The Sorcerer's Apprentice | Full Movie | Robert Davi | Kelly LeBrock | Byron Taylor

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this way [Music] we must let the darkness of my soul if Morgana should get this she could destroy the world here hurry Wiseman [Music] what has he done Faith's cause of fates at night go take that stuff to Berlin he will tell you all by your life by the lives of all your love do not fail in this what have you I'll take my chances if I fail she will only get the crystal who will defeat her then the crystal will make her strong but not so strong that the staff bearer couldn't defeat her if he whilst it go save the staff Merlin would explain it all do is he well then we will hold them to give you time [Music] this way [Music] [Music] quiet we hold them here for as long as we can to give the wise one time then we get to Merlin as quickly as possible [Music] [Applause] [Music] I have failed you Merlin my old friend you should have been the staff bearer after me instead I have let it infect an innocent soul I'm so sorry Morgana will not have it they would cost me my last breath [Music] the crystal will call to you I trust to all that is good you will hear it not Morgana not the poor boy who is the bearer of the staff [Music] [Music] [Music] is this it the oak tree will make a great tree house I'm too old for tree houses but not too old to tick me off calm down darling he needs more time yeah and we need this job [Music] the trucks not going to unload itself I've got a stomachache at 4:00 you can have a stomachache at 14 un load the truck oh I know how you feel lighten up dad needs this job I'm going to hate it here I don't know anybody in a couple of weeks you'll have new friends I promise you oh yes sure [Music] but who run go get out of here and meet your new boss Ben and I can manage without you for an hour I can't we been do your room later okay okay bye love bye I change the daily where comes first last and always [Music] hi I'm Ben your new neighbor [Music] well good for you [Applause] [Music] nice Gordon let your hobby [Music] I suppose so mine's magic I can show you a trick if you like it's really neat Margy visit hey they're all jacks how did you do that magic is not a game of tricks for children ticket cards now and disappear I'm busy hey if you don't talk to me they don't manageable twerp what was that what did you say that oil I'm sorry were you talking to me you can't be talking to me because I'm invisible I've disappeared remember sighs brats [Music] [Music] [Music] this one's taken I thought he was there before you mark but Lt Col just read you stupid book don't let this jerk bully Oh besides if you let him sit here I'll have to do the smell oh yeah he won't fancy you nerd nobody fancies you Oh grow up me Anderson boy all right everyone find your disks settle down you to evidence Evans we have a new student Ben Clark from South Africa Ben would you stand up please now I want all of you to make Ben feel welcome I need a volunteer to show Ben around the school today you'll come now people that's not very hospitable well shall I nominate someone enough Thank You Nicole now all of you should have the required textbook so you find anywhere around okay yep Hey look there's no need to thank me honestly thank you what for exactly for sticking up here in class a few hours ago remember I think I could have handled it on my own oh really because the way I remember it you were letting that jerk look all over you hey I'd rather let him walk all over me than have him stomp all over me but he won't push you around if you don't let him is that why he pushes me around I thought he'd pushed me around because he's twice my size and likes it hey I was only trying to help thanks anyway but I don't need your help oh okay well I'm off to the next class you do know where that is don't you oh wait I forgot you don't need my help [Applause] [Music] where's your girlfriend Clark I don't want any trouble okay no course not you only want trouble when your girlfriend tried to defend you she's not my girlfriend kitty look you can have the disk I give you one just leave me alone you've got nice nerdy boys you better watch your step Clark you never know when you might trip and hurt yourself again [Music] Guddu good boy looks like someone really had a gorgeous what do you kick why don't you let me give you a lift home pick some of the wig off that leak I'd rather walk thank you suit yourself in oil are they going that way we are neighbors you know since you're going that way come on didn't so boy how'd you manage the get sore after dumper got in the way of some brainless get well in my experience when a brainless get watching to get out of his way it's best if you saw hey I'm not stupid all right I would have stayed out of his way but wasn't for the school I see so was because of good Lord wasn't because of a girl Wow it was because of a girl but not because of a girl the way you think I see so is she a bit of a - no this guy no I mean yes but you look I'd rather not talk about it if you don't mind fine by me good good fine there was a cool trick I know a lot of cool tricks but you're not gonna show me right right it's fine [Music] [Music] there he is [Music] there he is indeed this anniversary thing is getting tiresome up and down and around this world a hundred times and he always ends up just where we started how boringly predictable you don't look like much these days does it you don't look like much sly just for once disengaged that tiny rat brain before someone stomps on it idiot [Music] the boy who's the boy or just a kid he moved in next door yesterday why are they together they obviously know each other there's only the neighbors brought his virus wrong wrong wrong this is one that kid is Merlin's accomplice he's the staff bearer it's gonna make our job easier we've lots to do now find out who he is I want to know everything there is to know about that young man [Music] don't mention it I won't if you want [Music] [Music] Vina you in there mm-hm how was your first day what happened to you nothing mom I fell you fell and you tore your blazer as well okay so someone pushed me and then I fall it's no big deal no big deal I'm going down to that school first thing tomorrow I'm gonna have it up to date my mom don't please you're just gonna make it worse I can take care of myself don't tell Dad all right but if it happens again then let one mom don't worry okay okay I'll better get yourself cleaned up dinner will be ready soon in a minute don't be long [Music] of the night Oh glorious one magical crystal [Music] these locks [Music] [Music] so the circle closes you can't happen I walk that you ever [Music] thank you what happened to you we'll be more careful I was school there was a cake you know new you make any friends when you being there one day dad give me a break charm like that you bound to make loads of friends we aim to please watch out for the football team will you come sure dad can I ask you something what I was just wondering how would you would you do it no not to worry what can I do the tremor no I didn't feel anything God well did anything get broken no we'll check it out man might take a while the museum's a big place [Music] [Music] fix me a drink slide we celebrate admission oh yes we're celebrating sly are we going to find you a crystal thing either stainless yes 300 years you say that if we couldn't find it last time how we're gonna find it this time 1400 years we didn't get your crystal thing he missing no in 1400 years we haven't found the crystal thingy yet talking to a dumb cat like a dumb cat no Philo we didn't find the crystal yet it's different now the boy is back I hope so Miss coz I hate being a person beats being a rat is if a cat would no I don't need bickering familiars right now I'm taking a shower and when I've done that I'm going to conquer the world never turns you on [Music] boy they when it's time to eat know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you going in such a hurry no way always dead and we popped up into the office on the weekend well it seems there was some kind of tremor yesterday that caused some damage to the new exhibit yeah I think I'll faster well I didn't feel anything what are you doing I'm going out to paint the fence in the front yard output Are you ill if you don't want me to watch oh no go ahead [Music] that was the knee boy I love doing some gardening I'm painting the face well there's nice for you boy maybe you could show me some tricks sometime I already said no oh come on it's not going to kill you to show me one lousy trick I don't know any lousy tricks only good ones those are not allowed to divulge magicians rules you see what if I become a magician how would you plan on doing that then boy you could teach me I don't think so why not because magics not for playing magics power and power is dangerous I can pay you if you like [Music] you can't buy what you want it's a gift or a curse or churn or not then you always been interested in magic always I'm good my dad says sir seems like a good boy your dad I guess how'd you get that scar boy my dad crashed the car so are you gonna teach me or not assistant aren't you I want to learn what's wrong with that it's not what you learn boy it's how you use it adults all right then boys I give you a chance to impress me prove you're not that young Navy seem to be fake my side of the fence and I'll teach it drinkers two tricks two tricks done Wow Thanks don't thank me yet when do we start whatever you like it's an advantage [Music] [Music] kid painted faints kid painted face the excitement's killing me what's this the house shimmered the house shimmied its shimmered [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you must leave I cannot leave [Music] Oh no no the pedal is lost do not fail the wise one good luck I will see you again in this world or some other go [Music] [Music] [Music] do you one boy why would you shouting I thought I thought you were in trouble don't same boy do [Music] how'd you do that magic something we'd be better off losing in the world what do you mean to think is to falter to believe is to do even even nothing your concerns you bully and don't try coming in this house on your own it's protected I won't okay can we start now you do the fence not exactly do it you're a drag you know that you wanted to learn you're learnin don't think believe if you believe you can do boy if you do good you can even save your soul [Music] nobody believes anymore Lordan anything [Music] so after all of that you lesson take your seat yeah well after him in his cronies ambushed me after squeak I figured it must be quite important to him nowadays sorry then forget it mark is such a jerk that's how me about it if you want I could come and sit next to you I don't think that's such a good idea no of course you wouldn't want to sit next to a nerd it's not that wait wait it's not that I don't want to sit next you it's just that I don't have to take a beating every time I do but if you don't stand up to him he'll never leave you alone then I will okay in my own time and until then we can't talk to each other no we can't talk maybe off to school or something oh okay will you go for a burger if you want yeah okay sure okay okay into class both of you thank you so how did you end up in this place in Iraq and there got a job as curator of the museum so we had to move ah I know how you feel we moved here six months ago were you from everywhere my dad setting up new offices for his company we've moved three times from the past five years man that's tough this place is probably the best of the lot Thanks there you go hope you enjoy it and what do you think well I think it's a dub I'd rather move back home any day I was talking about the milkshake oh right it's pretty good it just takes some getting used to I suppose I don't know I think it's quite tasty but joking joking don't look now but guess who just walked in well well well look what we have here to nerd lovebirds playing after school ignore him then a bad smell goes away eventually think I'll have a sip of his milkshake don't mind do you Benny boy don't you have anything better to do shut up [Music] come on show your girlfriend how tough you are milkshakes are quite heavy you could easily slip out on my hand by accident sit still nerd or I may spill this on you stop it just leave us alone here it comes nerdy open nice and wide you're gonna love it [Music] shut up shut up all of you you what is that about do you believe in magic light tricks and things no not tricks real magic do you I don't know if you saw it happen though you'd have to believe wouldn't you I guess that's what I figured boy I shouldn't have done that I shouldn't have done it protecting the boy like that in public I wanna talk to you [Music] are you better yeah excellent I have some good news for you with won a prize what price I don't need any competitions higher on top stranger I could help you with that bully if you're interested yeah how how much do you want to hurt him I don't want to hurt him he's like he hurt you an eye for an eye and all that he's just a jerk would be nice to get your own back though wouldn't it mmm I can see that you're tempted look who are you you you stay away from me well God's please silly little fool [Music] I'll have him for breakfast add a more appropriate animus release at Youkilis in parrot they use we release is the only pastor [Music] [Music] [Music] coming all over and beyond all reality [Music] [Music] I'm getting sick of this [Music] to my boy how's it going boy not too bad and you oh not bad thanks mind if I hang around away no go ahead I'm sorry I shouldn't have been spying on you it's just that trickier than the burger bar don't know what you're talking about boy I said I'm sorry can you get me down now Sammy what in the tape tell me I'll do it I want to learn magic I said two tricks I taught you two tricks no tricks real magic No I will teach magic not again never so you taught someone before so what is so good about them in love me nothing good about them yeah and I won't make that mistake again so you don't think I'm good enough I never said so I'm good enough I never said that either look you don't teach magic like I teach maths just try me please if it doesn't work out I'll leave you alone deal bye Ken boy number one okay if that's the way it's gonna be but you've done some weird things Master Mona what do you mean by that boy I hope I don't lift him up a mistake you know what I'm sleeping or something are you blackmail now who ever heard of such a thing please mr. Mona I want to learn and if you don't teach me I have to find someone else who will you would will you yes I'm serious I really want to learn okay boy I'll think about it yes I said I'd think about it [Music] so would you rather be out with your friends instead of spending time with an old boy like me I don't have any friends nice a black fella like yourself I find that hard to believe bunny what about that girl you were telling me about Nicole she's okay just okay Wow maybe better than a cape but anyway my friends are back home so why did you make some new friends how do I make friends easy okay how did you do that I told you boy believe magic is order earth fire air water perfect harmony you have to believe with this or to make it so but rule magicians no mere tricks to them he's a bear of truth yeah [Music] don't think believe leave believe what you'll create the reality [Music] hey what just good boom hello earth to Ben I said what he scribbling oh nothing just puzzle that's kind of test how can you throw an egg a short distance so that comes to a dead stop reverses itself and comes back to you without tying anything to it without using magic I don't know how I don't know do I that's the test you say boring today take a break come and get it then let's answer to the puzzle when you throw it up it comes back twist again that's it no answer that's all time it's all thanks so much you're a genius I've got to go but then we still have class [Music] [Music] mr. Mona its brain mr. Munna mr. ma are you home mr. Mona mr. Mona [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh mother it's quick what do you thinking to it you can you scared me I was just you were just what going through my personal things no no no I just thought well you thought wrong so in future mind your own business and don't go rubber to through a people's private property okay okay [Music] you better go [Music] no problem have a nice life [Music] [Music] [Music] it's probably so powerful then they will not be able to resist it [Music] 15:30 hid paints face 15:45 kid visits old man 2100 kid goes to bed kid goes to school kid climbs training and he like if the old man has got the crystal thingy why don't we just go in there and take it and why are we hanging around out here like idiots [Music] [Applause] now's our chance [Music] [Music] [Music] ah I'm the best cat burglar in the business least quiet I'm gonna have to shut you up myself oh you dirty rat [Music] [Music] it's nothing fun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I should boil your stupid hides in oil you morons how me just look at you but miss we just thought I don't pay you to think now he knows we know about him and if we know about him you know about the boy yes how are we going to kidnap him now kidnap us we don't like kidnap I don't care what you'd like you like what I like is that understood yes [Music] mmm don't make me angry Nicole I might not be able to control myself Oh stoop in the better way shut your face Josh shake your homework what are you staring at just give her Becca home look look who's become a brave little here all of a sudden why don't you make me we're going to do that nah didn't think so cuz you're going to do it on your own and what makes you think that I'm not gonna disappear just because you close your eyes benny-boy on a bit to believe is to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sheila [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll get you Clark yeah you finished your history [Music] mr. Malla mr. Munna I did it I didn't magic I shut my eyes and I believe and I did it what doesn't you think I could do it no no that's not it boy I knew you could do it I wished it and it happened it was like like like the world Stood Still and you were the only one in it exactly it was fantastic fantastic teach me more no you've got to please I can't boy it's too dangerous I should never have started this you promised I thought I could teach you to protect yourself instead I just made things worse let's pull is stronger than ever what are you talking about it's not anyway it's for your own good you just like him just like my dad whenever you need something was bellowing good he promises things and never delivers never hate you bye Ben hey thanks top I'm sorry boy [Music] no no is that what you're calling yourself these days Merlin - Mel no how quaint Oh would you like to come in seems you've let your guard down couldn't have the poor boy fry every time he came the door now could you curse you Morgana I do the curses oh it's all so so dull what no smells no I have Newt no toe frog no hubble bubble these days it's all done with the computers don't humor me Merlin you know I don't like to be humid you were terrible student Madonna you know that I was your best student and you were a coward too afraid to test your powers and too afraid Oh in the world I didn't want to own the world not then no I did and I still do whatever the cost whatever the cost where is the crystal you can't have it what's to stop me old man you let that brat get you and you let down your wards and you think you can stop me taking just what I want that brat is I know who he is he is the staff bearer and he took what was rightfully mine it was never meant to be yours you can't protect him from himself forever Merlin sooner or later our destinies catch up with us even you give me the crystal No I said give me the crystal no God you [Music] didn't have any Ward's on the house remember so I've spun some of my own you're in my web now Merlin you have no power here it's been a long time coming and that little boy is going to be the death of you that boy is wiser than you think how rich fourteen hundred years too late and he finally wants to trust him look for a safe pull down the walls if you have to I can feel it calling just like it called you all those long years ago if I had found it instead of you the world would be able to place today better because you would rule as you could have if you chosen to take the star for yourself tell me why didn't you well as the right to choose his own way man is too stupid even have you finally the crystal Amana you will never have the stuff found isthmus I told you computers we can open it with magic mallanna you need electronic combination welcome to the 21st century the staff where is the staff you cannot have it wake him up [Music] he's dead no he isn't he's not nothing dammit okay boys we're going to bring in the heavy artillery we're gonna do it the old-fashioned way move it I'll get the crystal out of that silly little safe and then I'll find the staff mr. Mona mr. Munna are you writing probably all things they mean nothing I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said I was just really mad you know I know I didn't mean what I said either I'm sorry I thought you were did [Music] never boy you promise I promise [Music] look I need you to get something what it's in the museum part of the new exhibit the museum your father works there right you think he'd let you him I suppose I said what they were after yes is it valuable it belonged to her a very good friend of mine was a very fine very wise young man and he gave it to a very fine very wise young man to look after only I didn't know that he looks sad did he die we all landed the young man oh he's alive very very much about now go boy let's go get it and then what bring it to me I'll be waiting okay what is it you want you'll know when you see it boy what do you mean we cannot escape our destinies forever bet I'll never leave she's right what is my destiny then whatever you choose to make it they're not used to be the world's most powerful magician the government tornado [Music] a museum in a museum we can do this thank you for that vote of confidence oh you're welcome this [Music] he's right miss we can do this me and Fido we've done banks you know we're good at banks everyone's good at something even you two besides this isn't a bank it's a museum I like banks [Music] well well the old man is desperate if he thinks he's gonna stop me just by reuniting the boy with the staff he has another thing coming everything has changed I have the crystal [Music] time to get furry boys change to animals with yep I like animals get in there cat boy and create a diversion oh yes well if it doesn't come then I'll just get hold of them good I'll get back to you thank you bye hi my name's Ben clock my dad's our curator can I talk to him please yes I'll check [Music] there is hey Dad I feel been come across I'll meet you at the top hey what's not surprised come on [Music] [Music] so support to what do I owe this honor this place is pretty neat dead sound so surprised it's what I've been trying to tell you history is family you're never look around okay and it just perks your old man gets to give you an exclusive preview oh they look so real [Music] you don't I know that young man come every bit I don't know love I think he's the curious son is he really how very interesting I love you can't come in here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we should invite your classmates have some fun I think so how I screwed up now football birthday my birthday you don't even know my birthday yes I do when March isn't it March the 10th and the 12th Ted the 12 you're unbelievable you must really love me I mean it because if you didn't you'd have to write you'd pretend or something then I do love you come on I'm not that bad a father am I off the record ed here a lousy father yeah well I'm still your dad mm-hmm yeah you my dad truce jeez [Music] what is it they say its fingers staff [Music] legend has it that Fingal bore the staff for a thousand years the only man strong enough to withstand the evil of absolute power when he died Merlin placed it in the stone forefingers rightful heir he was keen on sticking things in stone [Music] step away from the staff Ben Ben you can't have it I promise to take it to promised to take it to Merlyn [Music] idiot [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Berlin I had the staff I thought your fingers star Merlin has gone fool he deserted your long long time ago give me the staff then no he didn't trust you with it then and he doesn't trust you with it now why should it be his why not mine why not ours feel the pull of the crystal night see this time I have it this time I have the crystal don't fight it together again crystalline stuff you and I night the whole world will be ours kings and princes will kneel in your presence armies will ride forth of Jord and queens will dance at your table think night think [Music] you betrayed me no Ben yes I remember it all my brother stopped at the cave just like the wise one said and you took my life Ben you are Ben and the night and all the other bearers of the staff lovely ages don't listen to him night you came to him for help because you promised the old one and he stole your life no I meant to save you save him you ripped him from time fleeing the faith's lifetime after lifetime man you were never meant to be the staff you can feel its power how was a man who was barely more than a boy able to choose between light and dark between power and humility he was the staff Baron he had the right to choose and you took that from him nothing would delight you more than the seemed lose his soul would it not huh I never meant the cause of what I did was wrong I am sorry cheese night cannot flee our fate forever you've had 1400 years to choose so choose give me the staff join me he doesn't want to join you how do you know what I want I know you been in ways I never knew on the night give me the staff now No aren't you forgetting something this time I have this why do you think he'd risk reuniting your precious soul with the staff because he had to that's why he hasn't changed he's still a manipulative devious son of a toad and he doesn't trust you any more now than he did then he just needs you more he cannot defeat me alone you should have trusted me the first time Merlin she didn't have the crystal then I know No be enough are we gonna fight or what ready [Music] Morgana I owe you [Music] you enjoyed that I did I have to admit I did she never understood really even with 1,400 years to figure it out I knew you'd never give her the staff but you weren't sure I'd give it to other no and now I've got it all staff in Crystal joined it's a powerful magic you are they're more powerful still in your hands made whole again you can't take it from me no I can't was given to you if you want to keep it no one can stop you if you want to use it for good or for ill no one could stop you but if you use it I'll have to try you die yes [Music] I don't need magic you have a good soul been kind heart in a generous spirit you've got magic boy a lot of it what now what happens to the staff I will keep it safe mr. Finkel always intended what about me what do you want I want to go home to my mom and dad [Music] and home you shall go [Music] well I see you again who knows perhaps I Morgana oh I don't think so not for a generation or two at least would anyone remember [Music] not much what will I remember [Music] always to paint the fence boy [Music] what happened you almost fainted this I told you are you working too hard yeah Jimmy wasn't there woman just a minute ago can we just go home dad please yeah let's go [Music] I thought you're gonna find me this weekend I know I'm into y'all just really busy what did you do spirts hard to explain you don't have to make excuses Ben if you don't want to find me then that's not an excuse I just can't tell you real ones that's all you wouldn't believe me we can do something this weekend if you like I like that [Music] hey listen there's something I've got to be just give it to me leave him alone go away cluck this is none of your business well I'm making it my business fancy a milkshake you're weird Clark you know that you're really spooky I ought to deal with you once and for all I think it's about time you pulled your socks up or should I say trousers I'll be watching you and every time you step out line I'll be here to a you dirty washing in public right yeah don't make myself clear crystal come on boys let's go thanks mate I think I'm going to like it you this place there's a sort of magic [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: FamBrand
Views: 5,109,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TV, Movies, Fims, Entertainment, Robert Davi, Kelly LeBrock, Byron Taylor, Roxanne Burger, Greg Melvill-Smith, Gideon Emery, David Lister, The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Movie, The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Full Movie, Anne Power, Martin Le Maitre, Clinton Dooley, Dale Cutts, Brett Morris
Id: 8qA9E5BLuVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 40sec (5140 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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