The Last Leprechaun | Full Movie | Veronica Hamel | Jack Scalia | David Warner | Mick Walter

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[Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] ice and cold on a moonlit night bring forth thy power bring forth thy might mix and by life I give like I planned [Music] life I give life I plant life life life are you [Music] take this freely given to restore the power hold one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] widget and completes the spell give me a shape to take hurry free me give me your body I don't have one I didn't Simpson we have guests [Music] take her [Applause] [Music] years I am free what me do obey me I think not try it work to do 5000 years I have waited and watched learn I freed you your reward will be death and not the riches you crave find me a head which made a man with influence and power and help me with this abomination you call science what we cannot defeat turn against you and that will be reward [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait that's it that's it I'm not getting up late spring if I can find something as day week meal fescue rabbits little spot as the squareness know if it's all how come it's always me that gets wet and never you we are tell you for Wally cause you're too damn smart for your own good that's one pesky rabbits so foolish about time you found your own place hell I don't know how you like living here you've got your own virus whereas hold up just coming from he was supposed to keep the place clean that's the deal food and lodging for the little house [Music] never let it be said all Finn McCool takes anything for nothing or gives anything for nothing who are here to order water little beaver don't mix never ever never will Oh Oh could you believe it [Music] oh no but but okay got to believe it where's my florist on Sumatra prison of us [Music] wherever these people come from only lovely trees just love to know [Music] [Music] well it salty nobody bothers to wake me let me see half me father's gone nobody says it will impede OB those pesky all result be you see they don't live in trees so they don't get well I'll be getting to the bottom of this believe me still all the day they grasp in Bregan mokuba's [Music] posits a blowing cold [Music] [Music] breakfast [Music] we'll reach it up moving things [Music] [Applause] wait for me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wanna marry finished early this morning Oh first of the months you're doing to hang around the dairy too long today oh you superstitious old good do you think the little people have time to waste on you okay show a little respect for the old ways that's what I say you know if you don't mess with the little people don't mess with you Oh cake is it hmm already for the young visitors then as I'll ever be it'll be good to have kids about the place would you care to be at Easter oh I don't mind if I do I baked it fresh this morning watch our country favorite no there's a surprise oh this is good delicious hey about John yourself istari Mary you know I must be awful tough to be disparage fella Virge can do just about what he pleases in the world tough cannot be for a pretty top I reckon it'll be being a multi-millionaire has its fair share of problems and worries to play imagine I wouldn't mind having his worries if I had all his money [Music] his wife joy here you never spends any time in a very good but doesn't enjoyed him you know he's going around the world of chedi to his basement he probably never sees his quirky hope you they can be together you know buddy buddy everything if the other thing is just a simple pardon mr. Simpson good morning miss Riley morning better serve him tea mr. Simpson you've gone to a lot of trouble Mary I hope the berries children will appreciate it I'm sure they will I've never known a kiddy otter can resist me John charts we don't want to spoil them GUI [Music] but a here don't spoil them no one else around here is going to last for sure excited about them coming why that's what I want to know he never was much my men know she's for Marian can't go around to those crazy clothes hello hey not to say but she was dead so just stick in the mud if you had your way nothing would ever change it there are some times change you thought everything is made out to be married I'm sure mr. Vaughn will make mr. Barrett ray happy hey baby all right he needs a wife and mother for his children and they'll have a stable home life mr. Barrett you're still a young man and a good catch to vote in any road time I was getting back to work some of us have to earn a living here right thanks for the day Ned Ned you old rogue I won't fall for that one [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] where do you come from he's awfully small maybe he's one of little people a leprechaun creepy I've got a bad feeling you don't like the look of this want to go home we have to give it a try Tommy you promised dad I don't want a new mother [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a dog it's horrible Shh [Music] [Applause] darlings welcome darlings we're going to have the whole holiday just to get to know each other isn't that marvelous yes Simpson the bags when I saw your father's photograph in Business Weekly I knew we were destined for one another come on come on don't y'all I've got a lovely room already hello oh yes this is Mary the cook hi Mary my name is Ethel and this is my brother Tommy don't the two of you look gran to be sure I have a lovely tea already Oh lots of ideas for games and things when you've had a chance to settle in oh that would be wonderful thank you yes quite why don't you run back to the kitchen Mary dear I'm sure you've got lots to do excuse us come on Tommy she is so weird that hat I wouldn't be seen dead that dad said this is a real mansion but it's just a dump just like her all Lumbee and grand and it took short of a full nest now darling don't be so cool just like her tea is being served I hope that means food I'm starving did you see his face [Music] cut down the drain tortilla I shop [Music] hiya sure yeah it did not mess with me [Music] someone's really been walking about [Music] what is going on here someone sabotaged not the sight of a weak Hoek are you telling me what really trees cut down oh wait but these tires are special you know big we can't just go anywhere for them yeah what about the spares well we have one spare per tractor in most cases but but all the tires around [Music] to find out who did it I want you to find out and tell me I'd get these vehicles fixed look what I found no that's not right sorry Hey [Music] we're to be a full force mr. Vaughn the trees must be very old they are just trees you silly girl dirty bugger it and monstrous you know what I mean please please you must call me Laura hmm because in just a few months your daddy and I are going to be married won't that be wonderful mmm you tell me we mustn't forget you must we sit up straight don't slouch it's not good ouch [Applause] [Music] you know I don't like it here I don't like Laura or this house or anything about it and dad can't marry her I won't let him don't be silly tubby it doesn't work like that and you know it we've only been here for two days she must be nice our dad wouldn't want to marry her maybe dad is sick or something and she keeps pinching me there's no need to throw a tantrum I'm not throwing a tantrum oh really [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he's fine it's my own good said he needed some help Dan phone beeps sorry sorry what that Muir you've got to save yourself madam Thank You Simpson is your room nice [Music] [Music] nobody must know you're here now take care of them gesundheit thank you thank you put almost killing me oh don't start that again what the devil were you doing on the ledge in the first place but I couldn't eat 100 at once what what did you say Tommy well all he ever does is complain hey it's to me good I did not I found it he took it in each wasn't guilty story oh stop it both you this is getting us nowhere Tommy give him back his gold no how do we know it is because I said it was and we're supposed to believe you I'll have you know that fearless finn mccool has never told a lie I didn't steal it and I suppose you saved me life so I'm a little bit oddly I don't think we want you to be beholden can't we just be friends we never met a leprechaun before you're not supposed to meet a leprechaun no are ya pretty keep it to me with now don't ya I can't go invisible when I'm wet now Jenna how many of you are there me wouldn't you know fearless finn mccool nernst king of the leprechauns adhesives okay well if I'm the last one up you have to be in the king now wouldn't you little smartypants aren't you lonely oh no no no I've got lots of rings so what happened to the others we ran out of college so don't you know nothing but it's the way of the gold in his pockets it makes this the little B so what happens when you haven't got any gold in your pockets will we grow obviously how big will be I mean how big your giant size so big did we poke those children are up to something didn't you ever play since is that why you took refuge imagine the lonely boy seeking out power and scapin don't mock me banshee it was my power that brought you here no Simpson you have no power power is an essence it is what we are or are not oh you have is magic magic makes you more powerful but you are not power and you are yes I am then why are we messing about with all these stupid marriage plans why this stupid business deal with Henry barrage why don't you just go ahead and do exactly what you want to do because power has its limits it the marriage is a diversion I chose Henry barrage because I need him he will make me more powerful still you'll see the will of power under this house is awfully small [Music] come on this way look out the window don't be silly you've already picked out the window once today well there's the one sees us they won't they're all getting ready for dinner [Music] right [Music] bouncy bee pump reservist she's a witch [Music] my stepmothers a witch she's a wall district she's not to reach like I care what kind of spirit she is any minute now I'm going to wake up who are you a geek we have to warn daddy I think we better be getting out of here my new superior what are you doing here aren't we being a little rooms sneaking around my house we were hungry [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mary she's after she's a witch she's married we saw her she has blue hair your eyes what's wrong what's happening I don't know are they sick thank you get hurt [Applause] [Music] they're here we're going to do I don't know where's Finn we're coming you try over there I'll try the barn [Music] brass like [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Tommy come out dues there's good children before I get angry and believe me like me when I'm angry last chance what dear little nowhere to run stay away from us you're what we're all told daddy Danny well he's not here though is it there's on me and Simpson so why don't you be nice little children and come to mommy Laura come come [Applause] [Music] what on earth is going on here Henry thank God you've arrived stop it I said stop it I said stop it you know be a witch go to your rooms both of you I don't understand this thank you [Music] don't be too hard on them Henry dear I'm sure that once they get to know anything so be broadly children to Moloch [Music] why won't anyone believe us stop it Tommy you're imagining things well he loved us he believed us your father thinks the world of you he doesn't show it sometimes sometimes I think he wishes we'd died in the Carter Center mommy Ethel Ethel don't say that it's just that he finds it hard to show his feelings that's all he can Otis sometimes what you used to that's not we can be together ready for dinner I must say you look a lot cleaner than you did earlier they'll be done in a minute I'd better get back to the kitchen sir Henry please call me Henry dad yes you've got to believe us Lori's away enough I've had enough nonsense for one day now Laura is a fine woman look let's let's just try to have a nice dinner okay Tommy Ethel please what are we going to do Lara down here darling yeah [Music] Laura yes darling [Music] is everything okay yes yes fine Brendon yes I think I could use one thank you thank you another headache yes I'm afraid so no this is very good how are the little tears all cleaned up yes what is it feels so much better when you do this I'm sorry about the kids I don't know what's gotten into them oh well they'll be perfectly all right once we're married hmm we'll send them to good schools find a nanny don't worry darling you look so lovely it's the drink talking mm-hmm hmm no not I mean it you look beautiful you say the nicest things Henry mmm you know it's probably all my fault if I was just to pay a little bit more attention to that we're gonna say can we forget about the children just for now dear okay mm-hmm you're so kind hmm you're so generous and you're so so lovely oh let's not overdo it Henry hmm children oh there you are Tommy and I would like to apologize for what happened today baby please start again hi of course dear well I must say I'm proud of you yes I am I'm proud of the both of you well come come let's let's sit down Laura you're here wow this is just like one big happy family I think this calls for a toast don't you to us and to our futures to Joey Thomas it was an accident mr. van I'm sure he didn't mean it all right Thank You Henry accidents happen shall we eat thank you Simpson your father and I we're discussing where we should live we thought here would be perfect but what about school what about our friends we'll find both of you new ones some were bracing and healthy for you Tommy and a girls college for you at the mm-hmm won't that be nice well we want to be with Daddy well that's not gonna be possible darling there are no schools around here we want to be with each other I don't know all the best schools are single-sex you know and we do want the best for your darlings don't wave mm-hmm and you'll meet and make new friends darling it'll be an adventure [Music] Henry sit down if you carry on with dinner I shall rejoin you after I've changed I hate vegetable soup yeah [Music] just dessert for me I think Simpson thank you Mary why don't you serve Henry first Simpson he loves trifle no he doesn't he ain't trifle no he doesn't yes he does no I know I don't I do I don't just don't like it very much that's all Ethel you'll have some won't you darling I do love to trifle nevertheless why don't you serve Tommy first Simpson Thomas chewy [Music] this isn't going to be easy nothing yet and now doing it that see anything there's no one here maybe it was a fox the focus will tell us for sure reread the wire I check the cameras take a look along the fence oh do you know what this means do you [Music] leprechaun gold I'm making a pardon mama and I know he's small in our but that's no leprechaun there's no such thing now of course there's no such thing it's a joke I don't cook a joke get it use dogs and hoses just something wrong quite contrary mm-hmm everything's just perfect shall we greet our guests of course my fiancee Laura what's going on I don't know let's go as merry these people Oh mr. van and your father have a big meeting planned what about Lord knows come on sit down I'll get you some breakfast Mary sir you can serve you can serve the coffee whenever you're ready yes sir you know you should be pleased that your father's found someone he deserves to be happy too doesn't he know you don't understand try me she doesn't make him happy how can she she's away we never get to see dad anymore because he's always with Laura have you talked to him we tried and well he doesn't listen no it's true and it's just got orders and Laura came in now he's being angry all the time and won't listen he gets all bad headaches and he gets mean well maybe I'll try and persuade him to see a doctor hmm thank you okay I'm not hungry thank you Nora thank you my dear it's an interesting plan Henry and if anyone can afford it you can well it's good for business Sam and if it's good for business it's good for Ireland I wonder what she wants with dad that's what I don't understand I don't know what does any banshee want well there's tons of money it's got to be more than that I wonder what they're doing downstairs then I blow us where's you I press the button I kiss it operates it I got an idea I know that the environmental lobby is going to scream once they take a look at our proposal but sometimes gentlemen you have to break a few eggs to make a cake or just stop so let me assure you that Laura's proposal is for the benefit of everyone everyone including the environment kid there will be no expense spared looking out for the welfare of the animals our precious natural resources that being the lake and the forests and also for the surrounding villages this project world exceeds government funding so I will personally guarantee all expenses above and beyond the twenty million dollars that has been allocated in other words gentlemen barrage industries will fill the shortfall could we have that in writin if you look at your brochure on page one Kim you'll see that I've already done so and what about the land the land seventy five percent of the land required for this project is owned by Lauren has been in her family for generations which she so graciously has donated thank you gentlemen Laura's dream for Ireland's future [Music] I think impressive [Music] we're guaranteed to supply power to half of Ireland within five years water power gentlemen pure clear water we're going to build [Music] are you are you okay sorry yeah just enthusiastic of course but you're flooding this whole valley there's no way you can justify this environmentally mr. barish not even thought oh wait you can throw behind it mr. Burrage has already justified it to all those who met her Mr Kim well to be perfectly honest I'm not happy well to be perfectly honest with you Kim I don't care if a few deer get killed or a few hundred rabbits drown in their burrows or we lose a few precious acres of our endangered forest if we're ever to build an industrial base in this country we have to execute these plans as they are [Music] where are you going come on besides it's part of Laura's dream mm-hmm I can't believe he said that it's her she's making him she must be she's evil Ethel Finn said so we've got to warn him no way Tommy he ran out on us no we did it he was just invisible who else dipped the flower in the barn do you know how to fight a banshee do you know come on [Music] come on are you crazy what if she comes she won't how do you know I just do she's got other things on her mind I wonder it's so cold upstairs Wow or weird place scared [Music] Wow [Music] let's get here wait what I have an idea what are you doing brilliant Thanks you're gonna boil it I might hey I thought you might morning pots and pots of money doesn't buy love I reckon I can sit here admiring the scenery ah hurry but you're going to have to try to use your imagination I'm gonna do that how you understand exactly what's happening here I would have anything to do with it she couldn't do this without you Henry I'm but I have to say I'm surprised I don't know what sort of spell she's put you under but I'm afraid I can't go along with this sorry well I'm afraid you're going to have to yeah I hold your markers you've changed Henry barrage and not for the better hmm Hello Kitty came I think I hurt his feelings don't worry about it darling yeah not important I'm going to fix something for that headache of yours and you can get some rest while I take care of business down at the logging camp oh good those drinks seem to help it's going to be my best day ever I don't feel it [Music] [Music] this way it's great [Music] [Music] how is this Tommy looking they must be we have to find him oh don't know where lives [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] damn but the men were in the forest with hoses she knows about you think she knows her leprechaun dumb walk down what she wouldn't dare seek that much power she's doing it of course she's helping again stronger man than your father fallen under a buncha space leave me what should we do but he doesn't love us he loves her no what do you need it's too late they're here [Music] because I need me cold it's too late go get going there's nothing keep looking [Music] the Golden Goose has flown what a shame [Music] God is mine [Music] [Music] [Music] give it to me now just give it to me free Oh stalk oh stop I'm not too fat she did not me go now help me oh she's got your gold Oh No so how long before you splat I mean pop I dunno you don't know well it's never happened to me before I don't know so how much ball do you have left not much [Music] [Music] mr. gold in the daily for the mink I leave it but I did maybe they haven't round it but you're hiding don't would you be after arguing the fine point of ethics are they going to help me boy cool I'm stuck hey hey I'm stuck [Music] [Music] [Music] tricky old cobbler [Music] [Music] looking for something well if you won't listen to me see a doctor both those headaches I don't need your advice about my headaches I am talking about your children yeah and I certainly don't need your advice about my children you're unbelievable whatever it is they will get over it oh where do they know besides who are you to give me advice you are nothing you are a nobody you are nothing but common hired help and you [Music] just leave me alone Mary I'm really sorry I am sorry I don't know who I am anymore I don't know what I'm saying you need to help I didn't mean what I said Mary I love I love my children I love them so much that sometimes it hurts I don't want to lose him what tell him work it out between them and mr. van they won't understand they won't understand we'll make them understand just just tell them that you love them ever SL if Phil's not even a real name you know Emma is a given name but her mom called her Ethel even before she was born I never knew why and after a mom passed away well just kind of stuck Mary Lou Henry Laura we need to talk about the kids the kids yeah not now darling simply golden opportunity no now is a very good time I think I feel a conspiracy coming on don't be ridiculous since well I can see what he sees in you darling I think but what on earth do you see in him what do you mean well it takes love to break a spell dear silly me I never dreamed you'd fall for him I haven't we haven't and I I love my children very much and at the moment they're very unhappy and if this thing between us has to work out they have to be happy yes well why don't I mix us all a little dream I don't need a drink Laura I don't want a drink what I want to do is to talk you want you what I don't need you any more than you do I don't need any man anymore or your sight I should have trusted my children you are a witch yeah I have the gold never Conkel nothing any mortal can do can I just fight it bit of difference anymore hi I'm going to good days bo hey not if I can help it [Music] high spirits the rivers ocean [Music] find those wretched back hoot she melted my dad watch Micah just what me Amy dad is done and to die before that could keep ya what do we do with leprechaun gold here it'll make it up to Oh No I'll have no leprechaun be hardened to me and I'll not be beholden to any leprechaun turn your life killer crafty little give us write my words [Music] [Music] come on down [Music] then I'll come up to you [Music] [Music] give me the back [Music] so thank you [Music] [Music] I don't think we should be doing this she melted my dad [Applause] [Music] I don't know what you are but I am going to stop you on you are not going to hurt my kids a thousand years I have watched you destroy this world we all had a face once even those like me like cold dark swampy places like you had to have it all you drain the swamps cut down forests polluted the lakes and the rivers and expect the world and everything in it to sell to your needs as if only you matter I will restore balance [Applause] [Music] [Music] but I see how weak he grows already the leprous cat he has no power not anymore I'm so sorry see what I can do [Applause] [Music] you spoke my pet you have a gift boy I didn't give you form to destroy the world I want to rule it as it is you tears I have gone now I have power to add to my magic you will do exactly as I say you're not strong enough don't do this be quiet you banshee on your knees on your knees [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Tony come here Oh Tommy I can't help you you give it to the little man stop with this child don't give it a go would destroy you moon is a photo blue Sun note it all die you'll die did you do this I'll give it the gold per gift to you bunchy gold Iowa this world of took place at the old miners world once a dead fancy we are alone [Music] just matter what you do you won't come back well [Music] [Applause] [Music] Drake ribbon I will [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so let's go back take it take it please don't die take it try [Music] [Music] oh man you destroyed her sad your power is life it is we are what nature makes us human the gift assume would school it made you into something other than what she was in the end she destroyed you say but you gave up your goal to save our lives you gave it me back children do you know that I love you the both of you you saved our lives how can we ever repay you you can stop them floating me back done [Music] [Music] doozy very funny being a giant they almost popped imagina one gigantic splat [Music] minute Lima needed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: FamBrand
Views: 1,748,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entertainment, Movie, The Last Leprechaun, Movies, Film, Fims, TV, Kids Movies, Veronica Hamel, Jack Scalia, David Warner, Mick Walter, Brittney Bomann, Andrew J. Ferchland, Anthony Bishop, David Lister, The Last Leprechaun - Movie, Paul Matthews
Id: 3rw9GbSyKoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 40sec (5620 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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