The Lamp | Full Movie | Roger Nix | Jason London | Meredith Salenger

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me lie down pastures leads inside quiet waters he restores my soul he guides me in the paths of righteousness and even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you ready to do this yes oh uh [Music] this message is for stanley walters this is melinda with world card visa we did not receive the payment on the credit card ending in 0154 if you do not contact our office within 24 hours to arrange payment we'll be forced mr walters this is steve with allie collections again about your overdue house payment we didn't get the check you promised mr walters please understand that if we don't get hey stan it's me joel you remember your publisher hey man listen i can't get you any more extensions if i don't get some pages on this new book i'm gonna have to ask for that advance back i don't want to do that man so help me out here will you call me there are no more messages [Music] so [Music] hey there which one's yours what kid which one's yours none of them i don't have any children oh my name is sam and who is this fine specimen it's cooper well hello cooper pleased to make your acquaintance this coach is worthless how do you mean well the pitcher's got a good arm but he's throwing the ball the wrong way and a good coach would see that that's josh she can throw a ball all right she oh josh is a great kid i believe she's one of ms esther's kids really you should keep your eye on her then miss esther lives next door to me with all those foster kids they're no good i think one of them stole my air pump oh really i'll be sure to do that yeah just pull that tight tight tight and put those in and that's good okay good job so would that guy be considered a client or a perk i'm sure i don't know what you're talking about he never takes his eyes off of you yeah it's not his eyes i have to worry about oh really stop i'm married does he know that it's kind of hard to tell when you don't wear your ring you know i don't wear it when i'm working not that i blame you i mean [Applause] hi when was the last time stanley looked at you like that deb leave him alone he doesn't appreciate you lisa that's all i'm saying deb his son died i think the issue is a little more complex than if he appreciates me or not he was your son too which is why i have patience for what he's going through lisa find one so deb's having a garage sale to raise some money for the tigers new baseball uniforms i'm gonna take some of my old clothes maybe we can clean up the garage and donate some things sure whatever oh and that guy from the gym is finally gonna ask me out great stanley you're not even listening to me i'm mostly so how's it going today did you make any progress on your book i'm sorry if i upset you stanley i'm just trying to have a little conversation so you want to nag me now i'm not trying to nag you i just wish that you would talk with me talk i'm all ears talk talk then just say something anything i was just asking if you made any progress on your book that's all do you want me to clean the garage do you want me to write the book you know what never mind forget about it again is i'm gonna go to the garage and i'm gonna write my book there okay [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] hi oh hi esther how are you oh i'm good dear thanks for asking we brought a few items for the sale that was so nice of you thank you you didn't have to do that that was nothing hi baby james rachel you need to put that back it's not yours hey honey do you want this little blanket for your doll you can have it she won't talk to you she hasn't talked to anyone alexandra take your little brother and go over there with the other kids just do it she hasn't talked to anyone in the last several years poor baby she's had such a tough time but i believe she's gonna get better thank god for josh be lost without her so where's all this from oh wow from all over really i have just some souvenirs collecting dust and i thought well since josh is on the ball team we could put it all to good use and then there's this look at that what is it oh this is a very special oil lamp and i think it's time for it to find itself a new owner new owner oh yes honey this lamp is going to bring its new owner the wisdom of the ages i've had it for quite some time now but i believe it's time to pass it along well thank you for bringing all of this stuff by on behalf of the tigers uniform committee we really appreciate your support you're well welcome mom it's time to go to practice can i ride with miss esther me and josh one day mean josh i don't think she's mean fine may josh and i play that's better come on team ester let's hit it [Music] let's get out of here coop [Music] thank you thank you so much for helping me with this oh glad to to be honest i'd rather spend the day here instead of watching stan staring at his computer screen hey what should we do about this i don't know maybe take it to goodwill with the rest of the stuff maybe i should bring it back to her well i don't want it [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hi is miss esther here oh how long have you been standing here oh just a minute well uh can i help you with something oh yes the lamp it didn't sell well that doesn't surprise me it's not gonna go to just anyone it has to go to the right person and it looks to me like that just might be you good idea where were you all day i was at the garage sale i told you went in daddy's room who do you think you are what'd you do with it i just thought we could put it to good use how could you do that do what stanley get on with my life don't start that with me again it's been two years yeah two years you act like that's a long time it is how can you be so cold he was your son too you don't think i know that you don't think i miss him every moment of every day yeah you wouldn't know by watching you carrying on like it never even happened stanley listen to me it's time to move on you had no right you can't just throw away his memory like that stanley i can't do this anymore do what this this constant arguing what so now it's my fault were you gonna blame it on me well i wasn't the one watching him oh see there it is no i knew it i knew you blamed me you always have no stanley i didn't mean it it's too late stanley i didn't mean it you already said it kind of mother are you anyway where were you on that day and now you're gonna just take every single thing that we have left of them and you're gonna sell it to the highest bidder and you bring home this what is this [Music] [Music] just believe yeah i wish i could [Music] um just a second can i help you actually i'm here to help you i don't know what you're selling but this really isn't a very good time listen to me lisa i'm not selling anything i'm here because you asked for me i'm sorry how do you know my name well it's right here on the flat stanley and lisa walters oh right i am slipping a card underneath the door read it i'm here because you requested me requested you i believe the exact words were um i wish i could believe that it if you're so kind of to open the door i will explain [Applause] [Music] montgomery iii what are you some kind of genie oh dear no i'm real genie's uh fictitious i'm more of a messenger messenger yes ah yes please let's do it oh thanks [Music] now let me explain [Music] what would you say if i told you you could have anything in life [Music] i guess i would say that i didn't believe you believe excellent choice of words but let's say just for a minute that uh what i'm saying is true you can have anything you want what would be the one thing that would make your life complete [Music] well mr montgomery ah charles charles um i guess just to be happy to be happy what does to be happy mean to you just to have life be like it was before before how do you know you said i know everything about you that's why i'm here [Music] now listen to me closely because what i'm about to tell you will change your life you can have anything you want in life including happiness and i'm here to tell you the secret of how to get it [Music] what are you doing talking with charles where did he go who charles stanley i do not know how to explain this i was picking up the mess and i read the lamp and then the light burned down and he was at the door and he gave me a card you're saying that you rubbed a lamp and some genie came out of it no not a genie he said he was a messenger lisa this isn't working [Music] i'm gonna get an apartment next week you can uh keep everything [Applause] [Music] good morning miss esther come in good morning good morning i brought you some cookies oh thank you i see that you met charles oh good i thought it was going crazy well he has that effect on people who is he i mean where did he come from oh gosh how do you explain charles you know what i think i'm just gonna leave that up to him stanley's leaving me oh let's just choose to believe that there's a greater purpose for all of this you look like you've got a lot on your mind that's an understatement would you look at this coach he has no idea what he's doing bless his heart he's doing the best he can they could really use someone who knows what he's doing well me not interested those days are long gone from what i hear you're quite the coach yeah well i don't know what you heard but maybe you should just drop it maybe you need them as much as they need you yeah what makes you think you know what i need i'm just saying maybe this would help you with your loss what do you know about my loss i'm sorry mind your own business you don't know me you don't know what i [Music] [Music] need okay i don't want to fight i don't either i know you didn't believe me when i told you about charles i didn't believe it myself all right but miss esther came by and she told me that he's for real do you know how crazy you sound what if he is real lisa there is no magic genie gonna come out of this lamp and make everything okay again what if he can help us you want to know what's real i'll show you what's real stephanie where are you going stanley what are you doing [Music] there is no genie [Music] how did you do that what are you talking about wait stanley no stop stanley stop [Music] there i'd like to see you escape that one take a look lisa it's a big hunk of metal you're just mean there's nothing magical about it are you sure about that stanley [Music] careful with that stanley that's an antique [Music] stanley come over here sit down you and i need to have a talk oh sit down who are you charles montgomery iii that's your service so you you really are the genie in the left genie thank you [Music] genie genie genie genie genie genie now do i look like a genie to you what sorry no no no i'm sorry it's just a sore spot for me i'm a messenger i'm here helps you see beyond yourself your presence situation i said you and lisa you're in a rough spot that don't feel bad it happens to a lot of people some people they get their eyes off of the truth and they begin to embrace the lie then they believe that lie and when that lie becomes the truth and the whole life is wrapped around a lie yeah you're a lie stanley it's the lie that your life ended the day your son died you cannot forgive yourself for that tragic event now if you punish yourself and everybody around you but the truth that your life can and should go on you have to let go of the pain and live your life to the fullest it's easy for you to say yeah maybe so but i believe that life should go on my message is this you can have anything in life you want including happiness and forgiveness if you're willing to just believe i think it would have been easier if you were a genie you could just grant me three wishes and i could just wish myself out of this well that's interesting three wishes that's not what i would normally do but uh if it would help you then three wishes it is you're gonna grant me three wishes i can have anything i want oh within the rules yes now let's see i gotta forgive you i'm not good at this legal parts now let's see set some guidelines here when said wishes are granted wisher and that's you cannot present a wish that will uh one interfere with another person's free will two uh bring someone back to life ah yeah that's right and three this one is important said wish cannot be something wisher has the power to acquire on his or her own yeah i like that oh yes we have to set a time limit let's say um 30 days and i can have anything i want yes yeah within the rules on a personal note it's my belief that this experience can bring your heartbeat back my heartbeat [Music] no no [Music] listen [Music] see how fast it is that's because it's a woman's heartbeat always a little faster than a man's not everybody knows that ah stanley i bet you having her charged beat in a while have you but you will your life is back in rhythm there's no doubt that you're doing what you were made to do you will hear your heartbeat again if you believe i guess i'll see you in 30 days and remember all things are possible if you just believe this part is always so awkward isn't it hey what's that [Music] [Music] [Music] look at that wow let's catch the ball i did aren't you cool i am come on austin throw the ball with your boy arm this time yeah austin use your boy arm shut up i can throw a lot harder than you once your brats learn how to throw a ball i know how you throw no you don't my coach says i have a great arm yeah well your coach is an idiot yeah well what do you know apparently a lot more than your coach well at least i'm not a crazy dog guy what is that supposed to mean i've seen you at our practice is talking to your dog what are you doing watching this none of your business now get out of here you're bothering me come on rachel [Music] you're slinging it too much excuse me your arm you got good strength but you got bad form throw better than everybody else yeah well but not as good as you could go over there and throw me the ball see you throw from your side of your body no i don't yeah you do look no offense but you throw like a girl you gotta come up and over your ear like that okay yes exactly it's better but you're still using too much of your arm so lead with that right leg more throw your hips into it come over your ear and you'll get more power behind your throat give me a good one come on here's your body a little more remember right leg in use your body don't you have a glove mister no no i don't cooper great are you okay so where did you learn too much about baseball what i mean did you play when you were a kid or kid i don't have time for all your questions so if you're not gonna pitch in and help out i need you to leave me alone okay that's what i thought josh where are you joining here i'm helping mr walter straighten up his garage is that right mr walters uh yeah i guess so okay then don't stay too long remember you got practice this afternoon okay well since it looks like i'm stuck with you here won't you help me out here hey let me ask you something and this might seem a little bit weird but just go with me on it okay okay if you could have anything you wanted what would you wish for and it has to be something that you cannot get on your own anything i want that i can't get on my own that's easy money you can get money on your own not this kind of money i'm talking about crazy money the kind of rich uncle leaves you yeah i guess that works so when you're done bundling those we'll take them down to the end of the driveway all right man i haven't worked this hard since i stayed with the farmer how long have you been in foster care about three years this is my fourth home four homes in three years they tell me i have some anger issues really i'm not looking for fights it's just not right for someone big to hurt someone small especially to moms or kids people like that should be punished for what they do i promised ms esther i wouldn't fight anymore she wants me to stay with her until dhs can find me a family you like living with ms esther yeah she's great so what else do you do besides take forever to clean your garage well actually i write books write it wow you must be rich i don't think so i wish i had a lot of money what did you say [Music] i just said i wish i had a lot of money what would you do with it if your wish came true i could do all sorts of things like buy ms esther a much bigger house any uniforms for my team or i don't know maybe finally find a family that would adopt me and rachel bye money someone would adopt us [Music] well i better be going come on rachel josh for you for the work you don't need to pay me well it's it's not just for you it's for the team for your new uniforms we're gonna need a lot more than this well this garage isn't gonna clean [Music] itself [Music] you ready to do this yes [Music] [Music] let me go dad go help daddy coop oops what hey mr sam yeah you made it you said you needed help i didn't know you were serious though so what are we doing today we're gonna take all these boxes out there and we're gonna see what's in them and then see what we're gonna keep and what we're gonna throw away okay let's put it down there would you look at that what cooper he got his ball he hasn't got that thing out in years wow what rachel she has never let go of that bunny ms esther even has to put it in a plastic bag when she takes a bath where'd it go what are you laughing at love the hair you make a pretty girl that was the style back then give me a break so is this in the keep pile or the throwaway pile unfortunately in the keep pile mr stan yep i was thinking about what we talked about yesterday i want to change my wish well yeah what do you want to change it to well i was thinking about what's really important to me i would wish for a family like you and mrs stan have what are you talking about look at all you have you have a beautiful house a great dog nice neighbors you have everything anyone could want i really thought about it like that before your wife works so you can play all day yeah the way i see it you've got it made oh man a rallying qs436 this is awesome put that down right now why this isn't great can i use it put it back just don't touch that you just you can just take things that belong to other people we don't have to yell at me that's not how you treat someone you know don't touch it again you don't yell at people like that and you don't hit people either i hate you i i think come let's go [Music] [Music] stupid dog [Music] [Music] hey austin is josh around may i help you um can i talk to josh i don't think it's a good idea for you to talk to her anymore uh yeah i lost my temper i'm sorry you have to understand josh's past she cannot process anger if i could just talk to her for a minute well she's not here i understand mr walters it's a nice day for a walk maybe you'd like to stroll down by the baseball field thanks hey don't go making a fool out of me okay i won't grab a bat you're going to be up next hey josh can i talk to you for a minute make it quick i need to get back to practice listen at the garage earlier come on josh you're up um i gotta go josh wait just listen to me okay hear what i have to say it's important just give me a chance i lost my temper there's no excuse for that i'm sorry need you to forgive me what i just need to see into your eyes my eyes why to make sure you're not lying well you're doing all right i'm glad you said so i wasn't gonna be able to give you this for real oh my gosh thank you mr stan [Music] does a hard good to appeal another person you have no idea sam no idea [Music] hey i didn't hear you come in it was almost ready let's go change go this is amazing okay uh lisa listen um before you say anything just got something i want to tell you um all of this with charles and believing that things can be different and then there's josh josh from next door yeah i hired her to help me clean the garage and we were out there and we were talking and she said something that that took me a little by surprise she said that if she could have anything in the world that she wanted that what she would wish for would be to have a happy family like you and me are we a family at least i really want to be uh and then uh something amazing happened i gave eddie's baseball glove to josh you did yeah it was just something that i really felt like i needed to do and when i did this is going to sound a little strange but i could actually hear my heart i could i could actually truly hear it [Music] i just got this incredible sense of peace that i haven't felt in a very long time and now i know that everything's gonna be okay lisa i'm really sorry for the way that i've treated you i love you [Music] [Music] i remember when your heart was frozen i remember when your soul was numb crushed by the blow that left silence broken by the fight made you run [Music] then light came on [Music] beats me maybe [Music] maybe death can rise [Music] [Music] i hear [Music] [Music] how's it going well i think i figured out what i want for my last wish yeah what's that i love what i do [Music] okay mr walters i'll be right here after you finish your meeting with mr forbes great thank you so much it's already been more than i ever expected [Music] i [Music] i hear your heartbeat [Music] i see you [Music] hello there hey how did it go tell me everything he loved the book idea and the title in fact he loved it so much that he's gonna set up meetings with other people for me to interview i'm so proud of you thank you wow this looks great you know do you realize that tomorrow is the day that charles comes back i can't believe it's been 30 days so what are we supposed to do now are we supposed to say something i don't know i could go get the hammer just believe i think i do good morning good morning good morning love you let's see how excited i am now hear about your three wishes i'm home i'm so good now tell me about your wishes what you got well actually uh lisa and i um yes well i think what stanley's trying to say is i we don't really have any wishes you don't have any wishes and if i remember correctly you asked for three wishes well we had wishes but they they kind of got answered on their own hmm to tell our first wish was to have lots of money and that sort of happened money i don't remember authorizing a wish that had anything to do with learning uh no that's that's not it at all actually um it was because of the third wish the third wish yeah you see i wanted to do something that i love that was going to be my wish and then it just came to me i had a great idea for a book you're going to love the title just believe [Laughter] well i'll be wow i pitched the idea to my publisher and he loved it i got the biggest advancements publishing companies ever given out i guess that takes care of wishes number one and three oh what about wish number two um well um wish number two pretty much took care of itself as well we know now that uh we're not gonna get our son back but it was a child that helped me see what i need and what my wish was going to be for was a happy family let me guess it was there all alone but you just didn't see it yeah i was always there i just didn't believe it anymore uh stanley lisa i'm so happy that you've been able to grasp the essence of this message so many people out there don't understand that they've been given this amazing gift each one of us has the ability to create the life that they want they just have to believe that they can this mission that's gone down through the ages and you two you've gotten a hold of it now the question is now that you know the truth what you can do with it though are you going to keep it to yourself are you going to share it with others share it with others yes you have the truth you have to share it with us but i know you would when the time is right [Music] thanks for the toast and coffee it's delicious i have quite a report to write that's it he just walks out the door hey what happened she just kicked ronnie martin's butt yeah what happened well ronnie called cody a freak and josh told him to shut up and then ronnie said to make it so she did you should've seen him she's like a cage fighter yeah [Music] [Music] josh what happened what did you do he started it josh go on inside and get cleaned up please alex honey i think it's a good idea if you head home now you guys going in oh kid what's going on with her well yeah she's just having a very very difficult time with all of this all of what oh she's being adopted adopted yeah she's had a couple of visits with the prospective parents she didn't say anything to me about it why that would surprise me she doesn't want to go how soon is this happening uh i don't know i can't say it just really depends on how the visits go but you know what the hardest part of all of this is they don't want to adopt rachel they have to i mean they need each other and the other thing that is really really upsetting her is she doesn't want to leave you i can't believe she is leaving nope [Music] rachel [Music] [Music] huh hey esther look at these oh those are great yes last game of the season they're going to look awesome ah listen i need to tell you something before you go yeah what is it i uh just got a call from bernice that's uh josh's caseworker and uh the adopting couple are going to be coming to the game today i don't know what to say you don't need to say anything i just thought you should know thanks see at the game go tigers [Applause] [Music] miss walters hi hi bernice how are you let me introduce the singletons to you hello hi how are you enjoy the game [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] okay closer get closer to the plane [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh oh what that's ronnie martin the kid josh beat up to pick on cody [Music] whoa maybe we need to get your freak brother out here to pitch for you let him get to you like that come on what's going on with you huh nothing i'm fine i'm fine let's just play [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah nice [Applause] that's what i'm talking about [Applause] [Music] good job guys all right come on josh let's go [Applause] ah dead ball take your bass gosh sorry [Music] hey [Music] what's going on with you what do you care what do i care after this game is over you won't have to put up with me anymore coach play ball josh i'm not putting up with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] done okay sit down guys we got two outs we only need one more run to win you guys have played an amazing game against the best team in the league they're not gonna lay down for us and they're not gonna let us win all right guys listen sometimes there are things that happen in life that are out of our control that's just the way life is we may not be able to control everything that goes on around us but you know what we can control ourselves we get to choose how we respond to what life throws at us we get to choose to believe that anything is possible even if it turns out to be different than the way we hoped it would be question is are you willing to believe alex you willing to believe yes chris yes jason yes tigers tigers all right let's go let's get him let's go do you believe yes i believe in you josh i will always believe in you [Music] so come on tigers let's hear that tiger roaring let's get out there and win [Music] [Applause] ready josh you're up come on let's go come on guys [Music] okay he watches inside pitch step back from the plate a little bit okay okay all right [Applause] [Music] oh let's keep there's a friendly game all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on alex show him what you made come on alex let's do it [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] peace [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you thinking about i can't believe she's gonna be gone tomorrow oh i know i'll just keep thinking maybe i could have done something different you know but i was afraid of what afraid that if i loved another kid i'd be cheating on eddie stanley i believe you have enough love in your heart to keep what you have for eddie and i'll love another child too yeah i want to love another child i want to love josh it's too late [Music] oh looks good thanks thank you hey austin uh mr walters this was in josh's room thought you might want it thanks [Music] [Music] so today's the big day how do you feel [Music] jocelyn talk to me i want to go back to miss esther's this family is very nice and they really want to make this work i don't care if i can't go back to miss esther's then i don't want to go anywhere well we'll see about that alice can you show the men please right away um [Music] cooper [Music] what are you guys doing here mr and mrs walters are looking to adopt you guys are here to adopt a kid well not just any kid we were wondering if maybe you would consider coming to live with us you mean like a foster kid more like a daughter but there's one thing that you're gonna have to consider before giving us an answer oh right what you're gonna have to share a room with your sister i don't have a sister [Music] rachel yes so do you think you might want to go and live with walters after all yes i really want to live with them i thought you might change your mind okay girls i need you to go with alice so that the walters and i can talk tomorrow okay okay hey mr stan [Music] what is it thank you for what for believing in me oh thank you for believing in me [Music] thank you so much for everything don't thank me when the singleton saw you two at the game they knew you all had to be together [Music] i was wondering when you two would come to visit just keeping an eye on our girl well i think she's gonna be just fine [Music] do you think he'll ever realize that he wasn't the only one with a wish [Music] hey rachel honey would you get the cookies from inside the kitchen okay mom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do you ever dare to dream do you ever just believe in something brighter hope for something higher disbelief do you ever just believe believe in something brighter hope for something higher just believe [Music] come on you can make it just [Music] believe in something brighter hope for something higher just believe [Music] it's a journey of a thousand miles breaking down and standing up crying but not giving up knowing that you're making i know you're gonna make it just believe come on just brighter hope for something higher just believe come on just believe believe in something brighter hope for something higher just believe [Music] i know you're gonna make it just [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Exploration Films
Views: 3,767,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film, Movie, Full Movie, Feature Film, Roger Nix, Jason London, Meredith Salenger, Jeffrey Huston, Jim Stovall, Tracy Trost, The Lamp Movie, The Lamp Full Movie, The Lamp 2011 Movie, The Lamp 2011 Full Movie, drama movie, family movie, movie based on a book, Entertainment
Id: h_lc4Os4xFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 20sec (5780 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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