next installment of The Last of Us after show also guys don't forget come on back tomorrow and join us at 10 30 Pacific Standard time in the morning for our two hour daily live stream the John campus show we hope to see you guys there so for everybody in the room Mr Robert Meyer Burnett uh we of course have had Taylor Gonzalez running the switchboard over there has been the delightful wonderful Chris Carr and my name is Sean Campion thanks a lot for being here guys we'll see you next time and until then bye bye
Channel: John Campea
Views: 42,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Campea, tobeornottobethatisthequestion, The Last of Us, HBO Max, Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Neil Druckmann, Craig Mazin, Gabriel Luna, Sony, Naughty Dog, Playstation Productions, HBO, Episode 6
Id: xTshv6RMMeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 24sec (3504 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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