The Canterville Ghost (1986) UK/US Integrated Cut

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foreign [Music] thank you they even Crooks when the wind goes and the leaves murder walk abroad the silent creeks [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] Jenny aren't you excited we're in England yes daddy [Music] miss my friends I miss my room I know you do we had no choice when the office closed down my job went with it inheriting a castle isn't the worst thing that could happen you know you're right I'm sorry Jennifer first thing we should do when we get there is to go shopping for some warm English Tweeds would you like that sure if you want [Music] thank you and Gretchen said there'd be a chauffeur waiting for us at the station I wonder if he'd be driving a Bentley or a rose it's much colder than I thought in your consistency [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes ah welcome to England sir please thank you hello and you are um but you can call me Hummel thank you terribly sorry about the transportation mom both cars broke down I think he must have heard you were coming he's who's he Pummel well if you don't mind ma'am I'd prefer the missus told you about him now if you'd sit down there sir and hold on to your good lady because it could be a bumpy ride are you all right there miss yes off you go Oliver there we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is so beautiful it's like something out of Wuthering Heights for Great Expectations Jenny aren't you cold up there why don't you scoot back here it's warmer between us no it's okay I'm fine thanks there she is there's canterville Castle foreign [Music] sir I shouldn't have spoken out like that that's all right what did you say what do you see sir no canterville has ever lasted three weeks let alone the three months required to take ownership of the property that's the said truth of it sir why is that Hummel I don't understand [Music] come on come on come alive how could you greet my nephew in this terrible wagon this is my fault Pam it's him he's up to his old tricks Harry let me look at you I can't believe it just now looking at your father all over again and Gretchen so nice to see you this is my wife oh my good no I'm Lucy Lucy please forgive me come and meet your new family I hope that you had a good journey from the station it was wonderful actually the countryside is so beautiful and this place oh drop the old house this must be Jennifer hello hello my dear isn't she pretty yeah come and beat your uncle has get your Uncle George and your aunt Caroline yeah my Lord welcome now how's the flight fine Uncle George even the food was good I'm fine feelings I had a little shoulder problem but I'm better now fine fine you don't remember my wife too of course thank you and this is my daughter Jennifer why not uh Jennifer we have a wonderful school here I'm sure you're going to love it [Music] very chilly I think we should just go in [Music] uh I think something's happened to Mr Omni oh cool excuse me everyone but I'm freezing and it's getting late and something seems to have happened to Humble so let's just go in it's who it's it's it's time to go home there's only got the number give us a call [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] y [Music] [Music] me must be hungry I'm just kidding [Music] thank you sir go home for God's sake the ropes are on the wall sir right we'll be very careful sir be very careful with that Rose come on over here hold on hold on [Music] don't worry about it oh here oh you're only focused on the ground now oh thank you very much Bob oh there we are you just help me with that hook that he's put me on ma'am I'd be so grateful there we are I'll attend to this later as soon as I find your luggage Mysteries tell us how you got up there well you may as well know it's a Simon he hold me overhead and hid the luggage but don't you worry mum I know almost all these hiding places Simon the ghost of Mrs only wanted to be here to greet you Mom but I'm afraid to Simon's hidden her as well don't you worry ma'am she'll show up in a minute now she always does oh here she is [Music] here yes they are good evening good evening Madam good evening sir hello I'm Mrs only the housekeeper and I bid you welcome to Canton Mill are you all right quite your right thank you for asking no let me show you to your rooms you must be hungry and I have prepared a simple sauce Mrs Army please can you just tell us what's going on well madam sir zimer I heard you was coming and I'm afraid he went on one of his Rampages that's right Jenny go get the things would you sir Simon's guilty Spirit once this Castle look there what is that blood that he spilled on that very spot horrible why haven't you cleaned it up it cannot be removed but they wanted to just throw the carpet out well that's it no use you see the stain would just reappear on the floor I'm sorry I don't understand it is the blood of Lady Eleanor to canterville who died there in 1635 Sir Simon what's up I'm doing a very mysterious circumstances and there he is right there next to his wife they say the color just went right out of it like hair turning white overnight a boy bird I have to say things with my eyes that would make your hair stand on in and many at night close my eyes and sleep knowing as I do that terrible things that has taken place there hmm that's very interesting Mrs amni perhaps you could show us to our room certainly imagine right this way now I'm sorry there's only Mr Wrong here myself [Music] Jenny don't be frightened by any of this someone's trying to play a trick on us that's right now there is no ghosts [Music] silence this is my property who are including be gone Raven Crooks from the old UT when the wind goes moaning around the house like lost souls then these silent creeks [Music] the sound effects of the chains is very good but a little too loud you can lower it Hummel what's that it's a great effect I've got to at least [Music] I don't think so I warn you [Music] so how do you suppose they did that can we please see our rooms now we really don't appreciate these Halloween tricks Mrs Omni they weren't no tricks madam they come as easy as pie to him if you follow me we gotta kick Jen Halloween came a little early this year yeah yeah [Music] oh Daddy [Music] foreign no wallpaper [Music] yes sir yes what is it home oh you're lucky thank you very much where did you find it he put it all back in the wagon sir humble it's all right I'll take it oh thank you very much sir will there be anything else no thank you good luck good night to you sir sir I think he's in on it with him absolutely it's obvious your English relatives want us out of here so we won't get control of the property there is no ghost [Applause] everything we saw tonight was rehearsed but it's not going to work we're much much too smart for them I love your eyebrows my eyebrows love your eyebrows [Music] your face [Music] I'm glad you married me and my lips are bad today [Applause] [Music] [Music] do you know that tomorrow's our three month anniversary today you're still on Cleveland time love it here I hope Jennifer learns to love me I mean England no I mean me she will she's told this is her mom it's been four years since Margaret died I was hoping that I know take it personally she'd find it difficult with anybody to get closer to him just give her time [Music] thank you how do you suppose they did that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Jeffrey I shall soon make short work these braise on an impudent upstairs excuse me sir [Music] Jeffrey may I speak with you please [Music] good I know you're a real ghost even though Lucy didn't and I think what you're doing is very good you see Lucy's my stepmother my real mom died four years ago my dad's so sweet that I know I shouldn't feel this way but I I can't help it so if you can you know sort of scare her off I'd really appreciate it I think you're doing a great job so far [Music] thank you very much [Music] why aren't you afraid of me I don't know grossly insulted I frightened thousands of people into fits of Aesthetics merely by grinning at them poor old Miranda from react was confined to our bed for six weeks from an attack of brain fever when she awoke early one morning and saw me seated in an armchair by the fire reading her diary her Butler shot himself saw my green finger finger tapping on the pantry window and ladies stuckfield a great Beauty was obliged always to wear a black velvet band around her throat to hide the marks of my five fingers but on her skin and you do not fear me no one peel of my demonic laughter and turned Lord Rick as we gray in a single night listen [Music] that is wonderful go away go back to wherever you came from older house in Cleveland this is where we live now that's where I'm going I do have to go to bed and I haven't slept for 300 years and I'm so tired why can't you sleep look around this chamber well you know it wouldn't be so bad if you cleaned it up all you really need are some pictures ah heater you definitely need a heater TV would be nice see what else bed there's no bed there hasn't been one in the 300 years I wonder you haven't slept not since that terrible day if I could put one slide down I could at last take my place in the soft Brown Earth the grass is waving above my head and listen to silence to finally have no yesterday no tomorrow forget time to forgive life to be at peace my soul freed for death if only there could be an end to the endless you want to die that's all I live for maybe if you stopped haunting you know if you behaved it's absurd to talk to me about behaving quite so I have to Rattle My Chains and groan through keyholes and walk about at night it's the only reason for existing maybe if you prayed maybe if you stopped maybe it's time you removed yourself from [Music] the support right I'm going I just want to say that meeting you has been the most incredibly wonderful experience go all right we have an ally Jeffrey once I frightened the stepmother away the father will follow and then the child and we shall soon be rid of the whole damn lot of them [Music] [Applause] good morning Mr trust you slept well look up there up there right there is he doing he's looking for wires Miss wires yes you see Mrs canterville is of the opinion that Sir Simon is a creation of electronics hidden microphones projectors wires and the such like but that's not true that's not for me to say Miss then I will hi sweetheart are you silly I'm perfectly okay oh no sir oh [Music] my God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] yes I'm sweetheart no broken bones no parts missing my lungs are up on my forehead but they'll be back soon oh I ain't never seen anything like that before for me saved my life doing what do you mean it's where none of your doing what are you said boss what you were driving in he wasn't [Music] coming up yes Madam good but when you remove it it just comes back are we going to start that again today every time I do this I'm the one that suffers not anybody else okay okay I'll do it really I can't live with it what did you put the cookies on the kitchen table they're not there so Simon must have hit me Jen I hope that you're not letting any of this talk about ghosts and spook you no good because they're just having a wonderful little Halloween game with us and it's a little early for trick or treat do you think that you might find those cookies for us Mrs Omni certainly madam I'll go look for them there's no guarantee of their safe return or mine well we'll be right here if you need us just call indeed I will Madam indeed [Music] they're going to get tired of this sooner or later don't worry about it okay hon okay we'll see Mrs Omni just disappeared what she was going through there but she just disappeared [Music] [Music] I'm just as surprised at my behavior as you are Jeffrey I came to think I could actually rescue somebody especially in interloper I'm just ashamed of speaking very old and sentimental Jeffrey don't look at me that way [Music] no really appreciate it you know what you're talking about please go away down like that yoga close the door behind you know Sir Simon I've been having a real cool time here and it's all because of you we Americans and new English travel out in common accept of course uh language [Music] you look beautiful your ladyship so do you Lauren canterville foreign it wasn't my face in the mirror oh it was this hideous old woman staring at me oh baby every day it's something new sounding awful yesterday I reached into the Wardrobe to get out a dress and and this bony hand caught hold of mine and this morning in the library I felt icy cold fingers on my neck and sometimes I think I hear voices I'm scared all the time Harry what is going driving me crazy I don't know loose but this place will be ours soon please don't give up yet we've got to hang on trying now listen to me for a minute I've been going over the finances of the castle and in a few months we won't be able to pay our way here Harry I didn't want to tell you this until I had it all wrapped up but I've received an offer to sell canterville castle from the Excalibur Hotel Corporation the ones that take all those old buildings and turn them into modern hotels when we take possession of this place they will pay us a lot of money to turn it into one of their gracious sins like they did with the old YMCA in downtown Cleveland it will be free to get out of here and live anywhere we want London wrong Paris Paris so what do you think can you hang on for a few more weeks yes oh excuse me your guests have arrived sir thank you thank you oh and by the way Mrs canterville I'm sorry the spot's back Lucy the table is making difference thank you you're welcome you know my dear we owe you an apology our Behavior was unnecessarily mysterious when you arrived at I'd like to explain it to you now if you'd like to and Gretchen I would indeed I'm sure by now you've met the ghost God we felt it was inappropriate to bring it up that night and we were worried in case Caroline became hysterical of all of this she's been most traumatized by Sir Simon what did he do to you dear God go go go go sorry sorry please can we just stop all this right now I don't know how it is that you've done all these things but we know exactly what you're after and I promise you it's not going to scare us away but my dear we want you to stay we all have a great deal of money at stake don't you realize that if you are driven away we lose all right to the interest in the estate profits we edless are our only hope I see here we are sir so Simon's really quite harmless you know he just loves dressing up that's all yeah do you get a black Isaac the Huntsman of the hogley wood or can't Gully the vampire monk one night he came in in a long shroud covered in churchyard mode and in his head was a small Lantern and a sexton Spade covered in blood himself Jonas the graveless [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] sir [Applause] [Music] come on come on party's over Uncle George [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Applause] well [Music] Caroline [Music] I guess he's real and I guess we're going to have to live together for a while at least [Music] hi hi I thought you might be hungry so I scraped some food off the floor and walls for you Daddy actually this is probably the only food in the house that Sir Simon missed oh how you doing I'm all right good well you were right Jen Simon's real and you're the only one that believed it I'm sorry honey listen we might not have to live here much longer I've received an offer from a company that wants to turn the castle into a hotel and in you know like for tourists and stuff but in the meantime I won't let him hurt you and I don't want you to be scared Daddy I'm not scared I understand what he's trying to do Harry come quick he's buried all my clothes in the garden and Hummel too right up to his neck oh no okay okay we have triumphed Jeffrey I wish you could have seen them carrying and running from the room it reminded me of my great achievements in days gone by never since I took the guise of gold gibeon the blood sucker of Bexley Moore have I known a greater success it is startup saw me as gibeon on the on the Fatal New Year's Eve in the year 1764. she went off into the most piercing shrieks which culminated in a violent apoplexy and died within three days it was all together most successful I cannot tolerate these constant interruptions can I come in Pray when is your family leaving you mean to say that after all I put you through a dinner you're actually thinking of staying on I think so then tonight as Martin the maniac I shall find my way quietly to your parents bedroom and jibble at the foot of their bed and stabbed myself three times to slow music and I should place a clammy hand on your Stepmother's forage and his in her ear the awful secrets of the torture chamber asked stand there in the form of a green icy call corpse until she is paralyzed with fear and finally fling off my winding sheet and crawl around the room with white bleached bones and one rolling eyeball terrific but I don't think it'll work I must admire the unflagging nature of your Stepmother's Spirit which is all together admirable but also quite odious [Music] I shall liberate in the next two days to find a more satisfactory solution [Music] hi hello hello I'm Paul Blaine nice to meet you I'm Jenny Canada I know we've heard about you you're living up there at the castle tell us what's it like go for it wait a minute I'm anxious to know about canterville we've heard all those stories for years and years stories oh about the ghost of Simon and how he killed his wife lady Eleanor [Music] believe that's true that's true see where they're buried no come on then I'll show you foreign [Music] ER to canterville Rebecca De candaville and Sir Simon to canterville his stone is only a date of birth what does that prove if he died there'd be a date of death that means he's a ghost he's being punished for killing his wife see Simon this is a friend of mine Paul Blaine it was not very nice good he merely frightened him to death just doing my job but I like Paul stop trying to fill me with your childish guilt the board is a perfectly normal thing he ran away you and your rude hurried vulgar family might learn from his example you're the rude and hurt us we never killed children [Music] the more than 300 years this is quite intolerable [Music] I won't be bothering you anymore [Music] come on what are you doing here talk to you [Music] I'm busy who are these Charming ladies that's me and my real mother she's very beautiful you look just like her are those your ear warmers probably substantial especially in these cold nights they're headphones hmm try them out they go on your ears over your head okay now turn that thing what thing that little wheel right there turn it to the right please so Simon yes where are you never mind you all right yes I'm fine thank you did you get scared don't be foolish was only momentarily surprised I'm sorry I really think you got scared now you're being impertinent I don't get scared I do the scaring you're yelling at me again is that why you came to see me no you came to apologize you like me you're just afraid to admit it you'll like me so much that you even saved my father nonsense why would I save a man who was foolish enough to marry a woman like that oh really wait until you hear this my father and that woman are going to sell this Castle so it can be turned into an inn for tourists tourists what a tourists people take vacations people like my stepmother exactly like her in the bones of my ancestors he has just sealed her fate [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby you sleep well how about you Greg I want some coffee yeah I'll get it no no let me no I insist come on come on there's diamond in this Harry Harry we cannot live like this one more day you have got to do something please I will yes I'm a doctor hello from the University Department of Paris apology come in we've been expecting and I have some equipment could somebody give me a hand with it of course let me get my coat we've done a bit of research into Simon he's quite a character it appears he melted his wife right here in this Castle in 1635. yes we know about that Professor you think this will get rid of him no oh I wish I could tell you yes but the truth is all this is a highly experimental and based on Theory rather than fact I'll do the very best I can I'm sure you will hey Tony is there anyone please really shouldn't appears most frequently he appears anywhere and everywhere what I have to do you see is find one particular please create an electrical field around it which will repel your spirit and to drive him away aside from Simon himself is there any other consistent phenomenon which occurs here well there's a blood spot on the carpet No matter how we try and clean it up it keeps coming back the most interesting as a matter of fact our housekeeper tells us it's the exact spot where lady decanterville was killed see yes that might be worth investigating [Music] free day [Music] hi oh hello listen I was wondering if you want to study together for the history test I need some help and you're the smartest in class I've got things to do at home I'm sorry Simon I like [Music] thank you [Music] can you sleep nope what's he doing down there he thinks the spot has a direct connection to Sir Simon's existence he's created an electrical force field to sleep I can't I wish we could watch deferred any energy let's try and get some rest [Music] he started the experiment oh Lucy don't ever jump on a man like that [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] forgive me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] bring her back [Music] foreign [Music] so Mrs zombie you haven't seen Sir Simon is that right absolutely not and Mr Omni hasn't seen him either not a sign of him anywhere not for the last nine days I do believe Sir Simon has vacated at last it might be that the sight of that manifestation droves I cried several times after my initial success but couldn't recall the female apparition well maybe he's gone for good yes maybe he has and perhaps your work here is finished the excuse yeah sure wait wait wait wait you didn't eat breakfast you made art thanks not hungry bye bye well I think that we all owe Professor cook our thanks at least we've had nine days of peace and quiet yes thank you so much plum jam peace bless you what I said God bless you why would he do that you sneezed go still sneeze it's been here for over a week you've probably caught a cold impossible ghosts don't catch cold for the last you've got a car I thought it is very hot go in a moment saw what happened the other night that was my beloved wife I heard you ask her to forgive you must know you're sorry you killed her I didn't kill her tried to strike me she fell down the stairs and died she blamed me for our daughter's death you see I was the magistrate of this District but I was more interested in other Pursuits that would add to my fortune I neglected my responsibility in maintaining the roadways and bridges and on one of those bridges collapsed a daughter was killed I was possible for both their deaths so sorry my wife died in my arms with her last word she cursed me forever Simon she said may you never know a moment's happiness shared in the wealth of human love [Music] you better go home now this is my home [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes open the window will die of pneumonia do you really think so you just rest for now we have to think of a way to talk dad and Lucy out of selling this place I mean if you have to stay here you might as well do it in peace and quiet [Music] night are you ready for her I should just like to say how much I appreciate all you do for me I I really look forward to your daily visits so although it might not always have seen that way you are to me as my own daughter was and you made existing as I do unbearable [Music] now go away [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] hi I'm sorry I'm gonna go together since that day but that was weird I never seen anything like that before I was frightened away like a little child afraid you wouldn't think very highly of me are we still friends [Music] hi Dad I gotta go okay bye Jen see you tomorrow hi hi Dad hi listen now I gotta go chase you like it here don't you jack more and more great I was worried about you you're leaving all your friends back home all the kids you grew up with but you've adjusted terrifically I'm happy to see that you've made some friends here at least one me too listen dad you can help me with them what do you mean you'll see ever since the first night we got here I've been visiting with him there's anything with whom it's for Simon I've talked to him at least 50 times he wants to talk to you me what for about your plans for selling the castle he doesn't think it's perspicacious he has a wonderful vocabulary Jenny I don't think it's a good idea yeah sure [Music] he's the one who saved you when you fell off the road he steered that tractor's hay under him your dad yeah dad please okay okay when do you want to talk to me as soon as we get home just don't do that okay wait a minute ready yes okay [Music] okay okay okay foreign thank you okay yeah you sure I'm fine he's floating he's the ghost Simon it's my pleasure to introduce you to my father [Music] how do you do sir I'm good how's it with you [Music] you have a terrible cough Sir Simon perhaps it'll be the death of me [Laughter] wishful thinking alas may I offer you some reason it might help to keep you warm oh it is kind of chilly in here I have a wonderful 25. 25. wow it was 19 25 a good year I'm afraid I have no means of knowing I'm referring to 1625 the year that King Charles the first succeeded to the throne of Britain Charles the first say didn't the people chop his head off they really whatever next they sure did in 1649 uh after my lifetime I'm afraid I always knew he'd come to a bad end yeah try this oh it's quite smooth quite delicious is it always this cold up here seasonal over the time of year well when we go I'm sure the new owners will fix that they'll put Central Heating in right away central heating oh they'll do it very Tastefully concealed vents color coordinated with the right kind of insulation in the roof this old place will be good and toasty insulation you know I bet they'll have multi-channel video in every room TV well it's a bit sort of box with um with moving colored pictures people dancers actors actors well even the king's players would announce being the scum of London the bottom line is I've received a great offer from an International Hotel chain I want to turn this place into what they call a gracious Inn and in if you want to turn canterville into a common Tavern the infamous haunt of dagabond's cut purses and strumpets oh I don't think they'd let any cut purses in just respectable tourists no people of your time of course but from the scraps of rumor that I've managed to pick up from time to time your time is one of famine and pestilence Revolution and not to put too fine a point upon it Bloody War I can't help it I have to sell I I can't afford to run the place Harry canterville you bear a great name and a deep responsibility your grateful bear or he can't DeVille whose Bowman served under William the Conqueror laid the first stone on this plot to found our Dynasty the noble Percy to canterville passed through these Gates on his way to join Richard the lionheart on his third crusade to the Holy Land the baron Edmund the canterville left this Castle to confront King John that running Mead and force him to sign the great Charter of English rights the Magna carter for hundreds of years canterville swords have dispatched England's enemies throughout Europe or in the name of loyalty to this Green Country and now sir you propose to turn this Castle this font of such great chivalry and tradition into a stinking Ale House not exactly I don't understand I thought you wanted us to leave there's one thing more you need to know what's that well this Castle remains in the hands of our family it is always hope for me hope so Simon forlorn hope that perhaps one day a canterville will find the key which will Release Me From My ghostly state but with canterville and alien hands I am condemned to the torment of Perpetual purgatory no Dad you can for this day Jenny what else can we do do as your family has always done calm your lands restore this Castle to be the center of Enlightenment and culture it once was you think I could you are a canterville yes I am how will I explain this to Lucy your whole wife is a mere woman aren't mere any longer Sir Simon well tell her we men have come to an agreement have we of course it will give me your word there will be no more talk of selling this Castle I will guarantee to cease my disturbances and permit you and your family to live here in peace and quiet foreverafter you mean that are my terms sounds fair to me Dad problems which you will face like a caterville yes okay sir Simon I'll discuss it well you have just 48 hours Choose Wisely [Music] let's go Jenny [Music] oh oh by the way um what does perspicacious mean to be acute in understanding without fear of the future get it got it good [Music] not sell but it was going to solve all our problems it's a wonderful idea this Castle is the canterville's own special place it's our Birthright yours not mine I'm Lucy swackhammer remember of the Cleveland Swag Hammer we can't sell it ever it wouldn't be fair to him to who to who Sir Simon I don't know what you're talking about I met him today loose I had a drink with him Jenny introduced us she's been talking with him ever since we got here Simon told me that he won't bother us anymore if we leave the castle the way it is we can stay here as long as we want he's even called a truce for the next 48 hours London Paris Rome sorry I spoke too soon Jenny wants to stay I have to stay [Music] what are you doing well I was going to pack a few things but it seems your ancestors Sir Simon has done it for me where are you going I need some time to think London uh maybe I could look for work or I'll go back to Cleveland at least my mother will be happy to see me Lucy wait [Music] um kill him what am I crazy that's just what he wants [Music] never mind that humble please get the car oh yeah you're cooked me lady thank you Mom [Music] foreign [Music] because I'm not happy here just now Jennifer it isn't anybody's fault take care of yourself and take care of your dad okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this could be a long wait I hope not I don't want to miss my train [Music] that's very considerate [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're making wonderful time we're almost there aren't we it's true it's as if somebody changed all the right-of-way science in our favor [Music] Daddy [Music] Daddy Daddy yeah cancer Simon locked me in why why this door open please okay [Music] I have to get him Sir Simon okay I will okay what assignment yeah [Music] you started [Music] good heavens never do things like that you'll have years to my life why did you lock my father in his room well he tried to stop your stepmother from leaving and I prevented him from doing so he'll thank me one day please open his door what supposing he tries to bring her back just please open his door please very well [Music] what's going on I've made a mess of everything I love you sweetie but I love her too and I don't want to lose her I didn't think about Lucy's feelings that I heard her I think we both heard her [Music] oh I know I'm gonna go get her [Music] thank you [Music] how long have you and Mrs Omni been married 23 years mom or is it 33. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hello who's that it's a zombie oh oh he's never near there before Miss I suppose he must have thought I needed a little time for meditation thank you you're welcome it's an old chapel huh yes it is Miss This is where the Canton Hills were married where they were baptized and where their funeral services was old boy a golden girl can win prayer from out the lips of sin when the something almond bears I can't read this oh wait here we go and peace something to Canada sounds like some kind of riddle what does it mean Mrs Omni oh I'm sure I don't know Miss must be something to do with a curse I suppose [Music] I think I'm gonna just be going along now this yes God bless us everyone excuse me you broke your promise why did you stop my father from going to get Lucy I thought that was what you would want that's that's what I want well what do you want I want her back please pretty well consider it done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Lucy I thought I would never get here I'm so glad you came after me I'm sorry I made a mistake no I made a mistake I don't care where we live I never did I just want to live with you I don't want to live there without you come back with me I love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jennifer I've no heart for haunting anymore I'm utterly exhausted Pro Nautilus terminally so power mean please tell me well it means that someone has to pray for my soul because I have no faith then perhaps the angel of death will have mercy on me and I shall rest at last can I help you let me help you I'm not afraid I'll pray to the angel of death himself no no you mustn't do that for you any communication with him might be fatal I'm not afraid I'll pray to him to let you die take me to him please I warn you see dark and Dreadful shapes fearsome voices will whisper in your ear do you dare to come with me [Music] where are we going [Music] it's grows long and deep out of the great white stars of the hemlock flower the Nightingale sings All Night Long all night long he sings and the cold Crystal Moon looks down and the new tree spreads out his giant arms over the sleepers is the garden of death [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] in here I heard them talking in here and I waited a long time for her to come out and when she did and I investigated and it was as you see it empty oh I do no arms come to us sir [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] terrible way to die terrible and lonely you've been punished enough thank you please flip the curse from Sir Simon I know he did a terrible thing but it was a long time ago sorry for what he did [Music] I know he is gotta let him go [Music] please let him die [Music] didn't hear a word I said sorry I wanted to help you so much you have found the music [Music] s of sin and the bad and almond bears and a little child gives way to her tears [Music] enjoy and peace come to canterville do you understand your tears [Music] I missed you goodbye dear Jennifer so Simon wait come on it's Jennifer hi Miss Omni oh what's wrong before it's nowhere to be found we're afraid says Simon has taken up Mr Omni yes I think I know what you might be will come with me [Music] yeah okay Jenny are you all right Jen where you been with Sir Simon where is he he's gone we're good [Music] so Simon decanterville 1575 to 1635. I'm sorry honey me too [Music] we stay here for a while [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Dr. Stef's Curio Shoppe O'Stuffe.
Views: 81,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Bogart, Ted Wass, Andrea Marcovicci, John Gielgud, Canterville Ghost, Canterville Ghost 1986, George Baker, Alyssa Milano, Howard Blake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 55sec (6115 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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