Eliminating student council to reveal Megami Saikou's face! | Yandere Simulator

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what up one putt John Jerry with toasted mouth here she's like no I'm waiting for help but I can be helped you dead leave me today nothing so guys hey how's it going BJ Mike here today you know it's a normal video and we're gonna play some yonder wah-wah Patrick Patrick carry 23 says if you kill a councilmember then look at the police they Megami will be there how did I miss this like honestly how did I miss this is much like than freaking playing the game how did I miss this so obviously I already kind of know what's gonna happen not only did Jake from the Cub Scouts make a video about it but I break it reacted sort of to John Deere art I'm sorry Hatsune Alisa's video which freaking had it in there but I did not whatever in short basically there's a cutscene with Megami in it that's pretty freakin insane considering that she's the last rival of the game Brook boy guys this video is sponsored by Skippy's peanut butter bytes except it's not I just keep saying it until one day they sponsor me oh these things are addicting okay seriously if one of you guys get a peanut butter out of my videos please let me know I would not be surprised so all we gots to do guys is eliminate one of the student council members apparently and then go to jail I already did that the beginning of this video anyway mom yeah would it be just like beat you might get go to jail like who is this imaginary little kid then I fiction watching my videos I'm not subscribing now why is your coffee I came to say this by the way guys little last episode reminder that I tend to do normally we decided to turn gingka into a Titan and also we played as her which was really really fun you can imagine the kind of situations that would come out in one of my videos from that here's the clip oh my god are you not subscribed yet what's wrong with you alright so you know we could just use an Easter break right we could just use an Easter rate to kill one of the student counselor counsel the kid I'm going to actually explode one day just because I'm so mad at myself for not being able to English like how long have I I'm 26 now by the way so I guess I want to take this opportunity to test because I don't think I've ever actually done it using the radio to eliminate one of the student council members I always forget where the radio is that though oh it's an audio-visual room yeah oh no no no no stop hmm I think I will eliminate you uh but we nee we need to connect guys okay we got to get that knife you know that's part of the yang dari Halloween costume basically not that I'm not that it's a Halloween costume but I just basically stopped if you were to have a Y and every Halloween costume you would have to have a knife okay so I know you guys in the comments actually told me that if you basically like distract someone with the lady or distract the student council with the radio then you can kill them without them pepper spraying you what are you up to how do you know I'm up to anything I'm not up to nothing come on turn it off how does she not hear her but he does okay well apparently she doesn't have ears all right Nick well just to hit another one she's catching on doing why don't they turn off the radio I think it's because I'm running in there too early before I move on with this video guys I want to say thank you for wishing me happy birthday I got so many birthday wishes even Yayoi told me happy birthday so like I was just so much support and I don't know it just really really makes me thankful and I just I love you guys seriously you are the sweetest and if you didn't wish me happy birthday you're dead to me I don't talk about my birthday a lot so the fact that like people knew was just really cool to me I forgot to get a knife the one time she actually comes up here I forgot to get a freaking knife yes yes go turn it up no no it's gonna gonna distract her she's gonna pass it haha you know what I'm gonna leave that radio in there they can teach with the radio line it's kind of funny like no one's gonna turn it off I know I could just use Easter eggs sure but then the cutsy may look all stupid and plus you guys know item cheat okay I am above using Easter rates okay only simpletons do that stuff I am moral Mike that's my new name call me moral Mike from now on don't turn it off turn it off oh my god wrong boy it's like I can't target a specific individual to turn the radio off I think actually he you know this makes sense we're actually witnessing the difficulty it is to actually eliminate the student council that's why it's so hard it's not supposed to be easy I think I'm finally starting to see the light and understand I like how like I you know what I hit but I'd try to play the game normal I just get frustrated it's actually because it's supposed to be hard Wow why she's gonna go light you know either one just turn it off someone how do you see me oh okay okay she caught the bait but now there's two of them in there this is the worst thing that could possibly happen we must revert to other methods to do this like this is so stupid gardening club more like dead club don't worry guys okay I know that seems cruel but there will be a reason for this there's a reason for the season I don't know I don't I know this used to work and you can use this to eliminate the student council I'm like 99% certain that yonder need if patched it up but if that point one percent that allows me or makes me believe that this might actually work oh oh oh I just always I don't know how to do this on here I'd never used the keyboard oh my god oh I didn't plug my controller in fast Oh fight that oh okay what does the PE teacher doing moving around no does she just peppers baby with one hand my god this is stupid why am I wasting my time don't worry I'll just see my escapees peanutbutter bytes I just came up with the plan and you guys are so jealous that I just did that wait we can't we can't use Easter eggs right like normally because I think that we have to get the cops called on us that's why I'm a big computers so we have to figure out a way to eliminate the student council but they don't want to do anything about the radios and stuff alright I got a plan I think she'll turn the radio whop over here right I still think that this might work oh [ __ ] this is Scott at work okay alright alright yeah pepper spray didn't even come out does she pepper spray me with her butthole is that what she did you know what let's just try it with a nice array and see if it works I I think that you don't I think it won't work if you use Easter eggs because I haven't actually seated myself like just a little bit but I didn't realize what I was looking at when I seen it that was my problem because I would have definitely made a video on it my personal favorite is so I just have to eliminate one right hey you pushed me first I know that they can't take me to jail on a mystery what up one put you on dairy with toasted mouth here she's like no I'm waiting for help but I can be help to you so I'm guessing Mikami's not gonna like that one of her you know one of her own got eliminated now the comment wasn't very specific so I really hope this works the police I can't even listen to this music without think of that stupid skit I did the police arrive at school the police discovered the corpse of Kuroko come in you know I never remember their names worst police ever figured out the police do not have enough evidence to perform an arrest the police investigation ends and the students are free to leave why I see what are I what did I do wrong I might using the wrong build so reading the comments cuz I'm looking for a more detailed explanation of this glitch I'm trying not to look at videos on it apparently when I said the word slam in last video that's an actual thing and it's you know I probably shouldn't talk about it anymore actually said I don't know what it is I'm gonna look it up right now oh it's not that bad but it's still pretty funny I did I had no idea that that's what it meant guys be sure to slap that like button a slap is also a combination of the word slope and ramp or you know we should install a slant for wheelchair Master Chief says have you tried typing demon multiply in the game yet I actually have nods holy crap I'm about to do though if you guys are underwear and living under a freaking rock there's actually this new Easter Egg where you type in ship girl and literally you turn it to a ship girl oh I don't think it works at this is October 20th build so maybe maybe it doesn't work in this build maybe that's also why we haven't been getting this cutscene hmm alright I'm gonna try it so we're on the newest build as far as I know and we're gonna try to type in demon vault Eve fly you don't think it works although we can strike a flock on capslock caps long caps like okay what we haven't tried making a pact let's let's just make sure a ship girl okay I'm gonna make sure I mean it's not a bad theory because that those words were there we know that the artist has obviously a connection with yandere dev so and this all of a sudden is like a new thing and that's a weird way to spell multiplayer right he's a multiplex but with why I don't know I'm just saying that like it wouldn't be unreasonable to think that if you type in demon multiply under certain circumstances that that could summon the new D bit I don't know I'm still getting so many of you guys telling me to put the heads of all the student council members in a circle I don't know why you guys want me to do that so bad like I there's no way that it works I I can't watch I can show you somebody comes that I have I'm sorry I just see this is funny beat you back plays I'm John Terry simulator guys welcome back to that John terror simulator I saw this in a video maybe you should try it it's how to summon the Spider Girl thing now now you may just be implying that there's you know that's a might work but then we have this one beat you might to get the spider do you think I think I would never mind you're good I have so many people telling me like in every video they leave a comment saying this is how you do it Beechum I you can unlock the empty demon by putting the head of every club leader in a circle in the occult room it's not a thing how many times I was saying you guys are making but you're gonna make me actually try it now I guess I haven't gotten so many comments saying that I don't know what you guys are on so I'm watching Lucas JCB and I think that they are showing how to do the thing that we're trying to do how are you walking how are you walking up to them and just doing that it doesn't is it really is it really that easy you just laugh it's that easy so first of all you just laugh and then she should walk towards you and then assuming she will come near you okay now she doesn't care she can see me through the walls what kind of glasses does she have on this right I mean are they supposed to be this hard to kill so before I forget we're gonna talk to the spider demon chick make a pact with her and then we're gonna type it demon multiply and see if it actually works because it is worth a shot I can honestly see that being a thing all right let's try typing I'm sorry it's not a thing I'm trying to think maybe we have to be linked to the crime maybe that's why she isn't coming out because last time we got away with it because we used two rings but if we can eliminate one and then get linked to the crime maybe that will make her freaking show up I don't know it works except of course I would get they just went through the wall I'm having some problems I did it okay okay all right okay she's got a of course pass out that was easier than the radio somebody's in the radio just wouldn't worry all right so I want them to actually link me to the crime I don't know if it will work or not but yes it was me yes okay so maybe we have to eliminate all of the student council because eliminate what eliminating one of them just doesn't work even if you do it like right without Easter eggs whoever deeply okay she's gonna pay I've never heard them talk like that it was me all right we took them all out this should freakin work like I did not expect this to take this vlog like we just go to the end of the day right all right the police arrive at school okay they can't lick your Datak fries they don't have enough butt evidence I stock sampai okay so there goes their gold clucks dead they're dead this is the only one that actually works right they're dead I think this has been fixed but we're not using the latest bill they're dead there'd okay all right why did that take so long oh my god Maga Me's head the student council president has ordered the implementation of heightened security precautions security cameras and metal detectors are now present at school why why does it take to kill them all for this to happen she's so mad that her week is snatched that's pretty cool though then we actually get a student council thing but it's trying to do is build because that one was all weird not right this time we're going to try to get a better look at what she looks like using the pose mod I'm hoping that it'll work because I don't know if it will okay okay I think this is gonna work the police should show up okay so they I don't know how we activated that okay so there's the black box now we should be able to see Mikami's face whatever that looks like I don't know fellas I have no idea what has happened nothing suspicious here wait I killed supply she's talking you simp eyes ghost by the way but a minute wait a minute where's megami Megami supposed to be here okay maybe CG Prezi a we did we did eliminate a lot of the club leaders something and that's probably why it's going through some things no crap didn't work okay let's try that again oh we forgot to take out the student we forgot to take out the most support once the student council members oh there she is there she is oh I mean there's a face it's not really much different that I remember but this is this is what this is what Megami looks like how cool is that find it like it's your face in person instead of seeing you on that computer screen all the time saying it's someone there she's so angry now guys keep in mind obviously this is probably not her final form okay I'm sure yeah Android I've kind of just put this here and it's gonna be updated in the future but it's I mean is her is she any different than what we remember other than her actually just wearing the student council thing I don't know still pretty cool though all right I like I enjoyed this I'm really glad that we have the person - today's the day goes to [Music] gotcha llama OMG turn on captions at the very start and find out what YouTube name you and every ten Oh God captions of YouTube never cease to it me hey guys I'm your dairy Janet I'm sorry you guys got it I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of John Kerry's simulator someone needs to make that actual game now Jared God if you guys want to be scrubbing today you know what to do hit that subscribe button turn on notifications if you want to be notified guys and drop a like down below or gonna get slammed don't worry guys we're putting more yandere simulator I can't see coming up so many things that I think that we can do and yeah I just appreciate you guys being here and just love you guys alright now if you don't mind me I'm gonna eat some more of my Skippy's peanut butter bytes and go enjoy the rest of my evening you guys take care as well [Music] [Music] I swear it thank you something agree with this what's the planning on
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 750,225
Rating: 4.9466887 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, yandere simulator, megami, megami yandere simulator, bijuu mike yandere simulator, bijuu yandere simulator, megami saikou end of the day cutscene, megami saikou in yandere simulator, megami saikou face, Eliminating student council to reveal Megami Saikou's face, megami saikou, student council, Eliminating student council, yandere simulator update, new yandere simulator, yandere dev, student council yandere simulator, yandere simulator megami, megami cutscene
Id: 9Xmz5IEdjnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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