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[Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] hold up are you sure we're on track according to the doctor's map positive all right then let's move Professor don't you think we should consult Dr Hughes before proceeding forget Hughes I'm in command here now move it [Music] [Music] where could they be [Music] there did you hear that it must be Dr Hughes oh my God professor professor we better check that out sir wrong we are too close to turn back now there it is marvelous [Music] specimen it's beautiful absolutely magnificent Peters dig here what are you waiting for dick okay okay it's [Music] mine a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Barker here what the okay all right I'll get right on it goodbye oh Bud Black I am finally going to bury you you're going to screw this story up like always and then I'll be rid of you forever and then we'll run with my piece anyway I love this business oh yeah dinosaur might oh what a waste of good ink Bud hey how the hell are you yeah yeah no sorry I haven't called it's been a little slow lately but uh I got a big juicy story for you now listen I got one word for you dinosaur how does that grab you yeah I know it's different but we're changing our image around here and I wanted you to have the first big story great great you got a pen okay now here's the details yeah uh-huh Bear yeah got it [Music] cool [Music] [Music] excuse me what do you think you're doing oh hi um I'm bud I'm I'm looking for um Professor uh professor professor Campbell yeah I hear he's uh digging up something pretty exciting here yeah well this is a restricted area and there are no photographs allowed that's right Mr Black so you can take your camera Mr Black you know this man yes I read his article if you can call it an article on ancient civilizations in Time Magazine he's just another Paparazzi looking for a free meal tiet Time Magazine very impressive thank you welcome Mr Black I'm Dr Campbell this is my lead assistant Holly hi yeah pleasure is all mine so doc I understand you unearth quite a discovery here well I must admit that it's the largest unearthing of its kind ever really you think this would be a good story I'd bet money on it Mr Black mankind has never seen anything quite like this before wait a minute so just how big is this creature dinosaur Mr Black simply put 50 times the size of T-Rex who whoa whoa 50 say 50 times the size of a T-Rex are you serious that's incredible this is going to be a good story come have some iced tea iced tea ice tea unfreaking believable that's incredible I'm glad you approve this is big Mr Black the dawn of a new [Music] era control this is Atlantis Omega 2 satellite deployers go standby for M burn control we are reading an unidentified radiation Spike can you confirm come in control Omega 2 base control calling Omega 2 Omega 2 Omega 2 please respond what's the problem O'Neal we lost it it just vanished Into Thin [Music] Air I'm not here to hurt you you must stop this excavation at once you shouldn't interfere Dr Hughes you desert our team for 2 years and suddenly you appear you're the Dr Wendel Hughes you are correct Holly doesn't it just break your heart to see such a great mind once a leader in the field reduced to this an old scile man who would take great pleasure in sabotaging my greatest accomplishment stop the digging now it'll be too late for any Redemption once young Gary gets his breath you really have lost your mind haven't you Doctor you just can't accept the truth that your assistant me was too brilliant even for you I've never confused Brilliance with greed and jealousy Kimbell who's really jealous here doctor let me see I found the hieroglyphics first I decoded them first there were more writings in that cave that you don't know about we don't know what will happen escort this old man out of here now yes my warning her we're all doomed don't you think you were a little hard on him professor I'm sorry you had to witness that Holly he's an old man without Vision what's going on no problem just an old friend stopping by you better get some rest Mr Black we got a big day tomorrow [Music] come on what the hell is going on here Mr Black have you lost your mind if I lost my mind what what are you give me my camera give me my camera back bad press isn't going to do either of us any good and from now on you only photograph what I tell you to photograph Holly how did you let this happen I'm sorry Professor they were working the late shift no one saw or heard [Music] anything here we go here's the culprit just an electrical mishap dispose of these bodies and get back to work wait a minute Professor what now Holly shouldn't we call the authorities an official investigation has to take place before we can proceed these men understand the dangers in this business I mean this sort of thing happens all the time to show my gratitude I will double all your salaries for the remainder of the Dig gentlemen we're on the verge of a fantastic Discovery what do you say are you with me all right guys you H it man let's move it I'd like to see you in priv private Holly right now now what's gotten into you these days do you realize what's at stake here if that gets out to the authorities the STI is over something just doesn't seem right that was a third socalled accident this week I'm disappointed Holly I thought you wanted this as much as me I do Professor but how can you justify the sacrifice of so many lives everything has a price Holly think about what's important fame and fortune or obscurity leave if you want to leave but this dig goes on no matter what the cost the decision's yours affirmative General we've lost Communications with the Omega 2 that's a pretty damned expensive piece of equipment to lose Captain what happened we have a report of receiving a strange signal sir also there have been reports that two satellites in the vicinity are also missing missing Soldier you just don't lose two satellites in a shuttle like it's a $2 crap game all right gentlemen go to Red Alert switch to airwave transmissions for any further communication let's get this taken care of quickly boys you're [Music] let's you're a lucky man but old boy you're going to be famous when this is all over oh yeah well Fame doesn't pay the bills you know that's true but did you ever know any famous poor people hell you might even win the Pulitzer if you play it smart Pulitzer are you kidding me I never thought about that I me I mean really I just kind of think of myself as a tabloid photographer let alone Newsweek PE it sir all right f it sir we are being scanned our primitive technology has detected our craft we must must commence The Invasion now no they are powerless to stop us resume reanimation sure as hell ain't Russian no sir it's [Music] alien speaking of news what can you tell me about this Hughes dude good old Dr Hughes once he was a great leader on our field but he just [Music] um well let's just say we had our differences okay oh what about your Sidekick there mispers personality Holly yeah Holly what's her story she's no longer with us what do you mean she got killed too she left the team earlier today oh I thought look I gave this story to you Mr Black I could have given it to anyone you're going to get it everything you want all you have to do is follow my rules yeah I a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pish [Music] hello [Music] hello Such a Pity did you know that carelessness accounts for 90% of all work-related accidents these photographs aren't going to do either of us any good are they Mr Black do you want me to do a story or not Dr Campbell I'm a photojournalist to do a story I take photographs like I said before if you want this story you better play by my rules Now give me a hand with this here you go thanks that way mhm [Music] professor professor what is it we've got a be problem sir what now is the fossil there's been some kind of transformation the bones are coming together as if they're alive what are you talking about it's growing fangs and on top of that we found another body that's impossible we disposed never mind let's go damn who next how many lives will it take it was an accident hear me just like the others now get rid of that okay then whoever wants to leave can leave but don't forget that you're all illegals and I'll report every damn last one of you [Music] come on guys let's [Music] go that's right I quit I just couldn't put up with camel any longer really think he's losing his mind just strange things kept happening weird accidents Professor do you remember Dr Wendell Hughes right yeah I thought he was dead too well he mysteriously shows up at the excavation site last night Campbell got all crazy and kicked him out it's just nuts out there Professor I'd like to come back to the university accept your job offer if it's still available great I'll be speaking to you soon then bye who is it who is it your blankets thanks mhm here thank you hey I'm starving can I grab a bite to eat around here um bar okay so how's Ellen I don't want to talk about it really well I heard that she broke up I heard that she's off with some stud and Palmdale I said I don't want to talk about it excuse me hi there can I get you something hot coffee and a chicken sandwich so uh I don't think I've seen you around here before nope just passing through I'm Holly oh hi Holly Sarah Sanders I've got to tell you Sarah it's nice to see another girl's face and surrounded by male testosterone for way too long and that's a problem girl around this place find yourself a man's like a win the lottery it's slim to none well I can assure you working with a bunch of sweaty bone diggers is no picnic either you working on the excavation site wow I've heard some stories about that place stories well some of the workers they come in here they start talking about some crazy scientist talking about some people getting hurt so is it true Dr Hughes hello Holly I suppose I should be surprised to see him here may we talk look doctor if it's about the Dig I quit today it's over for me I'm finished I know that that's why I'm here please if I may have two moments of your time hey Holly is he bothering you no it's fine okay Dr talk in [Music] private contrary to what Campbell may have told you I am not crazy I didn't say you were I said I quit the Dig that's all all right listen to me holly Campbell Must Be Stopped what's to be stopped where the hell have you been anyway I mean let's review Dr Wendell Hughes world famous paleontologist mysteriously disappears 2 years presumed dead sound familiar all right you want the truth here's the God's honest truth I was on a dig in southeast stage when I befriended an old man the shaman of the local Village he told me a story about a sacred cave that had ancient writings all over the walls and he told me about the legend the legend the legend of young Gary a giant dinosaur the first one of its kind buried there millions of years ago that one day would rise again from the dead and destroy the world to be honest I think both with you and Campbell are nuts and I'd love to listen to more of your fairy tales but I'm tired please listen to me let go of me I need your help I found something else in that cave a fossil the remains of an alien species an alien do I look stupid to you Doctor I mean do you really expect me to believe you all right then tell me about Campbell what's he doing out there and is there any strange occurrences around the bones yeah some accidents workers killed I knew it I knew it look I agree that Campbell's a self-centered egomaniac but I'm a scientist I need proof not ghost stories all right but not here someone following you I don't know but I please let's go somewhere more secret you [Music] doing welder yeah I'll be right with you hold on second hey buddy how you doing how the hell are you you're looking good but now tell me what the bad news is why do you say that cuz it's the only reason you ever come to see me we got an emergency we've intercepted an alien spacecraft it's already attacked twice I don't know about you but I don't remember reading anything in the handbook about stopping pissed off aliens these are the hieroglyphics I found with the alien fossil did Campbell ever show you writings similar to this no never and you still haven't proven anything you found some archaic writings as some caveman left on his wall that's happened before the pyramids in Egypt the Mayans in South America but this is different Holly this is apocalyptic a great light will appear from the heavens in the great dinosaur s will gasp the breath of life so now you're telling me the fossil is coming back to life that's my fear yes okay doctor so why me I mean if you're so sure of these events why not go to the police or better yet the government hary that's where I've been the last two years as a guest of the United States government what well like you they didn't believe me and they were too busy studying an alien fossil didn't worry about stopping a giant PRI historic monster resurrecting look doctor I'd love to believe you but I don't all right then read this DNA analysis non-carbon based organism with unknown genetic makeup bone structure unknown classification nonhuman non-animal carbon dating result specimen fossilized 220 to 250 million years ago they're coming back Holly I can feel it and it's somehow connected with Campbell and those bones I've got to stop him Holly if I'm wrong I'm just a foolish old man but if I'm right I've got to stop Campbell hey no offense doc but I uh hope you're as crazy as you sound me [Music] too doctor wait this is too weird I got this crazy ass control freak Professor a fanatic old man that should be doing tours in a museum somewhere a cute [ __ ] chick more dead bodies in a Tarantino flick and a 200 million year old big ass lizard why the worried look Mr Black in a few hours will be heroes and you'll be the first to record Mankind's greatest discovery you know doc it seems like Fame and Fortune has a really high price to pay around here bud I've had a good feeling about you since the first time we met we're a lot alike we both know what we want and we'll stop at nothing to get it Professor we've uncovered the remaining bones it's beautiful now Mr Black take your pictures and let the whole world see [Applause] I'm afraid we're too late you're absolutely right doctor take a good look at my masterpiece do you have any idea what you have done [Music] look look at it it's beginning a my God this can't be happening no it isn't real real the prophecy has been fulfilled this is what you wanted isn't it no Holly I can talk to him what do we do now get out of here that's what you're my creation I made you what have we done we've located the target area sir where 40 Mi du east of here headquarters said it's in the vicinity of some excavation site there may be casualties check it out you're in charge [Music] Lieutenant secure the area yes sir move out the man move out General I'm sorry I got here as fast as I could damn Governor's Ball I understand we're under attack that's right jack you're not going to believe this it's an alien craft hostile it's already knocked out two communication satellites in a NASA Shuttle just in the last couple of hours never seen anything like it have you considered a preemptive strike negative Jack not until we have more data that's quite a story doctor so I've got to go back and tell my commander that we've got a giant 200 million year old dinosaur on the loose and on top of that he vanishes into thin air when struck by a light from outer space all right if it does exist and that's a big if doctor how do we stop it I'm not sure but if that thing gets to the city we're all doomed the doctor's right that monster will destroy a city the size of New York like a house of cards Captain Captain you should take a look at this [Music] sir how the hell am I going to explain this [Music] General boom boom thanks for coming Don Hall Jack Thomas you know each other right you bet how you doing Jay fine I hope good to see you Don General I brought you two of our finest special task force sergeants riski and Michaels what's your objective riski kill the enemy and break their toys sir good answer dismissed yes sir sir General Radars picked up several possibly 20 smaller crafts surrounding the ship sounds like an Attack Force apparently so we've also received word Captain Parker has located their attack site okay gentlemen I want to get the situation under control Parker needs backup get him a chopper unit yes sir what do you got here Bravo Company Bravo Company this is General Thomas requesting to immediate air support repeat immediate air support you copy excuse me General Murdoch craft moving again over the Nevada California border tracking du West get hold of Parker give him the new position yes sir Choppers are airborne sir good war room they want to fight they got it alpha 1 Alpha 1 this is base The Invasion force is ready all galaxian troops are prepared for Duty acknowledged soon the Earth will be defeated centuri has identified the transmission from the Homing device disount young Gary we must retrieve the demon where are you taking us Sergeant oh that's top Seager duck what is from the Pretty Boy excuse me Captain Parker his grandfather was a two-star general so he went to West Point and I went to the Gulf War it's that Legacy crap that helps the climb and rank around here but honestly that guy just doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground I was thinking the same thing myself yeah well you sure got him spooked how'd you do that anyway do what oh come on dig that hole you know I've seen some really crazy stuff before but that footprint that took the cake I'm afraid that footprint was very real Sergeant I'm sure it is hey I guess we got another Roswell on our hands huh doc you know like they do in those TV shows make aliens look like they've landed in those corn fields yeah believe you so what do we do now doctor well we decode this it contains the rest of the hieroglyphics so if you knew this was going to happen why didn't you try to find Campbell sooner I can't say now hey Doc I was just playing with you anything in this Jeep is kept top secret I promise you that that's my word well when I gave the posle to the nsia they classified it which meant I was classified so I couldn't take the chance of leaving there with without knowing that all the information I had was correct so they concocted the story about you being lost dead yes that's part of the cover up you guys are cracking me up you know oh [Music] God jeez Almighty what is that let your imagination Sergeant I can't see where is it oh I see it fine oh it's so big and it's ugly too Jesus oh oh it's looking right at us we're got to get the hell out of here are you crazy Sergeant let's to go smash that jeep like a [ __ ] wind K in case you hav't notied I don't think it's in the mood to negotiate are all soldiers as Brave as you in the face of danger Sergeant ah the hell with you to I ain't sticking around to be a midnight snack you got to be kidding [Music] me don't shoot don't worry doc I'm going to try to shoot him between the eyes you shoot that gun we're all dead it's [Music] amazing look at its skin smell stay right there Holly do you smell it doctor it smells so old don't move Holly and react to motion well we'll see how it reacts to a mouthful of lead no don't do it wait listen Bravo leader to flight approaching checkpoint 10 keep it tight watch the deck Bravo flight to control Bravo flight to control have arrived at checkpoint coordinates Victor Mike 77.6 we have no visual repeat no visual copy coordinates Bravo Company you're on radar it's the calry come on get in the [Music] Jeep Bravo 2 do you see this control we have contact going down to check it out Roger that 104 oh I can't believe what just happened hey Doc I'm really sorry for doubting you I hope those Choppers can stop it Bas we have a visual on the target Roger that Target in sight he's a big bastard repeat transmission Bravo you're breaking up I said he's damn ugly Commander going in for a closer look Roger that okay boys lay down some cover fire Lo in On Target fire [Music] Bravo come in Bravo lock your missile targeting FL fire fire fire miss it the target remains mobile I got him Point flank he's on my tail made it blue my screen's malfunctioning I'm losing Choppers Four's down there goes seven 38 what the hell is going on out there bar die you bastard let's spread out guys watch out for the fireball poor guys Bravo this is base damn it we just can't stop the monster Bravo Team break off break off yeah okay I got it what do you got Soldier Bravo com comp has reported intercepting a creature good craft have they landed no sir Brad says it's some sort of large monster it is time dematerialize Young G what the where is it it's gone Bas the target has vanished from radar vanished look I want a sensible explanation and I want it now radar confirmed eight Choppers down General find out what the hell happened to my Choppers can I have a word with you sir Don we just got our butt kick back there okay what is it man there says he's from the NSA some government space agency what does he want says he has information about the spacecraft okay let's go I'm afraid I never heard of it Mr Mills no sir you wouldn't have we're a level five classified government agency specializing in alien encounters I'm not even sure the White House knows we exist General how says you have special knowledge about the alien craft yes sir about two years ago a doctor a paleontologist came to us with scientific evidence that an advanced alien species visited this planet over 200 million years ago it's all right here everything you need physical data medical analysis photos The Works how long Ms just how long have you known something like this could happen between our research time and an educated guest about 6 months 6 months you know about this for 6 months and you didn't inform us wait wait hold on just a minute now look this is considered a matter discussed on a need to know basis only what would the military have done anyway send some shuttles up there to intercept them to uh to head them off and blow them out of the sky or uh or or build a a world defense system to uh fight off some aliens that might come back to the Earth perhaps someday in the next billion years Gentlemen let's be realistic here the military brass would have laugh us out of town okay point taken how do we stop it that's a tricky question you see some Vital Information that holds the key has been taken from our lab we are tracking it down as I speak I will say this we must do everything in our power to capture these aliens alive hey you must be crazy we're taking these mothers out alive is the last thing I give a damn about General the craft has immobilized hovering directly above the city ground troops General yes at once stick around Mills we might need [Music] you you picking up the same thing yes sir Jack satellite communication's been reestablished General we're getting radar coordinates now what the hell was that whoa something just hit the atmosphere what what the hell was it uh electronic particles some kind of light Force sir yeah yeah satellite coordinates locked in hey spedy you got that I got contact visual feed in three two one what in the name of heaven son of oh my God he was right what who was right nothing a thing Mills you knew about that alien craft what do you know about this thing I don't know I [Music] [Music] swear destroy the saite what Andrews I've lost communication yeah me too we've lost visual General General Target located it's in the city sir Cel what the hell's going on out there oh man headquarters requesting back up immediately hello hello oh hurry hurry I've got an emergency 61st and third what I've got a freaking giant lizard running around that's what no I've not been drinking go a look out General General Murdoch Sant Arie reporting for Duty sir this is Dr Hughes and Holly Davis Captain Paca sent them what are you doing here I was about to ask you the same question doctor you two know each other General Dr Hughes is the paleontologist I told you about he stole information from our lab and then disappeared no I told you this could happen what rantings about a prehistoric monster and the end of the world you're wrong Mills the hieroglyphics were a warning and you chose to ignore them General I have the information right here if we can decode this that disc belongs to the agency whoa slick I want that disc General it's destroying the city [Music] my men are getting crushed the damn thing's breathing fire again jack get a air support yes sir Eagle company this is General Thomas it's a go scramble the f-16s from El Toro close order Precision formation get him in the show Mills Mills where do you think you're going you do not have authority over me I take my orders from the president that means you take your orders from me let me out of here Sergeant Archie yes sir get him out of here my pleasure General come on let's go some gu scramble this is an alha scramble keep this is not a drill [Music] flight you are clear for immediate takeoff climb to angle 5 Z viper strike Le proceed the contact point on status whis Lia it's showtime Roger that Tower the birds are in route General flight leaders take Point keep it wire tight gentlemen vipers we're going bangs out look at the dinosaur wow he's coming towards [Music] us approaching Target flight one arm missiles prepare to engage Roger that cap on bread and free this is it vipers be advised watch the collateral down I've got a viiz tone and lock negative impact let's go again vipers form up flight two going low commencing run wa watch out I've got him by number three I have lock damn it how could we miss I got him bullets away fly two connecting hot run fire I've got tone and lock box two Dam did he check watch out I'm hit mayday mayday Punch Out punch out what the hell was that three planes just fell off my screen damn he got mad dog switching to guns yes Mr President I understand your position may I request a little more time we're not getting hits switch to lias switching to [Music] Sidewinders viiper three come in Punchy he wants it stopped now before there's any further damage easy for him to say we got 5 hours to stop it if not he's going to drop the bomb Nukem General if we drop the bomb in a major metropolitan area the collateral damage will be significant I know but we have our orders I've got good tone box [Music] to all flights form on me we're going in again Viper 2 what's your weapon status one amm left Captain Viper 5 status standby captain no missiles left Roger Viper 5 take Point you're the decoy I'm your [Music] abbit ah a pull up where did it go can anyone see it negative sir it's off radar too General we lost 916s awax reported a force field around the monster that jammed the target acquisition systems all our missiles were deflected God damn doesn't the thing have any weaknesses perfect fighting machine okay doctor I hope this program works thanks is there a code word yeah Daddy loves ET you're kidding Daddy loves ET at least our government has a sense of humor good it's decoding the great dinosaur will be given flesh and blood from the heavens and his wrath will be cast upon the entire world and this creature called man will be destroyed by his own intelligence what intelligence what's the evacuation status uh the commercial buildings are empty the residential areas are being evacuated now okay what are the Alternatives well we need a way to penetrate the force field what about project T that new Laser Technology you guys have developed no it's still in production and the jetpacks haven't passed the final safety test is that operational yes sir but I must advise of the danger get your T forces ready Jack yes sir I'll assume full responsibility Don get Us's in here Hughes no give me Hughes Dr Hughes once every living thing is destroyed they will be given New Life they the aliens yes it's all quite obvious now the alien craft is using young Gary as a pawn as a tool to destroy the Earth okay so they must be controlling him somehow the dinosaur will raise his head and the Damon will glow like fire the [Music] Damon where did you find this doctor well in the cave with the alien fossil Damon Diamond it's Diamond [Music] doctor and you I'd seen this somewhere before I drew it at the dig site young Gary's forehead the shape you're right that's it the Damon will be destroyed and another great light will be sent to do battle another great light that's only information we have General I spoke with Parker T forces are on standby ready for combat good good well Jack uh what's your assessment what are the ODS of our stopping this thing no BS well if I were in Vegas and a bding man 370 40 60 at best do you have to be that honest but then again we're not exactly in Vegas are we we're going to win George one way or the other it's on the run again sir coord coordinat locked tracking on radar rinsky advis Alpha of current coordinates I want T forces in the air Lord help us load it up man all right man I want you to know that the fate of all mankind rests on our shoulders your family your friends your country the whole world I want you sharp and proud out there remember you're Rangers you were born for this day any questions what is it Lewis I'm sorry sir I request to be removed from this operation I don't think I can handle it sir what you're a trained soldier damn it what do you mean you can't handle it I'm afraid sir afraid what's your responsibility Soldier Hellraiser sir who else is qualified to handle the Hellraiser I'll volunteer sir well that's not your area of expertise O'Neal I study the design I know the logistics sir that's a negative Lieutenant I'm requesting this post sir besides I don't think you have any other choice sir gear up Lieutenant General any progress doctor yes General we've decoded the disc and we were right young Gary was sent by the alien craft to destroy the entire planet General we got it back and apparently it's stationary and hovering again current coordinates longitude 45187 latitude 33226 sir General it's the glein plant what kind of plant Nuclear Power Plant Doctor that's it nuclear power radiation it'll destroy every living [Music] thing based to special te we've made contact redirect to following coordinates Roger control I copy your redirect target has been located 10 seconds to drop jump Master you are green to go grp to two on my mark go [Music] a compared to this guy Godzilla is a [ __ ] AR Wilson take the Left Flank Rell and Moody take the right here some in beloo circle from behind O'Neal you and that Hellraiser stay with me move out bull side PR him General this is the Damon the device the aliens are using to control young Gary with it's a receptor embedded in his forehead has it been analyzed broken down you'd have to ask Mills that that information has been classified Jackson get Mills in here General if we can get those T forces within range they could knock out the device is that true doctor that's logical yes I've got Parker on the line sir listen carefully Parker aim for the diamond shape on a creature's forehead O'Neal fire the diamond [Music] now they have discovered the secret Damon unfortunate dematerialize [Music] young General it just dropped off radar again well that proves a theory General it disappeared when they aimed at the Damon what do you know about this I've never seen it before had enough of you Mills listen you start talking or I swear you're going to wish you were never born on God's green earth okay okay so talk we ran an analysis it was inconclusive aside from basic hydrogen molecules it's a a non-carbon molecular structure unlike anything we've ever seen SE that's all I know I swear that doesn't solve the problem General we still need a way to track it right the craft is tracking it by an energy beam that beam should generate heat right doctor yes that's true then infrared will pick it up contact Parker tell them to switch to infrared yes sir alpha alpha this is base redirect switch to infrared copy switch to infrared tracking over scour the area for Target I've got a reading he's heading 36° Northeast Roger Alpha Company copy that report we've just received word it's reverse Direction headed back to the city Jack deploy every available fighter you have to that area sir it's the president hello sir this is General Murdoch no sir we haven't stopped it yet yes sir I understand you'll have our full support I guess good news is out of the question the uh president has given the command the bombers been deployed [Music] beta 1 proceed to Runway 15 Roger control request clearance beta 1 you are number one clear for takeoff head in 225 clear to climb maintain 10,000 ft beta 1 is Airborne alha One this is command base command alpha 1 this is Alpha 1 over Mr Baker it's Mills yeah the president just gave the order they're going to destroy it right they destroy the monster the craft comes down to earth and we get our aliens Target in sight [Music] the diamond shoot for the diamond Captain come in that done look [Music] out what your mom I didn't give you enough attention when you were a tad hole take a bite out of this Dino O'Neal pull back it's too dangerous Mr monster I'd like you to meet my little friend barbecue this [Music] bucko damn you O'Neal what the hell are you doing O'Neal Still Standing you just worn out your welcome it's time you were returned to history come on fight he's 20 stories high he's a monster oh my God Eagle won the fly drop down to the deck and prepare to engage Target I'm locked on target this is our last chance Eagles this is Alpha 1 abort Mission Targets in sight I've got good tone Fox 2 are you crazy terminate Mission let's blow that thing to Kingdom calm missiles away die yongary just saved those people he's on our side General you must call off this attack General you've got to destroy it it's a killer plain and simple why are you so interested all of a sudden what's in it for you I know I've made some mistakes I'm just trying to make amends yeah I bet you are Jack put your jets on standby Don get me the president Eagle One Eagle One this is command base stand down until further ordered repeat Stand Down do you copy acknowledge Roger control acknowledge Stand Down flight form up on me too close Comfort that's right Mr President we have the creature under control I'd like more time to evaluate the situation the damid is lost we must not be defeated no but we can no longer control Young area correct therefore we must implement the final plan activate cycor General another beam just appeared on radar look Mr President damn I've lost communication Smitty what the hell's going on I don't know we're being jammed well get us back up up all systems are down is it coming from the crft no it's local wait this should help Bravo to the base Target is down Target is down do you read Bravo two to base it's emitting from this room it's coming from there I should have known [Music] okay Mills give it up nobody's calling this off General I want that creature dead why do you want it dead stay back how this thing is locked I smash it you never get your screens back we're just trying to save lives here okay looks like we have a standoff Mills what do you want the code I want out of here this guy's a fruit cake you know I can't let you out of here with that device the clock's ticking General I swear else SM to bits he's bluffing I can't take the chance I give you the code numbers you give me the device you got my word on it I'm out of here and we all take our chances he's lying General you can't fall for that I have no choice okay the code numbers are 7 4 5 give it to me give it to me nice doing business with you gentlemen hey where you going got it come on come here get up here come on you little freak pick him away Sergeant Archie my pleasure sir General we're back online we got [Music] contact damn this place is turning into a freaking prehistoric petting zoit coordinates locked Target on radar General it's in the [Music] [Music] city damn we're hooked in general what in heaven is that thing that thing were any meaner I'd swear it was my wife come on this was not in the code doctor you yes yes it was remember the hieroglyphics another great light would appear to do [Music] battle come on do something hey hey over here you oversized C man can a guy get a break around here damn it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] get up young Gary Fight Man [Music] fight Lord help us we've come too far this can't happen now have faith [Music] Holly [Music] [Music] w [Music] yeah yes we won we won [Music] the damn thing's back man this is totally insane the damn thing die [Music] already oh is it over Sanchez status no movement General we have a kill yes Holly it's all over it's not over yet the bombers on radar 5 miles from Target we've got to contact that pilot do it we're patching in beta one to control beta one to control control Target is acquired beta 1's a click from drop point and closing fast beta 1 beta 1 come in beta 1 to control have received and confirmed drop codes initializing bomb run beta 1 status is hot opening Bombay doors give the order beta one this is command base transmitting a board code control you are breaking up repeat Transmission randevu in tus 9 8 7 repeat Tango Omega onard 3 2 [Music] 1 Jack mission aborted General Roger control Tango Delta Omega recall code received mission [Applause] aborted we did it good job did a tracking movement from the craft General b car has terminated zor's life force we have lost correct yaryi has allowed mankind to defeat us no Earth will be defeated when we return We Must Escape before young Gary discovers his true strength acknowledge I am activating megadon stand by 3 2 1 it's gone sir it just shot off radar at light speed ha ran them out of the Galaxy kicked their mother we get the idea boom boom thanks for all your help the entire world appreciates everything that you've done thank you General but young Gary should be given the credit he's the one that turned it around saved us [Music] all you did darn good Holly thank you sir look where are they taking you to a big deserted island thought he'd need some space to adapt to the 21st century after all young Gary hasn't seen this place for what 200 million [Music] years [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Samuel Goldwyn Films
Views: 171,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, movies, trailer, trailers, film, films, free movies, free movies to watch, action, action movies, reptilian, monster, reptile, godzilla, mosnter movie, monster movie
Id: BNrWfB2-7pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 21sec (5961 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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