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they had a shot of what David looked like after she got through slicing his ass damn it yeah and they didn't want to show it there's a and this is kind of gory so y'all if you know if you got uh you know a a weak stomach anything you might not want to watch uh a little bit about sure yeah no it was it was terrible man what she did at the end there he is right there yeah man what's up ground that up man yeah man yeah yeah you don't even see the clothes on no more right there ah man damn she eviscerated [Laughter] [Music] you're at there's so many other things that you can do over there and see such as our new videos new videos that are up on Tick Tock and up on YouTube but what I really want you to do is I want you to go and first of all you can start by looking at that Banner in the middle of DT merch clicking that so you can go over to X1 Double Dash toasted so you can get tickets for Double Toasted live in New York City Brooklyn to be more exact that's April 1st and that's going to be a show starting at 8pm at the relay intermedium for a night of Comedy games and much much more you're gonna have a great time while you're there let's go ahead and get into this last of us and yes for those who probably will what's that no no okay I'm sorry no I was just saying for those who have not seen any of these shows or episodes you might not want to stick around because this will be kind of a spoilery discussion but if you did see the recent episode then stick around join the discussion and oh yeah as you saw it yes I did I did see it and I saw it and if you saw it stick around and as I said join the conversation yes yes and once again I will say that this week this week uh was another hit man I think it I think it's uh one of their one of their best episodes I think this is one of the best episodes that pleases once again everyone when I say everyone I'm talking about fans of the game and also newbies man such as yourself eyes yes yeah and I agree with you there's another really really fantastic episode and it's one of the best episodes that had zero zombies in it again again another one of those things where it's like okay yeah you know you're telling a fantastic story setting this world where you know uh the the main threat are supposedly be zombies and there's not an a zombie in this no still scared it was still scary oh yeah yeah well you know in these zombie apocalypse they always say that the the true monsters are the human being but you know the the zombies just do what they do but we have free will to be [ __ ] so again assuming that you already know what this show is about assuming that you've watched the series assuming that you've seen this episode we don't need to go into details with this we'll just head right into the episode and we'll just do a quick recap uh after uh after Joel was stabbed by a Raider he's unconscious and the only person that can save him is Ellie and Ellie has uh gone out of her own to try to find food she's trying to hunt and she comes across some what seemed like shady people but then they start at least the leader the leader who's proven himself to be as we saw he's uh he's considers himself a holy man you know he consider himself a man who found God and because of that he gives the people hope and the people look up to him but but as We Know in this world no one can be trusted especially the person who says they're a man of God because it usually means that they put it on that thick they probably hiding something oh so you know when um just to get right down to it this this is this is very much a part of the game Oz this is a big part of the game there's actually there's actually uh two major parts in this in this this episode uh where they just kind of nail it man uh most of the episode it actually looks like a uh portions from the game but there's two major moments here that really nail it man uh so Joe ends up uh if you've seen the episode he ends up of course being saved by by Ellie Ellie finds antibiotics uh the the the Raiders actually are the the cult gives it to her the man of God his and his followers they give they give her the medicine and uh uh some uh some penicillin which I have to say man uh looking at that part I wonder how many people I wonder how many squeamish people were actually not able to like actually watch this part right here because you know it's one thing to be to be to to to to to not like needles but it's another thing to see needles go into not skin but wounded flesh all right uh as nasty as that is that saves Joel and so here's what we get into the some key parts of this episode here so Joe he wakes up he's fine and we get to the moment where we have to you know if you again if you watch the show we had to fight off the these these these this party these Raiders is this cult this religious you know group uh led by David now one major thing that happens here everyone was talking about how Joel was soft you know we everybody's been talking about man this is not the Joel that I know from the game Joel would have done that [ __ ] Joel would have been went hard a long time ago Joel is this this is uh this is a much gentler version of Joel and I don't like it um for everyone who thought Joel was soft he went hard this week for anybody waiting on him to go there he did he took that long ass nap and he woke up crazy Joe hey what other just went on a path of destruction please I don't know any girl oh [ __ ] Jesus he cap off and for anybody who doubt that he wouldn't do it the dollar the Joel is like now we've seen the violent side of Joel this is why I say that this is probably why Joel didn't need to be shown as violent as he was in the game because I want to ask you something because for me even for me watching this this was I was like wow this this this this is this this is leaving more of an impact because we've seen Joel cry we've seen Jones Express his feelings we've seen Joe have sensitive talks and now Joel is just like I'm tired of everybody you know I lost one daughter now I'm finally beginning to bond with this girl and y'all at this moment and so now he's we've seen this this this brutality this violence that has awakened in him the violence that was hinted earlier where he said you know with to his brother uh uh where they would you know uh what was what's his brother's name um oh uh uh anyway to Tommy he told when he was telling Tommy he's like hey you know we've done some really bad things and I think that's why Joel didn't want to actually ever have that come out again and that's why we didn't see it because once that's Unleashed Joel is a monster man I ain't telling you [ __ ] it's okay no I believe him no he's like that dude didn't do anything okay I believe you yeah dude was tied up dude was hurt already Joe had him you know he could have just choked him out all right he could have you know uh just let him sit there and give him a Fighting Chance y'all then nah I'm a bashing now I'm gonna ask you a question here uh that's a joke uh it was also good to see Joel kind of played it was good to see the live action Joe play the game like I do where you know because I like playing the snuff and snuff I like playing the stealth mode where I'm sneaking up behind and snail I like being Snuffy I like sneaking up behind people man you know and like sleep [Laughter] [Music] haven't seen this scene right here in the game this is where I was kept telling people you don't need to see Joel be violent you'll get it when they get to this episode on the show you're gonna get that brutal Joe that you've been asking for uh which I thought was more effective you know uh so for you what was the impact of seeing this you know it had only seen this version of Joe for the most part what was the impact of watching him go off like he did well that's why this show I think is just so smart the way they laid it out you know because according to you and you know juicy were talking about how you know he starts out so vindictive and so evil what you're doing as a game player you know and to have that play out for a mainstream audience wouldn't wouldn't have made sense you know talk about his history with Tommy talking about with this thing so as a as a viewer now you know that okay he's done some [ __ ] things but you know maybe he's atoning for these things who knows yeah um as his journey goes forward you see the roughness that he has with Ellie but then a calm comes over you know they stop the bond you know they get the the daughter and the uh father thing start to do you see that you start to root for them as people root for them as you know um wanting to get close and want them to be family so when she is Tech aching right and you see her caring for Joel like her father a father figure yeah you're more endeared to both of them even more so mess around now you know Joel wakes up so now as a viewer when you watching Joe torture this person you're like Yo Joe I want to torture them too well you got another knife around here I want to do something so so when you're watching this you're rooting for Joe a thousand percent so it's not like you know you're watching this like oh how the hell could Joe do this he's so you know vindictive no that's not even the foot in your head the way they played this whole thing out up to this point so you know watching it as somebody who hasn't seen it from her I I loved it because I bought into the fact that he is looking for his new daughter you went balls to the wall to the wall think this moment here would have that much impact the way it did yeah they slow they slow played him to this point and I think it worked to Perfection because it was never a doubt in your head that this is what he would do for her and that's another thing when playing the game you gotta understand you're more violent as Joe early in the game because you're active you know you have to you you have to have gameplay gameplay involves being violent and killing people so the character is going to be what playing a character in being more violent is different as watching the character and watching them just do violent things you know early on at a movie or a show because if you do that you are going to push that that you know I think you could push people away because the character is going to come across as one note uh of course right when I and having Joel become as violent as we see in the show that's a Arc that's an arc that's a turning point you know so we couldn't have him be hard as people say you know uh are people saying man I don't know about this Joe he's too soft for me well you know give it time because they it needs to like really punch you in the gut when he turns that way and you see how bad he is and again man it wasn't even the case where you're like oh my God Joel I think you did enough it's like no I don't think you you you keep going you know you're not stop that keep going you know you're rooting for this guy to get the answers he need if Joel went hard Ellie went nuclear and they went crazy Ellie's a couple of stabs away from being a uh the next movie slasher man in fact the next movie slasher needs to wear La mask uh uh Captain Kirk mask whatever [Laughter] crazy man um that actress whatever Awards they give out she needs to get one or two of them Bella Ramsey Bella Ramsey yeah man she needs an award or two for this right here belly I mean she went hard every because like yeah I was I'm more scared of her than Joe I mean because Ellie was a little wild animal in this [ __ ] man like don't don't put don't don't put your hand near the cage you know you go to the zoo don't put your hand in the cage because you might get a bit off or broken or something which is exactly what she did put your hands thank you this this dumbass this is David David the dumbass David the dumbass talked a whole time about if I if I let you go the first thing you're going to do is kill me you're gonna stab me you're gonna try to hurt me and he puts his hand through the cage what the [ __ ] was gonna happen if Ellie's coming to your house or if Ellie's around don't leave sharp objects out in the open hide the knives hide the forks hide pins hard letters and envelopes because you might get a she might she might cut your ass to death I had the spoons yeah hide anything hot anything with a point you have to Spoons anything with a point or a sharp edge to it because Ellie is nice with that [ __ ] yeah Surgical yeah even he's like what the [ __ ] she shot he's like damn how did she pull that he's like how does this happen girl do this it's like well damn yeah well damn I mean you don't look like you're like well I didn't see that coming uh in this scene right here uh Ellie kill OJ man oh Original Joe yeah that's true yeah that's Troy Baker the voice of Joel originally in the game what a voice got you okay nice yeah yeah everybody like no you didn't kill Joel not the original Joe not Troy Baker yeah got him yeah good guy she was she was Swift with that [ __ ] he still hell yeah he still thinking about life yeah he's before he ain't got nothing right now he's like what's in my neck you don't even know it hit him David David got it much worse like I said don't leave no sharp objects around that [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] it is yeah it is and it's funny too because uh they had a shot of what David looked like after she got through slicing his ass damn it yeah and they didn't want to show it there's a this is kind of gory so y'all if you know if you got you know a a weak stomach anything you might not want to watch uh a little bit about sure yeah no it was it was terrible man what she did at the end there he is right there yeah man ground that ass up man yeah yeah yeah she put leaves you put leaves on it put a little accoutrement on that too man yeah yeah you don't even see the clothes on them no more right there ah man damn she eviscerated that dude no actually that another that is another big part of the game right there where they almost do that whole thing shot the shot um like I was really impressed the way that first of all they kind of recreated the restaurant because that's a huge part of the game where you're running from David in that restaurant I know you're not infected no one that's infected fights this hard to stay alive wow line for lying okay yeah yeah man that's awesome I mean you you saw how close that look in the show to what they did it did an incredible incredible attention to detail as I keep saying man right but also they they uh they got it down to the scene where uh where Ellie kills David man and and again it's very close to what they do in the game [Music] there it is yeah yeah yeah man it was a lot of stuff I didn't remember from the game when I looked at the movie I was like man how close did they get this and it all started coming back and very impressive man very impressive no that's that's awesome again man I'm watching this uh watch this with uh my wife Cynthia and she's loving it too you know having a great great time I'm again for somebody who doesn't really who's not playing video games at all you know what I mean and has no idea what the last of us is you know she's she's bought she's all in on it you know and again all the emotions that you know you you're feeling you know she's feeling it too yeah yeah she knows she did not trust David as soon as she saw himself I don't like that guy at all she said I don't like that guy at all now I don't like that guy I hope he gets killed was the correct thing she said she got a wish so there you go [Laughter] so with David man this is where I think seeing a real actor is probably more effective because right I know this character from the game right and I know and I know it's coming uh yeah but Dave is still kind of kind of pulled me in still kind of fooled me a little bit man this is Scott Shepard that plays David and I think he's that good man because when he started talking I'll start thinking about this is a show they're doing some things differently this actor's really good Scott Shepard and I think and he was so good in this role at coming across as a decent person because he kind of I mean he came across normal he wasn't laying on thick anything the conversation my I had I had a a you know a small criticism about the last episode where I said I didn't think that the the dialogue felt natural okay uh here the dialogue felt so natural and this actor felt so natural that David actually fooled me for a moment thinking like I don't trust him but you know maybe he's all right man and I know what this character is like but I thought maybe here maybe here they changed it to where he's he's an all right guy only a luck had to run up sooner or later yeah luck no such thing as luck it does I can prove it to you okay I mean you know I feel bad because he's being I'm gonna touch on this a little bit he's he's being seductive man you know he's trying to be and that's exactly what Cynthia says he he looks like he's trying to kick it to her oh he's trying to talk to her like you can't be seductive yeah the way his eyes are looking the way that smile like he's trying to you know kick games of this child yeah it felt that's what I felt bad because I like man this feels too natural this feels like a dude who's actually trying to you know kick into this get some ass yeah get some ass yeah and you know it was so bad I feel so bad myself because I was okay so obviously I was kind of looking at this and and I'm gonna I'm not gonna say give him a pass but I was looking past him being a pedophile because I thought the dialogue was so natural but you know and I started getting creeped up by it but I was even give him a pass for being accountable so in this sentence in this episode here yeah it's finally revealed because you know we have an apocalypse somebody gonna be eating somebody you know some people gonna be in another human we got cannibals all the time I was gonna give it to him man because it wasn't like they were out there hunting people they were eating I believe they were eating the people that died in their group and he thought you know let me hey waste not one not I gotta get these people alive what they don't know won't hurt him it was a last resort you think it doesn't shame me but what was I supposed to do let them starve these people who put their lives in my hands I love the way that last conversation I love to win this was in the game I believe I love the way it's it kind of just slowly slipped into that dark reveal that David had I thought that was brilliant again I know this game and that and that scene got me and her dad was taken from her he was murdered by this crazy man that crazy man was traveling with a little girl she said she's like oh [ __ ] the whole is a little tighter everything happens for a reason so this is creepier than the game and I'll tell you why because you can imply but in the game you don't know if if uh if David is implying anything sexual you know he never comes out with it and I think you might think he he just wants to kill and eat her too you know uh or maybe he really just wants to like pull her into the into the cult but he never says anything explicitly sexual or anything like that he's in the game here this David lays it out there there's no fear and love there's no fear in love there's no fear in love like then this is when he's on top of her that's when she yes chops his ass up uh even if when she was in the cell it was cool well not cool but it was you know well the actor's great man the way he just slowly you know even revealed that side of her of him you know I'm talking about yeah you know you could be my girl you know he's he's slowly he's talking about how they it can you know help each other and they can run it together yeah you know by my side like oh [ __ ] what is he saying and [ __ ] [ __ ] I knew it kill his ass kill him yeah yeah no in in the game they kind of I don't think they come out and say it but it's in plot he might be a pedophile but here they lay it out there oh yeah yeah and that's that's the weird thing about it man because like I said you know you realize that the whole time he's talking to her he's talking to her like he's you know like he's trying to pick up like he's like he's trying to put some game on it man and you know he's and he's being and as it goes on you can it takes on a different when you realize the whole context takes on the whole conversation takes on a different context you realize that he's trying to seduce her man and what's even creepier is that she's 14 and they don't they know and I don't know how they I don't know if Ellie is just that smart where she's playing along or if she there are moments where she's having doubts and she's like well maybe he means what he says you remind me of me loyal violent yeah yeah you know yeah guys you about to find out with them fingers over there but yeah he got that grooming talk you know what I mean it's that grooming talk he's trying to hook up is what he's doing yeah exactly get his best tender on these children [Music] yeah he's trying to hook up man and this is weird and I knew this guy there's little hints that this guy's ego is in this as much because anybody who says I don't want to be a leader you know these people trust me they love me I'm a good person that ego is probably involved yeah I probably have a little bit of narcissism in there I know that [ __ ] because they and I love this they don't come out and say it and they don't come out too strong with it in his characteristics he always remains calm except when he's smacking the [ __ ] out of little girls but you know he's always remaining calm he's always uh he's he's always trying to come across as a person who's a rational leader but yeah and he says and you know and somebody that he always makes it sound like you know what was I supposed to do these people look up to me and I take care of them but if you notice at the table when they're eating who has did you see this who has the best who has the biggest plate of food oh pedophile David he got the most shoes the most human meat on this plate right there man isn't this great everybody this is great and I can't tell if people are just kind of like this don't taste like any meat I've had before because I think um his side hand man played by Troy Baker he's in on it he might be in on it but everybody else is like this [ __ ] tastes kind of weird except for him that dude back there your life hungry but she's like yeah I don't know about this she's and the thing is you know what she's eating her dad all right I think you sliced that dude up and that's that was the venison that they brought in so she might he put on her because she might be eating her father yeah yeah you're right about that yeah I know I know crazy ass show man the actors phenomenal in this show you know I mean the way they're pacing the show I think is great yeah the fact again again again again again the fact that they're treating these shows like episodes yeah what I mean by that is that okay we wrapped up this trying to move on oh wrap that up oh let's move on you know there's an overarching story let's get this girl to a place where you know they can figure out how to get you know medicine from her that's the old Walking Store but in between there's little stories in between it you know and they continue to move so the show never feels stagnant they go against expectations now they go against expectations uh for people in the game and they do it in the show because there's a moment where you know Joel is on the you know Joe's he's on the hunt for her man you know he's oh yeah he's he's on a he's on a war path right now hell yeah and he's looking for her so you know for people played the game for the first time and anybody who who uh and anybody who's watching the show for the first time definitely you know you think Joe is gonna like come in at the last minute and save her and Ellie's like I Don't Need No Man all right [ __ ] I've been waiting let me use these moves but it's uh it's cool because you know they ended they ended as they should they ended strong with this man it ended with Ellie you know finishing the job taking care of herself and Joe coming in you know right after she's killed somebody nope it's okay baby girl coach and she's in shock she's only permanently scarred if anybody's played the second game you know the kind of impact us had on her and yeah man and and if you notice he called a baby girl man so you know yeah that is the moment that sealed the deal right there yeah yeah and with that with those two words baby girl you know they are linked and they love each other and that is that and now you know they will do whatever they got to do to make sure they are safe yeah you know and that's and that's you know this is where everybody wants them wanted them to be anyway so it's great yeah no it is great man so yes it's a great show man uh yeah he's uh he's it's it's they've done this is uh this is a masterpiece of the show in the sense that they finally cracked the code with this to where this has appealed to Gamers and non-gamers alike and you don't have to even know anything about this and the quality is still there you know it's amazing it's amazing what they do yeah yeah at least for me they you know they uh they really uh exceeded expectations because my expectations weren't that high you know again coming up for Walking Dead you can't you know look at a zombie show and not talk about a walking dead right yeah but now you can't even compare the two shows anymore that's done oh yeah yeah for sure man yeah last thing it's it's great man I'm so I'm I'm so happy so happy that this worked out like it did man I'm so happy that this thing came together same show so they have woman oh sorry go ahead and like you were gonna say it ends next uh next week is no 13 14 15 you know episode run no we done you know I mean and then you know rapper what they good they're gonna wrap up what they got to say and that's great well there's another season coming right but I'm saying for this season they're wrapping up what they have to say for the season yeah you know what I mean and that's great you know yeah and you know I I I was a little concerned not much but I thought last two episodes they have a lot to do and they pretty much did everything in a very timely manner in this episode so I'm not worried about that finale man I'm not actually looking forward to it man [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 33,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The last of us episode 8 review, The last of us episode 8 reaction, The last of us hbo trailer, The last of us review, The last of us Hbo max review, The Last of us hbo review, The last of us, The last of us Ellie and David, last of us, last of us episode 8, last of us review, last of us episode review, last of us trailer, hbo max, hbo, funny video, double toasted, doubletoasted, double toasted bites, double toasted bad movie review,
Id: KeVVTf8rYvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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