Silver Wolf (1999) | Full Movie | Michael Biehn | Roy Scheider | Shane Meier | Peter Svatek

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(dramatic music) (crickets chirping) (ominous music) (cows mooing) (ATV engines roaring) (gun fires) (guns firing) - Hey! We're shooting wolves, not trees. (wolf whining) (somber music) (helicopter whirring) (dramatic music) - What's the matter, Roy? It's the oil pressure, isn't it? The one thing I told you to check and you said-- - Frank, look out your window and see if there's a thin yellow stream pouring out the engine. Now! Anything? Are you sure? Look again. (Roy laughs) - [Frank] You don't get many visitors, do ya little brother? - I beg your pardon? I had a whole family drop by last week looking for supper. - They must have been lost. - [Roy] No, they were timberwolves. - [Frank] Wolves, I thought they were history up here. - They were. 60 years and not a single sighting in this area, so they decided to reintroduce a few into the park. - Is that a fact? - Problem is, now they're starting to migrate. - How do the ranchers feel about that? - Oh, they don't like it very much. - If I pretended to work for the taxpayers like you do, it's not the wolves I'd be dancing with. (helicopter whirring) Okay, bury the food where the animals won't get it, and set the tent up some place where we won't miss it. - I guess your dad thinks I'm a New York ranger. I'll see you tomorrow morning at the bottom. - All right. - Have a good time! Be careful! (helicopter whirring) - Okay, I say we hug the top here, we'll dig right in, then when it levels out, stay close to the trees. They block the sun, the snow will be a lot faster there. What do you think? Come on. I've seen you slay those moguls back home, just stay in control, and you'll be fine. (upbeat rock music) ♪ So I heard that you fell down ♪ ♪ It must have been hard to get out of balance ♪ ♪ But what I'd like ♪ ♪ Is for you to get it right ♪ ♪ Is for you to get it right ♪ ♪ Is for you to get it right ♪ ♪ Is for you to get it right ♪ ♪ Is for you to get it right ♪ ♪ Is for you to get it right ♪ ♪ I'll always make things look so hard ♪ ♪ I bet you know you won't get far ♪ ♪ But what I'd like ♪ ♪ Is for you to get it right ♪ ♪ Is for you to get it right ♪ ♪ Is for you to get it right ♪ ♪ Is for you to get it right ♪ ♪ Is for you to get it right ♪ ♪ Is for you to get it right ♪ ♪ Right ♪ ♪ You don't know me ♪ ♪ Why didn't you see ♪ ♪ I wanna stay ♪ (wolves howling) - I wish your uncle would learn how to use a telephone. Wasn't always like that, you know? He could've been anything he wanted. All he was lacking was a little ambition. - You don't like him much, do you? - He's my only brother, I love him, but he's different. Which is funny, because he's supposed to be me. He was the one that was supposed to take charge of the company when Dad died. Sometimes I wish he had. Would've given me a lot more time to do stuff like this. - Or mom. So why'd he take off, anyway? Would've made a lot more money building houses than he does babysitting trees. - On our 16th birthdays, your granddad dropped us off in the bush. He wanted to make sure that we could take care of ourselves. Took me two days to get back. It took Roy 12. Why? 'Cause your granddad had big plans for his number one son. Roy had plans of his own, he still does. And one thing's for sure, what scares ya is the same thing that makes ya stronger. But that's why I'd like you to try it this summer. Jesse, it's not an order. It's an opportunity. (emotional music) (wolf panting) (wolf whining) (dramatic music) You okay? You gotta stay in control, buddy. - Stop pushing. You pushed Mom. You know what? Forget about it. - You call it pushing? I call it knowing. Your mother would've had 100 perfectly valid reasons not to do this, and we never would've experienced it. - Well, maybe me and Mom like to do things a little different, okay? (wind whistling) Ah, Dad! - Jesse! - Ah, Dad! - Jesse! - Help, Dad! - Don't move, let me come to you! - [Jesse] I can't hold on! (intense music) - Okay, thattaboy, easy, easy, easy! Grab my pole. Hold on, grab on! - [Jesse] It's slipping! - Pull hard. Jesse, pull hard! - No! - Jesse! (both grunting) - [Jesse] Dad! (emotional music) (people murmuring) - Jesse, you've got my deepest sympathies. - Jesse, Jesse come here. - Jesse. - Thought you might wanna have this. It was your dad's. You haven't talked much the last couple days. How you doing? - Fine. How are you? People are talkin' about him. He was in some sort of trouble, or something. - Maybe you better talk to your mom about that. - She thinks she can just scoop me up and take me with her. Like a piece of furniture, or something. - Jesse, just because she left doesn't mean she stopped caring. Separated or not, she lost her husband. You're all she has left. - [Anna] Jesse? Hey. - Hey. - Looks like everyone's leaving. I have to go soon, too. - I'll see you around. - Jesse, there's something I have to tell you. The house is being sold. - What? - Your father took risks, and usually they worked out, and sometimes they didn't. So I want you to come live-- - I can't live with you. I live here, my friends live here. Forget it, you're the one that took off. - Look, I know it's not fair, and it's not what you want. But I'm your mother. - And what about Uncle Roy? Why can't I stay with him? - Jesse, your uncle lives in a cabin in the national park. - Yeah, and you live in a one bedroom apartment above a coffee shop. Look Mom, if I'm getting booted out, why can't I do what I want for a change? - If that's what you both want, he's welcome to stay with me. - You can always visit. - Look, Jesse. I, I love you. But you're right. We both have a way to go. Come here. (upbeat music) ♪ Noontime sail your vessel through ♪ ♪ But for now you just have to make do ♪ ♪ With where you lay ♪ ♪ Come inside I'll make you supper ♪ (birds chirping) - [Roy] What do you think? - What's with the fence? - Oh we used to keep deer up here years and years ago, before I got here. I never had the chance to tear it down. Let's look inside. - Why not? - All right. Dining room. Kitchen. This is the living room, my office. Plenty of books, help yourself. And my bedroom is up there. And you'll be bunking here. Make yourself at home. (gentle music) Morning. Feel like some fresh air? I marked a really nice hill on the map for ya. (intense music) ♪ You know it's not my cup of tea ♪ ♪ Who knows who knows who knows ♪ ♪ How you could do this to me ♪ ♪ You know it's not my fantasy ♪ ♪ Who knows who knows who knows ♪ ♪ How you could do this to me ♪ ♪ I saw you come round ♪ ♪ Come around ♪ ♪ You were by the lost and found ♪ ♪ Lost and found ♪ ♪ You had your secret smile ♪ ♪ Secret smile ♪ ♪ Tell me about it ♪ ♪ You know it's not my cup of tea ♪ ♪ Who knows who knows who knows ♪ ♪ How you could do this to me ♪ ♪ You know it's not my fantasy ♪ ♪ Who knows who knows who knows ♪ ♪ How you could do this to me ♪ ♪ I caught you in the park ♪ ♪ In the park ♪ ♪ You had gotten really far ♪ ♪ Really far ♪ ♪ You had your secret smile ♪ ♪ Secret smile ♪ (Jesse grunting) (wolf whining) - Hold it Jesse, hold on, not so close. - So what d'you think? - He's been shot. He's starving. - Yeah, but can we help him out? - Go back to the truck. - Why? What, you're just gonna shoot him? No! I mean come on, give him a chance. Can't we give him some food? - Jesse, his pack's long gone. There's no chance he'll live. (somber music) Go. (rifle cocks) Jesse. If I don't do it now, he'll only die in a cage later. (ominous music) (crickets chirping) (pleasant music) - Hi. How you doing? My name's Jesse, Jesse McLean. So what are you in for, Silver Wolf? - I've been experimenting with some organic recipes. I whipped this together as part of my research. - What is it? - Wild onions, bitter root, wild mushrooms of the non-poisonous persuasion, all layered between succulent leaves that grows all winter about 300 yards behind the house. Right out there. And we also have water. - So why is his cage so small? - He's not ready to get out and start running around yet. Might re-injure himself. Also he needs time to bond. - Bond, bond to who? - To you. He's your responsibility. - How do I get him to bond to me? - Same way I'm warming your heart, great food. - He hasn't eaten since he's gotten here. - Well if I was abducted by strangers, and put in a metal box, I think I'd lose my appetite too. Eat up, you'll be late for school. (birds chirping) I packed you a lunch. (girl shouting) Quite a sight, isn't it? (girl shouting) They dry land train on rollerblades. It's called skijoring. - What? - It's a Norwegian word. - [Jesse] What's it mean? - We're very attached to our dogs. (girl shouting) That's the bus you'll be takin' home. - What, this bus? - [Roy] Yeah. - Yeah right, forget it. - If you wanna walk, walk. It's 11 miles, but do what you want. - Hey buddy, nice pants! Don't worry, you'll grow into them though. (boys laugh) - Mary. Principal Clifton, Jesse McLean. - Hi. - Nice to meet you, welcome to Wainright High. - Thanks. - So I'll see you later on tonight? - Okay. (birds chirping) (wolf whining) (bell rings) (upbeat music) - Whoa, whoa, whoa, homie. It's a long way back to the enchanted cottage. What are you, too sexy for the bus? - Nah, he's just waiting for his uncle to come pick him up in a helicopter. - Hey Clay! Dad gave you the truck to get to school, not to spread manure. - Oh there's not enough fertilizer in the world to fill this city boy's pants, or your mouth. - Just walk away. - You be careful, homie. She'll take a bite outta you. - You play his games, you'll lose. - What do you care? - I just hate seeing my idiot brother win all the time. Wait. You ride? - Strictly snowboards. - Come on, just get in. (birds chirping) - Hey you. How you doin' boy? You hungry, huh? Want something to eat? Okay, let's see what we got in here, huh? What's this? Hey Silver, what's this huh? Come on, Silver. Silver, come on, take a bite. Silver, if you don't eat it you-- (Silver snarls) Ouch! (dramatic music) - Omelet a la Roy. - Why can't we just order a pizza? - We can order a pizza. The problem is finding somebody who will deliver it all the way out here. - Man, no pizza, no TV, what do you do for fun besides go on mushroom hunts all day? - I work, I read, I listen to music. I meditate, I take long walks, I cook, and I have no time for television. So how was school? - If a wolf gets cut off from its pack, can it join another one? - No. Is that a comment about school? - Why won't he let me get near him? He won't even look me in the face. - He's a wild animal. He's not gonna wag his tail and do tricks. He might not even make eye contact with you, and you can forget about hugs. But if you bond with him, he'll follow you to the ends of the earth. That's if you bond with him. - What do you mean? - Well it's normal for you to be angry about what's happened, about the situation that you're in. But that wolf can feel it. He can smell it. And he doesn't like it. - Yeah, well maybe he smells you. - All right, take your anger out on me, but don't take it out on an innocent animal. - Then don't take it out on me, Obi Roy Kenobi. (crickets chirping) Violent displays of dominance or submission are common in every pack, reminding each member of his specific role. Blood is drawn, but the... Little Red Riding Hood lived on the edge of a great forest. (Silver whines) With her mother, and her father. "Grandmother, what a stubbly beard you have." "All the better to tickle your cheek, my dear," replied Granny in a deep voice. (Silver panting) (tender music) (Roy knocking) "Grandma, what stubbly hands you have." "All the more better to cook you meals you never eat," replied the voice under the sheets. (emotional music) And with that, the door crashes open, and a beautiful silver-coated timberwolf came screaming in, and ripped the devious woodsman's head right off, and ate it. And everyone lived happily ever after. (wood clatters) Hey, hey boy! Hey, hey. Look at you. Turkey, huh, turkey? Want some turkey, come on Silver. There you go. It's okay. It's only me, it's Jesse. I've got a turkey bone for ya. How about this, huh, you like that? Gonna put this right here, okay? (Silver whines) It's for you, go ahead. Come on, Silver. I'm not gonna-- - Keep doin' that, you'll never get near him. When he gets hungry enough, he'll come to you. - Silver. All right fine, if you're not gonna eat it, then I'm going to, okay? (Jesse chomping) Mm, doesn't it look good, huh? (gentle music) - You really don't like the bus, do you? It's like snowboarding, isn't it? - No, nothing's like that. - It's a good way to practice, yes? - Yeah, I guess so. - Can I try it, or are you violating some unwritten code by letting me touch it? Look, I'll teach ya how to survive at school, okay? After school, you teach me how to ride. I know this really cool place, and it's totally remote. - Actually, after school I kind of hang out with my friend. - You have a friend? Really, do I know this person? - No. He's kind of the shy type. - Okay. It's all right, I gotta train anyways. - Really, what are you training for? - The Rancher's Association cross country classic. Here, let me try your skateboard. - What is it called, the cross country classic? - Yeah. 10 miles on dirt and bike, 10 miles on dog and snow. My idiot brother's won for the last three years, so it's kind of getting on my nerves. So I just go? - Yeah, knock yourself out. (gentle music) - Makin' a scent map. Picture a cruise missile with a nose instead of a computer. And this happened sometime around lunch. Looks like the two of you are gonna need a new place to sleep. Someplace waterproof. - And fang proof. (birds chirping) (Silver panting) Hey Silver. Like our new little truck cab here, huh? (horn blares) - Ow! (ominous music) - Silver! (Jesse grunts) - Jesse? (Silver snarling) Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not gonna hurt you, buddy. Okay, okay, okay I get it. Jesse, I think Silver needs to know that we're friends. - It's okay, Silver. It's okay. It's all right, it's Uncle Roy. This is my friend. - You all right? Something tells me that you've just become part of a wolf pack. - Wolves' most famous signature is its howl. Howls to announce the hunt, howls to mark territory, and howls purely for howling's sake. You like to howl? You wanna try howling? Okay. (Jesse howls) (both howling) (wolves howling) (Silver whines) Man. - You know, he's not a dog. - Yeah I know. It's not like I can take him for a walk. He needs to run. - Well chase him, you got the whole deer pen. - I do, I mean he just gets bored, and wanders off. (ATV engine roaring) - Who's that? - Lucy, hey. - [Lucy] Hi. - [Jesse] How you doing? - Good, how are you? - Hi, hi, Roy McLean. Oh, sorry. - Hi, Lucy Rockwell. - Rockwell, oh you must be John's daughter. - Yeah, I'm a classmate of Jesse's. I enjoyed your lecture the other day on conservation. - Oh great, thank you. Have a good time. - Yeah. So I was wondering if you were gonna be hanging out with that friend today. - No, no he's feeling a bit more independent, yeah. - I see, so do you have time to check out that hill I was telling you about? - Yeah, yeah, the hill, yeah sure, why not? (ATV engine roaring) Man, where are we? - We're almost there. - Oh yeah. Excellent. - Not a lot of people know about this place. Isn't it sick? - Yeah, it's sick all right. Ever done this before? - Never. - You goofy? - No. - Put your feet together, and face off the hill. - Look, I'm really sorry about tricking you onto the bus. - Don't worry about it, forget about it okay? - [Lucy] Hey! - See, that's what I thought. Your right foot went forward when you fell. Which means that you're goofy stance, but your board here is set with the left foot forward, and that's regular. - So, how come you don't live with your mom? - Well, she decided not to live with me. - Well why do you live in a truck cab? - Because I'm nature boy. Okay, front foot only. Okay, that's the one. Good, now it's gonna seem kinda awkward, but you'll get used to it. - [Lucy] Okay. - All right, here we go. Let's get you around here. Okay, good. Stay on your toes, now. Good, good, there you go. Perfect. - Okay, okay. - Now ride, just like that! Perfect, dig in, dig in! (Lucy grunts) Or you could stop like that. All right, stay up, good, good, perfect, just like that. Try to keep your weight on the uphill edge. - [Lucy] I think it's about time I learned how to turn! - Keep your knees bent. Good, good! (Lucy groans) Okay, one more time. - [Lucy] Yeah, let's go. - All right, remember. Make a bow and arrow across your chest. (rock music) ♪ I can't remember your name ♪ ♪ But I know you're really special ♪ ♪ Eyes of blue and nitro shoes ♪ ♪ And a smile like no other ♪ ♪ I can't remember your name ♪ ♪ But I know you're really pretty ♪ ♪ Reminds me too it made me blue ♪ ♪ And I'm gonna give it to ya ♪ ♪ And then I try ♪ ♪ To remind myself but I can't recall ♪ ♪ I don't know why ♪ - Heads up! (Jesse grunts) This is so cool. - Yeah. - So, how long do you think you can keep the wolf a secret? (ATV engine roaring) - Okay, you're gonna need this. - What for? - You'll see. Come on in, don't worry about it. Hey Silver! Silver! Come on. Silver! Come on boy, I want you to meet someone. There he is. How you doin' boy, huh? This is Lucy's jacket. Come here, Silver. Oh, good boy! You gotta get rid of this. Silver doesn't like loose clothing. And you might wanna get some scent on ya, so he becomes familiar with ya. How's that? That all right? - Yeah. - Here you go. - Fine. - All right? - Yeah. - You ready to meet him? Okay, come on boy. Silver, come on. Stay low. Silver finds it less threatening if you're eye level with him, okay? Come on boy, come on Silver, good boy! Hey you! How are ya, buddy? Come on, you can pet him. You can pet him. - Hi baby. - Good boy! - Hi. - Yeah, see? He likes it. Oh yeah, look at, hey. (ATV engine roaring) - Hi. - Hiya. Did you have fun, where'd you go? - Why do you ask if I had fun if you don't even know where I went? - Humor me. Clay tells me you've been hanging around with that ranger's kid. The one whose father was killed. - Ah, did Clay also tell you that he got a detention the other day for drag racing in our school parking lot? - Listen, Lucy. If you and your friend are doing something dangerous, something you shouldn't, I don't wanna be the last one to know about it. We should be able to talk to each other. - I'll pass that message on to Clay. (birds chirping) - Hey John. - Hi Roy, how are ya? - [Roy] All right, how you doin'? - Wolf tracks. - If I find an injured animal, it's my job to take care of it. - Why take care of an injured wolf if the law says you can't let it go? - Law says you can't shoot wolves. Look John, this wolf poses no threat to your herd. But even if it did-- - Even if my losses are covered by some wildlife group, is that it? Yeah, I've heard that tune before. Suppose the wolves do recover, and come off the protected list? You think those groups are gonna pay me then? No, they're gonna be long gone, and the wolves are gonna be feasting on my cattle. - What do you want me to do? - Roy, unless you want to be transferred to Alaska, I suggest you stick to fence mending, or identifying birds. Take care. - [Roy] He's head of the Rancher's Association. It's his job to hate wolves. - [Jesse] Yeah, and it's your job to protect them. - Yeah, and maintain community relations. - I don't get this. You told your own father to take a hike when he tried to tell you what to do. Why can't you tell Rockwell? - Telling people what to do is not part of my job description. And I like my job. I like where I am, and unlike you, I plan on staying. Are we gonna play? - No thanks. Silver! Come on, boy. Silver. (emotional music) Silver! (ominous music) Silver! Come on, boy! Silver! Least he was heading towards the park, instead of ranch land. - Jesse, he'll go to where the food is. (Jesse laughs) I'm not gonna wait around 'til next time, where he goes all out and comes home and surprises us with a steak. - I'll look for any other weak spots in the fence. - You can bandage the fence all you want. If he wants out, he'll get out. - [Jesse] I'll bury his food, take him all day to find it. - [Roy] He has to stay on the chain. - I'll take him for long walks, I'll wear him out. - Jesse, these animals can travel 100 miles in a day without breaking a sweat. How are you gonna wear him out? I'm sorry. (ATV engine roars) - There you go. (Silver sniffing) - Here. - Promise not to tell anyone? - Who'd believe me? - All right Silver, come on boy, come on. Let's put this on, come on. Silver, come on. Silver. Come on, here. Come here, come here you. Come on. Come on! Any other ideas? (rock music) ♪ You like Odair ♪ ♪ You like Khrushchev ♪ ♪ I like your hair ♪ ♪ I like your new clothes ♪ ♪ Debate stupid theories in the cafe ♪ ♪ And hairstyle red ♪ ♪ Yeah it won't change the fact that ♪ ♪ I'm so attracted ♪ ♪ To you ♪ ♪ Won't change the fact that ♪ ♪ I'm so attracted to you ♪ - Stance, stay, good girl, good girl. Think this is a good idea? - Oh yeah, females don't pose a threat. Do they Silver, huh? - Men. - Come on you, come on Silver. Come here, good boy. All right, let's put this on. - You ready? Go Kona go, hup hup hup. (Lucy shouting) (dog barking) - Okay, all right Silver. Let's go, come on boy, come on go, go. Come on, go, get going! (Jesse claps) (Jesse groans) Maybe I should be already moving when he hits the gas. (phone rings) - Ranger station, McLean. Anna, how are ya? (birds chirping) - Oh yummy, pork chops. My mom's coming, so we have to start acting psycho? - They are ready. That house that your mom was telling me about sounds pretty nice. - Just because my mom scored some house in the country doesn't mean I'm leaving with her. - Nobody said you had to. - Good, 'cause I'm not. - I think she just wanted to talk to you about it. After she called, I made a few calls myself. Couple of zoos. San Diego, Toronto. I've been to the zoo in Toronto, and it's as close as you can get to living in the wild. Come on back and eat, we don't have to talk about this now. - We don't have to talk about this at all, because I'm not leaving, and Silver's not going to no zoo. (Roy groans) - Listen. I'm just beginning to believe this isn't the best situation for him. - We both know he's not gonna hurt anybody. That's why I'm gonna enter him in that race, that Rancher's Association thing. - Pardon me? - We'll win. Look, I just thought it'd be a good way to show everybody that Silver isn't what they all think he is. - A wolf? 100 ranchers? Their guns, their dogs, their children? No, no, and no. - Come on, let's go! - Woo, that's it Silver! - Come on, let's go, go, hey! (Jesse grunts) Come on let's go, come on girl, come on! Go on girl, come on, hey hey hey! Easy, easy. You okay? - Yeah, that was sweet. - About 100 yards down that way, that's where the finish line's gonna be, and then that's it. You've skied the skijoring part of the race. - [Jesse] Cool. Now let's keep practicing. - All right, let's go. - [Clay] Come on Aurora, go! Come on Aurora! (ominous music) - Jesse, will you slow down? Look, even if he did see the wolf, what's he gonna do about it? - What cowboys usually do, form a posse, hunt him down, and kill him. - Calm down, you're acting like we're a bunch of trigger happy rednecks. - What the hell do you think you're doing bringing that wolf out here? - Jesse, let's go. Clay, shut up! - The best place for them is on a wall, which is where it's gonna end up if I ever see him out here again. - What'd you dad teach you that? - My dad isn't the kind of guy who needs a helicopter to get on top of a mountain, and a search party to get him off. - My dad died saving my life, now shut your face before I smash it! - Jesse, let's go okay? Just forget about it. (tires squeal) (eagle screeches) Jesse. - Hey. - Hey. - How's it going? - Dad wants to send me away to private school. It's pretty ugly. - Sorry about that. - Did it all by myself, thanks. Look, I told you before, if you play his game, you lose. - Then why are you racing? Look, Lucy. My father always said the things that scare you are the things that make you stronger. I feel like I owe him this. - Mr. Clay Rockwell. (all cheering) Dog's name please. - Aurora. - Aurora. $50. Thank you. Ah, Lucinda Rockwell. Dog's name? - Kona. - Kona. $50 please, thank you. Okay. Can I help you? - My name is Jesse McLean. - [Sonny] Jesse McLean. - I'd like to enter the race. - Dog's name? Dog's name? - My wolf's name is Silver. - W-wolf? - I'm afraid you'll have to turn around and go home, son. No wolves allowed in this race. - Well if you don't mind, maybe we could check up on that rule? - Sonny? - Well, I don't think we have anything written down as far as rules go. - Sonny, I say we let him race. I don't want people to think that I won because of a technicality. - Shut up. As president of the Rancher's Association, which is sponsoring this event, I'm going on record, only dogs allowed. - You're just afraid I'll win. - Hey John. I went to Town Hall, and I looked it up. There's a bylaw that was passed in 1899. States that all dogs and wolves are allowed anywhere in the city, as long as they're on a leash, and muzzled. That goes for the park too, where half the race takes place. - So what are you saying? - I'll look the other way on the leash and the muzzle issue if you look the other way on the wolf. Which we'll keep muzzled. - Yeah. - Anyone comes to harm because of this, you'll be the first one to take the bullet. (dramatic music) - All right, tear 'em up. - Hey, Uncle Roy! Thanks, thanks a lot. - That's all right, I always wanted to be a park ranger in Alaska. - So who's gonna put the muzzle on him? - I would say the same person who put the harness on him. - Straight down that way, it's a mile to the finish line. That's where everybody goes, but this way? - Not gonna go down there, are you? It's insane. - [Lucy] Are you nuts? Just wanted a second opinion. - My mom's coming up in a week. She wants to take me back to Seattle. - You don't wanna go? - Why would I? - Well she's your mom. - If I leave, that means Silver goes in a zoo. - I don't know, I just think that no matter what, people should be with their families, even if they're a bunch of jerks. (crickets chirping) (Silver panting) - To family. (glasses clink) Dig in. - [Anna] Thank you. - Jesse? - Thanks. - So, tell us more about that amazing house. - It was originally a farmhouse, but the professor had it completely renovated and now it's very comfortable. And he's gone for two years, and all I have to do is get the mail, pay the bills, mow the lawn. And chop wood. (Roy laughs) And the university's really close by, and the ski hill's only 20 minutes away. - Well that sounds great! - [Anna] Yeah, yeah it is. - Listen, maybe the two of you need a little space. Excuse me. - Jesse? I want you to come back with me. I think it's time for both of us. - No, I can't. I live here now, and I gotta take care of Silver. (emotional music) - Roy has told me how much the animal means to you. - Silver. - How much Silver means to you. I know you saved his life. You nursed him back to heath, and you made him your family. But I just don't think that there's anything else you can do for him. - I can keep him out of prison, Mom. - Jesse, sometimes anger can be a prison too. And sometimes the best thing to do is just walk away. - Well Dad didn't think so. And neither do I. (dramatic music) (people chattering) - [Sonny] Okay Clay, Clay Rockwell, Clay, ah there you are. - You got it, Clay. You got it, number one. - You know it baby! - Tyler, there you go. Lucy Rockwell, there she is. Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, there you go. Good luck. All right now, we'll just be starting in about a minute, so be on your mark, please. It won't be long now, thank you. - Here, I got it. - All I got. Nice job, kid. Wow 'em with the wolf, and they won't notice you're using a snowboard. (Sonny chuckles) - Any last minute advice? - Yeah, try to finish ahead of everybody else. - The wolf healed up quite nicely. That's a shame. See, my big mistake was going for the body. Should've just aimed straight for the head. - [Sonny] Racers to the white line. Four, three, two, one! (gun fires) Go! - [Anna] Go, go Jesse! Go! (people cheering) Go Jesse! Go! (intense music) (people cheering) (horn blares) - Roy, stop the truck! (chain clinks) (dramatic music) Silver! - Silver, Silver! (intense music) - Jesse, take it easy. We've still got another 10 miles. (dogs barking) - Now people, come on! They'll be down here in about two minutes flat. You ready? (ominous music) - Roy, stop, stop! It's his muzzle. Now what are we gonna do? - Come on. (intense music) - What a tourist. - Jesse, slow down. We can't beat him on bikes. Just wait 'til you get to the snow, okay? (dramatic music) (Jesse panting) (dogs barking) - Okay here they come. Spectators, please stand back! Leash your teams, get your dogs and harnesses set. Here's our first rider, coming down the strip right now. It's number one, Clay Rockwell! Clay Rockwell is the leader this time. Attaboy, all right let's hear it for Clay! Spectators, please stand back. There we are, got a couple more. It's number, number nine. Number nine is in second place at this time. (dogs barking) (dramatic music) - Hey hey hey hey hey hey! - Silver! - Silver! Nothing. (somber music) Now what are we gonna do? - Guess we're just gonna have to tell him. - Oh, he's a big fella isn't he? - There's Jesse! - You got my board? Come on Silver, come on boy! Come on, good boy. He give you any trouble? - No. - [Anna] No trouble at all. - All right, let's go! I got it, go ahead. - Okay Silver, come on, go! (dramatic music) (all shouting) (intense music) Come on! - [Lucy] Hey hey hey hey hey, come on, come on let's go! Come on girl, go! Come on girl, come on girl! - Go go! (dramatic music) - Do you see him? - [Roy] Nope. - [Sonny] Here they come! Coming around in the lead is Clay Rockwell! (crowd applauding) - Come on, come on, come on, go Aurora go! Go go Aurora go! - And his time is over, number 15, Lucy Rockwell! - [Lucy] Go Kona go! - Come on Aurora, come on! Come on buddy, come on! - It's the wolf! - There they are, Jesse! - Jesse! - Silver, go! - Jesse! - [Jesse] Come on now, good boy, yeah! - Way to go Jesse! - [Clay] Hey hey hey hey hey! - [Jesse] Come on Silver! Come on boy! - Come on Aurora, come on, come on! - Go Silver, let's go! Come on Silver! Come on Silver, go! Come on Silver! - Get him, get him! Get him Aurora! (Aurora snarling) - Jesse? - Hey hey hey hey! (ominous music) Come here Aurora, get over here! Get over here! - What are you doing? - You idiot! - Silver, no! No, no, no, Silver! - Get him off, get him off! - Silver, Silver! (dramatic music) - Get him off! - Silver, come on! - [Clay] Get him off! - Jesse? - [Clay] Get him off, get him off! Get him off! - Silver, it's okay, it's all right. (Silver snarling) - Clay, over here. (gun cocks) - John! - Get outta there. I said move it, kid! Sheriff, what does the law say when a wolf attacks a human being? - John, you saw yourself what happened. - John, John, come on, you don't wanna do this. - I just saw a wolf attack a human being. What does the law say? - Don't be ridiculous. It was your boy who attacked my son. - Clay's okay. And Lucy there, she just made a little bit of history. So put the gun down, we can talk about this. - [John] You didn't answer my question. - Law says the wolf dies. - What kind of a person are you? - I'm a parent. Last night a pack of wolves took out a steer at Ben Markle's place. Today, one of 'em almost took out my boy. Sheriff? Order that boy to stand aside. - Aren't you forgetting where we are? - The law is the same inside a park. - But it's my job to enforce it. (somber music) - So enforce it. - Arrangements have already been made to send the wolf to a zoo in Canada. - [John] When? - [Roy] As soon as I can get him on a plane. - When? - Tomorrow. - In a cage, or in the ground, I want your word that that wolf is gonna be history. - You got it. (somber music) - What is this a joke? You don't have the guts to stand up to him? Hey, Rockwell! I'm talkin' to you! - Jesse, don't. - Lucy, tell him. You should know, you helped train him. The only killers are your brother and your father! - Jesse, stop it. (people chattering) (birds chirping) - Jesse, I would never have sent Silver away without talking to you first, but after what's happened, I don't think we've got a choice. - You know what? You're just like my father. - I bet your dad told you that story about how Grandpa dropped us off in the woods to make men out of us? Yeah, I figure he told you on the mountain. 'Cause I was about the same age. Similar situation when my dad decided to spring the idea on me. Your dad always liked to finish that story by telling everybody how I spent 12 days in the wilderness on purpose, just to make a point. Just to stick it to Grandpa. Fact is, I was lost. Scared. Really scared. I thought I was gonna die. So you can imagine how happy I was, how relieved I was, when your dad showed up with a map, and food. Then he just turned around, and snuck home. Never told anybody about it. Look at me now. Mr. Wilderness. I guess what I'm trying to say is I see a lot of your father in you. Jesse, you're one of the bravest guys I've ever met, and no matter what happens next, nobody can take that away from you. (emotional music) (clock ticking) (birds chirping) - See you're up pretty early. - I didn't get a chance to go to bed. Does your dad know you're here? - Unlike Silver, I know how to cover my tracks. - Lucy, I'm, I'm sorry about what I said. You did what you can, right? - So what are you gonna do? - What do you mean? - What are you planning to do? - Well, I guess I'll try to visit him in the zoo. - You can't lie to me. If that got any lamer, you'd have to put it in a wheelchair and push it. - Do you know where that Markle ranch is? One where your dad said the wolf attack happened last night? - Yeah, about 50 miles north of here. Just on the border of the park, why? - Wolves migrate. They head north in the summer, and then back down south in the winter. Always along the same routes. - You think it's Silver's pack? - What do you think? - I think that there's a lot of wolves out there, Jesse. - Yeah. Better out there than in a cage, right? So you gonna give us a lift? - What? - Yeah, I mean I'd do it myself but I need somebody to return the truck before they figure out what I'm doing and try and stop me. - You're serious? - 50 miles, Lucy. - By helicopter. The road ends at the mountain, and the rest is by foot. - It's a good thing we've been training these past couple weeks. So what do you say? - I'd say I'm gonna be grounded for the next century. - All right. (dramatic music) What are you doing? - I'm counting how many laws we're breaking. (dramatic music) Okay, this is it. Jesse, wait. Listen to me, this is psycho! Jesse, the only way is by horseback and that's in the late summer with a professional guide. - Silver's nose is better than any guide. - Jesse. - Look, just get the truck home before my mom and Uncle Roy wake up, okay? Come here, come on, it's time to say goodbye. - Hey. I'm really glad I met you. You are coming back, aren't you? - Of course I'm coming back. They'll find out that my board and Silver are gone, and they'll think we went for one last ride. - Right. Good luck, okay? - I'll see you soon. Real soon. (dramatic music) Hey. Love you too. (tender music) - Jesse! Jesse! They're gone. - What? (dramatic music) (emotional music) (tires squeal) - You gave me your word this wasn't gonna happen. - I gave you my word. I can't speak for my nephew, or your daughter for that matter. - Where are they? - My guess, exactly where you told 'em to go. - What are you talking about? - The wolf attack at Markle's place! You're the one who made a public announcement out of it. - You listen to me. If anything happens to my daughter, I'm holding you personally responsible. - No you listen. If anything happens to my son, not only will I hold you personally responsible, I'm gonna have you shot, stuffed, and mounted, Mr. Rockwell. - You all right? Get in the truck, we're going home. - No. - Get in the truck. - Daddy, you think that you're doing the right thing, and you're not. You're wrong. You've got this angry little blind spot, and you're wrong. - I'm not gonna tell ya one more time. - Look, you've gotta stop him. You don't understand, he's gonna get the chopper, and he's gonna get Clay, and he's going to shoot them. You know it-- - All right! Don't worry about it. We'll find Silver and Jesse, all right? - [Anna] Let's go, come on. (dramatic music) (helicopter whirring) - You think you would've learned from his father! - It's not his father he's taking directions from now. (dramatic music) - Woo! Woo! (Jesse panting) (helicopter whirring) - Nothin'. - Hey you. How you doin' pal, huh? Come here. (wolves howling) (Silver howls) (triumphant music) (Silver howls) (helicopter whirring) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) - It's him, it's the kid! - Put it down! - [Clay] Just get me a little closer! - [John] I said put it down! (helicopter whirring) (tender music) - Silver, go. Go home, Silver. Go home. Go! (Jesse claps) (emotional music) (helicopter whirring) - You must be real proud. You turned me into a damn fool. My daughter into an environmentalist, and that wolf into citizen of the year. Didn't your uncle warn you that it's against the law to turn that wolf loose? You could've died up here. - I thought he told you it's against the law to shoot a wolf. Or do you make up these rules as you go along? I'll make you a deal. I won't turn you in for violating the Endangered Species Act and you leave these wolves alone. - Son, I've been shooting wolves longer than you've been drawin' breath. What makes you think you're gonna change my mind now? - 'Cause I changed your daughter's. And her head is twice as hard as yours. (helicopter whirring) - Oh son, are you okay? Are you all right? - Where's Silver? - He's home. (emotional music) - I think I better do the same. Thank you. - Wait. Have you ever been to Seattle? - Not yet, but I'm getting my driver's license soon. - Take care huh? - Yeah, you too. (dramatic music) (helicopter whirring) - Goodbye, Silver. (triumphant music) (somber music) ♪ I saw the Rocky Mountains from the airplane ♪ ♪ Dinner was served in a plastic bag ♪ ♪ In the bathroom I sprayed my hair ♪ ♪ It made me wonder am I spraying my hair ♪ ♪ In the ozone layer ♪ ♪ Someone's asleep ♪ ♪ North America ♪ ♪ Saturday afternoon in Times Square ♪ ♪ I put a quarter in a payphone there ♪ ♪ And the sound rang out through the Everglades ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ You were drivin' in a Jeep ♪ ♪ You were hunting down a beast to prey ♪ ♪ Someone disturbed ♪ ♪ North America ♪ ♪ North America ♪ ♪ No matter where ♪ ♪ We go ♪ ♪ No matter who we know ♪ ♪ No matter how much ♪ ♪ We take away ♪ ♪ Something remains ♪ ♪ Hiding in North America ♪ ♪ In the sky over North America ♪ ♪ In the rivers of North America ♪ ♪ Off the coast of North America ♪
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 5,404,764
Rating: 4.7087283 out of 5
Keywords: bridgestone multimedia BMG, trailers, movies, Films, christian Movies, God, Jesus, Silver Wolf movie, Silver Wolf feature film, Silver Wolf full movie, Silver Wolf, Michael Biehn, Roy Scheider, Shane Meier, Peter Svatek
Id: LRkRWP8xh2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 0sec (5880 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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